Bring ycur faiiiy to \\t County Commgncemei 1 I Largest Ad in this Issue H, Palterso.i Objcct: The Promotion of the Agricultural, Gvic, G>mmercial, Educational, InJustrial and Moral Life of Transylvania County VOLIIMK-XXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. APRIL 7. I9K). NUMBER-14 4 COUNTY COM'ENC'M’T TO BE HELD tPRIL 14 INTERKS I (X)N'rbS I'S WU,l 1^* \\ I rNlvSSLD Outline l’ro«:riim Arranseil For Biu Invent to Uc Tiu“ 'i vtiiiKi ronnty rtmi- nifiivejni-iit ' ■ oil Fna:.v ! n.M Nviyk. Iho 1 . I,.,! t .*r t hi* miuri'ss utia V«iida ttly prr- w!' 'I'hc ibU lit IS vtir- iMu> I'lsi*. and sivukt‘1 "I tIU' tHH'aSli'tl voiitrd tr «‘»nnity r'Ui" > lllfi lU SiK 'lI • doubt 1 I, * > > F ■■ ^i*c'Ur rd. Sonu' ^ to send ut tlie ]mpil> ! will taU.' i ' IS prufirani ^ ’ SSOIIH* I '! ■ ^ iin'iiCftiH I ' tfst in s|> (•nth t:ra = l< *rst hi t \\ < dtH'laniaf lU'tWi'rll : nn‘nrt inr: ' cfnsistir ' yiird da> 1 iota t Ilf .Tunvp. . ti t)OVS t i l I" !ik(‘r will Ik' unntlL' '■ and >r "T i lVtt‘i->on A Ity tli<' I i * iiishi'd hv others. HENRY OBn •f|j m. Arrest inyr on B County Serious She rifT Fir , t t*ull« il rransylVH’ for hclji arrt-stiiiir H : liuvitiir sh. liowinanV - l)i*i»nt\ > ■ willi !>an \ to lu'lp in ! tion ; did not r* \Vednes<lny didn't takr itThcr ottic' ported to ! seen ritlini. H nlle «ft**i • tnils of till Deputy Hh) Dr. r.ill - dressed thf 'J’he New ' I licit tion tn wliere th<* Mn account thttt the Wednesdiiy. was Taet'ila^ •‘The Shr: rille and t!ir* fd i;. S. Slli;:' day niorni luuise Htnl It' ^lis slnniljcr .. “Mr. Orr wounih'd ll. said to have to kill him, < )rr IS report diifense. M'• ruisetl ^^Tnint;. “The shoi t afternoon a!i> it i.s siiid, SH A niorning wit - , Imts have I’ailt'il ! jiient eonceritint: ; schools who ; . conte.-t> ; so if ■ve n eoniph*tt‘ i-‘ist's this wf»‘k. , iirrs nt' t he iHHii- will l)<‘ a con . Ht\th and sev- I ri' it ition coii- ' ‘il t^iatle • ■! la t ion 1‘ontesis > .1 ]iuplls. corn Sield sports ;i I'd dash, 1 Ot 1— : iit"!!, shot ]»ut. ni jtinip, hiL:h 'ill*, spi»rts tw»I a will bt' ad- ' , Ilf u warded to n iiHber. In Will be .■ f■ I tlie S“C- . third, 'riie nest number I’itmm school, lals will he ii all dechinia- ■'pidlini; con i-end by those ■*ts tor t he lirst .11 bv Row. Me inmial t^iven will Ite tiir- - .bihnsun and ufiARGED WITH HENRY CANTRELL ’ t >liu*ilay Morn- Uton li> Henderson ■; I rs; Wounds not «ii OF LU. FC. I..ES Picture of Hotel Cra, y; iT'NSYlVANIA FARMERS Run By Mrs. S. M. Peters ! will i>ffor for sale, as tin* law dirci ts, at the court Imuse door in Iht' town t»f lircvanl, N. C.. at 12 o’rloi k, iu»on, on the lirst Monday in May, beinfj the lirst day of May, all the toHowinfj described lands on whieh taxes are now (hu- and unpaid. .1. H. PK'KKLSIMKK, Sheriff and Tax Collet tor. Brevard Township. Avivs A int. Allison, (' H 1 $ 3 55 Allis(Hi. Mrs Millie 1 , 2 72 .Andi-rson, Mrs D H 1 b.t 5 21 .Andrews, (u*o W 2 lots 5 5.1 .Anten, R C 1 lot (> 41 .Allison, .A F, estate 5 (. 07 Bagwell. .M it I lot 7 ,50 Bracken,W O 2S 17 73 Bracken. H W .10 10 10 Bracken, M E (»5 l(t .S.S Brevard Brick 'file Co. 2'» 11 71 Brvson. Sam llol U 51 Burrell, B 13 40 Boyden, .Mrs .Mary, estate 1 lot .1(1 ttl Clayton, .1 E I lot 103 90 Cruse, L (i 1 lot 4 32 Cunnin^;ham. M (i I , 5 03 Cunningham, .fasoij 5 52 DeVane, Mrs .M.iry 3 lots 20 07 DiA'ane, 1' L 2 lots 1(>(> 8S iHukworth. Mrs Ella F 2 lots 27 07 ICdwards, Miss M .1 2 lots t. 07 Flowe, ,i l.t e 1 tot 3 82 Floyd.J T 1 lot 5 21 F(tnlaine, V 1 lot <> 3J Calloway, R M 15 51 Hall. Fred M 1 lot 5 21 Hamlin, Jot* 1 lot 21 11 Hawkins. .\1 P 25 lit 7.1 Henry, Pat 1 lot 11 .17 Howell. .Mrs (' C ■» 5 5.1 Hume, Miss Jennie ; lot 1(i 5(» •lenninj^s, Charlie 1 lot 5 21 Jones, F [ 1 lot •1 32 l.aine, T B 1 lot t 07 Lannin^:. J K W ') 1 . .1!) 30 Mactie, .S .M 1 lot 12;* 77 .Minnis. Wm .IS 44 M Mills. J W ' . 1('S .Morrow, R 11 1 lot 1.1 it> I) IIM m sx- m ml sf K g mum 'The :d)Ovc i)hotoj4ra])li sho’vs iIk* <nitward appeal nnces of Hold Crary, Hrcvard's ucwc-st coiiimcrcial hostelry, which was opened liv Mrs. S. M. I’elers nn March i. 'fhis hotel, w Iiieh contains lo rottins on llic u]»[K‘r iloor, with loUlc/. (liniii.e room alul sample room on the eround llnMf, was recently chanecd t'roiu store nionis and liviui', u]Kirlmeiits inli> connnoiii* iis hotrl quarters. l>urin:4 March liicre were 6u rcj^istration'^, a showint^ his^hh' cii- c.inr.i'’in‘> to Mrs. IV ters, whttliclieves that alter hcctmiinir thorinii'lilx’ LIST OF THOSF BUY!NC; MODERN FARM TOOI.S Full Car [>oad of Fuini imple ments adds I*at;e to Ajiricnltu- ral '1 hrift <»f ilie County. “Don't Ordt'r ; tDoyle.” 'I’liD l(»rei'oiti;' is a tiriei, i!UH»- cont-lookinf'exhorta ion with which ewry .Wlvuii \alh y .sews i.aUe; IS tlnjrouijhiy familiar. it souihIs a lit lie qtieer to the .-'tranj^er i)Vit when irnji irla nei (lawns upon the reader 1. ; i nm -lU ately s»u*s tliat I’. ,\!. d, {li'- iircvard Hardwal’t; coinp t i\ is eii tli-avorin^ tn .'lulve tiie m.ui < I'Uei nusinessin this scctiuu h. .-i ([lie.-.!. SOOD BYE DEADBEATSi IT'S TIME TO PAY IIP MERCHANTS ORGANIZING AGAINST POOR PAYERS 'Fransylvani'i County Business Men Join Movement for Elim inating bad Payinjf Persons Do you ])ay your hills promptly? (>r do you pay slowly ? < )r do you pay at all? These qu»;stions will ho ansi^'eral i>y tile entire c-ommiinity to tht? i)U>ines.' and proiesslonul men of this si'ction t>y a «lirectory, which IS being coMipiled find ijur»iished h.y I he .Mereliantr^ Mercantile Agcney. I It has tjceiu (le unanimous coiisenr jot live bur'liH'SS men lo ado))t M. j .''Vstcut by uliicii j«‘oj>le have or c^tal'lished she will have a fel l M'oud ar.d w hicli will lUsiness ol reward MU] •]> which ht. lor iici' ai;<l the lahtirs. town will McCiaha, Klzie .Mi'Munv. Dr W T .Mcdaha. Keba and Leslie N’eLstnv. Sam .Newton, .Nirs S Uaktirov*' I'emeterv ;\s'n Osteen, Xaiu y Owen. Frank (' Parker. Jithn tt i{«d)inson, .\!ar;;:ir»-t A Robinson, 1‘ 11 iV ( o Robinson, F ,1 K<tuinson, (' 11 R<ibms<m *5i Hill Shipman, Mrs VI L Sitton, Mrs Kate \ Souther, 11 L Sumniey, T B, jr TroUcr, Morris K rinslev, A W Wallaee, Mrs .1 C Waters, .Ino O Whitmire, (I W Williams, .1 11 Wolf & Kennedy Wood, W L . 1 lot L’l 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 I lot 1 h.l 2'* 12 lots S lots s lots 1(1 lots I lot t lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot I , O lolv 2 !ot> lloke. DM (>''I f iall, <; W 2S ‘>7 ! Rahb, .lennie, heirs 1*> ‘M ‘ Kaini-s. (' .A n Stt I Ktiodes. Mrs .^I .M 11 .V»: Rcynidds, .1 T 17 7‘> I K’cvnolds, Jule 17 20 7 S.1 5 2.=5 25 l(> .^7 02 .^2 .<2 .'2 U.\ -S I 2t 2 SO S 70 Sunnney, T B. adm’r Tinsley. F P , Wilson, David Wilson, (I l’'iddilla Wilson. -Mrs Pink. h<-ir; Wilson. Aaron 12M .St)(• ,'■>() 10 .>'1 10 lo 12.S 1 1 ,V»5 2.^ •Is 1<> 2S I A. <'. Lyday of ■13 49 town Mondav. [ <' *2 I ,1. M. Z ichary of f'alv t iwn .MondaV. Eastatoe I'ownship. 15 lo 2.^ !li iiderson conn- rilT s olfic** of Monday niirht > Kiui: for and : ■!mr:Z<*d with . = :nrrt*ll in the ) .111'- Harris h'ft 1, an automobile ’ : :ii The direc- " riff Drake and until 1 o'clock iiii:. Hi< hunt * I t he pi,-tee (tf t he "heritV Drake re- ! :• -Mr. Orr was - and armed with i;>K.tlT’tr. Xo d(*- were h*arned by . i- said to have i" < f Mr. ('antrtdl. ■ ■ ived a coinnui- ■ Mojlston .sectit was made, f^ivinj; •• atTair. It says was made on ll I, hut the 1th Me report follows: troin Henderson- lier m<*n surronnd- Iiom»? VVednes- nd .M'archcd tlu^ Henry (>rr from iTi'steil him. to have slu>t and Cantrell, who is n a cltih on him him so, and Mr, ha ve shot in st*lf- ■ atrell is alleged to racket the same took place in the o'clock. Mr, C)rr •‘Ir. ( antrell in the t knife »*pen in his ('antrell is reqiort •d the ra«*ket. BKEVAK!) roLOKia*. Anders in, H !. 1 .\ndorson, R .\ 1 lot Benjamin, W H 1 lot Bowman. Tony . 1 lot Howen, A T - Dudley, Ida . 1 Huff. Perry I + Hemjdiill. .Mary, heirs 1 lot Kemp, Pink Lvneh. Alf 1 Mills, Hd 1 lot MrFall, 1- Sharp, Sam 1 lot Whileside, K*>y 1 lot Boyd I'ovvn.shjp. Bird. W E 2 Blythe & Justus 2 Blvthe, t'lvde 5 t'arnos, H 'J- «•« Duncan, .Mrs .Minnie 70 Clayton, Mrs '1' 1) »o Clayton. Kphraim, heirs 130 Fowler, Mrs N'eoma lU C.alloway. Mrs E T 1‘) Harkins, H H . 10 Henslev. Klla, heirs o2 Orr. HD ;\iken, Emily, heirs .-\iken I’icree 15 M I ('onley, .1 T { j Chai»man. Cyrus I Carolina 'I'imber Co 'j (d I ('annon, .1 .A ; 1 lodson. (i j;;! i Dodson, W R. hciis ^ ^ M 1 Jodsorj, .1 \N !.'> 7tt j Fontaine. V ! C.nilow.-iv. W ('. heirs ~ i (lallowav, T (I. heirs ' Calloway, .1 H i tiray, Robt 1 0(); CTrimshawe, C • i ‘>7 j Housed, .1 1'- S 08 j Holmes A; Ivvans 5 -10 , Lance, Ed 0 0] i .Montvale Lumber C(» 1 ,S(j ! Meeee, W .\1 <) 70 : .Neal, Rhoda E,and Fi.sher 12 2li W C, estate S 22 j .Neal, Rhoda o o2 ; l’» ndleton, 'I'u^^ijh lo s7 I Powell, S .A ■' 07 7 12 12 07 M O.S 12 15 2 10 IS 82 12 22 0 52 S «j8 Ruse, .Maxwell South River Lumber C< Shook. .1 S Whitmire v<: Robinson Whitmire, .N .N, heirs Whitmire & Shu ford 100 .>00 125 1.^ 107 151 lOu 100 100 105 I ■too 1 (10 1 INU 0.^ 12S 37.1 II 50 10S5 110 115 221 JO •10 4(>0 2 OO t 21 5 27 5 11 1 7.< lo .10 2S 10 9) 2 .HO 1 00 2 7'» I r* / h 10 11 lo ♦ > H7 1 00 7 2.1 s 40 1 17 0 0.1 1 17 0 15 7« 5.1 15 1 S7 77 0* 7 52 5 22 11 Itt 5 00 .1 .10 .'•'s 7s 11 07 5 20 10 75 11 IS 2 00 1 5(. 17 .11 enrose was in ■rt was in inj' prospeetive mall or»l ‘r ( a n*oii> j t tn'ir names printed in a directory to sec liim lor prices hejore ouler- j lor instant mlurmation to tht^ miM- ’"p; . 'ehant as to just h'iW tiujy liavc I his j)ersist(*nt advi*ri .sin;^ cam- j paid their d>>. om‘, drii^'oi>t, dentist. ptii^Xn ot the llrevard ll i*dv/arc j ^rocur, drv floods, merchant, hard- eompany has meant a ”^o ^d li-at tofj ware, dealer, rent man, real Iransylvania in disCvMo i;;ii!L;' aiail | oiate, ji^welrv, iurniturc, ptauib ortlt'r business and it lias douni les.> j i r. pubd-'htr and pr.nter, and evt.o v meant a ^rt'al deal in tlie .vay a^M-ieulttiral pro^n-ess ftu- th ^ coun- ! ty. us was frithen'd Inan a ])ai:e- 'advertisement in th(‘ News lust Week lellinj^ of the exin- ted arri val of a car load «d' faim imple- menis, .Said t ) tie the lirst. solid cur load ever shii»[)cd int«j 'I’ransyl- vania. Knt)wini,' that th(‘ joirehascr- ot this innclijnery stand in tlie :an j.'uard or a^rinnltnral j,ioj;ress in | this secdion the Nows }ii,s s* eurt d tr<jm Mr. Doyle t)i(*ir ,’;J!.mes and ! and addresses with a list of i.iiple- nients jilaccd for the pla!>nn r. « ul KuLTcne Southern of (’herrvficdd was in town .Monday. Mrs. F,d. lioftis left Tnesdav on a visit to iicr ]iarents in Ash<*vilh*. tivatinu: an«l reapin': ot Ui - crop. Tht*yare tin* “v.hos of Tran.sylvania farmers. Th<*se tools un^ ma t I t ternational llarvcsTer whose re]>rt'scntativt‘. i Ce.trir.' .Milhd-of Lake To.\awav i recently joined \|r IS \isitin^' N ieholson. his sister, .Mrs. Santii* ^rt ‘atf'T Mrs. .lulia 'rrowbritltre, who has been visitiiiL; in the North forneai- ly a year, has returned to Brevard ini{)lt :ien;: ?drs. <'. II. I'laiMni; ol deliirhted a number of till* Auditorium Monday riiiiht with li.-r iiniH'rsouations. Ash.'Vill.' pt*opl(“ at canvass of tin eounty. Tliis car (d' this wei'k. fjisreil with t!u) tttols rhei an oil tractor Mo'^nl s..i i-. jiloW of which cuts 2'' ll!' ’ ceiitlv placed l»yMr. Dt> ’e. niaehine was pu’-chasctl ^ , ( hieal Cantrell of Islmd ' r ; Mary (tallovvay of t ar. . r .1. W. Mc.Minn and family ]^rff j the order an li-p. oil en*.' i,. Saturday on H visit to his sister, corn crusher. Mrs. L. II. IL.uston at (ireenville. t There are a few to.d They renirned Wednesday. iharrows, dra^' liarr -w se J )a ra t ors, ni o wa ■ rs a n(la t \ .1. Bislioji. wlio is workintx for iphmter, not yet placed, tlie (Iraliam L imber eompany of lowing have been sold : A>!ievilU\ visited his family in lire- ; vard the early jiart of the wt>ek. j Ki;.\rc( KV coltN , ' Two-llorst* t’orn I rowbridire is attend one to wiium Ihey tjvvt' money, who e.Klend^ tUcmcrtHlit. 'I’lH! system is hy no means uiicw one. F(tr years the .\i»*rchants' Me ream tie .Vf.'ency has written credit direct'iries tor over -i' states in th'/ Cnion, and more iiian five million men a re supporters of the iXiiiUe. au!i more taan twenty mill- I'lii j “op.e ai l- l atvdlii t 111.-' sy^lenl. • ■. < arlvle IJeil. u-pr(-si-ntin^ the Mercantile .Viieiiey, i.-» canvaUL,' the fuisuiess and proies- sional im-n ol I'rausy 1 vania ( (Uinty wila tiu; view to publi.-'hini'a cred it rating iijok. This tjouk will i on- .eci 's! tain names of the people and tni'ir v\du/'I eredit .-t:tndir;g (jt I'olk, llendcrsi.m jUiiU Tnuisylvunia countu:s. I Members of the orgurnzation in 11' Uder.-'onvilie report .salisfactitin !',»vi-r 1 hcir cijlh-ctions given up a> I :-a*l accuitui:'. j Willie s«.tverai nu'mbers have ; been seeurvd in 'rran.-ylvania, oTir- '•■'■s will (iuubiless join the liioVe : Hu nt as iir. lioii lias not coaiplet- ] I'U Ills ca.ilViiaS. ! The luunes of those joining foU i t he In- l o' 1J a a> , 1. e'omp Do . in a ;* 1 * ot tin; >‘in IS Ti - Th-s !t-. ir; . :!rist 1 1.1 re.: ereatn -!,.or>e tiu fh. fol- Prof. r. 11. in; of .Miles S. 1 )unn. T he session of Tht* (.eneral P.oanl i ,, Kducation of tlu* .Methodist ' ’ hureli. South, at 1 lirnrinirhani, Ala. Gloucester Township, pocket when Mr otl as Imving r: “Mr. Orr m • ... tc» Jmvebeen pre- jKireii ior him m self defenst*. **Mr. (’aiiti r ] WHS not hurt .so hut that ho ran i the house after the shooting. *'The sherilT and three other men prowled aronntl the lionse from 12 o’eloclc until day light. lookinf» in at the windows. “It is bf‘licv(*rl they tracked Mr. <.)rr with a liiu ‘ noYU —coi.oHiai. !• (*wen. Vess . . . S s .si ! Orr, .Mrs M J 2 3 2(. Kemp. OS . . - . S5 4 70 Ballard. W M .. . 7 H 59 Walker, Harristm 1 5 48 Morgan. John, heirs 1 2 54 Cathey’s Creek Tow’nship. Boise Lumber Co. val. $1.V)5 23 58 Dobson, (i W 15 3 22 Dodson, J W 15 3 22 Duckworth & Shuford 92 8 27 Dunn. M S 1.^2 50 27 Fisher. W ('. heirs 2 lots 18 08 (Jalloway. W C. estate 89 8 28 (Jravley, I. B _ 25 (» 25 (iarren, .Malinda. 50 5 0(» Lanninji, J K W (>7 8 49 Moore, .M N 19 12 60 Mull, J C . . 1 lot 4 09 .McMinn, N E 52 28 99 Rosman Improvement Co 1 lot (. 84 R(»sman Realty Co — .^0 lots 105 83 Stanley. J C 40 8 81 Whitmire, Mrs Lizzie 2 lots 4 (.8 Zachary, J M 13 24 99 CATHKY’s CkKEK COl.OKEO. Anderson, Mrs Lou 2 74 127 2(> 75 1 lot U 07 1057 ()0 ()<» 5 1 9(. 50 4 25 5o 5 04 97 28 25 11 24 152 22 72 110 12 S5 75 11 .s7 40(> Ml 15 20 4 2(. 28 3 14 375 23 79 50 4 25 75 (> 37 140 15 48 87 9 72, 50 3 80 ! , 55 7 52 : 150 17 87 1 ,50 3 75 j 213 17 87 ! 13 5 90 7 96 ! Dunn’s Rock Township. Batson, H J, heirs 90 4 20 Cox. Frank, estate 287 21 41 Candler heirs, $630 val 10 00 F^mmerson, Mrs Amanda 100 5 14 Heath. 0 O 10 1 97 Holden, Mrs M A 50 3 08 Hamet, AS 124% Hines. W J, estate .^07 5 93 Hamet, W A, estate 1(K) 5 14 Hardin, A L 181 10 22 Hurlee, P J 10 . 2 57 Cialloway, Ml' Cialloway. W F C.reen River Lumber Co Glazener. Cu-c*. heirs I (iallowav, .lessie F _ , Head, Jt^hn '* 61 ; Jac<»bs & Cook ^ 1<|; McCall. Harve W ' ! McCall. .lames .M McCa 1. W W ^ McCall. .Miss Roxi .McCall, Mrs Etta, Moore, .Mrs C .M Owen. Dillie —.— Ranisur. Flem Scott, J .-V Shuford, C«eo A and I Whitmire. T D W W' Zachary Hogback Township. Aiken. \Vm, heirs. 125 Burrell, S B — 100 Carolina Timber Co -_710(» Cash. A 1*. heirs.. 100 Fisher, .1 W 19 Fisher, John, heirs 9.50 Fisher, (J \V 50 Fisher, J C 50 Fisher, W A 50 Fisher. W J — 30 (iallowav, Mrs J P 130 (irimshawe. C 40.> Hall. Mrs W P .. 10 Hitching, Lacy — 1 lot Kitching, Susan 1 lot McCaU, W C. 51 Miller, T A 27 •Morrow, R H - 55 Nestly. .Mary F' . .. 1 lot Neal, J B, ' ; interest in_. 150 Neal, Rhoda E 300 Owen, S C, heirs 100 Reece, Mrs LE 160 Reid. C. W 7 Rains, EN 86 Schroder, Carl 1 lot Mrs. I*. Xolile Simons several ladies with her ]>iano reii- tal for the benefit of th(> Ladies Auxiliary of the Haptist chundi Saturday at the homt* of Mrs. Ida lirvant ' Fiank Morigan.. : Frank llayes j ('. 1\. ()sbornc lileasrdt'*- ^ Cantrell. (>ne-Hors«* (). .1. Morgan W. K. Osborne !aci.:.s. I i Plant' rs. Selica Calvert ■ * '!i<T'’;-*te..i i f’lu'rryta id ; !!revard ^ P>rt‘Vunl i Planters. | Penrose j Ib'e'. ard i A LIVELY CHASE Kev. Iv H. Norwood provided him>(df and Pisgah Forest a little excitement Saturday hy chasing his run a-way horse for a Itrisk run between the oflice of tht* tanning plant and tin* bridge. Ho caught tin'horse. No dania<re was done. Whitmire, V\' M Whitmire. .Mrs L R cKniRosK c’UK\>i si;r\K\ roi{, .Mrs. R. S. Boyd Penrose OH.VlX KINOKRS. li, B. Orr Blantyre W. A. Braynard I’ciirose MAXI UK si*ui:.\itKi;s. T, ,1. and Jeff Wilson Brevard E. D t’layton Penrt se MowKKs \M> i:aki-;s. I :re vard—Brtfvard Mardw-ire ('o., ,\ 1 ;u*! it * B n KI It! D r u g ('o.. 1 > uc R vv or 11: .JrugCo.. ,'^ylvan X'allev .News, 'I’, a,, .-.lit lieli, .1. K Clayton. Fanmns Sun]ily <’o., Co-\ iVl.' Kiliiatrick, Ai ken A' Brot»ks, C. Vtoigue, A. N. •b-r.kills iV Co.. Bri'Vard Lum!; -r (,’o. Kosman—C. B. (lla/.enei, B.<i. iV. Co., U. >. .'.1 organ. I’isgiih Forest—Brown i’utton Co- Davidson Kiver—.\ . 11. I'lckelsi- nier. lihintyrc—I’ick'-lsinitn* tV Hamil ton, Blythe iV -lustici*. Y.iNSTREL SHOW DOMING ?dahoney's Moilel Mobile .Min- str*'ls are bo<^ked for Brevard on iie\t Saturday afternoon and night. A street iiarade is promised. EREVARD LUMBER CO. BUiLDINC j The Brevard Lumber conqiany is erectinii a ware house to the (*ast of its office bviildin*; for the storagi- : of hniltling materials. : This firm has added fertilizers to its hu-'iness and the in(‘rt'ased stock , t of hoilders' snjjplies and this farm L. Allison 1 l’<o^sf pi-,,duct niadi^ larirer tpiartt'rs nec- B . Pa.xtou < Iierrylu ld | structure is two-sl i)is<’ ('n;r! vA '-oiis. Zachary, Mrs W W, heirs Little River .Mlison, M (> Burns, J A Burns, W .M . Burns, J W ; Ball, Marsh 5 00 ' ^ " ilkins 43 IS 91 360 6 67 U.‘) 60 6 98 5 25 48 41 5 00 Copes, John (1 Couch, Carl Clayton. E B and J E interest in Clavt(*n, J E Hiatt, ML c Holley, Mrs Francis. . ^ I Jones, John, .. 1 II j Jones, S x\ .. 5 42 ; Jane Vs 26 * Lawton. J H 4 16 I Taylor •» ( n .Markham, Columbus 2 7 07 ! McOaha, Walker, heir ^ j McCall, Taylor ( 2 l*crrv. James !i 2 58 ! W 15 20 i Sum"iey-W P 26 20 I ^ - 5 ,,() Irescott, \V S Discovery. Z 4'# I 6 32 i Tinslev, (I 11. C C 55'. 2 60 Lee & Hays, C C, $150 5 190 59 15 72 166'. 3 210 65 71 60 8 85 ■+ Oh 38 77 44 22 s 10 59 71 48 _ 1 43 9 52 2 94 15 40 20 (i2 5 14 15 .55 7 63 13 95 12 11 18 (>7 13 99 3 7( . 7 83 5 90 4 47 5 (K) 2 24 \V. 1>. (ilazener Br<>vard .leiT Blythe C{u*rry1ield .Iordan Whitmire ('hi'rrylit'Iil R. S. Boyd Penrose 1>1SC H VKKOWS .M. S. Dunn (t. a. ('layton ,I O. (’antrell (two) H, (’. Sims James .Merrill J, A. McCrary nuA*} (I’l-iti; T. S. Wood W. A. Bavnaid A. F. Paxttin Lee Norton J. J. Patton Davidson Ri'er F. N. Fowler Kilgo E. (i. Whitmire Cherrylitdd IL N. Robinson Kiliro I and ‘i-1 52 feet in dimension. -story, Selica Penrost' . P.rf*vard Bri'vard Penrost* Penrose M AliKtJWS. Brevartl Blantyn* (.!herry field Laict' 'Fox 1 way 7 23 j^ntton WiLson 8 09 3 10 () 83 3 10 7 01 2 52 30 94 9 57 4 47 6 30 4 26 3 79 (> (»7 2 12 J. ('. and J. Monteith (i. W. Hayes of Selica was town Saturday. A. E. England of Turkey Creelc wasf* Brevard visitor Monday, Es<|nire (Jeo. Wilson of Penrose was in town Monday discussing the [)olitical situation. BOOSTING BUILDINC AND LOAN (.\ndrews Sun) The Brevard Builduig sind Loan association has built n«*aiiy PH* homes in Transylvania conatv at an aAi'raire cost of abont >=2.o(tn, which is more evidencti tc ’ Ik li. ae fit a town tind countv' may «ieiive fnnn :i bnildlnirand loan tiSsociatii'n. x\n effort was made sonii time airo t<j orgjinize a buildim; and loan assoeiation here hut for some rea son little interest wais taken ni t ht> movement. SWAIN TO NAME CANDIDA Mr. and Mrs, Joseph S. Silver- stein returned Saturday from a visit to New York. Penrosi' By common consent of the " -'ir Sapphire connties comprising this scna'oii .1 vlistrict, this yei*r it is the fii t- • t in Swain county ft> nominate n < democratic eandiilate to rt'orc r. the district. Wt* have heard « • - cral names n.entioncd in ;* ” tion with tlie nomination, ac g them being Capt, J. Ij. (-iib-* i > i Brysoti City, R. J. Roane -'t vS . tit‘V. Kelly E. Bennett of .i; y n ('ity. Rev. Josh C’aPionn o. i' I (’reek, and Mev, John WooiL- (4r.tssv i>.anch.—Bryson i Times.

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