Try a Free Diversified Ad, VOLDME-XXI BKEVAKl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDxlY, JUNE ^ 1916. f Larg St 2d is this Lssut H. A. Plumiper NUMBER-at Object: The Promotion of the Agricultural, Civic, Commercial, Educational, Industrial and Moral Life of Trarsylvan'a Coufity. MOLTZ LUMBETi COMPAMY PUUJCHASES R.ICH FOREST BOUNDARY AND WILL EHECT SAW MILL AND liAILROAD Two Hours, or Longer? \vI':sti<:rx xi .wspai*i:r rxiox NKV.^:i*Ai'KK AfXn.l.VkV SKkViCK Road Will Be Built From Lake Tox-; PORTER CLARK’S BOY IS away to Sapphire and Mill WiU^ MISSING FROM COIIESTEE Be Erected Below Toxaway Sta s *''l- iianci*. wlio iii roTnpinv with Lyfiuy was in Itiwti tion; Work to Begin Immediately; K!'"C!7\i'''r,T'Ir'M',' ’Ti"'"" 55^Mlle Line to Cullowkee. . ty fonu's as n. ws aiul i'sjh-- nall.v Ttt thus,' uf the Sa] I*'. Cl. Mo!t/. St>i1 «if Moft/ cnuntjy. In adtlilum to tin 1 * 1'ii‘k, li'lt h’trill* Sundnv si t ■ I-r.i».n a;i i tl;at !;i- \vl..-i f;: Hit uuKii'twti. 'Fla* paitMils an' , iMcally ti-iiubh d of his siuiitc!) • ' |'‘jai>)H':iianro and t,>ar thut ht-has i ■ * , .. T, . ii *) ^ of foul Ttla\. thouul! of iliu Pur- !•*''> nu nt it \\iili;i''‘ * ^ . -iiui 1 >. 1 1 ' '41 . nil'-ii to t<» relatives ui Snii! h \ iMtN l>rt\aui ami lui (<' tl-ii»r aiui uifanicd-ul dev.■loji- * ' »l I < M * ilil . J. MCD. CANTRELL OIES \W liavf I' ihi.s wcfk, and wliile '.on ha\i- ;-]u' i Harlott \ X. C'., Jnne 24, tt;i6 o '.vi-r ihi: Svlvais Valley New- (1 a _i;»kk1 paper ;it H*' U ard it was an inipossil.ility I'.r \ ..r. t.» j.M-t cmiut'h n .idin^ unU* r AT I^ISSiON HOSPITAL I"'," r. iw.M.c We tlial til-- l.-.r-u- vvh<, di<l n.,1 stii:!; to tin* ,f Vast f' ir I niM ru hiy la vitrt>d si'ctimi "1 nalmii-wulf taaic lor its M'(*r.»*rv novt'l.»p*i’-^'»f'’ I and clinialr. Mon to iU* !• ni- Wh.lf Mi-. .Molt/, says ruithiii^x I'lir piiblirily .■unrs'i-jvint;' uifiu> pr.diahly un<l*‘r i-iintriiipia- ()f \ I-orO 'lN and ( on\crt nun tiif , ; up.»-1 ; ! 1 . a j;’1 aa- •i‘i' iil .'-.T J MMs: s.1,» 11. ■ f. I ' If \ ■■ ■ ' . 11 t; ■ > • • i 11 .•* Ilil' .11 ' -I 1’; a ii^.* I va I! I r;.' i.i‘ t r~ >;n 1 In J i;;'!iia fni '( r;,. ■!; t >l pli\' Ivuiiil 1'rt'tiictci!. \|,a:‘ifii atm tiif t '1 a'liV .‘.Ill'll ui, •• aK). 1, Ii<’ i. ' .ri‘ ta’■ r-.uhli'1 ,i i i r'v'_;ard ihi> iH'sv a> a -nliii:' Kfik I'clls \\ N S( inothln; Oovil tak on: ployed t ) (iathor the* Proihicts Tlu min-.. IMiWinc M;iu-rul: , \ .i".‘ 1' V( 'fill* II- \'. n »r R:iilrt>.id ( ’in.cctii> «s Into S\ a ani; W iih .Xth'iita- vit'i' .Ti'i'itini .M'*-;'. ■ IkiS t'! ^\vith F. H .It.:!! .'f a'T.'s . ’ r; ' I’.I ;t>*d a V-. :!'• in th.i' 11'.' -1 i'*"''.' d imiltunL' of :i --ai' t.- S q.p‘.lli' * liijj' tri'ir! :« I j'U k.t ‘ 1.1 \ ii Vj'a y Th- = ■ UT;!'. I ■ I - > Vi-a tlir y ■ r. ' i..■’ t' hiTii ♦t i . : ■ ' ' ■ • r: t ■■ lien sci'ii latr Sunday ;tlt“rnnon in an oppoMto di- ri‘r1ii(n fnmi hom** In* is n-piirtcd t(j liii\f told an in(]i:in-r it \v..nld not do to toll all hr kn.'w. Nir. • hii'k and nt*i'j^haor.-^ l;avi^ scui'idiinir thi‘ contitrv. Mr. IJ :inc«‘i‘\i)fi‘ss< <1 itroat plt':is- V.*' ^1“’ !-' pa;4«‘ t-difion oJ tin- ^ast '.V(‘(‘k Mild I'.'-'u-.- thi‘ 1'!;i)- ti-'li'M* * -an atVofii to k.-.-p i; tj>- '* H'* .>ay.' h*' ihJii'-is r*i >!■*■ of i In* A. v.-s t.'.an ii<> d^rs of hl^ !n«■:;k‘a>i . D'ATIi or JcFF M. tUZENER ii.atiHl tlif dr:t1 'A ;t h till* So'.ithrrii i'atl v,a V at Syl-' > lor t ■■>.U'a nds \ a. tl. • rtnnity .<ra' ol d;;i-:.s 't;, und,{ ''’■'■ta-i.- Sci't in.. Ij j )•'-■'1 i-n hlt li ■■ k wit h t he j .hi; !m . < i it/.iiUT. w isc (it r; !i 1 >!• . u’‘phy -/. [ la n:;i i;;i!road. 'ciirnd rc( cnt;;. , \va;- -r:! ?•» a ?■ I: \Vh:'. t t;.o ii;t:iri- Ims iti slon* for ;’'‘‘=''‘I- X. r , f-rhnuu-y II 'I'rit r--y l\ania ths'oiuh, Iht* lai- 'Aitli h,;s ;a,t':'’r’s fan.ilv !. ’-i.'-li'aill V o! t‘!i> imii.'-iii:; tr t.ii\ .>1- ; * I'“SS lhr;ds Mv-tio.i tl.-- virni^ty •■} .....5, -n-‘>s with'in IAI’-.t aft.-ndin;. • f!it;;who have j^iv- ;!i <'it*ki*iis till i;*- wi-j,' ■ i) Ihs' ‘■■ii I son ■ lo>«‘ .•'ribiy iirr- t'l-.ovtii • a,i'ol:!..: ant cirr;;* d, n o-'t ■.;-,'iri t-ik;n‘_'s ij 11 1 dis^jint at ilo-aiia;! ;.iid l4!-.-var<.’ in this S'-pti-nr.rr. r.'!I. from that ia'o tiil !1 ! .'ir. (iIi!y,riU‘f thi -i kuid in th'- : iarv !Ui.l wiTii- ; wiM !». 'Lr'in " :a- - I ir;i i.i' ■ r ! < r- 'ct i' ‘n t '1 a vu-m^tv of vr \Ti ' E i>. "i owiii r X. -.vs 1' ^nnnna -1»' ^ ipora; i t!>- aloiy. Air ;l M;a ' * ‘ Sapji!-ir<-, .ihi)iit ! . tl-iUihV 1 >a f isfart' niakt.'i'.f t‘-- ha vt“ h H r: 1 i J ^ ■( r J ■'" pi o V ill ‘ .■,^t~ 1:- • f. -r s;i.. ?f lan'l-T on,tT I,*.':-!' 1 'i'hf r;:. I Way i.lM -hort di ' and ii i.-' rd to >:']■!■ wifli a :!v pvr*-' "Tit. I'];.- i,. .V «'l tho I - ■' ('a;-! -hiai - th:;t it ]”■ : ■-■•11 jjiMnir iv- a !i i jiT' 'pi d' - 1' ■ oarly ]iarf "■ !a,nv tiir'Tf ;.i; ihi* d■^;l ;i'darv '>;■ vi..,.ri . -I 01 «n>i: .i:uat' i|. ‘'O.K'.XVS fill’ ‘p'>riv. \vi!'-n '!i • 1 a; i V inf> rnnMi 1 h. 1 li -a) h:id 1 'on n 1 !l:i’ at-'! ,iMl ttuJd -./'■ulii .;;.ni-*-.; . ^ sa: i t j; .t a r-'a;.o r "I-: W' 'llai is.- i-'n ,* ' „■ . ' a lii:-.!;, »;-■ ‘ t -1 l-'i'I- >o;:i:- ; . -UTiti .111 = >\ r .^f wavs i‘-:t l>y V tn.;;!%(■>, ■ ■ J'* : M 5 • ; ■ i ■ ‘ V' • ! r 'M' . , !■' J irt (i tliiit th<- htnld . ... ,|,i .^;= vv iniii I0 i-ni- ■ •: -■’•a 5 i. ■!) a!;..* in tlu* for- : ‘ ■ iia n wit a ca;lao't y t li .n'ri!;-! M . t :^ll■ ", wittiid in‘;riii Ml ; ToXa WilT. ■. I vvi:i a'a Vo tii'" I'-xa- .' rtaii-^n a - ■ - hi V.- '!’• !\aw:i;,- 1 :in. ■ ;•; til h.;.ivo i■: ■■'A'if i ;ii t hro.' Ill' h- rdinu' foo.i .1. M»d). ('jiiitroll, jijzi'd tis ycjirs. of tho ishind Ford Sf«‘tion dicti nt Mn- .Missl(>n li(*sj)ital !it Ashovilhi M> ’tuia »• a ftcrnoon aft<*r nndi Tizoi op( r : i itms during his stay ihiTc of iitioiM tAai works. Til • funoral sorvicos hold at tho lirv'vard lJa])tii't chnrchat 11 o'clock Wodiu'sdav intirninf.^, liov. A. \V . rMCI>uni«:l <irficiutinf?. Intor- niont WHS niadti in tho (liilospio <-oi>ic;.>ry. 'I’ho pallh' arors woro : ('.M . I )ovlo- Wolrh «;allo\vay, \V. ('. MctV.ll. Fn,‘d Shnford, \'un \V;ildroj», Mon- tic Holdon. Surviving' aro fiio widow and four ohihlrct't, .>irs. W. 1). (da/oiior. ;.Ii?s i’htriihi v'aniroll and trXrai a!id lihivd ( a nt roil. Whon Mr, <'antr'‘l] was ti'k'n to jth.o i’ospilal ahonr two wooks a>/M I pL\-ii-i.-iHS o!itiTi;iHU'd iitth* hopi* , lor it ir, roc )\ t r . I 'I’iio 'I<-coi:S''(l was a nu-nihor of j Kii>t Fork li iptist (diuroii. Hi* I ])ri»vod iiiinsolt u ;..xt»>d noii^lildH’ .and 'A .1.-or.,‘' if tho Jui’dost work' ll nir ni^'ii i n t lio conntv. With hi.-- j iralnslritiii-iicss ho praoti''i‘d i^roat i ocojioitiy aiiil dnrir.i^ his hni^ yi-ar.-' of a’i!i'»st -■'hiNisii toll ho cinui>s«‘d a f( i-t ino’.v!dc!i :r;i vo hint t ;i<-di-^t in.- ti'iti of ito'in"* tho wi‘)ilthu-<t liifin in tlii- oonnty. II ' mad** no h !-iip in 1 ard work until ^i(d:n -s ovi j-'ook liirn and d'aririsr tho } tsl I’w'.. oi- throoyrars ho end iit> s^-ns li;: vo r”i;--'ovo.l tho nvt>, ni'tdorn fa’ai;; iKuns. wl’irli \-<»n tia\’o mn. li of a roado snhsi'rihers ihi .\o';i; loni'.or two lioU)> i> !• ■ A- H. TrRXIA'. Beyond The Frontier 1'lioro wcrrn't any tani'o par tii's, nor niu<di joy-rntinL'’. nor Si) nifiny liarc-ifi youths nnd uii- (h r-drf''Sod, ovor niiinir; rod I'laidons in Aniovi. a v. h< n i- rjinco aii'l I'n^laiid v>«to .'.*1 ui: ”1 in*.' for its possi'ssiori, an or;i roinanl io-jlly and his'orirailv triiito'i in tho .-orial >tnry l;o- L'innin^ in last v.t'ok's Xovcs. ^losf* fo!' snnniiijr j r« adin!j:. 'Pfio mi‘r: wili rovol in • f tho i>p<t:tiniUiL''" "i ii ■ hfroi'- lioutona:»t :tnd th. -.voim .‘II will 1*.; crazy aftout hin.. ii!l { lallin^ in lovo with his^u.’:! hoart. S -oond (diajifcr tlih- v.i-ck Ftillow it olosolv. MUSICAL CDHGEiiT BY MR. lESSiV'S m fjfj i \ <jcal Pupils of .Siriijiri^ .Si t<> (fivt* (!!{)!iccrt oil vj /; { Jasi» of About %,h.’t. \\ onie.i and (;!iiltirt*n. PIGTURFS AT AOOITOP.IOM EVERY NiGHT FOR imm Tho pi:pi?S Ol’ f,"Slo\- r .':r,.-.ical , Wifi'O; ir- ;:i in ilr. \a:-d 1 :■ vvOj a i'.;'i^-i*rt on th:- ■ "f ,, a . t !io: otuirf }ii>tis** 1 I i,)t. . 1 'sli’V 1 liis un I- 11! '.1 ])up;!s in hi^whiv cia.'-^ •- K‘ in tho 'n/ht iriir !Lon. wo-tsen ;t»Hl ohi!d?-( n. piijui,-; I*; tins ^ini^iu^ nta.-C;i-’ -i '-•‘'•ply iini,.ross'>d v.-irl; : . ■■ ron.x!ui. s>. w!;ii-h has h( -7; - = oitot] tipari iavor:ii«h,' bv f* ’’v :■ a-io t-‘rchc;>, i’rot. h(-s]i'y ii^riolniit * ' i,'..' s Xinaii i! Musii al Ii '^tit ;;t'- maohiTifiy to ho f< lino iii ■•ounf y M r. ('iinl ri 11 oa’uo front Pi-.-kons oi'^'nty. I Ii> f'lo.cati'.n was hiaitoil uh-. whi'di n.rans pi.-tti;- iiO lil' !:!v.H Jl Si‘i, V :::'0'iit;incc to til! 1 ' 1 i : I IT 1 >,tli’dy. Aja'il U-',. ;.= r>. on- ti d :r. : ho I'n-.lcd Si;:i, , ai tii.v .at ( l-h-l horp; •. Ca. }.,;,y Ilf t'h:t. lio Was ti,.'>i;'n'■;[ tii ^ ti. ,\|. .'•'}■. -;!i- t ifr;. . at (>;ilvosl< n. 'i’oxa', ‘vh. h'- v>'as ir,*ti?’ou o ?' >1 *ri»*' ‘ !i>(; 1 d; - o‘. t. V.-.i S : !■ 1. i J . i P. o'l ;:--c.-rn.; i.f fV- :>• .ui.],. v. can !vi iidit.- and h'' v. a- iv V!;V-t 0I'I'O * 1*^'' I'-:*'*-" ailo ;• u-iournn I'lV • ‘ > I ...ndf ! i v»T .''lay .. h..dy V.;0- sl-ppcd ti'.l M' i’lt- iTfi’ ;tf I 'r, j;.p ! > >!it I'.vi;iir Sa 1 nfda v. I>oi.!:irinin’x Avith Sf:‘uri'ay :ho lirovard .:\:nn.-^i'n;i'ut c. n.^ianv will ;n:o:iXurato it- >nn;ni- r sclo d- .51" l-j il*L ■ ; I . ; ■ : > .:-a ir and !iis >uiaa-^'fnl ac.MM'oihstion t.f Wfal;h nnih'f tlios-' c!rcm;>i-:Ticos '.VIthold a iirondo:* vi-;;.‘n of llio '-VI .-lo.i v-ith.ou^- hru<- -.oocu. )■ C‘in>idorcd oidtc ron;:trk \ iiRl A ARD ; Ao-' X ’ - , ri.- ' in fi 1 ■! '"i J * . J ■ 1 w HCTEL Oi^EHS ,1' >iiov-n ovcry r.mi'.t in^Tc ;hroc iriLdits ouch W'-ok AT P.iiS. ! ol::' !'itton s X. \ 1 "...'1 ■-‘i ’ '1 I :i' ! 1*1 i l-aT! nf-'tnont '; !!' d .' p-rr- t>riL )il' Ilf". li'iiid i:Tid--r th W. A, t);ivii,>on o; ? i r. I ‘;t . i-! - .!! r. ra’o.'-po 't.^ f’-T t )i i if : ot:-.'S of the i'J'.'rf: n:* > -r vo u'f crcarn ! ’o!:v .'(du -d, .! nlv a' ^ p^. U'i. parpo'--* of rair^'rii.’’ tnoiioy * ii'iiiiii!>ir a school h>a.^r. su:-i cal ]);■■ ■.’.r'l 'i v ill ho 'r>vci-.. !'= 'dinvi!< i. atio-n-'d (^unlH;i!u^ and i)Istrici l)i.-puty l-'\{H‘ctet:: hitcrest- iao \t: ict'c Pr!>j:r;'t»;. jT9> UY ;r- (’niti'd rd ha>' .1 . • a uni: .r < >^'doi' A niOi-;r'a n ' ■ !,iiiii ■> > ! a . ;iucd :: : : - r til't h hr.',;; ■!!. ! Xat^=-’":al (^ ir <' 1;, Wchh | !tt! . ;lo '.ti-inity l-Iid.ior!' 1 li. Wiih r;.:-. ..-rh a; Tfcrci! L o r vS FREE News Aih'ertbomsrtts m '. ,n aMo into:- '. ha vo ]in ■'■.iscd 1 ‘ i va lo:; not -p],* at i lib ur' t will • n1‘”' Ol;.* «‘s!s in Wo>tcrii ti,i out <tv< r 1 bf 5tro..or}y. T< f : . -,i ovio A 01 j:;:'.'. I \'i 1-. S' Tvt u on ■'l , T. V .1 :i ; j;d:ir«■ •> I’r:::ir t; s i ’ o.. 'D o addrcs.M-s ’v.ii ]»• 11.-nh- at tl.o ci.r.r; ht>r;<»‘at li u\'i(_Mdc. An a ill', tic p'r»tm"tm is ii.'inir ar- laiorcdlor the 11 ■)!. tho jir- .'hl:/. I-t in-,:'»■> r:ii u'-’ a-nts in (d;;.r;^>- of a o at loa>t 1 •> yoa . > ci i'.tno co con• p->-»'-,t iit I’l.' i.dl-iw int': . W . S.oiih. ('has. Jollay, Vor-,.* n-h.a;\c anti T. li. Sunini'-y ,, , . , j r ? ■ w i-oi in th^* citv I'iio o:\c’,-*iM s v.-ill ht* open to tht ! Ini;':"!-; •< ,/.-‘d tlh> Xows t<i puiiiio and hifio ttt»onthanco is state lha: Would ho otjill .h.^h'cd un -his nnti.-nal ludidav. P. the -i-lt -le' Iidnc- at rull.- Fr.IcinoT-.adc wH] h^ wlii'o. '..d*'-::,'-. i I !i.-i>t ll i-t-ly W'iil he tth'ioitnrt iiouse lawn. cMe.Mh-d !!..■ n;iM- remaining nsilcs s-.irited races will he enj.sytHl '“rir,'*' *' 1 ■ . . ^hlin and U’-oad str;-cts. '1 lie con-i .Hi- p"..;l- connfv t.-sts ine'!udo l:icyc!o r:i(a-. :,o ;;n<l ; til' a..-. ' . ' 'I,, ha tO tlio load and ion vard diishi‘s. tlirot* le^j^rod ra-'t's. ^ tii a (tounty is vto i ,..^5.,.^^ .^jj htivs. ’ p.,rl. d :i- i.idhMnty It.r sayintr that ! p.-i/.,.s will l.o awar.led the success- 1 riH> p"..p1: ^:ened potifioils^ irt'tdy {n;] c.,nt<‘sti; 111s. A t u- o'‘-war wiP. ( lor h'Oid d thi extent of f?l.»o.- p,. enixaired in by Lhs^ah Fi^rest :tnd j ' ' '' , t'athey’s I'rt id%, in V. hich a ho\ of i Mr. uol!/. savs the railroad wil j ,0 p, (...nt eo.rars will h- .uivnthej Inandi at r.!rked i'irie ( ahin. a | haniiiieri. l^or (dinihina'a icreased ])uint i iuld nulcs tr>ini Sa]iphire inde and for fht* old-tinit> fiddling’ and • ■ Ir.'in ( :dU)v;he.‘ liotl. contests pri/.es t»f >=:. in ^'tdd will he hniianio.N wiil enter th*' h. art <d ;'^v.-ir.h-d, tl)o ri'di h' nndarx' <d !>,.'}{) aeri'S j ]f 1,.,^; h(*en sueei sted hr soini' of hidonirnip I . Mr. /.iidt/.. j fhe iderks that thev -would he hiL'h- inaa.htimto th.- larire amount | ,v a„prt-cinti vo if tho incndu.nts Of first flass tiinh'or 111.-re will he i ,vou!d their stores on this thonsai. is ii]Mm tiiousands of cords ijhiv. of ucid wtiod and in order to con | fjerve this valu:ihi<> product ft* fv.’st i adv’anti!*^*' .’inotln-r .icid jdant is I FORDS' POPUIARITY predictt-d for this county. j ’ Fonl ears aie LTowini; in ponu- I.I'.VHI t.fvjKN'is rHKniCTKt> hirity. T!h‘ lun,L' ‘ [.ivory company The aiim nneoniont of t ids liiir in-t ha vini; s(dd six last week in this dn>tiial tlc> “]o}»ia>‘Ut for tins conn- ;County. I he iia,'. c-Dnvinccd so’iie pcop!c that it pays to advertise in its columns, and ri \ order to prove this ind^spida.hlc fact to tnc few remaining; aoubter.s Vv^c are g'oin^^; to giv.:, f \ withoiu' charcrc, di-rino' [ulv, a trial Diver.sified advertisement to every man, woinan or j 1 child who will take advaniaee of it. \V.- e^p.ei;d::. V,::;- -u;:- l:,t!M51v'r t"‘Ui!i'tS iiUt; ll’t th' of 1 !;<■ ir !';iniilics to i-< v:iirL;;:. of tln> ofk r, wh;. h<.-r fl.e} .-.y*.* -idi-'orilK rs 'Try if ftvr cnri!'>u\‘ f-.v no Other rc.:soi'!. A ir!,.! places \’(Mi under i:o ■ li -n I.) ns. coxni'i'K )xs A i 1 1t* w I >i VC r-:i fi v<! :u\*c!'■■■ ti>-- iu--tUs from fliis daU.- uii- lil An.unst i will bt. ]'UM:slied without 'J'ho'- iH)l i'<,infain nu*re f’.Mn 25 words eacli. ()nl\ ou<- ;u;- vt-rlisciiienl to llie i»erso:i. Ad\ ertise wluit y< ai r.iay from li; ,-t-c' incrch;-::di'^o aI w 4.^ I Tits Kewspaper 'fliat's wliy it v/GisId be > profitable for you to advtrlLse in it t Get h ^ V’ol! I Want to S ,'f. ,;o r* >'l I I • y * I: c* J t « I i! nr t Xorthjior*. Alii. rih::r^'r of •■Pr;ii;e tiUtl 'I’j ■: r vd!::.-" >,nd ap I P. :• ^, 1 i J *ra 1 se. movcr,iie’if is i,.n T^,e^: - ^•d>o.ll for :J; days h>n^or ■-ie men’h ::rru?i;:ed foi-. S.D 3 € la I Ca fri oat <p*/i ? I Subscription Offer * I Most people have a p-ece || % of funrliurc, e iarrr. i| me n't, cr scrr.cthir*f, else || 'vhich they have discnrd- 5 c d and -A-'hich tlv-y Cij luii- % g-i- want. 'tJ- Theje things are put in the attic, cr stored aw&y ,a. each year. If you <wani a job If you •want to hire somchody || If you <VJant io sell something burn, or left lying If yoc <nunt to buy something m - uooui, ja u;ng c» le^s If you io rent your house If you <^ to sell your house If you <iuani io sett your f^rrn If you <wani to buy property If there is anything that you •=ivant the qafekitst and best ^ay to supply thut <mdnt is by phcing an advertisement in this pOf^r to <>i\ ini’ awav an •1- in>- <lt»e or sore-tvetl kii -'US. ^ ieE-3 vail »;> ❖ The results wiil surprise and please you Write advcrfi.sements ]-L.inly. Mail or hriirjj them in perst)ii. Ikm't fail ft) ‘>ive them a frdr tri il. WHY NOT I SELL THEM? I Somebody wants those very things which have ^ becv>nie of no use to you. ^ Why not try to fxrd that 4, GC'Tiebody by putting a | went advertisement in ^ THiS NEWSPAPER? | oi*]';v! of al] pohfii'til par?--,. J wdl wa,nf tt/ ’o'( p ;ip wiii'; f p'-iitica! Ti.--.vs for an e.xcirir.i; I eaTnjiaiL'U vddi Ik* wa«,'t‘d arnl th*- 1 T.U.'.'f iin,]K;rtui)t Hews wiii he„i-iv- I t ri in flu* •'^ylviMi '.’aliey X | .\lthoU-'h tli'.* Xt'VvS .-'ellr: re "I. larly loi* 1'.') cents for ihre-,- k !n,onths, i; may he luid n*..-," ^ until aftei- tlu- e]ei‘lioi;. Xo\., :.,, - « l>er foi- -J.', e;-nts. ^ rj., 1 ins ..'ier is in or..^*:- \--- ri'iirnd np scvei-al in.'w >u.f*="-n- ■ It'TVS. OEMSCBATIG EXECiiTlVE Ge.^iMlTTEE MEETIfi All mt in hers of tho ('ounty I’‘e;r* ■eiatie K:v«*ciirivo ('tfiuniittofl art-: re iTi sted to meet in P>revari, c:'. heoilic-.* of th(> td-airman. I'.- .*'el-_,.ck -an jNtonday July There is important husiness to ht VM-^avded anti all member.- ;ir o.ved to ho ]!r.‘sent. W. E. Bkkksk. .if., i!. If. (-! - SI!, Chuirii:;;’': ^^ecretary.

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