Bring pr faniily to tlie Sunday School Rally Largest Ad in this Issue Farmers’Sup. Go. Object: The Promotion of the Agricultural, Civic, Commercial, Educational, Industrial and Moral Life of Transylvania County V()l,iniK-X\l BUEVARl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AIMIII, 21 1910. NUMIiFK- ic, ♦ BREVARD SCHOOL YEAR CLOSES ON FRIDAY \U)R\l\(. AM> KVI NINC PIUK.KAM \KKAN(;iJ> C’NTY GOM'ENOEMENT LARGELY ATTENDED \i\G EVKN'r IN ANNAI.S 01 LOCAL EDUCATION Hi'citatiuns, I)oc‘laniiitions, De- j ^ ;jr;ule of School C/liildren; hate f»n- Moriiin^; Address, Class I xcrciNOs at Ni^ht. I’hf l.finard will i;ii> Wt'riv. l';c tllliil I* Xt’I'l’lNr.s 'irhl ^ : v in:^hi. > ' • ‘ ‘at t 111' Au- I' 1 lK‘ <‘\-l aiUTI!;-!. ■'i Uuii r;- 1’ . li-- . ! ■ i u I ■ '-nui 1 i i i ' Interestiitjx I'xercises; List of riioso Winninj; I’ri/es. L:isf rii'iav was anotlM'r ixfrn f tlav 111 th*‘ t'thicat1 history i>l I’l :i II-VIVM ?) ia !•: unt y. 'i hi‘ lotirth ••tuiiify coimni'ncf- the LiIiesi™SDAY,»PRIl25,BIG SUNDAY SCHOOL RUIY lllll. s I "'*'>'*"1 '‘lul.irt n at-.'i !»v '■: ih'lu. r till- I trachi IS th>‘ citv irrailt il i ■M'l <■ , u V M ^, I'hrv Jtldrci',! •(] ill (ltui!ll‘-j tU'' Tlirou;:); s>'in«- of llw : I itiiirrhmi: in t hi‘ AI’ditoi-i f:;n. \v!i(>!->> II,ti Mil., .1 ' u» 11 i n ;r ]tri'.rra:n ci nn pi tsci! ! 1 li<‘ yu:«‘!'.’isii.ti nl * ,, ,, iiln’ M;s- s .!«ill Ksnu, I a t ii-Tis. ’' a ( I'ars', , , . ■ . , I , ■ ilt'fiaiiii'it'itMis aiHi ::n acuri'ss bv < . i» r tmii <■!' Svlv:;, was r<'ii- t. . . WiUl tn III'' !’act Tnaiiy I tilt' Ncfiiinls lui'i* hi-f ii (•I()S>'tl fui'I ■ ^ >i'V*"t'a. 1 .vn-ks. w ■ n«it irtaiiy J ^ = t!ii* I iMi* j't-i* ].a!'iicu I ji-atiiii: i.!i 'he 11'^ Irsi'-'. aciiint ti’ii ! ‘ 1 Iv'HIS-..’5 ^ t"-' < "'"I ri ■■ llaV’.Sr"!', ;r Mi ( ,i -ir:i at Icn m COl NTY-WJDi: AFFAIR I OR SUNDAY SCHOOLS C<jiintry I’eople to Feast on lire varti; Ititerestinj^ l*ro};rat)i; ()ri'>:in of Movenient. o*‘,v4" ■II. J I LIES i’Cdr ij nicssd'zc at the l:\asterl "riic Sniiday srlvnols of 'rrtnisyl- vaiiia county will hold a i»:i; ijtily ill Ilii'varU on 'l'uf>(lay, A;ti il ‘.'.i. At the to\vii>li)j( rally lidil l:ist yea!’ it \va~ to inal. i- it an ainiiial cvnt.aiHl tlu.>.- liaviiiL,' tii«- Ciiu^r of t]>(^ Sumlty si !iu<.ls at ticart liavf dfciil'Ml io • niaii.'' t!ic territory and have a la ni.ty*’ a IVa i I-. "Phi'o’'_v.-ct uf till* T'allv is ! i.n liv'-n Sunday sidvMi] v.m- k anii i-rr all' irvt'a 'T fi'ilo'A ~1np aii^l i- . i .p•• r.arii ti .-.inoTiir thi- < !.-y >iin‘4 tini: l!;oSi‘ i-f all d ■no’uitial loii.- '.rili [ a L'l-r,! i Ih*' I'ally . * < > 1 k <ir >V!' aiid lli'cvard Siiuday |>'(‘!io(.Js V. lii fnvni<h the' rcfv;':-!; ' iiH-nts. ilinnci- will he .-■•rvi'd on i (({..pvaid in-tituli ;/roi,uds I A*x<‘rcis('s will !)»' ladil at tia- iTi-ti I tUt,‘. I >i; i \(. !• THE LYCEUM PliOGRAM AKD THE GUARANTORS RLDPAHI i.yc:lum bureau ASSURI.U FOR BREVARD ■ i; \ '-i I'xceilent 'I'alent for I>ycetjru (bourse t't Here Next OctoSer. Xi us n-fi’ntly tolil of tii ’ *!T'!rlsto st'fufc a lyct-iiin com--: ,1, jiri varjl. 1’Im* t ?it< rta!nnn‘n; has hiM-n S‘*cur>*d throtitrh t.iic i^iia’' aiiti'c of IJf»*vard ]('*oplc wlio an iitti r(*>ti*d in 'providii'i.n’ v.'holooiHi anmsmii'nt fttr tlu^ proplc of tVa' rniumiinity. I»cspit»‘ tlu* la.-t llif <dia'' tfiU.jiiH in l*.i'*‘\ard ]a>t stun me j' was patroni/i'd lo njilv a siiial! <!«■- Wnt. li. <'atl«*n o* ham. Ala,.. :-.iicrt*i*di-d in lindiir.!’! 'iriif niuiihtT oi' wafr.-n11*r.-. n- I’.!"' a 1 to IJ a Til 11 i I'* * !i;i' ly • ;'i; 'I'lii* lirst nM!ti!.'iT w)U hf ‘:iv; n "■ti UctohiT. itrj:' of l-'uirr-hihi s • 1r t = ■! ti ■, i •( .-k. j n *st •(! nl vial ;i r ■! i H!>! r’-iHi*n1al in u.-i.'iii iis, (-'oi'i. t TIk’ X'Iivt'hih'l■!' pro'',rra'’t! *.Vin h-* n‘niii'r<‘d i = v !h<* a'.■.•rUw'.''. ’-vhi’ ’s i 11 \'J," 'On rt'adiii!^. \ ^■ a ; ^■Uil Ih iv vor:r /:i'ti(/s <■///</ /isfe>'i tc•//.;/ f>rtr/s nuy confide '' ]l:\ii4S 4.'-<75Yfv/-v;^, ii/Ia-lhrohiuri'i </stromr^ ::.i, sja-.>r!i; i^tcuis (i-qk’ver, Qiute susceptive to tiie hurstm^ sou^; Just forrrett: 11^ for <i tnoinent e-verythiri^ heside^ Listi'ii io I heir chdlhim at the Ed s ter tide. rt ! 1..''! many i.“ r,.rs in tlir. ■' a fairl ■ * t; • ;.‘aT i • ri,■ t i‘i:n’I t. 11 !>'s ■«* ■- and ovi ra!!- ' i' i. ■ ' W i; 1 :■ ! i t (i > < M * 1 ■ i V ' ( ' , ‘i * niAsLsfivi’sU sb'lLsi a.h-i ..i- ■ T'ltr Tr-V ’ •'' ■"/! *>'s j""' 1 ’5»)'i • <t !( V i 4 ’ I* < ‘hnr;’ : Thr follo.winir proirram for ,i ■: I'd rn-.,,,.;!'ai t;i ^ ■ innrnin.-.: (d.apfl rxiTrix* h':^ tt.-;-*! | > i-i r. ;i- • ra--li i jirrVJii rs a by ihf ) iro;„:!*it ;a ci rm U'Si! ■ '; =-f.’i' ■ 11-a }.!..■-• *'■ I ; , .1 , J 'J.ry [,! I' IM ’ I i . j ('liii.iullay, ]trr'!nir' > Ht \i'r'\ t!,*- < = >iIririans. a irr ' j Sauu'—i']ntiri> roiiiri-f;:a) Il ■ >!'..a ri rl ti\ \vi! I ppca r. i ward rhristiait SoldaiTs." ■ It is l.i'jrhiy i"’ 'ha Tha* ■ -a ; ; r-'-rijtturr ijt'SMiii— 1‘-: 1; i ■. i rw-i fit.'--! n>':i!iI'crs ^vdi I'raycr—tv-''*, i', if. <' -a.' i'.f'\'ji i*:!, 1;i:- !■ t to .*■ -i : I hf ctiUI'si- .ir? Vi'Jl tiy t !;<• Ji" d ; ■n ' • t i lii; at > 1 i '■ ,.4' n ^va s wt ’ i i ; r i . ■ ■" r 1 h.' . r-ia'^a* 1 i' a aXorci:- ■ ■■ I... ■ hmii*'d,. WiT-‘ 1,:p ! - vua-d. CO'^Ii i i \ S’ Pi'vi. r('?, AC i .ON \r- :v' rn-.s <^' r co. SI.S \hU IfOl’i. W'U- i:<-^ '?’n-o t if 1 lil!- !i}“ , Md . d; Hea: r ■ - . .-e. ' V-. . * ! ■•I : h ra- ;]j .. t . t.'= ■ !- i;.'\ . W rri/i' v‘, riiva': I f • I :'ld* A ?;ticip.:tt' Ser- i"! dll'- I"tids of a-i' \ ■%d;: ;uu! Jurksoa. II’. Ui ■ * I ■ nr; • . :, i : lii' w« M id." ! ir' ;>• s > - ; ! aa - va rd . lo'<- J a : 'ir - i!.-irti d r;, I ’’!a (111 i >’;• !- ■ ,\a ■ a’'d ^ ! 'a t J M , ! V. ' a d‘' J t \ * r t ' ”1 ria II. : •*;!*■ (ia T ]\h ai;! ■ a i!' i !i ■ - ' r hxt*rr'-!‘ V ' ‘r.ii’f s.iMtf hv ‘ "a i: ’ I'M’.a- ,.a • d'. ! Ti O'vtrtaa!! i • y ai i a - .i S' id- • I; t ii ' iit ■ n< ’■. i il ■ I;!. ! > ( ■ , Wa-, *V H , i i:- sT! !! a a ti-" rn:i Jiulfll* (>\.a! icai Pr, .... [iall a> = .1 inL'"- tii t!i.‘ ' ■ fla- rata I 'la 'H'% t "■ •'itT Ij '‘.r- llii: tliia i In h;-■ I JiidiT'*.;'- I that It I ‘it t; ‘d III : H<‘ <>■' ' rf>pi‘<’' t -all! th. ' ‘4’arid Ja‘ viotat Ilf. 1 A. F. 1’ ri.snn. : f 'Fhrift.!;. ' V. H:it -"a O. S. Hall. Harlan, S .Mitrris. Tbi‘ rr ,,f Wed la dar tak<‘! heinj' t'lv Some of 'fesaltnir a. .I-' \ >*--la 'a ati" .i: ■ i >a.a»ii in iioi-i. ( 1 { o>!! va !l. >a ht H >1. !'■ -a» . a ry . i',i ■ , h ■■'<-h-‘*'* h''V.^ 1 li*n. -a-r-.' tp •rt'i ad I '!*i ; ■ f*. *ii ■ ■ a I i •• ■■ - ■).. ’ J i: TmM I £ w ri d i i £ .' I j f / i.* I- ; . a. ! Jl r. i T I.o la >M •*; ! ra’ i a Ti ^ a' a ’ ! > ; a.- < :a' a -• • a «■ .;a' li'.;-- at. a'laiT-'fi: id iii la-ai.!!..? ;i‘Lr t !a' nia ' t T 'ida' ■ aaa,. a- M t a !; -I ;.i. a a n r • -'I": . I: . tal-; - rnaj ti • .Vi . - aa. ■ 1 .i/i ■, i :i 11 it. i' ■ ; ai m. »»a i, {; r* t V?•; \i i‘ : i!id. ;d - ia. l!-; . M.a-a l-I iasi-, .;;a; ; Mi-S diVai l’..U»t :s;. W. I!. tlenev. als. a-M!l Bt-. tar iar i 1 . l\. i. ( T. M . ( f '1': ai 11 , I .1 .Ml 'U. (. -a :; ,h ; iv.a :- J. .vl. I. i-X t'v- a’--, 'ait tt--> y-..-.!a inth.-m:y-r' c. }i. Tr. .■..•l.r’d-'ia .’vh--’a-d.- . v;' aa ^.5 t.- aiaai^Tva ac'-'i'dln-_ to ;,-uat ri ; d. doia-s. iaiay^T; 3!. .i. (da,zaiiar ir.’ la-id. all* oplirnistir and In*-; Wjl'iita Adisiti. < >ak (J""'-- ; \. I». A. I.andn-r.i a-v* 'da;' '•oinal d) t1l!' Ill : •■-vHl h. ■ ; jjj';. Id'fsd v : i-rla II ; Mi:- - .M.att'ti _ Mrs. R. Scru .V, itit-- I '’nia d h<-v in t lirsj* i !*ikc, !n<titut**. : . ‘aip'aiti'li d.avolapH'^'lHS Tn • ; I ;;;aii. oi a >■ mir vv h.a T J.' diili'd si"..‘ i ‘laa, V a r; tei’ o> t Ml' -n ’vi'i.-'.i » hi V ri'= ’ t'i’ >I!1 t }■ ‘ |alaa\ s a ‘ wliiah tiia* >.toi>. i»rrva *d is i.ct > rrtVt' :d n ■ its ‘anni hot;] !!-• 'a I hi-ri.Hint ry. . Ih'i 1 says that if thr ! und'H*r ,‘dtai'’man : l.’'”s,st‘]l VVid's. In-tir'if- : . .lalin Kiia.-r ! is nmit flic ])fo'ph* h‘i*l fonli-: l>i<*k llri'fs.', Kpi.scop-il ; Iva.uTa*- A!- hitriu-r V luTi.aci. h Me\v Subscri bcrs. ; I a iVi i'l 1'!: ■, ’ a\ s , I u . I. t- (i;acr I .l*din \\d .''■nriidi. rri‘sh\'i*Tian. 1'. K. fh>Ilidav ati-'ijs :siid It' la; ir,-: sUp nttds an- s!iJ'f’.*r'ini wia. . da-ii' of ha vin.'j; fn-i'_'!it ann jrts^tsv-> H-'a>n. (Vtk <irn'Vt*: r-nd llardi'i. *,!• *'y lat-ii"!' f^arvicr iiilo a sevticm l liat ' lialdist ; Wuttdford Zaidairv, AU*th-: 1/ - - - ; .. . ■ A'l. 1' . * 'll'l .•'IiK" romir. . I ' nnsr-d f ha t tar iu ,,„hr,-; Vu.-„ .-1 (..ll,.-,v„y, r.-luillr,.. : „„t ,,,h,,,l il,- ,u . > iii.'iii- irVii t,'. . ^ ni'W ,.tii itiftirltl I hi' -N,-\vs Ih:.. m, k Iiiiu.s.k* ' a ai ui'-cu^s. I K, rid’di'K .Mills, ina sto!-i-: tticy :;r** laarhh* lanrimra11 with radi in .saw-niill Iiinht-r, (dirstnuf j»idist. ' Alli-n .luhnson ’ I'not uiii.ty. ' hM> fo” t h«‘ drst niontli. n-i'i ami ta:i-na ri;, to <ay nothinix j Miss Vathalie ForHvIhe was J. \V. M;mn -■'* ■ \Var."i-n Alli.'-on a raM oI,- 1’a rkiT. };i*i'i>traTions at t hf hotids drjr. , ’'‘’'‘’dst and ;s;_:ni*ultural in-; fh*c*ti'ti niarslial of tin* occasion and M. t'. V\ liitmirr -•■'■‘'id .di'aV ■ j.j.jil,,. iijH Mtivtdv \vaTf as \'tdh> .vs : Ai-ih- | mounted on a h(n>e she wili lead V. Kimscy A. il . dim, Surali. Dillard, jiiid .Iwold.!!,': i Irv ant. ; idWard,, j t he ima.-assion. t he !im* i.f mar-h . ; Ira Ow.-n. and dud.-^on Hail. alTray. ; Trary, '-.o. ikiims ok . ,\sn. p., i.,. arra:r:Tfd !iy ti e -.(udsot! ll.all lined ami iaxi-<l, ileid s i vs tii.-it (;..orfe and ■ i Ia-i. O’Kcl'u'v , with on.- third of (o.^ts ; dim ( ivva-n, iMi>TiTfTr vat-.' i'ratdv' Toi,. have otTered .s 1 (hmH smx'rintendents lia vin.</ in \V. C. Ilamildm. ’ lined :f.‘ and taxedi wit h one-t hi i d . BnctfARu INoIliUl!: S^Jfcb ra-i). that (’ashier’s V-tll-y tdiarire tlu'i^encral idans ai c » d*as. .1. h. ('.alltiway ‘ U f > *• (Kveii ta.vid v.lih: .(denviile townships of dar-ksmi IHaptist. (diairman : \\ rich j ! one-third of costs. Other.s were . . . .eonntv i»rni«.se t.; vote Stidjmu and 1 <iallo\VHV. MetUciilist; A. II. Hil.\v, J|; ■■ , ,, , ! fi tind not imiitv. A ‘-erifs or reliirioiis servi,*fs, j v,-lv for r ii1n> id •‘a'■ iit V\’ard J‘ I* i- l.vuav. li. ...uidnetcd hr the liav. W. i:. ‘ P'‘' 1 o.j- ( >•. k (I n. ve • ^ ^ ‘ •- - . , con^t ivict ion :«mi that he nnd h. | >. j *-h*a i , .'i. imkv«!OVi • \ j ' ^ IL Shi'tiield, ]#revaril Institute*. '^pt’ri^i'Dii Owen " ■ - I Ml i .'a ■ I act i>a‘ an Hit axi- —! a a,lon"a aijlc. ’ -t 1 hf V„. s in drivin_f-and dm ta t hi- -- Ihvva: Mlaut\T. La!;-:- 'F'uxau" Ma'iihi S, i'.. !< !!rcva>--.i. I; ChriTyiic!. !'.rivaii Idu'i'ryi'i- ('Hrrryfjia Pisgiih i''.aa,'.. - Ids'gah Ftiri- UaISOV: : ‘•.rovani, R - . -i is^ul: F.'n-.-- [‘rt'vnrd. R ‘ Rii'im;*: , iiiTvard, K . ... ilrcwirtl, K Hrcvani, R I d>;d.>am llrnv Rusm;r !a;1-:c Tsi'xawa SERVICES AT BAPTIST GHURCH MR. NIGHOLSOri SELLS - ta ,• 11.xi.. \ il I Ivi'ndriek Mills, lai'cenv, i;uilfv ; i i f » '■■■ ■ ' oa^i^. .V. tl. I . . 1 . . >,,(,vcv. are iKMnir iield at tiu' In- - i , . d • 1 . H.-a-krscai. F. : >i-\ monrhs on roads. titn^ > i-hai..d , Hfia and I.iM' r . Norton j»ropose ta i‘ - aW.R. Kilpairi.-k, I 1. li. l.cahettcr, assault witli ,, '‘ ,, r„ , -, -vve ii-l.t.-, of wav thnm^di thci, , J. 11. H. C. *,h..,dlv w.'apon ; not t-niltv. i f rowhnd-.' ha \.' Toxaway to A .U \\. RaxiiT. (.1..; I refirned irom Atianla. where tliey 1,^ uhout two mil.-s ( ha id. a, da in 1^011, ]di-ad^^ ntt Tidancc upon 1 lie j... Fi.iHioia. If fh.‘ roa(i , i lai i F.iUMis jdistmtiin^ ^-houl .•ntei tainnicnt :■ I -il ,,f the Missmnary should take this cenrsi^ it lias a TIut,* will he some spi'ctal | F. X. XiciudsoTi lias sold aen il li'iakf t wasdi«i»o>e(l 7*’’* ‘ * '*** , Society o{ Ih.'M L. < linndi. Siiut!i 1 j-,.,. ri;^ht of w.iy, cros.«.inir onlv the Kaster services in th-..^ .''unday j ,,n lira(d;en iTt't'k 1 mil and the civil cnlen-i ^ . A rcidtal Itv tin* studi'uts of tlu* hnuls of t he jia rties naim*d and the i ^'di<H)l at tin* elose of which the ^ }^;-,>vnrd to his V>roth.'r, ]M d'hnrsdav, the same ; ’*■ M^dhiha, carrjiiig „nisi(‘ <l.*partm*‘nt vcus held Iasi 'Fi 'ar.vay (‘state. ordiuaiu'e of ha}>ti-in will he ad-; ^i,.}i,,lson. sewhdt m the Xcvv.s. j wtnid ; not K'lilly. . ,,.,|ny nie’nt in the lnstiiuti*| Tuimher of I'liirini'ors ])nv(> |j criiiiinnl cases were j Fat.'< )ste»‘ti, disordrly (‘ondiiet di u'iitoriniii. ‘ mad-'a snrv(>v of at least out'route j rhti ])astor will ])rea(di » sjietdal ' ,.,nDi/iiiA nM Dnnnn ctdcct continn.i, ' I.ill ili>p..sitit)n liaviii^' at tdinrtdi ; lined and the costs. i Panlim* (dirtis s])cnt tlie fn-m the Ur.'.'dh.v.' ]ilac<> )*dow Fast.*r sermon at llt' 'Phe ; V/URKINU UN DaUAU dlKctl ))ccn ni., . ■: t hf t* >1?; f.viny: : j ,1. Z.St i-oiipe. assault ; jud*inu‘ut ; we.*k .‘ud a I licr honu^ in (’aiuVler, '[’o>. I’vay to tlu'(Iri'.Milaud s.* ! jiastor will ulso ha])ti/.‘‘ about a i ,L \V. () . ai, .siaiidt r : not irniity. ; siisp.*ndc-I on paymi-nt of costs. ! rctnrnini' M"i'id:iy. r.ailroad t.) tiie. Fairlichi inn II’is.i^uh Forest The jraaliiif^ and iuiprovin«iC t* il. W . a didfiiirc. retailing; : not { L. H Wilson, setting (Uit lire;, 'Plu^ various atiiletie teams are scefiori would h(> }j:reatly appr«*-< ^I’- . ;iro«d .-^ireet reci*ntly ineutioned ii irnilty. jMot^ndltv. ‘ pr*ictieinti hard in ])rc}>aration fcu’ Ciated hy ]>e<»])lo in the u])i>er end Xaam>>!i (J illo'.vay. retailing ; n<d ' ('ourt ndjcmrned Thursday morn-j commencemcnf iranu's. Mueh in- of d’rausvlvania, daekson and .Ma- tnw bill ^ 1 ing until next Toesday. i t *icst is >hov. u. eon coumics. Snnday evening theme wdll he, th<‘ X.nvs us eontemplated, wa* • A Snnday Evening With tht; ujid. rtaken ihis week with a larg iiisoa Jesus." I force of har.ds. > f i I /

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