:.t r fr-k ?-v"T :. ' ..... . - " ' , : . t rwii ww . -r. ' VOLUME 2, KUI3BES 43. The Cai thagej Blade. 0 MtTII A fl K.'jN'. C." SLfgSggllggHg POLITICAL, AKD SOCIAL IHTEBS3TS OF MOORS UOUIvTT; -THURSDAY MAY 2 J, iPS. Miration of public affairs a, rl'.of executive of the nation has exhib ited to the Democracy of theiand r.nd to a!! citizen,- the value and benet.eent results c? n fnitbful di? CARTHAGE; N. C. , ballot. Th . - . . ., - ' ....... - THURSDAY, MAY 24, 18S3 PRICE 5 CENTS. to A!ex2adsr on the first raised a good iiuisorec! ra:npu. Motion after ccti .n wag cade. The Chair man got aJdled! The Contention did ot scctn to understand the rocwdsas zrT7T Vrmr7 V.MtP-r barge of public duty. Durir? hi? I rot sccta to uadewtac5 rwd Fflfl7EJbdtft..r: , incumhicy our ys ofgovcrr.l ! b're ,hcra' Mr- .aa. wlo S3e Sl'T H R I I Irnrnt has been "restored to the I to Be -&t paiawMtarian on honest simplicity iiuprcssed upon S 5 'r. sycceedeil;'. after ibe it by its founders; integrity sod bad vctoi rareril times rdi The Ccnveii tions. The difieroiit DirnicratiG Con ventions will Ve V''d at following places nnd tinier At St. Loui.s.Mo.,!ur.o. -5th. At -Raleigh on WJpesday, ttiu 30th day of May. sserned on the conventue nod expended fini uv nrsvn KPn in sat i m - . ; v ivi skij J-J iv.u uuurs fu veuiir, :u wringing macf : th civil srvic.n hr.? hwr i.a.; . . ' ... economy have been inaugurated; u'n . (,., ufcIcss or.:c,s have bt-cn HbohUd and ba The German Empdror's cotidi tion has been improvl al dap past. ' . hsi lor sever The.Con'greeMonaj:") Convention for this (ihe 3rdydhitsict mot in (jotdhborn yRterd;;yj We have flot l:eard from it. 1 J 3 1M rummary forc bill, applicable! a lane to the bontit; Congressional j interference in Fed em I elections through the old and obnox'ous ayfttem of ?npervis:on; the intimi dation of the negro; the iacrease of itltter-acyr and political crime re hearsed and rehashed with a pur popo to keep alive ;the sectionalism on which Republicanism is baaed. Sherman cannot invite debate np- eafjort the robber vrar tariff to which 5 we owe me coniuuon o: a ire-ts- ury ?urp'ti. Ho cannot meet the Democracy .upon the oce most vi- TnePR metnoas have oeen I . : . . .. vL- c,.i.or m-.r,.r..,.r-.-ii introduced in the maLaaement of C,3VC'1 tIjat the v;,tc ba cast Q " U:" .It 1" t:: TJ o government rfU.r; rr.ill of .ocal Creo. a5 ,t Ud Ucn ' o .rti tlie imuMc ocmain nava Df-er. lcul,J,i- ! pce, the cor.tcht. the hipmnesa 'V' 'in U,B fe,a6i OJ ioreign ' uvoaie. arid prosperity cf the .Scuth.soroe j'l'i'i. ..j,vcitiior nni; re- '-en mnc was a iuu in ilc prooecu stored to jb -ttlora seeking honit; ing?. It waa ctlJcot that there was vocte and corrupt misuse of tho j soTnttLir.g ud. Mr. J. 0. r.kck arose funds appropriated fr.the rbui'd- ' and as&d tie permi-ion of the Canvcn ing oi our oavy nave noeii exposed and corrncttd, and tho tcandals arising therefrom no longer offend O. C. Graves hnnw recfirin?' bU Rlmivr: r.ru r . . . ... . Too the Lf lmprnnrvw-rw i " .': ' :,lru u:-r J ' ? Ifi un : . . --i .- 5 0 TOiTJ 6' U A X O. 1,000 BUSlLS COTTON SEED- For sale by Cf. C 6f .1 ; F E s. t!:;inc rnut dona to prevent im- Largest lot oi Calicoes cvor Bronght to this EEarkot, and Prottj too, miration; tne coutn must, tnere i rorn r. to j5 cent. pKm and figured in l.'tf. iJIltf 110 othr-r white ?.vk! nnd Trunin nils. Vcrv prettv- (, -tv ' : : t ;-.;: ' .v.ts uu! ibr .Si:rarr.cr lore, be secrasjated iroin tho rest v-su.uu.o mana:u-. i';aui auJ iaucy un. Vcii.n,;, liiack .s.;k,&c. cf tho Union, a a second Ireland, The Government bf l.!l haj'cry cizen has been maintained , n i orrt tl;ry ..ii Ht home ajd atrond; sectional hate lesued a itt'cree etnajiCipaui.-g n,, f , . , T, . . inas been owcouraeed, and iru;nd v Iho slaves in the Empire. It said to meet the approbation of the masses. The differences - between Hie U. and Moorish Governments liave leen amicab'y erttled' by the U. f. taking water, no doubt. Arty fittle iriBignificant power can in sult our flag with perfect safety, turn to- ofTcr a-' resolution. -&Uii?r waa giver, and he proceeded ic read c u. .,.i..4t. fi ... ,-r. 4. ...... trc noral sense cf the pcorde;! ? ; . , Q . T, n T thousands of names of dnservini: , , , , , , Union veterans havo been added ind aHXeG tbat th'- vote of iLe ('ouot to the pension rolls; the right ofi jC C8s!l i0r ein 13 ln0 Jla:e ooveatiCB ,. icr An.iiw r. x motion was made o adopt thesa resolutions. A delegate from Carthage township arose in orposi :ioa to the resolution, and thought i' woahi he b.'tlerto take a vote and af certain whether or aot the county wa3 for the Senator. lr. Buchso fought the resolution from principle thinking jt hotter for hi:n to go to the Cooven tion with bis real sirenftib. Tisis brought Mr. K'ack to bis feet who made a good speech,- as he always dees, apf eahug t- a wh hone of political contention, The Prettiest Line cf Ginghams and combination vx o- - n-. a -3 -- - cfPocnv lose people are. to be branded as so;s Fancy and Plain. A big stock of Kotion::. n.i " l.r- 'rrldi:- L,:.4.i: .iif.t, 'L,isi and JtxZcx, - gefj, and iriendiy r.datiotis among al! our people have been promoted." c jiminais, even in the te-etli of John Sherman's Nashville speech. The Republican pian of campaign n(eans mischief to the South. ltrrq:his Apjiad. . Carthage Market Confederates a 0 isvej ' t7?enty-tive veavQ ego. ' Ilurnt rhih!rou fei.r iire." COMMUNICATED. Dig Oak, N. C. May 23, 15S3. Mr Editor: The Justices, and Commissioners meet the let, MotfS ilay, to elect commissioners. Tho upper end has not had a commis sioner in two terms, i no we-nt i ti atent Mo-ire State ucv. .ioort COP-RKCTED ! '.VKKKLY EV G C GRAVES, G c :i c- r a i I-'. erch c. 2 Mike up a part of M c I V 1 , 3 S (if Mill Li? I li lt.'V VV. IJ ll'f C'JiJi LV. ..... ... ,.,.. tv Ann 1'-ht m.jp.l . 1 hir, IS one! Wn ..ino trn ,1.. Hp knnvn r - . -r , ,, .... . ,i . r 1 modicme ' ad veitiseTusut lor bad Meet ot our cml war. ihevUt uiem givn some oiner pare ox-! . t , , . . f . i 1 i eoustv to bo roDresented on the hnvtn't lorgot tht; tcirible thrash- l UU5!iy ?i , ; TT ' . : - 0 f p !2c. ; ticuet. lie mado one lapsus li ...b ,vvv.,vwwk v.....;v .. ..... ae taou'.t waen he 53ii that -6'urie thiid; that le GubRcrfo n'al iiominaliotibas narrowed down to Alexander, Fuwlejand St.drnarj- We beljpve that :l either of the above named -gentlemen receives the nomination he ,wi':i Itave to get it on the first balot ! If theve is a dead lock we wouUl lihe lo ace all parties concent if;; te on Judge Gilmer. Alexander; seems to gaining ground eery day, not withstanding his fclockiaw pre- clivilies. ij . t4 COMMUNICATED. SI u. ;Ci;Ton t . . Vou fay it- voir last ;a-Uf jounty.was sca'ddy kown in the State- ll? d-d not iotoaJ to glv- Stuator Me f vor and hi-isclf a baek-hunded- lick, both of v?bora -have bud the lioco'r t- ! rorreieDt iter io the Sftnat", and that Qkaix Corn I 1 : i , UJlS IV as Cotton Middling Good Middlitt'..; BacomHIcc.-, 11 ShOUid-Mf Han : " 'efsvax i iiiiCKiiKS Fryiirg j Grown t Koos, di-z i. ljuTTEK. !b rLOUU Couairy,; bb! - N'.rtherr. :- StGAii Grasah't'! ... ! Kstra -'0" i Coffki; MiiAF L...'.. Contributions to the beauty of Spring (and tbo Ladii? ) It being leap year the sterccr stx oiull cot u?pWU3, Iter's are iz2i of their iters d CLOT II T N Q, . jCsiathr in part o! Hack no t Cutaway suit?. ' Qt Uhth, Browa ar-d It'u Vrs'., nd from 10 is $22 ana an aaortmcnt of fancy Sui's in O-iN-; u ;j- a.:j fren: ; 1 cO i.j ;7 ; Fancy Ps lit?, zivc r.:.r.r.io3l Black Alpaca Coat, medium and extra lenctls. Ve-'t cf light vscht rays. v' ftf) f'cemieker Coais and Vests, and vjorc cmlrp. L r.'rrl'U, oprn before ;r ho'unJ, nn l iho belt plild. tt...i ,. .. .. .. . . . :. s . l : i .. .. v. e i.-Ov iUltoa h dUia.ubhei alilitc. Senate proccodiaeB of tha A:ire;atic Convon ! McIyer raado aK..CCch ;:. hi,,h ho M-, - j fi-.-. . .. . i i rcnscirhst strtne to as lot a .:ttic la tor cu vhcn the ilan:ccratic steeds aro jdacrtd" upon the track for ncatiuatioii f;r the County (C, wo Invo no -iouot iaart, iha: ti:e pocj.le of tLc cour:ty ta; been 'eiceeding-ly ki;;d to hiu:, aad iiit. mated lal Le would be plad Uf go int' cor.vei'tioft hi.'A'0'i u? his own county. that an &.aora1c apology v-ul 5e aic-:. I irjotion jut up'.-o tfaf ad opti-r Yc. vror'3 pre?C!,t iu the Convention acd j of the ru.soluticn aid curried, hut not -ii!!, from tuemory as near as we e.vi; ! linar4;ulou-!y by any mcan. give a his-cry of what wo f-aw and 0 t v, I n 2 was ever una n h.ard. We r-ro n-t a cch-ate tr.i. j -mou iu -,J0-Aiutv. Vv's Icaru tha !;utUttio tntrrf in p-iiti-, r-:.d thrrj.j or -. t0 o.n.tor Mclcr wa.- I.. . . t ! ! ore. vul trv to !'.vc a truta.u!. aoacst ! ! aod ucl-ljso. tlini:.s I ' " y ! Greee... i.M.T, :-S-ck, jviir sack (LioTToN ttEO busln.1. . !!! i It ll CCU.-. . . - 8 to !) 9 to (3l 10 to 11 8 to 9 I:M to ; Glo 21 i 2 J to 15 15 to 20 b to 10 2o Id o 4 50 to ' CO to 7.01' '.4 to 10 8 ?G ' 2': I to 2- ! JEWE.LRY. And they have a nice let cl G. : i :V'.-.l -;o I 00 i 'ntb Duitons. A few fcilvcr Watches. Al J; bo t 1-00 50 to C : The Prettiest li-e of Plsis and I'an:y STATlvI" : v 1.2'"j Ve have a iuii tt -sh uf vA (,.-,! SHOES, which we can aT-rd una w; 1.25 to 1 .50 i than they can rea"ue wc aio selling Out Spring f-ii-cl: if OrS Dcial attention is called to Cont'd Neckwear. V!at--.i ones. Gent's night Shirts. "VSa k Very Lam Stork cf S??J W R.lTS.-!ght 7eH. V7hiti and C.-uy r: steel", and t!ios?c broad trim Tc-ln; of whiuh Ibi.y 1 0 0 PIECi:S PANT GOODS trorn W, cant- . i ,-.r v- o all thr 2. of wldch they hato ft t? s.iihu i r many. Ai! tKr.; shr-hl -:r.-i far a httlo C cut - La h.cu Chains, tad "LlC"' ' -:au-ed'hy his s-.-ppo.-.-d eounoction ite l.i-j 12 - . , .-.I ;i.-t'.t'ri ite, you knor. Oaa do it chetpot A carload of "Straight luw Cn;;)- ('Ac. At;!-"':-wju! rtxclwl ftuteiit. Iho ,nvco!:. .clu;i: hCVvsti.vcr A.Uh Aoout lot; WM!a-g-.!y cttecitH: an-i tt.e "-ocej . b ff n, ur;.j i-sith-'r d . i Wc very often hoar tho remur: V...t U i, ..,.! r-i.If t-..- TT.-.P tllUl SUUI a liwu vii oun iik- i i , ,. . ,.(; r. .f,i. , .... , kl .. -. t rx . i sue; vu-v oi ccr.4i. ie:ti--t.-? .... -..a., : . carc o.i?Ou:c .?. 'itie o'-nventu-e pr.s mers' AUinnce. or pvninhts of hf;f, fri.-.-,, i ,. t , . . , .. ovunco'?-, n-Lccvcr t:ic-y na rtcciv, tao uai..t:u- 1- ! x-irnn.-t the nai bor.' Without regard to fitness ! yr w vrv nv.ri,rc-i : an .:u 'd or anything else, w have to ptacr-1 v&Tz.itcz Allir.'..-''' L d t a man in the field jihat wiil draw vectien by the -Ut.hc Il.-a! Cjiu.'j these soeiett s to i his aid. Ve; Goo. WiPc, :5!;-.j C'.-.i:a.an o: the s T;:er2 w.ti en? sad incicoct conructcc hope that we will5 iever eee the j Cxc:.-;t:'e- C.-n.pditoe, called tLo 0V tic convenr;, Aihch a-e o-:ao v-rv dr.v in North Carolina when e mHnJ veofion to 0:d?jr He r.fierrdHj wr fc .t-;r . Ou.-fii-rad, ii.-. iriU- i . ; .. . j , i .-1. i - i m r ; . has to. belong to sdihe secret socie- !i-UJ .'CJ - " r - ;..ci-.s ..o vor.uraiiy orates eu o-,c.y o tv before he can bt elected to of-r v' : v cc:cLn -iTv 1, gtvca, L AD! E Si So Yiiar Own Dyeing, at IIonic, Wilh PEERLESS DYES- rhy wn.Utj iverythins.' Tha.? re j-oU b -iors. Tiu-v inso L"j --i".-! Ur S':i-!i7;''. Jjvl.in -s.:. Ani-MiT i:- i k-n -i nr fcr Fu-t ;c-.ss or (Vl.-J . or uir.-l iin.; i ; tli'-tf-s. i it y ij not rrxlf ;r slif.T. tV.-. -il- if TK v-2..sjf y. HOW 11:0, Noi:V N !'. i Our Hareware Line is complete' as u-nvrJ. i'cei CutUfS and 'i hreibieg uiachincs and a fev bccib:.r.o-.v-, ic-; rmui tccz-, .V d h-,v? ctie cf thctr Stonewall, or the Southern CJf- n pi- u l. hz i W. cfi-:i i i We ftill be pleased to eee jou when ya c t ) ,:?.e :.o:!.-p, cw. IfcLs S halite vrii.il S -A- rv O Xt jl) A '.-I v; . - -r. ,h M Ail MOTH siodx J. S- PEN1JEU, czetioist, rT. c. l'e arc vxrr crU. . t-: LAKH EST S700Kcr ' - A". "cJ ! SAVING MACHINE fr! , . M ;-C-x --V- i ADJUSTER nnd HEP AIR ER- I '?r brovyV tnl". :,'-r,', W ioi,'r.c. j r-' - t . J worn, ijj.ai uitictu. I t i t- t. i M . J l'i,,t .ice. Kvo:vnT;fo,,s K .1 f -sW,M ,!tL;i: ,' V--' tltt, OUS HARDW .,-t C pnved 1,11! of 0, p n?..t cf ... ,,,, ;f r ,. n or .:ti.-: ot, -r.itr-, .-t-ji:-, riM-.J 5 ;--V:-'-:-''-?Bi v.w'-' v:,"'1:v.a,K.M. 4, w , - ,..,.-s.ste l-aiWi Bhou'd bo cligiWf to st-y o!h- .-;;nl,acv?ot a.t;., ;, is i-l,:.,,. . re i. r:.v!; ;i r" :,s ii " Within the gilt 0 the cop!e. lii j rrvico of th-.'-ir co r.;try. 'I he oor- j of fevH!.,.;. . The Cuih.ua :cs:.:l.ri . r .2Eife? j J iCUR. SVC-K OF f:'" V""'' 1 ;-' n-Knph-t, not belonL'int: to thjesa secret soci-J ;j0n rr.-cctdou to l-usine s wit.h-.ut i j.;IU , , n.,ta d.'.c-to i th'l pwenn n?j w 4.5.JfX2 1 j gfe-DTT:..i j fJ..'.t- ;u .! ; ri..;.'. I tl CtH?8 Should .-not: -fliiSitnte. against J, thets.- gome one rr.o?ed that a veto bo nvei-ticr, aid rcae:u llhi; t- Uke him We have it fro:n honovnbse ! taken t- obtain tho fien?e of th-a-c,:nvee. j ij: -cr.t men who nre aeqiinteJ with J :;C pU.4 ..Vis uii working of both these orders tlmi'CB " r 'c cou " ' Le ; ea - tc .au.u ,:r. s.o ., ,1 .r,, ,,, I io hist 3 0T,vrjst:!;i) t- r it v.r 0"". t apt '(,,d.oI !UiJ- ar:d se?T3ed o Ue u they are not orgacJ .or an3 1" viiVos c;d!-;d L P. 1cr. to ti e T.CM htra- id t- , recess. W litical purpose. A iy man can see) ,.;iJ t.t,c , cr I:: .;.,v3cy of: strry t,r, 3a tIl3 cvnti;ni; V t. enst he- o:e1 Ca- -j hsirth, cra-d aua il-iaar.e.orco! ti8oci f?rhl, Ccar-Ui es4 fciHe fctrcbVr 5kk j k31 to tha a r U tto Vis-5 l..3ri, sa-l a. ciircp by rst 'h- kt !rrcf fj?rinjr or r.)irr-.r. it 5a t mo-fcrrt 10 tic icKfi r - V7 wi"-S 6 ti-efc-'J- f ' coE-.pit-ie l.aa.rr.ir, ojcwi.t ir t '-ctchT thatr tbe ciTtt ci&a to the bie bora a.nd Into :a3 conspr. iTnaf-t"ned cf n-H -V:? ar! ertiusLt Iron, j. i Bikii.f Uxm tit tn.. uk- uac 3 1 ...u. i.t-av. . y tT:r.;rr.v,i rcit t'c :I er ;:: a.'.va-aey oi wcr. st.rrv fv th;. aa the convent. ;n tv -fp,c7t wooden box. 1 . ,,v R ; vu-- C.tn.S ''I . i'. .iuijr.uL , i. i ;-itu; U'.a-8at:prCbVi:-g Ct .?.r. VO:c v utpif , oj(j0. tsjRj prlitu deVf. OB trpUr they are. worth. bdc,s.:Sni:ig poh- j I.K U, ,vc:. a half Lcur ' -cj of"a r,re ?Fd-;.cn vf.rr.turv. Wj pelt HCOerS, WEen, ticians. ' Wo ask thosa vrho u- stafto-j n: bg viher thir-:s, that t ; -:C-e .hit the ru:3 n.aj bo :o'aicd U . 2 iaS H.LKf til LtSf rAHo. fnr O-.rurnr-tlon ? m7 life. A. II 4 Dowbix, H Ilitor r.nq'iirtr. ICde-n- M ton, K. C, April 3, 1bc7. ! Z)7?r C,tji ):: A icrjr: cnJ t;:ru4 stork ct faic -rtrft ;:A , MW, if r. -t ', thin a.li LL'SJu'BTiOS. ,3 n 1 -. !v4 i-S tJ C trying to prostitu thrs.e worthy wa- d-htfil dihcr my oihcr thti-.'!(j)i;n.j Co:veyti--8i trrgani tit ions lor their persona! j crittcrd.aa'o e u:d carry t.-ie .. i . -2 ;:ae to a'.r Li :uo.f. nnin tr tr.i hrk to the Couslit u-! Vh-'a h t?'' thotihtj 0ar toventioa f.-r th.cominaut tion that they holt sworn to sup-1 ir a re0- criuw tao for t -.n ; ,.f Golaty OS.trs U f:r tb-kj port, and stuy thi following Une j I fJ I " W , !.The people itave n ri.ht tu as-j. " - Z' t" i . "f i?: O semole together ul constat .'f - ,C!jtieuica w, t,e h.vo ,c,n ; uIdn, .u p -,,ho,IJ Uy asd, a'!g their common, gpfcd, to tnslruct j t rot, :h c; ,j y 2 ;cSlne,i tv.r mi2 i.:, , f ; aniu,u, th,: n ,tu'a"i? itte-i i e-.m; I their reprrseotaties, and to apply j See of Governor, ccu'd earr; the "risk ; t,;,u for nv.sioaiiju, a-.d o.h Twr tid I to the Leaisiaturej for redrew o i msi 5 V v.f the dctu- eraue oiM. Al i t-nft .-p-fc! c:::rtit-:-r.-. !m -i i " i 4 . r j Til E RLLEGEB ORGANS S TyUti r-M Critf til secret pOimCal r 5 in-J;r, I .v.;c, -.is-. a-;d tVarir I rous to the lib-; er.-jdx-ed before the e-.sveaior.. A: ; i4p "i d k1 -."i ,1 sfi-hr cra 1ir?dy trie lucre Vufe IUD i.i tfe etner p?ri - Y-.i. , t . , gtuvanctjs. eo5 societies are dung erties of it free p5 not li tn'pr.-ite'J l! Tl--. v,P v-vf i .,,.r.r.. :,, lourta. tioiar. and t-lara a rry t'u-ii ptatiotm, uljik a strong uiz j for the President und itic Domo-! cratic Aduiiniatfahioii s;he iol i ' viwrg Buni:iruy,aa w.:iic;; vaf.i ; deal S.'ECT Axon. Wi itcuhl fit"? the iiatrt e: riftcr a:.'t. ; r- .v. . v i v Vs." Mr I5jchin, ... .... ...v.i. .1 Jt iieiC C 44 US - Utl JJ'Jl.U 411 ' L L) hi C.il; Up4l: HAr a ? Aril., a v i c'ne 1 Pxso Ccrb loa f H - , - - - - ,v f 3 f-. ' ri f;4i flfl 1 CcssrKrtio::. CLildrea r . . . j C?'? 1 cl $ fa t 3 tV'inV j Uk It hhmjf ojortlon. p ; r-yv -, ; . I .'. w' w U J- M rVi-i ft VlHV uy a.i c.-e6.4. ! . , ' - --- v x f. . s, c c vJ Nfc . i4 fe. I v i;. - -1 ..." f, . n ..-.- .5 ... Si h 7 ' U Ii J v-ril n MoncssCrnsr.. i rUS V 1L5I1NGTO.S MtiitNOUt, ; VIct th-JI t A , :; ' - - 5 l! v-'-""- - -'h v ! --r - if.-','- t? f North Caroaa. 4 sl . a J;.d.;i: i! L-h-tt h, iiv eaoh s.au-h J Iiadf 2 rndei;t i . ct -sr ito b.vir iho brun:u: jw , 75 1111.000. co . ocy'i- u s O do, ihe t?tate oi th 5 si3i- j -i. i: .; . ..... ; I ... ; . ' ' T ' I . DAILY. . -i : i i .... . i.. ,- : . " . . ... . . 5 V. V-- . -.J . . -. " 5 7 i. i-4 4. ' s T i f f'r :'ir-'"y 4. '- i dol tru;h:i aUd,Aay iuj.!jilu Uira.-:,. -Wc -s ,..T.r ! cv, ha d bni;tibted the uUu SSTIi' rr W!e; Jr.. d, ? Vl-Vi- ! " ' ; . Hd tyre. 1idr4 - ,d 5,." 1WSto, ,hty Le .d h i,ir h a: is tube co.td- W-C r.ar . , j " 3 ll,