1 ; OZ JlrCLC n ? LAD JLJL OUR HOME AND HOMfe FOLKS AGAINST THE WORLD. it io 1 1 ' ' ' - - YOL. X. NO. 7- We- CARTHAGE MOORE CO., N. C. TUESDAY. SEPT. 17, 1895. e2 Sfcjws m&o. yrtzTf- 5a'i1lA?.ai tile sn.ypj.isco. Price 5 Cents. The non-partisan silver con vention called to meet at Raleigh on the 25th by Ed. Chambers Smith et als, we fear, will prove a boomerang to the Democratic party. The populist3 and republicans both have dishonest designs on this convention, and if there is any possible chance of doing so, they will use the , convention to furtner their ends. It is incomprehensible to us that men cf good sense and sound democracy would sign a call for such a convention. It can not do the party any good, and if only silver men are to be admitted, we fail to see where the hptiefif vvnidd onmr in frw fliA rnons Liver Regulator. ( Bo euro you get it. The Red Z Democrats even if the pops, and Are you taking SomoNa Lives Reo rr.ATOit, tho "Kino of Liveh Mkdi- cueb?' That la what our renders vaot, fcnd nothing but that. It is tho c&mc.old friend to vrhich tho old folka rioted their faith f-rid wcro novor dis $f4omtod. Cut another good recom mendation for it is, that it is ijotteii than Pills, novor gripoa, never weak c ns, but works in such an eaay and .natural wayyjuat liko nature itself, that relief comca quick and eure, and one ife-ils new all over. It never fails. Everybody neods take a liver remedy, and everyone should tako only Sim la ou tiio wrapper. J. II. Zeilin & Co., riiiladclpbia. House and Lot for Sale. 1 have for sale, on Qasy terms, 4 room house and lour acres of land Vi mile from Union Home School. A. C. Hales, aug. 20-tf. .'; Carthage, n C. New Crop Turnip Seeds. Southern Prize and Landreth's; two 5c. papers for 5c. Also by the ounce 'or pound at same cheap rate. Mason's improved fruit jnra, quarts be, half gallons 10c, extra rubbers 10c dozen. The beat as well as the cheapest Groceries, ('ream cheese, canned Bauaao ami all kinds of can ned koo1h, nice N. C. Bacon, green or roasted coffee 20c. to 25c )b. Molas ses onl ayrup 20c to 35c gallon, pep per 10c lb, soda 3 lbs 10c, matches Cc dozen, shot 7)c lb, ''powder, best rifle, 20e lb., loaded shells, salt 75c. Back. Tobacco, good 25c to. 35c lb. Cigars and cheroots, Old Va.,'2 pack nireH 15c. PicUes, gallon jars, 25c. Nice line of stationery and books, IliMtory of. tho last Legislature 10c. Paper 2e to 15c quire, Envelopes 2c. to 10c. package. Webster's spel lers 10c, Nice line of f onfection cries, hardware aud tinware, steel plowri 15c to 30o axes, nails etc. Full line of notion, shirts 15c to $1 each. , Palm leaf fans 3 for 5c. Nice ipo of mens and boys shoes $1 to $-1 pair; an save you 25c to 50c pair, ('locks, Watches and Chains, Beat Red Antral Oil 20c. gallon. All very clteup. Cash or Barter. Come to see n e l w ill try to please you and save you iuonev. Respectfully, B. J, McIVElt. rads. were left out. There is some talk of this con vention nominating a nou-partisan. candidate for Governor in 189G, said candidate to come from the populistic j ranks. And we presume that these sayiors of the Democratic party, who com- bined in the call, wiil expect the rank and file of the party to walk up to the polls in Nov., 1896, and put in their yotes for the non-partisan pop. candidate. We would like to say to these great leaders, that there are a number of partisan Democrats in this part of Noreh Carolina who will never remember putting in a vote for a candidate of the . non-partisan stripe. vvc iirtnty oeneve tnat a majority of the Democrats of North Carolina favor ,the free and unlimited coinage of silver, but we do not think a non-partisan convention will help the i cause. We wouldn't be much surprised if an effort will be made at this POLITICS GALORE. Silver and the Silver Conference all the Talk. Kal. Cor. Wil. Mes3en?er. I There was quite a gathering' of Populists in Senator Butler's room at the Yarboro last night. The silver question, and more particularly the convention, nou partisan, called by -the Demo crats, were, discussed. The fol lowing was the result, made known this morning by the Senator himself, who gave me a copy. It is in the shape of a card signed by Butler as a member of the National committee and B. F. Keith as vice president of the Memphis silver convention for North Carolina: "A call having been made for a non partisan State lee silver convention uniting all persons of all political parties who favor the free, independent and unlimi ted coinage of silver and gold it will do will be to get the silver men together. Committees will regulate the manner of getting together. Maybe a popular man will be put on the silver ticket in the field. Ifsohcwill catch all the Democrats who believe the financial question paramount in polities. The silver men arc going to get together. How it is done is not so important. The man who is i patriot will not scruple how it comes." The Populist conference made up a list of appointments or Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the new alli ance president, to make speeches in the Western counties. There was some alliance busi ness transacted last night. Marion Butler, as retiring mem ber of the executive committee, was not able to be at its last meeting or at Cary, so he just turned over the bonds of ail the officers of the alliance 'to SvX!;j- Tlin NEGRO CONFERENCE. Forty-Nine Delegates of Represen tative Colored Men Present. Raleigh. Sept. 11. At the negro convention here to day C. H. King, of Raleigh, presided and J. Ii. Shepherd and S. D. Latta were secretaries. Forty uine delegates were present, rep resenting fifteen counties. They were all intelligent and conserva tive. It i3 quite noticeable that the Populists ridicule this con vention. The resolutions which were adopted were quite long. They Highest of all in Learesbg I.jcrr. Latest U.S. Govt Export fck ssa a, PRINCIPLE AltOVE SUCCESS. The communication from our There was nothing tnmcnlxMit the opening of the Ohio KcpnMi can campaign. Fomlcr ;nd 28 hr.lM bntid ni.nt f.imer-c Goldsboro correspondent on the j Impossible. conjectured proposition to cfTcct a ttiiion between the IVniocrats There itd.mr th.nl cx Senator Ingnlla will overplay the im! of Populists wiu lc generally -.i .t o ' - j mnkc connection with the Sena- approved. There is creiht and . tr.ri.il train. honor in defeat. There is dis grace and dishonor in the sug- dcclarcd that the time has comcjgtcd fusion for o(T:ces. for the negro to assert himself; to put aside prejudices and make friends with his fellow citi- jzens; that sectional and party Wc have Ix'cn unable to find evidence that any prominent Demociat favors fusion. There are some Democrats who lclieyc lines arc being removed; that ! t,,at tliCrc arc many Populists there is community of interests; the most urgent need is of good ! citizens; the cry is for purer poli I tics and better leaders; the lack I of organization among the tary Barnes for the new exec .4- into full legal tender at the ratio i tive committee. of 16 to 1, to meet in Raleiohl There are some rude spoken o u oi.i i I i u , i ii negroes is to be deplored; the September 2oth, and inasmuch people who sav the callers of the j " 4 - as such a convention will be on silver convention have "raised a the line of the woik started by devil" which they do not know the Memphis silver convention how to exercise. There are all and will tend to get all true sorts of views as to the conven- friends of silver together under tion. It is the talk everywhere, one banner to fight the foreign History is being made now in gold trust and its American Tory North Carolina. Politicians who allies, therefore w. fr. . or the are "trimmers" are in sore plight. holding of such a sil ver conven Even the regulais are put to it tion and call upon the honest to keep their boat headed right, money's free silver clubs of ,he A day now is as long as a week State and all other persons wno usually is. favor the objects of said clubs to Republicans calculate on cut attend." , ting something of a figure at this Hon. Charles M. Cooke, who couvention. J. C. L. Harris tells D is one of the signers of the call me James H. Young, the colored for this silver convention, was politician, will be present. interviewed this morning and said: "There will be a large attend ance at the convention. I have never wnvererl in lovnltv to convention to form the much silver. Whatever may be the Having qualified jis Administrator of Thomas Hh:i, deuoAtted, of Moore county, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims ng iint the estate of Eaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9:h day of September, 1893, or this no-ico will be plead in bar of their recovery. All joreoiia indebted to said CEtate will please nmke lmmoduite puyraeoi Thid Olh day of Sr pteiabcr. 1895. W. C. DOUGLAS, Administrator of Thos. Sbaw, dec'J. Every man who owns a cow when in Carthage should call and see one of the Kogcrs Patent Revolving Churn and churn Dashers. You can churn your milk in S and 10 minutes. This is something that every house hold. needs, it saves that long; tiresome churning. For sale for $1.00 by M. F. Warner. talked of fusion between the pops, and Democrats. But we would like, right here, to enter a strong protest against this fusion business. It will , not work in North Carolina. Some of the self appointed leaders may pledge the Democratic party to such an unholy alliance, but it might as well be understood now as at any time, that they can not deliver the goods, i. e. the votes. The Democracy of North effect in other sections, I do not sec that in these the restoration of silver would, be disastrous, and unquestionably it will be of value to the agricultural inter- e A Northern View of Cotton. Such advance as we arc making in cotton manufacture is all at the South. Northern mills con sumed the same amount of cot ton in the last crop year which they did seven yean; ago, or about 2,200,000' bales. The South has doubled. It consumed sts and the gteat ! majority ofj 500.000 bales then. It consumes Execution Sale, fly viviuo of fin Execution issued out of the Superior Court of Jilooru county, ou Judgment No. 4,010, V. J. Stuart Executor of Ilu(;b Black, against L. ('. McLeoi1, to rue directed, aod delivered, nd iu my bnnds pluccd foi collection, 1 will ffer and re'd by j.utdic auilion for ci'.fh, at the court home door iu Carthage, N. V.f ON MON DAY, Till 7 i II DAY UI'1 OCTOBER, 1893, at 1 o'clock it m 58 aorta more tr !eps of'lin.l iu Moore , 'i county ou tho l-'outh i rong of Lower Little r.iver, houmitd by the lands of J. W. itora. At h the people here are agricultu rists." -Senator Butler was asked whether there was truth iu the current rumors that certain Democrats had ma de proposals for co operation with Populists. He said in reply: "I have nothing to say about co operation in any shape. It is a matter for our people to con- The State Commander writes , us sjder in full committee or con frovrr Lincoln, acu., as follows: "Af- vention. Speaking of his party the -4 ..-S. -v -v -v l,uui,ULo bales a vear now. This is certain to continue. It is true that fine yarns are spun at Ithe North and coarse at the new sentiment is that everv white man and every black man has an equal chance for educa tion; the mistake of the negro for thirty years past has been reli ance on outside influences, but the right thing is to look to the true sources, God, themselves and their own souls and for sal vation; progress since emancipa tion is not what is desired, but this is due to failure of the negro to organize in his best interests. The choice of good leaders is recommended and also adherence to the principles of the old Re publican party. Accessions from any source arc welcomed and people are called on to unite; rings, cliques and party bossism are condemned; the negro vote should be thrown where it will do the most good; unite for purer politics; stop the negro howl and the calamity howl; let the negroes become land owners, have an interest in the soil. The late Legislature is condemned for its folly in abolishing county superintendents of schools. A board of twenty two members, two from each district and four at large, is to be created to be known as the North Carolina who are unwilling again to fuse with the Republicans, and that it is wise to show them that the best place for them is in the ranks of the Democratic party. It ii this belief that has caused some ot them to favor TT non partisan silver convention. There may be a few who advo cate fusion, but diligent inquiry has failed to find them among Kx Secretary of State Fonter will.be rend out of the Republi. can jxnrtv if he continues to endorse Secretary Olncy' Chi nese policy. A New York p.nper mt there's nothing fast in I'hil.idclphia, not even the color ol the stockings worn by (Jtiakcr City maidens. Wonder how that editor found out about the stockings? Secretary Ucrlcrt upet a lonj line of precedents when he order ed that work njon all nnral vessel;, whether being built by the government or contractor, should jc exrictlitcd ns much a possible, but he is right. A. M. HaiJ'y. u nm known rlticn ol uriu", Dnyun. ay hi uif f..r year tyii tntuhlo) uith rJironln tr..nninwn nnl wi trmnr rttimlrfH uith litth rvli.-f until th t'.il Chum-ItorlatirnlVilU-.C'lNil.Tstiind llirirrhom Hfintsly, nhioh Iimm cur-l hfr muij nn! well, (iivpit n tri:il nd YOU Democrats who have been in I will In; iirprit1 nt. tlw prompt n-H.-f II ulloriH. '2. fUiJ .,0 out !mitlT fir kjiI hy (.'ha. Co!. & iVimp.-ttiy, DruvaLx. good standing in the party. Mr Ed. Chambers Smith, and others who have signed the call for a silver convention, repudiate the suggestion that they would. under anv circumstances, favor fusion. At the same time thev Good! Senator Quay's firnt use of hi new power i art attempt to boss Czar Recti, ami to dictate the chnirmcn ol the imjiortnnt committees of the next House. believe in extending an earnest. ,lin1cr r,r y. M. C. A., IKm Moinon, to nil' Tn' H,1.v" ' raR tv,r" "t'OtiotiMy and cordial welcome Democrats who went with the to ntlilft', gja.niit, lWrliit ,. . . ! f.i-it lmll iil.iyfrt an.l ii jrtf.I,,. uacK ; ; rri-mrnl for liriUM. pr.tina nn! home. The Democratic pirty has Jilcatlrii; nlwi for hotv ickm ninl dlrti IL tw-fi.ri the partH lv!n t II 1 M.Tft It m rw 1 1 i If I tti lMflk Uen strong in defeat to many , UMl;i;jv rjuin.!. l'..r Jl Ly Clui. Jmf to fro nfF nrtrrctrmti'fMlsi1 '- Wrtl-lMi in the hour ol its first State defeat in t went v vcars. Success Many loud mouth opponents of the party machine would lc fclirnf inr lie rt hrr tv.iv it flitf purchasctl at the price of political , hat, vcn w,-al lhe-y sctJ at the once ol political ; hatl g-v r, is not to be doirtd, ! wnutiil.i dishono and there u no reason to believe l!urklrit' Arnlcu hihr. suicide Jjv that course. Principle- i3 above success. News and Observer. Carolina can not be led or sold out by any man or set of men. Knights ot the Maccabees. tor trvinjr other medicines for what eccmiHlto be a very obstinate cough iu our two children ve tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery and at the end of two d-iys the cough entirely Mb them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves tnat it cures where all other remedies ned F. M. . Stevens, State hy not srive this great medi- a. iuy, ftiut others, rut- cine a xruu, as ir 14 quaronieea aua chaeeJ by L. C. Mo1.ck1 from llaU Black. ! trial bottles are free at Chas. Cole & him fully desciiw. in a ucea from eaut .Go's. Druj? Store. Regular size 50e DUck to BJtlJ McIj6(k.1. I ,..,,1 SI (") U.i.l J .U .......tof,, en .1 PrKni: """ -..vr and drstn . TlilB &pt'. 2nd. 1895. J0UN L.CUCRIE, Sheriff. South, but this will not be for long. For seven vears all the) advisory boord in the interest of growth in this industry is atthei1 ncro racc. political, indus- that the party cares to commit! T,. lw, s.tlv.. ,., xlt.orU for J'nt :, llrui-ii, Kojir:. lle r, Kilt II-i:i.. 'hii!lni;i. ('rnn. nnl nil S'aih I'mptioiM. ;;il iMitivclj cert lil. cr no jmv rtpnr-l. It Mtrott-.lilt-! to triv i-tf.rt Mittiofiftion or "ISc regular and punctual in j ""iy ivfu.jill. IVm-h jr, imu j;r maxims, taught long ago. The last is not forgotten, but the first is scarce remembered, o The growth of protection rcnti mcnt in liugland, which certain editors refer to itcriodicallf. is irregular is the life ol most pco-!just about as rapid as the growth pie nowadays. The ouly cor-l0f monarchical Mhtiinent ia South, a:id as the market for tn coarse yarns is filled fine yarns will be spun. Nowhere else, except in China, are coal and cotton side by side, and ten or fifteen years from now will see the South doinji the manufactur- MeCiMiViH, N CoDiinissioner's Land Sale. By.' virtue of a Judgment of the Superior Couit of Moore county rendered iu au nc-'.i)Q between J. VV. McGushiil aud wife, J. IS, McDouald, Join A. VicLeol and -wife. and olhen, riaiutiffs, aud luniel I'iipcl, Julia A. Otpol, nod tdUerK, L'cfeiuLints. I will offer an I tc'l ly public auetlm for cash, Ht llie eonrt Iwiutto door in larthace. N. :.. OM 'MONDAY, THE 7 I'll 1) aY OF OCtOBEB, 1S05, at Oue o'cUtk p. m., '120 ncres ii:6.:o or lt't-s of bnd in Miuoral iliu''s Towubhin, NJooro county, bounded !)' the Uu.ls of Jaiue'i L. Carrie, aud olicrs, kuown na ih? ?nndy Rotisoa laud, lully described in the petition in Ihis action fiA on file iu ihc Ollioe of the Uerk of tLe riuVMrior Court ol Mooro count y. 'ILia tstpt. 'itid, 1S;5. The Govern meat's September cotton report places the condi tion at 70.8, against 77.9 for August: this is the lowest for September since 18S1 when the Senator said: "We will push the party in the Vcstern part of the State. It is not qnitc as strong as in the East. We cast Over 60,000 votes iu tne weaver campaign. Our strength is now 80,000, as we gained 20,000 in the last campaign. vvc nave lacts to prove these figures. We will circulate our literature widely. Our friends are Seudiug copies of the Caucasian 'complimentary al and final, d social, its decision to be finaf, its members to serve one and two years each. James A. Cheek, of the Repub lican State Executive Commit tee, says his party docs not propose to recognize as a Repub limn nnv imp whn ntfpnds thf ing ofthe world in cotton, rivaled js;iver convcntion here on the by India, China and Japan. A ',25th. He says the party will . I r i . tt ' not recognize anv one who docs terrible liquidation is before i a. . A, n . . not stand snuarelv bv the Kcnub- I r ill "r-k I ; Mancncstcr.-rmiaacipma I 'rcss. ljCan ticket. To comprehend the full import of this chauge upon the future of the South, it must be remembered rector of this evil is b:ramon3 'mCcai Liver Regulator, which keeps the j r " wwmr liver active and prevents the ills! of irregular living: I)ysjcpsi:i, j t biliousness, constipation, etc. 1 1 r WM k-wm r"5 . also cures thc-c trouble-;. .oaa-rfcri. It is nonsense to say that the campaign in Kcutuckv audi Marvlaud this vcar wiil have io bearing upon the Presidential fight. If sulking Democrats allow those States to go Repub-i X J Relief In Mi Hour. life trains KiJny nnd HlaJJr li?-! rt-li-vcil inVix lioun lv U re. This Tfr rranlf ii t'Ti'nt While in Chieiiiro Kahler, n prominent shoe merchant oi Moines, Iov.n, Iiad'quir a serious time ot it. lie took purh a that the world has S5, 000,000 ! severe cold that he could hardly talk or navirtup, uui me prompt u oi lican this year, it will lc out of nrprl- on luount 4 iu rxliri L I .1 promtitn' in rdi.vm ntn ia tho Mr Hiarl".- L 'their power to prevent their I LhSWor, kidm-yH, bark-nnd ererr condition was 70, the next lowest for the same month since ! to a great many people. I am that year being 73.4 in 1893; the condition for North Carolina is 79. sure the people will have a State and National silver ticket." As to the silver convention the 4 Senator said: "I do not expect it to suggest spindles, and that upwards ot $2,000,000,000 are invested in cotton manufacturing and allied interests. The South has 3,000,- 000,000 spindles and about $100,000,000 invested in cotton manufacturing. Figure out what the transfer to the South of this enormous business, of which we have now only about 4 per cent. means in the advancement of Chamhor'ain'H Cough Remedy cured htm of hw cold ho quickly that other 1 at the hotel who had bad void fol lowed his example anil ordeml it from the nearest drop utorc. They were profuse in their thanks to iff. Kahler for telling them Iiott to cure a bad cold so quickly.. For eale by Ciias. Cole & Co., Druggist. yt of tlie nntuiry twiK.fM to inaw or female. It rvlwYc retention ot j w ater and ruin in p-uyinjr it -alramt i r.r.TjHLitHv. If you urant qnick rr going the same way next year. If fewer Democrats would discuss seriously the third term non-jii.-f -md t-nre thitiayour rvmly .... boM li ( ha. trruthnfre, N. C. agemcnt for the Republican originators cf the idiotic stories. According to the cable reports, the averaje Englishman wasn't interested even a little bit iu thejtbtllfimccfa silver 1123,1 as a i this section! Manufacturers' yacht races. . - J candidate for Governor. V bat Record. Finding hi3 advertising not up to the mark, Mr. Harrison made Sale of Land! , 1 f 1- .. It- i . . i ; U B I f It. C Ultl tl IU 4lB Wj OI iOr!oU !b'J2. I w II M4i U lb )&tL lirovcr C'evuiU'l lur ttie l 'n-r'i'ii.ey 1 1 j i(X 0,.Uf jr yr ia m Nov., wiiile lie .'l;i,vi.r t rtb?. O? 0?i U01i).Y, 7fll DM Of mJTOISCII. IK?". cruia trci ef Uc4 Im f I3:iS":do, N. Y., i-t tnthui:tif in his praise of .b.im!.Tlji:n: C!i. Mckceihays: "I have ne lit for the lt, . tk hf Jit VerZZ-m i wheTeby there was a joint rescue Cve S0 a::tl, cn:r it tu Ut , Ut t on f nnu nfone of the Hnrrisnn Vrmnd-1 prfparatioa of tho t.d in the mar- i , iir r-i Cttt b prkwi, ot one oi tnc iiarnson grand- llU a, HiilA:! M,JC-4r .ltl,. ijiVt if -iu lt .r chiinren from a watery grave. of3.M in tl.i. vtinn. It U a:i nrfu-h-' --itH..; froa iVkewrl, bio iu - Uncle Ben nie isn't going to get of m rit an 1 .huuld 1j tt- -1 in or. rv ! ' " y 5- yy r' , . . . -r , , no v, . t I., (i. , ! r.ljititu: Wt W rtr. tier cr Iwml beat on advertising if he docs m l Mwt,, tLiii.u.tf. J-y oftttcr convcatiori. I'M.-vrrezit. f olo.c. iiiwzs.iiiizQ.