Be Reasonable I Largest Ad in this issue H. A. Plommer VOLUME-XXI BUEVAUl), NOKTII CAROLINA, FRIDAY. .HIM', I'm;. NUMBER- FACES OF SOME PROMINENT C^ROLINIAMS Cl'IAS. M. STEDn5A.N Greensboro, N. C. Democratic Candidate for Congress from tlie 5th District mfs * 'f tC ‘V" 'i*, THE FRENCH BROAD ( AMI* ft.. WOOD The French Broad Camp Begins Third Year Nf»ar Brevard With Very Encouraging Prospects Cfe - - '"'^r jJ j' jf. '//M 'tf" W//A ■Ww W/i'', 'I'lu- Ni \V" IS \\'ils<)r/'- Uvid'j.i mi 1 '! I’A' I. -i •; riiiU.'; in ;; ;-u ;.'ii.. 'i'iii'' iu>Ui■!!■■ '11 I;. Mninnt.‘r varali'»ti ui 'FIk- C.iiiip j-ruiK-'i uiHi’i-i ■ >t lu w «■ala^\l;^K■s I 1 tl'.c I'r(.i’A.]> I>1 Vl! in'Oii'l < l' I t. . c< ! il w l;ii Ii uill i i^,iii its iI.’hI } ci>r im jiiix* 30. cl*isin<_; uii < with, ■ t:iiu^tr.:1 i<.i;>of ]'.' (. 11. 'i'lu- CiUa*' V, i> II'tl (till i1 ■'.'■I !’< T ih A art! aiifl surroniidiii;. ai f'T i’.rrvartl. :n< iiiMtani rCciifrv. Wo;! ;; vv.iii’i I'la't* in llic lit ail of IVicvard jK'tij.i-- aiia il" | ai!'< ai~:. li;i*. iu:, a> ils nl>jca*. a co-ai'Sf l'> do the >U’- 'I'hc |»urposf !> to i;H'r a hrai 111 fill. ;nir]so-,ffn! ami cnlfi \-acalioii to hoy>,’‘ says ilk* iKinklct, and “to utiri/v tl'e Ih- 1(o_\-s r!itru>ti‘d to it> care ;io» ur.!_\- [or tlR-ir ]*1iysic ;1 dr\x-l.>;'inonl but for tli'.-lr mental and ctliic.'d n])l-niidini;' as wt n." i ill.’’iides altoui o > acr*'"' of and, a -otf^ov «>f vv’a:- a. i.s -^snwa in '!ic ,u’■onio.inyini; }>ieture. 'I'he lake ami *'hib id atldt-lit' i!(.l«! witli two baseball dia.niond'', ha"ket ball C'^’a;t‘', ‘Ive tennis t.-or.rl.s am! onarler iniU- iKUises ai\- hidden from \ii-W. tlie teiUs runninii t!';ii‘k, jinni^tni; ]»its, (.= te., si The dirertors .ire John W. Mo .re, ac-'iieib sijfrwii’i; in lli'i" ;.=!‘'L'.tre W I r, ll.n: 1'., Kains. iui-iiK [Hairs, aa ! 1. Ca a;t, i-. in tlicir <. !iai''je writ a* tin.- i^'amp polies 'ria. \- are >|'i-.’iai; Is in tl.eii' \vi ^rk wiih !'•.■> 'I' -Ilier. alliKlics. in : \onii''' nit-n. 'fii'.- adinini-tralion, of beim: <.f;i;-ers (.f ili:- Cil.-dek >Mua! \- Capt. K.-.ins. who w.i l%:lle in u* tif S.mih C iT' k■s.^ Iir-.-\-;iid a fi day-a,V''m. kin;., I , ;uU‘ lo-r- eo!i!!(“(, tv.; Ailb t!ie CaiiU). d that 0‘>;;sideral.=le naja-•\‘e;neiils lia‘1 tin aaidc i-n. ;1'< I..)-'- in i!k- w..,. of !'.-an'it)'.'1-', : ’‘Micin’, :t ’U nv s'an 'I'oilel fat iblies kaxe ln-en ^le.ah in.pi-'Atvi. innnin^ waiei' iaivin;^ i! vai : r. Tk.e Cair.p is fvinurhrd with w :ter from a :nsI’.nit.'in sireaia and a ” ‘-'.aii ftir the eitir.l 'rt ar-d (.-oriVenic-n'X <1 the '-'anr, - rs. .I'ji’aia f^ i I 1 i' r. i 1 lie m rvv ' j ntlo()k 1' 1 lh<' M ii'-o] th \ e. \'er\- E'ir.ibeth Cily. N. C. Republican Candidate for Auditor. State ;uss OF mm soioi to !'. ;u >ba,;lay ;o -riiiine >o!;h> i-.l' tla* de! :ii's < a. j |i, >!■ hi k »;, A. L. FRENCH D^^pe^. N. G. Republican Candidate for Commission- of Agriculture. -vv > Mm w Ai r;;>-ni:-nls ti-r n; t '■ *>'■ i!iii(lc entt rin.r the .til ( iiiirh s 8BEVAB0 SUMMER SSHOQL T9 OPES NEXT TUESGAY EEI< Dunn. N. C. Oe.TiCcrntic Candidate for Congress from the 6ih District rllav il)s: NAMES ()£• .S iri)i:N'! S WHO coMriJ'/nj.) (;oi RSES List of 1?> Diplnivui::iui ('crtifk'iilt* Cinuhiatcs of lircvasad InstiiJitc in \ virious DcpartiniMits. Frof. I.csley of Alahanit’ !u»s ^ecii Eiiiii!}.:ci’ to (k)fubict Mi.sica! Sc!u)ol ior .Kf Pays in I'jrex ard; Dav iiiid Ni‘„dr ?ie;.sioi;s. wiimu ste;^ig i;> V. '.if. A’di'ttii ].r-‘arh'Ml on We-inc'lay 7ii_;hr >>n tin* sni>_ji‘er diod for ^ins." Pro.spect.s lirijii’t for Siiccv ssful Opciiin<;-; Sonictiiiny: of 'I he 0>urses and llie rrainin'fj to be Iiad at IJrevard Institiitt*. .‘iiss K> '.V. ’’I’owr.x-Tul ;rnil froni i’ii:i'«;s: wert- r>,%'x*nl f^iasts >>f Will P.isviainl. ■ :itard'iy ni.!u'ht a cruwd o*' pi- \v, nr to lirevard tl.) W. p. STACEY Nashville, N. C. Democratic Candid?.te for Judgs Supe’-Ior Court. Of HAMPTOH-DODSWORTH Mr. and ’'Ir- 'I’htmias Hilli ird iluni]*t' !i annii'aruc tla- inarriairi* (if their ihisiL'litiT Adrianna So]ihro- niii ti> Mr. 'riiuiuiis I axisw < >rt h 011 WedT. \ . ' is'V t Inrty-lirst, nine teen hnndnd and sivteen, Hrevnnl, North ' ■rolina. The turei!iii>iL>- finmmneetl a niar- rm^‘‘ v.’hii h occurn d ut 1 o eloivk, Dr. W. K Karii.n ut'a-iutin;^. lie ein])l'>y<‘*l the rinir ceremony, whiidi WHS ilevoid nf li iTiu-draw n out do- trtils. I'ollowinu' the eeri-inony, dinnt‘r served, only th«* ininnv diate TiH'iiihcr-s nf the fuTnily heintr ]»rc.‘n c<)nipletei])hHnu jAradn-'tt's o| IVrevartl la- r-tit nte : ( lass c il dt'partnuint •. Vi via .lane iCinji. ( 'aria'* l.,ov'^l^e ^K'Noid'), Woodford / tahary. Hi;_'h s<‘hi'<(l de;'a>-tnient ; liuhert Ikirl ('ra v. ford. .Manive Kva Hast- inrJ". Austin (»'K lly. laiuva Man i null, Cecil Herbe rt ^h' fileld. 1 Normal artinent; lioiierV- Earl Crawford, Aiitouio Maeia^y Martin*/, .leter Mathews. C(>(*il Herh{*rt Slieifield. I it>int‘stic A rt (1 epa rt ment : K1 i /.a - hcth Matilda B»‘nnett, Catle.-rine Wtdls. Honst* F.cononiics dcpartnuT.t : Fannie liatne. Certificate Graduatcs Domestic Art : Hva Myrtle Kiser. \Villi(* Ma(‘ Baher. Household FiCononiics ; Cuthorire IIopo Wt'll«. Bookkeeping: Winiiim Hns.scll \\ ells. WORK OF 10 HOUSEKEEPERS IN BREVARD IS LICHTENED Prof, .k A. L--''-y ‘*r Ak-s^Mii.a will oi'»‘n a I hlr:'y-da:-iiiinn^ si-hutd lit thf ‘.trmit a se!mul build- in'..: in IJrcva’d on in \t y;i.i;,iav. Trot. i.ifsii-y . .all's Iiv:idy r. i-.,;i;- yotin mi'ialed. 1 If ha> i'rrn rin:aL''od liy ’Jo the .hiniv»r spi-a;cin peo]p]e of i'irevurd coruilH't lllis, Arr:,.r.*^i.'Tnent> will !.e :trtd.i> i for'.a,' amliisirbt .-■■»ior.s. 'I'he school i< ‘a't r. to the raihiif ^ Arthur .Miison np'iTi thi* ) ayiiient of tin* reasona ble 1 n’t ion ft'e o: *1. KlYi rts are beiici n.atlt' to t'nroll Sutton Wilson from I’enn s* Tlie sninnu-r Sfssinn of l!revard lnstitut(* will betciii 'l ia*Mhiy niorn- iiiL'. .Inne'k in tlu* Aihninistfation inridin.,'. The corrr.s]H)ndenc»^ about t his session lias been B. idifld lias been vt*ry ikily 1arsj;<‘ and an inci’eiisri! enn.)!!- > 1st few (k'i\.s. ment ;s expfCtfil Thi.^ sehi-ol i-!l\*rs . instniction in all th;* j)rim.ary. ele- , . ,, ,,. 1 i> ■ n inentnrv and hiirh schoid wiak at th.e I’lnk Bens. Kveietti* * S ,, ■ .1, taui^ht onrinir the r 'ieect*iS still up there. , (h*t ‘r'_jt ill for 11: sni'jtH'ts rnlar st>ssion, ind also in piMla.ixoiry, donu'stic art. i;i ho’aseliold (.‘conomics, music t x- Ten honsowives of Bri'vard and conun unity have li”hti*i:ed their (-ulinary duties as a result of th«‘ Majestic rat\};e deinonstratinn con- duoted by the Ffirrners Supply com pany last week. Ten Majestic ranj;es were .s(*ld and other visit(U-s to the deinon- station learT\ed <*f tin*! admirable OTiHlitics of this convenient kitchen utensil. still banlirn ch»*stnut (•n tJH (»penir.*r iiay : mi iV I >0( ri'as' -na liH BoiltMtn. ■ lianh's p.act on II t ( '•riei Hi >SA li./.-ns en - ievwill meet W’tll ttliua'd L’.'ol. i '"I trorn pression, l)ru>kkeepin!_^. su'no^^ra- phy, Keoi'rMjdiy and earjientry. It is ail exeellcnt opportunuy for sc’ncol children to continue their I studii‘s or to make u]> detiaienries. , or fiir older people to take traiiiin!.r ; ulontx siHne particular line. I The summer .school fa..*ulty Is ' lar^e and cayiable. and ineludt's! maiyv who ar.- well in Bre vard. Prof. ]j. f^. Haynes ami .Mrs. ' Hayih's, Mt'ri(iian Woman’s Col- leixe. Missis.sipj>i, h>iv ‘ the sehotd i in their cart* aiul they will teach ' ancient and inodert’ lanf^uaires and some of the academic subjects. They arc to brinu with tliem a stnui^ t»*achcr from (Jeoriria for ' mathenuities. From the in.-titnti* 1 faculty. Miss Aiken will have I cliar^i* of thf primary and m*rmal |classc‘s; .Miss Caroline Trowliridge, »*x]tression ; Miss Allison, music; : .Miss I’oindextcr, steno^rai>hy : i Miss Callahan, bookkeeping; Mis> i Alnui Trowbrivl^e, household ect* 1 nomics : Mr. Peek, carpentry ; and I Mr. Reihle, tele‘;raphy. Miss x\n I nie Wilsim, now of (in cnsbor.) Col- lei^e for Women, will teach dress- The election for r.n increase in I making and millinery. | school tuxes for the Enon school I Tlu! expens» s are the same us ; a | throuijh thein- ])revions years. Tht* primary work 1]ieoplc w ho rt^ ' untler Miss xVikcn will heextendeil, i niuined away from the poll. GILLIAM GRISSCI.I Greensboro. N. C. Republican C.^ndidate for Co^'-jress from the 5th District. iniT the latter part of the sum mer. All the cotta'^es h ive been ri*nted anil will soon b{* occupied. Tin ea in ]>us w'lll soon be iull of youni; life a^ain. PENROSE SCHOOL tAX ELECTION IS LOST UNION L. SPENCE Carthage, N. C. MAJ. GEN. JAS. I. METTS Wilmington, N. C. Democratic Candidate for Congress 1 commander N. C. Division United however. The first hour and a half of the morning will l>e ^iven While then* were only 12 votes op[)Osin}^ the increased taxation to little children, when they should ; against 20 for it, fliere w'cre severa. he at)lo to accomitlish a «;reut deal [ registered voters whose failure t*' in that choice part of the day. Tlic vote count* d agidnst the proposi from tiic 7th District. Cc ■fsdcrate \/eteraf.s. fees for this primary course will he only for the six weeks. Prof. and Mrs. Haynes will con- * considerably cripple the efficienc idnct a form of camp lor girls dur- ^ uuvl work of this school. tion, w’hich lost by five votes. It is likely that this action will