1 m nice job work DONE CHBf.PLY AT THIS OFFICE. THE GATi AaT? BLADE. THE BLADE THE ATLAS I A COKSTTTUTIOn ONE YEAR. Bt.BO . VOL. VIII. NO. 52. OUR HOME AND HOME FOLKS AGALvST THE WORLD. jL. rmvSSt rvirfS -snm. ET3 The Old Friend And the best frietd, that never fail? yvi, ia Simmons Liver llegu lator, (the Red Z) that's what y a hoar at the mention of this i ccollcnt Liver medicine, and p.ynlo should not be pew-aaded th.it anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Modi 's; is batter than piKs, and tin riAC Tfa indignation and rage of Mr D,h.mawi... . .. c feoplc at the assas- CARTHAGE, moore CO., N. C, TUESDAY. JULY 31. 1894. Price 5 Genu. Washington tetter. fitnuhnn nf U. i . r ft :- k rimpKcA r. f. . , . 1 " Wl i-resioent are .'",UUUI ""r Lorresnondentl tor, ' nl natural, but they did not! the beginning of time! f take a good way of showing' it grcat raen bave upon momcn- . " urae late in 1 "J sccKiog to avenge the murder L"ua "evasions resorted to .!: -- t . asxing tor anything ro the name of fair play. xe- by assaulting the persons or towKwary methods of focusing prupcrry or ttaiian residents of lJUUlK attention upon certain The checks that have been sent ! Lvons who were in no wt v to Debs are, like the authority he SponsibIeforthe work of that' assumed, bogus. Senator Hill seems in a fair way to get the laugh on some of his democratic colleagues. cml service rules m accord ance the slighest with resident Cleveland's order issued just before the close of his first administration, and such of those democrats Who wish to re-enter the service certainly have a good claim to tbe vacan re Uhings. One of those occasions ! without to go iat ! was when President Cleveland's ! throuSh h vil service inili. excuse. As ,a.vor on fcer nest oi Bat stream Anarchist damr, Th,. oc0 letter to Chairman WiUnn aPP"tment made by Prcs- sin's beine an Italian J pointine out the betravnl nf th ! ment veland has beer, more oi ill I J - ... i . i I Haivi J ply an accident. There was no democratic Pajr7 by certain of! - aPProved than that of him on its merits, but he evidence or reason to believe j the Senate amendments and urg- pioeo of Quinine and I tomcl. It a'-t s directly on the Liver, Iviln'yi and Bowels and r;.vj new life to tho whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Bold by all Druggists in i . Uliil r.r in TV-v ,5 03 or in Powder to be takon uailo into a tea. REVERT PACKAOE-W Han th 7, Stamp in rl on wrnpnn. J. H. & CO., lbilaJelplii,r DIRECTORY OF CARTHAGE AMD MOORE COUNTY. ftbcttale of Arrivals ad Departo es of Mailt from the P- 0. at Carthnge, N. C. Hv CvbthaoeBatlroaw, daily ex Cevt Sunday. For Curnesvillp, va. Hub con and Lawhon, leaves at 7:30 a. m. Arrives ill l! : 10, a. m. atFw Cameron and poin South, leaves 11:10, a. m, Arrives at 1:00 p. m. ! rr Cameron and ointfl North, leaves at 3:.'(), j. m. Arrivcsal 5:45, p. tn. AnifBOKOlrnsil, via P rkwood, lor lierfl, Carters Mil 1, Noine, Rise, Long Ci at, Hrowcrs MdU and Metritis stills. ArrtviS'fuustibiya, Thursdays and Sat urda.yti 7 p. m. Leaves Mondays, Wed in sdays and Fridays tj a. m. IIAmHCKR mail via Mooshaunee, Croso. riuv, Bravsville, clicks, Fall t :ini Kmily. Arrives 'I uewlays and Fridays G p. m, leaves Wednes days mid Saturdays (3:30 a. w, OltB HILL ni .il via Q ii. t, Fair Ha ven and far pers cross Roads Arrives Ttt!davsnd Fridays 1 1 a. in. Leaves j uesdnys and Fridays 12 in. i;iii tor star via Mt. canne1; Caledonia IiiitOak; Ih n-al rnis Spencer; Swinton; Way Not; Fih; Tyra; Gale and Rocka va; .Ar.ives Mondays; Wednesdays and Fridays 12 in. Leaves Mondays; Wcdt.esdaya and Fridays 1 p m. AD DIE SHAW, P. m. the bait that catches them. If the de niOCrats in n rr t-c c ing him and his colleagues on the part oi the House to stand bv the House bill, which is strictly in accordance with the principles professed bv a long line Qf dem continue that tariff wrangle. Gov. Tillman isn't the first offi cial to tfy to take advantages gained by packing a court. It was openly done by one Presi dent of the United States. 'Tis better that Congress should adjourn without tarift legislation than that a bill em bodying republican 'stead of dem ocratic, principles should become a law. that they sympathized with him r 1 i ,i. , . i ...... iwycti urumers in-law are hard , the slightest or gave him any to hook, but George Gould has , countenance before or after the act. But the mob. and especial ly a French mob, is generally wish to please the reoubliean ; bllnd and Wl" K as far in avene-1 ocratic national platforms and disgust the country thev will i ng a wrone: as the perpetrator , Anerc are democrats who regret win in committing it. The'inar tne necessity arose for French people themselves are in writing and for making public a great measure responsible for ! bUcn a letter, but it is not diffi & this tragedy. Had th the Anarchists began to i r- . . aenant ana aggressive pursued a manly cou throttled them instead r ing before them and thus pn. and the House, and consequent couraging them anarchism I -v PPose to the hand full of would not have grown as it has ! democratic Senators who forced done, and men become bold j the acceptance of undemocratic . 1 A 1 mm I c uuugn to puonciy proclaim I amendments upon Sheir collea- HH.UI3VIU3 riictii:iiisLs. ann ... v..., urn ii V e nTTr n rvnr f , u. ...... . - 'HimK.tu -v ... ...cny ii an rnja alter fji tAw.. noon. AUermnn -.1 ( . f h" l . mmm w v - v w BU . IS serer NHH long nt4 m ants the tow. to pay for ft. He got it through the common Council Tuesday uigbt. fart we voted the resolution. He came to see s about it Pri day. He had been drinking and was out of sorts. We bnd plan nen 10 tniic the matter over with gave us no opportunity. As soon as he entered the office be pulled his gous and began firla. We love Mr. Scott as a cittlen sod res prct him as an Alderman, but as a marksman he makes us tired. He got in five shots at us before I we really understood the sit un- n .... . Representative Breckinridge. o4 Ark., to be Minister to Russia. The nomination was promptly confirmed by the Senate, but Mr. Breckinridge will not resign his seat in the House until Congress adiourns j . 1 lIM- j g Senator Gray, chairman, of tlie tlon' and onr damR?c done ! Investigating was to a city inkstand. Wh.n you U see sJowir ler the rtnk He and dout want you Co know where h.s home is. Ton can't see the txddeu yellow of his sioW wnen be fust gets tere. fart heU soon be o imtk tbst ron'U hare ter have sbarp eyes "n you keep watch of him loo. "Now. jest sit down there snd wait till the sun gits so it wilt shine through some leaves, and some of nun will be in the sun shine and some in the shade, aod if yon drop a nook down there itb a little piece of worm on tbe nut most likely you 'II git bun. If you do. rap him on tbe bend .Mth a stick and tar him awar to dry. and you'll bnd tbe color set. and where the sun shone committee, has, "C lil r on u.m he is liKht." . . 'v'k,i'.vL t w j k i nf m irs-. i . . t teen misrepresented n cornier-1 u.. u i. . 7- . "Uid you ever . . . . n. iicvk ana nip And ! n;. , non with the re-opening of the pitched him down stairs and I . r-... A. A Z . . , , t 4 i. . ,4 IT 1 r x . ev when I cult for even the most indifferent i f s ' ,r" "nTestigatloii. He-... iieioaieaaround show a (observer to see that the nk ' no from tl Sm -"c", . . i a. ... , . .. 1 1 tiit r on s nt us n wnttM onr n. spirit I and file of the democratic Dartv:luK"at wnie truth, no' v . . .. Z JT rsc andjis behind President Clevelan'd ! tter who it might affect, and Lire for his gore. Weconldhave I " nui el icprrscnc.iiivc oi tne iew j Kiiiea mm a dozen times over anything that looked f 11 ri'RIOIl COURTS FOlt 1894. Sutieitbr, Frak McNeil', llockiog bm, N. 0, March Term begins the 5:1) 2 weeks. Ai'g. ,, 133 Deo. ,f 10-2 CO Y f O VI MIS -ION KltS. 1 ait, U. O. Hryaii, Jonesboro, thb'r. .I8. W. Cole, C'tUge. Ja. C. Monroe, Big COUNTV OFFICE 2??. tlerk Superior Court. D, A. McDon akl .:berHT. Jatio L. Currie. ileiMer l.-d D. 8. Ray. Treasurer. Dr. K. M. Kerguaon. Ooroiier Dr G McLeod. Kurvt'jor Francis Ueaton. Nutarie- Public A. . McNeill, II, McNei l. President Cleveland is right with a big R. There is neither sense nor justice in ninety five per cent of the democratic party being dominated by the other five per cent. The Virginia republicans seem desirous of pushing Col. Hamp ton Hoge into Congress over the whiskey route, by which he left office at the request of President Cleveland. Br'er Harrison has engaged 'Steve" Elkins to interpret what the wild waves of the Atlantic are saying. He should remember the desertion ol Blaine by Elkins, 1 i ana oe ware. It it be true, as has been assert ed, that one man was the origi nator of all the sugar trust ru mors, he must be a verv indus trious individual as well as an unsurpassed liar. A coat that would throw off darts of Cupid would be a great boon to the masculine vacation- threaten dire vengeance on those who crossed their path or op posed their insane demands. For some time in France the courts were absolutely afraid to try men arrested for throwing bombs and destroying propertv and human life, and judges went on the bench with fear and trembling. Officers of the courts, and attendants at the trials were in a constant state of ner vous excitement lest some asso ciate of the arraigned Anarchist might throw a bomb, and cause a massacre in the courts of jus tice. Even the public executioner performed his duty with a feeling of dread when it became hisdutv to chop off a head. Every one gave the Anarchist a wide berth, afraid to incur his enmity, and even the officers of the law were exceedingly cautious in tackling mm. Dallying with either cranks or conspirators against law and order is a dangerous business, and the people who do it will pay the penalty sooner or later. France is paying the pen alty now. Wil. Star. York Herald, which made the charge that some Senators com mitted perjury in testifying that they had not purchased stock in the sugar trust, agreed to fur- A mnffon. efoj : : , msn tne names ot witnesses who the power of that hand full of Culd thrW ,ight " that demoerfltiVRpnafc f l-nirKt ra' at once ac- gues. limes over He is a good man at heart and our friend, but in mistaken on the sewer question. We are wil ling that anv of the city officials, in all of whom we feel a paternal interest, should blaze away at us a few times when the spirit moves, but it can't be expected tnat we will sit still all the after any tariff legislation and leave the obnoxious McKinley law on the statute books, and some of nrrrr v u,. .... cepted the offer on behalf of the . u"! """"" l nere who are a nick to irmr. committee, and the investigation j ate these thines to the nnlLk. was re opened. Instead of an them have gone so far as to pub- j LdSomzi"g int newspaper men linl flr,m,. fU, Um.. .....i j i D.v trying to co m pel them to m V- ft T H ft J ft I -T L U VV. I .ill L I lir V W I llll I vote against any report made from the conference that changed c-a i m . a the Senate amendments, hut the or to secure tneir co-operation violate confidence reposed in them the committee will endeav- hope still remains that they will after careful thought discover that Senator Hill spoke words of wisdom when he told them that they were wrong and Presi dent Cleveland right and that sooner or later thev would be in obtaining witnesses who can talk if they will. THE "ARIZONA KICKER." Pleasant Call. Some three months ago, as we were on our way to Valley City in search of compelled to surrender, because subscribers, a hard-1 o o k i n g the President in demanding that the tariff bill provide tor freerav materials was but reiterating the demand to day, and for 3'ears past, of ninety five per cent of the democratic party. The conference committee will I again try to reach an agreement this week, but it must be admit ted that the prospects for suc cess are not promising, although some of the most level headed ! democrats in both House and stranger stepped out ol the woods and proceeded to hold us up. We had $27 in cash, two guns and a watch, and his elo quence was so persuasive that we quiet'y surrendered every thing. Very little conversation was indulged in. The stranerer i a worm in order to injure us. and the public should take all reports of our ferocity with many grains of allowance. Not Going. Day before yester day reports were living around town that Mr. Thompson, pro prietorofour local bank, had made arrangements to go to San Francisco on a visit to his mother, who is in feeble health and may not live tnanv weeks. ewi incse leports produced much excitement, and there waa everv indication of a run on the bank when Mr. Thompson invited 6ve of our citizens, of whom we were one. into the bank to investigate affairs. It was not only a thor ough but a satisfactory exami nation. Mr. Thompson is no pictured on them natural?" "Oh. yes. lots of tines. Only the other day I waa dressing some fish, nnd I sec one that had the perfect image of a leaf on his side and hack. You have to take them out and let them dry to preserve the picture. 1 did not ever sec a picture na a troot th at wasn't dried in but once, i and that was a good while ago. "You saw that did watcrin trough out back the shed down to tbe house, didn't ye? Well, years ago we had a trout in there. My brother Sain put him in there when be was a young ster, and he'd grown lilt he waa asbig one and weighed as much a five or six pound. I guess. Mother used to feed him, and we all thought a sight on him. "My Jim waa a little shaver then, and he naed to sail boats in the old trough. He bad a little one that I made him. alt rigged out with masts and aailr. and one afternoon bed been playin' with it till it began tu rain, and his ma made him come into the house and he left his boats out there. "Wall, bimeby the heaviest part of the shower went over and the sun came out in the west and shone onto the milkpana piled up beside the shed door a ml was reflected down into the water, lust then came an aw ...I .1 I -I r .t I a tenderfoot. He came here from r u 1 u T . Montana and knows the Z from top to bottom A vc"r "f1"' "n "ut J -I . c , car what it had done and fuund ivj mis spring, wnen We again call the attention of onr subscribers to the ad. of the Carthasre Academic Tnstii-nre crs, but its inventor would be j The school is under the manage f jrever frowned on by the great j ment of Profs. W. S. Snipes, and army of summer girls. D. R. Mclver and Mrs. Marv The executive committee of the ; u i ' t . 'r , I senate are earnestly working to r i ne exet.uiie commucee oi rnc Principal , is a graduate of the : -i, i u T,' n(T ,nmeffBr K. Mfi I tt..: : . c M & . j V. . calm the irritation and arouse v. . w . n vmu ... i i'v- ittitim, uuivcisiiv vi ix. v. anu nas 'i lest in their zeal to push forward j years experience in teaching at the movement to impeach Attor-!Kin&s Mountain and the Thorn p- mju ocuuui ul oner vity, anu comes highly endorsed. Prof. D. R. Mclver assistant principal is teacher of Public school and business courses. He has 14 ney General Olney they tumble over the precipice into the valley of oblivion. W TOWN (iOVKRN MENT. Mayor: H A Foote, Jr. Commissioners: T 15 Tyson, STj Fry, C II Graves, J E Waddell, W Mills. Marshal: I N ITaik. CBUCH DIKECTOHY. c.tri'nge C'u uit, M. E, church Itev, J. A. f ee pns'or. At Carthage 2ad ii itd 4th S m !up, mooting nnd night. I'iMjer rneetiig cveti Wdoedity night, Center let Sandy, moruing. ui.trau 1st Suuday, oihl. and on 5th The action of the House in adopting for the second time a I. f loint resolution proviamg lor a Constitutional amendment for the election of Senators by direct vote is but another evidence ot yy-1 the lack of harmony between the two branches of Congress. The Brooklyti preacher who said that there were no women in heaven must have some very ag- worry us just then. He didn't ask for our name, and we didn't hand out our card with the boo dle. As soon as courtcsv woidd mi permit we put spurs to our cay- sc and cantered awav. and the . . i . I 1 r rr the party fealty of those demo- 'a" "s omuin crats who feel nersonallv riev. lc,e.nt Interest for Publication the t j r- - - didn't appear to be in a talkatirc I blnU in tVwmh.d ca- Z ?W ' , "mth, ,The mood, and we Kemed to have I m,... A u . "."...5 .liRhtmng had rocU tlul.w tree , . , - , v Vw , nat-u 1U i...t.g u.. vu. u.ii.u w committee tn em M- u land run down until it hit the n jahed and then struck the trough. 1 langnaife .ilollowing week. On Friday of 'last week a stranger entered our . , , isanczum ana iaia our lost prop- The H use passed on Saturday ;ertv on the tabl. and intr0fln ' , ed at the tone and President Cleveland's letter bv a vote of 137 to 49 a two- years experience in N. C. S. C. and Va., where he received the highest Grades and prices for teaching his departments. He has taught in public Academic, and high schools, 16 months in thirds vote being himself as the person who dc- required the j spoiled us. He explained that it Tucker resolution providing for Avas a11 a mistake. He used to pin r l ... an amendment to the Constitu- f ncwslm n inaiana nimseir, out a comoination otcircumstan asked for committee to cn..rr.AS o,,l . I . , Um ' V u no umd t h9ln't ,uU lne lr , mucll 7. n u u C Kct but there on top of the water money. 1 here have been nn ......L.t- . j i t e m , . me ma ihjui, as. 'linn a co,?te. Wl,,nlh,SPurt -f thp herring, and on his side was the ZniL WhenceL thf rc n n?' I perfect picture of a ship with tbe things have got to be shown no ajj 1 very siraignt. or there will be a tion, for the election of U. S. Sen ators by direct vote of the peo ple. This is the second time the ccs drove him out of business ay hanging. The bank officials who can get out of Arizona with the funds of the institution must have vings. Our local bank is . . maKurg money and in tiptop H. as snape an around. There was! no loundation whatever for the mg committee that he waa a publican Congressman Hartcr made a little mistake in his letter to Mr. Hnvcmeycr, president of the sug ar trust, when he referred to Mr. a democrat. Mr. Have- meyer told the Senate in vestigat- reports. but Mr. Thompson has decided not to visit San Francis co for another year. While he ' Would lilep tn CM Ilia nnn- 1.1 He was feeling low spirited the mother again, he realizes that .day he encountered us and did i thee : a .i . these are lonchv limM nnl .U a branch business College, and 8 j House has put itself on record j not ask for the usual explana J duty requires bis daily presence months in Lynchburg, Va., on this question, but the Senate j tion It was several weeks be at the bank. , , . ;iore ne acciacniaiiy aiscovered has never even taken it up sen-1 . . nA J . anam r our identity, and as soon as cir- ANANIAS ously and there is little proba-; cumstances would permit he had , display of large pen drawings, bihty that it will do so now, al-1 called to make restitution. Graded Schools. He has diolo mas from business Colleges, and Lynchburg Centenial Fair for fancy lettering &c. He has 1st ! thonorh there are a dozen nr gravating females attached to j Grade certificates from a number more Senators who have public- 1. ... U 1 ..1,1 1 i ! 1 . -t , nr ,-.. I ins uuuwuuiu, ui cisc, tu use u oi councies in o ainerent states, j endorsed the idea bit of baseball 'slang, he must be ' and many excellent testimonials, I y . slang, preaching for a release. There are men on the demo- Coal taring 3rd Sunday cratic side of the Senate who Suuduya tuoruing. Uaptist obavch lle. C. J. F. An- ier.-on, paster. At Crthae every lt i selves or H'li dity. moruing and night. Prayer nieelhijj every VVoJneBday night. Preshyloiiao church Rev. W. M he is now president of Moore I Ifc is but an act of justice for County Teachers Association, j the House to pass the bill au Mrs. Bagwell teacher of music - thorizinc the Post Master Gener- i i i. . . ; ana puysicai culture, gave satis- al to reinstate without examina We found Mr. Palmer, as he called himself, an intelligent, agreeable gentleman, posesed of a laudable ambition to aid in building up the glorious West Was Some Shakes When it Came Reeiing Off Yarns. to "1 s pose a trout was about I the first thing to take a picture." said an old Adirondack fisher seem unable to recognize any in- when she formerly taught j of certflC3iton by the cwu terest other than that of them- . . s u:1:",1w&c" and a hrm believer in the future! man. "You didn't know that a ot Arizona. 1 here isn t as much trout could take a nicture dirl money in the hold-up business as ye? Wall, they can. You see a is popularly supposed, but he is .trout is able to change the eW making an average of $50 per of his skin (you know they don't Mr: M. F M d SUNiewall. 1 - it.. . . . U C7 ' I nfH,aifJasPC,acourseatG'F' College ! r commission any person wcek and investing ,t tn real es- have scales) to match the color lagt sesslon ls better eauippediwho was dismissed trom the X .ft I They are neither true democrats nor true statesmen. than elver. Carthaee has eood Railwav Mail Service hetween March 15, and May 1, 1R89. or who was dismissed from the ser- tate in the growing towns. He society, churches, mineral springs .o .i s-mA f.--. ' 4m U..1.U U J 2 It 4- Vim i.lfl mrmfm mm I n .itH a tut vv uim Ynt uuuMiauui.L.... i .t , .... . r f . .cheap, and the terms moderate r ' r- -v v -. - - vv r minn ip-acrpn tnpn win nort 11 , j si.i d.. 1 .. .. . . , . a ..w we wouia aavise our peo "' '-J' IIIIU UK. v. 1 j 4.LA, mm Ar, m 1 i . 1 li 11 r 11.11 1 1 lit 11 i.ii .1 si 11 1 w s s .! mil I' inun r -r- nm r-t . . . . . i i-. . rt . " ------ " - " " " " vuuouii L 11 V. uii.iv.iuai UC1UIC expects to be able to buy four vacant lots on Apache avenue of whatever he is under or over. A Helpless Invalid Kidney and Liver Trouble and Nervous Debility an he kin do it pretty quick. too. If you don't believe it some Prnycr meetiug every Thursday iiigM. At U t'ou 2r.d bondftv', at ca'dt-e 4th i 1.1 i. i i - SuMdajs, aud ai fiupbrooia 5th Su. j ecptcu, out now many amoi da8. jtious young men, and all young men should be ambitious, would ed, practical socialism might bciing their children elsewhere. ! thereto. Aberdeen Telegram. within the next few weeks. Mr. I time when vou are fishing down ierate, j , a a ' ! PaImer' course "Ascribed for ! below the dam jest scare a trout 1 pie to Vice afterj tbe last named date, the Kicker before he left and lout of a hole under the ban!, j SotS e send-! uPn any order made prior j hopes to read it regularly every j where it is dnrk and watch him I 1 J tch ou human, mange on horsrp, doga I be willing to lose their identity Wool ford' Sanitary Lotion. Thi socialistic principles? Surely not Nor would there be 16 Year of Suffering Taking Hood's. T I. Hoo1 Co.. LouO. : fleet of Hc.Hi ovupo-'iUa tn mj be" truly mrTt;-u. It far r!hr u.-'li, ..j I ! . " Uiea. T' r He will work the road , as he eoes into the shalltr water i teuto bTOU' w,u,,y- WM ' Ut ... U I V 1 1 r-lm. l .i . . .. ' A UalnUt Invalid. It is well known thathundreds " 'l--"uth ,7. "i0" ,8M1vvhltc f?d , uhs. of comnetent and efficient demo- 1 mi ,. ?ummcr' the 8un sh,n- You'll see him onia.ftudi lot. ultima. crx I um u.v.niipvu.ummuuuuK ul"lu but will occasionallv visit other , lor half a mi n ti tm rrlr mmm i new thfta I hart for i.xn Ttvi I erats were dismissed between the anA A- ;n , Qu. ui-i. i . I WitmrnL m a, homlttu iC L Sood a Co- bet ween fhe rlemrv f Um I V . . 7 - --- .v. -lUr .u ( u.- a oomjioui, out OCtOre -aa, r ooa . ft r Am II i : . i aas named, just atter tne liar-. a Base uanara. i oe story tel-1 he s gone very far his black color i wcek. It would not take the average democratic voter long to choose , itvwwww-w, hvi-..vHft.ftiAft. ww. y v - UV. rUIJC wr 11 II lk , i ' U ' rT m . SI m - trW-M. ST mm mmm mmm. mmm and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by and chance for individual success Paction democratic Senators Haon administration came into cgraphed from this town to tbe will all be Ifone and he'd laak ! nOOQSVUUrBS lif.tr fitits. Stul by Chaa, Cole 3b Co., DruggiaU, C'arlhaga, X C comrauity coated on and that of PresidenT CWenl P-. in onfer that their pl.ee.' f CfV IzSf 'mlSmZ J miH fi1UUr,r,loek-. . ulrV auu UC 11 COHIt DaC rtnttft I JW lH Il ta TUB I OHV UOUUC - ivuku.ivuu. vrt Virtnrl VV i re ,n rnH ll . I i u ! .IJ t t ... - - - vwiiu muiu t id WV.JU uiinMi n . in 11 1. n n n n jm- Is ...U.U )J t -1 . 1 . , . w . mm mm u..a... v. . lvj v, uuiu ur ennsf" tArf T n crvir ia;c,-i ,.-r i j : . . , . . - 1 ... .....I. - m -mmm m, mm -m, w k fe v , w m 4 W V. M I 'lrr-T ' 111" S I Pll 1T I ' V r msr m mm mm I Ml mmm I II II I mm mmw mm- m, v . W. O in -Muh -not straiplit a base canard, isanated without hack for v.-vv. - 2j 'w . ' ' , Wcicv-mir. or V tml tr-ei .... af .. mfW j I 1 I m I 1

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