News VOLIJMR-XX RREVAKD, NOHTH CAIiOLIN.^, FPvlDAY. ncTOi’.KR 20. 1915. NUMBEU-41 RICORDER’S CayRT wilson-mcki!;ney Tin* r»‘(‘iini» r fjiv—'il (iv.itea Ifiiirtln' at M(.iu!ay s srs- Mon. aiiil as a r> suit i f (‘vidciu'f bronj»!il imt in »uii? casi^ lluiuhir ati i'xtia M'ssiun \vas In Id on 'I’lU'sday. In l!u* four cast s «>u( of tlUMlillU'illlif’S iH'tWi'fll I. |{. lild b(^11(‘I* and Va,un-y Mvi’i*a,ry 1 ilo r*• - tHtrdvr fouiiil id'tdtJiltU' c:ivi> ' in two. and Ix'un.d ivudi of thr (U ftMuiant> over i<> tl;.’ ^^|>^ r^or cs..urt under a $'iOU ]listi!il'd ill ittlA‘ oftlu'l cast s, lltal :;^aiusf Y tn*'cy jMc('i-;(I> . cha’;r‘'d with I’ar:; ii'i; a «‘onc> a)cd wcaiH'Ti, th>' d* ' 'tuL.nt wiis t a Xcd '\v i 111 >:■ i a :ld i *i,s Ts, 111111'> whifh ii tlf. incur lie apjicah d l«> lltcj t'Urc: ior ci'iirt, and in tins also he is 1*» iiirrii di a justicci! hond. ' III tla.‘ t'a-..c of Stale vs.. Ijawrt nee | lir'.'sen. clinrc'i d, i.nblic drntil; ' (‘ime sat K=>.‘’i..n. tlie liclcndiint entered !U a el i-i lo ei>*ili !.ti(fc. iind ta.\ed \vHh and. the i A brief t(d(\main to a fri» nd in lirevard, icceived early in tlu' week, t«dil of ih'* ninrriaj/e of Mi^s lieh*n 'Vilj-oii.of (irecrs, S (’.. an(i l>r. ,1. Y. McKinney, of IJrevnrtl 'The \vcddin;r took place last Nun- WAR BULLETINS TKANKSCiViNG PROCLAMATION On tlic Ansli-o Italiaii front on<* President Wilson in a ]>roc- of till* ^-'reafi'st eTii'aircTMi nts of the j laination designdlin.!' Thursday', war is in ]>roiin‘ss. Tlie Iialians ' Xov(Mnher 1*5, as'I'lmnks^^ivin^ Day, GENERAL NEWS a re ort t ].e <'*tT;• *isi \'t' i‘r* *ni S \v i 1 /,cr- Jatui to the Atlriatie. 'J'liis inove- nicnt is dcscrioc'l in ftaliar. dis- day at the lionie of the olhi-in 1 in^_; I }iatciies as the hesrinnin^ of the iniii'ister, llr. I). iJavi:-, "jva :•! s.-r ! seeotid |th,a,>C' t lic! wa.r, tlie I.tal- of the S( eotiil !*.cs!)y[ei ian <‘hnrf‘h. ians h. \iMix aceuniitli dcd their willed at tent ion to tin* fuet tluit the Tnitc'd States has been at peace whili^ nu»st of Kurojie has h *en at war. “W'e been ulth' to assert our r;f.>hts and the rii;hts of nuuikiiHi R. Hood, a ]>roniint‘n1 business man of (ir«‘ens])oro, ^vaH instantly kille<l last Saturday nTternoon whil« out hnnlinj*; vcilii a iKirty of frien«ls as the n'sult of the acci d(;nlal dis(diai'^'(* of his fruii wliil ' crossini,' a \\ in^ fi'uce. liast Satunluy nif'lit ab'iut {diiveii o'clocdi .latne.s V. Ijarkin of ('ar. <MStS t*j .i 1 lit* .It ; tin i ;^CI 1 Ut ■ ; nieu '.V no ui'.l ■ aci . < i« ’' t ■ I. • aclion. ill 1 Ids case i ,,t Wii'; a?^kc!; , :itTc lie ■r, tm' '. nnt r.. r to iiiost -.1 nlhe Jicserihcd the •ll I h*.! t iie o!lh-ers had y ■ n !i. -a t ;i>;.r t ;i ’ii, ;■ nd tiiii. f. il]o\v:t \ and Id f..ced. ii c!i.; r*/'’ ef in (. * ri cn viTie, and tin* hjidc ami irsl t:;-:; of ]icnet{atiiu^ /vystiia withiuit breacli of friendsliij) witlnthaire, X. sliot and i ri!-.tiintl\' ?irooni iniinediatcjy lift Tor A t a nd s ■< uri i;-' I ?:i! \ a "-iinst in vasion. tht' j-'reat iiations witii wlioi'i we | kilhd his son in law, Dr. j-’icd !a nia a nd other sonthi'rn }Mint s I oj*' b's'{*or(s. from Vi.--n.ini nntl lii.nnc'liave !iad to ileal,'’ said fliU' I’resi- a hotieynioon trip. '11iey wil! make tlilTer as tif t!u‘ rt .^uU of the ii^lit-i • their honie in lirevard \\lici'? I)r 'nij:. ’i’!: - Ital an war slafementj 'I'lic text follows; *M(dvinney lias hnilt u;> a !' lod r-ittirts .'-cverai vi( torii's, Init the “It )<as lon^c l>een tli'* honored lenVi' tin* litune id' her father practice in hVs prid'cssion. ■ Austvo-l l:'i()t,;:iiria:u aiitlKirirics rc-.our ])(iop]t,Ho tiirn in the ■ hreakiuit; jnt<» her fa,^hi'r’s liornr Mrs. Abdv it'uiey is a si>terci‘ \i r.- - r-.»rd t h,e I»ihiri'of Italian u Ua<d;s. ! *‘‘tdtt ul nntumn of th»'i year in, while In hti intoxi<'*:ifc(i e. .ndi f'ion. M r. llrodi.', !i.c witc of .en- ]>op j.-,,st i] • {ir^t time .sine-i 'I’hanksjiivin- to Al-; X„ ],.ss than live ] ctiti .r.s ur- nlar dru^'i'i.-t. and is well kn<c,vn t i,, a t A n-! r*>-< ier n.a m ohcns; ve <b)d lor his many hlcssinj's hcin:.^ circiditcd in Sjiar;---. ii'. Itavini: n;ad,e a lutndter ■ I-.'prn la>r .day,, ritissi-in Tnilitary mercies to ViS a.s a nation. The iaskin*4 f*>r the recall <jf Mayidvdin nf visits to her si<ter here dnf n^i.: ' nilScct s d,c:;.*rihe t he ^,5 f u„a1 ien h Ifuvir is ntjw d,niwin*j to a close | F. Plctyd for the rejtson tlial y 1 th* 'A'iei!.' t’li 'i mihi frotit a.satis- •''ii'f'*last o])S('i\ed our day Ot ^hashadthi’ «'ity t<> htirro'v *;i ni*'; {ory t<» them. ^Fln'V assert t ha t the t^-ilionjii J hunks^i\inj^ has iicen, i troTU a hank whc7'(! lie is :i -to-‘C fzreat ilnve at llie 1‘u’ti'* port oi’ a \car ol disei]>lin(; because i ludfh-r, irislead of trettini; it tt ;■ Riija., jM,>ssi-.s>i't:i id* \vhi(di would be :thi* iiii;^ht.v loices ot wur anti td } low<*i‘ rate ot int<iri,*st' at' ittinfju.’!' of ^r. jit -tratc.ric value to the in-j ' hich h!t\i* disturbt‘d. the ibank. vad rr.-. s Ihm n hultt il aiitl that ■ ot s}it*cial hii‘.'-s- : 'I wo mt n, 'I'iioTnas and < le *; Wntson, tfie slHJOtin*.' l,iid.n:' tlit> rt'- sult f<f family troubh's. Dr. Wat st)u v/as tryini; to makt' his wife her the ]ia- t year. A LAW mu A 111 .V lav, ilr-m lias bec-n o]X‘ni'd Oil t!'«' seccn,] floor <‘i' tlie <'oo'^«‘r d‘:t]ie Russians are ”ai.nitu; ground on tliC' nortis tmil t.f tht; line, in t iie et ntral } (irtif)U <jf r«-tai[."mI :.y's >.;‘.-x->!on. < T i -« . .. " ■ I • -O iX' C ; ‘! I d • i d., cl .. • 1 ' i ■ I : ■ ■ a ; , I • 1 U ’ I : I ■« i sta .• « ' «;■ 'it--' a/,--itis: t i:i.! ‘t.d « ;i s 1; ■ f"'':rr■ ee:. t' »1 low: . ■ ' ! 1 . t ; ;>!- e i ■ t ... . ■ •. I'r-.'j! til I ’ :>• S ; till’d i- <1 hi- ! ' • the t■ ' , i-uildin.ii untliT tia- !irii> nanu Aliistm i‘\- Allison. 'rid> tirisi i . oinposed of \V’>!iai;i il A:hst): anil I-til;'. tlc .Mli.-i/ii, si.i,;. o: ihc Mi Iin* there i.- late \\ . H . Ail.isoi!. (ti ,lui sor.fliern setditju, the. lius- l.ii-'eiu' Al!I'-eJi obta.netI. >i,>nisare j'ep'orletl 'by P'.nroe:rad as I'oH = L:',' u]> tl'cir rt cenr sv.i*ct,.sst*s. l»nvis, v;*‘re kill.-d in n t'v. d v.dnle ■ .: ■ r ; • ; v ie"!'.ior f.m: ! I-s- 'indsl j',.1- i-I t-.■!'!a Ilf Lesi I u." 1 ooil :..iid '!'ruxi:*:i !>avis ^jiciii ^■l;n4.a;.' ‘;n .v.« iC. whiidi 1.- t ie h' '!i.e ’M. > - : • ’ ■ V .ii.d liinrlf\. Jd r Lett t il. ■ ■ V. •h.<.-d;--;' the ::u.‘-1 I-:" Ah*., i‘iisiev, Thev n;- ?- Jid.-.^ ■ ■ of th ■ ( 'h i]*:" .\le\. j "Hie; i; ( I I iUiil V.( If -lii.' I ]I. 1 i re.--t'-;i .!or, a It.; ;\.nni,- I i.' -f'd.i- 1 ^ - ■. >pt :i, S';ne v-dii 1* ‘ir!'i r;!:. ;* i Ii r.-t UI *.:!•;? .\h:!e;ay 1.1 "TJ." . ■' ' 'eci.. tdisNCi> ■( ':i. *■... ol:i ■ ::T-J d: ul-'c t';v- ‘ 1' i’ - i i ' \ ;i .1 ■ ’ >? ; . Ill:; ■■ ' = i li : Mi! «.;i > ?! Uft I'e- i. ii; ‘ ; v: ■.r- ■ :! it ly ■■ ;is .n ; a . !■ .i;.' a ' *; pi n.' ! i a 'id ! h!> I o 4Ci I cr ; m* - 1 ^‘a■ ;■« h.- I.: ■■’).. -'.t r i.. 1. f". ^... ,:d., j I ,r .y. . tli^Ii' t Vv !- tu;. ^'e lays, - .i ■■ :r T1.. d i. - • ■ i: ' *■'* a t ; ■ ■ ' -. 1 > ■ — - . ■ i- V I K ■ I".’ hl.r- : - .. ^ ! r- d' . ■ ! .ii 1-: ^ ■ 1 I % ly I Ml t n'll <e]i(»' >!. 'Id; h; ;',i..iy fr'ifUi 5|.c in t't’' ■. ..lir'd.* d ..i - i I. n to t ii.- t ra.iJ^ \ ne !■!' W i ’ . !i u‘;Vl rm D.ooOI-Viii 'i ' . {d’l! »; f i!o\\a;. Alii Son ;.I- . •I'tii.e-1 ...c" \';:t,leil (ddl(..,--tv fH'l I ■ JI'* d::--'.ll.. 1,:.' 1 ly n-i.. ■i < ■ ;r!-- i ‘. i .■ !> dissoi iv 'd. '!d;. , nd a' i t -r; i.. '• ‘ t t id ■: ■. Mr. > i.t. b:i* t- ’--Mlt- M l>a. ft' T sii:p i ■; id.a:a I i. -.ti'i tii ■ ''ae;‘ ' u ot All -n iV ,‘di i.l.lthe lleVi tir!!i )l'IS o|;e!H ..1 <d.VlC «Jli tllC: >CC- <;l*d -!■ -d' l!;:' *'t.tOjier l-mhliu}.''. M .'dill' way wid continue the ]ir<n tiec ah.iie, • ccuiiyiiii' the sume idlifc.-, \\ hi(di b<? ha> ht'retoiort^ oc- cupiitd. at tile Si-p■ ti. r Ti■ r:. W'ldiitai it, - (■'•■ta iled hi?- liciMi.a' al i he r-ej-lf’.- a ;era.i. i d o!' I lie S': f ■. -Tirf . M i ‘ d : :i j;.* ' ■ i 1 J d .. >. >i - ! ' 1 i I . I ■ J. -I ;. . . i.• ti • Ids i!,r< i| ih r u ri :t .id .-'uei* il.e dealh «d‘ tlelr laSiaT, ; iicy .i ■ di-e , I ^ t . I I •;■ ! :t I ■ d *i ^ !:• dr-ll ’■ . n.eli! I.-:;.-' ll!!.-V a ri* il* tt i; .“ li:l i i ty t ' e. ha vi!i*r la : \i' I'lie CO.. ■>: 1II ad ! ■;; ia '.V c( .nr.--c, 'I are pa ntl lo S:-rvc i .!m‘ isnia,; The . ■ays tiie ill d' i. ' .. iii'd’, ^ ^'Another y(*ur tif iteaee has hoen. j started in a (dTcris tent In. !.a ■v..!!ia. vonch.'aft ll us. um.tlier year in|(ia., last Satunhiy utLdd. Ti). little acTivitv oii'iy to take tlitiUcht ot : meti were inakin'/ a dis!tn ’ a;. ■: in ■ our duty to our.Hdves and to man-! tin* (erd. and the town :'-.dh dfie- ■"! to: d:T'. 1 w • sVerc in tryin" 1t.> arrest t]i--"’n h shotd them. 'F.vo cdher *!' kind Init to adjust t„)urselve.s to the many responsihilities thi'Ust u[)on iis by a war whdidi has invtdveil al-i of the d.iceascd. as wi-ll as :. au rc];()it t rom li erlin ino>t tra^ wh(de ttf C'troiie. We | oln.-ors niakiii.: tlie :trre.'d, . I:. •;! 1 s iv ■ I’t! d.e 1 e.a t eii i n i ]i.i; VT‘ 1 )een a. t..>lt* t(> ass»„'i-1 t >u.r ri i; 111 .s i .s] ig'}itly w11rin;b *i 1.. individua: cii:« r.ico-r i :f 1 ^ Id' a -V • I’i ;.rof; il. \\ V' J U .■'p.- i ■ i .I . .C!» i iic.* .of I.he o; •■.••■in \ a •' > '■ I ■ _'.■ . ! 1;.: t i; : i';i! l n 1 de;r cd ■r: -■ i: : , di " ;a *; ■* . ".'M l"*' „ t i‘ ’ - • n,- ip!.’ t .■■.!!' -- !r c: . - ol 'I'riti ii.d .i;=a u lo Vi^d or*’ . ;.i. !a..; da.e • d. n.'-ji! ■idfs and. I;,:.: tie C .|,j,{ ip,. ,,f mankind V;:}huut " ’ - c( 1 : . .. d : : I oi . ■ 1,; , cii i .■. t: a -r.o .'I;a ’.V11 ;1 I ; c ■.'] i I’u't.i n-' v> 1! d \\ i.oin \\ e ha'.t t.> 11i*aI ; .jt.M I Vt"hi 1 e W<* 1:.a Vi.* !'» «*;; a!'11 e also tti jjerft rm duties aiul exeitdse j)rivile'_^c> ol succor ami la ij!fnlner>s wliicii shouai sci've to <tt moustrate the i d’ina. w hici: ru'is i tiur de.sire to niakt! 1 he 't.».liifes of coi'it'r, ’ : p-: I 1'. Con M”‘. ;iu:< fonIin.!a,‘ to j^i..e ■/rouiid !■' : - »di the U'tro-Uernian aie! i !uc_e;ria T'. avuios. 'i’!;e < l.-r- ■ ■ri war oidce j iin.e.o'.aiMl t!i:U:; !SS.lUtr o:' ■ •{■I.!:: Id.’ .i.i d. .i-.,!. id.- ■Itil'■ I\. ‘T' ■ I her r ’,■ r; ; ■ i i ■ i ; i i -. 1 ‘rid. .. . ■ • western bonier os' S-- •- dc. U ch’ccti' i IK ;,1- \ S i\ ans i'tnn^ tlrivt-i ■ • '’edea.ria.ns Iia\;" made t; Vii :d*'d'o!;!..d.J So;') 'f.’idb' th:;t tiiC j»io-.r • (!■ lay. d ijt piacis by lii^ O 'i. n.a ’* M'.’C - i^iiEEES LCfAlS 'Idu- S d;0' ^r'>sMiir id d-.ld’ ,c' bi-:j-;' oi ,*e ta: ’ir.i ; .■■i.iica d, 1 ‘= ‘ d i.,*! !! r i' ■ • - •;i i .. . -' I. =; i ■ ' t • ! - a ye t i Olj):', I,. ■ [•t^ ; ‘ r' ' p;ir; di ! he ■ -•it-' to an . k:. >. ■(: . i.’■ l‘'r:t:tr. 1 lit ot' 1 b< ii\ ;■ i: 1)V the tnt“ e .-■\ -a n i i.o'ntc i’-r.t ish '. ii'Tl-*"; Vc ^ l'rit*nd.-'h’p I hr; meatis t,d‘ truly iiitcn-s'cd jird uuscdisii srr->.de.-. ‘•Our atdlit'' t > serve ali who ; eo'Ultl a Vji.ll 1 he.filsclvcs of our ser- ' vices ».n. the nntlst of oui' erise.-; has i>et‘(i iucre;i>. d, by ^r.ic'^ms brovi- ib'ncc. by mor ■ ami moro uhund.’int ; croji.^. : ( j!,j|[p.|.> d.!ianci!il rcsoni'c ' i*s have I i la.! lied r-s To ’;aarket> o,' 1 i ne-'c,->.-..'ti y m.ivcmt r.ts of coinmei’cc whieti (tic \\ai ii;i;'d,t (.itherwdsc e.eady tlu' v-,'o!'ld an<l facilitab' i < d; acconnt of ' M t h-' ('*• ■; r! •; ■ : it l;as hci-n O.-cidce lo '’..i. , r.: i c,,T:ipa.r!it:-s oi‘ .i.dlitia in n.a';dr j for instant a.•;ion until Xovends-T 1 I-t at h’ast and as mu(di lon -er ;i" ; ni'iy seem ncc ■'"»arv. I Two .Mexican ha ml its V(*ri‘ liillcfl j by Anici icun snldicrs while cro-s- IPe_; tht* rlio ueaj’ id‘o '. ns j v.Ilc, dcx., lasr .Sntnrdaiy ni:ih.t t wi n <4't .o t h.‘• SI*a, nd ty of ft.. al t -1... tin* Mevjcan sni.- raii'ls tin .\jrseri ca.n Soil art' ;dr;iu.-t diaiiv oc,. rt nces. '.r 11 irIy th5,:jund. wtinien p•;rti:•'- ]iated in ido ^rerst suifraire rui': • in New Y-iidc (dtykist S it w;-.l '_- Th.c oncstioTi •;!; erantim; suil ue' ' to womert in. X-.*w Yt..rk \\d,: e.: rd^-!’ \vo;d:s ar."l shiti- i!' I;-"il of- ..;ir aV:‘ ! r i !'d r ds 1 o ; :i ve la in-n a*':udi. wld-dl. !se:'i..rd- ' tVic.ia.l a nnoniiccmenf V. •• .vitii.o;: mdilarv h..*:ve rcntiercil ini]‘ossi!.ile : ami eur = voicil tn: Xovetjidrr 'I. ]>co]d.i- liave Come i.i.tie anti r > a >• d;»-v I-c;di-::; 11 on of X ill t :.fV I’lavc l.’ccn ealh d upon ti -.. fC!." I ■ :.e:l i ae |. I 1 ?. t - O; ! -- ';. CARQ o; THANKS .P.l(.'use a 110'W us sji>ie'■ • i a. y onr i.)h- per to expit\sr, nur thanks ami ap- lireciatmn to i ur inutiy iiicrids and ncij^hhors, whi> rerab-red us so inutdi us.sistanen duriiiijr tlie illness, death uud ljurial of our (b*ar fatlnir. May the blessings of (Jud rest upon ea« h (jiie who “■> kindly cairio touTir nssistaiice. Wo hope, soiue- whiTo t.iut in thu futun*, that wts may have the privile^o of assistiiiijf our friends in some way. Kt Hi I. J .E\t.ii.fSii ,di.. d i.'. <. Ui/, .-'cV, itd- \ ; 1 . ed .;d ' ’ ■■■ ' I.... d a' I hi:' aI >1 I: .( J a'' '. .lUoi, : : ; I ■ . . ; e11 -I. i. n«i ; nn.pi.. .'..'eo,=o. i : , \, ra i i 'p;-'■;! I. iM ' d t-’ --nr.dl t n! ■.rt 'I'e - .1 t- . -o .. h . ‘ t:e i - i. . . .. .1’ 1 }■■ • ... . ■ ' . ( . . . i it:'.- .''a \ \\d .! 1 f t ■ 1' • \ e ra c! \i ! d 'id:..t(ias \'--ddi'c \V fij! •• I drilr'i-* \'oii* Sfcor'.l <;r: d-=—‘’.d..v »'mi'1 ; ii. (‘a I \ I f’ . rni t ii :i ■ -i i i d ndv !■.-.■ .'U. Tnird t. .■ >. !e — ii id h M dl' .5 •id < i. I.. . '.*.'1 , 1 .cu t( • t a !• — ‘d .ie \ ’1 nl:, Ati- tde 'i'l;.oiee. an.1 Sunora, Smiih. I* i Id h * i i’.;... d. ‘ U. f i na f d \V i d f 11.ii :■» *, i- 'tud- \ . ii:t^ anti t iar. lie.' \d»uue. Si vti) t ii-aile--l)c\Viit .M.-m’uH and iienlah lleidi. St..!Vcn• h < Jra11 i■—hi.rvin Mt.*('*j,i 11. and Pauli’it* liue(‘e. ISLAND FGRD HONOR ROLL a:al i>eli;;iviiu tlu- only i'. it t s r* p'tr!ed are tlirci* smal' ■ - 'rmaTt ;i I ta ■- s-iid nv the f'rencii ■ l.i'.e lepuls.-d, aad an ;o^- l.oti in I... •rr.ainc wLitd,i .I'aris an- jt e;nc ■-■1 re-^ail ■ ti-*ncd :y rlic [•d'cnen. ’■dt. ; -N.Oii’t of fioli^iuni has an swer'. d, tSii* ;;c V :is ’isk>-d to ir l ♦ i:! ■ t mwre o;irl play in .a:, time when all tii.e world is .~-!aken ];y unparaldded'OM-s ,1,1 ti: <a:-' e; “•Tde c.-.;'io.rdini.iry t d'eunndan- c-es ill ii il lii’-ie da. ve ■(i.-ia.'C i’"a:d:i 1 o {ji'-.r'..'.'! our tx,:.] cenist’io’.; j.irs, andd vj..'ii and i .jndvm e.ii'ddcnci' in tl'“ priocipd-s are aia:l. f.reellom Ijv whieli we Th'- v.drclcs> ielcnho- b'rn ]«nf.-'-Tcd untii a week resulted'ton, A'a s;ime time n • : Haw'aii. he.ntl ll’is ill,-' Inal lasr in talldn'** from f“ i'aris. A; ide rator in ilotaiddo. t'ic con ve;---:; iio!' !;td'.ve^'n t-]H--v.,' 1'.v.j s;;!iit»ns. < *n iicef.n’;' t'h,. ren.!..vv--d. ;i:'- tivityof Ad-'-d"an ou:l’r.v.» Te:;!!-' C'Ttlef. l.’.orc d\i:i. ’ 1 n-ops ha ve In . .n sent tot ht* -r to hi‘li»in ni:d..Irdniii" p;*;..e.. :.don» the frontier. ib V. id i.. !>a\is lias b.- r. J.: ! : f i I to ’:i; ■ ' V (Ici-l- ri h-; I hat he - 'ay down his oro . ■.' le, /y "Was in sla ver,;. , . iV.. < ■ • i \.-d..' V ■ \! .an ad a.' cUci' I in 'tb-‘ ea]dni‘e of ■’J" hii'. e al‘i. a V'. SoU,i;]d to in 'juiilcti. ( )ut of lairl.ncss an I ].e.’plc\itics . , . , ha \ t‘con.i ;;'.•Mar conn'ids oj [I. >ii. y ddecteil secret.'! rr id’ilie I ir'i d f'. r: 'pe ,< ‘.c.*Ier Hi lilrn. ^ , i .• ,. ; . . .!.iele.i; ri r i.ii ree]dJuns ui (i,e e'S.. ■ Anti-Sal . st^nlial Wt !f..!’c tif tne nation. We dnijKc-dion. haV. j rospcri'd \>ijil,- other ]'co; k-s . tde p:sr waadc re’- ... . ■ w.'rc .it v.-ar. hat oi:r prosperity rlforts Jia ve h-.-n made f. d .1 n- hits !.iefn vi.»u,t'tl us., wt; l.,)e!iavi', ,.(ri...d" Attorney Hai Miner .f:'; a? :!ie lasi Fri.niy . only tiiat \v.-itd.;ld the iiettcr ;Hr-'j,jt> he now holds. .it see-,., ii •Ml- on t' linlearian foi’io ' f unctions ’.vhich war ren- i tlu- ivando’pd t e;nty elt'cii.oi . > ■ a cista u'l aiojiiT thc ,(ien*tl it tn;po.'.sihh! fi t- tliem to p-'-_ r.v. b’V*;-' Ui'des ‘iiiil ^ tt.,).ri.,!i- j .lulin 1-.. t*a.sTKi,r, .a, ]‘ni .lis ••'\ow. f -ref.'IV. I. Woo.trow'tiller, has d-‘e.i limNl ihir\-J Lrar dsiiu. Id': s'.lent o! ihc I liitetl tdousan 1 il, an'i s iiit’: • >! ;o Stiiies i;t Aanci ica,-lo hcicb/ de^i'..’:- naite ThursduiY. tlu* twenty-.fifth, of X. \ i ft r I. .i ?: t, i'i s IS day o .1’ 111 ;• n 1:: s - i:n u.;4 aI'ai pray> r. aitil Invite the ])i -I I dc I h ro’ie hoT t * he la Til 1 to ' , a-«i ■ fro.m thtd.:- \.'.tnieil oceu]ra.ii .ns and ; Hi,. s,am.‘ c.ise v’cn- dried t;; in tludr several lio!!it> Miid tbires ' dollars eacl! and m‘'Uc:, • ■' r-- ! the w'; era I d- • (.r- CC-. t. :i. * i. I ' .(■ i'O * ii'.jssi"-; r-it HIS ■>u n iJ.m. ti> in-r a d - ■- e!r,,rrv in waste ior :.-ev- d 1 111! I lie c lao, .'cel;tin' aide.-' ler O,; ( pruh ;.;.!ul other " der n it nint'years in the j’.cuilt'ut airy for tht.j pa,rt he ]..l:!yed. in tie"i-i. adi’ii. rhe jj;'i.iverni:ien~ old of the l..“eTt^“ '•iC Sci’i 'il I < I I’cc k t I'v a ty, mean t laiT she must ■I'Vi.i a.;aii’."t thi.; liul- : which w'oiidl i'iidd' witli i;;t riar^s. Kiia: tdor«'o.)i r,;i‘4iand h-i'd-- j ,;u .1 a vt'ry -'troT^:,; a;>]>eal t.otde .■nic'a. o.;' ('d-. at .[didui.! t>..j etmn.' fortii \'ulnnt.:ir;iy a!a:l enlist f'or th.e war. : .\!ore nu-n aie badly n-'cded by I b’ingiiiml. I Anti>.n^, who ]>la3«.*u the! Ipaidtd* the ChrisT in the l^assioii j raX u’.le plant. on ^\!dskev !!!a. dx t..'the:-> on- c.junectc-L ..i‘h it • t>f \\o!'sldp teudei’ th.:inks to .vl- iiiiL'hty tit.ti. •'In wittiess vvin'retd' 1 have here- un.t<* St.'! my fiatiil '-rnd causeii the seal of the I’ldted States to ije al. 1 Ai'ii. "Done* lit the t'ity of W ashin^;- t i'»n, t his t \ventiet h. (,»f i >ct v>l;e r i n thi^ v» ar id‘ < >rir Lord one thousantl one year ill tl;e iieniti'ntiai mWiU GCHGGL Th(^ followin'; is the honor roll for tlu? I-liiiid PtU'd school : I’irsf < Iratle—Overton Mull, Til- don lioiden, Ltnvis Morgan. Lureiio ]'’iiyn(\ T.aruc Willson and (it:r.eva Mull. Si'cond (Trade—Eny Morgan, (>l»helia Mnll, Juckson Holden. Third (Jnt.b-—Jnstin Morgan. Fourth <Jrade—Xerva Holden. Sixth ( Jr^ith^—Lloyd Cantr.*ll. DKLI .V (jillJ.ESFlE, Teacher. Play at < durainnu r^au in I'.'ld, has! . , .. , , , , . iiine huiKireu. anil litteen and of been kilh'U in battle, hi* haNinj^ en- inilependen.'e of the I'nited listed in the ( iermati army at t he j Stiites of America the one hundred on tin*.‘a k of the w'ar. Knssiaii suefessi's on tlie souih- ern front were aniu)unced last Sat- urvlay. Several Austrian positions were taki*n with 7,500 men. The Prinee Adalbert, a U.*rman cruiser, was sunk by a British sub marine lust Sunday. and fortieth. WOODUOW' W'ILS< »N. “lly the Idesi.lent ; llobert Lan Eiin^, Secretary of State.” The atteiubiuii' td’ the !.'■ .'■".ran S(*h(K>l has been exceptii.m.illy i:.- )d po f.a.r. Pra.ctic».lly .'very .<d:d!i.l .in . district is .'nri'ddetl. and ali iivi' ".endin': regularly. 'Idie tlcparf ,.cut of the llis^lt School with its Inusually large attendaRce is i.>ro- J re ssi n »r splend id 1 y. The two literary societies ar.- I'll attended and are marked by an unusual degree of interest, (iood ]irograms are being carried out evi-ry Friday afternoon a'^tl each child enters into his part v.ltb Constip-ation and Indigestion. “I have used Chamberlain’s Ta1 lets and must say they are the bc'-i ■ determination. used for d he interest and atten.lance of and indigestion. My wife also u.^ d , moonlight school is still the The Original Part. i them for indigestion and they I. .'1 j rpi,« Clara-Maud. have you any orisinal ! jier good.” svrites Eugene The unusually bad v^catac^ poetry iu your jiihuni? Maitd—No, but Kniglit, Wilmington, N. C. Obtain-P”®*- lew weeks has kept .1 .Liave s(.>iae or!gii::d spel’dii.^j. a.ble .‘ver''v‘lii*rc. 1 adv only a f.nv avcay. I

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