, -1HEI ulAIEHAQE: -Blade ; r SjSaSyM'''''lll,M'W,SMBSSSSSSSSeSSBSaSSSa ' ' ' OUR: HOME AND HOMEFOLKS AGAINS T THE WORLD t 1 j ur or o- 1 r n ESTABLISHED 1874. '.CARTHAGE; IN. u. THURSDAY JANUARY 16, 19(1 1 I 1 . . Let Us be Contented. : Times are not as tfood as they were a vear aro appar ently, vet thev are a, good as i wr . j we deserve; . iet us not stop 1 - . .'"'. r .... l . . . - t A to wait ior jlt'm.u uuics i" waste our ti jhe calking abou t -hard ttmes. Thn wavHbmake times Jietter is to link in and ;do our part -uxl thing will come right; , Where there'e a will there is a )vay, but we rrelaii too4ut gj ve. in J when we havtf-only a frivilous ex ciise. 'Tholie who can ; recol lect at the, end of the . War in I860 when t' e government liad to issue a few hards tack to keep the people'of this sec tion from ife fishing, and : they made fine crops that year and, the fall brought with iti peace and plenty. : We can do with less if we wiil try for a few months. "'.We cannot overcome our backsets it we dou t keep Encouragement to Young Men. trying. Iet everyone pay all j This item taken from an he ovves and satisfy his credi-iexcna"e oup-ht tube of en- tors. A good credit is better than mone' and we are glad tojsee puf people, are ' realiz ing that'f act of late more than Paynt, pegan ever netore in; our recollect-!10 a ury goods ion. inemoiv.thev do tnis ectretarv or. cougagement to voung rnen: "It is said that the newF master General. H enrv ife as a cterk store, while the - Treasury peddlingfruittr . - . . . 1 1 . tne more prDsperuus thev r-ana w was H 1 TT . t ' " I 1 ' a t- I . -- y wiu.oe. ne takes ao van tap e j . , 1 rt v." years ago. of the hard times to hold, hack There. is & lesion injthe lives what ought to. belong tu his these men that is full of .eu- ereditors will never. be pre - c;ruraisr to the bo s and this country. This is a land where grit and gumption can win the highest h-jnors, and no pefous nor live happy.' !iu1T youn men of lin Journal. Child Worth Millions. Mt child is worth millions : to discouraged because he one need feel is it m mm m m r 1 m iuc,r rsavp jura, aiary uirtii oi -nmiui frt, int.u rlit. Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would' , -I . ' have lost her by croup had I not Penne? he ts- The road to purcnasea a bottle ul One Mm- succeas is one 01 work. ute Cough Cure' One Minute Cough Cure is-sure cure for colds. cpughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cure which acts iuiinedi atelyi Tije youngest chiid can take it with entire safety. The lit tle qnes dike the : taste and re- Don' t Live Together. Constipation and health never go together. I)e Witt's Little tilaily Risers promote easy actiuu oi l he bowels without (list ret s. "1 have been troubled with cost member how often, it helpect lve,,e8811lr,t?-eai sa'8 TDnBno is all right, if you are too fat-, and all wrong, if too thin already Fat,' enough for your habit, 1 ' healthy; a little more, oriess, no great harm.- Too fat, consul a dbctor; too thin, . persistently thin, no Lmatter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Live: on.-1 ;:Y - ' There arcmany causes of get- ' ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. -Stop over-work, if you can; but, ' whether you can or riot, take , Scott's Emulsion of Cod : Liver Gil, to balance 1 yourself ; with your work. You can't live on ittrue but, by it, you can. 1 nere s a limit, howrever: you'll pay for iti Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is he readiest cure, for "can't eat," unless! it comes of your doing no work-you can t longVbc well and strong, without some sort of activity. Tho genuine has this picture .on it, tako.noother. If you- have not tried it, send for freo sample, its a creeabld taste will surp'rlso you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $li00; all druggists. them. Every family should5 have a bottle of One wiuute Cougl. Cure handy. At this season es pocially it mav be needed sudden ly. 0. Cole & Co. . I 1 1 - " r IViPORUNl ANNOINCEMCNT. iieeue, DepauV, L.d. ,rI have V? ed mat iy rem wl ies but Li 1 1 i e harly liisers tive best, resulis." CCoie&Co. ew fpTown OHke, Hew York Cty. . The Seaboard Air Line Eailwyy has opened an up-tjv offica I S3 lroadway, New York City, wirnert Twenty-eighth street. Its down-town passenger oOlce at 887 Broadway ia still maintaiucd A uy iu formation as to tickets, rates, sleeping car reservations, building and manufacturing gite in the South, etc., pheertully fur- iil'ed at this ollice. 1 7 ... , t 1 :( ) I 5. ; u j.jiijj ::is. rr.mli 1 lulu Of .. laAlH)U. 'Ltudin,; r he Vrite i .. i t'.t va i t ! e 1 1 i i u y v; u er, 4 ve me a terrible coldit am! .nigh.- U ri-e worse daiiv. Fib d y the best doetora in Oakland N'eb., Jiioux-city and Omaha said I liadiiJoUtfuniption and could not ive. Then ; began using Dr. King'a Ne Diso very and was wholly cured by six bottlea:V Positively, gua anteed for coughiL 3oldsand all Throat and Lang crouoies oy Chas. Cole and Com patjy. - Price 50 cents. Carthage Market. COItUECTTKD WEEKLY. Lovv R3ts for Hunting and fishing Parties via Seaboard Air Line Railway. .1 This popular route, whose liheri penetrate spmeof 1 the best coun iryforxaiuk1 birds and risli to be iduiid auvwliie.iu f heSouth. hais N inter excursion tickets- were v4.vuw . pi, tv.mmtl. nn.i .:i.nl to nil points- m YirgmiaV North an.d South Caiulina, for the b'euetit of huiitin and fishing' parties, IiloviIi individually oi otherwise. One dop; Js carried ir.ee' with esich jKseii-er und others are transportjed ata small Seaboard Air Line Railway to Tloqrida, Cuba, Savannah, Camden, Southern t Pines and PinchursL ! placed on sale to resort points on this line in iSorth and outii Car olinyl, Georgia arid Floiidarou October 15th, and. will 'remain on sale. (luring the season.. Excep tionally low rates are in effect this year to Pinelmrst "and jSo. rmes, N. C, Camden, b. C. Sa- cost. LOTS vanuali, Ga., and all joints in Fll i'uf()rm;itiah Cas to most Mo-rlida and Cuba.. Idrach any i, ,,!, TWt vs,t i,4i. of these points, the service of t5he 4lies, etcrfurnilied upon applica seaboard Air- Line llailwav. .:. .. .:.;:.... lV iT i J ' ' i tne cx)mi)anv. found the best and most attrac- ' . tive. lln addition to the suuerior service now oiiemted, if is i an- Lniiuren tspccia-nv uanie nounced , that (Jafe caxs will be Burns, bruises, and cuts are placed in service on the 'Wash- extremely painful and if nelect-iiiL'toh-Atlanta line ''.about Nov. ed often result in blood poison. 1st, hnd on the .Florida Lines Children are especially .liable to about January 1st, 1902. Fol- such mishaps' -'because not so lowing this the Florida & Metro-- 'careful. As a remedy De Witt's politan Limited will be inaugur- Witch Hazel balve is unequalled, ated about January 15th, 1902, Draws O.it the tire, stops the with sumptious appointments pain, soonj heals the wound, Ise and superb equipment, including ware of counterfeits. Sure cure dininir and club cars, constltu- for niles. "DeWitts s v itch ting it beyond a doubt the peer Hazel Salve, cured my baby of oi any traniin tire worm. . eczema auer two pnvsiciansgave The servtce of the SeaooardJ Air her up, writas. James Mock, iNv Line Railway to Ouba is most at Webeter, Ind. " fThe sores were tractive. Its Cafe car service and so bad she soiled two to tive manjri other features presencl ad- dresses aday. , C Cole & Co, vantalges commending it to; the favorable attention of all travel ers. See that your Winter Tour ist tickets read via the Florida & Wet India Short Line, Sea board Air Li ne Rail way. , Pork....... Bacon, Beeswax.. Butter Hensr Young chickens... Co rn ..... ...... ......... rrrs.:.. .: Lard Flour retails at.. Meal " . " . Tall()w.....:,.. ........ IVas. Peas, white Potatoes,-sweet.. Potatoes, Irish.:.. Feathejs. Peinuts... s Onions Becf......... 0ats...... CA I tT Aft K V.i YV'Vi tS M A H K KT. New. Ctton - Strict rood middliiiir... 67 . 9 20 20 25 H0-17 90 15 12 35o(I5i5 175 o lo 0(?i;to r i - tit 40 mm fi Dance, or chorea, is one of the most pitiable afflictions humanity is called on to endure. . That this disease can 1 cured, however, is proven, by . the fact urn it 'futs otr cured by the, use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The i - :i: . upon the nerves ex ercised by this re markable medicine is witnessed to by thousands who have found healing and strength. in its use. It not only cures womanly diseases. but it promotes the health of the whole body. It isanene . feeding, strength ' giving, sleep-inducing medicine. It' makes weak women strong and sick ' ; . " women well. Favorite Pre scription " contains no alcohol . and is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. It cannot disagreeJ ONE DOLLAR a: YEAR process; zu ares them look perfectly new, buita cleaned and preped 65-cent; cleaned, dyed and press ed, J1.25. WiU take any kind of cast-off clothing,- Bhoes. hats,1' -atjhes, pistols, guns, old cold' and jewelry of any kind In ex change for work. All kinds of Ladies' and Chil dren's goods cleaned and dyed any color desired Second hand mxxls bought and sold. . : Will ship all ork with privi lege 4of inspection before pa vine for them.1 : . J r- il ARMS' STEAM.DYE MORKS, Eiist Harirett . Street, -RALE10H, N. C. Opeiiiog of WUr Tourist Sesoa. The. Southern Rnilwuy, which J operates-it oxMi lines over the entire bouth ami forms the im portant link in -the great high way of travel between the Aorth and South, Florida. Cuba, MeW co, the Pacific coast au4 Central or most delicate constitution. S,ie wtlkest America, announces for tli e -win- Wben our danrhtw IJxxle hid Vitn.. IV1 . -JJA .aim Hie inOSt aancr, i .lupwntd to books and read it." write vi tviu nuiku in o.., DuniUKiOi other things J found that lr. Pierce Favorite 'J ., Prescription cured patients sulicnntj from that trouble, ao I went out and got a bottle. She wm very ta at that time and could hardly talk. When I read about Your medicine in that small book, I said to myself, with the help of God a -d mai menicine we can cure our cuugnter. e did so.- Four bottles of Favorite Prencnptk i' cured her. and I did not have to take her to ie doctor any more. She is well, thank God aad the Favorite Prescription for it. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil iousness. liueton. iowa .."Amo KliPndid regular service will be-. suigmncnted , by the . Southern. Palm Limited, u magnificent Pullmun train, which will te op erated between New York and St. Augustine, Florida. IQ02 Still I: ere and .ex pect to remain - Q-P nnwr nicr vnio. SELF BUT LET JS DYE FOR YOU We go all kinds of Dve- ingand Clearing of garments GUARAN- SATISFACTION TEED Beat Oat of ai lnrej of His PsnviDi. , . A Me.vic:iir war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seting the Mtl vertisemeut of Chamber lain's ("olic,('holera and Diarrhrea Remod v, 1 am reuiinded that as a. soldier in Mexico in 47 and '48, 1 contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pension for on every renew ell a dtise of it lest'ores me." It is unequalled as a buick me for dianhcea . aid plea,s;int and safe to take. Fo 5aleby Chaa Cole & Co. A Wonderful Invention uff, hair falling costs the saie Aeute FOR SALE -a , e are selling lots that are very desi rable lots of Harness, Saddles, Bridles," Collars, v Tads and Lap Robes, trouble to show goods.' Come in' when you corae to court, 1 - . . I also carry in stok a com pletelineof ,; 5 I CoOifis, Gaskets, Burial lobes. Slippers, &e. ervics r"nrl Yours to serve, J. V. LARKIN. Oy spepsia night. W I'M ! CUttO IT TWO BOTTUU OF f.j - . Guarantee! '! I i Sold rv Its mrtt. , Mn. J. C rAaaa. DanTflle, Va.. aaya: I anffered for two month with Acnte : Dys- rvnU nA could find no relief. Prescriptions of the best doctors did me no good. My friends ad ised me to try Coleman's Guarantee." ana x found almost instant relief. By the time 1-had taken two bottles I was entirely enrea." a PRICE 50c. A BOTTLE. j j" Sold by U drurzista. I 1Ioney refunded if it fails to core.; C0LEM1I lEMEpT f(L, - CiaiSt, II, 0. 1 Jr Ua 3WflJl3JMge- J i THt iHVEi rsfn TQfi Washingtoa, D. C A ffrJs snoprior adt-in- of th wper if deiireo. i riandbook an J New i PaUat Laws iUMU They cure d and headache, ect.,vet as an ordinarv coirb Dr. Whites Eletric Comb. The only patent comb in the world. People, every where l 1 hro eed. ire wild with del'icht. You impl comb your ha. r each day and the comb implv unbreakable and is" made to that it is absolutely impossibly to breaK or cut the hair. Sole on a writ ten guarantee to. give per feet satisfaction iri every respect, Send staimps for one. 1 auies size ouc. cents size .;ci l.ne men and Iwemon wanted every wnere to iiVtrQduce this article. Sells on sijrht. Ajrent are wild with success. Address D. X Hosd, Gen. Alr.t Decatur, 111 A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks Vrbf. Ib xa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice-President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in sjeaking of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy; says: "lsuf fered with asevere ( old this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different rem euies but iseemed to rrow worse land the medicine upset my.stom I r.ch. AVfriend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and 1 fou ml it was pleasant to take and it feleavetl me. at' once. I am naw entirely recovered, saved a doctor's hill, time and suffering, and I willdieve; t e iith(ut this spleudi ' .;;t'.dii'I e ajjaiu." For sale bv Cl a. ( ole & Co. : ?KS. EDWIN LONG f Carthage, N. C. lvcifivnyus: x.n business man in vartna:e. iTices fr;i.oii:il'!e. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Thelargst stock in the woId Nearly 10'0:. Varieties. All the choice, luscious kinds for the gar den and fancy market. Also ship ping yarieties. AIhq I)eberriesr AfparngiK, lUiuliarb, (irfpb Vines, etc. 5 v Our 120 page Manual, free to. buyers, enables evexyldyr to srow them with success and pro--lit. - All. plants paCkt-d to cairy acros the coutineiit fresh a- when dug. IUustrnted catalogue fiee.. Specify if you want catalogue. of shipping varieties or fancy gar den kinds. . CONTINENTAL PLANT CO., Strawberry Specialists, ; KITTRELL, N. C. Nothing Use So Sure x-' .t her- who give their little in i;nt ht r's worm Syrup ,--'vt' 1 1'i'n.i the nicest tasting ind mi st eflfective worm med cii e. rr;n e. i , : Cut t! i out and take it to Chas Cole K ('(. ih ug to:-e and pet a li te simple of Ch linbei Iain's- St)llHh and laver Tablets, the lies phyic Thev also cure d'sor d is of the stomach biiiosness and headach. FURNITURE. AND t Wbin tho Tsirt'o la Worshipped. At a place called .Kotorn, on tbt uv.nrh Itott Coast, the ' natlrea be- Uere that to eat or destroy a turtli would mean death to the guilty one oi ilckneae among the family. The fet ish men; of which , there are plenty, declare that yean ago a man went ti se fishing. In the night his cano wm thrown np on the' beach empty Three daya afterward! a. turtle cami aahore at the same place , with thi nifl on 1U back aliTe and -welL Slnci that time they hare neTer eaten ;oi destroyed one or uiai specie, Minurh they enjoy other species. If one now happens to be washed ashore there is a great commotion li the town. First, the women sit dowi and start singing and beating stick next a small piece , of white doth ft Disced on the turtle's bsck; food l sr . Voc have a lare stock of Fur niture of the latest make, in classes from the plain tq the most beautiful and priced according to cost. To share pour trade we only ask that you call and exam ineour stock und prices. ' We also carrv a full line. of Un- dertakera Supplies. Carter Furniture and Con Co SANFORD,N.a Sotlco To William Rirhnrdwin nnd the heirs tit lyiwnf William lticliardion: TAKE NOTh K. That uiio. t!. Cth day of Mny 1WA I .purrhinl one hondmi und w;venty-iwven nvrr iA laud on MeLendon crelr inCar thape tf'Wnidiip, Moore Conntr, N. C. fo- the tnxe lvl and ntw on noid loDd for th yrhr lt00 lUte! find taxeil in the Mime el U". It. Itichardaon. suid lintf inad by I ----- i So)(flD Stepped IntaLlte Coals, rv7hen a child I burned my I foot frightfally," writes W. H. Eadaol Jones ville. Va.. ' which . v l caused horrible leg sores lot CO yearn, bat Backlen's Arnica Balrt wholly cored me alter ererTtnuui ttin nrenare4 .and placed on tht 1 s M JiinM. Sheriff of said county. tlothherally plantains, rice anj j T,ut the time of rednnplion of aid nalm 6U; then, amid a lot more sli.s; 1wf)d pireon the Cth day of AC tflndng and anUcs of the fetlsl iiay i)02. people. t is tarried bact Into the - 13 h dnv Jtf l002. . nd cm ca 1 way rejoicing. j -? c 4.KAV-.J lilt Tun Is Ed. 'Will wonders ever cease1!, in- Xotlcc. Ti SALLY UNDEltWOOP. Tou will take notiw that tit a wile i 1if1wl If TrtfolltKlA ftfi hnPAt ..tM L A l(M T. T). 1 13 tf t 41 Iff 9 l.lil. mwa 1mUm ' t M T . TT" t- HI r:. .A; -I. ..r. t I. .law tf-vf lei. Sold bj Chat. Cole L Co. c5a the hai been unable to leave hei . AUt 1 Vul , to nil Wr. and pay the .. . ,tl", bed in seven yeaas on aoooant of tnwIerW thewn iw lb- ywr kidney and liver trouble, nervous .V1"-0? ItelT starred In London be- ff ?" & TO.J gans Itisthelatcstdiscovereddlpestr -.us heoould not direst his food. J 7 1 ?.r r Z antl taXttl ,D ltltamet1 J ant and tonic other preparaUoa j derood for th- yenr I'.am The can approach It In 'efSciency. It in T ,Dr-like a new person." . Womens suf. time of rwlemption of ii I Imim! will v ! TaZZL fcrinfffrom Headache, Backache, -xpire on the 0th day of M.vJ! 02. vrcu5.Ucu am. Nervousness, 81eeplesness, Melan- ieu janj ju. ii"z. tion, promote assimlhtlon. ia- xv,i m' nn C. 11. Ul Syspepsia Curp DiflestsAvhat Vou eat It artiflcially digests the food and ait Nature in strenzthecinj: and recf Strnctlnffthe exhausted digestive oi stantly relieves and rrcrancntly curd Dyspepsia, maiffetion, lieariourn Flatulent-e, i?our Stomach, ICaniev Sick Headichc, Gnstralgl-i, CrampsanJ sllotherreults of imperfect digestion Price KV?, and tl. rirrc size contains SH t!mcs yna.n fcira. Book all abim t fi a maS ledT1 "tf Prepared by . C- DV1TT A CO, CbAcaa :CIrirl'H Cnle &. Co. dm rrrisl. Ohas. Cole & Co. Onlj 50c