- VI!"-""' " ' ' ':'8"- ;:V f - v !!--. . f ! 'V ' ;' ,f , ' 11 JiilJjii (D AM, TM A(BE IBILAKDIEo r J'Zj?AFER PEVOliD TO THE POLITICAL, MORAL AND SOCIAL INTERESTS OF MOORE fOTTVTV - - VOLUME 2, 1 NUMBER 40. The Carthage Blade. C A R T TI A;G 10. N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 3, n. A. FCOTE, JF.-t Kditor fc Prcp'r. F 0 ! T OR I A L; The Convections. pi Tho different' Democratic Con ventions will be held at following places and tirw: : At St. Louis, Mo., June 5ib. State.; At Roleiph on Wednesday, the 30ih dny of May. j i Congressional. For tho 3rd ietrict, at Golds boro, May 23rd. j Count)'. At Cartridge, on Thursday, May 17ih. Toivnslilp. At the voting plnce in each township, .Snturdny, May 12th. The condition! of the German Emperor- was reported slightly improved yesterday. CARTHAGE. N. P., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888 The President Melville W. Full bas nominated hr, of Illinois, to be Chief Justice of the U. S. Su preme Court. The knowing ones nay that a better appointment could not have been made. Mr. Josephua Darnels,' the able editor of the "State Chronicle," was on yesterday united in mar riage to Miss Addio Worth Bagley, of ttaleigh. We tender our hear tiest congratulation to our happy brother "quill driver" and his fair better half, i . It is ruinored in -Washington I circles that Secretary of State .iy;vrd will resign bis Cabinet position, and 'starid for re-election to the Senate. There is the place where h.e can use his abilities to the host advantage. We trust the report m y bo more than rumor. -' mm - Durirrg our recent term of court we talked to a great many men about tho gubernatorial nomina lion, in order to find out who was ti e strongest man in the county And there is no doubt in our mind that Fowle is the man. About nine of every ten-men we talked to nir-the Ruhiect favor him. He ------ - i - . U eminently qualified for the Position, and faithfulness to the party in tho past entitles him to f-ome recognition at its hands. He can beat Dockery as, bad as Vance boat Settle in 1S70. . In tbe Raleigh "Biblical Recor- dor" of May 9th Prof. W. L. Po teat, of Wok Forest College will have an introductory to a series of articles, the subject of which will be-'Religion in Science." Prof. Poteat is known 88 one of the most progressive scientists of the country. Ila is a deep and care tul thinker, and in view of the fact that many articles of a skepti cal nature are being printed with view to establishing a conflict be tween the Bible and science, his articles should be read by every one. agaioat theae men, I admit their ability, and they would no doubt make good Governors. But that is not all to be thought of. Nomi nate Fowle, say some, and we will have a brilliant canvas. I do not doubt that, he is an able man. I would 1'ke to vote for him for Supreme Court Judge, or make him elector at large for the State, then elect him to succeed Ransom as United States Senator. . It is evident to every seeing, reading and thinking man that the political body is to some extent diseased. Whal j is the matter? right or wrong, which, I shall not discuss here. The tact neverthe less exista that there is considera ble dissatisfaction among farmers and working men; it is widespread all over the country. They are sick. The disease is a complica ted one, made up of Bossism, Rail road and monopolistic influence, Lawyers and Politicians thrown in everytime. Now, what shall we do about it, pour down the throats of this large number of vo ters the same old dose which their stomachs will no longer retain, or prepare something different that will invigorate the party with new lif ? I like a brilliant canvass, but it must be something more than brilliant. I bave known many men to be defeated lifter a brilliant canvass, because the mass es were not with them. It must be a canvass to enthuse and elec trify the mass of voters among that largo class depended, ou to elect whoever is nominated. Fowle nor any other man can elect him self, the people do that. I have seen and talked with many farmers and working men in the county, a large majority of whom want S. B. Alexander for Governor. No one questions his fitness in an em inent degree for the position. He is universally respected where known oyer the State; a man of fine practical sense, judgment, and decision of character, with varied experience in legislation and finan ces, and he is a practical, working faimer oue of us. What better man does any one want for our Governor? They all admit that he isO. K., but say be is nothing but a farmer. ' He can't make a brilliant can vass, but you have got to elect the man nominated, 1 do not care who he is, he can't elect himself. If you want Alexander, nominate him and then see to his election, and you can mako a canvass some7 thing more than brilliant you can make it a . brilliant success. Then go to the primaries, your rights and work commence there, it is your duty to go and work for what you want, then, through vour delegate, go to the Conven tion and boldly, with dignity, de mand your rights, without dispar ailment to anv other man. And when Alexander comes around on the canvass next summer, let all turnout and givo him a regular farmer's and work'mgman's log cabin, coon skin and hard cider rousing reception that will bring succcs?, if not brilliant. One of Yoc. PRICE 5 CENTS. m i . ... ou KUiementg sorrooBdiog the eitf. lte G oTention of tk 41.. of V. Tte nomber of people wto ttni a pot- tern North Carolina will aeable in ion oi etch year m the enmity near FtTetteriile on May 23reL tbecitywnow very great. Ech jear " . . adda to the number. TT,. t.., I WJWUI woru r caretUs were i. tb.t the eonotr, for a r.dia. cf some r" V h miles ia dotted ith cou,.tr, borne, and U'J "U7 toe Deginnrog or small settlements. VifonTf raiirot4 celebration last It .X. - 1? m - . I 4Viong iue imes oi tbe railroads the sU-1 wx wat a grand lutcefs. It u rati tiona are laereasing in number, ani h I aated tbwt ten thooaaud people were does not require the eye of propb cy to J pres-eut. rVMA that It I - . i t I . 3r. when it m., b. M th,t Ik. aJfCT ZZJJZTrT ;t , fJ.J . : .V i: 1 ' .v. v Ilmm mm B VS Vraj Offieeji.tr place scarcely recrgnlzeil b, , A f rtTeM iteJ D"bo tis tors to thm rttv n -t t h.n vm ""J" wre sQuroo ox oon . - J ' .c many interesting things coutaioed with, in its hundreds of vol arm a. In looking oyer some old English patents rece-itlj I within 24 hours to offer northern cap I found one granted to James Pucke talists to establish a cotton factory there .c?, gentleman, ia 1715. The hmi.- The Rev. Wavland Hott. of Phil. tioa is a portable cun to be used on I j-i-t,:. n ,l. i i ucijjuM, nui preacu ioe Daccaiaureaie hips of war, and emloiics the first Lermon at Chanel Hill eommmt principles of the Colt'a reroWer, the tnj, veiir j . . aiderable attraction. Recently Tarboro subscribed $50,000 The people of Wilson hare fubscri- bed enough money to re-build the resi dence of Judge Connor, vhicb, was re cently destroyed by fire. Ex President Jefferson Davis wm Hotchkifs and the Maxim g ns. The gun, it is stated, bas two plates, one with round chambers for ebootin at ' Christians, the other with square cbam bers for killing Turks, There is rery ittle description to the drawing, but the ue of rqaare and round bullets is forced to daclioe an irritation to attend very plainly stated. The inventor was the unveiling o the monument to the evidently bent on ths totul annihilation Confederate dead at Washington this of the Turks, the bullets being designed month. w 'v "VMUUJ .u. nwuiu vw.o vv I r TIT 1 r f Tt I , , . fieufner, oi uia xvicnmona kill, while the round ones gave a Chris , . . . . ... ' 1 lownshin. of that cinntv. uavn htrLh nn l- -1 t & it r - j i o wiau eueiuy a vuauue o gc won. The freedom with which the ladies last Tuesday night to three bouncing bov babies. Total weight of w hich was now ream aooui iue nans oi noieis in pounds Washiocton is one of the most enriou illustrations of the way in wldch man. Baptist throughout the SUte ners chanfte. A few years aeo no ladv wiU be 6ratifieJ t0 learn that N- B would think of bein seen in the ball Houghton is likely to be the Democrat. nronerofa hotel. Now you can see ic nddui for Congress iu the Raleigh ft i . . . them passing with considerable freedom 1,8tnct about the precincts formerly sacred to There is a natural rock house in Swaiu the male sex, looking at the list of arri- county,' which is used as a church. Seats vals, buying papers at the news-atand have been placed in it hy citizens in the and even writing in the men's reading vicinity and regular services are cor. room. These fashions first came in ducted. vogue at summer hotels, and whether there anrearance in the mid-winter "l27ih fjo and ,r them. You will find a full Mnck. If, c hw ju ine di unn oi IIHrvv ftOODS trw krnt In ihl. m.rt.i Tk.u.u. l.i m.i. . ....... !in. in aeJecUng the PHETT1E8T and LATEST SrYLST lie liZTlZ 7 I wTU FINE cSStSu 5 0 TONS G U A NO. 1,000 BUSHELS For sale by COTTON SEED Largest lot ot Calicoes ever Brought to this Harkot, and Pretty too. TiAWNS 0m 5,w 15 CT1"' "ntl furc1 in BUck and other colors. Victoria Ijiwns India rft I -,k k." ?d8 Rnd n?mm?5v, Vcr Prelty GrAV' nro" h "nd lt Tricots and 1'lauDela Ureases, with suitable trimmings. Plain and Fancy Nuns Veiling, Black Silks, Jkc. Lawn, and for Summer T51?rtie Her S1118 ?d, Hition SnItiHffyqTi evor Raw. A Beautiful stock of Para- awj u a. uxm. tx mg bwm oi xx ouons ajia uuues' Tricks- Ladies Bilk, Lisle and -lex. Kid Gloves -all sizes - Make up a part of McIVEK'S Contributions to the beauty of Spring (and the Ladies ) It being leap year the sterner sex could not be neglected, and Mclvcr's are proud of their stocVof CLOTHING, Of Rlftelr. Ttrnwn mnA Tt1n. r " " " " " viuv it uiaiirui ih V'K l,u"" V1 QCJ m ssme UuU; boys suits from $1.50 to $7.00 j Coats and Vests of light weight grays. nAneTotiffiM Zmm. a mf O 1 . 5 lu j'an ol caca ana uuiaw.y suits. Uf Bl.ek, Brown and Blue We-rsUd. an-1 OrWw. from 10 to 221 Fancy Pants arc Beauties! season of the Washington hotels should be regarded as a recognition of the fact that the Ca; ital is a great winter resort, or is merely an illustration of tho in creased freedom of manners born of the women's rights movement and the gener al march ol modern progress, is some' thing which each obsorver of social phe nomena must decide as he pleases. After an earnest and thoughtful con federation of the charges of fraud in the presidential election of 1876, and of the j against the broken Sute National Bnk statistics showing that the taxable val- raust present them, with proofs, within ue of guns, piitols, and dirks exceeds three months from date. that of libraries in some of the" southern A mans meeting will be held at Louis burg o.n the lit Monday ia this mouth to determine what shall be done by Franklin county relative to the Char, lotte and Weldon railroad. The lcal option campaign in Raleigh is warmm" up. iue cght this year will be a hard fought ou, as tho re" hull will settle the question for two years to come. The Comptroller of the Currency an nounces that all pers ns having claim Black Alpaca Coats, medium and extra lengths. SO Seersucker Coats and Vests, and more coming. Special attention i is called to Gent's Neckwear. Plai ted bosom SlirU. open before or behind, and tho best plain ones. Gent s night Sbirts.na A Fery Large Stock of STRAW HATS. L'gbt Felts. White and Gray Plugs are all the r, of which they bave a bit stock, and those broad brim Felta of which they have been sell'ms so many. 1 0 0 PIECES PANT.GOODS from 12J cents to $1 .00 per yard. All these ahould call for a litUa JEWELRY. And they have a nice lot of Gold filled ringt, Ladies fin, buttons &c. GeoU and Ladie Chain and Gents Buttons. A few Silver Watches. Also - ' The Prettiest lire of Plain and Fan ay STATIONERY to bo found and tha him and rirlft mnf writ a mm Vi.a We have a full stock of , , .ww. Now it is said that" Hon. Sid B. A'exander avows that he will not j.cci-pt the second place on the ticket for Governor. Sorry! Docs this show a democratic spir it? It dont seem to us that it does. Suppose every man iu all the parties who fails to get precise ly the office he wants ahould pull out, there would soon be a great . independent' party of tnalecontents We would like to be President, but it we don't get ho. nomination, we are notigoing to kick out of our Democratic harness by a very large majority. Party principles should never be sacriticed to one's, ambition. COMMUNICATED. Mr. Editor: t wish to Washington Letter. From our Regular Correspondent. Plans for the summer are now gener ally coobiiered in this city. Nowadays nearly everybody makea some kind of a chacjre for the heated terra. Evea if it all epLs iu staying at home ICis an in teresting subject to talk over, j be re spective advantages of the mountains and tho seashore, of a locufijo near to or at a distauce from the city, are 6ome of the elements that lend to this matter an importance of absorbing interest. For instance, the financial question, and then the more delicate cne of how to dispose of the husband, father and broth era, who are otHged to remain at home for the greater part of the summer. Can these members of the family circle be left exposed for two or thrte months to the trials and temptations of bachelor life in the city? Oo the other band, will it be conducive to domestic happi ness for the unprotected wife and dauh ters to engage in the gavetie and ex citements of the summer resorts? These are great questions iu the family circle just now, and an tffart is made some limes to dodge these usues and try and find a Buddie course. This is thought to be accomplished by selecting some pbee near the city where the wife and children can enjoy the pure country at and the male members of ibo family caa An exchange says that a new gem has been discovered ia Western North Cirdio eveu more valuable than dia. mood or Hiddeuite. The name of it is, Alexandrite audit ia found in the II id- denite fields. Editors as a rule are kind-hearted arid libera'. Aa exchange tcl's us of!a States, and of t.ther relative arguments for and against the making of new state?, the Seoato decided by a party vote that no good reason had been sub mitted why South Dakota should not b admitted into the Uaioa. If the bi' comes up in tha House during the pres ent t'ongrcss that body will decide af ter a like consideration of siiniW perti- subscriber to a paper who died and left uent topic, that South Dakota should fourteen years subscription unpaid. The not bo admitted. In o'her word, the editor appeared at the grave when the admission of Dakota is treated aa a par- UJ was being screwed down for the last ty question, and the debates upon it, time and put in a palm leaf fan, a linen vhile they may incidentally develop the duiter and a recipe fur making ice. a. aa I the strengtu oi tue territory a cs, a Eievcn prisoners, two white, broke happened in the recent Senate discus- 0Qt of Nasb C0UQt reC2nliy. They sion. will it especially vaiuame io ue fil d iron gr,tiDr9 out aDd then let compilers of this gammer's party hand- themS9vea dowu Oo their bed clothes Cau do it cheaps? SHOES, which we can afford and wilt CITE A PER thnn oar flimnfifir. than they can realize we are selling. Our 8pring Stock of Z1EGLKR SHOES is a dandy. A car load of "Straight New Crop" Cuba Molasses just received. Our Hareware Line is complete, as usual. teed Cutters and Threshing machines and a few Wheelbarrows, Ice cream feeiera. &3. You should have enc of th-If Stonewall, or the Southern Cotton Plow, indeed both of them, IKON AGE CULTIVATORS, Southern Single a- d Double Stocks, elo. We will be pleased to see yon when you come to S -A. ST r O I 33, And will take pleasure in showing you our MAMMOTH STOCK J. S. BENDER, C-ACEH02T, 2ST. C. PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE ADJUSTER and REPAIRER All work guaranteed Charges moderate. References. W. M. Kennedy, J. W. Kelly, Dr. K. M Ferguson, of Cameron, 8. C. books. Lenox. State News. As culled from our Exchanges. Goldboro is building an ice factory. Peter M. Wilson, Esq., has been clec ted secretary of the State Fair Associa tion, vice John Nicbob, resigned. Crotsand White, the Raleigh Bank boodlers, have been admitted to b-il in the sum of $15,000 each. The Rev. Mr. Peanon goes to Alville next, and will begin a series meeting there the first Sunday id May. The cots ia the Stone-Heam libel suit amounted to IS'iS. which Stone had to pay. A lptist revival nas jart cosea in Warrentoo, which resulted in the con- verdioa cf 50 souls. A mad dog was killed on the streets in IUieigh last We Inea 5 ay. He bad previously bitten several other dog. Nov. 23. tf. Oae of the white men wa3 a U. S. pris ouer, being charged with passing coun terfcit money. Nunc of them Lave been recaptured. Durham Plant : The patent med cine man wa egged, rctteo-cgned, and had to quit his stand. Fiue comments-1 ry on Durham. Some tillage on the' slope of the Rockies might be guilty of j it, but surely not Ddrham 1 Didn't the j patent medicine maa g?t his license, didn't -he give a free show? If y.-u didn't want to bear him, or to bear his mas'c, why didn't you stay at home? Coldaboro Arjus : Our gxd friend Mr. J. F. Hill related to us yesterday a rather novel and bold robbery perpetra ted by a colored womon oa a belp'ers old colored man ia his neighborhood. The old man is perfectly helpless and U eared for by bis colored neighbors in town. It sems that the woman iu question was waiting on Lisa enc morn ing when he showed her what little t money he bad- tome three dollars and where he kept it. She went off and One Year dressed up as a man and, ermed with a 3 Muuths r.USft WMffif Alt tittl BeetCovK Bjrop. Twtmgood. Cm In tin. Soldi ULL 1-1 1IL I believe Peso's Cure for Consumption saved my life. A. II. DowtxL, Editor Enqnlrer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. PIBO We are now busy opening the LARGEST STOCK or SPRING & SUMMER GOODS erer brought to this market, and at lowest prke. Also youHl Jind IN OUR Grocery Ieyartment we have Meat, Meal, Hour. Sugar, Coff, Lard, Molasw, Canned Hood, &., Ao. OUR HARDWARE Department is Complete ALSO. WOOD AND Willoware. GUMwsre, Qieensware, i'urnllare Plows, Plow Cattiug, &e.t ice. OUR STOCK OF READY-madk cioti.i U4 U Complete, all. 6 The best Conja Medi cine ia Piso8 Ctbe rom Cojrsujfirion. Children take it witboQt objection. By all druggists. 25c UU IAU. styles and price DRY GOODS! A large and varied stock at low prices, W e guarantee to sell goods as LO W, if not lower, than house in the County, ana invite the public to give us a'Jall. anj dm. nt MUSE BROS- JAMKKO.n, N. C. h cum iUf AH In cm. RoMbi I TOE WILMINGTON MELNGER The or.ly 8-page Morning paper ii the State 1 Ths Leading Netfptr of North Carolina. Amen the features mipped out for the Teachers' Assembly this summer U big stie'e, came bck rd boldly robbed j a irand excursion to Nag's Head, BaUj the old man of his It tie wealth and 0 Tear DAILY. WEEKLY'. 2.01 My a r. m ..... I . as A ntKn liswilsl tA ... .1 j-.-n .fi.r Vn.eiriAca I.ot,r nr fit 1 UT.EV;n..r.n V Y.nrV Tt-tAn i Ba E0 ide C0d LCf eiCM Oor uu51iir.Ce tor Uovernor. Some J"u ...- . --..w.-, - , ... ... i u , 3, J For eaxr'e copies. Ac. . 4,Ii-. t laitn Maorte lor St'a(iman, others ! least once a wee, anis pernaps. uc , v.njj a ana u, i-- j - t rr - M.i'S lubUluii- C ei Yi Agents Wanted Ui iu t5 00 tT lj. Add PERKINS MEDICAL CO., LUhnjftd, Va THE WIHK6T0H STAB. UEDCCTIOS IS PRICE At tcntfoo is eUd to lb followis rcdoeed rates of Mbscriptioa, cask ia advsc: THE DAILY STAR. Oo Year sii Moataa Thr MoMki Out jIwi.tL a oo f3 Oo II &0 Ui iui Fuwle. 1 have -IIP t hi 03 to ay ! rcajoa for the .;id 'growth of subur-jbly Maltha's Vincyird iEd Niagara. brougut tojsiatlve. THE WECKLY STAR. ne Ter Ttxev ioit 11 AJJre, w.n. nniNAim, iV il-i. lit N. C SI ' Carthage HoteL Carthage, N. C. larzt ami CfrtAl?e Itoon., well fumull. Tab! alwaya tupjlkd with iim Ut Ue market aHurds. 1'uliUs and alien live Movant. AUo In connection therewith mrm (iosmlsinUc, where borsca will be wli; led and taml IVr. Ttmb beahottauli Hr.a J. SHAW, Jan. 11 -If. Pro?irietret. LADlE SI Da Iter 0i fijrisg. it Iiaf, Vl(k PEERLESS DYES. TUj wi:d;t werjtLiet. TKy sr atl rrj where. In.t 10c afkgr. 4t dor. 'IU? Lav & final f,r Ktrvnetb, RriiUii, Anxxi&r ia I'sckt r IWI mI t ti U so a. llwwaaub vtae, V. U. II