J ?i lis m si h'i m hi SLJ A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE POLITICAL, MORAL AND ;SOCIAL INTERESTS OF ipORE rOTJNTY. Gartliage Blade. 'I , V.'Jl n A G k, x. c. usi: l'A,l AUCUT 21, 137 EWT10 B f A L ; Two unices appear in this issue 'fViurt House' corrpctly spelled, but simply as a Fpcllmg copy 'is it endurable? The 'author of that piece is a greater man than Judge Connor, for he presumes to criticise his appear ance ami. his official acts. The Judge hutt feel avifully bad, for' the Sanfonl ErLrrtzs is on the war path and every editor m ?the Mate knows what that means and every dignitary and potentate cf our I, government qua&es in bis shoes when that terrible authority "pub CARTHAGE, N.- C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24. 188 KUEI3ER 3. impositions ttave been, sq-jelchej, save for the deavpr to mold ail di simple tact that neither we r.cr aJikeu to viel(1 iirrRatri;l,i triW. anyone else can spot its head-j to WOrry ourselves and others quarters. As long as our people j about what cannot be remeJi?d; believe ii witches, witchcraft end j nnf .nii..,.;. nii w y. ... . 1 w w tv ? W Ulk LtiUi; til LU J UlltS article t'nat; appeared in bst week 8 Uisfos a piece: " 'The picturp of the jSRUB 01 UtC .TalU Jiu m r - think the jTrilcle in question had much better been left unwritten, unless the , editor cf the Ercx:,' were .better ifformed as -to the conditions of the contract and ex nctly the work to be performed by the Cdntruore, yet, we dp not desire tb be misconstrued, into ta king sid3 in -this controversy. We have no Voica in it, but merely grant to ' ihe correepocdenta the use of our columns. ... It seems . Wrong to express lack of confidence in the success of the Imoeiatic party, yet va fear that its di-leat in this State in 1SSS is "certain, and nothing has advanced ur hnsteiled lit more than the prese nt system of County govern ment. The tuuoof the party has been "protect the eastern counties from th tH- but the',nasscs . have sufferbl so much fr jiii 'pocket ,m a gist rati' and'ene man power,' that they ire ermincd to try a change. This is merely a convic tion and I wo hopo may pre grouncliesi . Besides, it appears u us only right and proper that ail ofxur oHicjers from thu greatest to the lcasthouhl be elected by pop ular vote, lor U secures the choice of lhepeop!e ly popular majority and not by pnrty. pov.'er. And. it is also true-that if the republican party heldtho power, wo should ' be cryiog.agamst the present sys tem of government. If we are not consistent we must suller the re- BUlt. '": "I things of this ilk, mention will be made by fools of "Court House Rings.'- ;! We do not mind it, only we hate to see so much good ink waste!. i E.S. . Judge i3 a singular one. Mr. Au thor, did you vote tor him at Inst election? If I did not know Judge Connor to be the gentleman that he is, tho lawyer that he u, the Judge that stands pre-eminent in our State, I should imagine from tho description given of him by the Express, that he was an imme diate and direct descendant of Iparwin's typical forefather of man ajnd mankind. 1 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the French Revolution, the war between the States are not certainly entitled to as much ,, rp, , . .. ril i snecitications mentioned in ron case.- The description of the . , . f p niidir in ine ijjircss is grapmcai ana Mr.' Editor: 1 lo not court a ocwfpa" per controversy, but on account of the desperate attempt of some one in the last issua of the 'Ex press,' ly misstatements and fals-1 innuendoes to injure tho parties connected with thy building of the Court House, I think it but justice to myself that I should make the following; statement: On the Sth day of March, 1SS7, Mr. L. Grimm entered into a con tract with the County Commis sioners of Mcore1 County, agreeing to repair and remodel the Court. House according to the plans an i that needs alia vation a3 far as lies in our power; not to make allowances for Ihe infirmities of others; to consider everything fmposaihle that we cannot pei form; to believe only what our finite minife can grasp; to expect to be able to understand everything. Ex. Ccaiaissioncr's Sale. Wlio is I'rolcctcdr Pittsboro, Pa. is shipping shov els to Australia, afid successfully- competing with the same goods of Lrrgusb make, rittsboro makes up for this by selling the very samp shovels to the American farmer for double the price it charges the Aus tralian. 'They are able t'o do this As vllt be seen from the bet i& f the Bri)E the farmers of the county have eiprrssed them selves' in favor c'l ho establishment of -couhty fair,' and have pledged themselves to: lend theij efforts fo rward making if a certainty and a j success. Wc intend at an early day to submit to each farmers' club throughout the county a plan 'of organisation. which will enable the solicfiing committee of each club to make clear the- condition and requjrenents. It is not ex pected thjat the fair will bo estab . lished this year, but it can be next . year and made one of tho-largest in the Stale. The best plan of or ganization we deem to be that of a Etock company, fortheti every sub pfriher tiierfto acts, on his own . .judgment anjl is not forced into an organization he distrusts by a ma jority of the profession, trade or so ciety to j wh ch ho belongs. This also gives each stockholder the pi ivileger of retaining or disposing nf his stock las ho desires. And if possible the capital stock should1 v be made";up'vs near equal as possi- ble, representing every trade and profession in tje county. This would secure the hearty support ntsd eticouragi-mcnt of all classes. We hopo our farmers' clubs wi I . urge ihe matter all they can, foi . no industry can. be established ii the ccunty that will benefit them mote than a county fair, would do full honor to anv school boy of seven years of age. That your readers may understand, we refer them to said paper in its issue of Aug ISih, 1SS7, if they' can borrow or buy it. That idea of "gashing battery" is as good as it is new. No other paper hna dared to uso such h phrase; but who shall lim-it the Express It is inde pendent. Your readers may (if they can) imagine how Jones looked with his "batter hacked face." .That is a new kind of faco tO 115. IIcw the author of that article knew that Sheriff Biack had taken a drink, I cannot imagine, unless Black, in his - good nature, gave said author one himself, and if lie Ylid, shame on him that he should . t - i i i i' i ii .i" puDiisn nis menu and leave mm self out. My dear friend, more than' one attendant' npdti that court saw the Sheriff give you more than one drink. Deny it, if you dare. For the sake of infor-mation-, we would like to ask the Express what it means by (saying that hi an who "bcrrenlly strokes L is beard m Bilent meditation, prefer ring to Mr. Robins or Mr. Worm ack. The writer cannot say which and leaves to the election f the (author of-.said expression. The c inscription of the members of the liar, should commend itself to each c f them for I know they would like to preserve it for their chil i ren andUheir children's, chiidrcn to read till time shall be no nioj'C. Will the author of that piece please' inform the public what is meant by this sentence: "But the clock ticks on whiie a) -night in Jones' bar-room ia thoroughly en gaging the court." We must pre sume that the author kuows whereef he speaks, and we are not at all curious, but we would j said he price of Five thou- sand and five hundred dollars. Mr. Primmave a justified bond in t tie sum cf Eiht thousand. dollars to insure th faithful performance, of hie contract. The contract and bond is on file in the Register's of fice. Mr. Grimm and myself un dertook to build the Court House, thinking at the time that we would possibly bo able to finish it by August Term. We were disap pointed in getting such material as was necessary, and consequently failed to have it completed at that time. The writer in the 'Express' nays that it will take $3,00.0 or In; pnrs'tnncc rf the or kr of the Fnr?r. r vrnrt of Sloorc Vonuty, the unileri&TJCti will ecll at public auction at Ite Coar. botts door in CY.nh.igo on Setensbar 2sth 1SS7 at 12 o'cloa!,-, m , that tirlct-of lanJ t Di-pp River, aljxiihi thij Imh of (lile toasLee. anl oibcrs kaawa a.s tLc Kich.irJ Street home p i ice, caulaiaing &!.-ut 40 acres Biid, now. ia jo it,osbIoa of A. W. Til maa &3 tenant. Terms of Bale. -Cash. &,U for r.irtition. Cart haSe, N . O , D . A. 51c Hok i i.n. Aug. 23, 1387. Coiuriisbner. NOTICE. M : E PETTY DHALEn. IX- , North CiroIiya Moore Coaniy f Srpsrier Court. Notice W. J. HcDoLalil, ad. of A. J. McDonalJ, V3. J. A. McDonald, A. II. McDonald. 1 V. , . TT . . . - . nieuuuve uaraeu a. u. .Mcucuali l? bsreby notilbd to appear tie fore me at mv cfike in Carthage on or before the 2i;h div wuvHvmiui cuui-o uu ouuiic- ne nave, why ths sle made in the ftl.ovc tition ana creates 'a monopoly oJ titled ca?e on the is $4f000 to finiahit. It ' may do it biit we propose to firsish it with all possible speed according to the terms of fihe contract; and -had wp been able to pet material wo would not havo bt-.en behind is to the time, lib 8!ys that the Court IIouso will be inconvenient and that it hois ;roi soats in' it. As . to the inconvoqnkrsce we did not foe! that wc should disregard the plans and sp'cifictions set out in the contract ma le with the Commis poly the home market.- Singer's com- pany sells its American made sew-! ing macFiint-s in London and Liver poo! for cne half the price it charnj ges its customers in the United States. Does any one see where the profits to the farmer, mechan ic, or laboring man come in tfndtjr our present, prohibitory tariffs'? The difference in price for which the articles are sold in foreign and home markets does not go into the Unitud. States Treasury to lessen taxation, but gofi3 into the pocket of the manufacturer. This tarifl simply legislates the money out of ona man's pockets and puts it into the pockets of another. It is leg islative robbery and legalized sys tem of plundering the masses of the people for the benefit of the large monopolies and manufactur ers. lo-oayi ins machmq the United there, with fa you cutrbuy a sew in London made in States and exported eight added, for $20 ft same machine made in the same Ipnited Stai.es Factory isso'd here in Ppnacola for $40, and cannot be bought- for less. Wiio is prott.'ctcd? Ex . S25, w.hiSe t! th dav of Auonist IS to raise ausett3 for the -payment of claim3 against the cetats of phumitF's in-. testate, Ejionld-not be couurmei, if he fall to appear or object ther sale will Le confirm!. D. A. JlcDesALD, (J. S. C. Aug. 21, 13S7. 4!. Stampi n G-. I have just received an improved Stamping OatSt; and ara prepared to do any kind of stamping for eajbroidcry work. I havo new ucsigcsaad patterns, and canstanip goods of any' cjlor in any pattern desired, and invite aLy who dosirg work of this kiud, to give me a call. " l MRS. JXO. W. SCOTT, JR. Aug 3, 1887. iXKroxiarj. CrOODS. 134 Fayettovills St., ; RALEIGH, 'H. C, Is offorinu his entire stock; including t'uir. week'js arriral of staj-le and fi.sluonblv sjood-.at small profits to ensh l)ayor3. Nice qualify of Dr.rsa I.vn5j ;"c pet jnrd.-LA-Jies tinea Cam! r:c Hdhf?, 5o up. Mou' line Lawn Hdkis from "o uji. -EvjJy Brusse's Grpet, 4 4 ceuta. All- vool 2 ply Carpet, 42 ccnt3. . Extra Ilenvy 2 ply Carpet, 23 cir.ts. Nice Hue of Cissimcrea for men auI bey puita from 33 cents uj. Fiae UbblcacLctl Slartiasfrom 5 esiita up. JG&-I liare accepted the Agency for tkt ede of Jkdy-Mada and Clotliing o order for the reliable house of Joba Wan- amaker, riiiU-lelphi, ayd have over 3'tC samples o"f tho u-iwest r.ud most desimlilc patterns and material. All uro invite 1 to vdl nui exrauiiitj them. ! Satisfaction guarauteed to all giving or Ji'rs. r.1)r 13, 17. ISS7. issr. PfiK LOWER to Iw, . AT- Beer driniving, according to in ternal revenue figures, is growing in r.opular favcr ut the expense of sioners. and !bui!d a Court House ! whiskev. The taxes on distilled to suit ourselves. The Cotnmis- sionera im ebnjunctien with the Justices of the Peace selected the plan, and. wu were instructed to build accordingly. As to the seat?, I can only siy we nevr con spirits for the last fisci! year show a falling off of nearly $5,000,000, while -those on malt liquors in creased greatly. Prohibitionists will be pleased to learn that the reduction on hard drinks was ef- tracted to pi?t any seats i;i the kcted mainly in States whers tern Court Hi' u si;, j The contemniibU: peiaace mea'5tre3 have been most fling in regard to the.- .ingenuous j successful. Ileeeipts from tobacco silent purtfW n a simnle pure and I continue to.irrov greater, and not unadulterated lie. G. C'GaAv'ES. Iu!jc;jrtgeiiicnt. Words of encouragornent are in deed stimulative, and they never fail to strengthen tho wings of am bition tor a higher and, nobler flight into the dazzling skv of brilliant i little of the increase is due to cigarettes. The total internal reve one receipts will show an increase of about i2, 000,000. All persons indebted to tho Erin r S. M. Jones & Co. are requested to raaka immcdi-.to raymo;it. The Gnu will bo dissolved at an early day, and we wi.-sh to square up all old acsouuts. S. M. Joxes & Go. Aii?. 3, '87. Administrator's Notice, Ilavin qnalified as Administrator of the estate cf Johc&thau Morris, decea-sed, frvn- eral notice is hereby given to all person indebted to said estate, to come forward nn.l nmke immodinte payment, and all per sons -holding claims ng.Ain.st said est.'tte f-.re req nested to preeentj thoin duly atl)eDtici,. ted on or bef'ra the27th day of July, 18b8, or this notieo will te pleaded iu bar of theii recovery Jko. V. Scott, Jr.., Am'r of the estate of J. Morris. , July 27, 1SS7. Gt. W. O. PETTY, MAXLY, N. C, ITfB in itore a good stotl; of Dlv' CpOD;5 -ud t keep Ids- block complete in Sail iu jraut-hes, he iu WEEK IA receiving ! wuw jdzitz- a-oods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, . HATS AND CAPS, $u MAKES A SPEC ML TT M CSGUERiES VOEN, MEAL, FLOUR AKD BACOZ AT THE lowest vA&ii mucus:. rXrlllGIIEST Jarket price p-iid forGo ton, Spirits and Crude Turpcutine. j Call and sec Lira when you comet JUAJS JiY, mid if you havh't titno to curaej pejti bim your orders. He guuriintccs Kakfae tiou. " tcpM-lv O, & JONES9 where tb-re cm aljr.iys bo fttnl a full ' I ne of . - i . di;y goods J r: Crocertea, UL Ceps, Flu.c, Boots, BMdy-Madc Ct-;thi:i. H.udware, tihssw;ro, lru, &a.j In fwt any And pyef y tine foan ! a a first-cliis bloic, ; , .. - , x I -a m prepared ini d. ifrtfdi.ed t ruv th Jii;;l.st Market price f ir cnJp U 7ei,.;.i tiid-slrrkiivl of c-m-trj frdsiw, muI ean't ho uikml I iiutir i:coi' pxU. '.: ;. motto, asul u rili s ') tii!lini on", mc iai.lr. " J:m i sr tf. if) to I hnre onltand ar.am daily rccoi? ing a full lise of pare ? . ' . Uviiisiisi:. Forcifn and fijacsticjLACEE BEER, j C'onrcclibiicrlC!. CVntkcr, a:nel Oyster, HAM', SAIIDINIS?. SALMON, uid a full line of canoed gotxbv Va-VThcn- yifm come to. tawn.4lwa.vii call -ii me and examine mt Rtwckybjfyro Lu ug cue here. I GuamateqGatisf action J. Y. MVHICK, rn THE WIMIS&TON STAR Several Itiiuls of 1 iris. respectfully and deferentially en-j effort. Yes, give the young and quire, was it you that took our bottle from under the Ccurt-house step? If you did, we freo'y for give you for we know by yonr looks that you needed it. Will the author also please state (if he has time), what the word "facinated" means as used in-connection with L. Grimm. An anx rous-aifd inquiring public a wait -an answer. . . Will the said author also please inform us if lexicographers have determined to spell cashier with two eV? lie says that G. C. Gra- ves is that Kind ot a man. w ane furuishing this information, will the author oblige us by stating whether he refers to Webster or Worcester in sneliin;-,"ins;ni us'' and what the thunder it means anyhow? ! That idea of a 'stringing tail" is novel, unique. What it means, however, this writer cbnnot divine. that Anglo-bjxon wbru usea iu the article is a stu-nner. This wri ter shyeth nothing further to it, forhe is becoming tearful. -We ujways thought there was a' Court House Firm' and Court House Riug-.'.and now wc 'know it, for the Express so saj'eth. Who are they? . Unearth them. Every sensible man knows that a lawyer ut the Court House should not struggling, a word oi encourage mant when you can. You would not leave those plants in your win dow boxes without water, nor re fuse to open the shutters that the sunlight migfit fall upvon them; but you leave some human flower to suffer from want of appreciation or the sunlight of encouragement. There arc a few hajdy souls that 5 llEISJCT5ri IV PRICE. Atientfoaie elled to the folic win? redt Kites of EabHcriptiou, cikIi in RuV;uie: THE DAILY STAH. Oe Year... . . . Sit Months Three Mentha Oae llonth... . .. eft p THE WEEKLY STAR. , aas. J.i .'ii Oae Yeirv . . . ix Month's.. . TLrce Mouths. El Y.AG0N SCALES, Iron !7or, Stl Parinr- Br 'I are Scitm and Ueciu Loxt tr ?2 ffK iosefh iyi thtfwuht fr higuest pifirniara oi nrrtfj-apr exell-ucc St 3- Ont i elofirrapbio Ne ws mvice Lis i-eeent- lr hern 1 srtily iiiorciHod, find it id oar Je tcrnnnation to keep tho Btau up tu tn biJceuJOXCS OF EIHuMAUTGN, On this interesting topic we give the following pointers to young men readers: A good girl to have Sal Vation. A disagreeable girl Annie Mos ity. A fighting girl Ilittie Magin. A sweet girl Carrie Mel. A very ideasant sirlJennie Rossity. A sick girl Sail ie Vate. A smooth girl Amelia R ition. A seedy girl Cora Ander. A clear case of girl -E Lucy A ldrecs jy 13. ESTABLISHED 1S05. WAJ. 11. IJEriN' A UD, Wiliuitigtou, N. G. 1 1 1 ill rn-a i i i i 1 1 ii i i i i i ii i im ii i iii' Mm Lewis & Co., EJCLEIGH, n. c. G-XJXnTS j akd ! PISTOLS H'A M can struggle along on stony soil; i Date. deserved. shrubs that can wait for the dev.' and ponbeams; vines that climb without Uind!y'training;but only a few. Utter the kind word when you can see that it is The thought that "no and no one knows" blights many a bud of promise. Be it 'the young artist at his eased, the youqg prea cher in his pulpit, the workman at his bench, the boy at his mathe matical problems, or your little girl at the piano, give what praise you cWi'lVilson.yiirrur. A geometrical girl Polly Gun. Not a christian girl liettieito doxy. ' One of the best girls Ella Gant. t A flower gir! Rh.odn Dendron ; A musicil girl Sara Nade. A profound girl Mettic Physic. A star girl Metta (Jrtc. A clinging girl Jessie Mine. A nervous gill Hester leal. A muscular girl :Callie Sthen-tics'. A lively girl -Annie Mation. An uncertain girl Eva Nes i cent. Xoarteen Grca: Slisiakc- advantages as one Ed lUade: You have no dkmbt noticed an attiele'in the Sir.ford Ex2rrss v the same page with the Sauford . ExprcsM;icns," entitled "Court, its scenes and what tiie people of t!e county, are busy tat- l have the same kniff about. . who resides abroad. It is nrenos This article is by all odds the I "t'erous to suppose suchia thing. In most nonsensical I havo ever read, j these days of Protection the Ex Itteimm -vha- wrofto it may be prclz dotsriglit to urge tho claims b!e to write, but if so, the efjoit jof Sauford, Jonesboro, SvarinV toindite h words exhausted Jib tSiuticn and Manjy lawyers "to full mental cahbre. Il?3 article might and .unrelieved prote'etio'n. Tiris (Jo tor -a ppmer class m an lulantj "Court ltus Ring"- ehould l? fcchoo', for! almost cvry word h buiUd, "AlU long-ago would it Somebody has condensed the mistakes of life, and arrived at the conclusion that there are fourteen of fiiem. Most people would say, i if they told the truth, that there was no limit to .tne mistakes oi life; that they were like the drops ia the ocean or sands on the shore, I in number, but it is well to be ac curate. Here then, ere fourteen! W A SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. RIMS, SPOKES and HUBS. Rubber oni leather Bdtinjj,-Lime, Cement and Flatter, STOVES, IRON. STEEL AND NAIL;. i The "ALL JtlGUT' Cook Stove Tie -ALL RIGHT? Wagon. PAINTS, OILS and GLASS. COTTON AND PLANTERS IlOriS. LARGEST STOCK IN THE ST AT E. SFTjbacco Flkf.8 A Specialty. JTe Guarantee Country Slercltants Goods at Wholesale 'LoieU Trices. a-r naf MANIA', N. C. LEGAL ADVCR'ilSSEm W. JIKySDALE, Carthage h. C. I . . . - .- Uare firnx d a pjytaerid.ip for tlfo prnp i.H of oivl Ij, ia the fcuj-erior Court uf doorj. County. - Si" Vrcju(il retainer of nciiLer part io ItiocJr j . Mm AcaSsmlc MMi ' i FOR BOTH SEXES. Prepares foi Collcgo and Bu&iucMS. Carthago, Moore Co., K. C, Full Teijni opens Aug; 1st and co:i iaues 20 weeks. . I f. UcG. sbHIELDS, A. 13. J. v. cgi.E. ) Princi J pala. .ilns. MA ijYlUawj-XL, Music Teacher. Terms: ?7.50 to $15.00 i er stseion. n( Lsnt aad Modern Languages $1.00 ,K-r !i:oni!i extra. - - Music, including uso of instrument, -3.00 per month. Hoard tnjm eC.OO to $10.00 pcrmonlh. For partitularii address cither M ilici- pal. I Air. 1. tf. SanfcfM High ScliooL .i;pR.oTH SEXES. tlizicliy Kon-Hsbtarian C:c-!-..;?fe 1'rc-i.aritor nwl rrtxticaL ' i in. Aanie I.adr fricdual. (Late ti 1'octfcl 6cLfi.). ! - TL'IIR KING A And ice are now Inky opening oi:r LAUGH STOCK -OF- A sad oirl Ella G. A serene girl -Mol!ie Fy. A great big irl Kllie Phant. A war-1 ike girl The best girl 0 rv -Millie Tary. all Your Own. 17 liAGfSS PE5ETRaTIVt great mistakesf It is a great mjs-, f S'fff SPRING est SUH1ER GOODS. N-:-?!,r0, 00. $2,50 and 13.- 30 per ui'ijstth, C'U'kIcs t-Jich ?I,(X) cx :ra. .Miuuc 3,w. Jw.ira - J" - - Kail Sc?fUn ojenM2nd MenVv m'Att. lic. For particular, fishes J TIIE TRLVrepS nn;5-fl gaatord, X. C. rjAl LRO A p I R c. f. If t, xi. tiumx cespisij - To take effect iU 1. 00, IV M- 8oadj pie accoxdinglv; to measure th POSJTI VILY BURNS 3TUMPS, Ko cru5 potrcleoru ttitbcr.eif weter or ex-. i4osivm tt U eoca poucd.tlcb.l( pot the riaip and KV &t to, wiU bura It. ROOT3 AttO ALL. OR DRY. fetid fi-00 lor m3gl Tairtlv to bum U 1 orrK,r 1 Asm! i tu n ps. faminL. Seod tir LAuSr AccBMWastei. this world; to iok Iop judgment i rVlttt:--"'tffr0 and experience 1.1 youth; to fu-1 tv'riK rcrioic ALL llJC ltcet Novelties ia Iawn?, MasHas Gingham?, Ca'ico?, WurstcJJ riqaes, acd al kioda bl Drcu ujiAs. . IN OUR Grocery Department we tare Meat, Mtal, Flour, Sagar, , CcfTet Lard, 3lo:aicCs, UaaceJ Good.-, Ac, &c. OUR HARDWARE Department is Complete ALST3; WOOD AND Willoar?, GU?irr?, Queens are, Fulti.arc; Ylova, Vlow Ctf tiag. Sic. &c - OUR STOCK OF READY-MADE cuuin is aMtf 6t;lesNaad -nc-i. - , ; We guar antes to sell goods as LOU if not lower." -'than scny Jiome in the County, and invite the public to gize us c Call. ti:ai. xoitTii. Atrtvt -- ,- JenrietUvilla 5Uoo Jleel : i ateufivuie, .ire-tS'horo, rid Ajr 13-tf the public to, gi MTfSE BROS-', cAJJKaoy a, c. 10.05 -ra 12.10 i. Uincer st Btcfotd, 8.45 10.20 12,20 241 7.0 Pwh - " 7.Z9 fite&-wro. D.00 lOt'O S'anf.-t 1 l.Sj p. at. lJh ' e i)etUviti, - 4.10 4 20 i " r !-e-, , C12 . C.20 1 .JJeDaitnif r TAo , , ! ) .'aia'cletat 5af.f:rd fit dieaef t r J I as r