j -:-..v ' - - - -. - : - - ' 5 t. - . : j - 'Z-0' - . - . ; A AVEEHXY PAPER DEVOTED TO Tirp pnTTTTf st mrs . , iU lxi 1 OLiTiuAL, juOBAL AND SOCIAL INTEBE3T3 OF MOORE COUNTY. TOLUME 25 30. CARTHAGE. N. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1838. TheCaeElade. c A tit it Afy. .y. c. PRICE 5 CENTS, OUR CONTEMPORARIES. If- A. T 0 0 T E, I f Proprietor. " j 7w. SCUTT. Jj, Eilitor. cress show no more of the spirit cf; ever been committed in ourcoum I genuine reform than its predeces- j " eors ehowed. The President is watching them, and he will put his' axe to their tree of extrava gance and will cut it down. Many, useless, trifling, lounging parasites E D i T 0 fill A L ; The political papers are getting their quills and scissors in good , 4jtrim and laying in ao abundant to be an THE WEEKLY SEWS iSD OBSERVES. 1 -i The Weekly Xewg and Observer h n lon ways the beat paper ever pub-Mi-(4 In No: ih Carfillna. ItUa credit to the people and to the State. The peo p'e f.hauid t.ike a pride iu it. It should be in every family.' It is an c&hi-pagc paper, full of the best sort of rcadir.:; matter, n-r.w, market report, and all thai. You v-aniot afford to be without it. Pnee, 1.25 a Yfc.f. We will fn . rnr. i.vte:r.va(- We ere from sev.ftfal of oar cor. c- pr;raries a deposition upon ;r pa it to deviate- from the pol-j,-v i.'-r-tufore marked out by the (Wmof ra'ic party ipj regard to . the Internal ' Iievenuej? j Thcro is no kro denying that ho viohitioo of the Ii'tertuil ltevetiuo laws are as vigfrouly proRfcuted under the Democratic administration as they rver were under tbjo Republican. rrhese lawajaro 6n the Statute :ooW. Tho peop4 of the State nre rccBonajle. ' Tiiey do not hold their reprcfe?ntaUycj3 in Congress rePpnMbiciiif they fail to accom- j-.Iiift a repeal of these laws, which now seem to be, On account of the tarifT, almost impossible. They do ask that every hcV.est eflort be mado for the repqal, and the pa pars that are now pealing dirt oy. Recount of it wjl! find that if they Vr i ! 1 associate with the masses that thce laws are ymt v.b odious now m they were timler the K?pub!i ci,u administration. ; in the cfTices have been lopped oiT. ",m . r " . 11 . supnlv ofnasta. Th:3 is tianykmus ct rings have been 1 ej(cilirg yeara .ar cf hot if , msu the W.ekiy Xe and Observer smashed, and the third nous, thej, contests. The Republica a ! tor VanJ.:C c--)v ' Adtw" LjQ-jdj, bo poweriui in iiau;cai i are ;ireauy mixing up u;t:r war times, U) stiipped to a great, ex tent of its numbers and has vanish ed. The Union stands, the caun- pamt aud ?narpenmg their toma hawks. It's g jing to be hard to suit the dear public this year, and it's verv Rrobr.ble that if scmpnir- try is s-ifc, the negroes ore not in j ty could induce the angei Gabriel slavery a3 was predicted, peace j to trim off h;.3 wings, lay asido his and order prevails) and the people cornet and come down and in-ike par- Scn;ilor Vtiif EEumoroiSH'. uiu nijL im;iic:vTa ill . men rights, the Constitution is respec ted, the law are enforced and jus tice is extended to ail. This is surely very much after Grantism for eight years and a Re publican Congress made up of Mosstroopers, Whiteborse-ISoys, Raiders, Bummers and Freeboot ers men who abused, outraged, oppressed the South by vicious and unconstitutional laws, and men who got rich on a salary of i-5,000 a year, Times have im proved, there . i'3 more regard fi r law, people are better protected in their rights, and the Southern people are letaone. This much may be truly said in behalf of the Democratic party of 'the Union.- Jlrilminrton Star. race, tha ! oin-.T MiiVS 5SD GESEEVE5C0, Fcb - Italeigh, X. C. Tlv Tlrtue cm a'pd-rcr nf sale cor.t.aln i in f. M-.H-j-au-o LV-jl cz-ite-J! fo E. ?T. I-.r.'t o.i the VAh l:iy of O-fbcr, ,v t, r:', j ii;v-i, as Liooiitors of the eMatcc-f f.:ii.1 ti l kr POCOMOKE buiNO nude la 1SS7 1C23 p-auda cfUNT:On on ONE A E E, For Sale by Melf SRS tia3 would he ready to swear uace n, M-.tL-t. viii e,.-;i t0 , ha3 already served two terms in I ': ' wA -r---'-- tar tne penitentiary, one for stealing Marj;,, 93 ACIVi;S ,,t- an overcoat one co d ni?ht when i .-u.-.ty, t IANFOEDj, N. 0. of! in h'y, o: the OTr Ur.aricial itawUng. and. !! act iha! we are the vldcd and largest dealers here, ghes vi ha was out practicing and the oth j ;'f'S ' : Vt't '"i-1' ! f ' Brands, and tee hare selected the very best: POCOMOKE, PACIFIC, STAR BRAND, er for knocking down a poor crip ! .(: ttL- r,.-i..t..r : i . t, i mi.cvutj pled angei and ran. tog his harp 1 iJ "' k s- y- away frcra him. It's awfully huid VihCcll:;, Escutor. to .suit the dear public. Durham Ivcorder. This Feb. litlh. I';:!?'. L A D 1 E 3 ! PEERLESS F4YES. They will dye evory hinq. They nre sol ? i.-vf rywlifr'-. l'ri:!Oe. c pcka-re. 4" c Lrs. They ba-.t n-j t.jr.al f-.r Strenctli. x Senator Vanee in a speech a? thn banquet of .the.' Merchants' and Manufactureis' Asi( ciation in a1 tiinorrt recently, 'made a; humorous illustration of Ihcvvorkings of th.c obnoxicurj tarilf lu'-vs. ' On the f.ub ' jr-ct, "fhe tflort io get rich by faWi" he spok'o as follows: 1 "Tlic idea never occurred to me of fielecting a bank that j. ecu hi tri.vt, hut one that would tr?;st m. L'Hig'nti'r. I know of fto lawful i way to et rich. it is aw! lot g have sought. 1 do not meon that there are any people in lialti n;ore wbo-are trvir; to cet rich by unlawful means. I mean that there are FCUne people in Uie cou fi tly who always ;lave and always v. iil try to obtain legislation which will. give them an advantage over others. Selfishness and greed are j the causes of this. The history ol The State Democratic- Conven tion will be held in Ruleigh on the 30th of May. There is scarcely 0110 rmn in a thousand in "North Carolina who understand that, in order to gH any money for Eeheo! purposes by the li'air Educational bhl, North Carolina must raice by taxation an the Blair bill wi'l cive her. The ! a.Dr t c Blair bill does not relieve us 0! 1 ' one cent cf taxation, but tend5, to ! impose heavier taxes on us, We i v i--J. wprft talking fn nn rnnfod vonr-o ! vrur.g L-.ly oi rK family aivl one who man the other day, who was advo- J.ri-lrnfss, Anioviiit in r'jick'es or fur Fast Q3 I yivjr, or i;r.:i-l;.,!lTiij Qualities. They Tlie President and Mrs. Cleve land m tide -a flying trip through the Atlantic States to Florida lust week. At a meeting of the National D; mi senile Committee held in BOWK! Bowii! DOWN! , j U.asiiU'uton cr. the rird i;sr, it was. decided to hoM the National I by white men, and then look out! eating ttio Blair bill under the er ronecus impression that it relieved the white people of the South from paying taxes for schools. If the Bluir bill should, unfortunate ly.'ever beconie a law, and when the Secretary of the Interior at Washington begins to give orders about schools and school teachers 'in North Carolina, then you will hear a wail from the ee-nscrviitive ptople of-this Stiite (not fanatic-), and then the negro will begin to i enter complaints at Washington i.-..M.j.t..-.. .,.,.. ....v i ;tl sv.tj-.jv othr-i is.nuh to casli hum, a the dssrr;Dunon 01 tne ncnoos luno ; mnke roo-a I-.k aprln purchaccs. ROYSTE1? 8 HIGH GRADE ACID PIIOSPIIA TEt We keep the Fare German KAIXIT, 1 flQ uniirsf.wvJs tbs KKaaprc:tuent of chillrc-n iosires a Kiia.uion as Governess or n tcicb cr in a pvivate bchool. Cfm e'na well rcc orarritii kd. Ad.ir?33, Uudk, Card, age, C Fe?.. 22 and ncrtvv won! and si:!: rroous -,cd out for sals, on drop tima and for cash. Wo Guarantoo to meet tho prices oi any markst. We buy in sncli a manner as to bo able to do it. COATS AN WINTEE (SOODS A T COST! Come and got Bargains, offered on account of tho season. . : -A. IfvV J.vlXJIT S ST IXilL, CIST I T A 113. F O R CAS rut OS 3 of cost. Also ,Ti' at re-luction Carthage Hotel. Cartilage, N. G. Convention at Si. Louis, Mo., oi' June oih., 0S Mess Baker and Goodrich this for th re-eaUblUiiment of the n fj;ro Freedmau's Bureau, before which vh it: is school teachers will be arraigned, the same as was wiiii vc 1 1 1 1 tix,v!i find v.''!PP.f! week commence the publication j 1.:f?fr n,t .r 'e .,, ,V!5f. P . , T f T 1 T .1 ! i i oi "ino JonesDoro iauer a Jonesboro. Mr. Baker, who has ehai qe ot the Job Printing depart ment, is from Ti! tort, N, II., and is an expet inced printer. Jtr. Gocd- id f'nn orlifnr f f Trio Trlt: the t.umaa race, me iqrce oi tne . M. I. r . s ' old barbarism hhs yi; lded to chi canery, patriotism;1 love for the la lorcr and fraud, fjaughtcr. All attempts to cramp human inter course have been .'nefarious. W e hear beautiful stolid of tl:e ceat increase of wealth through our re strictive pleasures -.upon trade, fchipbuiidinir, etc. All the advan tages wo possess came through j Charhttc CIt ronkk. : s BARGAINS in every IJL.PAR1 idKlv 1. stablo. wh.cro burse will bo well J,rre and ('.'np.f iriril.lr.TomP, vcV. f::n:;.-.';i!:-!. 'i":'Io ai ays sv.p::;:'.d will. :.'); be-l tiif nv.irkc-t i MonlH. i'oUte iwa :lf tolivo ?erva'3t. A13t in concretion therewith, an The .white people pay the faxe? that educiila the. colored race. Year after year they pay thousands up on thous::r.dj of dollars to m;;in tain colored schools. Kv-rybody knows th.at without this suppo:i . . i their sciioo s ecu id not ire. Aud mH-i in varions other u-ys Urn woi?r men of the State hava helped and Cr i'i5- i) f ;;. -til PRICES of ivhi'e p.r.'l colored nprrQ ? ' iv ?r c ivnot riuuiisneci at ooutnern Pines, The town of Jonesboro if to be concratuhited tlutt these sren (lemon have cast their "lot" among them, and also having for its citi zeus and friends such a p per as .'he Leader r.romises to be, te2 h- er w!tn one oi -ine oest joo i nn i- - - - Mcn' r.n-1 T.i'iies' all woo and mo.rlno F ir" Tv . E b i S, Of IfiVlliS I dcsij'i! t-.l ?! i f n :o 1 anil rarv-1 lor. Mrs, C- J- 8HAW. Jan: 11-lf, lYoptk-tro.-'.?. y 1 . i 1 IT" t encouraged tne tOiOreii r;ee. i ney hwe made tbtdr progress pejible. And yet we see the colorvd vo-ers at every election march up ro the irir olVices in the Sfate. the tariiT, hut they " were paid lo by the consumers of mauufhc.'ur s. If you can 'show me how three men can sit down nlav a came of saven-un and at tne end one has! tle coi.ecfion of Internal Revenue the jnH:tjof p :rii:;:in appkU . . f ........ i r- ' . f I V- .)!, rtr y.t U.U ui-;'Et 'lit; .i br.r, o.e o'!' !; Cali eav'v to i";:M-:;)i o i.I ai uod -pint- j O'.V CO?! CAMERON, XT. C. SEWING- M AX'I-iINS ADJCJSTER and RE P AI f IS n 1 h"ort av.arantecd. Cl'i-rgc-i moderate- R. E. PETTY, W. M. K. r.t t- ly, J. W. Kolly, Vr, K. M rtr;ur'ri, of Cau.erau, 0. tf. We are now busy opening the LARGEST S'lOCKor CHRISTMAS GOOD3 over brought to this market, add at loicest rlcc. Also you'll find if. 4 OUR firrs-cry I'q.artrj-.r.t vre huvs 3Jcet Meal, I'lur, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, MoH-f, Ct-nn-d G-.jh, .V., A.c jOUn HARDWARE IVpartmout is C.niilcto ALSO, WOOD A X O V.'i'do-vrc. ('.l.-t-r-wen, QiccnsTurc, I'arnttar OUR STOCK OF READY-matjK ciathin- u Cuuto, 11 Ltlca t.iid .ncc. DRY GOOD S! A large and varied stock at low prices, We guarantee to sell goods ar, LOW, if-not lower, than any 't,i-c in the County, and incite the public to give us a Call. MUSE BROS- ;amkkun, n. o. I2C. i U i..aior McC am my introduced in ,-. , . ,r , J i same wmJe irier.d the liouse last wet-k a tiii to !' 'jwl'O h..va done and ar .iir-s o ! g P'.rS?.1 I . HE flLLEGEH UtiOMIS ' ' ! r, n , ' li. ' ' to 'jth'.iivw man lista of laiest new 1 (i won S10 and the other-two Imveirt j taxes" from M.ty 1st, to Dec. Sis'. 1 Rieii re-re;.- tn.it n;s s.a.c ; f "r" i lost ity then I will give up the ar-1 Tile 0v j.ct o the I:;Casure is to ! lliinSs fchouiiJ h Sy h Ui and 1 Vilfl.r I S umeut. I have heard asto. vj j wc must meet it. h ae 4 ( ph,- that the three Hebrew children in nt ' -Ul 10 aa Ul 7' m prepared to sy wtam u will ca-.s,, 0r,,,; j the fiery furnace, tb pass away the .have to pay their internal revenue to exjst bat this much is cert t ., r .i -,ts... i ,.,w,. fmfr will iatann-t you. tin.o -swapped knives and each tax on the . 1st of May. The bill! so long a. ther u solid ' made ?l.."0,nnd had tho best knife, soerns to meet tho wants of that j conn there vvi'i be a s. w.l white j ' 1 in,VPu u-I' ! That illustrates .-growing lich bydass u0(3 oives at once the bene-c;" V j & l$TL. i H protection .rhter h'f von',. r ... . T.iouts an;i an me tvoiuurtii c;.;n- 1 U,1' n-i.6tior.j i J-UJ, Jt 0f any rev uct,n in taxation that 1 0 rn , . ,t .r. ,k r all to turn from the errors of the J . ; trp tn...n.n i-i.nt br. ..K-.t dark ages and ignorance, and come Conss-may mak this session. ! Amor.- the other importanMsHies to tho -times of -trade absolutely j A number of Members, who -involved, should not be fo-.gt-1 five except! as far as-the interests fnvo studied the question, sav the ' ten, and wil not be lorptu-n. in; of the governmentlare concerned." j bi!1 ;3 a movo iu th, rslt direction, j lliis 'oa HraC, H!Ut ..VhitC ?Vt n i ' ' I . . . i mit ru! i North C iro.ina. .!.-;- i i-, x- --. or- till'; ii-v r --."r.-- . on.1 f! if ii'iimi if iAinni n in t!' House for a vote, it will pass by a) ... - - 1 JJt-Si 'y I &ifyfi-- j , s ?. -s ! h i t. J ' PMyra fekrl 7Sr.il f ' '3 t'! MUU Tboon4 i'rVc.iai t- rit la V 5 I 14 Li r.'l J-J' fi tL? fth EH V 81 M AmV;. .n t.u. u an m iknt rjs'H r Pi l; rvi ih a. M Ea fc U3 ; HAKES OSE-t r.t40 ;,t4 ti ,r.--Ji. ls4(lv1. htofW l" 5- . - . A J C I ii n. i rt S.1 103 Of tMC.f , J ! i'i i'4(iii in!,:.; ua hirue majority. The Democratic . party during r s 4 i At-. . tr. Cleveland s . AJminisiralion We were very mucli ?urptisd nt ; lias oone some good.- It has res-; n prtic!? jn the last issue of the .tcred 30 or 40 millions of acres oi ;.;,?;rt,s ,!n:h-r the head of "A Ju- " public-lands to thi4rightfuhowner, S j;; Farcc.M We do not ihit.k itAf,.v- Carthae Market t o Cit'.v.r"T;--; w r,'i.;:. :on'-- HEAUTIFULLY ILLUS7R ATZC). f .&0 to OS;3. CircJirs lixo ca ai ;u. .a. This i.icazlro portrays Amori- Special CO Dr y CiTcY now re idy. can thousbt cad life from oceaa U .?t crr.i t-.-.r-far-.r'-r 5ri. ocean, i? ullcd With r-urc hi.j-claa firc., v.-:H 1-? . ut n J5 Ct.yJ f - inat iiteratnre, aud can. Lc cnfcly wel- i'2,oo -f th -wm nrant r.w in t. coined iaaay family citclc. , PflSZ?? thy ar0 ataJ 2053 - 5 o Hfi2 rt A M r ii .tfr .H jTW",,,''T fc M rr! t'ie I f.rt'.t tin- lUll ,t ui 1 tt. - rfj,r of iu t n.4 f.jMs.fuii id lb WI4.: 7 Li. :rr ft"-1 '4'.'T i'1or.l4 ewtptf la I bif,wi Wi:r5KIT t 11 1 Tr. " tafin. it.-,'i'r. Msi.fJief ti w. 'in ii f -4 aut4. ff a 4014. If tvn bT en ioa'j'm w "ti w a u a rs. II the UniteJ States. These lands,! he was justified in the strictures are held for bona tide poor settler?..! haonderiakes to make. 'Human Vl.. , S , jiui M .'.A Under the Kadicakthey had be?n !naure is weak, and we should a!! Vim ken's pquondercd. It has also paid cfTj be willin.s to' make adowances for j.f''V some 140 millions of dollars of" the thos'o who ate ind. Pbrf noicgists Yioinuu ....i.i;. i ! , . i - i. .i . . . " - j,uiuuii t eyi, cuu i;a iruuccu e.- ; n-iC i'vcho!(?!Sts te:i us mat iniv rt:icra penditure fn some., needed particu- ; p ess is a snrciv-. cf in.s.:r.;y. E h- '- a'v.it.., , fc' ""(; p J - ' J lars. It is not believed that allifoi? should, .of a!! others, try to "v-ra ('. h.:s been done; in --this direct i.-n keep the prc. We have net that should have been done, but it sea a p.: a 1 u :!;.; S ? -) 1 ; : K-' i:. ; h- :) 1 ." ! 1 t:: ! : ti -i: 2t.,:i:.,j li.O'j tu ..(! ; tur.iAc Ccpy cf cur ant r.ir.'mr n.al.'eJ u-ii re cefpt cf 25 ctz.; Lzt'i m.r.br9,. 7 5 ct. Ircmti.iit Ilh eilucr. Ei;?b:ishffa Yinu'ji crt.J.a.-.-; dld it For Everything that goes to make a Desirable Gun, the A n Li j i i -r r m a ? r Oi.il vy ri u- o - l - 1 vfr? OLVERS .V RIFLE CANES w.'O sanc'io::'? 1 s OT... l .. i r a.'.. . . . : : v ; v i"4 heid t!;a: somejl-iirig has been ' manner et w;:r? .;e. We fu:b-ar ,i done iirthfvriaht win- of ecor.omv. ' anv com?:;c:its as in a!i pre.b :i he tendency is unquestionably to j judicial notice vii b taKcn o: tlv Ci' rilViifJiiifC r. rs , t I- iiiiiv l1!.!.' ..tn-t nUrinn "iiittfairti' fK'. I c . . . !i:t-es Prr. ',-; -VW -t- -:-v--.- 'i -J fe-VjJJ5.'V-r? 7 r : -''- . ;r . ,V.ti '"e?t- t- v - o.,. .. - --.,-! .... -iV"-- - r5iin: v t:---jjli . -Li-J . - U . i W -; i . - ' - - ' V. I ' -. . . i -i , i Jfci3--. "4."t L.ir.1 inxs ic. . c:..a i. - -: .i - .... . . - . . . w . j u I. U U. VVi liivCl Hl i.-''vumv " ' " i i A I. . : V i i.; to i : WWtVUiOl w w w. : - f !

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