y W ; H I I r ( 1 4 CART Our Home and Home-Folks Against the World. i Volume 27, No. 44. THE CROATANS. lit DESCENDANTS OF WHOM? I,.,m.ii;iI Characteristics Kcon ,nui l.ile-lMucationai Qual ' juration ami Ambitions Their Moral Side The Ijowrle Gang An Interesting ' SUecli. V;u the antral p ut of Robe ...n iHimty. in tin part of said (,lUi,t culled "Schufile Town' I,.., ,i f people known as 'i;itaii. i ms section ot coun ts i i up'n'il l).v them is something likf -in by eight miles. Iwing very -Milled, hut comprising no i,,uii- f any sjze, or much impor- t;lI1, t . A much larger number of uliitf i'ile live here than ne ii .. i i . pxi' lor me iroaian nas a pecu liar riinl strong aversion for the I, hul num. Why such is the case U siiv unable to say with certainty. .Iut where the croatans came fimji and who their ancestors were j, viill an unsettled question. Yet,: tin- common -belief now is that tln-v are descendants of Sir Walter ll.ili ijili's lot colony. All of us tlnit h:tve read history know of i In- s:nl fate of his men, left in avast vuMcincss. extending westward then for miles unknown, a land as far as these few" pilgrims were con cerned desolate. Raleigh, when he found it necessary to return to Kngland'. set sail, giving full di u t l ions what to do if they met with trouble, which was expected us they were left to the mercy of the savages and the terrors of the oreut wilderness. As everyone familiar with -history knows, Sir Waller, when he returned, could find no trace of his men, except the one word, Croatan, this being the .whole history of their fate, , carved ujion a tree. W e are led to In lievf that they went away with the Croatan Indians, inter-marriage' finally taking place. Tradi tion is all that exists to ground our beliefs on; and as tradition f gen erally far more correct than no his tory ami confirms the above the ory, as a natural consequence; we are led to believe it. Besides this, theso-called Croatans now living in UoU'son county can trace their ancestors back to the first settlers and their Indian friends with hard ly a missing link. Every indica tion lends to the validity of their .statements, while there is hardly , a single one to the contrary. There are -many things about them that afford exceptional inter esting study. First, we will consider their personal and individual character istics. The Croatans show their Indian characteristics very dis tinctly, these being much more no ticeable and predominantthan those of their white blood. Their hair is raven black; their cheek bones arc high, resembling their wild ancestors; their skin is a very dark copper color. Those of us famil iar with the old English, spoken in the years far gone, would recog nize this language ere we talked with them one half of an hour. This one condition ""is almost enough within itself to convince . any doubtful person, that they are really the descendants of the lost colony; for how could they have obtained this language otherwise, being as they were, almost entire ly excluded from the rest of world. As to dress; they are extremely neat in this particular. Of course they admire light colors; as the Indian likes predominates. They might be called a race of walkers; for they practically own no stock, but in a day, they can cover a space almost equal to that tra- and Wfirlrinrr in . 1- j. i "& i me woousme. are real pioneers. Thirdly, let us consider their ed ucational qualfications and ambi tions. None of them are highly cultured and there are but "few who possess an ordinary common school education, having but very little desire for same. . -Although good schools have been established by the legislature, through the instrumentality of - Mr. Hanibal If inn McMillan, a legislator of this state who taught and worked them ;but they donot attend these as a general thing. They, like the ne gro, seem to be incapable of taking a higher education, though there are a few who will take real cul ture; and one redeeming feature about those who can is: Not in the least does it make .them haughty and contemptable, which thing is very reasonable to suppose. Lastly, we come to consider the worst side the moral side. These people seem to have no sense of morality at all. Whiskey can be bought in almost any home. Both 1 ii t men anu women are wicKeu. ana vicious. Among themselves they nave limited regard for virture. but at the same time high regard for that of white people. In the - years immediately fol lowing the Civil war the Lowrie gang had their camp in Scuffle town; so named for the love of the broad scuffle. As the state was in demoralized condition at that time no active measures were taken against them: but the whites final ly killed them out one by one. They never killed or robbed any one who let them alone, -though they lived near their, stronghold. It oold require too much space to give adetailedaccountof theLowrie outlaws. .Any one interested can obtain the facts from a history of ihem. . J. C. R. CARTHAGE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1905. LAKEVIEW. One Dollar a Year. A Coming Town An Ideal Sum mer and Winter Kesort A Healthful Location. Without going into detail about the location of Lakeview, a new. but well know town, we will say that nature has provided all .that should be desired for an ideal sum mer and winter resort. The large, deep, clear and beau tiful lake is the most attractive feature of the town. This lake covering one hundred acres of land, cleared of stumps and obstructions of all and every kind, is fed by a never failing stream of perfectly pure water. The purity of the water at all times together with the exhilarating and heathful at mosphere make this an ideal place to reside or to visit. ' The rvices of a four horse power gasoline boat that runs at the rate of about ten miles an hour, with carrying capacity of twevle passengers, together with a four and six passenger row boat, both attachable to the gasoline boat can be secured on any day, at any time during the day. The rates are very low; so there is no reason why every one can't take a ride on the new boat. There are two fixed JONESBORO. LIQUOR IN JAPANESE WAR COLLEGE PREPARATION. h,,rr",1) rr? ,he "" A STEP TOWARDS PEACE. ueaius - l-ersonai raraerauns Sober .Tan-nninir.n I - r " K a . 7 and Other Interest- Klan RmiiiIu hig News. , ted For- Dr. and Mrs. Drake are stop- Illustrations make clear and con- ping at the Patridge House. Dr. vince the doubtful. Let us ue Drake is here for the. purpose of the results of the Japanese-Rus- niting glasses and examining the Sian war to .show the damaging securc e es 1 and disastrous " aflWt of rotisbint. successive years one of our leading lnstitutioa reports 18 per cent, of the Freshman class as entering ell WASHINGTON AGREED ITON prepared and 24 per cent graduat- For WlaUon-U It Assumed tnai inert uiD6DO a lore ing. The following year 31 er cent, were unconditioned and 42ft.f per cent, of them graduated. The fact that so many mcninour Geometrically considered,, this subject is a polyhedron. How to thorough preparation it A 1 t finwiiKr inn kTihinnf u luitum 1 - MissMary Kimball, who has Rnd int. . f " ,? V"- U-olleges ,lrop out of college at the " - 1 ...Kv n-vv w'Jv v sittL. I Tl fwl flim I O i 1 v mi vt I n r& tint - ... been visiting Miss Mame Gibbons. LlrL- ui. - I . W,"V . . dose of their first year, is without " ' i v i.i v. iuvaiuica c saiu lu son u cn m iuu.nn.-n . ....!... .... left last week for Greenslxro to A people unusually temperate, involves so manv varvin,, nd . in fact almost abstinent. known quantities. The subject The advantage of this charac- touches the interest of all iustitu teristic of thU people must be tak- tions of higher education; it touch en into consideration in studying es the interest of every school de their great achievements in Imttle signed for giving preparatory in withUiel Kiissians. struction and especially it touches American Medicine, a news- th wplf r tf even' Krv tr rrr Miss Bessie Ashcraft. of Watles- oroi. co 'o ' I i .. , ... , - . wno nas tne capacity and aspira- ur0T;T. rle n1her1w nome from On the Japanese side the reports tion for a full and liarmonious de- u-r.n, is are allot one tenor and depict an velopment of the powers nd fa- iew uays w un ner auni, xurs. o. r. almost universal abstinence Llles. I What lrinkinor is ilnnp visit friends. Miss Mary Lee Seawell visited friends in Carthage last week. Miss Lizzie Brooks, who has been visiting her brother. Rev. C. V. Brooks, of Apex, returned home last Thursday. v A Many Sided Question Inter esting Statistics From Col legesThe Error and The ltemedy. 1 inrr tin tr Isttrtnrr 71 imp I Fighting-Treaty Will.be Kigned In Washington, Hut CommlMioneni Iay3Ieetata !teort. Washington hat been deter- doubt due generally to the reason mined upon as the place for the that they, have entered uiiprcjarel Kus.-ian and Japanese ulcnipoten and cannot stand the severe work tiaries to ncgotiata treat p of cace. of the Freshman class. One of The rcasoii for the sIcition of our college presidents has well Washington wm tlie outcome of said, in rvganl to these men: Jian k objection to Kurope anl 'They are first overwhelmwl: sec- Russia's objection to far KasL ond, discouraged, and, . thinl, be- Tlie goverpnents could not agree come idle nifd ios.sibiy mischiev- upon either Cliefoo, Taris or Ue ous, loading to their withdrawal Hague, the Utter being uggrMod at the close of the first year. by President Roosevelt, but have What then is the remedy? This agreed upon Washington ami Ue culties given by an All- lse ' re-1 ft complex tiuestion, but evident-1 resident hrs formally notified IS in ex-1 ator. ( Vnspuintlv it is nnt nnli.. .1 t . . I itU Af.c Will Ttrnnbc visitPfl nth: it ' " iiKBi-imruj. ie viiwig iuum Wu.i"r..MvH . -..... Apex last week, returning lues- Russian side we hear of easy matter to lay down set rules at ,lomP rn(lvt lesrin with ton will 1 Mlcricd. course, for .the large quantities he day. ' Henry Smith, a student at the A.&.M.' College, while on his way to his home at Dunn, spent a few days here with his father. Miss Mame Campbell, a student daily consumes, and it is imiossi at King's-Bus. College, is spending ble for any brain to submit to such a few days here with her uncle, insults without, undergoing the landings, one at the hotel and the ir t. X. Campbell. changes lopg known to take place other at the depot; sb passengers Miss Mary Leen Seawell has ac- in heavy urinkers. It is not re can be carried from the depot to cepted a position in central office, markable then that the older the town on water. Several phones have been put in officers, who are managing the Nice bathing suite are furnished and Jonesbore will soon have a campaign, are constantly outwit and always ready for those who ood exchange. - ted by the healthy minded Japa enjoy this kind of recreation. A Quinton has accepted a position nese. It is apparently not so bath taken in this clear water will forW. F. Lo,vd. much a question of i drunkenness be remembered and repeated Rev. J. B. Hurley, Presiding The alcoholiclesson of the war willno whenever possible. When you Elder of the Fayettevill district doubt be appreciated by the Amer- take a day on why not go where was n toWn the latter part of the ican people, who are sensitive to emmense that will lear easily and Ik well , wmwunc V i iim t- i u advance ail tne car-ioaa. lots, and orgies mnumer- of parties so numerous and differ able. The Russian officer is no- intr M xvidely in opportunity, na toi ious, by general report, ot tural ability, application, and fi- w'" parents and children. Improve-1 While negotiation of nc-r will interests ,,,.. i-an iimii unlv in tmtwrtiifi I l0 siiTifsl nt mr r-atiif 1 il i i-rt as parents rvHli.e the imKirtaiice pnlle that the actual negortia and necessity of thorough prepar- titrw will take place at xw cool ation for their children, and tlw summering rwort on Uio Atlanta vnn rtmllv pninu vniireplf 1 Besides having a good place to swim and row, Lakeview also has a good place to eat and sleep. The hotel, comprising a number of large, commodious, neatly fur- Let it Hurt and Let 'Km Howl Bibical Ricorder. At Greensboro a furore has been of visitors raised second only to the ancient There has been for some time nished and well lighted rooms, is open and can accomodate a number itinf the famil.y Fitchett. a Mr Fllnn AvPTlt who week. such matters. They will take M. McL. McKeithen, of Cam- it to heart and will speak in no un- eron, was in Jonesboro Thurs- certain terms when they learn how day. dangerous to the nation's welfare J. K. McLeod, of Lemon Sprs., it , is to trust iptarj '.power to a efficient and .SUCCessful prosecu was here Thursday. chronic alcoholic. Jrticularly in t- h . , -m T 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 X L 1 " I Mrs. tiuriey, or uurnam, is vis- isoiaxea places are me xaise iueas, of Mr. L. H. perverted reasoning powers, and onf ohloil iinlrrpmpnt rt vilipli men I lltMAIIvhAlll for ciir rrt niM-icr flieflitr when coil-I has nancial ability, let. it isKrhaps cl,ilJmi an. in.spiml with higher coast. The following wml-official easier to lay down principles on j,l,.als of elucat ion and scholarship, statement was obtamed at the paer than it is to put thein into Tien 1arpnt, wm K)t for the lt White House: "After meeting and actual practice in school work. ,,rntarJ,tory school for their chil- organizing in Washington if it is It will not Ih disputed, how- dren, schools which prove their fou ml to be too hot here the meet-' ever, by any one acquainted with cla:ns by their works. The?- ing can le a Jjounied to Mne Kum- the facts, that thoroughness of vc1mk)1s will le given the )atron- mer resort in the north. preparation is sadlyl lacking sge which they are justly entitled Russia first suggested Paris and among the students entering our to. and the colleges will U relieved Japan firft ugw4ed Clieltie. colleges each year. By j far the of working a great mass of un- Russia wm opKisetl to llieloe or greater er cent of them should prearcd material, and students any other place in the far East, on spend another year in the prejar- willno longir lie contente! to account of remoteness from Vt. atory schools. Tliisis not mere simply "get through college."rhe ltrsburg, making communica- assertion. For a careful and ier- result will lie a saving in time, a tion slow and tedious. Resales sonal inquiry from the Presidents saving in money, and more educa- this Clteloe is a Oiinese town where of a number of our leading Col- ted men and women going out each the pro-Japanese, sentiment is ex- legcs, reveals the fact that scarce- year to take their places in the taemely marked. Japan objec- ly one-third of those entering our grand march of progress. W. P. tion to Paris was that that it wn colleges are fully prepared for the M. Currie in Fklucational Review. I the capitol of Russia's ally and the iJace n Kurooe outside the CJir's VICTOR ITEMS dominions where symphathj of This question was recently ad- - llassia and hatred of Japan wps dressed to a number of the col- Crops Delayed Interest! flg Facts most rampant. State: About the Union Section Realizing that neither would ac- our Menton tea party. A blundering movement on foot toerect a church tne mst vear clerked for. J. P. pled with arbitrary authority judge, of pitiful notoriety, sat on and good school building. Both a vent has resigned that position The universal commendation show- his bench, denounced the law and of these will be for all deTaonyna- rand'expectito leave 'for"Grens-ered upon the'President "for the the men that had the respect for tions. The relisrious services aael k. ti,;c u.ODL- bmntnecc with which hp doalt. the State and their oaths to enforce being held twice a month in the Mrs. Earl Gray, of ChinaGrove with the incompetence in the Pan- it, and summarily declared it un- Townsite Hall. The school will ;s visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. ama Commission, though it had constitutional. The calmness of begin here in a few weeks. - Henders. no. possible relation to alcoholism, uie ucnai hmus uevw w visiuimi. i ne omy muusirmi pmui, now Herman number, who has been shows how the people thinK on i he txreensboro law simply pro- m the town is the Lakeview Mills. Q of.iri vides that "when an affidavit is The famous White Lilly water-kas come home to spend the vaca- minded public servants, and like made that an individual is selling loround corn meal is manufactured L; Lnmmonrlations wiHfnllnw upv pf whiskey contrary to the law, and here, the capacity of the mill be- Miss yera Campbell, of ' San- forts to rid the Government servi- a warrant is issued, the officer serv- hng about one hundred and fifty forci was in town Wednesday to ces of the old alcoholics. Should inor rhp. wn.rrant can fO nnon the KncKolc nf rom rpr dar I his : nnfnl Ur a.ta',no.A . r , jiajlia.', i t'- .j- assist -.VllSS oeaHCii 111 i;ciili auv sucu iuuhuitcicuw uc i I . . e :;. I .t . ?i . .i fV -,t -ii i - i 4.1 . . . , i ... and careiunv prepared. inese me iruu iarms, ior wimer is rom- roi. rrom 10c nrsv l resioenfc ' ,vxi "-" ... v.. " UCC Ill ally IHJtUC lu imuici ui ucsuuj I 11 . he finds whiskey can seize it, and as they are unable to fill all their Mrs Minnie Kernaghaw, of efficiency, such as they have done upon conviction of the person the orders. Ratesbun?. is visitinsr her mother, in Manchuria, there is apt to be whiskey is confiscated.'' Lakeview is one of our progres- Mrs. Alvin Sloan. complaint from an indignant peo- A man s home is his castle but sive towns. Within the last hf- Mrs. Neal, Misses Hartense pie.' not to break the law in. 1 he king teen months the white Foushee and Mary Russell went to cannot enter the home of a peasent population has increased htty and pittsboro Monday on a visit." -mm J a UT .Mr. Craig, representing v ar- Mr and Geo H yis ner Moore and Co.. of . Richmond, . , j Wadswbrth last Tues What per cent of the student! l-ahor ieirei. 4 jrept the other's suggestion is to applying for entrance in your Crops in this section are not in the place of meeting, each beliger college are fully prepared to enter very good condition. In the first ent made a second choice, Japan the Freshman class?" Here are place the farmers were hindered suggested the United State, the replies from four of these In- in their work by the rains. In the When this preference was indica stitutions, they speak for them- second place the berry farms are ted to President Roosevelt, be selves: "Of the total number of creating such a cyclone of excite- made it plain that if Russia and applicants 31 per cent entered free ment that it is almost impossible Japan agreed 1&X the negotiations of conditions. A little over 13 to secure hands. My colored should be held in this country and per cent are prepared for our friends, it 'is alright for you to requcstod hira to designate the Freshman class." "Without stat- work in the berry fields, but you particular place he would name istics I would be inclined to say had better not completely desert Washington, Russia, however, about one-third." "I will say that the farmers; because j-ou can still clung to the idea that the ne- not half of them are thoroughly make a little more at present on j gotiations should be held in Eu- save with due. process of law, an(i the nesrro fourteen. We pre- say, a warrant as .vbove. All this dict that in a few years Lakeview ; Gilbert Items. Crops are looking fine. talk apropos of Greensboro, with will be one of the most popular regard to the home as a castle, im- anc noted resorts in North Caro- memorial rights, etc., is the mer- hma. , :Li. Huge ia.SK. memorial riguts tue uiucKtu R & h undertake claim protection. Ana oy me th cure of sucn a Dad case of kid- same unconstitutionality so rashly nev disease, as that of C. F. Col- proclaimed by the famously wise Her, of Cherokee, la., but Llectric or,rl iuet. in.W. whnsp rpoord so Bitters did it. He writes: .My till v i sj v i - - -m . v-"- . v. -- was in Jonesboro the first of the week. Mrs. Murchison is visiting at ,nd close to Lillington. Mr. Alton Mclver and little daughter; Margaret, spent Tues day in Raleigh. ... .... I 1 1 1 . are all representative institu- ing. itooseveu uia noi iavor navinguie tions; we believe, not without rea- Misses Margaret and Flora Mc- negotiators meet in the United son; that their estimates are liber- Queen and Mary McNeill are at States, and presumably in order to al and fair, and consequently that home from the Southern Presby- counteract the suggestion of Japan what is true of the preparation of terian College and Coaservatory of he indicated to both parties hisbe their students, is largely true of Music. lief that The Hague was the prop- the students in all our colleges. Miss Mary McLean has return- er place for holding the negotia- Such then are the conditions ac- d from Raeford Institute. tioas. Japan, however, still b- tually existing. Where then is vlr- ciean, a siuueni at jecteu to me seieciion oi any pi we day. the trouble? Who Is responsible Davidson College, is at home lor I in hune, anU KuvMa, whose op- J. M. Wadswortfc made a busi- for it? Who is caasing the mis the vacation. position to a conference in the far ness trip to Jonesboro last Satur- tate? The colleges naturally an- Mr. A. IL McQueen, who has east remained ai steadfast as ever, day. swer that it due to want of breadth been at the Union Theological' ultimately overcame the difScul- W. L. Blackman passed through anj efficiency in the work done by Seminary during the past year is ties that had lecn encountered by our section last Tuesday. the preparatory schools, but the engaged in Mission work in" the agreeing to the proposal that the Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wadsworth, preparatory schools quickly reply I mountaias of Virginia. We are ieacc commission should asxible On Thursday night at her hos- cf Jesup, made a business trip to that it is caused by the strenuous chul to see such men as Mr. Mc-1 in the capital of the United States. ,i e u Z.a aA A,A kidneys were ; so far gone, I could pitable home. Miss Netla Liles Gilbert last Wednesday. Lffnrt f the mll to SwpI1 their Queen enter the ministry, for Mr. Takahira, Uic Japanese min nuwin .n.j .. un;. n. fnl1t nrk j". . . .... I i r . of the State-the United States ..Xf" Tf l charmingly entertained in honor Mr. A. Z. Eathom, i - i I . . . ... I.i i: nvt... I -.111. tt.M U't,;t lT,,. ofthe State the United States nmi .nffprpfl from dread fni euw:iu"uw 111 "M Mr. A. a. Minora, nas ueeiinumbers, that they are seldom ever "iy are a creuu i tuc . iWJ uu,, v.v - - revenue law, giving officers the backache, headache, and depres- of her COUsm' MlSS BeSSie Ashe" right sick, but is now well again. abie to kcep a pupil until he has tcry they are from and also a crcd- this morning ;ana mmaiiy nou- rirht of seizure, is also unconstitu- sion. In Electric Bitters, howev- cran, oi auesuuio. - Hiiirht completed the course prescribed, it w mc proiwvsion. ..s.v tional er, I found a cure, and by them Liles received at the door and Miss 1 .youfJ1aa1ui p 7 There may 1 some truth in each Miss Margaret Thomas is at ment formally accepted the con- the onnon was restored to periecx neai tn. i Netta Liles in the parlor. At 10:30 Rosy cheeks and lovely luiir, of these assertions without either home from school. ditions und?r wincii uussiasgTtyxi 1 1 iwrmmpnd this oreat tonic men i- i t WpddincrtHn across the sea. I I . i I. l - ents of temperance laws declare aT Rocky Mountain desiring or intending to encourage J.Uiwwannas oeen in r- i ituu,... ... v wu.r,- that thev cannot be enforced, and or stomach. Guaranteed by Chas. on the porch and in the yarn, tne 1 ea. cnas. coie a. the rcsui fmff conditioas. But I thage for some time. ence. ... The Petty r ruit urowing to., is ine nexi wp in me primary when we enforce them they howl. Cole & Co. , druggists ; price 50c. lights being furnished by, Japan-1 compelled to invent all &ra convinced that the misUke is No doubt it hurts. But let it hurt and let them howl. No Secret About It. It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so ef- versed by an average horse. In one fective as Bucklen's Arnica Salve resnect it is strnniro. but thev ore- "It didn't take long to cure a bad .. i . .u sore I had, and it is all O. K. for m i w u.ui-i in siiiirie ine wneu iv r sore eyes, w rues xj. lj. vrregory. more man one nf xIone. Tex. 25c. at Chas. Co e Nrson. l hey are extremely sus- & Co's. drug store picious, doing all,! or the Seaboard Air Line Railway, Pas sengrer Department. Meeting of KlksButtalo, N. Y., in July. The Seaboard announces if there pnnci- m, or pal part of their . mischief 1'nnn a dark corner. in the second place, we will consider their economic life. winch is tlieir life from the stand point. f their effort to get a Iiv A strenuous young man who de clares his willingness to shed his last drop of blood for a girl is nev er in a hurry to shed his first drop. ese lanterns. The guests bade their hostess good night at a late hour and declared the evening enjoyably i spent. Little Lois Gurley was relieved I ..... I i ; f ? .t r. i ..i i . i ..r 1 1.. n..imf iniir i armc in htc i.nm i niinir m. limp mr uif kind of tools because thev have oiten uue to me nurry ana unrest uc m kinas or tools Dpcause me nave i . . tT. mn f th Wmt mmfr u'u.n e part ot the students uiem-1 -oi- wumj . a.icu.u uwiwm mV- .m.Uhv. - . things. V. r-rx a onfflr5ont nnmhpr in inefifir it thpv will arrane-e to ODerate a sne- or ner sunenng anu uiwen noiue io , -7 - a. MT i - ;.i . i a- ilonthenart nonairipins wun wmcn w uo -------;-- .nr,i ;...ni;blviK.i.nr (rr.,,1,!. kpIv-ps- in thir urnomneeot tne re- I lion win uui ire miuu. ..v. . - j " ciuiremente and their impatience, We can't boast of the crops that will be encountered on thU score, combined with the failure of par Uorae of our sister sections can. Whether an armistice will, be jar- rter the care and but one thing we can Urnst of is: raigned prior to the nemIin of Iying of Famine "-r. I he savage or uncivlized is, in its torments, like dying of nan finds thirur rl th. ;,r;i;.i consumption. The progress of i 1 1 v Liilj 1,1k 111 at.w-m 11 & - - ' man makes tilings. - u,,' ut neiuierone otiuii, i, ;;m nA trianAa "WKon inese staires iF iwinrkmin - ,ln..nlA. ment, but they fall between in the writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, semi-civilized stage; for they part-P.0" "after trying different medi- v in. t h i.r. cines hihi u yoou uoctor, in- vain. omul lUShC t A l-.i ta tr' i- "xt i- tl.i.n. ti i .I . .. . . lauasnooK lr. rving s iew uis uu ni. iney make their hviner bv u-u nhranA r.tt 'nut ing, hshing and farming to a ly cured me." Prompt relief and Ter, nmiteu degree. Farm work sure cure for coughs, colds, sore is too confining for any one with throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively Indian blood coursing ir, hio prevents pneumonia. Iruaranteed . & "lO 1C.113. I . rl 'M Zt-l- O J llnu ornr i ii, ai-vuass. viiaa. vxie ac KAis. arus ...... .aoorors.storei price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle . K'uuij rauroaas, ditching Trial bottle free Inllammatory ItheumatLsm Cured In three Days. Tn.) I ents to look after J1U1 Wll li. uiijcuoiivii,.!, I . 1 , !- . I cial Pullman Sleeping Car to" run that Haven of Rest on last Thurs- says; "My wife had Inflamma- training of their children, with the There is no other section in un vne negoium in uicuuwj nas from Raleigh through to Buffalo day evening after a lingering ill- tory Rheumatism m every muscle interest, attention and decls- county that lias sent as many noi oeen uisciw-u, uui n M muica- to accommodate the Elks from L " nf covorni ..i., she wo and joint; her suffering was tern- h - th thev i veto the cultivation young women and men to college tl tliat even in the absence of a Wilmington, Charlotte Durham, the infant and oniv chiid of Mr ple an body and face were swcl- j management as this one. Certainly no sction formal agreement to sapend los- and Rale gh, to attend the. meet ng tne miant ana onij cuua or len almost leyond recognition; liacl oi ine r crops, io ine iuauai.eiiituw . tilitiea tliere will U no more fkrht. of the Grand Lodge which will be Willie and Mrs. Bessie Gurley, of been in bed for six weeks and had of their business, or the investment of the same size. libties U.ere w.ll I no more Dght- held in Buffalo July 10-15. Rate Durham. Mr. and Mrs.. Gurley eight physicians, but received no of their money. kct. jir.awiw .c.. ; . WoUwrK oil rail mnn.1 trin A t i u: : hpnif t. until she. tried - the M.vstic . .-.1 -i i. pxrellent sermon at union run- oi peace cumnii.viouen ior emcn - - T5 1.U.1UU W wr w v v f m.Mm . . I J . I117L111.I a m-r VB xr -w I ia Norfolk and Bay Line Lu-u- u0, tUo ,.i1Qriiro Cure for Rheumatism, ltgave ... : ,1 f u c u.ilrt O I i7.xtf . f I liiiiiiii; tun cat a a an v" vv, 1 T.4. . 1 . 1 -vv 1 . . . Durham all rail S20. 20, Charlotte r c v" to walk: in 'about three days. 1 is nil mil ft5. Bftv line froTh the 9th ot June tne nttie Dane was am sure it saved her lite." "1 reckon we will send Ulie to Wilmington $21. 65,DUrham$19.45, called to rest. The remains were Sold by Chas. Cole & Co. college next year; he Is behind on Charlotte $23.95. tickets will be interred at Shallow Well ceme- : his Ttin. and I think he oucht to I 1 . . m m - daj-. As usual, he had a good con- side must also be determined and gregation. their names be submitted to I'resi- Mlss Margaret Kelly visited her dent Roosevelt, who will transmit uncle. Prof. J. E. Kelly recently, the membership of the Russian commission to Japan and the mem- Tired out, worn out woman can- hrship of the Japanese cotnmis- leave Buffalo July 15, but tickets can be extended until August 4th, upon payment of fee of $1.00. Pullman rate from Raleigh to Buffalo $4r.50,l)urham $4.50,Char lotte $5.00, Wilmington $5.00. Those desiring to attend will please notify the undersigned, so i . , 1 i .Lj l r that 11 can oe ucLcrrainea it sum- cient n limber will go to justify op eration of special Pullman. C. H. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Most of the so-called original ideas have been on the toboggan or centuries7 many friends are extended to the J will be done and in our great afflic- J er year. bereaved parents But he is so tired of the if she would fly to pieces. Hollis- sion to Russia. Each side will Death of Little Hilda Jarrell. 'Sleep our darling one, sleep, Narrow thy bed and deep, Hunger nor thirst, nor cruel pain Ever can hurt our babe. again. """Ill SUC Tl UUIU .J w .''-'---' I . , I . . , . . . tion we only look to him for His preparatory schooir It may well ter's Rocky Mountain Tea makes we mc gr mercy, i Hilda was 2 years, 2 be feared that Willie haslronZ o.ouu. l-.ov. . fi.o l u .lo-c JA U leaoriaoiew. uas. voic . roiniea oy p opponenu and unusually bright childand was nuentlv by the close of his first 1 " On May the 30th God in his .1 r 'a.- ll L I ... ... . one ot tne ravonies 01 aii wno Vear at colleire he will t)e so . - 1 " knew her. The funeral services tired of it that he will conclude iaim An t . -i l i j I ncic tuuuuviwi, ti. nnr- imuiioi. initr ne IS liOt KOII1IT WO UC UlUlCn ii jiuks n.v. o " - i rest in vue uouesuoro ceiuevery. i . , grew 'twas our darling baby, The little grave being covered w,v" Every time a man makes love to A Kad Scare, his wife he makes a profitable in- Some day you will get a bad vestment. scare, when you feel a pain in jour Makes digetion and assimilation bowels, and fear appendicitis, perfect. Makes new rich blood Saf ety lies in Dr. King's New Life aod bone. That's what Holl'ister's pilU. a sure cure, for all bowel Hilda. On the night of the loth with flowers that many friends Such cases are not unfamiliar, Rocky Mountain leawmao. a aDtj giomsch diseases, such as of May she was taken violently ill and reltive hacI Placed- c for it may be observed that there tonic for the sick and weak. Mc. beadacbef bilknisne, cortirenesa. ftnd until the 30tb it seemed as if ! : 5Ister- h ne&r comparison between the Tea or Tablets. Chas. Cole & Lo. Guaranteed at Clia. Cole & death'! cold hand would trrasn our JPay youn subscription. per cent, of studenU who enter Send us the news or your secuon os.urugRvorr,onijc irjiurm.