ts.. CARTHAGE ABE OUR HOME AND HOIE FOLKS AGAINST THE WORLD. BL VOL. lO, 3STO. 4o. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOIi SALE. No. 1. n2 ncroH; Ritter floM ' inine. 10 tniK from Carthage pouuty S.-ut), price 10,000. No. 2. 1 HoMe'nnd Lot in f':iri ling", 4-rooin cottage, ; on Al.ir.tin street; 475.00 No. :. 17, acre, 1' miles of h! !j:."; iMTry ami grape i, u:; loaiv.J, 100.00 N. I. o r-,u-re troct.8 in. the to aii of Carnr-ron, on H. A. L., L m'!''H North of So. l'ines, I.'m'uI if-.illy adnpted for umall fruit : iriuH or yine-arils, each 100.00 No. o 10-acre tracts near II. It., inilt'rf from Carthage, ! t.ijitnldf for vineyards, berrien ami fruit trees, price per tract, 10 ).00 Ny. i. 100 M-cres, Cotton gold j.i'.iu", l0n'iilsfro:h Carthage, 2.j,000. No. 7. 1 Ifou.x; and Lot in ' Cart liag'v on I'.arrvtt street; : ;-ooin cottage and kite hep, 450.00 No. N. 70 acres on S.-A. L., ( niton mill water power, near CARTHAGE, 1ST. C, MAY 5, 1896 TIE ROSSELL BOOH - COLLAPSES. THE BEST SPRING H1EDICINE fs Simmons Liver Regulator. Don't forget to take It Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Liver. A s aggish Liver brings on Malaria, F:ever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many, other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget tlvi word REGULATOR. It is SIMMON'S LIVES REGULATOR ycu want. The word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this; Sl.YiMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept in good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS Liver Regulator, it is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RE-D Z SOME OF niS LEADERS COXFESS IT. Chairman Ilolton Says It is Impossible for the Republicans and Populists to Get Together on an Electoral Ticket, and That Democratic-Popu list Fusion Is Likewise Impossible. Rnl. Cor. Charlotte Observer. Republican State ;Chairruan Holton said to your, correspon dent: "The whole fabric of Rus sell's campaign has fallen and is smashed. Some of his leaders have been to see me and have confessed as much. Their next plan is to shift to another and to beat Dockerv. We have on everv nackae. No. '.. 1,000 aeren on A. & V. I). It, It.' Grape and fruit lain!, Went Knd, X. (;. 2,000. . No. 10. 180 nerew, 'J miles of Carthage. 00 sic res in a high Mate of cultivation, remainder pin" foivnt; Home very fine bot tom land, 1,250. No. 11. To." acres, heavy pine iaiber. on Ooo acre, each 'side A. & W. Vs. K. II., timber and land, ,'1,200. Timber, ,2,800. No. 12. 01 acres, mile from Cameron; part cleared; good for fruit h, grapes, &e. 350.00 No. l.f'J. 1,7.'1 acreH, timber ed land for Haw mill, 4- milen of S. A. L., Richmond county, 3,500. No. 14. 057 acres on A. &j Y. L. It. R. (lood fruit lands, 1,000. No. 15. 183 acres, -mile of Oirriesville, on Cartliaire fc Western R. li. 4-room cottage nnd nt ore-house and barn. good farm for grain and fruits; . 00 acres under cultivation, 1,000. No. 10. 251 acres, 2 miles hi Carthage, heavily laden with ! marketable Hrownstonc and good water power, including good farm and tenant houses. Indications of coal, 8,000. ' No. 17. 4 00 acres, 0000 vines planted, line peaeh. orchard; a O-room 2 story house, -niile from West 1 hid R. It. depot, 2,500. No. 18. 1 House and Lot in West laul on A. &-V. E. It. K. 3 -rooms and garden. 1 acre, 200.00 No. 10. 5 lots, unimproved, in West Knd, price each, - 25-00 No. 20. 1 acre and st orehouse on same in West End, 150.00 No. 21 1, S00 acres, level fine ' vinevard sod land, both sides of A '& W. E. 11., 2 nulos from I'ineliurst, .'JO acres cleared and tjicinent hoises, 3, 5,400. N'n lOOncrcs 1 uiiln of West End, fruit land, 200.00 No. 23. 250 acres, -mile of K. II., near West End, farm and jnuf lands, 750.00 No. 2Lt 100 acres, 7 miles of C.irthnge unimproved, gold prospects on same, '.I-mile of l'.-.rkcwood, .- " 500.00 No. 25. 150a'cresi 12 miles from Carthage, 2 miles from W'st Eml; good coal prospeets and nice farming lauds, .1,000. V. )t 1 iiftpij rf ffiif fin1 vinevard land near Carthage, 150.00 or Republicans, .that the leaders No. 27. 10 acres, 7S miles of Carthage, Kaolin Mine, 1,000. No. 28. 02 acres, -Tiile of . A. vV W. E. U. It., farm and ttn- na'ut house, nice .vine lands, line spring of water. 300.00 No. 30. 51 acres l'j'-milesof Ca i t hage, 20 acres cleared, well watered, adapted to fruits and irctieral farming, 400.00! No. 31. 150 acre?, 2 miles of You wont find it' on any other hiedjcineJ and there is no other Liver remedy likfe SlMAONS LIVER REGULATOR-the King of Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. II. Zcilin Co., Phi1-dni. ra. It didn't take the New York saloon keepers long to learn how to beat the Raines law. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and it) use each one in such a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We believe, however, that no Iwftter use could be made of one of these qmar ters than to exchange It for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. For sale by Chas. Cole & Company, Druggists, j The people would like to know just; how; much of Congress belongs to CP. Huntington. When Baby was Bick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Whitclaw Reid talks like a man who could easily be induced to take second place on the McKin- ley ticket. A Cure foi yiuscnlar Rheumatism. Democratic party arraying itself under the banner of Dr. Mott with the organization called the Silver party and with this Butler will co-operate, bringing all his forces with theirs, for the success, as he says, of a 'srand principle.' I do not think Butler will have over 35.000 to 40,000 Populist votes in the State and with his 20,000 from the Democratic party may poll 00,000, but this I doubt when the final count is had. He will bring all hispowcr to bear on his organization to beaten them." Mr. Ilolton is a 1 , t XT Kepublicans or Democrats unless hard and tireless worker. No r ported them two years ago. REX0YIXGTIIESEWI5OHACHIXE .! j ney nave maoe no gains so tar. Any gains they may make will "Say, my dear," observed Mr be by the Smith wing of the Spoopendykc. straightecing up andfscratching his ear, "what Highest cf H b LeaYoing Power. Latest U. Sj Ccrt JLrjxxt ABSOLtUTElLY PUKE IP did the man say about boxing! up this sewing machine?" "Why, be said to take the! or i I cover on am i "I've rot tho rnv.r ofrIhanlcda wav tiH his ccs hung''t McKinley's vote up to 44-1 the top of the instrument and! Conrrssmnn Grovcnor ha the cover snorted Mr. Spoopendyke. "Did' out. "Come over to the dulcet " ! I cr only 12 Ic$ than i I 1 1. - 1 -N I nn,.L . ! . 1 ' he say to take it off twice? Ain't UVJllu"' uuu on- m.m,nalc mm. joc once binding on this machine?' mmp wlirrr tlC rl.-rv f lirirr I ManlfV!! l.llMt Mtifnito nnl .... Certainly," replied Mrs. Spoop-!-SCrCWCd t0 U,C bUm f etopives KcKinlcy endyke; "then you take the topj":1' t is now stateJ. hat we off and " I slioulJn't adviv nnvbodv to Ut I and bottom of the same thing on it, that Senator Quay has "Sim. II, L. Lamson. of Fairmount, Illinois, says; i "My-sister. used Cham beilain'H Pain Balm for muscular rheumatism and it effected a complete cure. I keep it in the house at all tunes and have always found it bene ficial for aches and pains. It is the quickest cure: for rheumatism, .mus cular pains and lameness I have ever seen." For sale by Chas. Colo & Co., Druggists.' The progressive Farmer boasts that the Populists' can carry the state for Rational, State, Congressional' and Legislative tickets without aid of Democrats of those parties are begging for fusion. doubt 1 Maj. H. L. Grant and other Russell men, who ridiculed 1 him, are not laughing now. Russell was hacked when he was last here. This fact was remarked on. Chairman Holton was asked to day whether the statements that the Populists and Pepubli- true. He replied: "It is utterly impossible on national matters. It has never been a possibility on that line. It takes two to make an understanding. Butler has never since he was elected to the long term had any idea of co-operation with us. His pur pose has been to follow in Till man's footsteps and build up a party of his own. He played with the Republicans, apparently thinking they were suckers, get ting our people to teach his doctrines, holding out to them that he would do as great things for them, at the same time shap ing all his course to directing the public mind towards the Popu list organization. While he was doing this with the Republicans he was also tickling certain prominent Democrats with .a they get under his flag and sup port his propositions. He only wants such men as he can abso lutely control. He is now ready to throw Harry Skinner and Cyrus Thompson overboard." "Did that man sav anvthini: about boxing up this machine? : to5cl,,cr a 1" b? Spoop- i dccJded not to attcn, lbe St That's what I asked you," c,,dkc- ihc apostle of impossi-1 Louis convention, because Mc vociferated Mr. Spoopendvke. hilities! Comc l thc ,lo1-!" Kinby. Rccd and other asptrinti "I know all about the cover and ! Bat hcrC thc thurab CrcW brke or lhc ""niinitioa have an- top. You can't teach me -any thiog about thc top iand cover driving Air. poopcndyke n-.o nounccd their intention to stay the closet like a spike, where hejaw0Vi Mr.Ouayis a dclerate. j . , . , i sat holding the mutilated top in! I want some information about ! ' this dod gastcd birdcage looking! !his arms and looking dazed. Who Should Adrertise. Every one who has anything - mm itnspll vliihr it i thr nrnrl nrf I i - - - r- of the head, brain or machine, and in cases where those who wish to buy, or secure, or ex change anything that they can not get conveniently, should advertise. Advertising should be treated precisely as any other invest ment, and in nine cases out of ten it pays a better profit than anything for which money is j spent. The best evidence that adver tising pays is the fact that mil lions of dollars are invested in it by all sorts and kinds of trade and by the most successful busi ness men in the laud. . Of course it pays. No sensible man can believe that successful business houses advertise and become extensive advertisers for the lun of the arrangement! Did he say whether I was to take that off of any thing?" "The machine goes in that," fluttered Mrs. Spoopendykc. "And then this slat cover nails over it." Now that's thc wav I like tp ''Arc you hurt, dear?" asked Mr. Spoopendyke, rushing toward him. "Hurt!" shrieked Mr. Spoopen dykc. "Am I hurt! D'ye see that thumb joint hanging to that measly screw? Wow-w-w!" squealed Mr. Spoopendykc, danc- toe. And it's our opinion he'll be there, too. , A 11 i i , 1 ing to his feet, and dashing thc hear a woman talk, remarked Mr. Spoopendykc, betaking him self cheerily to his work. MIt you'd always answer straight up, we'd have been moved a week ago." ' But you must screw thc topi on thc bottom of thc top and tie the cover underneath," said Mrs. Spoopendyke, who, having been machinery into thc cralr. "Get in there, quick!" and he tumbled the rest of the business in after, ivherc it stuck cornerwisc in spite of his effort to drive it in with his leg. "Is this whit the man said?" and he jumped at it with Jut n.w TrrUly t Wjnnlojj to Uke prtn2 mMxntie. AuJ it i a joo l t!i:i to J ir"itdrd u tik Mm fufto Urrr lUcuUlor lh bt win iud.oc. It' a lurikU lWrr Uat clvi U. jiltip and milf- bJ LVL A d if m day f Snim'ti Uxrr I!-jru1 Ur v ,1! uibk Cfw man ol of jfa. rvd a new notiun Un. lk Ujt U r4 Z o the ckjir. It i tanraout IJrer Ilcdttor jou vTni. Wonder if Mr. llanna lull realizes thc danger of nllowinsj a wife who talks for publication to go gallivanting around the country? be coming any nearer to thc top rrnm n-ltora aJnnfl?" II till ll complimented on a detail, deter-1 ' whirled thc crate around and tniued. womanlike, to know an Ilurklrtt's Arnlrn nlre. Tliv lU-nt Siilve in th world for C'ut, bruises. Sir. L'lcm, 8lt ii. ...... t .. T....- i n both feet. "Bottom appear to,.. , :n.i.- r ' I n - i iifiiiwv, i ii ill vi ri i ii . hp, nul rvit Skin Kruptions. hw K.itivcly rums l'il. or no my n-juirl. It injrunr antel torir jn-rfct ntifctjon or money ndnnd-!. I 'rice -5 ivntM per !kx. For Kal !iv Ch. Cd Jt Co. about it. "What stable have you been boarding in now?" roared Mr. I Spoopendyke, dropping the ham mer on his foot. "What asvlum for indigent jackasses did you get that scriptural quotation from? How'm 1 going to sreew i the measly top on thedodgasted kind of implied promise that he would 'land them in the paradise of political fame.' As the time drew closer for matters to be settled between the Populists and Republicans, he gradually became bolder in his insinuation 3 that his, terms must beaccepted: The necessity of consolidating his own forces brought forth his thing. With them it is business! . Mr. Spoopcndvke turned the a. ... . bottom of itself? Where's the ' 1 then kicked at the corcer of thc machine. "Docs that screvr strikt ws"t t o Knit inmnrr t A 'll. Got a notion that this machinery cau be moved from here to Hackensack without scratching nnv mint t(T tbi f.T rtTlhnilSPS J I ( ll.l l uk. u ) i niuim mnilu in (a along the road?" and conccn- rnndat Ui bowd nnl kidnm will , . ... . n- n,d the tru r-rr-dr in Klctric trating himself in one last ellort nitUip, T.,-,4 ,ii.i,"ie n,t Blimul it and Jo-itnin.H no wbikv All things come an end. even a 'session of thc New York legisla ture, with n republican majority. One of th? be3t acts of the session was adjournment. ollVlople just as much as buying stock or selling products. There are certain principles of trade that men oujrht not to ignore and among them the! principal one is regular, legiti mate and persistent advertising. Western Stationer. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery man and merchant of Goshen, Va., I . ,,.. . has this to say on the subject of celebrated circular. While lie pretended to'withdraw this, his utterances, though short, con tained the pith of all in the cir- t.(-rk,w.KMl..lUim.wred. TS0.00.--orre.calar, unul tl.e meet.ng o. our No. III'. Lots in the town of m-nim siml sufWp intensely. Tlm'Cfoto onmmittpp tvlipn hp re- . r .w. ,w a... ori tr ' " - -.-- - -- i oi.uiv. t- "ari ua-i-, iroiu f wiun- iu ouu.uu t application of - Chamberlain a No. 80 acres, Vj miles of Pain Tahn eased the pain and the (llendon & tl. M. F. llailroad, use of one bottle completely cured him." For sale bv Chas. Cole & Co., rheumatism; "I take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Halm for rheumatism, as I know from peisonal exjerience that it will do nil that is claimed for it. A 3 ear screw that does that? Just jerk vour thumb in the direction of the interconvertible screw that will screw a thing on in that way!" "Why, you just turn thc top j over on the bottom, the man ; I 1 j said, and screw it to the top; ; crate over on thc machine and breathed hard. nur t ii.-r i.i'oxirant , but iuXm a totii- Had iltTtiv It M-t mildly ! on t .f totn:K It and Ihiw-U. luMirur 1 trWijrth and trivin tnt,- to the "You've done that splendid v." ."nrann. th. n b.v nidin- nature in the 1 j n-rforia -im-o! t!iInii'-tion. rllertnc cooed Mrs. Spoopendykc, anx- j liuu-rn i in t ja-il-nt npirfipr ntd . nidn i!ift ion. Old p'ojIi find it lous to rt?torc peace bet ween . j,)fct xn,.th. xh4.y I4 Mr. Spoondxke and thc wreck I J'.v J- j"? on dollar jrbotU at of her sewing machine. "U in't j exactly tbc wav lhc man said,; 1 1 in other Mates have no better but I know' , .. , . 'Hi lUUIIUilllUll V.i.tU bltlUC VI "uu, vou know nil aooui u. i "Come over! 'yelled Mr. Spoop-. - carrxing Louisiana, there it no , . -howled Mr. bpoojiendvkc. "If I endyke, tugging at the works,; , . , occasion for democratic alarm from which he had neglected to could build a front door and n ; peach' and apple orchard: 2" a res cleared; umWlaid with tine hvow nst one; frond farming land, timlered, well'. watered, 275.00 No. .'!!.' 115 acres. ,-miles of Drmrrist8. versed it all in his demand, which was very cunningly presented, with a view to cmbarrasing The Sundry Civil Appropria- Republicans in their campaign. veranda to vour information, I'd ; an v where. ition bill appropriates $S0,000 for constructing, equipping, etc., and peacli orchard; watered, 100.00 a light ship lor Diamond Shoals. Business may be a little slow . in some lines, but the republican delegate market continues to boom, and prices are steadily advancing. tUr th , . , . . I ' , , . str.nd vou in a tub of salt water The unkindest cut yet given OVer the way the man said for; f . , i i C it, t and stari a summer roon. wu TitT III wn- toM br br dctor you're posted on what to do! . a h corurnj.tion nd Uat the story that he . is favorably There can't any dod gasted piece j - r . f tlw no hoy- for Ut. but two i romps tci v tirvi Ih-t ana tiif mi it it. l)r,cc Uiv.! h'r hf. Mr. Thot. K3rr. list and a strike, and start a;- Hoh.U t Saa , KranH.ro. unfi'-rr'l Irom n dn-nd!ul roM. un rolling mill!" and Mr. Spoopcn-. tr.w:!iir? ronamrtin. trvl wrK. TUO LIVES SAVED. Mr. Ph'lw Tl:oron, f Janrtlou rrncir1-inor fi Trnnnsitinn ti take 1 rf cpvpnt v-rlnllnr infenuitv cet ! . , , w-t,. i- .. . . ... r day I 11 fit you out with trie tail ena ot toe racrviniey tne Dcst 01 tnc manuiaciurcr No. l7.' ', town lots in San ford, .11. K. Crossing of two through lines, S. A. L. and C. F. & V. V., nearest corner to depot, best lot in town for ho tel; store-house on lot, No. .'Hi. 11 town lots in San foi d. one acre each, nice build- iiirlots,laid imt and" in streets' 1,100. ! No. 7-room house and 2 acre lot in Carthage, nice vine- In fact it was a campaign docu ment." "Do you think the Populists and Democrats will fuse in this ticket. when Spoopendykc's withi: now to Treat s Wife. (Froaa Facific Health JcurnaLl I 1 First, get a wife: second, bepatient. I You may have ffreat trials and per- yard and orchard, out-houses, 1,500.' ! plexities in your business, but do not ' X.o. S. 1S acres on Moore ' therefore, carry to your home a C). li. lL, ;-mil9S from depot, cloudy or contracted brow, lour 12 mill from Uoseland. 4-miles '.wife may have trials, which, thourh from Pinehurst; suitable for of less raaritude, may be hartl fo fruit and vegetables: orchard ;f peach and apples; phengnie- nal spring of good water, 600.00 No. .'10. 1 House and Lot on Monroe street, in Carthnjre, 4 rooms,good well and garden, 575.00 Correspond With off the North Catolina coast; the balance of the aouroDriation of 200,000 in 18S9 for alighthouse' State?" was the next question 1 500 is to be turned into the treasury, asked Chairman Holton. To it he replied: 'I regard it as impos- siblt. The Democrats will nomi- j nate their candidate at Chicago without first sending his name to Butler, at St. Louis, to pass on, as he suggested in his recent Washington interview." "What is the Populist strength?" was then asked. Holton said in reply: "In a straight fight they can carry not over four counties, reach! Come over and screw on vj.c Nvent for his hat and tore "t rW.i -rrr rthin I- tlrn (nn n r3fS the bottom, like the man said! out o. the room. JXl Z . . . . . .. . , i- " ' - lYove th nverit cf iiood-s Sartajvuina-pMV'ciiuyKc s uauus .u, ..uu.u,, mentcJ Mrs. Jspoopenay ke, cx- .-amp., uuu prov. xr vononiu utc perfect, permanent cure. ! , n 1 1,- iir-ri, nf his neck iniamiuin? the wreck. "And YcA rnMidn' in rough. r .i, unrnt form. Yit I . " . m ''V I V V MS - goitre, swelled neck, running sores. disease, sores in tlie eyes. sr.. - c, TVio,,m with it intAniie itch'liZ : 4.n V.A t- m nsH annin ' 1 . . 1 . tl.'M Curesr,S" -Never mind, dear." said Mrs. a. ooo a. he set. ot there, and Some of the Reo.lcmen noW uons a io impure omoo. i - .... . , nc 11 nnn li as soon us v etiftflired m r.nhin(r fhrir mnrwr j i.i i - e, - i throuzh the lot of the nornina- him on the back of his neck i,a,,u.nS ,i,e ycck. "And "ZJIZ U. : the crate bis wife bad purchased , bouSon'ok Z ' "1 her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasingfrom her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of 'Ummberlain'fi Cough Reme dy in the house, h It is the best and is " j!i ' i j I sure io oe neeiei sooner or larer. I Your wife will then know " that you j Cures of Dyspepsia and other troutios riiere ; Spoopendyke, trembling witjo.,, a coca sionacu ionic w mru. ; . ru ( . ( Cures of Kheuroamm.wbere patients wereun- apprehension tor tne SatetV Ol able to work or walk for weeks. ' .t i i. " ' Cures of oiuinh l y eitK-ni,.s the tmpnrities . the machine. Let the man come . which cause and sustain the ! i seae. ! , . , 1. ( L- !,-.. cnl Cures of Nerrou,neS, by properly toning and j and do it himself, if he knO U. S SO , feeding the nerresupon pure llool. ; l aKQut it'" I strength. Send for took of cores by C4 ry JS sy to Tako . asy to Operate tion mnchine will before Ions: he kicking themselves for not hav- ' ing had better ense. Dod gast the man!" hoicdj SSKTSSK. J Children Cry for Mr. Spoopendyke, spr'.npiug to. rn rj 11 5 j Pitchcr'o Castoria. t a. 1 iX-m. ...nrls ! W I T4 tLZi) ffm ' rm'",T.y""". a-i-4 O iSli. ChlldrenCryfor once more. " iiuhk ne can ureas, ij u C V2S V3r-i a j D. A Xcl)0!f AID ' reHUy.tare Ior uer to protect u so many. 1 ney vm lose large Carthage, X. C. ' Co., Draggidts. numbers ot the people who sup- ! Sarsaparilla To C I Hood & Co, rroprletors, LcnreU, Mas. are the best after-dinner t i . t v 1 t. i ProriKtof.. :t0. U nOOd S IJ111S pills, aid ilsesoon. c quicker u i wu; auu ut fii-.u this measly old cast-iron imita-j giJfflKS tion of an ir.ebnate home any utt" c iiuclqa Te 0U7 fill to t&kt ri Hood's S-ru,--1- Pills Pitcher's Castoria, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.