V / Biy Printiii aad Everntlilflg Eisi If Home. I Largest Ad in this Issie C Doyle, B«&L« and Plummer Object: The Promotion of the Agricultural, Civic, Commercial, Educational, Industrial and Moral Life of Transylvania County, VOLUME-XXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1910. NUMBER-7 Indifference of County • Board to Road Building Met With 'Renewed Energy Road Advocates Propose to Vote $40,000 Bonds and Give Brevard Township and the Town a Thorough Network of Good Roads; Peti tion Being Freely Signed Calling for Bond Election; Prospects Bright for Success and the Early Improvement of Main Highways to Hen- derson and Greenville Counties. (i; > iTi'l’lVt'ViMit attit i(li’ ■ , ■ V-. itUlllSsiniliTS I 11 a rniid huildiir , 1 in- tf niiiii' 'i t ’'t li. >t 1h. • ■ I III- ftiad aiUiii r.t hi- iti'f- I -.u* It, tIrw ^ *' *■ IV^ ■ tlM it' 1 >> 111 ‘ : I, ■ • hi it is h.=p •' 1- fiM* = 'I'ltii.' ti'WHship (iriiH-iiKil: s) '• 1 - I:■: liri'Vitr-i Tiiv lK-:iv.r pa-srtl hy t-- A niinihi*r«)f ruiiil :iilvociilc-. ni<*t .-inil .li'ciilci! Ha* I )i ii vt‘i ]tlti was t In wlltTi ,1 : ;lSt' X -SSl' >!i 1-iy jii'ovidt liV (!lr !li:l ii'I.l. r ■ t liamls of tliiTC iiion within tht* fowii aii<l lIiTi't' without, tlu'so jTvIy oiu“ 1(‘lt lu'in!' W. i’ Woilt, M'. II. (la llow.a v, tln t'oiint *. IIi<I ir*‘t jxotnl M . (’ooli, jr., 'l\ I’ji 11<-ii,'1 I I 111 thi-ii* t iVorls 1o r-.ul ■ nil it was *1,',-idl'd to cirri!- li.i tis aiitl Uicha r.l Si‘rn'4i;s. I = :■ ftt’r and l.t!> h in'titii^n. which is hi'iiif.; haii No time is licini; hisl in the cir-1 .-1 !iav.‘ 1a.iini‘lii'd ;i tllt't! i.'.orilv hy M, Jt-, wl.o ciilatiim of Ihc pot:{ion calling:' f‘>r| >to a *'h*.oim ttniid i <u:-*‘ccuin>^ in ircttin--' n lar;^i' tlif ch-i-rion and tlic niaftcr will h^ | I t lownsl'ii ji'Vi. Iti-f' hy n»i-*hcr o- siL:n:ttnn*>. ' jjuslicd as riii'udly lis ]>ossilii(‘. It; 'i'lii' j»s'tit)o!i. prnYjfh'S for the is h«'lii'Vcd hv flic ro;:ii cutinisiasts | i.-jsiiar;--• t">f '!>in lionds, if that a,s si*oii as Brcvanl townsltipj to I'Uild ah-mt •jn mill's th-hniJcly sottU's th(‘niattcr of [ 1.1' jMjid ouN;4 fh-- town lihdts and ini; bonds 1 hi* other town>!iips *■ : Ihi* |M ini'ipal streets In t'^wti M'he h ui.is wo’dd na\ e t< si ll lor n.j V than paj- and h.-ar nut niov-' : luui '■ (i-'r c'Mi! inti-i A*'' ROAD BUILDING PLANS DENIED BY THE BOARD TURN DOWN TWO PLANS OF ROAD BUILDING County Commissioners in Spe cial Session Saturday Re fused Road Petitions. // \\ 11 1 he ! I.-iiera 1 Assein- i; = t a ]>etiti< '!i .‘'ii'nril li^y of thf ’pr^'pi i*'. ■ t. >u n.'liip eallinir i ir . . ri v->a;l d i t >1 !!'• eu’irt V . ;v' >- i! i-an i t ■ ail a M ••lei-tli'n J. d; vs I iierea 11 i-r. a nd Iti e ;ii- tween (ireenvilic and nendersun coiinlies will inuk<^ u sijjiilar tnovi*- j nient for the purpiise of oj.enin'.'j 11]) th'irouu'iifarc s wliert l y the, e<iir. Iv woidd liav'*a siiiendld svs-j I !f!M t if hi I'll wa VS. \\ hi(‘h was st>;mht I UJitS''r l iie ‘firs! jihi’i ted t t fi • ciiiMit -.’ euniiiii-.-KituTS. ■- .-j ,-JJ tSEMONSTBATIU!' '. I : i n ’>•! ' i < >r i M \ 1 (>T'(’f,S : - ii'TCS ui ' ! >’M ■! Uia t ■ 'li r R A \ ,S \ I. t ■ „ \ \ I A, I' A R M:li. ^ Fi I A'‘-i'i) Wl'IIJ R I'-Sl"!3 f ! ■ S. <1 >. iT :r;’ a :: t . mv.''' W •■re ! ■ ^ Vi- ICii-t.i d ’ind-‘r :or nil ’I* t i'J.IM, !l! MCl'i'S *.V( !a ii., Ji'.i ’ l5creaS(* ot 1 ])i i '»!i>Iy ( a J". I )--'ii;nji>trat":oi;s wer,; n.::•!(’ ;-r.-t.:'r.‘■•'1; iitiij' ts'i'i's; ■■■■ ;M''ehaicc- trees ,il in pro\ .-*o\Mi hiSt ‘hi (Ivi'f 1 hi^ in Tlitist- \fitv ! estily \ '■ riio\ I fr. II! I > i!i 111!'’ r . ’ 1 i< nd ■'! the i!i p< 1 \ 1 •! iv in '*'■ ■ 'Die rr..t>.-h - f'- flftu= 1 t -ui I . . - 11, -r-' ’-I*. ) 1 ly fav>»i t h'ls C' stlJl ) till"'!: TS ni ■ V a-4;in= » . ■■ .11; i'll- { k rul* rstKi (.otiiil v i * jH'fici.il Rctuuis: ,.r iiu-Wtak. . . ntiv puhii -l'.t d \- were insp''i‘l« lainiMr " ■ .-itdiai'ils - • -t , I'I! a 1 i;1 o'eiiards eon 's Were ]iniTied . i I trees w--re IVlr. ..r : ,('t U K SOBSGRIPTiON ^ LIST iS VEBY HALE: ! I XE\VS FAM\L\ IS (()\\"ING; ^ 1 > A 'N (»E R SK; N AI ,S IV hS (rood liealthy Blood {'lowiti^r 1 liroui;!i Nfws C^icciilutioi? Veins; lii'i lloiinr Ro!!. % 11 D(‘Sj)ite tluj ('Hrnt'st pleauinf^s of hii' taxj)a5('rs fur better road.s be fore* a special session of the connty conii>iissien(*rs Saturday, tli<*lioaril W(!ut on recor<l as opp<ised to any anii fill tli!! plans suimiitted tor road bnildinj: in 'i'ran.sylvania. 'I'he coininissioners met about o’clock for thtj pnriHjse of hen ring ar^nnient and (MuisidtMirifj;: tht^ road (pipstion tuid the M‘ss:on con tinned nniil late in the afternoon, ncuriy all till'* discussion hcin<’ in favor of roiids, l)uf the coniini.'sioncrs fhial ly torned a deaf ear, to the dis- •;nst of tlu? many road udvoeatcs. Tlie b<tard nt its sc'sssion on tlic. ]>i-evi(jus Tiu*.*-d.iy had gone on r*‘c ord as refusini' to scrij) with which to liuild the le-din*i rrjuits t h: fuitrh t In* ei tiinrV. Wh^i it ad- tl;. ! j'.'iu :.<‘d <'11 'riu’sday I I ji'l ur.der :m! . isenn" i iion \\h( rei).v tin* couiity w J \> I i't * re]>ort (.1 Kiun n- -t 1 V'l i kin = >1 ! ! H «i..r 111 . ii . • ::i Ivin;^ UJ* tl^is ' . •ilia. : . CM inft'i .eed I ]: t .fliers livin-r near ■ iiiity l.i’.e chill 1 -.as dot f in li' ;; ■*mI t hat 1 hey h-ai-- uTidertIIli’c‘J ft't' ItrMii'-fh r .!i t'rder iha,t tiie‘,,i slue ];.iWi i> that le^aiid l<> -‘"■r t'hi"‘ ileiiitut^tra ,, rnce- >tf llie w-rk,, -■ ■;) veil tici'ev. lt!i. \S.^re ]^l:i,ltrd :!S re:--ult of nstr:.t'‘r’s i.ithu i;ei‘ : !o spray- aiid pniiiiii‘4 deuii n.-'trations hehl. 1 ; \ KO i.i V K ' . - < K 'I'hio- bulls aiui 'i and lieif- rrs <d 1 life hr. d i.aiiysi 'ck Wfie l i 'iu'.’id into the ctuaiiy i hroui^h ‘lie a-’■••ti Ii rlli'ietiee: iflH coW.-' V . I.- T: st. d and -J; o were ;;iv.*n a ha ia: • . d rat j' ai. 'riiirty jiure hred h-i.us were 1 l:e county -‘nd loi'' lie;id e!‘e li'*at’’d lor disr-a'*es thi'oii^ji an.i'i'i'-'s inJiU- Where and What the County Board Found on Their Jaunt On Thoir Tour for Road Thunder in Henderson and Bun-- combe; County Commissioners Found Information that Pleased; Some Things Learned. 'i’oin iioftis <*oiitinue.' t>* • s. t the woi!‘ls aliii-’’ with News snh-enp tn :;s. A- will he tiieli.-t ])u’)h^!ied w.'ekly. t )u* ciri’idati >n | depirlmeiit ef thcNi’Wsis .tisoh-n 1 , , did heal,hand ,...w snhsenh,.; are ^ (ounty . uniinis.ioners Lyday About a year ago when Mr comii.- i-i thren-h th. mails, iv , n.sP'ctnn Und,miis and Mr. Bryson were j p, accept th.* i,suit at the polls, person and thn.u-li Mr. Lotfi. f.uncomlie str-n-th thej o. \v. (’kytun, cha:rniaii of the The News this week is scndin-to’I'U’ldin-of sand-chiy roads, Mr. I c-onnty n*puhlican i xecativc com- delind.icnt Mi>enl.erssn,nered.lan-i 'Vnh the N.-us. Und-ins took the pains to Use a Ljuice, told the board that iio was t ommis>ioner Wood made It plain ^ro,,d deal of thunder handed out 1 m-e]niblieun and that the eommis- iner;i ix-rs 111'' *po.''i- .tiidd dn- jjiiicale any :;;n >unt v.itetl by ;a ‘ownsbi]) for read bui'dintr })ur- poses and this piaa was e<‘’'sidered on Sutu-(hi.v, but the c<<nimi.'-siun- tu s c(nildr:’i .'ce their way clear to iapjiruvea plan whereby any t.MVii- sliii» wouhl reta i\«* i* r ru.id build- in*' an amount Irt'U!. tlie county cfpial to tliat vc,Ht-d'by si:cli town- shij). [ Hoi in* of the si;<H?cli:*s lie fore t!'0 I boanI on ,S‘turday were ij[nit(* i pointed and tiiey became intercst- jin;; from a poiiti *ei1 staiHijioiat. j Win. Iv Breese, jr., inti::uitcd to the commissioners that th(*y were i on a le:dn^ side politically when they refused to C(»-operate in road ; buiidui'^. lie told them that- road Ibuildim; was tlie ])Opular thin”;, t'lat the citi/.eiis of the coun-.y fa- ' voted it and that when Cummis- i sioners Vvould not irranl the wishes ii-1 the ]>eopu- thi-n the.v would have -: that t (ve f'tivt-ni' .'I'rav 1 ’ ani;t .it t he <T!l;:. “it ; thi' -i:try r.w<\ 'I’ll.' reiii.iiii *r U>ed . 'i hi »•. ■ ■ '.i * ' t h; ta \']iayei s < >1 • he small Me ot w . h it ■ - ..d i iou.".tlids lit d >i - Mil !;e seen from ! t !ci> I; • i in eouiil V silos w.-re iioilt' ill th'* county d,nriiii':. the pa;-'t year. ' h"** liutidred fanni*rs vl'ied '.'('O '■*' hmr- ■iJi'ler a^Ul^'eof t tie lit ■ r ith uii .1.) ! ■. .'‘f r t:ie thinir-- :! a 'enl a^'l taii'^eaad advi.' 1'eii building'-.' 1 !•< -teii : pi-,i\ed; jo 'it.Ills tni’!'i>-h !• l,i-es paint' ,.r white ; ile.l ; pa>! ires estaip-h. ?!. I jia- hn' 111 111 ‘ ^ Mil i;*,- seen from (m-es i-“Mova<t d ; .M) !.:r-iici s HI 1 r ! I eouiily i - dram cr<»p< ' 'O h-'Oie la I ve:ii i/Mi,lvns p’an!ed • ” ’Hun,tvcd; i! *-toi!. I xtr.acts tr*aii I!?** ^ iniiiHc ! h; have sur]ilus repot t - i 1 L. I e* kins, <b‘ni«>n-| f,,]. wintt'r use; .'ir.o diat u l>'» ■ ^ittln.son eiiuntv. (arisier" |ili5nted cover cr ipstobi tlie =‘ieft >jit,Hd(i tie of J'Tcat ‘ j lilt: re.-,t I - • ■■■■tn-;. Ivhllia, eiiiuiiv eoph; Htnl ='="l|V|t!ee 1 hi-m 1 hat I hi ih .--b'iiii'l ‘1-'^’ sitirted hr'K'i* .iiinne- diately in e-d'T tiuieeumpli.>li "reat j jood. dill"!.'.' ihe eoiiiini4' iM'op vea,r jj^er s:^miIs. wlrich means There are ;;‘i>inL'' to f*e some se!‘ious wrecks unless i-c-mittanees are ma.<h* imme- «lia*'C'ly, De.il’l' fail to 'kei p an eye on your subsCTiiitiod liibel. • New Mibscriptieiiis and n ne'«-al-' hcretefor.-' pnblisiied with tlii-'C r.‘ia*ived iltirin-- t'h-> week sliuv*. tliat '.''I n-*'- I I'eticwais been I ( Cl by till* road enj^ine*n- of Ban(*ombe sioners were deinoeruts, that he county. By some means Mr. Wood j yyted against them, but despite consulted him and ^ot what lie j t ins fact they were his represeuta- wanteiL Me consultetl a. man build-1 tivt*s as \vt*li as the reprcseiitittives !\ . ll -ire • .)?!n j:tvv ! Nv w Sul'si. rihi rs that lu? found exactly what he was si'ekintr. He e\]ircsst*s himself as I heartilv in fa vor of buviuij; a rot‘k I i e rnsher dcspit<* t lie O'erw helmi n ■ si'iitiment lierealiouts for s»'id-(‘lay 1 rcmds. Commissioner Wood went ex .acth totheriL'hf place to tret .ill hnild;n<^, and tliere *4ot what he I jHititical capital «»f it if the board the thunder he wanted a^ainsf was scekinLT, infurmation to show |'V'luhl iieip to buiid swine roafis aiid sand clav roads, lit* informs tlie tiiat <-ind-<-h*v was not tlie stuif 1 that he and 1 he reinibliciins would 1 n a V (' ry i > x pen si vo r oa < 1 Aslieville to Weaver ville talked up his methods of from who road ot all other citr/,t}ns ol the eounty that the road aj;itution had lieen kept out of polities and that the j rtpntiiican part^ would not niaki* I'If !'i. ' Mr. Perkins dnrin:>" the year vis ■ iteil liis 1 .rui (le'eioustrator-; hHi j times , isitei! o{h.er fitrmers SM* [times, lioy.* .. tSue ail .1 !•. hit*It U i. I'ar.soii 'Is i<‘ li» ii<iinj.’Ju Ul \V. H <1 (■ Stcv.art J. \V. Dax is f. li. Fi-^Iirr . _ hus.i IhAVi il 1\ 11. Hark ■['. I'!. W, .A!, t'uvii . . Siimurl Mfl all W . 1*. Smmiu-.v vania have traveled flu b j ,, ,, 1 II I 11 1 I (ratiler than «o to the H* i tiiut Nim Hrvson and lloke lludg-:^ vilh* iiostolhce lor road le •, corn club work I hi' golden . . ^ , , ,e- , -1 ' ■! visits , traveled It.--’ miles iiv rail-jj_ f,.. Wliitmirc . . soMi' ll \t e'liMfi I iti;it ! road : I.UdU hr tc*am or automobile : j.luhan Ailisoti ^ T. W a rd of 1 »a ua I'rivw 1 (hi ).;!<*" ot herwise : on<*-1 bird of ajrent's j 4 'Is <;t eurii to the acre bv t irm } *>1”'*' spent ni otllce work : < Ki [i<,|nnti Hfthinsua- 'i ((llicial letters were, written ; ;l.OOO j L. l>. Ktid ■nstralii ii int lhods, rh* lie fe west vii hi t einj? that of i’ Andt*rs »•! iht !''ha\\s ( reek section Four hiiiidred tarnu rs were iri- lluenced t-. n e bi'tler methods in ecrn ^1 o\\ iii!^. The a’ »*i .i-/e nnniber of busluds <*f wheat t ' th<* acre was increased frMtn Id to ['' uri'l r modern ni(*th- oils ; .‘Joo ai es of ry< w<*ri! ttirned und»*r f<.'r soil imprdveim-nt, .‘lU farmers having been ’.iduccHl to plant this crop for the tirst time. circulars on airricultnral suti.iects were distributeil. Renewals !c. R. Sharp Three hundred farmers in t he j ' ] hhet hnipnian eounty ]iractieed tali plowintr as a '|\ Hcniui.t; work, and HM» Kilpalnt k lialK<\vay. rc.sidt ot amii , , , M. Hamet Brevard, K-1 seh'cted si*ed. | Kalu-rt .Allison . Itavidson River Xow, Mr F'armer, don’t you !'p. c<>*enntn (lalloway.. Bit-vard thfiik that a wliooiiintr biu receril, .*flsnu — Brevard \eus man tliat ht* went to the ! 1- iHier.-'on\ille postol'iici* and cw:i- .^u'ted i*o>t master Bi ysoii and As- si>i;tiit I’ost master Hudgins and tiie mute men, feeiimx sure that 1 h» y Vvould b(? v.ell infonnt*d on tlie t‘onditi'-n of tin* roads. Mr. WDod fj;ol all the sarid cl<*.y intor- matiou he was looking for, but lie I'is^ah Feres Jhave to itviorm the Nt*ws lircvard | l.ake Tdxaway ins have been amoni^ liendi‘rson- i’isgah Farest ville’slwt,> bitlerest ••ppoueTlts of sandclay roads. They fiivored eonereto or hitulithie roads and I bitterly fought baiuhelay. They •say sam.i-elav is u fail are. Ri ad EuK'Ot-'t'r Pres Patton will douhtle.ss t»laaly tell any(Hie why Mr. Bryson op|>osed his methods <jf road building. The 1 ural route men left the im- pri's.-'ion with Mr. Wood that the roads were almost inipa.ssable—and ht“ says lie didn’t take the pains to travel over them. Tt'.crt^ are six rural routes out of Hendersonville and siu(!e the yoy- ernmenL requires that the same route lie not covered twice by the in -I- e- ! :--t ivn-v.,1,! ’e>l. i t .s. l!rt-\ ai 'l lir(.\ard Brcvrttd bn vard H-1 . . 1‘is^ah Fyrt* :i I’isgah Ftjrrsl ..Pis{i:,ah Forest . Balsam (ir<m^ .......Crdar Mt. I’isgah l-'arest ..Hunker, Wash. . . -Brevard, K’-] . JVnrose _ -Calvert Candler Rainier, Oregon ..Bunker, Wash. .»them in every way possible iu ( ommissioner \\ ood cami; hack 1 tiijs jjrof^ressivi' work. with flu; imj.ression (nof tlu* ]>roof) I {^-niiment is .so stron<^ for good that some of tin* sand clay roads in ’’oads that the jiastors havi^ taki*n liiMiderson coimty were axle-dee' in muil : that tliey wen* in mu w’orse Condition than those of'I'* - -i- syl vania. Numbers of people in T’ <t. yi 1- ■ 1- :l!i ..--Seiiea . - Brevard Cherry field Brevard . -Brevard ilH , . , ^ , n -• I'- tiillespie which not a sii;^jh* mat! in Ileiuu’i- lin.vrui Club son (tounty i*an authoritatively dis- \V. U. U arren Such proi.'ress as tl ( ontinued on pap;e three. pute? Such proi.'ress as that was H. <• .! r > in ! 1.. W. 'irooks Brevard Brevard Brevard Seliea _ - Brevard Xheriytk'ld forniation') and they rep f found them in exeellect .1. U. lianilin irjoin s > iie ' that for the past wveral v;= has t'requi*ntly travd the |iritiei- pal roads of Hendt rsou cuuiitv and ilidn’t find any !it any i:me tliat a iiorse could not travel over in a trot. (,’onmiissioner Woi : s’-iys that he has not inspected t! Henderson county roads nor has he consulted Fhif^ineer i'atton on- of the ehain- l)ion road builders of the iSouth, whose expert opiivion of sand-elay roatls was I iiiti.-iied in the News on Fob. 1. Felix liauL of Cedar Mountain mall carriers dnnng any one day the .six mall carriers have to travel | town Thui.->day. insignificam trails, to nuikenj^^g E. Mull and family and T. Z. their routes, were in llendersunville ‘he (jui stion in the puljnt. Kev. ►\)OV(*y of the .Metliodisr »ho at tile good roads _*ting suggested the plan of th« lunty's duplicating any iue t of bonds voted hy a town- was iilain in his sermon San- l, V mornin*; in saying that pres- , = (‘ouditions were a disgraci* ; at a 'uaii couldn’t walk ilown the oad without getting out and tres-. passing on somebod.v's land. The pastor says he has been unabh* to make his calls in the ct>nntry for the reason that the mail has inter fered with Ilia walking facilities and that he has no horse. Kev. A. W. McDaniel of the Bap tist church brietly referred to the road situation in his sermon on thi- night of Feb. ti. TltUEATKX TO IIKSKJN. Pressure was bronght to bear on the commissioners Tuesday to such en extent thar Commissioners Ly- dav and Fisher are said to have threatened to resign their otlices. 'J’hey are said to have deidared that the.y vvould resign before they vvould a])prove any of the plans submitted by the road men. Com missioner Wood is said to have ])revented the resignations since he i>h'adi‘d with his otlieial associ- latesto consider the matter of res ignation until SSatnrday, when nothing new on this snbjeet was heard.

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