ir if' . - If HI CRTHAtIG : - Ji) JjJ iJL AJ Hi --A..WKKLT DEVOTED TO THE V0LHHE2. HIJMBER 41. FOLITICAJ,. I-IORAl SOCIAL INTERESTS OF MOORE COUNTY. Tbe Carthage? j Blade, -. ... T 1 ' .- 'V 1 n-III'IiM'AlM MAY! 10, the increase of national wealth du ring the last thirty years was in no possible sense due to protection." CARTHAGE. N. P., THURSDAY, MAloTisssT State News. ! A, tu'leu from uur Exchanges.' The Convections. The different Democratic Con ations willbehrldai following f(Bces and time: . ; n, tonal. ' At St. Louia, Mo., Juce 3th. State. I Ai Raleigh on Wednesday, the 30th dy ot May. C'ii5,rettoiHiI Kor the 3rd district, at Gol'ds boro. May 23rd. j County. I At Carthage, on Thubduy, May lTih. l At tlio voting place in each township, Saturday, May lLUh. Fowlo is in the lead for Govern or in this section. j You can't measure rheanrpa like you can two rat's tulle. If you have two rats trapped and their taite through the wires you can tell which has the longest tail. But you can't tell which is I he mnebt, John Shermatr or James 0 Blaine. Houwon Texas) Age. Jcwhillikins! but didn't Voor Ut wipe up the floor of the U. S Senate with, the carcass of that dirty blackguard, Ingftlln, in de bate last vuk. IU erjaraete-rirl l im os a UU r and o d:i ? t y dog." Ie ivbs j fj?t recovering; vw tongue lathing I (he gallant Senator He will learn some, discretion if pot, after a few jjmoro nuch disastrous encounters. 1 and the sreat and -j D I'vuiiMii ...,... - . i frt,.r : thn t.t; t , . j wui uc., now more man seveolv cm u.;., wft;r,i.3-5 r-j vtwi Vt uli ui run HTiti J'A.' ... o ? . IT( enforcing them they would be giv ing as there obligations to be met becnu of the war uch as the 1 ! n'i(irvrr.! .l int I , .. . t I p,,.;n,;,.., err.), .i . mm., me iuvenrc inereon, l - v j v ' u 1 U UU I j wise to take these, propositions a 1 , , ' . , . r 1 r " i uuruen, ion dollars a year that wisdom i1 'C-Sj exp:siiioa abiut the lit rn .;r.wit... h 4 , , .iioi Mctoter. ing the people all the light needed !" 1 , , , T XW 6n0U!i I ........ . ; oeconUnucU also. This i. pvirTnt. I V i - - - - j . . ...... v t-v, ,-a l ie 11- )emocrBtic plat- iaoa tUci r-.u.raj. od we have .no TL 1;ur-artl ar,; . .,r.4 . I " - 114.1 VJJ tratatrs of th doc- i w;.; ; v rv. , . .. ...x II. .. . ' ' uHnmiinienuefj 10 ?ay tt: .y ar taxes must be retained to meat the war indebtedness. W. Sim. PRICE 5 CENTS. G.( c;iAVt w:mw rcivine .PRIXG C,ft yon the tt t:n J IKKs c;ooi;s v, r u Vi ii, u-.;.',, j 1-a.ns .n 6ifci:n- i.c PKiriTlKSTiuiJ i.ATK-i Si V . ... i .! ' f COMMUNICATED. Sir Editor ; We nominate without bis knowl edge or consent, our Senator Dun can E. Mclver, a candidite for Congress iu tjhe 3d, District, Hj is a geod scholar aod a good farm er, and best 1 of all a sober man What more do we want? His Friends. Washington Letter. From oar Regular CurrcKpoudeiit. irom a sc .ilioted by iiiirtckburn. . . . A ; be continued also, to an intelligent comprehension of lt7 .: . , . - r . . . .. , , "y h;ntea atia the! tho great question whtdi they form c( l9S arc all so necessarily and in.vita- doubt lhftt the f uiy interested. A thorough dis cussioc of these points would be convincing to intelligent minds. The voter need not to know anv I more concerning the Tariff system in order to CLSting a wise, just vote. Experts and political ecou cmists who must study the system with reference to its wide applica tion and in order to adjust a sched ule of taxes covering thousands of articles so that the proper discrim ination shall be made, must o' jcouree take a wider range, but the great principle? of the Tariff which chhsfiy concern the tax-payer are covered by the above propositions, j - Representative Taylor, of Ohio, Republican, was hot for protection. He was amusing. He snid that Free Trade "had no more right to supplant protection than the. Coir (ederata Constitution had to sup plant the Oounstitution of the Um ted States." ; Let us see for a moment how much there is in this talk. First, no one proposes free trade. The Democratic bill is extremely mod erate. If adopted in full, it would leave the country with a Tarifl some 14 per cent, higher than the TuritT the illustrious Hi-nry Clay favored, and he was tiie father cl what is known as "the American'-' that is the reviver thu TariiT system. Second, free trade has never been proi.uunceil unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of t s ; e Unitd States. A St,k county minn has re- e-ulj teen sold to New Vy.-k mtu for The IToase baa do pr-s'de ttial fiundi. date?. There may be a mao here 'or n mac there wbo has a sort of a notion that he niight, under certain circum stances, get on the small end of the ticket, but none of them bave any no tion that there is the least possibility o attracliog the electric fluid supposed to be generated by tho evolutions of a pol itical national convention. None of the members of the lower House hava found it neec-sary to take the precaution of hoisting a lightning rod in shape of a "letter of declination."4 Tie feitnee of political electricity b not jet sufficient iy well understood for it to be certain whether such a "rod" i properly a non. cocditetor, or v.bttutr ia fact it do not invite tho-iiiock 1 je canuidaLi' uro mobtly in tue Soncie, a3??obl?.l toother in jUe prosi . iy. c -'ued in p ayi' g Uf ttgreeabl? uiid- watchicg each other If the How- bus no caciiiatfd ;t his muuy candidate ntl;er-. Tl;e ?arae8t work- Protectioo ht-s been so prone, nctu , orjj b; le i.te!t;,t : ,,f each ;tf!(i:aul fur and by a Ct-urt composed wholly j me.-identia! honors are foand ia the It U proposed to have a reunion of ex-Confeder-tcs at Pittb-.-ro on the 1-t of J uly. Arrangerueata are id procrCiP f jr tho estabbhuiQnt cf a free bospiul at Dur ham. ! Samuel Oir, of Tran.jitarjia county. aged 30 year, recently married a 17 yeur old giri. Ieany Wright, living near Willi.,' 'ieo! in Cumberland o.unty. is 12') yeirsiolJ. A nian wa? tr od in stutosvillo 'or dit- tilJing in a- wash-pet aad ujing a gUL barrel for a nu. A Waka jary last feck j;ave verdict agaiast the ndeigh A oaston railroad io fuvor of uray wasbititja for $1,5000 damages for i: juries sustained by hiai from tbe railroad. Th-i redldeaee of tx sherlif -icatrw, ut saaratota, s:oke c-iuaty. turued on Monday, April x2J, with a total loss of loth buildiuL' aad Jji;t?utg. 5 0 to x s a r a x o. 1,000 liUSUKJLS For sale by I to a. c g j: M Largest lot oi Calicoes ever Brought to this Karket? aad Pretty tno. 1T0 i'n;n 5 to ! r crmt. at.ii ri".?-r. vi.:i. it i '... i it, ,.. . . . Jill's n . - ... ........ t . ., . , . , s t, , . k i : i - . V i II11U other white l'oo(!. aiiil Tn!!ini:mr.4 Vt-rv i.r. f.r-- t:, . .. iir. .... v. ..." Jjressep, with suitable trirutnins. l'laiii ami rancvNnu Vc'.lb.'.'. Ili.tcfc. :ikj .i . rn. f.tnl bJM.ucr The Prettiest Lino of Ginghams and combination 5"itinft von evrr .--iv-. A Jln'"ii (pr. sois. 1-nucy a::d riam. A big stock of Notions -uj Lad:e Tricks Li SiiJ:. r AIT llidOiovi?- all ir.2n - Make up o part of M c I V E 8 ' S Cou'ribuMorif t'j the beauty of It being leap year the tteruer -ex M not be- ce.cctd, iQ 1 M. lv--s ur w: i ! A .rk of O L O X I T I J vT O, Oooeieting in rart of Sack and Cutaway auit. Of Black, l!rmvn and Blue Worked, nd C ksorow froi 10 t) 22 j: aod ao assortmeQt of Fancy uits in na,j Uut ,.y4 ruita from $1 ,V. ty T.Uv , ' Fancy Paxits nre Beauties! Black Alpaca Coab, mediua aod fx?n , t-' .s. Coats and Vcti of b6ht weight p.raya. i0 Fce?ucker Coata and Vtst& and more cominq. a dew p-tt yE-.-o "iii! vpcu at nena Vadk in Ovunty, some twelve mileu west of Yadkiuville, with Mr. w. . iratspton as l. :j. Tth i-iu-?at: 1 people a?tcuded tbe ( J ai 1 f b r a ':. t -.i : r; a ;i ! ' c).-i i f -ju. lSpecia! attention is called to Gent's N?.: oats. Gont's riigbt if hirt.'Oii ir. I'll, ted bosuo) Su'.ttt, oppolifo.-v o; '.;;!.. i, aud ih. b't pUio A Very Large S!Ck Cf STiUW IHTS- L'ght Felts. W!.it. and (1ry YUw arc &li the sc. of rt bh they Lave a big , stock, and tbote broad brim Fella of which ttey lavc baeu n-'i-u m m it. j.. J' iP'P it. 10 0 PIECKS PANT (IOODS Irom V2 cents to $! .00 per yard. All JEWLLRY. And they have ani. e I .t t.y..i S.I. d . iutt Lwr.'.CLs. A few Silver Waict os. Abo ia-. The Prettiest Ib.e of Plain and Fancy MTATfONKit V t. b fV'in l, We harp a t'u1! of j - j i of Republican's with one solitary exception. Third, it may I but it is irrelevant .ud V. KQ-A vf tbi eh- :cUve Tori: The ?I i n s? giri tall and rude. U.r.i's as' t1,r!::' i h. w .-.' tukin" iv. impression iu tti? o.!uv,vit:g guru oi her native Slate. Trie Masauchu- I setts -411 Kisses ii! inti ureer. stv'e, brown brr-.d am IT r fi'.i '.VH i:i I li.-wtired that the Con- nviker are iu-r n.fcn vel- cfii.' ?OCSj it a.l ork pir! trol - e e dabbinr in fPi 1 II: ... 1 1 . . . I I.mua inc I'.epuoHcai kuiio -ior 0f Rnubl cana with ! one solitary n. h-.TP been so loudly and vigorous ly denounced us obstructionists .. ... . 1 i . r : that they are DegtnriMi-to iee, um a decided ihnme. .Tho talk now is that un . . tr . . i i in tV u; 1 . t eor RUIvmleya leau a i jtitntion. as all cou:nctetit studeaU Uillbeottered by the rroiecuon I , . . j"" 7 tie Ut;h.vare s gi;U uro a soft as ists Thev bein to realizo that . , jgreS,by the let the , hi fS vv,;.dj v lht!rc. , ' , , i T It, The. IVotectlv are UUilcr 0f who reallj havtrn: ! t MurVUod is rich a-, d miicy the- cver-burdmicd - and unwisely , f ;i ,. . . t , ; r i A l lur 'ss IS " , -u,c very ui5ineuiuu i"u .ii.i- .o aly us i.u .iuv o.i w. , M!j a; lerrapui slew, ine 1'enusy i a ULO; Ut i .; i i c' ' . j '.i.(li w. e to r W 1 ... veo' abiding w!u shall 1 a Va'1 8ti' ?l- specuilloti. i he i T..r i;,t. T ... MiU k if lie vt i rr, v 1 1 u ic 1. 1 ! i tr Jl r-d.jtiLians are c ecieo. io vur;- . - r - 1 .('. i.i J!' elected to Cur; uxou peopro urc u. uij f their arguments. They knowthal diiutos cf the respective parties a fevr. j vat! ijurc!l gi-i,, huve t0 be kisJtd lU'si III llirr iirnniuu ivi inv.. The New York .Star does not giv: a very encouraging account 01 MrKiuley's success with his broth fr Republicans and tho Ways and llenns Comirittee. It says: "The Republican party is so widaly -divided on the question ot taxation rtforni that MrlcKiuley found it impossible ; to secure agreement betweon the; five Ru publican members of tho Ways and Means Committee, lleven t u measure having ho prospect ol passage, and only designed for po htient ellect. It the Ohio protec tionist should uceeed in bringing bW tour collcages into fine, he will &tiU had. it impossibloii to secure the' assent . of Republican Con greiitiien generally." ; It is a divided as well a rottcu party. Star ' much they say is absurd and I'ala cious and misleading.1. They know that a tax makes articles higher, or they would not blow anu Mauy of the iLouikirs are not pcli'li-1 with their bauds in tha duuah, ciins outside ef tbair-oiva ttauW district, if yjou don't want a slap. Ttie 1 tlev ba-.-c no great h.S-i?ao is the ! Kentucky g:rl makes a straight, Other., ar-j wire i c eau rusti tor buss, hke a racer on In tbe Old SHOES- which we can ;!iuu I hey cnu reu'ue wu arc helling Our c'riu ,S;-k A car load of '-Struiyht Ncr r Our Hare ware Line is complete Peed Cutters and Tbreshiog ruacuius and a few Wheel t: StuiicvaU, or ike Sovlht-ni C ; IftON A-ii-: Ci "Wc will be pleased to sec you bcc vu "'.me 9 e-v 11 - ''IF. i 11:1 ii in ,:m e :!! saU for a litllu m 'iri i I i'i'os i.aiui., and '. u 4 . . oL-.-apar i - . Vi j Lt rr:s-. I : ut:. ; . c c. T O A. d vil t. sua 'is.ti 'Ti;il eoDveniion. . i. . ; i. . for the tux. 1 hey know tat j alI lh Vlt:c,liritri.ues and schemes. 1m i'1 met with a present system ,s dangerous, be j ob -a tht IIJ3i0 Lm duc genuine hospirahty. The girl. nn.k.M the noor poorer. ' J... rnr Hll, h; though they wanted yow to w j , i III U1U1V lilrU L'l lM ."VII "IV .v. J. & Ii:XI)EH9 J LA IU :X ST S'Utf'Ko' SPRING & 8UM3nCE ano tne rica iichci xaj tnw-- i uttu!rs oi me oau-iu. xucji n .vjuuju.j- : A Ljuisiaua kiss is said to ifzereus, demoralizing I triotte ifiett t:cts it. a uat.a-'s ear the j ,jualiiies of the Ohio maa shd J" , , lt cisjfs uf that fruiter to the Iljutc be- wauts all she can get and get all v ,peou e, ana tnat it Vl3- wl IUJ- " u -v- -r - I t 'S come frequent. she cau .V. 1 . J urn. it is unequal, unjust, oppressive and ruinous to all but the bounty fed. Tney know that arjrplus is a wry dai li.inir tor any causes a wild, reckless expend. lure ' and waste ol the people's money. , They know that with tho great advantages enjoyed by American manufacturers over foreign, com petitors that they havi really noth ua in fiar with tbe raw material "O I ul il. catms ?jzar cane, while is sought ard oaltivatcd by all tbo-e wbn , lhe orlh Carolina girl sticks like have bearkeued to tbe buiunmig.oi tne j tar. ; jjj10 gjr js Jygcnbed as PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE i ADJUSTER and EEPAIREE- All work guaranteed, er brovjht tn (hi,. .i,it Li (, cnJ u 1 rcs1 j; Cliornps moderate- qu-dier.Uial lee. As dut ii us Fa" i 'OfiSeasiUg tlitJ compi'Ct!Ct.siVe lie bocomes interested ic thir that interest them. With first one and tbeu another. -casually and apparently with out deigr, he b-coojes coufi IcQt'ial, patting t.hctn op tho back and in every way fhoiBp tb cordiality of his fet-l-io-T. He sits on the sofas near the lob- O by on his tide and make himself socia- bie and agrecabdffia many ways, boiue- Rercronco. W. M. KmT.c'.y, -I. W. Ktily, Dr. S. M. j Ferguson, of C'UiexoU, . c. Nov 23. IN CUR tironcry lr-partrr;ei; re ir.w M-.f Al yvuHl find .It Tulk WHh Cotton rarincr. Thi ia the title of a book by dpt. J.. A. lVterkn;, of Fort The Taritf debate continues with unabated zeal and interest. Rp rveeutativo Stone, of Missouri, laid down sotre 'propositions that are as true as important. They cover the ground exactly and, i are true 'enough to be aiiom&lic. The Star has again and again discuss- ... 1 . 1 . u . t Irce and with the marweis ci tjme8 beve,-ai ujod spected of having ,worfd open to them, j They know j pajne ,oe ;Q t.a-r bonnets and tbe that it is absolutely taljSe that Pro- j saa;8 ;jei ja .KmT head may be !-ea at tection regulates wages- They j oaa tixe srroanded by tittle grjp of know this because thtJ wages in j Represent itives, each chatting" away OUR HARDWARE I' i-.i.t.u u . ALSC VVCOD AND vYm;-:;r. PivB. I'i OUR STOCK OF READY-MM''' the dilfereut States ol the Union vary very greatly being twice as high in some States as in others; and, second, because; Free Trade England pays much higher wages d these propositions, ! believing man i ioiccuuu u.uu-uj, - thPm hLustlve and true, tion Italy and Piotectiou trance. with a gracefully a -sum el iaacoeaco wf design aad uoconsciou?net-a of tha pur iKsei. fbe? go through th clever lit tle comedy witu gravity aad ia atoaa-1 nishjit r.nd the Pi. a one year for Motle, S. C, t agcrcy for which we have accepted. The price of the book is on'y GO cents, and it is of inestimable vai:;e to the pro-J grc&ioi v e, as it io tub ol use-j ful jinformation. among which hei i.llJ L.. .1.. II U I . 1 1 i ieil now iin uiauc -i ui , j ton on 50 acres ot iand with one' mule and' one ploughman which netted him $i,4-0 cash. A sam'itir p'e of tbe book t-tu L ceen at this office. Tho'H r.0cc?nt3 h lhe pric of this !v-Suab!e book, wo will fur ding repose of countenance. Seat Cl J3 the geT-ipbical center of the Repablicaa side of the Hou?e, nd tbe scat is Dccapied by (Jeagreiscian They know that thej progress ot j (juQell, of Michigan. It so happen tbe imai! sum ot SI.J'"j. I JG0tS W All UU fAXA lntrr. -l 7 rtny-fl. ETC- jf X bollove Plso'a Care DR ('OOI)S A targe and t ,-- .i..J , Ii ft-wr (Vinn m n? Ion Rnvivt ! ' " il mr life. A. II. DoWBLt, II j Ii Editor Enquirer. Bdw H If, tt.-afi-.i-'t-f- c'l n, , I ,- ' (, ;f ' - - l. a -b a ! CovscMrncai. Cbildro 1 ti Uke it without objection. Il j 1 JM'ihaiJl'l i l urbi.ur Complete all cng i.u Oil. HUE.- LADIES! leu. ta Djiifi;. t Hijar, With PEERLESS DYES. , fher Willi!- t rr v'.hiuz . Ty 9f ; 1T. Ttt r.j i Kr Sires'-tL- TliE WILMINGTON ilESSLNGEK THE 0A1LY STAR. ThoKM nronntiitions are::) 1 . , r 1 . , ! ,i K a i ti.a country was greater during the s that seat Ct m a!.-j the gejirpaiI ' "That anv arlic e oni wtucn a , mo couhhj - e. o , . . .. , A ri rrnTTPD land' dut-v was levieJ wits cecessa- l.o ,v atKei liiuu um. i-. - j. . t j. .. v ii- wu.j K-fe5- ?r - u' - rily increased in ' cost 5 o the bicnuUlcrtU High Var Tariil-keupiud by Mr. L ,K : j - . . il, Hyv! Th Le,di,S -i'; : ... . J tent of the duty; that .bigh tarul th kQ!w anJ ya ' - K J L ' -LJ f ; . f ... f TlAIf ! 6tb " by. accumulating . status c constituents ta ' b!: lU uf; taW ft"ftt:t Ol i aP.V PfOpOSed lir- Ol . ( tucted circulatior; that the A;n'f uttc.i u . md a gc. dea. anafemt out j -. . ijae i -r ; THE VETKl. CTATi cflnr, fuiM.-r had ddlium: tot tar a possiue uy '-.,,!,.v; : o-.l .La r.r.:n ill I xineOCaa Miii-a a"- , A , i-i , w y ? 7 ;rTrr i ia to t -c- Ti. jr-iv 1 ;j t . i uJ' f fe?hu4 i . -."-. i :t.t It th-42t fear Irom foreign. com pHitiou on j aaJ the advocacy of a system that ; wn,er of b-M 5-Je of tbe chamber. qua! terms; that the tarjfT had no j becn pronounced to be "robbery" , . tlat tacy Jo owse t "i thtiig to do will: rnaitittin'.ng uj Kepubltcaa .Supf.T.e Court, j utxiAAitn tb- vAnd Gi high rate ol wageS; that a protect- 1 ativc MaJ,af: of M!? tlas 1CT 'LtLr el system tended to concentrate , i' i't"-ua ;t a'iii. irt., . torn htir ii: i ' 1 1 1 t h a 1 1 s i ! r ! . ? 00 ri ti. ? :.,si.i-'.i . . . . - i.-..v j. paners rulclressinof Geo. P. Rowel! & Co., f..l .atLi .... i . i v i VI. 1 II

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