HID CARTHAGE MM... W. B. MCNEILL, Editor nd Proprietor. Carthage, C June 21, 1005. STKIX'K BY-LIGHTNING. The Queen City is becoming a torm center. A dry hot spell dfvelopes electricity. Sincethe di spell thai city is charged with "white lightning," which is escap- tli sharn reports through l.lind tigei's"' and lrug stores Supplementing this furor are all the electric lines running from the electric developing power on - the . , 1 a Catawba river, lhen behold : a Hash of forked lightning r- vosterday, came dashing over .l.l'.C. wire, tinged with "liar,'1 fuming with "scoundrel" and 'hypocrite" and smelling of "dog" and "polecat," and .struck oneMc lw.lunv. We wait to hear from a possible greasy pot left. I-IOIC llKOVKMKNTS. in .(,! , . mil talic Hi LavVuPatty by the Block diilb- Billy Berry Grower oil the e An jayapw mcautllul Personals and Other Intel"- Derryousmes-niauu3c. . T , . Te 1 - . , . Other Items, estinef ..News at, TVi;r.; Wo. nntj m last ThcrCWrenareDrk week's paper that Mr. John Ber- pSSiMi S ryman, of Cameron, gavehis views Prof. Palmer Dalrymple, of . Tones- Book Club for the purpose of and experiences of the berrying boro, superintendent of Carbon raising funds to beautify the school business of Moore county, not the ton graded schools, attended the grounds. There has, recently been underground kind, but the dew-ber- .Te?h ports a good session and about soiirrtkN mis niMMi: Movement oi People-To Vole on $10,000 Bonds- Business - Life and Improvement. Mrs. K. M. FcrguMn has re turned from a two week's visit to Washington, D. C. C. L. Haynes was in Charlotte two days this week as a represen tative to the meeting of the Grand Lodge K.ofFs. 31r. and Mrs. Brewer, of Car- added to this club a V lllagelmprove- - business. Judging from ..,nnf laT.artmPTll'. urhfVSA hllSlflPivS it I i . , i 1 7 - his name we would taKe n inai ne i5oo Dresent. LntThat ffi mit nded, had been in the-berry business all - S.&jJ hours in town .1 a 1. 41 1,1 KaiTofnnnH hie lifa prpn from thft ParilPSL eX" OUriilU5 UJUIU1 OHXUr- "v" o. V . XJ. Ilftl Ut mill I i in v i i i uuiu jiuv uai v ivwuv iiw ' - i ... - m 1 a nmre urKent calUhan the school -DCe up to the present time, and day was ccas,o f-W-. . building and erounds. more that would remain in it "TJZZlZ we7e ,n'tv,7Z Thpfamilvof Rev Mr Kilgore " 47 j--0 Uves near Jonesooro, iook pnotos """'w rrWIk,dwiU regardless of weather conditions, f the ch h and Sunday school business laketheirhome at the Parsonage brands, markets, or anything else classes; This flourishing school xr-f L. Jpence, eek on letral The committees mentioned this paper last week appointed re 'sportively by the town and county commissioners, to have charge of improving the public square, met Saturday and all were present. It was estimated that to make any thing like ample changes and im provements would require $500, and the committee appointed by the county commissioners made a report recommending that the county commissioners appropriate to be used with $250 to be applied by the town to make . the improvements. The committees suggested that to proceed proper ly a civil engineer should be em ployed to lay off the square into walks and road ways. Knclosing the court house will be built a wall of concrete inside of which rich dirt will be placed and grass sown. To have this improvement, and to remember the appearance of the square as it now is, will be the best way to realize the propriety of making this little appropriation to neat and well kept public ap pearance. The appearance and cleanliness of the court house and nUic public square is a constant and prominent index to the prevailing and dominant sentiment of the people of this county and we hope that the county commissioners will make the appropriation, and see that the work is done. ai 1 1, c i" ."-j- i i i, ; n Ln I i nnu- a -i i r n i0n i i ii t tkQ PoiAnairo Dranos. marKKUj, ur au v iuiuk cc classes; jluis iiuuiiMiuiif scnooi I J'M-" in&ci iur hprrv has sixtv-one nunils and an aver- McNeill s township, asoisted bv Tnr me summer liic muicn jl tuc mai tuui iu uiovvuif,v . . - i r- , t ' . - . " IfLulTriuv: rKPrvd L. '.;i fii Krvincr nf age of about forty. M. S. Brad- ?nk Pope was in town Friday and .UCUIUUBIMIUIII iw "hi'- ' UiltU, UUIU uuai "'J -"d ,- . j - rr(l hiolnnal' .t n ., .. nUm;nhmi. npw hnmp which , i l- u . . i ley supennienuem,, ivieiunj mora- i""u'uaJ ""b i' forthemin thei, new home wr": the body which must return to . P' Thomas, choir Henry Weber went to T was a coruiai auu uiconauc . ,i. 1T u i : , ' m, ' ... i..n- u nn,rnmorc muiuci couiu aav.... , leaaer. Aiiss iiim i nomas orsan- f. im ihmcuk vs 1 Mkl iuiwin of Rockingham, he is not in the berrying business kt, Miss Jessie Kelly, J. C. Thorn- Troy, Weber and Knight make a has been visiting lier sister, Mrs. of Moore county, only that he has as and other teachers are good S, r- n ... it u i i I sphonl workfirs. Itev. li. lown ,nm rage roruwpwi a Drana anagoi n oy acciutut , nub j . rr l" r horp rlr-o t i .u.;" . ti Miss Mabel Johnson left batur- tn OVAn nfUert,iSe. his seu" 1S . u? uia au.u V' : ':,ru- ?M lJ-n Xl uiaV ,1.... mPir fnr ii s uirt.v sit to re- ... successiui leauer ami eiiniusiasuc . r"J"- i .1 :.. " .! ITX..1 business or name by even having a ffork :n the' Masters vinevard. and boat riding. I" 111,1 ivjnv.v . . -11 II., . i .li 1 I I 1" f fi i .1 vino ri w rvpnantrh of Ken-1 simple brand, so easily ana simpiy tiolly opnngs ana tnis cuurcn are proprietor or me son, is visiting her sister, Mrs. obtained with out money and with planning to ouna a parsonage. iMT",;,'" 1 "lc ; 'V uw Stanley. ... out price. And thenonesodurable w"1 Pro?aD1? J. McN. Johnson and children , . per or Broadway. m r-i , ntthecrreaternartof last week and lasting. . Aftera year in college at Ashe- summer Jlr. diesis a popular '..I c,,fi.rwU n littl nleaxure We beg to suggest to Mr. rier- vilJe Misses Jennie and Annie hotel man and will do well in that nHnv ' ryman that it would be wise to Shepherd have returned home, mountain resort. lie carried Vf loo K utn lipiirn i'Qu in tiwn o vdqp u enrm k' nf trnn. ASneVU 6 IS a niC6 CUV IU1U IIS OUlr aiiittiiBiiuiu III IIUH'I . . t .1 -j. i. " " " " . i l- ,r , K;i,f !. here liliT US ItKVIVi:. A 1 1 i. 1 1 tnrAiA(f I - - , . - iwo uavs last wcck in ui sers anu brand them for the year, . t " f IX' HAVltAf 1 or me .viasonic paiwr. iici-i 0Krtllf r y iJ'" r. .. X . ..... "T"' . H,f shp wn pnllAdhnme sudden v ucvvuclllco can have a hne view ol the city and P0"1 great acuvuy inese uays from here tiv the dangerous illness thirty days in the year and we of- surrounding country. This scene- .Besides supplyingthe local demand of her nephew. fer this suggestion that he may be ry is hardly surpassed by the fa- for crates he ships large quantities sure to keep his brand ever and naous Alps. edi fht t-e: ', ;'. ... ThS frhit frdm the Vad Lindley orchard and Bilyew's 'Pine Knot Farnf this reason will be loaded at th Van Lindley orchard in re frigerator cars and carried over the trolley rpad and Page's road to Aberdeen. This will save the haulinir and handling of the fruit so much and will arrive on market in better condition. The estimat ed fruit crop of these two farms is 30 car loads. Spies Items. Farmers in this section are busy gathering small grain. I his crop is not cood. but the corn crop is promising. A number of people from btar attended services at Brown's chap el Sunday. M. L. Freeman is at home this week harve&tiog week. H. H. Freeman, d .spite the un favorable season has corn silks in his field. Mr. Julius Cox was here Mon day. Mr. Thomas Luther, who has been in visitnig his father-in-law, passed here Monday on his way to Mt. Gilead. W. W. Baldwin is doing a fine saw mill business. Stock law is the principal topic of discussion at present, in this section. to other fruit sections. W-l.l : I In .Illlv tia llltli tha oitivnnc v continually before the public eye, LJ recently visi?ed his Southern Pines will vote upon the mai ii may las irom uue scasuu vu fater 'Mr. J. J; Weldon, near question oi issuing $10,000.00 in the other. We feel sure he will Salem. bonds to extend the water and make a success of thebusiness with Robert Howard, of the Lonely sewerage system of the town. the prominent brand that he has section, says his crops are as good pan;pnJrf.ea number of visitors j A.u ut,J as they were last year, but that the each jear makes it necessary to : f. lm anu m.nftrallv urn ltf nw n vpr- increase the water supi) v an the stopped over on his way home so weU how a berryman feels ns- affe He had cotton uares about bealth of the people demands more Mrs. Dixon of, Raeford, was in town one day last week on her way to Missionary Conference at Ashe ville Miss Effie McNeill, of Robeson county, is visiting her sister, Mrs N. W. Gilllis. We were Dleased to see the edi- j. Eagle Springs Items. red juice. I -m -m-r . . m w Messrs. H. A. and C. T. John- VVe rather think that .Mr. rier- f rom Raeford. where he had been ing early to gather the lucious red May 25. in thejnterestof his paper. staining fruit, not having time to Every time J. 1. Kelly s farm Mr. J. W. Massemore, of Bis- eat and working late into the bell rings for dinner MiHards jen- coe, was m town last rriaay. .,. A - clll, Q nei orays, ana me noise isuutm Dr. Alice Johnson was in town i- - ali rausical. last Friday on professional busi- only to dream ot the large ripe Ernest, a colored youth, says he ness. fruit hanging on the vines full of gjt the joke on Mrs. T. He asked if those peaches were to eat. ohe said "Not for niggers." He said, "Ac T am nnt. a nitrcr!' I'll llflVP m . I J.. 1 11111 1 1 U A A U -r IB m. a son,werein town Monday. ryman, instead ot dreaming ot the some anu Hberallv helped him Mr. Lux Cross, of Sanford, was large ripe berries, would if allowed self. here Thursday in the interest of to sleep at all, dream of nice berry Crops have greatly improved re- 1,:.. . Urf.ps. larcrp. refriorerfttor ears nil cently. ilia v;vmuaii.v . ' - - ,- i . , . T . l . . . . . ... i i ik. . : i.,i l l -a : i .v. iiaiiiuiuii luaiiuira m.-i Miss Anna Mutts visitea ner ui uu uiuc aim uam.s , . - . . Ju brother, Mr. J. C. Stutts, near coming in late at night with nura- i He calls it 4 kThe second bles- Blink, Friday. berless ciuanities of them; might sing." Mrs. Mary Thomas also Miss Fannie Martin, of Blink, see truck load after truck load of manured her cotton second time. , i , . . . , -l . . i t.fAr,l m-Di.V.nfD ar A cnont fliorlav hp.rrv orates on WBrphniisp t.rnnlre I t resident JlidwardS, OI the A. 3c 0U1UU.UUV,IV UllUOU. I 1., 1 t 1 'il, V Tl tt. i i i. t.i I v. 1 ... j :i Jlvv uuiaiucu wim . xx. ioi- rriuay on ner way nome iromxwu- M ". uC iuU u, m.u imii- fo cross tie timber. There eigh, where she has been for treat- ed down tor shipment. Afterthus js mxicl valuable timber in Cape ment for her eye. dreaming and waking to find his Fear township. A large quantity Mrs. Ann Martin, who has been dream a stern reality instead of a of this timber is annually wasted here. helnW to nurse her son. dream: miffht he not well and tru- In maKing raus w ience oui scruu , x j, --i 7 i . i. i : i . Mr .T P, irt;n for t.hp nftt. wPPt lv call himself Mr. John Rprrv- ttim. luuia ... . - instead of having good stock in returned te her home at Ukeewe- man, ot Cameron, Moore county, pastures, as is the case in most pro- sewerage accomodations The shipping of blackberries from this point was alout conclud- Mother's Ejarl woo ii Mormri bam i wnmm mummima Am immAmr. mo im rum mowtm that comi ma rom that SCOTT'S EMULSION uumm rum murm mrmmmarM ao hcmj turn nut but mo mmcmmmMr rom rum mbaltm o morn m OTHK.it am 9 CHILD. Chad for frw nmpl. a SCOTT &. BOWNE, CWnWa. 401415 Pearl Strm. Nw York. oc. aod i.oo ; ill drvgfWu.' Carthage people might wel heed the suggestion for Sanford published in the Express-In these words: . ()ne of our leadingfccitizens re marked to us the 'other day, ."Why don't you advocate, through the columns of your pa per, the organization of an im ir.)vement assoc iation for Sanford. An organization of this kind is cer tainly needed here' Yes, an or ganization of this kind is needed ,in Sanford and might result in a great many improvements being made in the town, among them better st reets and sidewalks and a park. If our busjness men will only get together and organize J these improvements .will probably follow. I Why not revive the Car thage Improvement Association? Through thjs medium a hotel was built here a few years ago which vas a great credit to the town and this whole community began to feel a stronger pulse beat in busi ness activities. Had it not burn ed, by this time the good results to the community of the hotel in .pur midst, drawing and attract ing men and money, would be prominent facts, j On account of the court house being the town, many prominent ami monied men are forced to come here and if all these could be induced to go off and tell of their pleasant stay in Carthage, there would be no better adver- lsement. nee Saturday. We are glad to know that Mr. J. C. Martin is improving, Mr. Harris Howell, of Troy, and Miss Anna Bailey, of this place, were married at Troy Wednesday, June 14, 1905. This was quite a surprise to many of her friends here. Rev. Mr . Moore,of WesternNorth Carolina, preached a very able ser mon at the Methodist church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Howell, of Troy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ho well's father Mr. Daniel Bailey. Mrs. Wm. Blake is right sick at her home near here we are sor ry to note. Miss Mittie Bailey is real sick we regret to learn. This will Never Do! News and Observer says: j 'The negro baseball team was ar rested a few days ago on a charge of vagrancy. Two of them were fined 15. while the other seven were let off with a warning. The conviction was secured under the strict law of 1905 relating to vagrants. Some of this vagrant law would help about Carthage. Iet it le tast ed, squiro.x. i The Baptist Mid-Summer meeting logins at Jackson Springs Tuesday evening. June the 27th. I .Mr. .John I ampbell has bought .from Mr. Geo. Cole.ofCarbonton. 2-8 of the Carbonton water pro- tumult s mm ne now owns of tins property. I 1.1 Y m . . . .nna i,. McKae, the daughter of our barU'r,!). J. McRae, has ar rived home from Scotia Seminary hi vyoncoru, where she has. been in school for the last four vears She graduated on the 7th of this month and is now prepared to be of great help to her race. North Carolina. erressive communities. We will do We leave it for your readers to better in the sweet by and by Personals. G. Carter was. say whether he has really got the right name signed to his article or not. Billy Berry Growter, Cameron, N. C. Pleads for Conservatism. in town Mr. W ast week . Mr. Jas. Fagan, of Aberdeen, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Owen Priest is very sick we are sorry to state. We are sorry to state that Mai. W. C. Petty is not so well. . Judge Mclver and Miss Mar garet Mclver returned home Tues day. Mr. A. A. Buchan and Miss Blue, of Lakeview, were in town today. Messrs. Levi Garner and H. C. Howard, of Noise, were here yesterday. Miss Nell Smith, of Rocking ham, is visiting Misses Annie and Mary Worthy. Mrs. T. P. Jerman, of Raleie-h is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burns" have gone to Rightsville, N. C. to spend i l . i a iew aays visiting. Misses May Kelly; Chattie May llannon and Mr. Pierce Womack spent Sunday at Lakeview. .Miss Ola Edwards, who has been visiting Miss Janie Under wood returned home Monday. Mrs. A. H. McNeill, who has been visiting her! sister Mrs Worthy, of near Jonesboro, re turned home Tuesday. Book on California ob pages, b illustrations. De- suiiufs iauiurma ana tne route there. Chicago Milwaukee and M. Paul, Union Pacihciand South ern Pacific Line. This is the route of The Over land Limited. Leaves Union Pas senger Station, Chicago. 6:05 p. r daily. Arrives San Francisco the pnira aay in time for dinner. Cal ifornia book sent for 6 cents post- age. r . a. jviiiier, , lieneral Pas senger Agent, Chicago, or W. S. Howell. 381 Broadway, New York. Work on the power plant and dam at Buckhorn Falls is progres sing. I was told over 75 hands are at work there. James and Clyde Dalrymple and Oscar Coneland caught a fox Sat urday night. John H. Smith has lost several hogs recently by cholera. realtor Ot the Blade, learfeir: arPAnshnrn. snent sPVPral davs vis- I " 1 "I ' " une ot your correspondents iting her brother, John A. Dalrym- seems to think that the moral tone pie, in Jonesboro, and arrived at of Carthage would be improved ner father's, N. A. Dalrymple, on by administering some sort of law ouM' CT ? v V Twi i. , . , . Rev. J. L. Foster, of Raleigh, ana oraer tonic. pastor of Shallow Well Christian His suggestion that the ladies church, preached at Broadway last take a hand in dealing out broken Sunday evening. dosps of this sompwhnt. vnmip n. Miss Ossie Mclver, of Jones- fi.vin-.in Arc f ofli DOro was visiting in this commun- .. , . , , , . . ity Sunday. v.x . v.. ' me A. & VV. ity now carries of things as applied to this parti- freight to Jonesboro and Sanford. cular case. Wo wont f; J Jesup Uems. i w kj t uuv iiv wuiiv iiavivii KJl I many lease display. Kev- Al. D. McNeill, of San- I am in favor of letting things ford' wl11 Preach at Cedar Grove take their eonrsp on baturady before the second wm I . The personnel of the present Sunday in J uly, at three o'clock in board of commissioners is a suf- the evemng- ficient guarantee that we shall en- rror- - K- t5lackman,of Smith- joy all the privilege we are en- Vllle' returned home last titled to. Saturday to spend a few weeks Our interests will be protected with his father, J. F. Blackman. in a manner that will not entail the Prof- Blackman has been teaching attendant train of embarrassing sc1ko1 in Georgia for the last three consequenpes which always follow P ears ana 18 among tne best teach- a reform crusade. - Klt m uie ow. These spasmodic reform move- w- w- Wadsworth spent Satur- ments are, as a rule, but a poor da' and Sunday at home. substitute for an intelligent, prac- Graves Lawhon and sister, from tical, adjustment of existing condi- near Cameron, visited the family Conviction Follows Trial When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happen to have in his bin, how do you know whit you ire getting ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, oould be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out. Could any. amount of mere talk have persuaded Twntmn of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for orer a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Parity, Strength Flavor and Uniformity? This popular micccm of LION COFFEE mam be due only to Inherent merit. Tfcero Is so troager proof of merit Uu coa tlaned ud Increasing popularity. If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS docs not convince yon ol tne merits ol LION COFFEE. It costs yon bat a trifle to buy a package. It Is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make yon a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEK U told only in 1 lb. sealed package, and readies you aa pare and clean as when It left out factory. Lion-head on every package. Bare these Lion-heads for Talrable premiums SOLD BY GUOCERS FVFPVWlTiTDr VV "W00LS0N SPICE CO.. Toledo. OUo. 1 tions by level headed business men such as compose our town council. These gentlemen have the inter est of Carthage at heart and have the moral courage to uphold its dignity and good name. If "T" will compare our town . ,1 !iL : 1. i ?i tuuay wilu wnat n was two or of M. A. Shields on Saturdav and Sunday. A. h.. Tyson and O. U. Alexan der, of Gendon, visited the family of J. F. Blackman Saturday and returned Sunday. Miss Katie M. and John Murd AVadsworth, of Jesup, visited Mr. three years ago, I think he will and Mrs Thomas Stuart last Sat- admit that the rough element is not urday- so much in evidence. Capt. E. J . Harrington visited The bunch of booze fhrhters oursection last Friday and reported whose rancorous singing torment- fc Irs Harrington is mprov ed the summer nio-ht t t.bo mS some riod have passed away, forever, it is hoped. Peace and good will to all men reigns supreme. It would be a wise policy to let well enough alone. '" S. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Mystic Cure for Rheumatism ana neuralgia racueally cures in 1 to 6 aays, l ... Among some or the prominent men from Deep river township who attended the commissioners meeting on last Saturday were: A. .1. Jones and Dr. M. E. and L. B. Street, of (jlendon, C. A. Jones, of Haw Branch, Geo. H. and James RVLewis, of Jesup. , Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, BleedingorProtrud- inff Piles. Dmo-o-isr. refnnA Y , . I o -r ' .a-a U1U11CJ .11 Its action UDon tho svs. Paxo Ointment fails to cure anv pa. tern is remarkable and mysterious. ??$?Lot Z.lonS standing, in 6 ii removes at once the cata nA jrJr-' ttFP"uon gives njjlr- . i cause and ease and rest. 50c. If your drureist the disease immediately disappears, hasn't it send 50c in stamps an$H lhebrst dose greatly benefits. 75c ili be forwarded posfc-paid by Paris and $1.00. Sold by Chas. Cole & Medlclne Co., St. Louis, Mo. . Co, druggists, Carthage, N. C. JTay your subscription. Closing Out Sale OF- Men's and Boys' Clothing In order to close this line out we will make sacrifice prices i MKVS SUITS $5.00, now $4.00. 7.50. now 5.00. 10.00, now 7.50. 12.50. now 9.50. To any purchaser of a $5.00 suit we will give them a Hat worth 1.50 to $2.00. IN MEN'S SHOES we have a broken lot of the T. I). Barry & Co. and Colo nial line, which retailed at $:j.50 and $4.00, which we will close at $2.60 and $3.00. The stock is all fresh, left over from last season's trade, and must be closed up be fore our fall season begins. Heavy Brown Sheeting, one yard wide, bi cents yard. 30 inch lawas, worth 10 and 12j cents yard, now going at 5 and ; cents. It will Pay You to Call and See Us. Patch'sDepartmentStore Southern Pines, N. C. DP- Y0 WANT TO kwbw WHY i i 9. TOBACCO is the lartoi s lier. cut out this advertisement and send, to U -r wr.ii 2c t:ta::ip, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobi:co Oi.. Win?. 3n-3ilem. N. C. and they vill ;r i'cj vc sa.iiple of this tobacco. Writ J yv Ji nn.uand address plainly. FLOUR ! Have jut received a fresh hit NELLIE KING and ARM AND HAMMER FLOUR BEST ON THE MARKET aid wll it cheap- 6.2i Tor N. K. iimJ f-ijo fur Arm & Hammer. (irti. Oats. meal. al the U-st Shlpstuff at lowest irK"e r4lJ. All klinls Fresh riuiel TtliTO from 2V. up. Slw zs Mrtmeiit of 1jars. It. It. mllU Snuff . Knameletl aie. ttlavsware a n tl crockery. REMEMBER I guarantee everything I m-II or your money luck If tKt tat Isfartory. Highest market price ialcl for Ileeswax aitd Wool. Yur for ItiiftfneNK. B. HURWITZ. Middlk Stikk ix Nkw Hkick Ik'ILDIM;. PIANO PERFECTION I lijrhest artistic standard of manufacture and skill Is embodied in the Kranich and Bach, the Stultz and Bauer, tlte Packard, or Belhr Bros. Deal with tne direct, you save the ex jiense of a salesman. E. M. ANDREWS Furniture, Carpets, Shades to Order. Formerly of lharloUe, imi tf GREENSBORO, N. C. WHEN YOU GO TO RALEIGH call and bisj-ct our la rye and attractive stork of CLOTHING, HATS. SHOES. UNDERWEAR. Trunks, Valine. I'mUcUa. Kub tjer clothing, iioots aitd iSltoe. Our tailoring department In complete with tlie Ijest line of up-to-date Woolens. Xd Always Remember the Foil Kamo II native gromo (Quinine Cures q Cold in One Day, Grip mTvo

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