s the Am -1 OUR HOME AND HOME FOLKS AGAINST THE WORLD. mmm VOL. VII. NO. 45. CAliTHAGE, MOOSE CO., N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1893. SUMMER RESTING PLACE. 4 Bald in the distance, Harris Pin- uucic near at nana, towering needle-like in its eminence. And behind these splendid masses the sun is sinking in clouds of ruby and gold, while the tender young The Seaboard Air Line is stir ring things under its new man agement. Mr. Hoffman, the president who succeeds Mr. Rob inson, is a live business man moon gazes down from the flee nnd the work that is being in- cy sapphire of the upper heaven. HOME FIRST. HQW TO BUILD UP YOUR TOWH. Tto K. C. ExMMt it Clilcago. xiuirurated shows him to be a man of energy. Past trains between New York And So we bid farewell to the Land of the Sky." . Christian Read is a graceful and New Orleans, via Richmond, writer, and she had before her Weldon. Raleisrb, Southern Pines! an inspiring scene. Nothing: is and Atlanta, have been put on and business men can leave At lanta in the afternoon after busi ness hours and reach New York the next evening. This is the Mr. T. K. Bruner returned yesterday from Chicago where 4 I Timo.lv IrflrlA frnro Fir.TnTtffi nil! be has been about six weeks half so grand and inspiring as the scenery of Hickory NutGap. The stage coaches put on the line are going to be in keeping with the elegant train service of most pleasant route for travel the Seaboard AirLine, and the between the North and South. most pleasant way to see the New resorts both winter and mountains is to buy an excur sion ticket by this route. Round trip tickets will be on sale, in cluding the stage, ride through the mountains, at a small ad vance over an all rail trip. No from Charlotte, N. C , and by .one going to the mountains in summer arc being opened up. Among these is the famous Chimney Rock section; twenty miles South of Asheville, reached bv the Carolina Central railroad 1 stage irom Rutherfordton, N. search of health or pleasure can tlia Subject. . .' The writer is old enough to know something of the history of the towns in North Carolina and to have 'noted the causes which have led to the decadence of some and growth and pros perity of others. There are some towns which a half century ago were among the most prominent and thriftv, as it then went, which have remained in the same condition they then were, with out materially increasing either in business or population, while in other instances, where a few years ago a town site was scarce ly dreamed of, we now have prosperous towns and cities. For this there is a cause and it will not be difficult to find. putting the North Carolina ex hibit in shape, he being the chief of the installation. A great deal of hard work has been done and the exhibit is now in order. He thinks that it is fortunate North Carolina did not have a seperate State building, as the situation now is much better than it would had been had the exhibition been oft to itself. Mr. Peter Wilson, who has large experience in such matters, is of the same opinion. The arrangement of the exhibit is said to be excellent and it at tracts much attention and has elicited general and favorable comment. Mr. Bruner expresses himself as much gratiSed at the show ing North Carolina makes. The are also models of the fishiug gear used in the sounds and rivers of the Eastern part of the State, altogether making a very attractive display. News & Observe. Soma Kei Rules. . A funny postmaster recently sent t'j the post-office depart ment a new set of post-office rules. They were: A pair of onions will go for two scents. Ink bottles must bs corked when sen't by mail. It is unsafe to mail apple fruit trees with the fruit them. Alligators oyer ten feet length are not allowed to be transmitted by mail. As all postmasters are expert linguists, the addresses may be written in Chinese or Choctaw. Gratefully Appreciated. Governor Carr has received the following letter from I. Tnv- lor Ellyson, of Richmond, presi- ,1 .... . ri... t.. . . c AJavis ivionument association. "I desire to express to vou and. through 3'ou, to the good people oi Kaieign our grateful apprecia Trice o Cents. . 1 L 1 Tlis Perfect Proportions. A perfectly formed woman will stand at the average height of five feet three inches to five fret seven inches. She will vycigV from one hundred and t wenty (five to one hundred and fortr pounds. A plumbline dropped tion of -the demonstrations of Gl her nose will touch at a roint love and aneciion- which were t one inch in front of her great toe. every where so manifest last,Hcr Waist will taper gradually Tuesday when the funeral train to a size on a line drawn frora bearing the remains ot Jefferson the outer third of the collar-. Davis reached your State. These bones to the hips. The arms ot raamlestations of love for the the perfectly formed woman will .memory of their honorable fath- end nt the waist line n tW i . . . . - er were especially gratclul to h:s, she can rest her elbow on the ,danghters. Miss Winnie Davis. , table while standing icct, and land Mrs. J. A. Hayes, and both ber forearm should extend to a ln their names and for myself point permitting the figures to I beg leave to assure you how mark a point just below the ,n uim:u we appreciate tne aencate , m ,M u the th ih. Hrr neck : i i-i . I r-- consiucrauon wnicn was snown ns on the occasion of that ever memorable visit. Nothingcould C. The mountain scenery at Chimney Rock far surpasses any other place in the mountain range, and the drive by stage gives the visitors an opportuni ty of viewing for twenty ' mijes the grandest' views and most picturesque scenery in the Uni ted States. afford to miss the trip through the Hickory Nut Gap. Daring the hottest weather experienced in the summer months the thermometer sel dom reaches eighty-five degrees. Board can be had at country houses in the mountains at most reasonable prices or at the fa- Some people have an idea that .exhibit is said to be very hand- their own postage stamps and some, and indeed some outsiders all that is necessary to build up a town, is to run a railroad to it. In this they make a mistake. Railroads do not build towns; they simply furnish an opportu nity for the people to build them, and tobacca displays which are have said that it is the hand somest in the building. The grain makes a beautiful display, j and aloncr with it are the cotton Christian Read in her famdus nious Esmerald Inn at forty dol- book, ."The Land of the Sky," 'lars per month. Excursion teams start out each Monday morning for Chim ney Rock, traveling through the mountains, camping each night at points of historical interest. The excursion parties who travel the mountains are out from two to fourteen davs "according to the pleasure of the parties, at a cost of not exceeding three dol lars per day, including traveling expenses and board and lodging at night. The parties visit ex cellent troutfishing streams and hunting grounds. The wav to net health and pleasure out of a mountain trip is to get into the mountains, and the public is offered an opportu nity through the Seaboard Air Line and at a cost less than has heretofore been offered. Special information can be had says,i "What a place for zl pain ter! The whole scene is lovely beyond all terms of praise or description. . Swannanoa J is nothing to this! Indeed, not only Swannanoa Gap, butevery thing else (in the mountain re gion) is dwarfed into compara tive insignificance by the majes- - tic beauty. What wasthegorge of the French Broad to those mighty mountains which rise .more -than two thousand; feet over our heads and stand not more than a quarter of a mile apart, while far down in the green chasm below us the Broad River whirls and foams around the countless rocks. Far up over the top of a mountain a stream of flashing silver falls down the bare face of a rock ((or more than eight hundred feet ) and is lost to sight amid i bJ addressing any of the officials For a town to grow in popula tion and business there must be something to furnish employ ment to the people. The pat ronage of the farmers may keep i up a few stores, enable a few doctors and lawyers o make both ends neet, and keep a news paper running if the editor and his family have poor appetites still more showv and attractive. Along with these are the fertili zer exhibit and marls which make a handsome appearance. There is a beautiful collection of preserved frit. ; The Forestry exhibit is in the Forestry Building, and a promi nent North Carolinian who saw it last week, pronounced it the and get along on verv little food, j handsomest installation in that envelopes; the postmasters can not be compelled to do this. Persons are earnestly request ed not to send postal cards with money orders inclosed, as large sums are lost in that way. John Smith gets his mail from six hundred and seventy-four thousand two hundred and seventy-nine pot-offices; hence a letter directed to "John Smith, United States," will reach him. Ducks cannot be sent through the mail when alive. The quack ing would disturb the slumbers of the clerks on the postal cars. It is earnestly requested that and thigh should be of about the same circumference. The calf of i ber lfrr nnd nrm chnnld fiirnctirc have been more beautiful than j about t the same. She should the tokens of affection which j measure from her waist to her feet about a foot more than from her waist to the crown of her head. Her neck should be from twelve to fourteen inches around, her head erect and on a line with the central plane of her .body, and her foet should be of a siz: and shape to conform with her hands. Although sizes in foot- Persons are compelled to lick I sally manifested by the people of n.., ' . J your city and State." ft the verdure which meets it The sunlight strides the cascade with dazzling effect and draws the arc of a prismatic rainbow upward from its spray. Now sec what a superb mountain next. It is like a castle, only no castle was ever half so grand. AW. pause enraptured and over whelmed. A castle indeed! What castle ever built bv mortal hands would not seem a flimsy toy beside this immense moun tain with its sides of solid rock worn smooth by the floods of , uncounted centuries, and rising sheer and bare tor more than a thousand feet? The peculiar rock which forms the chimney Cap't. Clarke has had considera .... !ii . stands so lush- (taller than the oie experience in managing of the Seaboard Air Line: 0. Y. Smith, of Norfolk, Va., traffic manager; Mr. T.J. Anderson, of the same place, ticket agent; H. M. Boy kin, of Richmond. Va.; A. J. Cook, of Raleigh, N. C; C: S. Heard, Augusta, Ga., and H. AY. B. Glover, Atlanta, Ga. Maj. Jno. C. Winder, of Raleigh, N. C, is the General Manager of the system and the public long , ! ago learned to put confidence in but this is all. No town of any proportions was ever sustained by agriculture. There must be something to employ labor, and something which will go abroad for the money with which to pay labor, and the only thing that will do this is manufactories. The his- torv of the towns in this State fully demonstrate this fact. Ex cept Asheville, which has receiv ed its growth mainly from the immense number of visitors who have gone there for their health, every town in the State which has made any considerable growth, owes its prosperity to manufacturing. Among these towns, Durham and Winston stand out prominently. Neither of these towns have anv advan- building. The cases are of pol- i lovers writing to their girls will lard oak with relief carving and are 12 feet high. At the base are displayed sections 4 feet long and 4 inches thick from the heart of the tree, one half being polished and the other natural please confine their gushin rhapsodies to the inside ol the envelope. Nitro-glvceriue must be for warded at the risk of the sender If it should blow-up in the post city Don't suffer from dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. It always cures. To think "nothing ails vou, is a svraptom of clvsnensKi. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. I tvcar and 8lv vary somewhat; -.- I a well-proiMjrioned woman " Hires Deaths by Lightning. Frankfort, Kv.JunclO. Last night at the little town of Sad itzer, five miles from Frankfort. a farmer, James Redding, his wife and two visitors, Mrs. John Lyman and Alexander Barbour, were sitting on the front porch when a bolt of light ning descended upon the doomed house, instantly killing Mrs. Ly man, Redding and Barbour. Mrs. Redding, who is in a deli cate condition, was so shocked that her recovery is hardly pos sible. Three corpses lay at her feet. The house was not burned. -prop wears a shoe one-half the size of the glove that her hand call for; thus, if a lady wears with com fort a number six glove, she should wear a three shoe. finish. On the natural finished I master's hand he cannot be held face are placed miniature maps j responsible. showing the growth and distri- When watches arc sent through bution of each species in the ; the mail, if the sender will put a State. These maps were very notice on the outside, the post carefully prepared by Y. W. j masters will wind and keep in Ashe, and prove a valuable ad- ' running order. dition to the collection. Above) When you send a money order the sections are photographs of j in a letter always write full and Don't be talked into having an operation as it may cost you your life.' Japanese Pile Cure is guaranteed to cure you by John Y. MacRae, Raleigh, N. C. Men are made manly, the old made young and vigorous by Magnetic Nervine. Sold by John Y. MacRae, Raleigh, N. C.' All Free Tlo- who hav med Dr. Kini nv dicovTv knowiu vlue, and ikon wlm h ive not. Iimva now ilia opportunity to try ir Call on tht a.K'irnfd D'Ujrgiit and jet a Trial Bilil-v Fftf S-nJ your ni nm! hvt to II. I. B icklen & Co . Cliicigo. fci.d ct stmplit bx ol D". lvint Hvr L'fe VtV Vf", wrll n CPT ,f Gui le to II aith and II'iu- h;li Instructor, Fre. All f which M guaranteed to do you ood nnd cot you notldng. Chat. Cole& Co' lru2or. the several trees as they stood in the forests. In the mining division the exhibit is surrounded bv a hand- explicit directions in the same letter, so that any person getting the letter can draw the mor.cy. When letters arc received bear- some eolonade in white covered jng no directions, the persons to .with mica after a design prepar- tage as to locations over scores Jed by Mr. Peter M. Wilson. The ot others in the State and but leases containing the minerals for manufacturing would only anv ma iindrf-nkinor under his management. Capt. A. M. Clarke, of Southern Pines, N. C, will be General Superin tendent of the stage line, with ! headquarters at Chimney Rock: be small sickly villages to-da3'. Manufacturing furnishes em ployment and the money paid for labor goes to support every -1 enterprise and people of every uguraten I , . . class, ine merchant, tue iarm er, the mechanic, the. landlord, all get part of this money and in whom they arc intended will please signify the fact to the postmaster that they may at once be forwarded. The placing of stamps upside down on letters is proh:bited. Several postmasters haverecent- Thc Mt. Airy News says the White Sulphur Springs, near that place, have bc?n sold to Mr. Rufus Roberts for $20,000. (ioutl took. Good look are more than kin Ifep depending upon a h'aliliy condition ol all the vital organt. If tin Ivpr 1h inactive, you hv Bt'i u Look, if your tomneh heditoraVd yon li V a Dyfpeptic against H. C. Frick and others! L ok i.d if jn,r Ui ln.y. u i- of the Carnegie Steel corrpanv! ,'cU"i J'" ! i,,,1,M"1 Look,; . . ., . .. ,'" S.cun- cnul lo'.llh d vou will officials, as well as the Pinker hav 2MI , ,,..k4. KVctric Ilitftr ton detectives, were dropped in ;4 i,Cf.t mIuthv nd Toiio Tin Honusteid Strike. Pittsburg. Pa., June 11. All of the charges of murder etc. are of pollard oak and forty feet is filled with a systematic collec tion of the gold, silver- and cop pet ores, arranged geologically and geographically as they oc-jlybcen seriouslv injured while cur in the State. The iron ores j trying to stand on their heads are arranged in the same man-! to cancel stamps placed in this ner. Mr. II. B. C. Nitze, of the! manner. State Geological Survey, took exclusive control of the mettali- court this morning. In turn, all of the strikers who had been ar rested and as vet are untried,! utiti. uii uu nitii unit . ..I. recognizances. Washington monument) and so apparently toppling that it seems as if the slighest touch would send it down the preci- stage lines in thenorthern moun tains. Summer travelers will soon begin to think of where they will turn pay it out to others and it circulates through the arteries ferous ores and deserves much of trade giving' vitality and; credit for his work. Prof, strength to th- system. ! Holmes has done valuable work pice which it overlooks. Across i S to during the hot weather the narrow, pass rises the moun-l an( many.of them will no doubt A . i ,1 Art! rlrt 4-1.. i.1 1 ."A i lain, on one sine ot which the utcluc LUlvC L;ic popuiar sea-) , , , , A Al , f . ct 1 1 vi ouau L J tut V-cllJitcll 1)1 I lie 1111 One thing which makes manu facturing so conducive to the growth of a town is the fact that the money which is paid for labor, together with all the prof its accuringfrom manufacturing. in this connection also, especial ly in the very handsome collec tion of building stonos. At the first indication of disor der, the deranged or enfeebled condition of the stomach, liver, or bowels, should be promptly rectified by Ayer's Cathartic Pills. These Pi'ls do not gripe, are perfectly safe to take, and remove all tendency to liver and I he gems and gem stones and i . gold nuggets occupy 24r feet of; The Japanese Pile Cure is the shew case and it is surrounded "" J proper appneauon lorimer This virtually ends all of the Homcslcid cases in connection with the big strike of last vear. ici ihr-ctiy on iIh-k- vit' ortn O'ire I'unpV. B!olrh'.B d' nil ttivN m gl coiiipVjkion. Soll at Ch. CjI- & Co I) uiitore, GO. V u. r i i i ' i i i uai piles ana is guarnmeeu in ms brought fiom somewhere else by a large crowd constantly, j case bv lohu Y. MacRae. Blue Ridge Mountains. From Friend to Friend flashing cascade falls from its bard Air Line Railroad and I birth among theclouds. Farther stage line to the most beautiful up the gorge great hills stand, which have already drawn about them the blue robes of distance. It is no wonder that we linger loath to go. On we go. and it is but a short distance farther before we pass between the cas tellated heights that form the i town. is collection is so complete Raleigh N. C. ine town which has no i that it would astonish anv arid interesting section of the's0"68' SCnds itS mne-V t0 the !North ColJniau not full' ac- Goes the story of the excel- manufacturing town to build itiquainted with the resources of up and enrich it, just as the j the State. The sections devoted to viti- j culture show thirty varieties of South and West have sent their money to the Northern and New T 1 3 i . . .. I iiUlclIlU rEJir?5 rn pnrih yttm j . f. lence of Hood's Sarsanarill anA , ToL . IIIl "z.Z native wines ana is quite credit- . 'i iunv ii jaiau luwu W1U1 U )UV oV.1a whnf if line rtrrnm nlicVio1 ,1 ! ii r t.-n . I a'Jlt ' . . .w.w.on, auujruuoi say jpouu a week, and this is the strongest advertising that means that $2. ono wii: u I which is done on behalf ot this j added to the capital of the place in a year, besides the proht of the business, and it means that grand of all approaches to our ! honestly what Hood's Sarsapa Iidcn of the Sky. ; , rilla is and what it will do, but "Look back: the o-mnd rl.irk what it has done is far o " " - more In the Fish and Fisheries section, the attention of the visitors is at once attracted to a mullet fisherman's rush camp, '.which has been constructed of this money in passing from, one fn .t,a n : tn nnnth?r ivil! r?r th f--l- r , r- ..... v w niv nuin J 1 ; Wilson Mirror: That glorious mould of sparkling sunshine, the radiant and resplendent Miss Lizzie Anderson, whose man:- j fold charms and seductive graces make her so irresistibly attrac tive, has returned to enchance the glory light of Wilsonfs efful- ! gence of loveliness. , Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Poughkeepsic, N. Y , was for I 1 . 1" " v - v . m w -w w . blue heights and behind us, fold P"nt ami tar more potent, j several hundred thousands dol- ULf"slls; . t , , never found anything to give bcr ,pon fold, peak overlooking! , manufac- 'here - eight handsome cars than tJ rclfcfuntll pfak, knot rising beyond knot'veS fiUed by thefur-anng t the great crest of the famous, that it is an excellent medicine: l.nc hm the water fowl and the most sincc which she has been in the . I 4 ' musi c-law"sn tnem.. importaut food fishes. There j enjoyment of perfect health. - I suffered from "biliousness, indigestion, etc. Simmon Liver Regulator cured after doctor's failed. W. D. Bird. You will 1dom MMfl n dort.ir! if you have Simmons Liver Reg ulatorhandy. Washington letter to Rich- i mond Dispatch: A North Caro-j linian who was given a position j recently in the Treasury Depart ment was at first assigned to stand a very technical Civil ser vice examination. He is a man of fine practical sense, and has j bad considerable experience in the affairs of life in addition to t ti ... naving neiu responsible posi tions in. his State. His first assignment is said to have been a mistake, nnd it is related that Secretary Carlisle remedied the! matter himself and in doing so. said: l want vou to nave a position that will not subject you to the Civil Service exami nation. You could not stand it. I could not stand it myself. Simmons Liver Regulator sure-! ly cures headache, indigestion and all disorder of the liver. The Winston Republican leams that a G- car-old t-on ol James Haymorc, of Pilot Mountain, got access to a ;tantity of whiskey and drank so much of it that death, in a very distressing i form, followed soon thereafter. 6 How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salnt&ticn, 4 knowing that good health cannot t-xL-t without a l:r!thv Liver. When tbo Livtr is torpid tho Bow els arc slupguh and con ctipated, ths food lies ia the ttoinich undi ge5id, poisoning tho pWi; frequent hcadschp tnMic: c. ieelinc cf lude, despondency ml 1 licn'onpnefes indicstc horr t the whole sjEten is do- ranged. Simmoas Liver j Ilegnlator has been tho i rcea::3 of restoring more . teopIe to hcalta and ' Lappincss by giving then i & Leaithv lavcr tKrn sny . cgeney on csrth. It tctj Trith extraor dinary poorer and cScacj. See Hint itm the Genuine $ I II