VOLUME-XX BREVARD, NORTH CAROIJNA, FRIDAY. DKCKMIVER IT 19)5. NFIMP.ER-^y^ ■ 7 GENERAL NEWS As tho rosiili of mi iirfrnnHini tliiit starttnl in a Siin<lny whool at North Fork, in Bnneouibn connty, latifc 8nnday aftormion, Murtiii Bnr- ••iiett is drad, Williatii Uuniott i> nnde»'(^i'Test with slij^ht injurios on liis h«nl, and ('lanilf McAfet*, the Jiian who did t'a<» shnotin;/, is in tht' Mission hospit.i! in a vcrv serious condititm, .sntTonnij from knif‘- wounds. ();iic*ial IInnoiinci'nu-nt has lu'en iniMlo tliat lh«‘ tiiiUfnry trainint^ **nJiJp. so loni. stinscht hy this fi>c. ( ion, >vill 1k‘ lociiird at t thm*<i'»i., f >■:. ti'Uii! bo l'M*ri'd Ihiti nf 1 h»‘ *:rO'vrnitni*i>t \isit-*d !ir V ir I lasf yr:ir tind it* sjt,*. 1<>d I'iirhts in and around this QUEBEC MEVcS A nict! offjari has rpcenlly hcH'n pnrc'hasod hv tins ionam.nity for Oak Grove eh nr eh, (.^nohcc s jhool will oh^f'rvo North (’arolina and (a>nininnitv Ss i-vic(‘ f>fiv ThnrsdrtV, !)o<n'mt>*T Tho Purnicrs’ 1-nion will inoid with tho school in tho ntt -vnf-oji atul tako niirt in tho pro^^raTii. hopt* i<j ha VP a. ri’jil ;xood. ti?nf\ Tlio Sfhiril closc'S the ’.’;hd tor till' Cluistmas liolidnTS. (tooriro Itooro, Miss Maxi no Rooro and Miss K!si;' ‘Jfid hssvn r'.'tnrTK'd to I hoii' r'‘:-) " <■( i VI hi o>*“-n i'h'r Im\ - iiif,: tarifj'Iit' .> !'f\p mniMhs :Jt'Ii0'0] *‘hoh. Wo ar<* ”!ad to Wtdo(»ii:o tlioTH hack to t^n(‘hoo. Fo)l(r,\'in,fr is 1h,c lv(«»«'»• roll fto' Ai'*ordin:.' <i> !• ]> )rt> N’lHa has (.Mirhof’ ^fhoni li>’'th!‘ (i!tl! niontli : r;",i_ii(‘d a-- fif 1 lio iirniy ojt ■ First (isad)*, fiolon llontlf i-soii. j)iV"';K IrI'; idrnt Tan-a.?»z-a, an,d is. | V,.i At<•!'':i.l 1, W: i 1 i11 W1 iitnrir<*, < '(>- now <'!) in; v.:i , ti) th'* I oitod <-jl Wint»ni? c. Sta?;s. It is t hnrnrht this will tlu" i'Tl't of '!'O Vi :i(’<,!!! ill 'i' ‘ ^ t «1* jmrtOM n» har ' f'i'ivvd, li noto fioni (l<-rnutiiy dis- ii\ts'.vimr an •- p:i»iii*ip;;ti<s»i hi plots io t!;;‘ i i'it».I n-'S. ami at tho sa’ii.- linio tl..- <‘rnv<Ti!i.'!i>nt' wa;';-'’n:' l-.i all {i.*;'*’ian syt’r/.‘I' ’.u liiis >-n;.!;try lo kt > -nator i^T.! !";*S i til'i'ii illrc-d :t hill ti • M . \ t :M ‘! I'if” 1’i‘.rbr"' rai ■ ' ?-! ' t' ** p;.." la i V i!l' \ h .’r !■ ■■ .M. I!,. (If’’;!Hi’tf V;* wil! ::ot'l‘0 ■ U' . ’ ^ r !:• ('• TC;' > .i n til .!>th st'rnis |:i» .’ru'xiiij; iii his favur m:d it 1- -I: l| ti ;!t !;c vVlll 1\- 1 I'.t f ii'‘‘ r>. 'T’ltr 'F-trti D-'Mf;- •' is ni'O-'V, jji ■ N ■ ;’x', ;u.d h.tVf ..iK,i‘Onc('i! thnf ' 1 !!*'., win ■■ 1 ■ I- V. :■< V h win . ti-r if" ■'.•■■r. i 'cr.’'- *' ■ li;i not X I ' : .-li ‘in' ; !1 11’( 1 ! pHi'ly I'CM' i:.'l(i: 'it li;.' ;i r - !'■ ■U lllj,l f •. 51- t‘. ;F ; if! i’iO’itJ-'. - ~‘uli ! ■’;!»(• • :"■) .'rr Itt i; ]Hi i nc: i ■ wi';!i A > i t i:i < ii 11 lo ; uf p-itchin-.r J.p th -ii' di'Vto* on. '■ > t!i ' ? i;:5'i- I!.' ni’ t’:f An- i V ui'fi sh'!' str »n,ni.Of t!= ■ U, ••‘ti -T-tO 1-v U'.iS ij-'. ^ . ’ !,in n: i. • ' o in; ' I,;-'M‘ !-'} h!=- rvri-!;': ' --‘r 1 '.n ilJ i ? • ' ‘ M 1 . \ :i ;i f • • ^ ■ fj It *' ro*;: Ti : -f r‘h>*‘ Tn"-hi 1 -i iT;-'! !*ifi\*in"‘ ’ ; :u ^ ■ o.: Soi'ood (’•rad,<% Fa,r'!'no Vii'injr, Nr1l!f= 1'h.•I'oas, 'May Alvin Smith, <’ti 1in Sini i h. Bi‘(i;:dns Ih'n d.crson. I’ll ini (ir»<lr, it r: fit Aio(,’ali, <i.o- Tit'va Fimrth Unido, i'j,onn';’ Ynn>>.v_>-^ nor:! S-mith, Aniv:;- I'l . /.’»• \’'';;n'r. FiFtl, ii'rai’^ v, o1;n iViosr;;;, Sixth to’iMl*’. !")'-AV'!*'i 'aii,''V !o:> < '!';i pn );i 'i, i >'v: ir* !• ! Ci id ! Ii (■ ’ '. 1 ■ ■. 1. >!i‘ '-I ' *a f ■<' ( »Il»- V.O:-:-: :iVn, J yjrls <sf il = hr ^raftfi'f'*! I ht*r» tn<“r-* ■■ ’i .* ■; r;ul:i:-' <»f .. i huiiiiri'd ar-/' ).■ u'o ] jjiriioat i;*n : 4 rN' 'VT ‘ i -s -ii *:'i. •• | - ; !!•“ pit-:.;--: O . r'- ' • * ll*>»!)<■ * ' th-- < ’ r.~ j I ff* ; ■ 'i'T*! 'I''-' ^ a •;'! ■ .?! ■ = ,E ■■ '^lot 7' rr:':i •!f I * = . ; 1' i i!nl (1' .'I,'-; - ; ‘' . ( '. I': - • : ■' , ' j. r;.- . ■; ii ’ i;’;;' ‘ '■ ri,-* ' i-j-- ■ -oio * tf ! ! (t • :t ■' ' • h - ' . ! .1 ' 1 ■ ’i'V t i: - . '^1,-r t ■ yi o. I ;'! 'if t|- • •; :i‘ 1 ' ' ■ ^ ■■1 i.j Ml. hi'!ri? i-a,'; i,tii t . '\l .S h- V' i Ii!- ' ■ • a.b'. t-v : I- ■■d'lir' ;■■■■ ■■ •• : ; ii-'i* ':!■!'*! ;! *'■ ■; a ■: ! .V ' i ,a !: - ill.; 1 ;i . :■ ; . ■ . ' 5 ■ • I = •' i. , ' ;i ■: I. L- :0. j ‘ : , i th ^ :i ... <!';■>' I 'I < p> ’ : ■ = 11 a-r n <> :: i n '' ' ’ ' 1 ! . ■ i!; i 5; ■! I i 'I' 'V'' !.'■ !i< I f ti ' t I <. > |. \ <• -. j: ; : | t ^,, ; , i .): ■ I,: ■; n Xjij-- ii ' it ' • : - < : ' ’ ■ ! 'V '' i ! 11 : ■ ! i;.:' ■ 'i ■ . 1 ■ • ■ , * 4 V ■ ■ I ii't < 1! 1'! >11,1 < • 11 ; ^ r? * t' f 1;' I- i. n I. r <: ■ i i1 ■ ■ * ^ ‘r-'' ai-o a'lrorilv h ■ !i-!sjSh- j-i-'PiVI. h.--^ r-.’V - p’ ■ ' '•!' ;.ppi-rt :! jfu •'-> l1;- ; P hi ■ nv:'it: 0(-rN I'.f iI".'; ;V,i r ' :• ^ M i, V f. . ", ,'V,, 1 x ''^l i - \ ■:. t ^ ' h -‘ !'■, Ma : ’. ^ ■ <:. -1 i < n - 'i v ^■ [ ' •Ijr';- !'.>!" r’Uar!!.". '-Sr'i lilf.i ■! T ■ ;r ^>1- 1'; s. E < v-<-rl; I?f i" !■-, salt il'ii'C t:!vl!Ms ‘ oiiv .( n !t '. , ■ vi*- t)f a.n k^nds, v'ii! !h,! f." !- (: s ti ' v’ ' t : ! ;! - ' , , r1 'hr',’ - ! • i';;;-- ... ’ ‘i> i .ii.'Oi ■ " r.a' !*10 M'■ t i',!!*':;'! h llH- . I . ^SLAN:^ r- Ru S^fSCn. i.< i. hsU'l ' r i >. !;(■ d <1 i.t • '.I: I ’= Wi ( il a « m: 1 ii 't ' « i> t.<'rta'''0'i!0Tit ai'i'i :■ ( |. r or: s irt-f. ''I'' pr;»;o‘"in ‘ ’n.j sovlt;;. ri, vi!-Md*ad, ■.niiitions airi pl;i, s. 11. • .111 - ■ *. ‘ j \ \ ‘ I i-1 1 h'.. -■ i : ; \\\’ a !■ ' ; i'l . L i h ■> ‘■ ■ \ r” * ■li.iJ'V" ,s:T a THE THREE KINGS I'l'iree Kiogii came riding from i'ar away, Mc!c!ioir roidl Caspar and lialtasar; Throe Wise Mon cut of tb.e Eu‘,t were they, Anti they traveled bj-' nig I it anil they slept !>y day,. For Iheif ^Tuid« was a v/o:id:‘rfu!, bc£ifitifti! stur. The star was .so beawtiful, !arj,je, atid clear, I'iiat all the otli**r stars of the sky iiccamc a white nusi in the alniospliere. Anti hy this they kniiw that the coniiajj was near Of the Prince forciold in trie 'propSiecy. Three caske-s they b::'*e (>n their saddle-bows. T!irea caskets oT gold v/ith golden keys; T'heir robes wore of crimson silk with rows Of bells and coineir.\Hia'cs and turl^elows. Their inrbairi iike blossominjif almond-trees. And so the Th-ce ivin«s rode into the West, Thrdug'h the J;!:sk of nij^rJit, over hill an-i dell, And sometimes they noiJded wivh beard on breast, An<! soinetiiae.'i italkcd, ;.is they pair^cd to rest. With the pe:> ie t’ie.y met at some wayside well. ‘‘Of the child l5vit is born,” said Bii!tasar, “(^ood people, I pray yon, tell us the new's; For we in, the East have seen, his star. And ha\ e riilder. f-ist, and have ridden far, 'To fhui ao.d v.^orship the Kin^ of the Jews.” An,d the people ansvi,'cred, “You ask in vain; We know of ro kinjj: bwt flerod the Greati” I'iiey thoii'.»-ht the Wise iMen \vere =nsane. As they '-i.piirr?d tiie’r Iiorses acro;.‘» tfic i)!ain, [ Jke riders i*i haste, and wiio cui'not wait. \ o ’ w f'; o*' t* 1*■ y ■ ■ r i e tr»f t*rasa!■■ , Ho*:,!;! (!i-; Ci; 'a;'", ‘ L .a'rd I'h*-; rhio^, Sen; for i’!c VV- L .i an 5 o>;,'-;r;(;Pi»ti tiiern^ A :itl said, ‘Jo i.’ s w u « n t; > ! t te!;e m, And me tidt:ii>-s < *■ i i s n:*w kin*’’,*’ So ihcy ro(ie av>';5_ ; ;tnJ the * <.ir i;tofj*l T'he oiiiy O'lie - *<. e m" ; r iiiorr.; ^'es. ri!:i >pe'', i ‘t-u;-, ; il o. i'.>: >w i v ee wi,’!, Riilht ovc" {;;•? 'dclicr.! %>!i ihe hid, T'he city of i).;v:d where C,iirlHf was bf»rn. And tl:e 'i'hr.-' K'n >: rede llic }.,a':e 'ind the '’i"'!’ j V- f jh the N'hnt .s 1 rcet, !i?hc 1:i /1aei:te J And nei .:hv'«’ :o‘. i^’ey oaU r'o^! t‘ “ 'i, .it inv-.^iird' iiiJT t!ie windows were eh)st,.i, . ”d ifur: <.i"jors were harred, A:-d only .i li'vht in 3hc' -labie hm ;ud. And €f:idi;:'i in tiie - t f’tei' ii.r , In t! = e a;r iiituk' Mweot o- ;he b'cath of khie, TliO litt’e child in the n:;*aser lay, I'he tlii’ii wotild he ■,;!!« oiu; day Of a ki!V"'-'aOT;i r:ui honiun but oiv^ne. iiis n'it'tfr.T of X;i„-.::-el;; Sat waI!i!j ho::h.lo his pl-r or till.- c'f hie .*.ui h^'lo t'affi rc-sj, Wi. I-. i::>: nie<,I ti'!: er In hi:r brust. They !aid ..h-ir o^^nin'Ti at his feet: ' r! 'u, ■■ !?< ^a,! v;'; I i I. I - i r t n b 111 e t i "> . li h; v, I'ho ?r,W'f;j i[<: ,-J Was f(i'-I‘rjV ih-v *-*‘jrac?cto, h ;ic : }v;rh ''ft.' b*)dy’*, (i»:rvs r he ;a i s;J‘ ■ ,'h u 'i • 1„. a . ‘".a ! H'; i j ; r{ '.v ; ivt»' -':; >'- * \a-" <.' n* ” K ‘. :■ a ' . - - a, a • • Ui .il'l a .:a-» i.iaJ i-aV-hj' i = ' .r.‘ ' 'a -s.* ' .• , "M i'V‘ ^ ay \Vi*h •' ;!C'av «■.»■ ■'>rr'; i;i nr.,-;-’ array: li:,-;; h ia'i h-'io'': h’t ^iai*'.‘J ' h-at, laK' i --:-y kn.-^v Via: r'a1k'=: «h':ared id:- ^4ie, 'iO.! .'^-lurn, '■» .^a.;5i- su):a:'s b.-‘ a^^::‘a:T vay. —i ,1 e n r y" \\': 11!: • ■o:: ■■ t: i i, 1 {; n g'' •»I i ■ iillt ,.f ll;a • «r ^ , o:s-os fit tlo! <T>ia“»‘k Notwithsta,ndin;r fijf. |>a.nsn in >)»<‘r;iti'»ns ill iM-iopilanj;i intcrfst ooritro.s in dovi Mjpti.ents or.po(!fi*d •''ir-aly t. > siifaa'*!: tho Balkan (tnt*‘r. prises oi t li«', l'«Mitan .u ]«)'.vei s HTu] i t ha >'auont(» id ii'*:, .11 a, 11T loos I:: 11 i o: i to . ■ ( • 11 • > j j I ■ ■■ t o n.iiI i:iTi and C-t r?,»i; n fro-ilior, uK ■t ■; n a * I •»! is Ka i'l I t < .1 1 JO i n si s tont that (Jiili'arian Jri.--ps sla-iil n'»r o-ntar her territory. I he ( lit: nti‘ }(ji CCS ;;rr lijv' i!' . ’JJiJ Sal:>niki :in<l liio hindn-.; c;! i‘ in- t .'<-rrofuoTifs is rc})ort('d. I ’Tito or 111ra 1 powt>,rs. iirt,> ei*■ ■'! -1i■; ■ in ViiriOMS i]isp(i'!;d"U'S as c- i ‘ ra‘; It: triiop.s .and arti!l'r\' wj'h a, I Vi.i'Vv t-i jHisilijlJ.; t lie .'^hil'JEi! I.": I-J- ‘ iha'is. j 1 tl .M'iTiten-L'ro tho x'u-1r > >ian• I i!;-iriao.s aw lifsnsjin'rin;^ ai ;h-i ,Sar- j V i M11 s n 11! 'I J 1,11 n i t '■ !i i' }i;T i T i s, a ; a' r u: I - jni)nno<* tha ciipti.ra ’.vs'hiia ;h'- : ar t [lv”.v dayH oL' t prisi.-r.oT:'.. h'lhH; Ml .1111 eri i'<r T*i :i s, li.»wi * re r, (a a i r. i I ’ n ■; Anstiians iiavc ',,‘ooivid a si-M=.,r’: Italian in Ali,Hud;i a^r*' claa.r„ lint ii is d tad a rod in a. i^'ij ■!(':! di>p;:hhl ta i'ai-h-; that tha it'-h-.n ' • iU.m is nut ;nv ojfco-i'.ai lai ,ha j sa 1 T tf wiasi: IS ;''.,'‘:-(*:-ih‘al its a. : >n :-i-o to Avalaaa he-; ;ii'dpth<} ServiaT’.s oxt.iaa'a an- 1 st'■ 1Vf,*s {!: 1 d: t'; ,I<;ivi;t■t 1 h,‘t'l 1'r\ ■ ;’ii;; i:o;i!a'no,rr:ns a n;'l A * ha‘hiiiis, - ; < tha v.a-stcrn !r a lirini!' a^'Mi traiahh ft.: a - a- ;■ . ■ = ; h : I a • r< i ■' :■ i .* t i * a ■ ■ :, ; * ■ • , S '. i-.s ja-p s t;c -a. A • i' < h • r,;!}a Tls j ia -.a - 1 ■t,*. ■ n t; .i ■ v. ?; hto\v*uiis tho il:,'liA;ia i;, Fr,iiata thf;-* a<lviocs ftiia.vivi. rc(a'»i.i. .'^iiji'itar mic.s wh,;eh Itna.a,' . h.acIt iujld to iialioato that a oh''r- ; l-an: tiri\a; Al tb-; W(>sL Su;ai v;aa a la.K^i ’/ility. ' .Xoitliai’ Ai Rn,s:4a I'liJ” i!'s ( j,aii:A"'; : hav*.* fhtor hcan miiitary evce.i..' ul' • itnp.;7't-:ivo r;-i*;‘ntiy. ■ •' • 'I..'f: ii't!'! ’ ,.a ' ary opara"iaas ‘c dav; h>pin any ?iai; k - i r! -.a' .»,* pO'i 1 I. i'’i<:tr f la-SOS <;f‘ tla* n-'-r'a'ira i-;'' v: ah-r ij.»rd i) -;-] ■-.-j • i:a 1:^ a„‘11, s::):n ii* >n. ; 1, j a a. r c i. !1 a i Tl -f,; a:;a i*y !!■ a I’ia ilr i {! si ■ jaii a ' ao (ha call aa;;ii:idi- _ t ii:,!,t Iht' iA,"vh.y Iih;?- >'nr,'';a*da(I, in, ruii'Ua'^ ioai! .-aoa;,:!! aT'O that la'-criati- a .. Ai ia S a-.' Ill c.-ssa ry„ ' I. a 'a:a *'• I s ■ ■■ ■' t rr:; ■ Fa'. - • o-^-n •! a A ■ a a r , 1 ' h ^ '*..h • ■ ^*A :' >■-.'. a ; si.!(,fj.i:iiaaa i;i tla.^ 5., u ■ aa .a - ' .; ;a>:*' i i> a ( ha ; a;. !i ^^ A’:;>' *r<h' ;a. ''fh,-.> lAjit'Mj ;-'!a a; a va’ ^ ■ h a ‘a-ai.nA laaf vu A::.-!:h"i ■ aaA.--, v!i ‘ Aiaa.rai t a 'i :a- la '■■■.' Jaaro, . V lull’ t;i ’ in u ■;! a 11 •. \v: i I I ■: = .. ■■ ■ y ■ hno in its daa--i!id fu" 4A,>.iv.<■ ■.;a1, V j ' V U ’‘i! t i a a t-'a? til- A riij,!:, v.-a, toa.la pah'h ■ :t! VVa^hn: ;*’.a.. la ii, ■ a r'a , ;• a’- aasr. r. ! s ! af' Ola la i.* ilia h a.^ la, ":,a -a;i " a 'Vill t , ;:iki”!,' 'if ;! ' A '';a.a;;j ilatu'y i >- h^ a ja:rt'. has.ai ti.-- ri ?t ■’ a*' (.-Iiri'.tiiiia:-;: i;'. >.h. ; :=y . ' T-.V. a;y-raa^ aAata! ra- ri’a‘-s ;.: a h'-aA ""lat =,T=rh^.. h. :ai- :'ia'-'A::a:i"„,. ; V'i j ■, ‘Vi 'V'/'h a ■}; ■ ’, sa.A'.'d. a a, •.‘in.: ’a a-a .ui I • aY ' a is at A . i ; ' ta: '• ii > 1 :a,u \va a.-" fh Wjdl. Ophelia Mnll, (Svortun Midi, fiOia-rn‘ Pay;a", 'xerva Ihditen., Ijoyd ('Hntral!, fjurmj Wdson, .lack.son Iloldon, Mari u'l Hrndorsnii and <Ji‘iH"Va Moll won |iri>io,s tor ro£»n- liir Httendanot} diirinj; tlio term. Four of tiK'so Y.vro not tardy. James ami Lonnif^ llc*n«lerson, fiOreiie Payne and Nerva Holden won nrizos for the nn>st h«*ad marks in their classes. Following ig the honor roll for Do(M‘rnber: First (irade—Lorciie l^aynti, Overton, Mtill, Frank Lance, Ge neva Mull. Lurne Wilson. Second <.irratie—Ophelia !\full. ,Foi'(;'11i (1 r:’,dt‘— ''I' " ,• si I f• dia,■ a. Sixiii Ur.alt^. i'A.u iloldan. ri tar = \Vh- • sirh'il <>f ( hiistnia ; ('t;arh-'‘ laM;.‘k;*'a:-;. Aa 'A-, a t-, ■ liijIis, ‘I'aiesii!' ! a;:'\'; •sp- Aiiejr. !ji'^ht'i'ii I' ' :■ A- i- j wer, Ij-'St l.>a->'s*!i !i : ' ■: .1’ = .aa»'V . ; Ik.' ; i A AAhh- ■ V'! la-'! t!'<' Ar-'i h'* ]a, ■: 5 :i ;h • Aa :a A *'’e ; ' • •d: I laii--^ iP '-A;, a oi* # s' J . \ , . . , ‘f, a,! .'la a i, lArl :.i «'\r laih Aa-.i a. \ lau;*ii cliil:! -arried • ni'. his jKirt" \Vi-\:>h' ft-r aaia aad all tl;a n'al | A. l>oyle, A Srndy i;i Sa:a‘ia*':-la.la! A. lA U V! i.i ST. PKIUPS CHUnOH <'hri.s«tnias df'y, Decendspr i’5, 191.1 floly eoinniunion and sermon at 1 i. Suhjeet, Tho Object of the Ad vent and* lie Family'. OITerinf.; for the widow’s and orphans. 8viriday after Cliristnias, Decem ber 25, morning prayer and sermon itt 11, Subject, Tho Sheltering Word. < ‘hildren’s Christmas service on St. J< bn Evan^dist’s day Decem ber 27, at Wallis’ at :j aifh Atl V. ■ r. t' nvi te; bo*;s will brought in. A'ir- ' iA ’■ t.':>hA.;.:,:'a;j , V'lairli :> ■ ! > -. O: i V (•:: '.f v* ist; ! ><; roVli} ' ‘ai: :i' =vh '•’’iU! i'.' V,t TwV.'. S1 :iteim. i;.ts - ir■ . ^A: r .. ; Auv,.ys «A i'Acj'jii: ho haiir riC;ldC: . I IxUskin, Kiii;^ of CoKh n liu r ; (h MeXeil, ijvrics troni r.itttni . Lan<l; Ka.thlia..n ■N:>rris, Story of' Should Use €ham.ber- Julia Pa^e; fl. Wiiisi.a Still .iini : Iain’s Coujjh Rc'Tiedy. Mary Sohnston, Forlnes of Aarrie ; irccausa it lais an esraV.lisheh jVlargaret Deland, Avoann its i^ood wJi/k; ester; Oirroll, Alkv> inj most t Wonderland, Throu’.'h th(^ Looking Glass; J. M. Barrie, Tommy and (Trizel; L. M. Alcott, Old Fi.sbioned Girl, Proverb Stories, Silvt'r Pitch- ors, Spinning Wheel Stories; (D. Wilson, Don Quixote ; T. Gu|.'elow’, Mopsa the Fairy ; R. E. Morrison. Cbilhowee Boys, Chilhowie IJoys at College, ('bilbowio B;>ys in War those who have nsed it for nian • years, as oc€*.ision required, ai an; best acquainted with its go ; (jualities. Beca use i 11 oose ns a nd rcl i e v i • a cold and aids natnre in restoria;r the system to a healtbf conditi.in. Bsc*! use it does H;t ebnlani Time, Chiihowie l>oys i7i Harness A or any otlier i^reotic. flerbert Cartt:r, Boy Scouts in Bine j B.'e«r.<c it is withiwthe reatdi of Liid;;e, l>av;n iahDAAi*; f h fi. Ha Adi- ;:1I :''!Teo<AH fwtTViV’hr. Ob- ^on, iioj Scouls la vAiIiCorai.i, U.'sy tuA.aLie i vury wheiiB / adv 'fo rat»f oLr ’ . (*r jvi;.tri-aM are aia.-. fanrdi.'.r as ika'sc oi car owri t; . i tl I id w t« a re n a;t i": :■ ?„i i 1■" i i i i e iv^xvd t :-antl of lut])]N''ni”*ys liiere. ll.iv.in^ r('n<*rr ii t.'m a well k’.oi ... I respeidaii rc^ali’.lt will be he i'll! to nnmb(;‘r« i>i men atid wuiu t»:re in Brevaru. .ih A. Lanjirhrid^e, sljeriff, Flein- iniog avenue, Marion, 2s. Ch, says •*.\iy back ached mid the kidney secretions rm.'Stid too trequently, obliging me to jret up at ni.^lit. i.Ham’s Kid.ney Pills lielpod me Irom the iirst, and by tlio time 1 had finished one box the jiai^is h>* ‘ It'ft my back and my kidneys we^e in ^ood shape.” Price ;h»c, at all dealers. Don*4 si npiy ask for a kidney remedy— Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same tiiatMr- Lao^diridse had. „ Foster- Milbnrn Co. Props., Buffalo. N. Y — Adv.

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