- V - " - -.4 r i i i t t f V '"if 13." 1 1 ins, ; i . i 3Y ' I aimed trltyo diolnc Uleut. iiy u U luea. 3 wor ,n need t5 best i'rC.1 ''' V0LU1IE2, The Carthage Blade. C ART II AGE, N. C. WEDNESl)AY. AUGUST 17, 1887. l9. W. SCOTT IR., Editor Ji Pnblhher EDITORIAL: IT STBVCK TOO CLOSE The editor of the Raleigh Signal alter delivering himself of hi vol uminous land nonsensical tariff ar tides to which we referred in a recent issue, complacently rolled himself up in a "high tariff blank et" and hugs himself with delight m he views the gigantic effort of his4)rain i So gloriously occupied is he contemplalicg this and the Special tax bonds case, that when . we shot at him he only replies: answer such aad such articles," leaving it to be inferred that our shot struck entirely too closeVfbr comfort, Md he'd father furnish wiotiicr target.. This inference he prove to -tod a correct one when he unwarrantedly say f "The Carthage Binds, comes to the frontias a. Free Trade organ wtd attacks the tariff article which appeared in the Signal of July ii 1st and July 2Sth. Ve shall be glad to have he Blade answer the tariff article in the Signal, of last week written by Mr. A. V. Dock cry, of Carthage. All we desire the lloiirbons is that they deal honestly with the people. Nearly all of them are in favor of Free Trado and we want them to say bo and stick to their position." . - The Blade does not now, nor has it eveir asserted that it was a Free Trade organ. It is in favor a reduction or modification of the tariff Io as to 'relieve the ne cessities of life and raise the tnx on te luxu ries, i And the ed:to r of the. Signal instead of civing 'stop thief," "deal honestly," &c, should dejiveif, hini8elf up to jus tice, for, by misrepresentation, he as trying to: deceive the people, es pecially the laboring class into voting for a thing that is daily im nnverishincr the South, and ' he " j O 1 knows it.; The republican party of North Carolina to which Mr. Harriss belongs has lived by mis repreecQtation, and this it is stili Crying tofdo. i But we think the mask has! fallen off aad those who are not already disgusted with their old j"t0i acres and owile'sto ry,are fast becoming so If the pooplc ol North Carolina, : with the history of the carpet bag leg i&lature of 'GS and '09 before them go back to republicanism, then we hall advocate the erection of an Insane Asylum in every, county, and that jmore special tax. bonds bo issued to pay Harris and bis crowd S7 per diem, HAVIS LETTER . The letter recently written by Kx-President Dvis to Col. F. II Lubbock, of Fort Worth, Texas, lias created considerable excite ment throughout Jhe South, and furnished the press a subject for comment. AH ofour prohibition journals are shocked and express tliHmsel yes surprised at Mr, pavis, while others concur in his opin ions. Wo concur with Mr. Davis in his opinion, not because we are opposed, to prohibition, but be cause wiB uave never seen any constitutional amendment passed iu any state that really did prohib it. The! local option act of Nortl Carolina; has proven a complete - Urce and is a discredit ic all who , voted thenfor. On this subject we endorse the views of the Windsor Public Ltcr, one of the soundest! democratic journals ii i the $tafp..; It lays; "Mr. Davis takes Jhe ground .that all sumptuary laws are inim ical to the spirit of the Constitu tion and oi American institutions mki says that, hoi adheres, to tht mjixim, v that the world is covern 'd too much" alreaJv. 11c nls .xposes he fallacy. vf tl.c pdmifoi -WEEICLI doctrine of msjority.rule, showing conclusively that the real purpose of free governments and constitu tions is to protect the weak from the strong, the right from the might and the minority from the majority. Mr. Davis, after d is cussing the subject of drunken ness at length, clearly shows the duty of the government in regard to the same, and conclusively proves that the proper way to deal with this class of offenders is to hold them individually responsi ble for their violation of law and decency. This we think the correct posi tion in the premises, and the right way to deal with the question. It would be equally logical to pro hibit the use of firearms or knives, or even axes, scythe blades and hoes because murders are some times committed with these in struments, as to do away with the selling of stimulants because occa eioually we find a victim to their excessive use or abuse. Mr. Dayis might have added that this prohibition nonsense first saw the light in Yankeedom and is a legitimate outgrowth of New. England Puritanism, a great grand daughter of the Blue Laws of Connecticutt; a lineal descend ant of Cotton Mather and witch craft While the Ldegeb believes in good morals as much as any one, it cannot afford to be found fight ing against Democratic truth, or 'doing evil that good may (possi bly) come out of it." Hence we oppose ail sumptuary laws, firmly believing in the good old Demo cratic maxim, a maxim as olid or or older than this. Union itself "That it is the best government that governs the least.' " Prohibition, however, is a sub ject that no man can handle with impunity. If he opposes any ac tion -toward the procurement of prohibition, he is condemned as a lost man. t If he declares in favor of prohibition he is called a fanat ic. We take the view that no man has a legitimate right to say what another shall eat or drink, but hu has a right to say that ev ery man shall behave himself, therefore instead of laws to pre vent the sale of stimulants, it should be a law to1 punish a man or getting drunk and making an ass 01 himself. This wou d free us from the degradation and shame of drunkenness andv virtually amount to prohibition. The Tariff. The Knights of Labor ouahtto know that the welfare of every man who works for a living is in- voivea in tms question. Lower the taxes and give the poor man a chance. If the Republicans kick : J i , iu uruer io consoiiaate ricn mo nopolies they will simply show once more that they are and al ways have been on the side of the classes against the masses. They are as dumb as oysters, because the corporations have filled their mouths with silver dollars. But the Democratic party is the peo pie's party. In its two conven tions already held it has occupied strung grounu. raite tna war tax off the necessaries of life that is its keynote in this campaign and tt must tight it out on that line until the government is fre J from the incubus of too much mon ey wrongfully extracted from the business of the country. Keep the Treasury empty is the only safe motto for a Republic When money is needed it will be forth coming. We have never been niggardly, uut wben it is not needed keep every possible dollar in the channels of commerce. The party which hangs out this banner is the only one to have charge o the White House New York HeraU, - Wlittt the Svnutc Cot. The fact that there are a good many millionaires among the Fed eral Senators by no weans lessens the expense which that body en tails upon the people. From the latest rejport of the Treasury De parttnent, it appears that in the next twelve months the country will hajve to pay the Senators $3SO,0Op in salaries and $33,000 ! lor mueuge ties, a. total of $413, 000. The a npunt of compensa tion set aside for sen itoria! oflke. Iclerls, m m lgrs. "c, is 'siiiua- DEVTED TO THE y. CARTHAG-E. ted at the enormous sum of S-344,-192.82. The Senate must have books aad writing paper, costing S I3,500i, while 83,000 insures the delivery of mail matter to the comfort loving .statesmen. To the end that the public may have printed copies of senatorial speech es, $7,570 is appropriated. To this must be added the $25,000 devoted to stenographic reports. The most striking item in the di gest is the sum of S45.000 for the expenses of such investigations as may be ordered by ti e Senate. This appropriation in advance for investigation purposes stands a perpetual temptation for junketing. Ex. L.oins and Forgetting. A successful business man said there were two things he learned when he was eighteen, which were ever afterwardrbf great use to him namely: "Never to lose anything, and never to forget any thing.' ' An old lawyer sent him with an important paper, with certain in structions what to do with ii, "But," inquired the young, man, "suppose I lose it, what shall 1 do then?" Ypu must not lose it." "I don't ean to," said the young man; "but suppose I should happen to?" "But I say you must not happen to. I shall make no provision for such an occur rence. You must not i lose it," This put a new train of thought in the young man's mind, and he found that if he was determined to do anything be could do it. Un made such a provision against ev ery contingency tht he never lost anything. He found this equally true about forgetting. If a cer tain matter of importance was to be remembered he pinned it down in his mind, fastened it there, and made it stay. He used to say: "When a man tells ,me he forgets to do anything. I tell him he might as well say, 'I do not think enough of my business to take the trouble to think of it airaiu.' " Ex. Cruelty to Animals. We have heretofore published this law, but ourpeoole should keep it in mind. Read it again and ask yourself if you have obey ed it during the hot weather been merciful to your animals. Sec. 24S2. "If any person shall wilfully overdrive, overload, wound or injure, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance or cruelly beat, or needlessly mutilate, or kill or cause or procure to be overdriv en, overloaded,, wounded, injured tortured, tormented, or deprived of necessary sustenance, or to be cru elly beaten, needlessly mutilated, or killed as aforesaid, any useful beast, fowl or animal, every such offender shall for every such offence be guilty of a misdemeanor, Sec. 2487. Any person who shall wilfully set on foot or insti gate, or move to carry on, or pro mote, or engage in, or do any act towards the furtherance of any cru elty to animals, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Fatjettevilk Ob server. Bigbt Principal. . It is occasionally good to revert tofir8t principles when times are a little dull and one is not carried along by the rush and excitement of pressing events. Is it right? should be printed in large letters above the portals of every man's workshop. A friend stirs your an ger bythe exhibition of some pet ty trait of character, an enemy wrongs you, it is so easy; so nat ural and sometimes so taking to say a sharp thing, to but the. iron into hissoul, but is it right? wilt be sure to rise in your mind; always heed it, this is the wiser and better plan. You see a chance of bettering your own condition, it may; be at the expense of some one else; is it right? If not you had better re main as you are, leave the tbiog undone. inis is go in newspapenng, in jaw and iq any department of business, io politics, io all the affairs of life Man without correct principles is like a ship at sea without a chart, he may ail the wipe seas over in safety ; but the probabilities are that be will strik . Let the young men of our country.pio tb"e truth Sn their bat, put it iu tlieir sc a b olM, e rry it 1 1 their hear and Wsc ?lc S35, tfcay a i abwiu-.elv POLITICAL, MORAL 0., WEDNESDAY, AUGUlTrT free from danger. When a man scans life's wajs, Len he rea& the paper, past history, tni recalls the men that he has known ; it is wonjerfuljiow many wrecks he can re call, that coal J hare been saved if they had always asked, is it right? ITow serenely and safely every bark sai.'ed on that has bad at her raast head the xaoU to ; do right. Ex. m . What a Cent Grown to. A cent seems of little value, but if it is only doubled a few times it grows to a marvelous sum. A young lady in Portland, Oregan, caught her father in a very rash promise, by a knowledge of this fact. She modestly promised that if her father would give her only one cent on one day, and double the amount on each successive day for just one month, she would pledge hersclf never to ask him for anoth er cent of money as long as she lived. Pater familliast not stopping to mo over the figures in his head, and not supposing it would amount to a large sum, was glad to accept the offer at once. On the 25th day he became greatly a'armed, lest if he complied with his own accep tance he might be obliged to be declared a bankrupt on his own petition. But on the 30th day the young girl demanded only the pretty little sum, S5,3CS,709.12. The astonished merchant was only too happy to cancel the claim by advancing a handsome cash pay ment for his folly in allowing him self to give a bond without notic ing the consideration therein ex pressed. -Ex. At Mt. Holly Tuesday, Mr. Hen ry Vauderlip, of this city, was ter nbly gored by a bull. The ani mal, which belongs to to Mr. Van derlip, was being ' taken from a freight car, and made a plunge at lis owner. Mr. Vanderlip was ored in the bowels. The wound was sewed up by physicians, and :he injured man was placed in a h ;ck and conveyed to his home in this city, where, at last account?, he was resting comfortably. At Hamiet, on the Carolina Cen tral road Monday, an unknown colored man was run down by the train and his body terribly man gled. At the coroner's inquest, witnesses appeared who stated that tho deceased was an unknown colored man who had made his ap pearance in that neighborhood Snnday, and who was undoubted ly crazy, as- his queer behavior in dicated. The mangled body was gathered up and given decent bu rial. ' Policeman Long, of Danville! arrived in this city Tuesday having' in charge a young man named Washington, Wright, who was turned over to Sheriff Smith, of Richmoud county, and taken by that officer to jail at Rockingham. Wright was some time ago tried and convicted upon the charge of shooting at a train on the Carolina Central road, and was sentenced to 12 raooths imprisonment in jail, He managed to make his escape, but was captured in Virginia, and is now once more in jail.-CW- lottc Chronicle. What fools we mortal be to tax ourselves twelve and a-half ecnts on the hundred dollars to school a lot of oegroep, who ehow their gratitude tv threatening to destroy our property, aud the wholesale murdering of the white people. Battleboro Headliyltt. The Boston Journal of Education says: Woman trusts to her iotui- tions rather than to her reason, but her intuitions lead her astray when they make her afraid of the thunder rather than of the lightning during a thunder storm." In Drier, and to the IVint. Dyspepsia b dreadful. Disordered It w is misery. Indigestion ia a f ue to good nature. The human digestite apparatus is one of the most complicatedand wonderful tbiogg io exitenee, It u easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery. meotaJ worry, late hours, irregular habit", and many other things that ought not to be. have made the American pccplc a nation of dyspeptics But Oreen' Auport Flower has done a wondefui work in reforming this gad business and I maktu the American people so healthy that they eaa enjoy their mea!s and be happy. Remember ; No happiness vitlout healtb. But Gr.co'n Augsat Flower briegs beal.h and kir-tioisa to the dv peptic. Ask 5 '-r irugjis: fot a b:t;.c. AND SOCIAL INTERESTS OF ModRE StampinG. I have just received an improved Stamping Oatfit, and am prepared- to do any kind of stamping for embroidery work. I have new designs and pattern and can stamp goods of any color io any pattern desired, and invite acy who desire woik of this kind, to give me a call. MRS. JNO. W. SCOTT, JR. Aag3. 1887. All persons indebted to the firm of 8. M. Jones & Co. ore rcqnested to make immediate payment. The firm will be dissolved at an'early day, and we wish to square ap all old aceounts. S. M. Jones A Co. Aug. 3, '87. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as -dminiatrator of the estate of Johnatkin Morris, deceased, gen eral notice is hereby given to all person indebted to said estate, to come forward and majke immediate payment, and all per sons holding claims a unst eaid estate are requested to preeeut them duly authentica ted on or before the ,27th day of July. 1888, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar ot theii recovery. Jso. W. Scott. Je., Am'r of . , the estate of J. Morris . July 27, 1887. 6t Notice North Carolina. Moore County. J In Justice Court J, A. Guateiv 1 tb. V Notice. J, M. Johnson. ) The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled as .tbove ha? been commenced bof ore M. M. Fryc, a Jus tice of the Teaceln and fir Mocre County, for the recovery of one hundred DolL due by two bonds; aul the said defendant willr further take notice, that he is required to appear at the ofljGe of M. M. Frye, J. P. in Carthage township. Moore Couuty, on the 20th day of August, 1SS7, at 12 o'clock M., and answer or demur to the coiuplaiuj in said action, or the Pla ntitf will apnly to the Court for Judgment against the Defen dant as prayed for in the complaint. , This 11th day of July. 187. St. M. 41. FuyE. J. r. . Jonesloro Higli School, , Male and Female. Fall Term Begins Wcdnc&duy, Aur. 3rd. Full corps of competent teachers.. jocauou healthy. Terms of tuWiuu and board reasonable. For further information, address, . R. E BROOM, July 20. Sec. of Faculty. EbTABLISHEU IS65. wil kill Potato Hu:;. JaliBS Lewis & Co., BALELGH, X C. HARDWARE! SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. RIMS, SPOKES and HUBS. Bubher and Leather Beltim, Lane, Cevient and PUibttr, STOVES, IKON, STEEL AND If AILS. Tlit "AL L IIWHT" Cojk Strve Tle "ALL RIG HT' Wagon. PAINTS, OILS and GLASS. COTTON AND PLANTER 8 HOES. i LARGEST S TOCK J N TUE STATE. SyToB.ixo Flle.s A Specialty. We Guarantee Country MercJiaiUs Goods itf Wkoksale Loic-et Prias. SPRING HAS COME. And we are now busy opening our LARGE STOCK 1 SPRING aiil S ALL the latest Novelties io La woe. Muslins Ghtafums, Calico, Worsted Piques, and all ktods of lreo Goods. . IN OUR Grocery rerfartmeot we have Sleat, Meal, Flour, Soiv. Cuffee, Urd, 3ioWs, Canned Good, &e., S.c OUR HARDWARE Drrtmeut is Cun,plu ALSO. WOOD AND Willoware. GIaairare, Qaeeotware. FarnitW Plows, Plow Casting, Ac. tec. Oyh STOCK OF READY-MADE dothioi is Complete, U styles aud priew. I We guarantee to sell goods tome m the Lountg, ana invite COUNTY. R E PETTY DEALER IK- DRY GOODS 134 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C., U offering hid entire atook, including th'w week's arrival of staple and fashionable gooda, at Rmall profits to ctush buyers. Nice qnality of Dress Lawns 5c pee yard. Ladies Linen Cambric Ildkis, 6o up. Men's fine Lawn Hdkfs from 6c up. Body Brussels Carpet, 44 contu. AU-woot 2 ply Carpet, 42 cents. Extra Heavy 2 ply Carpet, 85 onts. Nice line of CasKimeren for men and boys euits from 3j centa up. Fine Unbleached Shirting from 5 cents up UaT"I have accepted the Agency for the sale of Ready-Made and Clothing to order for the reliable house of John Wan araakcr, rhii-nldphi and have over 300 samples of tho uoweet and most desirable patterns and material. Allure invited to call and examine them. Satisfaction guaranteed to all giving or ders. aprl3. W. C, PETTY, WA XLV, W. C, Has in store a good stock of UBV GOODS and to keep Lis etock complete ta all its branches, he is WEEKLV receiving NEW IXRTX- OOOZDS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, 8rc MAKES 4 SimUTf OF CB0CEE1ES CORN, 31E4Lt PL 0 UPi J XD BA COR AT THE I.OWKST CASH IR1 US! jjrir-II IGIIEST Jiirkct price paid for Cot ton, Spirits and Crude Turpentine. Call and see him when yon cottetj JAN LY, and if you havn't time to come, send hiiu your orders, He guarttnteea sutisfne- lion. 8epll-ly TBE WIMINGTON STAR, REDUCTION IV PRICE. Attention ie calhd to the following reduced rates of subscription, ctudi in adyucei THE DAILY STAR. One Tear ,. G 00 Si ; Months $3 00 Three Months .....".' H 50 On Month . , 50 THE VVEeTklY STAR. One Year. : $1 oO t5ix Months.. , cy Three Jouths 30 Our Telegraphic News sevico has recent ly been largely iucreiwed, and it ia our de ter miuiition to ketip the Btar up U the highest ufandard of newspnper excellence. AldretB. WM. II. UERNARD, jy 13. Wilinington, N. C. AND PISTOLS. U M H E H GOODS. as LO U if not lower, Hum any tke puhlic to gice v a Catl. MUSE BROS-L NUMBER 2. ltsr. ! Pro MIR Tfeaa Iw, ' AT : O. & JONES9 Manlj, !Y. C, where t htre cn always be fooal a fail le of DHV(5001XS Groceries, ILiLq, Caps, Shoes, Coots, . ' Ready. Mde Clothing, liardware, Glaiware, Irug8. Ac Ac, In fiMst any and every thing found Jb firot-cLia store, I am prepared and determined to pay th 5 highest market prie for crude turpenLiu and all kinds of country Droduocu and can't be undersold in any lin of Eooda. w my motto, and vou will ave rrwnt by tilling on me tclie you go U) Wanly, Jan 4 87 tf. Gpod Goofls, Belter Mi. 1 have on band and am daily rcooif iog a full line of p are V whiskies. JUICES, ' UUAXIIIJS, , Foreign aid Domcitlc L1CU EE EH, CI i AUS &. TOBACCO, Confecflonrrlcii. Canned Oj iem, HAMS, 8A11DINK?, SALMON, and a full line of canned good. fX-When you come to town, always call on me and examine toy stock before buy. -ing elue where. I Guarantee Satisfactiou J. W. MYRICK, arCBtf MAKLY. N. C. " ' LEGAL ADVEuTISMJiTS J.W. HINSDALE, - altkh, N. C. W. J. 1DA9S, Carthio N. 0, IIISIAIX A AD AMIS, , ( AimiLCii;, ;v., . Have formed a partnership for Iho pmt tice of i jvil lawf ia the Bupriot Court of Moore County. &r Annual retainer of neither party la eluded. i r ' aogA if ' Cartlap Academic Mtt6f FQRBQTH SEXES. Prepares for College and Business. Carthage, Moore Co., N. C, - Full Term opeos us, Ut and con Uuucs 20 weeks, hi. McG. SHIELDS, A. 1). i Princu J. F. COLE. ( Pl- Mus. Makv JjAOWKXL, Music Teacher, Term5 17.50 to $15,00 jcr session Ancient aud Modern Languaies 1.0U per mouth extra, Mubic, including use of infrlrunieutt $3.00 ier month. Board trotn ?G.OO to $10.00 pcrmotitlv For particukrs, address either princl pal. M i Aug. I. tf. ! Sanford High SchooL FOR 130TII SEXES. Strictly Non-9eoiariaxL College Prrparilory and ItuctkaL Jaha E Itllr.l. M PriidjiaL (Late of Uaioa Home ScbooL) In. Inie leCllFinr. Uij Priieftil,' 1 Ute of I'ocUt ISekod.) Tuitiok;-1,50, 12.00, t$0 and 3t. 50 per month. CUftsica each $1,00 ex tra. Music 3,00. JUmd 18.00, Fall Seaswsu otis 2nd Monday ia Ac J gust, 1 88G. Jr or iarticulars, dilret, TI1E TBU8TKES, aag5-ft Sanford, N. c. RAILROADS. c, f. 4 x. t, iijiwa curisij Toke fCWtnX 1. 00, p. j EundM OttTIJ, Arrive tav. SAi S0.05 a a 10.20 mo m. 12.20 2.3C5 2.4 6,15 7,Cl &Z9 IteunettsrtlU fcbrte lieel Fayetterillt, tSiuiford, Greetuboro, Foitd Dinner at Sauori, - THAIS fcOCTIX. Xrrifc team Powl, . Greenboro Sanford F-jeUeTille, , 6hoe I J eel, IkanxlUfUlf, .00 15 p. c 4 10, 7.39 10.00 420 6.20 29 miiski it Saifortf 1st ilutt - J. W. I'll . r 'I npu fTAMJt'KnjS il ! v I i