1 News VOLUME-X>[ BUEVAKI), NOIJTII CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVFJllKR 10. 1915. NUMBER-47 A SPEEDY TRIAL WAR NEWS i*v»>ry Tiiiiu witli a Pi'itno such !i sj)<‘t «Iy trial as 'Vhs jvivt'n W. ?I. Aliisi.ri and his Milas, last Muiuluy. Thrsr ^'vt» men wi'fi' with an as- im W. W. t*’in‘.Tlrt»m, iiiid 'vithin ti'ii ininut(‘s at ti'r t t\i* aUt‘i^<Ml «s^sunlt tiX'k iilac«‘ a jury hail I'rcii '-UipunelhMl and the n (oi(it r was luMrin*; tilt* I'viih’v.ct' ni tl ** <'asr. •*nd in h-ss th:i:i otic hnu.' ai\»i a half a vrrdn’t had bcfu hr- u::hl in, tllat tin* t'ld p;*M.i!li*tnaii ''Us not j?uitty, hnt rliat tin* sou 'vjis jxuilty of a sini})h* a.-s.tull. A tilU'ui t(‘ti dtiil:! IS .;Ud fi'sts was fii- t'-Tcd airaiiist ilu' s>»n. ^■I'hc fui'ts as dt Vi‘lo}H'd in ihf trial \vi*n‘as itul «\cs : Imi'. Sin^rh'- toii l.ad hft'ii a witiitss ajxainst Wun-ior Allisi*n, who loiri'tluT'witli ’ I’arkor. w as l iiariii d \vilh olt- i^trndiniJ: thr road mar (•liua- < r> t k hridi^M' la."! wock. and arror- dini: to tlu* i‘\tdoi,cv! .-f Si!i-j:l-.-tuM !*«• iiad sJarifd Jo ;r>> Jn- !>• hrliiro t hi* <•( <vir r adjiinfiH'ii a lid that wliili* j iirou^(I the i‘orrid<'r of tlit‘ <*"!irT house ho was >'lopi.i'd l*y tho I 11 -Alli^' iiis. w!" > usod S' iUio 1 iiroa i - ‘ litn^'ua^jt 1 !>*‘ * i lor All'>on s'.\ <'ro I;o a j M' ; < >i h; U;, it■'oi; iii <1 ]' ..i-oti;! attU’.jlo i!t ’■fi'-. r \'i In: »o ii onnv-r-':i o'li. rud liijit ttio di.'ii-tdtv ar<t>r iiis s<in FLAG PRESENTATION GENERAL NEWS 'PrMnsYl vania ('onncil Xo. :’d r>. This is the last w’(‘»dv of tho •)r. <). A. M., will ])r»‘s(>nl a (niaprnau-Aloxaiuh'r niectinpc in INSTITUTE NOTES Tlio Taylor l^itcrary Sofit*fy, winch is ti'o hoys' sot‘i(rty, huld a Ashovillo. Much intiTost has hccn ' «l<‘(!lnnjatioii contest Mcndny even intr to flioosf* a d'de^'iti; to ruprc!- sc.nt the school at th»* intt rcollc {?iut(i declamation contest to i;t; During th«‘ ]>ast fcv-’ days iln'vc has hc<‘n some v»“ry heavy Imhlinir in the, section known as the iahy i I’nitcil States lla<^ to tlie j\*n>-osi rvrith, and all olTicinl rept>rt, later Istiiic hi;j:h s(diool on the set ond nianifest('(l finun the first, and eonfirnu il, tells of very heavy loss- J^unday iti Deeenilicr, lUir>, hejan-j many hixndr«‘<l conversion.s liav«‘, es in men and fjinns hy the (ler-1 ninjr pmniijtly at I'a. ni. ; he(‘n recorded. mans. j Sjtecial nrrauv^cmeiits havi^ het'n | After an »'xchanj^<‘«>f more tlian i 'rhnit^' colic^e Xovernlx'r In (lalecia the (e-mians hav»>jinade v.ith the r.-. i lioad company , f,fty th(r police last Snnda v i There wenj nine boys in t ho driven the Hnssian.s huek trem the' where.»v all jiasseii^cr trains will j sr.cceedeil in ca;)tnriniT (ieorjie <‘ontc.->t whicli rcsnltiMt in awaj’din^ west ftaid-sol' the Styr river, ami stop imuiedial-ly in front of t he | jj,,. : first hmiors to Austin O'K'idlev ; have ie]>ulsedan .ittai k of 1 iu' | selexd, allowin^r .,11 p-;.-,sen>rers to [ >ist riel oi‘i.ake Michij;afi,” char^-ed |Huss.dl Wells; tlunl, (h-lu siansin \'ilna. L':*t ti!t thert*, and special rates for,^\-j(ji scllinf' whiskey in violation | ^^'‘^iTietf. Tlie jndjTes: \v(=re Rev. A. 'Flic (lernuuis have been on the t he round t rip v. ill Ins .i>iven fr(»rni,,f St reeter had loeat<>(l with : ^lfi>aT)i«*l. Prof. J, (’..losers of olVensive on the wt'sicrn Innit dnr all sti-tioJis b.'twi'cn •lenihrson-! | tin* Hiijh Scho<,d. and Prof. (I. H. in.ii the I'.tst few ua\s, but iht* re vide and Laki-'I’oX.-rAay, as follows : j,, Mi(dii^an, near (’hica*'o. j'I’rowbridtre. !leu(;ersonvi!ie :..,e, ih.rse Mioe ,, |^M)vernnn*nt of his i (^nitt* a deh*;;at'on of st:’d.-r.t.'- SeUca .‘{"c, (’her ,, vn. claite.in:,^ no authority <‘xce]»t i an.l te;ichers v.-en? to Ashi viiie on ;.)C, ( alvert .5.X-. Kosman I'nited States jxovernment. j Weilnesday 1<» attend the < li.ipnian lt>< , (^»u< l.t ( ..Oi.Lik. lox«\\a> o-K . . H.iJooch, a w»’althy man |mectim/s, relurniri^on of ('larl svilh , Va.. sliot and ifi-, the sjMJcial tram which tie* South suit is not y«-‘ ktiown. An ollieial rejjorl staUs tliat U i i CM lit up to ! ir .ted if is M I (11 -r. i II- ■A < 1 aUii ea i*■ 11 t ii !i, 'M Vv it h ii ” >e]!' li!> 1 . I II. i di>'.i;> i'I a bad it It. t h* as id lliat iiir- \o'.iiti:t e-:i JSs !tv ri-aeii Si'Iii:!. 1'!ie ;JV::ir < eO e\ -iri-Tnent 1 ‘ anu a nui,j'iiity ci' t' rs rushed Ir "m i1u> into the hall wheie i-'uiui: till. iur.d s,.->00 Servians and twelve cannon liavi- bet'll ca])tured fiy the lJnl;.::i- rians. Austritin ieropbtnes suc(* (‘;le<I in killiiit! thirty civilians, miisily '.vonu*n and childr(>n. by dropp;;)^ boi;ili.-» u]»on the city of \'*“rona, in Italy. None of the b.uuns suecee.i- '■li in damairin:: t lie military posts I'h.c Sei'vians are now on a s;ea,(i,y I't‘treat, similar to tile one exi-t‘uted by the(!ermans a few weeks a'TO. fallin'jc ba( k fri'rn one monniain rtni^e to another. <' ‘rn'.ans and Au.-tvians claim they are '.t ; rir.L' •■n avi-rai,'.' >'!' a t’;o':>a:id jr is-tr.--rs ]H-rday. ' *•< tiie erslerii 1 r:‘i-: the ^'e'TViuns ::pjH‘{.rr he tlu't.* ■ ^.v. n. :lr:; band l'retM-]i iroop-, ;i I ' d.. i ,y '. ei-ei i i i ; n ;. V< • ii:e;:' - . I..; VI- : .eei: r. i U t . : ; M ^ . .. r;:. ^ 'r. and ;oi the pasi sv v. :a! i.ave -.'c, lirevard 2-'.' rylield "'oxaway'•->e. i 1 Everyone is invited to at lend, ‘and till' exereisi’s will hi* held al the Penrose hi.!.:h school and will be lioth » nlertaininj^ and instruct ive. 'I'bc foilowin;: i- lh.‘ ]»:om-am : i I‘residid.^ ojllci-r, l^«'. Xtdll. invocation, l-*ev. A. .1, ^ijinley. i Song', ‘-AmeiieaPenros(‘choir. , A<ldre>s, “Princiitles ol tlie .Inn- ior()rder,’' W'. 10. lircese. ,!r. I'oU:', ••lu-d, Wliite and liine," i'enrera* (dioi?-. I’i'csenia lion of /iair, di r.-'on. Aecfptation oT ;la*r, A l.’aiMuji t lie ila,!,':, Jnvni (’lja I bo S'TU;.,'!;;'. .‘'-iti’i’. ••Star Sp.-tTiirb . 'i r- -. I • : ■ :i 'i r < I si: i!i a ■ I - '. < ^ ’I' ' stantly killed himself on a train '' J'” i's»n after t!ic (d(j.se of the even- ■ near Wvimer, '!'< x., early Snmlay j n.ornin;^. <b>o(di was retnrnin;,'; Prrd’. Trowbi-i(l^r,. j,, ; home from his honeymoon trip aiicc iit the annual cord'eren -o oi I witli Ins wif( , wlnt was Mis< Mar- : the Western .\orth < andii;;i M. K lir'iret liadclifi'e of [..exinj^ton, X. (: chnreh, whi: h is in st‘s'i. -n at ' No cause is "ivet: f<’r his action. !iei(isville. I fnternal conditions bein-| Miss Blanche Anpers..n, wbr, was '-r.-atly improv.'d in sine.-; taken b. Asb -vHIe last we. k f.. ];e ,th.> recognition of (bmeral <’hi- jonenited on for ai)pendir;ii,-;, pas.ed iran/a by tiie I'nitcd States, and ; f(U’dea! .^afeiv ard (’. Hen- t lie belief IS i;rowin- ev.-ry day ; Sl:e was tak-;i to tl Ibat ho will jtrove master of thc :^j,,^, >i mat ion. Itailrtjads in <'hie,, Indiimn, llli-1 j,,.,. liois, Mil ivipin. V.'isf-on.dn and Mis- ' souri v;i’l rec uvi* in<Toascd p.iv for iniiie.r * b • owinLT to a nev.' • o':! !M •; ! ii.'t >i tied . F. Milchell Xei>on un,ti (!< intr ic Tvlis b.ospil:,!. Prof. ’’J'rowlirid^'o Miss oi>o,n ii,ec(r«jnimn viiiii' Ii an 1 *. IJ a y. till eoiij't' lat*' 0.1 nivun , >• jiKiii ,:'!..,;ide I " ' T 4 . •.;U!o a lit lie C' ‘U; t ro III. 1; ,e r- i n c \ a - room down ilie row v.a.- ill en iukin;„' fin- olV. n>:vi*. i-ivii.siaiis b,a ve dcJi ii; I el v ri!ia,u ti;- .f PARK m f^T. »i^‘TCHELL Ovviu rs of liii laiui m .r lb. ji l i Mr. idlteiul! ha\e decuieii to -•'I il li'vt* i;uiu»red aeri s to t'le siat:' ot Xortii ( aroiitui I'or pa.rk pU!'|!o.-.rs at tiie price of live tifo.n-s per a.cri\ Tiiis ober doe.'. n>a '.aelude !ive aiTily]n_: diii-i tiy un l..p tlie Jieak. 'Alii ‘1. beU'l:,'.-' to Mi'r. Alice t oiiually, .iiid v.iiirii inelr.do ihe graved, i’roi’. Miudieil. 'J'he pri. I* jdrtC' d Hi on tbts»: !!'»r a* res ,drs. i onii.iby is eou>idert'Mi too 111 .ill b\' lb'* jii.i'-.e.l ('C'!.. 1'a 1'K tTiia.i si'■n. ai.'d .-o I he ,>>tale v>'ill pv ■d Jo ciin«.en;n l!; land and ta;o i! at ;is own pi i 'c. ir is the pU’'p-. >“ i f U:e .-I:;1e to .-.i ; u'*' liliS i->y p;;rk pcrp.i~e>, arid I" e.»n .‘i'l-rve tie iiriji'i :■ ami vs’iiler sited.. t) .V11 ■ II' t =» 1; i I ’ d t 1 f I;t i VI '' t j< 1 li- od> ol T i.o n.oi E'er Cl a 1 b;i t luo- I . n opera I r.-u’ '-n moan- t,te '.’ lioi:' \'i!ai ;. \.it!l the , t\)i loa 1,1 a 1( V aiTe;- a; tiie to; i 1.- .. l':irri tl wa^te, i.u- n*rr- { ;;;. --i-' «;ij,:-er wu,s e'H ji:. a it u. o.! a ■ ■ ’ he :: <-.i i* i, i from Oj,,.-ra s \v:;s biinu-il, lea . .m :,oi a Vi"ii,;e of vi>:etat.on o.. 'v-viia. liundri d ac!c.- 'ii the .'io_,.--; of t' -■ !;iubi si jcaiv ill t''.e V a.^, rii ^ art oi eontineiit- 'i'la }'elb.‘>t Tec (i j;ii:a ::nd I>vin>k, and m this s-c- tion ha vi'taken 1 b. ■ r.!'!en>i . e. Pv .r- !i s-' beie is very .-be.'. Jo {’j: ■ ^ai)11 ‘coii'iiiion o' tiio LM’w-and. A ]ari:4‘ numl.er oi' s;u--i’' -'hi;'" have bv, lep^enieil vtir.k dnrin.i;' llie ]nist Week. and. in at lea>.r flM'eo' ins!atU‘iS lb' re was eeii'--idei':; Pa b •' ■- oi '.'.ie. i ‘i'.r- iictivi'y i ■'.* tb' :no-t parf. has !-een ci'^Mhv t«i tb ■ ■vV'-.HT' ol t evi; 'ao. and ii i.; be!ii".a-d that mo'^t oi’ta- da!i: ai'e bus Itcen done by At:strb n, v,;. 'ilia i‘in-■>. l-ill ]»r>ividiiiL'' a i:o\v S^'n-neb l-.-n ha.> j-.i-'r-e : ! y ■ l’.-'‘Meb ch nnbi i '!■ pUiies. ;-bo-.^inLr ir eni;on of c.'iiiia:n i'be Freiieli ha v • c; No. :;r.o and i silio-n> i'j’ii'n. .i u 11'ins exb'tni'jnsj: t only a few niia positi^ ■n>. '! iie Italian Li'>vei nna-ni has ad- ilr''Sr%;‘ti a ta'.ie to ail .utI'a 1 i'a 1 iol'.s d ■ny.n.’j' that ti e .'.nc<>n:i. wl.i. h SUI’Jv iasi Week b\' all USl i"Ia ’ ‘ SI;’iiua riij'csuin ii: *!.<* br^ol aliOiit l.Mt liv'-s, earrii d. ;irms ir contra nand. 'Fhe noie ab-o tbadar-.-.- I;.at tile ?,.ip was ni '. warra-o. j'be ii dian sti a?!': i’. lio.-:,i; . i- ti'.'iaiest \ie1im ol tli‘- ..nsi: --t.bniaVire entnjiaijin n-ev i. ejii’i'ird 0*1. i\ .-a ilf’1ctt>vy e?> plf! n;;'o;i !’-f l;. uel]*-n O'f a, iintisb n.an v. :.i searclnn'x an ^Vmi’rieaii ^r-.-ane r, till Zela lidia, oil'! i;c I . .i>t . a .dexico ba^' been re(.‘i'ivcd. Kir."t rejK. i^t" -- The e"‘'d ]iei.p!( ari‘ cor tb-illy mvitetl to attend these exM-eisi s and to in Iioldite,: ii fell;,;!IU.S (tlld f!a t rio'J ic nu'ct! tl.,?' e»n nd ]d;;ee a boV(‘ set oi;t. .iub.a ''rumlcyof Atlanta, haviiif^ no sweetIiea;t. invented on<‘ in her inia^'itiation, and issni'd i 11 vi rations t o r b e r \vf ‘dd ini'. A l>o u t t’lat ii:ne >ho v.cnt to <'Iiieairo and br iu,;bt back the ln.dy of an uni- d.‘?i!ilied tramp. ji-i.N^irnr i! off as the remains of her intended. It wa> ilisco . ei’cd t hat her niiinl was \Vla>reas, oi;r kirel I-a.ther above ; sonii*v;h-'; t u,nbal;i need, andnowslic t he dati AN APPEAL j The old ' ]>liia n jMal ties ;zave nii^ht to t'::-. !>i a rulitoriuTn. ' fxrani of mu.'ic . ‘ •'iunes were p^l freshmer.ts > r ; abb; time v. a^ i t'ot acspiaintei . ' t'iSl*. n; Mnbers -d' the Ade]. e*r a ti ' 1 -I : -4 tfSi ■ - at tnt' del- a s'.orl: pro- 'd, vecita^ ion. sttinc I and then n*- '1. A niiiS*' .■njoy- anti i'vervb,(;r,V el witli e v!'odv REGOF.DEirS GQORI luts bb'ssed, us, wi;ii ]ii‘ac!' and. plc'nty, atid in recoirn'dlon (d' Ib’s. ' lie pr. sideiit >it tie* i' n; * I'd .^ta {i- .’ind the ixoN’ornor oi' X’ortii t’aro- lin.i bavi'^et aii.irl 'i'iiiirsd.ay. Xo vemiier V.’.'th. !‘.d ■ . as a nati eiai 'l’haid;si:i VIiiL^ I >:i V ; l.Z nbd; !'an>, ]tre-'uleni Oi the Nor! d <’.irolin;; ' o- l»h*iri>' A’-.'o:-:;s,ti.in, do I’i's-jn'eH'iiJ'ii..bi! The bii»‘_'‘‘'st n:irt cil iijis eortt’essed that tliere iK'ver was a I'eal live man in tin* ease. Warr.-ii M. i’labody cd’ <’hicatro. i sesviun was t-!ki*r. fcr a t wer.ly-i>n<- year oM millionaire, iration of I;- e]:,-;>-Lje e.^inmitieil >uicide last Friiiay. HI rioi- Alii> <n ;;?;d ('o’,- la-alth w.-i-: the cau<e. w'ere arraiirne i f.,i- jdac-ieu’ a tele Fivi* thoiisatid d.oUar-s Worth id pb.one jiole ai!d r;iilro;nl ir.-n aer* wlii~'!-:ey was Taken from a slii]» aJ ■ the |triidie road, r'car ‘'b;a.b.> <‘I't ek til.'.Ala., last Friday ami will, : hr id ire : at b-:r'-t -\.lli;*en was ■'•. 1 tiS' I > I;,.; ibe 'Aar. •t-,r, d I’db- d’ tary j-tand.p'tijil !•’r iine,> (.» a ponii r'trn the S-*rvi:i. ask every eUi/.-n oi' Xo!';h < lina, iri-espcetu'e i ; ci lor. j I r> liui‘ >n, t > s -t a].;; rl . n. e:^’•:;inlr^ t > lie >i'nt «'U 'i'hai i n'.r S >a V i. > * lie i .ridiana ie cb.oice, or S(,.:ni bis i* . 7.. 1’resident. Lini'olnto'i, X. t A^3ISTi\KT REIHSTAIlD (it j-r’/c iInrkitt, assistant 'post- ,i,.iaster ;it Winni-tk:!, ,111., n,iade tlu* stalemenl tha,tin ids o| inion j’res- d-.l-d.tle ri I - 'lit ic.- ila v's I."!/! V f hi.' neeey or]ihan in ' tior.ers I'- raii^Ui-d, par takt‘11 and. hi.- ki'.own to the «-iii not boat: ce Aft er he the Ibiford Muiiinax, wdi saw I’arker at- id»stra(dions a; The tnidenee «o l-nce ■ ire Allis-.n rbtce s,>, thi:‘ re,..!'b 1 ibis 111 an’ ii \ SIM meni'iers tha- a' < d ’ . !e;V Tl-ebik., lias b-een 11 .e 1 lent Wil- d.oul I wait at least a ]if' il bi.^an^l r, rc( ’■ ii’d 1. seareii vvas maile 11 BOOKER ymtiM BiAO I Cil Hooker'r. \'»'a>i.'i:\;;t. I;, pe>>ibly the mo.'.; laii ous Jie^vo Vv bo e\ ,-r livi'd, dii .1 a‘ I ■-sin'L^e! , ,'b:., early ia<t si:n,Ki7 nue'nn;--. !onr hours I' {' W” iift--r arri\i,il fr.nn York. Death was due to tie* hard ening od' tin* uit ri 's followi'lLC i! nt‘ r vous bi'v u kdo v. 11. 'i'he no/ro had been in lailiu;; healih i'-r ^^)me linie bid’ore he liied. He has ofte 1 exnre.~sed tlu“ hope thill il'* v.'oalii die in Dixie wliere he was lio-rn uiid rc'a,red, a.ml for th<‘ 5;r?iii!s •utiovi of tliis wish in‘ jnade tlie t:ip froir Xbwv \ ork in a dvin^ conditii.-n in order ti ilie at home. liooker \\ i.shin^^iou v.as a h'.-sd- intr ednnator, and has done nine:; i'or the advi.,n'!t,'menl id'the n. ^lo i-ace. Asa, mark <;f tespi-ei: all ne gro bn,siiies:4 boe.se> tl'roti'rhont fhe country were as! ed t.i (dose on; li 'ur on V, » y ef 1.^ n- •>, tli.. iii.er w. «-;aled. tiiat th within tao thre - nil! ■ limit, In later ri,*poi*ts d*.ei,iied tliis. If v*'as • fo:iU'd lba,t the sliip was Joadt-d i with eeniti almnd aiid That the lirtt- i>ii vessel had the ri'iiit to make' i iie .tn b. The c.ntinued landing, of liritisli o !''reiudn troojts at SaloinK:, in • e, is canning mueh iineusinc"S , ,,, , 1.1' prive him of his ed'Jice and I’uri'o.;, and tiie ' a. no t.U"' in ibil^i'aria b'Hirer b. foi'e ttinjj; marided. ;nns expi’e-^'in^ tlie s ntimei.t of a very lariie numb'or oi ] »*o])le in the Id.iled ^oite.', v. h reupon 1 is eh'ad’, !'< -in>;o-'t'er Kioepier, uski'd for iris te-i, iiaiion, aeeordiie.' 'fo nevvsp^a,-' oer re, * ifis I'on* out fj om Washnijx- ’' 'U on '.-I'anua;. . , As.'i.-laJit ibir. lit ii]>iieab-!l to the ; i)>i«>;'iiee (b p:; "le:'.: fta^ rei!:s-: ate- HU‘1.1, but here it was idai:.it d iiis I'.asl record did not e.^tify then, in . oV5n--rltdn*.: bis ci'def, wdiereu,!'ion (lie ]::‘pers foed-r the !n!ttter u],) .iiiil , iti this mar.ner ea;;.-';it the ntteii- 1. '!! of i’’.e itresii':ent . wlu> oriier--d that Ii;.i'lciti be rci';<tiited e.nic.-;s iiiiere wa.:i some otiier char:.re !»>‘air.st him irra .e cnimtxh to de •r T(< on to In a stutenient from the wiiite lions(' it was nnule cb'ar tlint tlie be poured out by the i.l'iicL-rs 'Fbe H>bes in th*' Mir-.-is- >ippi will lia v>' oik' uloi iot;s ‘-j:! u'*' V-1 ell tdc pouring takes ]i!a( i>. 'r A O ('bristi:;n Seiej'c.- ],r.';cti- ;■ iJefiin. < Jernia„’iy, linve 'id ;:-,siity of cri,!rdn;!i rar,-- b-ssnevsin their f;nlu,r.' to call 'vn a jibysieian. v. he!i a fi-e.'i.d was > ek. I’hey were tr.'.-i'inir tlu‘ fri -’id '.vilii otlnn-s. wiio ,<eiene.«. atid she di“d. , crii*e- i.-> .-'eainert ini’li"; A. Lnck ronimitted ''(.rr:.:; All'so?! v b-'t with all bands i n , the head of [».ivid-;on f; boar*:, :.,-e>»,rdinK to a, re])0'Tf ,sent ’ ,fled, S(M*" M> ou,[„ from I >i,nntli, iiinn. '(dib'd ther-- w. I; reaiter ]>.ireel post packair-'s ' ae.d neeordimrl f.. i- < lerina’i;. , Au.-tri-i :t7id H ;n ' fen,Pnit •-•■.iry vvi d a,it ee r.-cei\ ed by the rior court '!i 1 ■ .-o-1o,nc.‘ ' artmenT SI•. a ri.sidp b.md. • • ii-i; .t'ies :.ave r-n’us.nl to tarry! sneil ]Ki(d;ae<;s. ''',rb,e (-lernians interned r-n tlie VI >,<els now at Newport News and Norfolk coo (in no to take French leav. , po.-<i!,lv due to the fact that Viruinia will 1:0 dry on da nnarv [ l>t. Xaval ol’licdals are j_''ctt!n;r ; ]iet*ve(l ;it tijc ireouence (d l!u‘ t*s- X-- • w.spii IH■ rs of J'h(' e,i > ti n try j: re | sj:> inj,'after riaude ivitcdfn on his , a‘.tii-.ub' t n the ]>r-‘p-aredness pro | irra;n, but i'.e .-till stands pat. '!’ln: lirivi'-h privss has Ix'en in- dnliiiii'j; in ratln'r bitter comnu*nts on The American note to that conn-' try. de(d{iri!'iL«- th,:tr it is lia.rsh and unsyaiputhetie. An a|.:itation h;is been startt'd in i<?atrerTv sonul-t ar il n 1 M ' h.‘ I id. ■ r t:^ne b ( n '1- IfO- 1 )u! itur t !.'■ b tinother ca-e court hons.'", j' room, will-rein fatb.er of tb.’ I ' ' ndnisteis oi’ thi ."•e powers ita ve nuiie'i'ous (.(.‘rasiote-i ] i’otcsled ibel.M i k government. Xo i.etioii . knew nothin,ir of th(‘]>ro-, for the 7-nr])o.'-e of mnk- to stoo the. continued b.r.dite' , f ^iidil tlie n(^ws]ni])cr ^I'dic-I t hi* (“Titranee of troo](S has been taken, bo eve;-. j <-'ari.t:ht bds attention., just prior \y,,:nen e.t tb.e A. tV M. coilc;::'*, and I’he entire Bulvraiian force ope-• . the State Teaidicrs’ x\sso(dation at ratint^ west of Vardar bas t/Ct*n en ■ e;o> ease I Tiio'P;) led ;;i tlie isi under tlie e>‘tirt \V. M. A!li:->-n, tbe ii’V (d.ari;'.-'; inti;: 1S< Tl, .. f;r- >1 bi’V, I ve neei- an a -- snult on W. W. SiniiteVo;!, Ari ac count of thir- c.ise will be found in a, no I her e«d,nm;v. THEY ALL mmU SI Brevard, Like Kvcry City jnti Town in the \ nion. Rccci'. :s 'b People with kidne.v ills want to ht‘ eureii. Wlh-n ont* su!;e^s tlie tortures of an a n V.'. i.V *acH, rei.jc that Postmasti.'r (^.*ii *ral lbiri(‘Son , ;will ilonbtless l;i knew- nothing of the ease. ! tt> endorse the plan. The natientil .sj;uard meeting hel Beware of Cheap Substitutes. in S;in Francisco last wetdv dtxditK ■ in these davs of k('('n compi'tition to ejvlorse the administnitioi'' it is important that tin; jiuhlic plans for a lar^tu- standini^ arm • ThiUtalian .Reamer Firtn/.o was should sec trail they i^i^t (.'hamber- 'I’lie next nuMdinij of thisor*rani . sunk by a suinnarine un S.atnrdsiy. lairrs t.'oriedi Heniedy and not tuk(* tion will be held in Asheville. Fifteen memb(‘rs of the crew are | stibstit iites stddi for tlit‘sake ot ex-! Arrnn^^ements litivi? bi'on mss b : still missiiex. tra pndit. t’luiini erbiin’s (Jou^'hihy Treasurer Lacy wh.ercby t'e i'lan‘’:''''ifd l>y the simulta.aeons <,«f- fensivt^ movi'ments on tin* part of Serl ia'ii and I'renrh force;', .-ifcor- diuL; to a recent I'eport from Sa- loidki. many remedies today that ri lieve. it not perm-inei ;'v. Doan's ]\id ie'\* Pills li:i\e br-ei.ri.t bi^tiTv.': re sults to thou>;: t'ds. Meri' i.s })T’oof of merit from lb;-' vicinity .1. A. Halier, proisrier in or o III I tel b * ? 1 Ifi y w ■:. :, > i r» * - T. Asheville, X. (b, says .Niv ! ri I'orherod me c.^nsid laM. ' 1 1 ■ ■an'-- Aid le’ I' lb'. In !i tii'ht in the Babean Di-Jib- Ibnneib,' has lO(K .1 tlu^ t('st and been ' staft' will Ijorrow OOo Serbians s;;ceee(b.nl in holdbij,' b“!,<‘-0 ii•.d.rar:an^-at l:av last .‘• iP- •aintroved for mort' than forty ‘ int-u'est rate of ‘i" ,00(50 at :n th(' lov.est i'c”:an usni:: j.s a:, 'riio iir.-^t box ;ra used fi.)ur itoxe> lias been ]n-ic since. I ^rludl t\blney Pills -1- 1, medicine.*’ . Price .“>u *. : t -f sini])ly us ii f- :• n»*t s (-td^ s ■ d e’n- r- r, bt . i r> r' ' ‘it're .■Ub](> ; i Doan's bo'-t kid nev years A d V. < )btai:';iblc i vervwbero. tu:it Mr. lb. ’•a<e rcce-rded in thi'state tor many ;\ji|i);irn I'o ;Y.—Adj t; d,e,ab,TS. Don’t' i:’dr- -y ren'.edy— y ds—tlv* s:nne r .i:’.d Fost«'r- D';*‘t\uo, X. I

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