Ths'Corthaga (Binds. CA R.TIIAGE, N. C. Publishes Announcement. KATES OP SUIJSORII'TIUN: 5y-Csst is Advance,-! hnsYcai .100 BixMontbn .... 50 tare Months . 25 ADVERTISING HATES t square I insertion $1; 4 times $2$, lineal Notices 10 cent per line for first an I rs line for each pubecanent insertion. A hniuietrators' Notice ?3; Magistratef' Notices 84; Cnrt Notices 86; Ordinary Lnd B.ile $3.00; Professional oarrts 5S ft year I L-irgcr ad, at low rate. Advertisements inscrlttf by contract for any specified time, if discontinued before expiration of time, will be churg e l for at transient rates. T'je l ditor holds himself in no wise responsible for the views of correspon dent. : , Obituaries of ten lines or lees will Lj published free. If longer will be charted for at tli rate of one cent per additional word. , Entered at the Carthage, X. C, Post Ollice a second class mad matter. 11. A.'FOOTE, JR. Editor & Piop'r Tuesday, June. 13, 1893. HADE NECESSARY BY WRONGES. We did not intend to refer again to the Northern assaults upon the people of the South and the name and' fame of Presi- a hospital rounder was no the slig;hcst shadow 6f. a shade of excuse for it? A word as to the slanderous j gILDISG fellow who hates the South and reviles President Davis Cocker- ill, the renegade who edits the N. Y. Advertiser. He writes himself Colonel, but he is scarce ly Kurnel. The editor of the Grand Army Gazette is alter this fellow. He is one of the real soldiers who draws a pension and was wounded in the "right leg, right arm, right shoulder, right hand and lung,' and was granted a pension ot a montn because tie nas been ren dered "incapable to perform manual labor." He knows Kur nel Kockerill, the cotton-mouth. We copy from the Charleston News and Courier. It says that from "what Comrade Joel says, it appears that Editor . Cocker ill's title of 'Colonel' , is entirely ornamental; that his only claim to membership in the Loyal Le gion was that established by his tatner; tnat nis war record is summed up in ihe statement that he beat the bass drum in the brass band of the Twenty fourth Ohio regiment and was when there A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. FALLS IS W1SHIKGT0H CITY. 25 People Killed. dent Davis. But some of the re-J was fighting at the front. - Ac marks and attacks ure f.o extra-J cording to Comrade Joel, 'Col ordinary wc think our readers onel Cockerill never had a kind should know of them. Some of word to say about the veterans the Northern papers were decent when in St. Louis which he had and intelligent in their remarks, to leave for St Louis's good and Others were gall and vinegar, with the mark of Cain upon his Read this men and women of brow," 'when he came to New . t A . 111 ..1. J 1 1 1 T . . 1 . tne soutn ana uiusn tnat sucn a xork ne essa to go into so creature crawls. The New Yoik ciety, but found its doors closed Advertiser says: to him;' 'he has been a Journal- "The journey of Jefterson Da" istic Hessian these many years.' " vis s remains through the bouth That will do for the fraud x L j. 11 it. 1 l j I s cm. u n uiau l"caLC"H Hand him around.-Wilmington Mr. Davis's last official trip -Messenger. through the South did not, if we remember rightly, excite much enthusiasm." That is mean and devilish, but read this from, a paper generally Edwin Booth, the great Eng lish tragedian, died last Wednesday. Too many men are engaged in regarded as more decent. The assuring the peace ot Europe to Philadelphia Telegraph, Repub- inspire confidence. 1' f .1 . lllITM uvm.uu.u..M.u. ,uu Fu- The Kaiser and the Prince of tnot.c forbearance, a generous Wales are to race their htg iU 11.. J u.,,,.1, ui.iii.auj BuiS It will be a royal, if not a fast mtspiacedj ana is certainly ut terly unappreciated, the people of the United States, north of Richmond and west of the Mis race. sissippi River, have almost ig- 1 i r norcu i ue pcriotmancc now go-i ing on over the rattling' rem nants of Terterson Davis," and Sentiment runs no other branch of the Government; why should it be demanded in the Pension Office? The populists State ment of Kansas isn't govern- up living declares 4hat "the swamns of to the reform preached by that the Mississippi would have af- party. forded a much more fitting rest- Just wait until the school ing plate for one ofthe mostodi- teachers get to the World's Fair- ous cnaracicrs in tne history ol they'll show the managers just the American people," . how to run the m,- This is said of a man who liv- . ' Tf it.., T" - r . cd on as high a plane as Wash- , LUV American xueaicai ington lived and was fit to keep - ' W 1Cn 18 l meet at comnany with the noblest im- . oeptemocr, can mortals from Moses the Law- T revolutlon 11 giver, down to Robert E. Lee,' wl11 cover ltself with glory. the peerless soldier. Then the The cheek of those Wall street howling N. Y. Mail and Express fellows beats all! They now refers to the "worthless life" of claim that there would have been no financial flurry had Sec retary Carlisle allowed them to dictate his policy. - In the name of sweltering hu manit3' we protest against open ing the campaign of '96 this summer, as some- newspapers are trying to do. Uncle Sam still has $90,000 000 in gold in his strong box, to say nothing of other money ly ng around loose, so there is no occasion for setting up o' nights worrying about him. r -I mr. uavis aim savs it "was spared simply because of the gen erosity of the victors to the van quished." Then there is Fora ker's rant and the more discreet nonsense of papers that do not rail but sneer. Here is what one liar writes to the N. Y. Advertiser: "When I read of t he honors now being paid in the South to the memory of Jeff. Davis my blood boMs. As a prisoner on Belle Isle, in front of Richmond, in 18G3, 1 am a living witness to the barbarity and inhumani ty of that miserable, heartless creature who stood at the head of the infamous rebellion. There, on that waste, without shelter, blankets, half-clad and one fourth fed. thousands of Federal prisoners were huddled like ibeasts." , What about the North refusing to exchange prisoners? Presi dent Davis warmly favored it. He was in no sense to blame for . the suiTeriiigs of Northern sol diers in Southern prisons. But what about the cruel barbarities (all of record) practiced upon the Southern soldiers in man' North ern prisons whet? medicine, clothiwg. blankets, fuel and food were abundant? What about the freezing to death of thirty one soldiers in one night in the prison near Chicago where there A man may not eat his cake and have it too, but there is nothing to prevent his eating his cake and then hustling around and getting another one, or even two or three, if he has sufficient "git up and git." Gov. Flower's language was sufficiently explicit to put an end to the silly talk about Tam many's being opposed to Presi dent Cleveland, at least among those who have any regard for the truth. If the church people devoted the energy that is worse thau wasted trying preachers for al leged heresy to making converts there would be more church mcrtibers and more harmonv in the churches. - Washington, D. C, June 9. Ford's old theatre building in which Abraham Lincoln was as sassinated, and used by theGov- ernment for many years as part of the office of the Surgeon Gen eral of the army, collapsed this morning at 9:50 o'clock with terriblyesults in loss of life and injury. -There were 475 persons, most- tly government clerks, employed in the building, and nearly all of these were at work when the building fell. The men who were in the builH ing sav the crash came without warning. Those on the top floor were suddenly precipitated to the floor below, and the weight of the falling timbers and furniture carried the second and first floors with it. Fortu nately only forward half of the floors gave way. The outer edges of the. floors and the rear part of the structure remained intact. The walls did not fall. The news that the building had fallen spread with lightning like rapidity, and soon Tenth street and adjacent throughfares were crowded with people. A$ quickly as possible the police and firemen formed a rescue brigade and ready hands as sisted them to take out the kill ed and wounded. In less than an hour about 25 people had been taken out and every lew minutes tnerearter some still form would be borne on a stretcher from the building. Police and army ambulances, cabs, carriages and vehicles of every description were pressed into service for taking away the dead and injured. All hospi tals in the city were utilized in caring for the injured, and scores of physicians volunteered their services for this work. Those who were early on the scene found the body of a- color ed man in the alley in the rear of the building where John Wilkes Booth had his horse hitched the night he killed Lin coln. This was George 'M. Ar nold, a well known colored clerk appointed from Virginia. He was warned not to jump, but -i . ,i' ... . despite tne protestations ot a number of people, he climbed out, and lowering himself frdtn the sill, let go. He fell upon the cov ering at the lower floor and slid- ed off into the cobblestoned al ley, striking on his head, instant ly killing him. Une ot the bravest and most daring incidents connected with the calamity was performed by a colored boy 19 or 20 a-ears o age named Basil Lockwood. As soon as the floors collapsed and the dust had cleared away, real mng the danger of those at the rear windows who were wildly climbing out and calling for aid he climbed up the telegraph pole as high as the third story and lashed a ladder to the pole, put ting the other end in the win dow. By this means ten or fif teen were assisted down the ladder in safety. None'cf those who escaped injury could tell which one of the floors first gave way. When the crash came, those who sur vived heard a mighty scream ol anguish from their comrades as they sank out of sight, and then groping in darkness they found their way to safety trembling in every joint, with the palor of death in their faces. Between 10 o'clock and noon ambulances were keot busv - carrying away the dead and injured. The faces of many of the victims were covered with pieces of cloth, an old coat, newspaper or whatever else could be had; but some of the mangled bodies were carried out with their faces exposed to the gaze of the great throng that surrounded the building. As can well be understood there were .many, appalling scenes. On the front seat of one the ambulances rode away one of those who had gone down in the crash. His face, hands, hair and clothing were completely covered with blood. He did not seem to be seriously hurt, but the spectacle was revolting in the extreme." All during the long hours while the . workmen were working with all their strength to rescue such as ' were not past help, the mothers, sis ters and daughters of those that had gone downliovered around the front of the building, and Iff! ON 0 WflHTlIIWP a. vvMiiimiui I 1Tfo (Largss tnid Wzzl tDssSrabte Stock ?SM23 EVERT PAIR OF OTJR OUS TOM-MADE SHOES WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE PERFECT - SATISFACTION. cccooeocoscQsooeocoooooa; OUR in the most ved styles and tips, can't be beat. Drew, Solby & Cos with streaming eyes inquired of mis8esand chiMren n i .i ' t r m i an wnom tney met oi some tid ings of their dear ones. Some could hardly be restrained from pushing their way into the build ing. A look into the interior tells a sickening tale ofhow some were taken and others left. Desks areseen half toppling over the brink of ' the floor, others stand upright, but the chair which stood beside it and its occupant went down with the crash. The President was informed of the sad event just as he reached tne entrance to tne wnite nouse t x llBrrr - - - t appro- lyDanrSriBY. , widths OUR L. A. Crowett'sf Shoes for men and boys, in Bala, and congress, are the prettiest and best goods in the world or the money. l6rExpreas Charges Allowed on all Shoes Ordered by Walt The Most Elegant Stock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, HA TS ETC, it has ever been oxer pleasure to offer. Separate GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 'MCPHERSON WEATMPOO h-f one of the clerks, and he at once interested himself in relief measures. The dead number 25, and the injured 44. Hon. W. F. Harrity, chairman of the Democratic National Com mittee, says he tavors an issue of bonds by the, Government to relieve the present financial stringency and to restore confi dence. He thinks S100.000.000 , f , would do the business. Republican editors do not seem to have heard of the vote ot thanks to Dr. Jenkins, the Tammany Health Officer of New York, for the efficient manner in which he handled the cholera ast fall, passed by the National Association of Railway Sur geons, recently in session at Onlaha. No democrat has proposed, or is likely to propose, that the affairs of the Pension Offics be administered in any other than a legal and honest way; why, then, all this republican weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? Seeing: s Believing." 5 And a rood lamp ihqsx dc simple; ncu a u 4",fw w jm not rood. Simtlr. Beautiful. Good these words mean much, but to see "The Rochester " te will irrmres th truth more forciblr. All metal. -I touch and seamless, and made in three pieces only, it is absolutely safe and unbreaka&le. like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- j velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for tbU tUiap Tn Rocristh. lflbelia'pdelrtfcnt tb ,rnBlB Rochester, and the atvle you wast, tend to a tot our new i'.luxt4 cukf. tana we win sena ou a latap Mieiy or espress j(mr caotov oi orvr ,wv (varieties Irom the Larfett Lamp Start tn tt tVorll. XIOC11ESTSR L.AZXP CO., 42 Park Flice, Raw York City. g "The Rochester." r CARTHAGE UAIUiOAbT TIM t TABLE. Iacfiect l!aj l.t, U93 K S3. LeT CartW 3 00. a ffi al Cameron at 8 40. - " 94. L. Caaerca at 9 IS a it . Crtbaj.tJ6 0. CX7IinrES ILLE BR ANHI. No. 4. LeaTesi'anbage at 125. V n ar. at Hanaon at 1 35, p. ra., ,rm. at CnrriTil!a at 1 p ta. No.6. Leavca eurTieTiUi. at 3 Oo, p ar. at llaonon at 3 20. p. t niy1 -at Carthage at 4 10. p. V. Xo.6. Le.Carthtg 4 49. p m., arriT Cameron 5 20. p m. No 41. Leave Camerou 1 1 $ J5 p m, rr:tt atCwrtbagt 710p ra. Sehedale traloi od Catthaire rond fe, eloae coaaedioa at Caxuervn with R. 1 4 train going North and Sooth. W.O. PETTY. MpT. HUrylPHREYS' This Paxcrocs Oixticikt is iS triumph of Scientific Medicine. ' Nothing has ever been produced t equal or compare with it as a cut at :v and HZaLnco aftucatiox It bis Lr-n csed 40 years and al wars affords relC and always gives satisfaction. Cures Pu-e or HtMottHorns - Eitcruii or Iateraal, Blind or Bleeding I tc.inj Borniog; Cracks or FbfurM; P"ittla in A-; Wotbm of the Rectum. The rcLcl u i-n. diatc the cure certain. UITCI1 HAZEL OIL Cures Bcxxs, Scalds and Ulceration mi Contraction rom Burna. The rclkf it Cures BorLS, Hot Tjxnor, Ukerv Ftv tulat. Old Som, Itching ErupUwu, S.urJr or Scald Head. It U iaUlLUe. Cure IjcrLAUiDor Cakki Bskasts aal Sort Kipplea. It is iaraluiUe. Price, SO Cents. Trul aiie. y Ctx somnr ara, ca, 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 THE PILE OINTMENT THE WILMINGTON MhSifENUU; AGENTS WEWSEST0WN DEALERS JACK FROST FREEZER. A Scientific Machine made on a Scientific Princi ple. Save their cost a dozen times a year. It is not mussy or sloppy. A child can operate it. Sells at sight. Send for prices and discounts. 29 Murray St., NEW YORK. Makes Ice Crem in 30 Seconds. The only 8-pg Morning fsrer ia tbe Etttel The Leadiag Nevfra;tr of North Carolina. DAILY WEEKLY". ti For aamplt eopies. ad!rea( le&senger Publishing C. May 2 83. Wilmiopton. N. C. One Year 3 Months Oa Tear 6 Months 1 cyasjwj-kp- $37.50 SOUTHERN QUEEN $37.50 Is it possible a Top Boggy with Silrer-plated Dash Rail, Seat Rail, Handles, Hub Bands and Shaft Tips, for shore price ? Aad an rattat baalsM eoaflaslea tt MODERATE FEES. aad adrtoe strea to tarvstxi wCfcs Durham Globe: In the death of Miss Sallie Nash, ofHillsboro, ixortn Carolina loses a promi- nent educator and a usetui wo man. Hundreds of the first women in the State owe their success in life to their training at this school, and will drop a tear to her memory. f0 OTHER Sarsaparilla has the merit to secure the confidence of entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. It is AU in Knowing How. The dust that has been raised in some sections of the State over the failure of Congressmen to secure the removals of Repub lican post-masters, suggests the fact that there is nothing .like having a Congressman who Knows tne ropes, i nere is no trouoie aoout tne remoyais in the seventh district. Mr. Hen derson gets the boys out with out anv trouble. The removals at Lexington, Newton and Co nover, during the past week, are evidences of his good work." Norwood Vidette. SUPERIOR to all other medicines for purifying the blood and restoring the health and strength, Sarsaparilla is the standard specific for Scrofula, Catarrh Rheumatism, and Debility. Cures Others owill cure you. gl Z.S- Vehicle. PRESS CLAIMS CO , JOHN WEDDERDURff, aUBttiif Attrttey, P.OLDoz 43. VTasb ntoTCwr. XX C aTTUa Oocrpasy U maearv T a oonritoattoa Wb Urrcat aa oort UtiUl pcr;yn U Vbm Caltoa Suva, for Uw azprwa pvrpaM of ywcl. tmg tSvtr raWrrlWn iiM aaarvjiloBa aa taeo(Betot rairat Axrau, aas trh prlattaf Ul a4rn!MSBrat mcUi tot Vbm rrv7KaU , , m ywsr CP H. T. LilLWIT COXrAM Writs tor our K!W 80 pace Catalog of aQ kind af Address THE SOUTHERN BUGGY 00. COKDKVtlD KCBSDCLK. Taiine efrct June 4, lJZ. TRAIX OItTIl. FaMccger a Mail. ' Arrivr. L-t Wt'.minrioa 3ia FayiUMtll 4a Sanford 1! Id Qrenobor I 3 p q WaloutCoT 2 10 p a lit. Airy 5 00 CINCINNATI, ohioi ursru POTASH SALTS ARK NECESSARY to produce large crops of good qualitv. HIGH AND LOW GRADE SULPHATE OF POTASH, MURIATE OF POTASH AND KAINIT. Kainit preserves stable manure and enhances its value. For information and pamphlets address GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93-99 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. TU.I. fMtcBgtra MsiL Ml. Airy Hrecnxboro 3aefofi fayaueville mlnUsrton hOlTII. !5p ra ! i m t 0 'J p m BE5NETTSV1LLE BRiKCII. VOSTBU 43 am. tori. C II p m 7 4 J p m Baoaettsvills Maxtoa FayaUtTiU raretUTill Vfaxtoa Basnet Hrillt mm FOR OVER FORTY YEARS hare enjoyed a high reputation. Brilliant and musical; tone of rare sympathetic quality, beauti ful for vocal accompaniment. Durably constructed of finest ma tibial by most skill ul workmen Exceptional in retaing original richness and fulluess of tone. Require tuning less often than any other piano Price Moder ate Reasonable Terms. SEX ! FOll CATALOGUE. f0,000 HIDE AHD IH USE. EMERSON PIANO CO. mTremont Street, BOSTON, MASS. if t?3 fin unxRimci uczt Tnsi pRtti cLsraia cost rairr. JOrTN WEOOEftBURR. r.u.uos Mtn9 Attamei. vmnnx noccszs wrut SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDkEII. PARENTS. AWn, for Sol4ra aa4 Sanara etaabM ta Ok Km of tT la tb rtnlar ArtnT or Ur tb. w. tmrriror ot ihm tadfaui vara of 1KH Va tMl ciauna tbclr vtdova. w ratltted. Old u4 rrrteS 1 ttoMnaa nniiM va unwjiiii i tor ew lava, it a eb&m lor aOrkie. M9 ta a&fiA MivocaatQM rranOi States 5 92 FiHb ATenoe, New Tot I 218 Wabash At.. Chicks. I'JORK FOR US tmm .t ad m wfll b urtlr at Um aarx pvrtrd MtotM that will rar Tr rorM r pokliirelr barrta br kwtlacM to ofer aa arat ihi en bm foawl ea tb fac or uaa rana S4SiM eroflt S7SM wrth m biaM I Mac aUr aad bomontAj aoi bj aad pai t k.xlrttflA of bbb. roan. tors, aad rtrU la nnla. Ym MB MOBTT 1VTT at WOTS fo. aatitaavoa bavraar kdraof. TWMihiUm m7 to (cara, aad iaatnctloat ao ataipi aad piala, that mil nrr4 from tb tart. Taooa rb Uka bold of ttt borfaeM rrap tb aaraatafo tbat aria from tba aoaad rrpatatioa of oar of tbt oMeit, can ocfl. aad Urfwt pUUblg boatoa la Aamrrlea. ew for roanrU tbr trot u that tba biae orra4ily aad htarlmnlr taUa, realU tbetr rrcairct riprctatwaa. trr It tad rxactlr as wm tell Utrsa. Tbrrr U pUatr of room for a Iro iaor vorbars, aad w. arg a tbeia to bcrla at oaoc If yoa ara airoadr oaa. plorad. bat bate a few rear oiiau. aad vtob io im tbeaa te adraaUfe. tbea write aa at f for tbu u roar rraa4 opportaartr). aaxi fall DArtWUn by man nil Ail it FACTORY andMDI-05 BaAXCnE3 Frtigbt and Acroodsiioa, La. liemaeor 6 25 a ta Arrire Q roe tuber a 5 o Leave Oreemboro t IG ArriTt Madison 11 Lea re MadIoa 12 10 a m Arrive Groreaboro 30 Lt. Oreenabere 3 15 Ar. Rama or . (45 p m J. W. PRY. CJrn'l hunt Y. E. KYLE. GeoM raso2er Ak11 gALEIGU A AUGUSTA A. L. R. R In effort 12m Sunday Jan 2C, IbJ Gou hotrra. 41 4 Tees, a Mail ft Taaa. La. Kal!b 400pm ttSasc Nooeart 5Ui lilOpsa Banforl 5 23 1 SO Cscerroa 6 10 121 Southern Pias 21 i 15 Ar. ilealct 7 23 p ta lo p ss Ar. Gibeoa 8 15 p ta Ooiso Nobis. Zn 4 fa a. a Uatl Pi Tase Lt. OiVo 7 0 a a Le. Haalet 00 S(rie. Kouibrrn Mm S (6 7 41 C-meren 9 26 fc ih anf H t &2 10 51 'Measure 10 16 12 13 Ar. Fakirli 11 2u J 2 f J. C. Wiira, OenT btraxer. L.T. hapU TRV CO- Be Vew SDOD I1EALTH to err tr io Ktss in t ta Xf OMr.Df.JSO. H.CY' -.f.. Ua Tc ! 1 1 f IS f at aha in. MftA W IW.MiM 4 W-I tm