fj ICE JOB WORK DONE CHEAPLY AT THIS OFFICE. THE BLADE MMd TEE ATLAATA. CORSTXTTmOS ONE YEAR, 8T.CO. OUR HOME AND HOME FOLKS AGAINST THE WORLU... VOL. VIII. NO. 40. CARTHAGE. MOORE CO.. N. C. TUESDA Y:MAY 8. 1894 Price o Cents. EDITORIAL PENCILUNGB. ' - - - - , -.-'tv , ' .-. ; ' 5. . ' ' " - . " I . -v. - - ;-" - - - - - : . - - - - 0 t ; . t - t . f- ---- TTVToi ry syvssvya cvrr rvr-r . " -i - V -gr . HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK AND OTHER NORTHERN CITIES, IESIBB THE a he. r nenti And the best .friend, that caver fub you, 13 Sirara-Jiis Liver Regu Uior, (tho lied Z) that's wlt. "y :-i hcor at the mention of this exc-'lieut Liver, medicine, and people lio'ild ret be ' persuaded that, anything else w'll do. . it h the Kim r? T.ivrr M cf . c;fM; ii b tier than p ?i t ikes the p;;ir; of Quinine r:.-,. t.'.iiomei. it a:n tiirccuy c:i itn Liver, Kiilneys and Bowels ?a:c g-vea new life t-3 tlio whole torn. Tiiii 13 the rr.edieino Sol I by all I'a ngyist Liquid, or in Bov.-df r t-j I o i dry cl" male in o p. " ; fyKVKUY PACX.K;!.-. lias tli '. Stamp rr.i r- DIRECTORY 0? CARTHAGE AND MOORS COMITY. PRESENCE OP INTENDING PURCHASERS EVRTlY ntv at iv vn?nur DRY GOODS AND JDLOTBMG STORES ITST XIIE CIXX OF PATTETTEVILLE. I promise to .1 them the prettiest and newest attractive stick of prina and summer goo,l, it ha over Uu their good fortune to in-nec-. , ItTSTOOEOFECZANDOOIOEEDSUKS tune to Inject. 8 "L in a., the e a, . the highsrad.noveUie. of the ,.e.t p . t, and Tariety i aU that the most e,travaSant fane, Floor Coycrings, Elegant Carpets, Seamless China arid Japanesollattinss, Art Squares, Hugs, Ac. In Great Varlctr IN MMHOE DEPARTMENT $20,000 worth of fine Shoes may he n almost at a glance. Anvbody can get .uited here C L O THIN G ! My Clothing Department; is a separate and'distinct feature of my busineiss andravnnipntwn iirrya.tnMa . , show a line of Elegant Cwtom-MHdi Suits for Men, Youths and Boys, Sted ith?a rtr,0m mJ Pr-V G?(rds ?tor In this department. I man, the long slim man or any other man. All classes of goods are c heaw V'flt eict,.v nn'1 tW-clion. I can fit the nhort. atom ble sixpence is better than the slow shilling," constantly i?Tiew. If itSnot conveS i! T h' 1 baVe th? 'tXilU 11111 "the ni,u- partment is a growing feature of my business, and is in charge of a competent and e f Vl ication. - ra ' JUU. u.3 (jiuuijji, ttuu turaui aucauoa. oampioH chettiuJlT and promptly sent on app. ferrn hanTnd?S? " mre when accompanied with, the C?8h, will be delivered free to the purchaser. Agents for Butterick. Patte erns. pirn cleertully Butterkk'a Scissors and other Cut- FRANK W. THORNTON & SON. rayetteville. N. C. MAJOR ROBBINS AT GETTYSBURG. Let the democratic Senators pass the tariff bilJ; the voters will do the rest. The republican Senators Arc beginning to realize that tbeir expectation of staving off tariff reform is but a Coxejized dream. The Pacific railroads should be brought to time by Congress; tbey bnvc from the beginning been given the best end of the bargain. The republicans are beginning to hedge on the confidence with which they hare been predicting the election of a majority of the next House. The republican editor who can laud the work done by his part in the New York legislature, at HE SPEAKS AT A CAMP-F1REMEETING v i i ,J n-r,..-. nf 'His Eloquent and Thrilling Address- fthclnle of Unvah and Deparln- k M ; Reminiscenes of Gettysburs-.A Defense of the Motives of the Mails from the P 0. at ('arlhage, Ji C. Hv Catithaok Railroad, ; daily ex c kpt Sunday. F r Oi'''if -vil!o, via. Rub'con and L'wl.", U'twt al 7:30 a. in. Anive? :tt H : H, a. m atKnV (,nm-nn !n 1 P'M ? Sr)lllh. leaves l!:!0, a. m. Arrives n 1:00 p. m. I-or ('jinir-it'ii tnul viM!s N-itli, leaves ' Z::0 p. Arriw sat 5:45, p. in. ASIIKOUO nviil. via P.rkwod, r-r Hfi, Cai-terA Mil'', N i.-e, Wise, Inil . Leaf. l)!OWi M lU aiur m -'Hi its jtilis. Ari iv ' . u'!(lay, Tim sd iys and sni (uil.iH 7 p..m. "'Leaves Mondays, Wed and Frldiiys C a. ni. UAMlvKU mail vi;i Monliaunee, i'nmi i'hv, H avsNii'i-, c!i eks,' T'all . Cp-ek and Kniily., Arrives uesdays iud Friday G p. ni. L aves Wedues las ar.d a(Mn!n Cr.'lO a. in. )IJ: ' LL m ii! via Q n t, Fair Fia- Ven and t I.i" juts cros Roads Arrive Ti'.e-da'. s and Fri lavs 1 I a. in. Leaves i uesila v nu-i Fri lays 12 m. Mai' fo Slar' yia nit. cirme : ci'edon'a IVii Oak; IJenn1 cm, Spencer, Swinton; Way .Nt; Filo;.Tyra; (Jaleand ltocka v.a ; Arrives iMondavs; Wedne-davs and Friday 12 in. L a-.-es Mondays, v ( dncsdays and Frid iys 1 p m. Mll'LlUOR I cULtTS KUR 891 Solicitor, Funk McNeil', !! ckiti bam, N. (3, Tdaich Term Leii s the 5tl 2 weeks. A"g. , ,, ,, South in the Fight Secession. for put on canvas, they arose at length and dried their tears, and tears tor heroes who died tor a , scene sucn as no artist can ever istmg between the races in the. and how all the romance and the session jut closed, is either c jost uause Dut neroes vv-nose memory we cherish and whose graves are kept green and strewn with flowers by the fair hands of their sisters and daughters. You wish to know how we old Con- South; of how imperfectly the glory were squelched in a mo-j knave or a fool. c:a. w m . . - , , cr-- i uc stn.ici- wnicu oss ueen -t,-"!"!... niv. ,inj;uui iu m:r guou naiurcoiv God Almigthy, and not to those Yanks.' 4,This starry flag that floats race problem so called, and said from the ranks as they stridedJcen. Braddock, who was ki started to erect a monument to lied 1 f- i 1 - n nrnlJun. . . A- ! . 1 l..f. I . T t 1 . 1 . UIH...U ucurc.ny: iooKy nere, miss, maybe ncar Draddock. Pa., in 1755. at nr.tna' if rlrefl omnnn V ll ir-M( Vy-Va A m m. mm .... I t S t . 1 ... xv, .cul3 ur iuu u uaicr naui aown mat nr ,9P r ,.cMl 1,- federates felt and thought m the over us to-night and I well re-j like were to live together on the flag; we've tuck it ofTn a heapbeVter..ate.tnan.RCVCrs days of the war, and how we member the pang I felt at Bull same soil both free a-d equal be-! stronger breastworks than think and feel now. I nronose . Kuti when I caught the first t r to tell you something of this; forjKmpse of it waving abore the I think we have been, and are ranks of our fpemen! this flag yet, much misunderstood by j which Southern valor has helped many of the Northern people. ! make glorious, we have come to believe with you that He who sprinkled the sky with stars had Correspondence Charlotte Observer. Gettysburg, Pa., Mav2. Last Monday night the .veterans of Gettysburg Post of the G. A. R. And you will allow me to speak held a "camp-fire" meeting here; to-night as a proud and true which was attended bv a large 'man hn'u.ld when tnlkino- to i something to do with placincr proud and high-souled men and; those forty-four stars on this women, and to say my say in-'flag, and that His will is that not dependently. You would not 1 one of these snall be plucked expect me as an "old Reb.," who away till the orbs of heaven dart waded through fire and blood rom their stations at the final audience of our old soldiers, citi zens, students and ladies, filling the hall to overflowing. The en tertainment, consisting of patri otic recitations bv young girls, fore the law, without discord j that!" and the poor girl scooted ' ot)&TC? Wl cps,lJ do a and collision. But he predicted 'into the housediscomfitied, amid! lh,g th?n t0 that under the benign influence shouts of laughter from citizens lhaw. 8 l g,VC the Pnt of our Christian civilization and 1! u; authority to veto any part of a the guidance of Divine provi-j The major concluded his hnll dence this problem would solve ; hour speech by saying he was itself peacefully and happily for : here as a commissioner to aid in both races if left to solve itself earn ing out the design of our without meddlesome interference government to have this great by outsiders. I battle field marked bv pcrraa- His remarks were interspersed cnt monuments and tablrts to , ever radical, they may adopt to with amusing and stirring sto- how the lines, positions and '"rcc h voir on me ianii mil. bill without having to veto the whole bill, as at present. The people of the coantry, who arc sick and tired of delay, will support the democratic Senators in anv method, how- nes o f tl 1C war. He cnoke of evolution of the numerous Coxev'n "enormous" nrmr of songs of the jubilee club, music , for four years, to come here and day. This flag is again oura as ,ow t,c Southern youn men nt bodies of troops of both armic. four hundred odd is at Yhing- by the band and orchestra and;crincTe in . your presence and well as yours, ana I join you ln vvouifi mnA He said: "The Union soldiers of! ton. aud the Government ktill speeches by two or three gentle-. apologize for what he did, and I the prayer thac it may wave for- 1 .Ml -m -m. 1 men, lasted till near ll o ciocic and was quite a success. A feature of the occasion, which excited great interest and shall not do so. I'd fight the ever over an battle of Gettysburg over again before I'd do that. "We believed we were right. has been the tonic of town talkie r u rr i was not without its comt ucis uu ic lutJ1- Wl luwu Ltlt,v Every man of sense in the United 1 since, was the speech of Major j Q.ofM nnma Up.nfin,. tions- It made both North indissoluble Union of indestructible and equal States. - . n l I uur tragic connict fter all ensa- . - A.. T 1. T I J. I. TV 11. .1 peecll ot Major now!, tu:s. Thesacrificea "un- At rauuc ixuriu uuu W. M. Robbins, lately appointed , w. mqrle. the losses and hard- South bettcr acquainted with , . , , , each other, taught them each ships we endured, the valor we; , , , i j .1 , rr,-. , . ; others prowess and pluck, about showed in that Titanic contest s ! ' , , ,i , . ! which both labored under ab- a U IJiJV, n y puv.u kiiv. iivu.o Andthev would have to gohome nave mis none, out u is piam inglorious to their sweethearts-1 that their fame will suffer if the field does not also contain the fjiij.t, I). . Bryan, J. tiest eio, h..'r .1 . W. Colo, V tl.M-e. J . Mi inoe, Ou'i. OOfNTi" OFFlCEiJ-. Cleik Sop -nor Cant. L) A. McDon ald fliHi ,ff. J .! L. (,-rric. hoiisier Dh. iU D. l. Kay. Treisarer IV. K M. Ferguson. (),,r Tier Dr. i. Mcl eod Snr-por Fiar:eis De.iton. No'aiie Pub ic A. II McN.-il, W. II, McNei I TOWN HOVhRNMENT. MnynrW. H MtNieli. C i" i-'-io. ers. (. Blnck, A l. Mufe.T. A. v Ht.)i., IL k S ields aud R. A. ll. i.6ciut. ci.sth!t' IJngii U l y. one of the battle-field commis sion and the only Confederate on it. The Union veterans espe cially invited him and sent a committee and the band to escort him to the hall, and Capt. Long, a veteran, introduced him. Thinking your readers might be before thev got to fight a battle, 1 course arc glad and proud to j live, and Congress ha not run away. The spring crop of fools was not as large as some people expected. It took seme railroads officials sometime to realize the absurdity ol furnishing free transforation to gangs of tramps. Any cherae calculated to mats defperate un employed men muit neceJtarilv of our convictions. We were fighting fas we saw it) for home and fireside for the right of governing ourselves in our own surd delusions before, and thus it rendered altogether improba ble any future wars between our States or sections. Moreover, it revealed to the world our stu-, I send you a int;rfcrence from outsiders, i PendOUS milltar gr atia re- synopsis of his speech, from notes Thafc w our th and ;ti sources as a people; and stand taken at the time, very brief and l00. imperfect but giving some idea ot his points. He began bv saving that he -c trntv ol- ea o Inn n oriiH I O o k r v i v viuov. ci. 1 1 1. iv ouuuu and American doctrine yet, don't it? But I am not here to argue the question over again. Our theory will forever hereafter, no nation will be rash enough to assail us. If war were not such an evil I said when his regiment was en tering the first battlcof Bull Run. photograph of their adversaries. and some of them began to cheer Ana mere is no reason inr loh-, at the sight of three or four Yan- Iterates to blush at the record, kees running awav, one of his In looking over this field and men turned wrathfullv to the viewing tlie long slopes over. others and exclaimed: "Stop which those heroic columns u . i : . i. r r ...- vom darned hollenn'. or wr -u"K " rt be a danerou one r y ll n won't get a shot!-' He told of enginery, oeiymg uanger anu; his visit here-thirty vcars ago.dMth. my heart swells with and said: "Some of mv friends pride and I ay to myself: My nnrl T tried to po nn on Little soul, what men they were that Rn,,n,l Ton .h,,t voiir folks were dared to assail these heights!' J so plaguey contrary they It is true that victory hercavert - i r ii t r :i: i u..ii i.i iTa rum lucm tier Miuuidi uu, WOUiUll t 1CL ill llyj. lie vuiii- - . . . ... but glorv crowned them, and " - v',v view ol any question." and who "bits in the L S. Senate the paid attorney of a tailroad corpora- Gov. Waite, of Colorado, may not be able to poc as the incar nation of wisdom, but he veins to have succeeded in sizing op Senator Wolcott. who the Gov ernor says "is incapable of tfck- appeared before this large audi-J tWked u by facts, an'd could wish that we might have ence of.trangers with nearly as ithose facU werc vour heavier i a bout with some great power much trepidation as he felt when I &rm and mQ're numerous so that men might see what sort he stood before that other still I u0 al:rt MC naA onm,iof Ageing Americans could do i- . . . . with the blue and the gray emu- was worth, out vou i . ye jiaungcacn oincr anu siciiiuiu; shoulder to shoulder beneath the i ..1 j i i i i larger garnering at oetiysourg fo all jt CliU. 11 DillKCfnnY. thirty 3'ears ago. He was re ceived then with more warmth than now, but far less cordiality. They must pardon him for com ing before them without prepa ration. He did not know how to prepare for -a speech under such novel ciicumstances, and so he should have to do like the old preacher who did not believe in studying his sermons beforehand, but opened his - Bible and took C inh'ige Circuit, M.'K, church Rev, J A.-ld f'us'or. At C-rihag- 2'id ni.d h Sjniays, nioiian uid uight. Tr, er uHCt.-n; ever Wed. ey . for a the firsfc verse that light, Uetiter 1st oiiiday, morDing. out held us, and we- lost. ! had sense enough to know when we were beaten, and then we j threw down the cards and gave up the game for good and all. There's where you have mightily misunderstood us. You have suspected us of secretly repining over the result and meditating a renewal some day of that strife. Flushed with the pride of victo rv, vou could not understand nlimentcd the ladies of Gettvs burg on their beauty and fine the God of war numbers them manners, and begged all woman-1 among his stoutest sons. The kind everywhere to understand 7 " come wcn evcr.v Pa" that Southern men had never triot from the Gulf to the Lakes been disloyal to the union-with can stand on this ground, cover Aii..:nf fm n ;,.;dpnt ed vith memorials of our matck- tion." Nobody has raited one word of protest against the invasion CiTtrou IbtPuiiday, ui; lit, an i on 5tii iSai.dayn UojI Springs 3rd Sundsj niernie''. how as proud a people as ours met his eye and preached as the j ld . -fc t . defeat. Lord handed it down to him. patierlv and in good faith. Let "I come here to-night," said he rae explain it to you by stating "simply to lay a flower on the Hanit ehmli R V C.J F. An- i 1i- . . n C rt rl nr O 1 4 ft' f DfM 1 f T T A O'-mhae iVery let jjav. u - ie ;.;, u.t s tor 8a diy iiinrtiii'i; and nuht. Pruyei nif-eiiuj ever) Wedo-sdjy niiiht. Prov iC'iaD cU ire : Rer. W. M Kdride, yus r. At (,'arthae l-r umi 3t i Sun ru tii'im uiid u g ' I'raNfr neenog i-veiy Thursday iigit. A' U'.i.'ii 2nd Sunday, at Ca'de 4io Sii d.ijs, a. d at E iphrxiCU 5ii iSu -Ja)S. hove been thinking since I took my seat on this platform and listened to vour exercises, how different this scene is from what we have in the South when our veterans and their friends meet at their re-onions. Here all faces wear the glow of pride and re joicing, yoar music rings out paeans of triacipb, and the laurel a solemn and saving truth. Proud as our Southern people were and are, there is One before whom they bow with all humili ty. They believe in God and His providence, that what He does is right and what He wills is best. - On this solid rock we stand and face with unquailing hearts whatever destiny may have in store for us; for we do not forget that whom He loves itthou human, ruaceonher8 dogs 4n 1 all stock, cured in 30 minute by Wolt'ord'a SumUry Lotion. . This never fails, press, the music is a dirge, and their faces at Appomattox and by ChaB. Colo & Co., Diusgiste.j .. .. .... eairin -r" women s faces arc vet with! wept aloud - like children, a mmm.m I is twined all about you. iuerejHe chastens. When our old the halls are draped with cy-1 1 bronzed veterans fell down on old flag. But may we not hope for a better thing? j.hat the na tions, standing in our presence, awed by our strength, may learn to curb their passions and settle their disputes by arbitration, land so the rivers of frateinai I 1 1 . 1 1 X. 1 uioou poureri out wy us pruvc a libatian on the altar of a uni versal and perpetual peace?" It is impossible to report the major's speech in full. He con gatulated evervbodv'on the de struction of African slavery and said he knew of nobody who re gretted it; but with all its eyils it had proved a providential school for the training of the negroes; it was great nonsense to say, as some Northern men do, that it had brutalized them; it had really transformed a race of barbarians into civilized men, christianized and elevated them until they were deemed worthy and fit to become citizens and suffragers of this enlightened country. Strange . brutalizing, that! He spoke of the pleasant and mutually kind relations ex- mentioned bv oneofthespeakers. ls American manhood, and feel of this country within the last that a woman of Gettysburg') that he has a share in the heri-j ten day, by a foicign army 1.- durin the battle here had shot ! -c Ul K"r.v uu"cu rug. aim no wonocx. at a Rebel soldier, he vowed that ootu sines. During the delivery of speech the applause was frequent and hearty and at its close be came tumultuous and deafening greg.ntion of 'feminine beauty ever landed in New York. The late Senator Heant would ncrcr have been caught allowii.g the ue of name and about the "Rebels" from any :.,i. tn .n . 1 1 they ever had before. I nothinK obout a, h;s on wa. R. L. Patterson'. IUm r pabiJlcr of lbc San Francisco Examiner, acknowl Many Union veterans came for ward and grasped the Major's hand, and several ladies sai they had very ditferene ideas he would pay the ladies of this town for that by kissing one of the prettiest before he 'left, and warned them to be on the look out, for it would come as unex pectedly as that shot did. All the jokes of the war, be said, werc not on one side, and then he told, to the intense amuse- I merft of the audience, the inci dent he witnessed while march ing through Cbambersburg of how a very handsome and ro mantic voung lady, trying to ! emulate the heroism of the mythical Barbara Fritchie, was promenading back and forth on the sidewalk with a small Union flag fluttering above her bead, on a slender staff which ran down Ur or oriA ivn fnctrned to IJ V JIA 1 her bosom, her face pale and 1 is practiced oy me uovernmeni. solemn, and her heart evidently swelling with thoughts ot the glory she would win by flaunt ing that banner before the faces -1 11 . L . L Vinrrla " amntKf wn i the aim v is composed of pretty this . Irish girl who come to make war upon American hearts. It t m r 1. o tf A k..n I U. . . . . . a I Every reduction made by the democrat o! the House in a regular appropriation bill add to the chances far the election o( a democratic majority of the next House. Economy is being practiced by nearly everybody.! and the jieople expect the demo crats in Congress to ee that it edges, in his application for the npointment of a receiver for the "Press Claims Co.." and the "Examiner Claims Bureau' of Washington, he was. A woman speaking ot a wo man's sudrnge mrriing is quoted assaying: "A man goes slowly a sul jcvt, while a ro nan jumps over. vwu, that t.rRa.p4onYurF,.cc tirdy on what the Are eau-M br Impure blood, and Fcr instaocr. a man will neve 1 well unlfw rou clannNe is not going very slowly around itan.ibuid r I a pretty woman, if there is any whom there was 110 man wou what you nd. On bottl ill tl-r 11 x x. ' 1 a u:e i:r ;f oar comrl-xion and purify your Id not have risked his life. fhlool. T it. Pru $ 1.00 per ! necessary, to save her from hnrm,- bottle Fr hr drni-t chance to get up real close to her quickK; and a woman isn't go ing to jump over a live mouse, unless there arc wnlls in every