iimm h,m - r, CJL J'UT.VOUR . w THB BLADE. 4 LA BE, 8UBSCRIB l-OJCTMA BLAtiB.- OUR HOME AND HOME FOLKS AGAINSf THE WORLD. 0KtT$1.0Q A YBAR. VOLY1I. NO. M. CAIlTUAGE, MOOBE; CO., N, C.4 TUESDAY, FEB. 14, 1893. iMcd 6 Cents; Carthage li MM V DYSPEPSIA la that misery experienced when, uddealy. made aware that yon poesesa a oiaDoucai arrangement called itomach. No two djgpep tics hare the fame . predominant ayznptoras, bat whatever form dyspepsia Ukes The underlying eause 14 in the LIT EH, and one thing if. certain no one will remain a dyipeptio who will Stomach, All7lrritt, AMlit XMf aatlan 'Ana at the sunt (lax Start , the Liver working and . all bodily ailments Ul disappear. locor,huttHtrof4e4 o rriirf. Al hoM I ttc Kimmcnv Liter Rjulr, vki.k eM4 ta a hori time. Ill good lici. I wauld Ml U without it."-JMM A. Koamb, PniUd'a, fa. tfe'e that you get the Genuine, . with rtd 2 on front of wrppr. H rKTABBO KIT BT J. Su UULXN A CO., FkUlaAalffcIa 9m TART, TERSE and TIMELY If the devil is really cooped up in that Michigan barn, why not lea ve him there and let it go at that? To the Minnesota legislature: Better let hoop-skirt alone; they have gotten many men into J serious trouble. It seems that the Indian Chief Two-Strikes might more ap propriately be named "Three- Strikes-and-out. The reform of the pension roll is one of the good things that is expected of the democratic ad- ministration. Let a good, keen edge be put upon the democratic decapita tion axe, so that a second blow will not be required in any case. Senator White will be the first ; native Californian td occupy a 5 seat in the U. S. Senate, and Cal- ifdrnians are iustlv proud of him. ' THE ft. C. LEGISLATURE. A. M'WILLAN, Dealer In General Merchandise, 'and manufacturer of. NAVAL STORES, Oarthiigc, N. Cf,. tkZT I Ugliest market price fpald -iiil-gruuVH of crude turpentibe.l The Kaiser is so anxious to ; oblige America that he has giv en his consent to the annexa tion of Hawaii in advance of being asked for it. If great scandals travel in cy cles, as some believe, it will soon be America's turn, as nearly e ve ry European county now has a big one on hand. for W. C Donglm Tbot J Shaw. DOUGLASS SHAW A TTOS N K f -AT-L A V, OaKTIIAQE - - : Practice in Moore and adj tWa - - ' I Joipir ing coun May iai. 89 W EC M NEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at taw. Ca.ithn.ere - - - N O. ' Will pie clone attention to all eiitrused tf bioi. . - 1 rOnlet in Tcort-h Mine. U The stiongest argument for tne connrmation 01 tne nomina tion of Judsre Jackson yet pre sented is Clarkson s abuse of Mr. Harrison for having "made it. Maj Halford would be all right if it were not for his front name. Somehow we can't make 29tii Day, Feb. 6. SENATE. A resolution asking our , Sena tors and Representatives in Con gress to use their efforts for the establishment of a national park in western North Carolina pas sed its third reading.! ; The bill for the protection of persons bdarding horses, mules, etc.,. (gives a lien on such animals for board) was referred to the committee on judiciary HOUSE. Mr. Vance of Buncombe, to make Good Friday a legal holi (3ay, and to make election . day I (for State or national aftairs) a legal holiday. 1 A bill came up relative to solic itors fees, providing for their payment in cases of homicide, whether there be conviction or not, and increasing the fee to I $10, in secret felonious assaults, conspiracy, breaking into build4 ings in the night-time other than with intent to commit burglary. seduction and slander of aninno cent woman. Messrs. Adams and Watson, of Forsyth, ex plained and favored the bill. At request it went over, to be further considered. Mr. Grimes, as chairman, also bmsuitted the report on the in auguration of Governor Carr. The expenditures of the $500 ap pro Driat ion were shown to be $383. The material used in dec- posed, andj after mutual a polo . . . . i gics, peace was restored. HOUSE. The principal bills introduced were as followsi Mr. Itussell To make it un lawful tO sell wbiskey In sucn quantities to any one having a wife and family as to make him drunk. ' Mr. RobertsonTo require the Governor and other Heads of de partments to report the names and salaries of all employes! Mr. Stevens To repeal all acts disqualilying any citizen as a juror. The bill to provide for an ex hibition at the World's Fair of the State's resources, appropri ating $40,000, came up with a favorable report. The money is set apart out of the direct tax fund, of which S62.0UU is on hand; this to be replaced if ever called tor by claimants. Mr. McKenzie made a. motion to table the bill, and, on this. de manded the yeas and nays'. The result was j-eas 48, nays 34, so the bill went to the table. continued on second page. Statesvillr Landmark: Sever al months ago Mr. H.A.Collins, of Pennsylvania, came to States- ville, leased land from Mr. R. B. Joyner neaf town and began mining for corundum. His forts met with such success that last Friday the Acme Corundum and Minirig company, of States ville, with $2O,0COcapital stock, was organized. The parties in terested are Collins, J. W.Jannev and B. Howland, of Pennsyl vania. New Bern Journal: A larger acreage in cabbage has been set out this season around New Bern than before. The cold kil led some of the plints, but tak- entangled in the mass. ing the crop right through, it ' bane the water has stood better than micht have been expected. It is gener ally estimated that 75 per cent, of the plants are all right. The small ones fared the worst. TU...iono r I:. ' xoj was uuc 01 uttjc persons were remuneration to this section as ' of thi town The Accepted Tim V far as two of the principal causes were concerned benefits from trucking and feneral farmintr in- 1 o o o 1 terests. The farms gave im- A doctor charges you $2 a jmense yields, but the prices went visit writes a prescription and all to nieces. Farm nroduce his work is over. The editor; -ij i a t u. pays ydu fifty-two visits, writes r : a strine of copy a million miles4i' a 9 aw FLOODS II QUESISLiiDi A Uxfa totir of People Droned izt 6rwt Dma8 to Property. Sydney, N. S. W.; February 10 The number of people drowned by floods in Queen- land is the very large. At Ipse- wich, twenty-five miles . from Brisbane, twenty-two are kno wti to katre perished, and it is feared that the loss cf lift fs much grea ter, as the swoolen river is cor ered witn wreckage, from which a horrible stench arises, doubt less caused by the dead bodies of human beings and animals At Bris- is twenty feet! deep in the lower portions of, the town and the inhabitant' KTicT j Horn Btar rra a are crowding to the highest parts of the city. At Marybor ough, in March county, thirty drowned. Most is under water. For tho Good of OthbnS Stmn Mrt ttiuUwU tiedrtilv Jp aiflM Xt4?e SmmrrW. We art pleased to' prtieai tMa trod Rer. A. A. WISIama. ft O SlSsbe street Oaistixa Chorth, Lyam, Uns. i laWortWB7elartTA.wnMrf a teraj b8 iBGwt barl M abaM klittk ia appatfra aa Artlclo of Morii froca arUcH b ar ala fanUy kaW loesie.ana txWirt tu w contaraca. U rU mi oilkrrtrlacvaalnyUMlr ont. hxt for taaay jaara baaa a u- Norvous HeodacKo ' to baa trtad rU a Mr brr a W4. long, and works all the time; and all for $1 a year. Now is the time to subscribe. A Big Railroad Strike InIa!il2iiL . 4 i t Hpi;;aU nA o m;t;fnr fitu fif oration nave Deen turned over into each other with anything to the Quartermaster General. like exactness. . ' f To declare the Southern Red bttineps f j.io 6 j. C. Black W. J. Adams BLACZ te AJDAM3, Altorneya-nt-Iaw. CAKTU AGE, N. 0. 1'iactlce In Moore and adjoiuing coun- ties. Indianapolis, Feb. 7. In an interview at Terre Haute last night, Grand Master Sargent said he had just returned from Louisville, where he and Chief The Panama; in yestigation and arownstone company ouiy of thc Louisvine and Nashville. committeehas no business to at- incorporated.. The engineers had asked ZV2 cents tempt to protect the reputation To enable owners of laud to per mile for passenger men and of any mail. If there be guilt let Utablish boundary lines thereof. Mr. Smith had flatly refused. it be known, no mater who may . j , r .U- The committee returned home be injured. Turn on the light! to take a vote on the question ivioorc ounxy auway. Lx; if u AA ' Resolution instructing mem-Lnrl Rflrwnt tVioncrVit V.fv ' t r V ' fe - r k W Cigarettes Vetoed. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 10. The house to-dav bv a vote of 150 to 18 passed a bill to prohibit the a 9 manufacture and sale ot cigar ettes within the commonwealth. The bill now goes to the senate. Mary river bridge, the largest one in the colony, has been car ried away. The town has been acscrico py two-tuirds ot its in habitants. Tiaro, another town' on Mary river, is also under water. Many . Women find preatl difficulty in arranging their hair ucvumngiy, oecause oi its narsn and coarse texture. By the us' of Ayer's hair Vigor, the baif be comes soft, phant, and glosst. me visor is tne most cieaniv . .. . . j ot all nair preparations. itvit M notua aoua -aaa. a t kuikf bl aadar)M frraa4 U tor wbkli aha fo4 Unto h ruuiy tlttnca that , arotat tord liUkr. 1 At tail a tr4 cv tm oi itooiri.Nrtapaniia.- tor her: Tb ntT( hlU be kAraj keaiih kaa prored. lift arpattta hkM Ynm aor aipeneaea vlUr Hood'o Oaroflrjnrlila X bava a baattaUoa ta isddfdf im Mwiaa.' A. A. Wtixujca. fwiMk4 tCrttfC Trfttat. titwIM FOR 9ALE, CHEAP Melxhnbdlse, MaclifrieiT Horses, Catdcf, Etc, It would hardl' be "advisable moUo.,.n.fol nv. fn WWnatnn, , bers of Congress to vote for the would, the strike Will be endors- - il Nicaragua Canal bill. janl3 cause some newspaper says, ne a. a has been invited to become a member of Mr. Cleveland's cabi net. ; 7. E-HURCHI80N, ATTORNEIAT-L.VW, Jonesboro ... N. VmcticeH io Moore and adjoiDin cmt Wr. Special attention giten to Mir colli tbnof cl'iimi-. june 14, 't Senator Dolph says he isn't sore-headed because he didn't get that Supreme Court vacancy, equal but separate anu uiai nc woum nut nave ac-1 t j , , . V i , white and colored cepteo it li it naq ueen onerea to CARTHAGE HOTEL. HbARTHAGE. N. C. Located on Uourt-house Sqr MRS, C. J. S1H W, - - - Proprietress ' i ' - . ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST CLAS LIVKRY IN CONNECTION. Jul4 89-tf. - 30th Day, Feb. 7. SENATE. Senator .Battle A bill requir ing railroad companies to furnish cars tor ed by Chief Arthur, while he (Sargent) would call out the fireman. To Darken Oak. Tto leyo Car-Burners Kabbed. Winston, N. C, Feb. 10. Bob Smith and John Montgomery, colored, were arrested here to day, charged with setting fire to several freight cars last night near Greensboro. They arrived here on the morning freight and were nabbed by an officer soon as they stepped from the train. A telegram was sent ahead de tailing what they had done. Both claim to hail from Char lotte. Montgomery had a razor in his pocket when arrested. him. "Me thinks this fellow' doth protest too much.' - Mr. Harrison and his Cabinet would better leave the annexa- An amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill to per vent -detectives from carrying concealed weapons was non-con" Oak for decorative work is pro duced by fumigating the'materi- j al with ammoniacal vapor Acquitted of Killing a Plnkerton. The interest of the democratic party demands it should not b forgotten that the democratic State ticket failed of a majority vote at the last election. This is the first time since the repub licans were driven from power in North Carolina that the dem ocratic State tlffcet has not been elected by a decided majority. This fact makes it clear that democrats must be up and do ing to defeat the combinations now bcine planned for their overthrow at the next election. The General Assembly to be elec ted two years hence will elect a Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 10 The iury this evening in the trial of tion of Hawaii to Mr, Cleveland curred in. and the democratic Longress. The bill dividing the crime of It is too important a matter to murder into two degrees and i t Ju j: define the same (the bill draws of the present administration. the line definitely between which effectively produces the i Clifford for the killing of Con I l. j . T : " . a . uarK coloring so mucn aesirco. : nors, a rinnerton detective at In accomplishing this, the meth- Homestead during the riot od consists in nlaeW the n-' July bth, rendered a verdict r r , :i . rvrr a ft-ial T r h rl n r LrnH trt art an- . o J Ilavlng decideil to mulct s chdtr -in my bumrww, 1 now dSttf foraalt at , rurebnrgafiw, MyStoxU of dcxxU, Wnret anf &ferclrut)dl0t; nlar 4 Head ot Mult, 3 Head o! liofeet, 2 Wagons; 1 Ba?gJ 1 Carrinffr - A lot o! tattle, Deluding Uxeo Jersey coin nrxd c&les.- AUo 1 Steum Saw-mill nnd Fixtores, Id' cludhig rhHer, Ivngine, Cut-off Siiw, etc., iJfttig the mill formerly owiml by ItlacY A Caddell. 1 Saw-mill, located nwir l'rthng run latt year by V4 K. SJcLi-an. 1 Shingle II aclrfne now at the Mc , Lean mill. 1 30-h. p. Engine, now at Aberdeen The nbove machinery will be ol( United States Senator, and ifthe '?rcb' or on tiro, ior lambeir third partyites and republicans j E. nt'CIII.V, combine, as they probably will, and secure a majority in that JaQy 23, 1803. body a political mongrel will succeed Senator Ransom. Manly, M. C. Land Sale! l.y virtue of arionWof theSuperior court of Moore county, I will oner and ell to the highest 'bidder at thecourt house door iu the town of carthage on Monday, the Gth day of March, 18U.'i, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tho follow- lug described real estate, belonging tu the estate of Idiam Wallace, de ceased, to-wit: " 152 acres of land situated in Ben rtlem Township, and known as the Itjllatn Wallace home place. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, bal ance on a eredit of six months, with bond and approved security. Thu Jan. 31, 1893. George Cockman, ' commissioner. mur: AW 4 -k M .-x 1 a A. am an M m n . J uti aim uidusiauguwij J!'ICU j Well pasted its xmra rcanin. T w ' in in The bill concerning the tracts of married women: (Sen nmnnnt ncrninat 4Virc wVirk nut I j. uii.i i 1 ii . fn I ul"7u J:b T :ii ill atur oaiuc .Pa,nca inc olu ai lain or earthen vessel filled with pie around here who would be 6" ' - ammonia, the vessel containing ii'- . . . .1 men in mnTrarr ptp me nmf i . . - , , w tne 11qUld pclng, ot course, set on us ufcHcv wcrcunmamcu.j ocn- 1.1 . ,1 a t- At ator Fosey opposed the bill; .it fumcs or vapor mav strikc to xrvAMAl a -a -v i-i r a n r rl 4- TV a law of contracts with married) . . uaikcucu, 11 iuc uimriuKUi is laree, two or more vessels con- ig ammonia may be em 4 1 ployed; and allowed to remain a three fk ....... we are not pessimistic, out in an ap- t Jfieil i order to check-mate the common I proximately air-tight room in as being' amon? those who lined enemv we mtt not faO to ac o 0 r - - - curately measure his strength! and profit by" experience. In I Miss Anna Dickinson wants $125,000 for having been kept in an insane asylum five weeks, ' and has brought suit for that a. i ft willing to remain in an asylum for and idefinite period, at $25, 000 a week. which no light enters; or small work a packing box s iffice,' the joints or cracks to be over with paper. is room or receptable lor con-1 a "i.: i r. l. articles is placed a flat porce- lor ' the river bank at Homestead to will i oppose the landing of the Pinker- tons. Notice. Application will be made to the General Assembly of N. C. for a char ter to incprpoiate the Town of Aber deen, . C i Jan. 23rd, 1893. f Commissioners Land Sale! By Tlrtue of a4u!gnoent of the Supenei Can rt of Mo i e cou ui y ,i re n-lf red ,-t Dec Term. 192, lu the cae of W, T. seawell y J. T Farr, ill offer and' tell bj pnMic auci'n for cuh at th 'onM-house dorr in Oarth.ge, N. 0., on MO S DAY. ihe CTU DAY of AUC1I, lcf93, al Qua O'clock 125 cra, more or lew, of hn I io flitter Towrhip, Moore comity, aHjoinin the lait of the beioi of Cp-hur Furr and oth tr, .HlMtoJ to J. T. Furr io the division o . tba bad of sai l Upshur Furr, lolly de rribel ia a deed fro O. C. Graves to Low i Giiaai, registered in the Regisfar'n office iloora lounty. Book No; 3, pages 20 aud TaiaJaa. 3, J?3. J.0.RLA.CK, Even a Connecticut banker will sometimes be careless about money matters. One of them signed a blank check and gave it to nis oaugnter, teiung ner to fill it up when she wanted pin money. She wanted $10,000, and she got it; she also wanted th cashier of papa s bank, and she got him. The pair arc now on an extensive bridal tour. The old question,, "does educa tion educate?" is agafn being discussed, in connection with college education. It depends altogether upon the subiect. Some people college graduates! among them ould never be really educated, no matted how many years might be devoted to the attempt. Aciuruuig io a recent news paper poll of Congress bn the Hawaiian question, 20 Senators favor annexation, 35 a protecto rate, and Jo are on the fence In the House 83 favor annexa tion, 46 oppose it, and 77 have not niadc up their minds. Not much real information in that, even granting its absolute cor-rectmSs. women, as it now stands, is well j understood. Failed to pass. Night Session. Senate, alter Durham Recorder: A negro, with his jaws tied up, went to the store of Louis Cootze last week and call for a nibkcl's worth of snuff. Mr.Cootze, riot having the necessary weights, laid a dollar and a halfin silver on the scales and weighed the snuff. Thd negro then called for a sec ond nickel's worth and when it this way only can North Caro linians avert the late that be fell their State in 18G8 whencai pet baggers legislated in the Capitol, and the very stones along the streets of this city prated of the whereabouts of the public plunderers. We cannot afford to trifle or to (blunder by undue deference to Hrs. Briai I Mr. PiTiji, -- DE A I.F.r.8 1 MILLlNERr NOTIONS. CARTHAGE. - - - - N. Cw Have fn tiotrk rri tfe wetkr rv ceivmg new FAU. and WmTSKB. t a I wn nut into the ?ale he vuick- known trimmers ana temporu- i Ivtnrev it infn the eves f Mr. Urs. If wc are to win, then let Cootze at the same time crab- none out iraocrais uc yui. on it outwitting of Ifatt, in Htraw nod Felt, Stilt and Velvet HaU and Cam for L'hifdmv Vrwg Tfimcftiogv, te. ty Areata tor Taa' a Ho aa4' Favoriia" rawiag Maekloaa. irOnWra from a Jlalaoca tTHl rt The hing the $1.50. He made his escape and has not been heard from I t J1 a jt . rl nours aeoatc on tne question oi Thc ammonia does not touch whether J. C. Newsom or A. M. the oak, but the gas that pro Stack was the Senator from cecds trom jt acts in a peculiar Stokes and Surry, decided in manner upon the tannic acid btack s favor by adopting the contained in the oak. browninc majority report of tbecommittee jit so deeply that a shavincr or i - - by a vote of 32 to 6. This re- two may actually be taken oft port asserted that there was un- whout removing the color. due influence on the part ofThos. incePtn OI "ane deperras up- bcttle, and that there was mti- us?d ana thc duration of expos midation of the canvassing ure. Scientific American. guard. Kal. Chronicle. assing board by armed bodies of men. The debate was warm, and some hot words passed between Senators McDowe!! and Jones. The latter remarking that he hoped Mr. McDowell could sleep after his vote for the majority report, Mr. McDowell sprang to his leet and declared that he . Greensboro Record; The Rich mond and Danville railroad has secured the handling of the fast mail from Washington to New Orleans, for which the Govern ment pays nearly $200,000 an nually. The Coast Line's con tract tan out, and as tney were slow about npplyhig for it, the Richmond and Danville A Spartanburg S. C. man had been away from home and was going through a patch of woods some distance fronm his house. The electric light whistle was blowing and hearing it he took to his heels, thinking it was a panther, as he had some time be fore been informed that one was at large in the neighborhood. He ran two miles without stopping in the belief that the tmnther a was pursuing htm. He was doubtless a man who did not subscribe to his home paper, and so got behind the times. r- m raa a WWU,"T" w U" 5UCU ""go-Sit. It is said Col. Andrews did The political "ax" is now in training for the extra work that will soon be imposed upon it. Handy for travellers is Sim- ! rains Liver Regulator mrtnarrW age. President Doughton in ter-much toward coring this bcip.i It can be carried is the packet. " The truth is we have nor o9c for a penitentiary. It is the out come or a soft morbid sentimen- talbrn. It is remarkable how weak minds sympathize with criminals, who hurt other peo ple, and how fierce and bitter I tney are wren tnemselves arc I . 1 f T 1 (uucocu. in some piaccs in out country sin is treated simply and only as a misfortune by this class, and the criminal is the rc cipient of more attention than be ever received as an honest man. The remedy is the whip ping post. A sickly sentiment that passes by, without care. la poor lafferirjg and needy wo- l i n mau, anu camc uOWCrs to a criminal, will say with spas modic opEftbx of the white of the eyes, "Oh, my, return to AT MRS O. S. JONES' GROCERY STORE, You trill find a frah tot of GROCERIES, suG4RTcorr2& bacon f MOLASSES, FLOUR. HEAL, SALT. FJSIL Fire Protf OIL for Lampsf tobacco; snuff) cigars, candy r Canned Goods, Etc. Comntrtj Produce Wanted Colt and gxte me a trial. Rapedftlly, Mis- O. S. Jon; v such barbarism as the whip-1 (77 Cw I , r J t ir.

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