JggE ; CARTHAGE BLABfe? : .:. . ; Volume 27, No. 43. rKUiVl blltrrlfcUb. hterroDtedIi by saying Mr. , who m Moore county . ... I VU 1CAC cfAnU C 1 'i -r-r -l l r. .1 . m . v rignt uiseusses Stock : "wul lul ie 5 tie dropped Law at Length and Advises. nis nead a moment, and then an Its Adoption forthe swering he said, "The farmers Whole County. and country people." I then ask- Alitor Carthage Blade: Please ed, "Why should the farmers and hIIow me space in your paper to country people object to stock law uivcsonie of the many reasons if it enchances the valce of their .why I favor stock law for the stock?" He has hot answered ., hole of .Moore county; and to yet. .omihent on anti-stock law argu- Stock law not , only enphances iii' it. I the value of stock, but it also en- l . I have learned by practical cnances the value of other farm experience that the closer you Products, especially corn, peas, kp cattle confined, so that they ()ais 1 odder, good hay, etc. A vfct plenty of young tender grass, Sood many people in towns keep the more milk, butter and beef stock that have to befed summer as voTi will get. - It is not the amount well as winter from the farms ihe.v eat, but what they digest,that Tne greater demand, the better the makes milk, butter and beef, when Price. . If we don't furnish them tlie.v go in open range they do en- ne must send their money tirel.v too much traveling, ex- abroad for their supplies. They nenses musi oe paiu out ot the di- yuiunasnig consumers, anu as .ge.st able food they eat, and the a general thing favor stock law consequence is you get less milk e ought to be sellers,wliy should and butter, and have poor cows we oppose it? And yet we hear instead of fat ones. antls say that town people ought ' It i.avs to raise imnroved not be allowed to vote on stocklaw. stock, and this von cannot do in 1 want to know why,town people as open range, you only have to feed wel1 88 ntry people are directly Our Home and Home-Folks Against the World. CARTHAGE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1905. One Dollar 1 Year. interested in all matters of a pub lic nature. I hold that stock law is a public benefit, or a public curse. Which is it? In addition to what I have already said in favor of stock law, I will call attention to the fact that scor.es" of territory and quite a number of whole counties in North Carolina have had stock law for a number of years and so far as I know not a single county or terri tory that has adopted it by a vote han fivpr irnnp bsi.p.k' to rmpn mncrp. can tence i- It seems to me that this fact alone ought to satisfy any reasonable i i i i.i - .1 . :. L, thinking man that stock law is with half the expense that it costs to fence our farms-I mean farms Puo.ic oeneiu. I that will do to depend upon for .a ell some of the sand hill antis living say, () yes, we know that it would 1 lIotr lik-P. cows, when thev be a benefit to the farming section ir in ooen ranire they ' tret more of Moore county, but we don1 worry than pine rooters, and con- need don,t orce il on us that aWai-o raf won t be fair, you go anead ana r.vr.r l.cL- frme. otherwise he la.V out a territory and adopt it has cost vou as much as if you had hut let us alone. Now let me re 1 V.tm "irt a rt llllf flip dntl mind you my anti friends that K iiiiii in iwn ... i - stock law men sav we can't raise when we get stock law by terri hogs in stock law, and they to tory, as Mr. W. C. Wilcox wel nrove this theory call attention said, we get it at extra cost, the ex to the number of pig drovers ihat and care for a Jersey calf until it is two years old when it is a milk cow. As a general rule you have to care for the old scrub stock un til four years old, before they be come milk cows. So you see it costs twice as much to raise a scrub milk cow as it does to raise si Jersey milk cow, and yet, the .leisey will sell for twice as much as the scrub. Anti stock law men please figure a little .nd come over and be on the sunny side of this question. :i. I contend that we summer pastures for as much stock as we can make feed to winter, ment that waves over the State of North Carolina todav Well how about temperance . - - . Only a few years ago blockade stills were thick in many sections of our county. Our fathers and older people generally, while full of good intentions permitted them to run in moonshiny places with out ever realizing the great evil of temperance that was being propa gated thereby, until their sons and and young men were decoyed off f- . i i , . irom tneir nomes and carried to these blockade stills to be made drunkards. Then it was that the good people of our State awoke from their slumber to a sense of thegreat danger of intemperance to which" our young people were ex posed, and began to bestir them selves to provide a remedy, but soon found they had slept too long. T .A . t 1 1 1 intemperance nau gamed such a strong hold upon our people that a remedy could not be had by legis- latim in a public way, so thev were compelled to resort to pri vate legislation; in other words Ideal option as a remedy, and there- hy get back what they had lost while asleep, like the cat that ate the grindstone little by little. They !,!"! THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER BATTLE OF BENTON VILLE. tion and never saw a until late in the evening, he turned around and met himself in the road and he said he would be d-d In,taM Exerted by Those That The Only BatUe of the CItU War if he hardly knew himself. ve opmumaorxheir Every thing looked so lonely -and Norfolk Vinflnian-PIlot. wua mat ne nau become a Strang- or A mcck "f in ArA axr'c iriipn r i iio ciiuutr n reus uu more Democratic weeklies. Mr. Mr. Brj'an in the Commoner, Zt :UtXhV' PROPERTY VALUES BETTER mosplieric agencies active for these many years. Many graves are un marked. Xarae!ets the wJdiere lie in the cold damp, but loved and not forgotten. Although they I am happy to say that this is not the case now. What has wrought the change? The building of railroads and towns has opened a era to the sand hill people as well as the people of the northwestern part of this county. They are now becoming to be a more pros perous people. To whom do they Fought In This StAte-Position of Annie ainl Com man dent Mentioned. The men of every nation from time without a date liave honored 1 rest personally unknown to f Heads," the heroic dead and their last I relatives and the world, yet, their The Uder mf Prwperltj Pro hibit! on Inrre the Valoe of Property at Charlotte. It U strange to Ue wonder ful influence that whiskey ha over i . nviue peoitie. r.ven men who are Bryan U entirely right if he resUng place. It is often the ministryliasnowedonandwillMlong ;r v.. raeansmore weeklies with ooin- se that heroes of the noblest u men admire lieroic deeds and hia- f?" , ions oi ineir own, ana conse- '.i .1.1. quentiy papers tnat do "not see a! type remain unknown. To a tory exisU. Tliese men while """'. '""7 ue- large extent, this b true of those living erected to their memory by 7m" on Irw ar 10 i? i i ... irj-f ii who fought and ilied nt IUntnn. their deeLs an undvimr miaso. ,,fuor a IlWMX OI (luor- iicuouci vi iicur v ia.v in crr. I i - 1 T1. j . . , .... .. .. L.:n u.m.n.n:h . . .. i : I 1 lie re ire no doubL men in Moore county w1k would deem it a privi- oeanut oolitician that sticks hisK'e. leum and lift to as a priceless heri haaA m nm (k r The location Ls the Knuth-ejistprn I taire. A monument has len erec vtj iwi vuivci i uic laitci i I I I l 4 1 . enrfn nn. ;uart of Johnston countv. Al- ted on this Held in memory of UKe ge to say UiU Uey never expect owe much for tneir prosperity they or the? though this battle field U almost who died. eternd ijoj unlea. they nnw nmvl To that ronorahlo . , I . .. . I ! . . I l . l CUhlVlinillUMTm'rmi rf more than a superabundance al- ooscure to tne outside world and vea ou emoaimeu nu saimeu - - . 'A ready The subserviency in fact Practically unknown to history due , , , , . , T6 fmL nnfitUdt. reauj. xne suoserviencj , in iact. V Dear as the b ood ye gave, of whiskey. Tlien, again, listen ofaereat many or our weekly perhaps to tl.econfu., brough So lmviom Uxt hte , Rh. to Ul, 01J cL.U,UL thTrorrtT m l at. i m i .- i i u uaLimi .xiu Liir i ui m i m i ffii poorestoera rn which they are onieoerac.Vis""l"nn2s raem- ine neroage or your grave. , . - : ' I .. . ...... Ix i-ii i i . I lite liirn iiptniiK rn Like kaia rif held by men of other prof es ry on,y bRt e this sute orsnan your giory w lorgot, 111 ueiiaii ui nif now enjoy? To that venerable old gentleman, Colonel A. F. Page and his enterprising sons who built the railroad from Asheboro to Aberdeen and from Mt Gilead to Biscoe and brought these sec tions all along the lines of their roads for miles away on either side in close .connection with the commercial world. i. SlOnS. I '-I'aii ui uir iunitBUc. To this view we feel that no one The old battle field including will assent more readily than many acres, as to shape, starts at a those weeklies that have opinions iwint and extends outward on both Not only so but as a natural re- of their own and who k them sWeH frora tlis extended as suit towns have been built on these without regard to the personal for a bisecting line. The extreme roads that afford us a market near tunes of indivuidals.- The weekb southern border is a large thickly our homes for much of our sur- paper can d0 more to preserve wooded swamp." The water is nlus farm products such applied tins remedy and oe it said butt er, chickens, potatoes, fruits, I x T,iQ ri, onx. LlL-lv ilottl will. inwL-s iiuivi JVaiJ -x,v7 ji V t. nun rns wnu i i v berries & etc. at living prices, in,.;.,,,: ut :n tn ofwim. I round And nwnv frnm the frwtt nf plish this there must be a some- the trees. what larger display of energy and These turfs are roled in green, independence than we are apt to gold and purple, with here andthere find in the columns of the averairr a bunch of ferns for thrift, size weekly, whatever it politic?. and beauty unsuriassed We have long contended that this State, the weekly newspaper did not ful- Two divisions of troops com ly realize either its own power or manded by General Bragg, form its opportunities. It reaches peo- ing the left wing occupied the pie who are in fact the Iwne and lK)rtion of the field extending sinew of the country, and who ve- from the center southward and ry often read nothing else eastward. than the weekly paiei in the way (Jen. A. I'. Stewert ami his of contemporary literature. And company occupied that from the to the credit of our people that temperance in these later years has a loud voice in the legislative halls of our State, and more per manent remedies are being pro vided. Local option cannot give permanent relief, one barroom or blockade still can be a curse to a whole county .lust so with stock law. Our And this is as vet only the bejrin- ning of our prosperity. Our sec tion is amonir the last to be devel oped in Central North Carolina. Our prosperity depends largely on the adoption of stock law, . the building of branch roads to reach other sections and connect differ ent lines of of roads and to in- f at hers and forefathers, while men crease the size of towns now under of good intentions, lived at a time way and build others, together when this section of North Caro- with cotton factories, furniture lina moved at slow speed. They factories, & etc., to give employ did not have the advantage of ment to all people who do not While fame her record keeiK, whiskey. Twenty-five yearn ago Or honor points the hallowed iot it received some credence to aar nil i i i v nere vaior prouuiy sleeps. , hat - nrwnfr, must r . . . 1 - J. i. K. Uol No Secret About It. them was to kill the town. No m- It is no secret, that -for Cits, telligent man' believes Mich today. Burns. Ulcers, Fever Sires. Sore Tlie fact Ls that the young men Eyes, Boils ..etc nothing is soef- who are making this cmintr)' what fectlve as Bucklen s Arnica Salve. ... . . 7 . , "It didn't take long to cure a bad ll irp mcft 'lI'"d to whiskey. sore I hail, and it is all 0; K. for i"' CTt leatlers of commerce, sore eyes," writes I). I Gregory, I of railroading and of every other have M loyem, men -.1 . Manlr Item. unns wniKey ana it is Wiese I I t fit . Mr. YA Rowland, traveling for mat .e-oers o, oeveioineni ari iMjn:fi-, wrura w. i j. iii r-jiui , ui Kiinnuiiij; anu OI eve of Iloiie. Tex. 25c. at Oias. Cole kind of industry will not & CVs. drug store. assist nts and employ. in Stokes Grymes Grocery Company, was in town Thursday. Miss Ida Dupree. who has lnen visiting Mrs. Riley and Miss Pcarle McMillan returned to her home in Carthage Wednesday. Misses Sallie and Lula McDon ald, of Lakeview, were in town Wednesilay shopping. prosjHrity that are hading and pushing the fight against whis key. Iet us see whether or not the removal of whiskey is going to kill Charlotte. Men of that city who favored whiskey Utought that prohibition would ruin them by depreciating their property .are railroads to bring them in touch wish to farm or who are not in yet this vast and fertile field is left and competition with the commer- condition to farm, and thus create almost unploughed by the aver cial world. They knew nothing of a home market for all the surplus age weekly paper. A few occas- the value of timber, and practical- farm products we can raise. ional and haphazard opinions con- Cm11 .lU Uinn center westward. The bisecting ted MUs Pearle. "I i i t i - : line, which Ls about 200 yards weeK anu "r ui.lp wnanartlr filUl with two Carthage Fnday. 1 i:r . i: i Miss Chattie May Hannon vlsi-.ulurum,Df n are McMillan last I , . . . P"aioiuon came, wn uiissuojeci Uie Lhariotte ewa say: A well known citizen of Char- was comefomRandolpandGuilfordcoun t ies to buy pigs out of open range, this is not the case because they can't raise pigs in these and other tra cost of stock law fence being not for our benefit, but the special benefit of the open ranges. I hold that this is not fair, if we are willing to fence private counties where stock law prevails, pastures and take care of our own but because North Carolina is fast stock, and you want range, cer- becoming to be a manufacturing tainly you ought to be willing to state. Instead of two or three fence off your territory and take whistles blowing for work time care of your own stock. Nothing each morning as they did twenty fairer than for every man to take vears ago at High Point, I am care of his own at his own expense. told by good authority that up- Then again let me remind you of ward sixty whistles blow for work the fact that there has seldom been time each day. High Point is not stock law adopted by territory an exception, Salisbury, Lexing- without more or less opposition ton, Thomasville, lireensboro, Now if it is not fair to force it Reidsville and Durham are all on a minority of the whole county, thriving towns, men who used to jt would not be fair to force it on a live on farms and raised their own minority of a territory. So that if pigs, have moved to town and got VOur idea of fairness is correct,the a job at these factories, and now majority must submit to a minori- orefer to buy their pigs. The U- rule, otherwise.be jruilty of rush to towns has caused the de mand to become greater that the supply, that is why these pig drov ers come down in open range af ter your little pine rooters, and ' not because hogs can't be raised in stock law. a. It is an admitted fact by nearly all the antis, as well as by stock law men, that stock law will t 1 ii. i i i: i MT.Lt.Ks. iiuooaru, iravenoK si uif i ii ii iivi ii i - . lv nothing of the value of our soil. nr 0L-OC ontomrUinir mpn UHf ntA t U hull-nf ta offWrtc tn. ' .1 i i.i . for I). 1. Gosr & Co.. mas in town '", a gentleman who owns con Land that they bought and sold at and men of means to do these mould public sentiment. artillery. Here was received the Frida'- siderable real eUU inUiecity, was from fifty cents to two dollars per thingSw Now while the saud hUl We do not say this to decry the hottest tire of the battle. Gen. Mr. Fagan, of Aberdeen, waa in heard to remark a few dayi ago arrfl with full forest of timber on it u k rf his I that the income from .. . . scutiuii naa uccu i.-5iij . uj Hirac ccn.i.) lit v .?ia , um laLiici aj i Sherman wno commanded tnei ' , , will sell readily now at trom two enterprising gentleman, railroads chide it for its failure to realize its Northen array, after a little skir- houRe " B Cooper & to. to ten dollars per acre, according have been built, the. grape, berry own importance as a factor in- mlshat Averasboro, set out for Kevaer Item. to oualitv and location with the OT,,r " I "1JV ' l n , , ' ' "" wm - iOKLSOOrO. fCIl. ClltTUlJlU WaS I TUt PamnUll timbpr on. I : l Ur - 1111 Liit-11 iiiiuoo anu mv vuuimj hj. 1.11 tiimii vaniiv naa a. viicn- 1 vro 1 ncuiirrwl nr me ciiriT' 1. .. . . With all their undeveloped re-1 neuiar.Klo rr.rc-1 fi n,ia tu. t I . .... .. . town Saturday. .. - uic aic cu nig wuoiuv.1 tnwj Kit mouc " I' ui nic ycuuic nliu hill fhis spciirifv was Rnon xrt ftp sources and no ways or means of pgrtiy on account of the invest- are essentially readers. Its opin- blighted, for General Johnston developing the same, they could ments made by these gentlemen ions, at most have but a transitory and his full force lay ready to very well afford to be satisneci in m developing that section, and yet influence. Whatever impression surnrise their unsusDectini? adver- the old ruts. But not so now, some of these country people, not the expression of an opinion in sary. Johnson and his men came times have changed, railroads have all of tnenQi cjaim tnat jt is not one great paper may make it is from Smithfield unknown to the been built through our county ana fairjfor railroad men and town speedily washed out by the flood of enemy during the silent and dark we have been brought in direct people to vote in a stock law elec- reading matter of other kind that L..thea nf tlm nicrht Th mn. touch and competition with thecom- Uion? ' follows. It is for the weekly to - ul mpt ,m1 fnl. I 1 4 1 T " 1 I . I a r I A sxv. m rri ouv avaa a w T Ut Kf T nnn. . lIUprtSIOIl Ul&b IS IMSLlUg. tend that they have a right to vote of the a mercial world. Hence the day of economy is at hand and if "we do not awake from our slumber to re alization of our situation, we will be apt to wake up some time in the near future with our back in front of us, looking back at many op- his property now is about twice as much as it was before the pro hibition era. Another property in owner told it this week a store which he Ixad never rented for Mr. Monroe was in town Sat- more than $50 a month is now urday. bringing him $75 monthly, itoth Messrs. Walter Frye and Mad- of these gentlemen were opposed Lson Williams were in town Sat- to prohibition !ecause the,y urday, thought it would hurt business and Mr. Schifler was in town Sun- depreciate the value of real en day, tate. Mr. Donnie Wilkes left for Hon. H. A. London, of Pitts- pre" Cognac Sunkad. boro, who visited Charlotte lut Mf. McKinnon was in town Sun- j week during the Episcopal conven- pared for battle. V . . A -w i - - . wjiuR i fttiuiuo trom very befirinninir the Con-Ax- t,.c it,;. .vr. ai. :4-i- thnf :. :a a. a,- j; . . . i i OU acwuui ui me mtcicoi, is, m ils tuiiueiius, hkb uviijk ui fM erfttAc nnrvorpH n hr thp n.l r. L':..l. l 1; : - : .t. .t , . , , . emr.4.:rt Tim 11 ' i .ui. imu iv ii uu, ui nuci-nun in vumjow, in me .nauiam tney nave m tue geaei ai P. i- -F. v. Vx vantage Xhe advance was made deen was in town Monday. i i- il. mnsnmntion. from the hecnnnmir " iuw.i, as iu wnu .uuuuaj . ty ana progress oi our peopie, ui "", - -": "ly :"" i "i f bv our n Record, his paper: i i,i .... i ... ti, , i : dv our men ana our men rusnexi Mr x s wiIL-m nci iitii en "'Tn rU vn.: same as any other class of people. U th to victim and friends. "When with great fury upon the divisions Edwin, returned home Monday tion iniures a citv omrht to risit This riffht is or public nature, t ua nnonmntinn in nortnnities that we have let slip T , . .7r "47 f " yB Mre ""u,, alter visiting relatives at uameron Uharlotto and be convinced of 1 r . ineu uiey nave a pnvaws miwcsi wnies ui. ii.ers, ui veariuss, kv (Virlin and Moriran IVirlin's e;na r,l.,. that would have made us a more L. . ,JA Km "ftpr trvW clifferent. mA. P3. mn . a.na orpn- in 8 since 1 ndaj . lunt ouvuiu vunviv I . ':' - . . . I ITIPT1 Wpfn flrlvPTl ImP W ftlir Mnr. M w 11 . 1 .nt U n K -.! 1 A 1 . . .V. Tf ;o onnn(r tn nrivtP piti cines and a good doctor, in vain, . Mt. w jwrwun, au pruepcrvua c j in vne It is er anno.yng to private citi j at Dr King,g on the nght Wlth gtood the Jackson Springs Tuesday. State is successfully proying that zens as well as business men and covery which quickly and perfect . fierce and hostile charge. Gener- Mr. G. H. Muse returned from prohibitum not only Moes prohi- Mien wuicwu.,. lycureame. rrompt renei ana &l Davis, of the Northern array, Jackson Springs Tuesdaj nmg at large in towi common decency would require them to be kept out of town. great moral wrong. Then again the antis say it is not fair for those living in stock law territories already adopted to vote in an election for the whole coun ty. I will shorten this part of my answer by endorsing the letter written by Mr. W. C. Wilcox without the dotting of an 1, or the crossing of a T, but will add be a necessity hi the near future if other interest stock law territories we look at the matter from the jiave not mentioned in his article, standpoint of economy. I think They have a stock law fence a.s he it is a necessity now, most of our said? for the benefit of those desir timber is gone. What is left is mg open range. Suppose that fire too valuable to put into rails, es- was to get out in the forest in a pecially so when by adopting stock very dry f windy time in early law we can fence our pustures with spring or summer and destroy our old rails and not need any new their fence as it sometime does, ones. The farm fences in this crops planted,'-every body busy, section are as a general thing very no rails to rebuild fence, no time much under repairs. Very few to make rails, but little timber to are trying to repair,are waiting make them even if they had time. for stock law, antis as well as oth- no law to compel you open rangers ers. Why wait any longer? to take up your stock. What Now is the time, come over antis would be the consequences to their and let us adopt stock law without crops? Then I contend that they not axingle dissenting vote to give onlv have an interest in extending even the coloring of tardiness their bounds to lighten their bur against the prosperity of the peo- den of taxation, but they have al- ple of Moore county. so a direct interest in stock law Hut the antis sav that stock law for the whole county for the will raise the price of stock. I further protection of their crops, lieard a gentleman from the sand and it Ls their privilege under the lill section of Moore county some- law as I understand it, , and also ine ago say in a conversation their duty to go to the polls and with sqme of his anti brethen, that Vote their sentiments as much so as hufqre they got stok law in Mont- ftn.V other citizens. gomery county, that you could It seems that the whole train o buy any kir.d of a cow there now argument produced by the antis is for less than twenty to thirty dol- to the effect to try to make stock lars, and if you get a good one law a local or neighborhood mat .u uimi nave to pay thirty hve ter. It is no more a local matter or forty dollars. At this point I ' than th great temperance move- prosperous people had they been improved. Just here if my anti stock law friends will pardon me I will crack a little joke in earnest. I think our anti stock law friends have al ready got up with their back in front and are looking at' the dark side of the picture, turn on the light boys, get your faces to the rns, besides, sure cure for coughs, colds, sore ated from Corlin's broken mid require throat, bronchitis, etc Positively ,. UaA prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed "MCJ , 1U . "au , .", at Chas. Chas. Cole & CoV drut ducted his men with great skill As to railroad men's personal store, price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle, assumed command and exorted or private interest the law requires Trial bottle free. the federals to hold their ground them to keep their right of way " ! " during the dreadful crises, which bit but that it does not destroy Mr. N. Q. Stewart, of PmeblufT, business or hinder prosperity.' was in town Tuesday. A Had Scare. Some day you will get 2 bad clear of all combustible matter, will say that stock law men are front, get on the side of economy or the protection of land owners scoundrels, seeking to rob the poor and prosperity by advocating and adjacent to their road. If they PeoP1.6 of their rihts or their voting for stock law for the whole d(m,t do and fire gets out means of living, or, that any poor Moore county. fpnm f. tp And hlirna over the person will have to go to the conn- Stock law by small territory, iands of other pefton to characteristics of benifit until she'tried the Mystic like local option, was only in-. tilft railroad men are liable ot stock" law r5Ucn argumenl w the true commander. The. enemv Cure for Uheumatlsm. Itirave f r- i . . . . .1 - . tended to give temporary relief to for such damage, and the people "ke vapor, it is iignter tnan tneair outnumDered us two to one, but at neighborhoods until , the public are generally ready to set up their we breath, and makes no impres- the retime, by the superior skill could be awaken to its benefits, to claims. And on the other hand, if M"u ol iruui mc ,U1UUS "l of our men they were driven back the extent that it could be adopted they burn their right of way every telligent people. into the swamps and had it not by a majority vote of whole coun- year they are sure to raise tender , F'" 5' a a suDScriper been qt thig spot another glorious one that w xne raae, suoscrioe ior victorv would have been added to received in this Inflammatory ItheumatUm Cmred In tnree Iaya. I scare, when vou feel attain in rrmr Morton L. Hill, of Lebanonjnd., I boweU, and fear appendicitis, savs: "Mv wife had Inflamma-ISufptv Hm in Dr. Kr,cr vw TJf was now on. ine routnerners tory KheumatLsm in every muscle Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel remained unbudged from their and joint; her suffering was terri- and stomach diseases, such aa stronghold. Gen. Johnson, with b,e an1 11' nd face were swol- headache, biliousness, costirenesa, kinofl f rm len almost beyond recognition; had etc Guaranteed at Chas. Cole & ,""'"V."' been in bed for six weeks and had Cos.drugstore, only 25c Try them. iwv. ..v. . ..v, . i pirrni, nnvRicians. dui receivea no 0 -a v - I immediate relief and she was able At his home in Keyser, Wed- to walk in about three days. I nesday morniug, June th, Ir. am sure it saved her life." Sold by Chas. Cole & Co. !11 J 1 ' T. -4 i I vu a vuiviiuv a a ne-s aim even states, ii is jfeiier- orass on it and every ally admitted that a majority of knows anything about acow knows voters of Moore county are in fav- that when she is allowed to or of stock law. If this is true in f antre if there is time has come tor more permanent KrnlwnnHs in three nr fnnrm ilea """"h" v th elief. One little territory left Gf her lot she will find it; the con- VsloCK Iaw' reau uie " Bentonville ended with Seaboard Atr Line Itallwaj. l'i aencrer Department. Meeting of Klka liunalo, N. Y., In .liilv. ' I r . t i The Seaboard announces if there ,nenus M""un lo- C. S. Field quietly passed away. He was buried by the Masons, in the new cemetery, at Iiethesda church. He leaves a wife and a host of a l iu.. : l a ia i i in mihi iiiiii niii v i i j a streak of umns areopentocorrespondence its 8wamp to enable them to raanUin re a sufficient number to justify it Aunt Viney LittJe, an aged col orfourmiles contains quite a number of articles their ition The baU,e of toyMj&to! ored woman, of Uu. place, die, Ciai X unman i7irriiu Ksm w iuui inUrsOAy IDOriliZUr the June died 8th. m rx. I t . 1 l tt a I I w, .i .t m iti' " "a- ii nil ii luurivii aiii uul' ii iaj ki aa uu I . i - - i l i out can cause the whole of the bal-k that, cattle rather on weih tnem in tfte ot a weH nroaehimr darkness. In com- t arminolate the Elka ' t-uu o.q woman. ance of the county to have to keep the right of way in herds,some get talanced unprejudice and unself- memoration of a "lost cause," this Wilmington, Charlotte, Durham, If you want a pretty facxnd dellgtri- get not knocked off, ish mind,and voto accordingly,and battle mast rank among the most ?d Kaleigh to attend the meeting ii i i i allow all other legally qualified . u t icri of the Grand Ixxlge which will be ailed, then the owner . , cJf ... important of the Cml war COOO held in Huffalo Suly 10-15. Kate up stock law fence. on the track. Tint. h! ihfi nnfairnpcc tlio irinnlpil nr Willpfl . .. " " voters to do the same, and we will 71, , , oo . I held in isuna io ruiy n sand niu section. well what at once senas in nis claim ior aam- . . . non ieue raves onu wvw reoerais frnm ijaipicrh. all rail I . I vtv- Artf m ftv Inl W At thA PAQIl I r I . . ... I section anv- asre and the railroad men must '"i"-" about the sand hill way ? I do not claim to be so well foot the bill. This certainly gives posted in this as in some other railroad men a moral right to say sections, Eighteen or twentv by their vote that people shall not years ago I frequently traveled allow their stock to run at large from Star to Manlv."" I remember and tresspass on their right of a stretch mil Respectfully, J. W. Wright, Elder. N. C, June, 1st 1905. Huge Task. ful air. Rout cheeks and lovely hair. Wedding trip arrow U sea, iMt your fatth In Rocky Mountain Tea. Chas. (Sole & Co. Wanted in Carthage: An ice . I IVn.,im all ro'il 40rt Ofl f "T,fl-vt I fipttr anrl a nmAA -l 1 iufv ui awuv . . . .. . l 3000 men. As we look at the ,r:, - -iqt'eK Tf,rh.miQ is Tired out, worn out woman can- ... ....I AAAAA...B w- v - . ur v. graves held in Huffalo Suly 10-15. round trip took part in this fight. Ilea y $20.50, via Norfolk and Hay Line loss was sustained by both sides, $19.45, ilmington all rail $23.50, each sustaining a of eighteen or twentv way and thus subject them to dam- the cure of such a bad case of kid- !.. i i a.u ney disease, as that of L. b. Col es on that road that there was ages. ,. J . ' , , . , . . her, of Cherokee. la., but.rJectnc resident "in sight of the road. Now in conclusion I will sav ttittorc AA t TT u-riioc "M- a. iiiv mi av a a aw.-o of this venerable dead. I r ok t:i.-.- ;n not sleep, eat or drink : seems aa j . - - - I Vl Ar.iv. m A,m.n tit asm . . g. . . It was a huge task, to undertake friend and foe, side by side, the sold July 8-9-10, with final limit to f ew v ?f ?xece5: HolJ1-. following lines are brought to our leave Buffalo July 15, but tickets ' "TH t minds: Unbe extended until August 4th, ? h blood. S5c tt i. .u i i .i i.... upon payment of fee of $1.00. Waiting the iudmentdav': L K!10 ? "!f if lVl to Miss Annie, "Jane are yoa mar- it i 7u Ti 1 1 liunaio i.ou.inirnara .w,iar- -,1 Under the one, the blue, lotte $5.00. Wilmington $5.00. 1 . Under the other the gray.- Jesiring aU wil, Jane: I m to sick . ? "' please nouiy ine unuersigneu, so Makp. duretion ad JmH.. .u.nuu. u,HHcuWunuu,w,, Makeg afford as no Just here I remember a report that I don't think that any intelli- kidneys were so far gone, I could of that section, said to be given by gent, right thinking man wUl fur- Pot sit n a cair wiJhout a cuh-an-old Scotchman of Kichmond ther attempt to say that alfof the ffiX, heieand county, and 3'ou know the Scotch legally quaiined voters of Moore sjon j In Electric Bitters, howev- grounds are among the most reliable pie, so that no one will doubt statement if I only get correctly. 1 am told that he said Neither dol think that any hon- or stomach." Guaranteed hv Ghas. trees tower high above all as vigils that he traveled all day in that se est, entelligant, rightthinking man Cole & Co., druggists ; price 50c. 1 keeping watch over the ideeping' Send us the newsof your section IPPay your aubacription. I pnnntv aro nrt ontitlorl tr vrvta in I T fmmA a ni .n1 I... f 1 . n. I. i n l .1 iu-1 j - "ici, a. uu.m us uicui feiuuy. tiereanu laere may ue ciem uumucr kui k wjusiujuj- wji n,,!'. Kt lrinrf.,'- his a stock law election for the whole was restored to perfect health. I old treeg by the .hi. eration of special Fnljman. Kockr MounUin t w:,i a it down of Moore county. zing bullets of this battle. These 1 ' IL '"SliL i' tonic for the aiek and weak. S5c i ica or laoiexs. uiaa. uoie&Uo.

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