jag Our Home and Home-Folks Against;the World. Volume 29, No. 9. CARTHAGE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 25, 1906. One Dollar a Year. CARTS Schnapps Tobacco is Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured fobacco brown in the Piedmont Country. The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside Of the Hundreds of imitation brands are -..1.. fliit 1 ItlrA CrV n -i -v -- 4-y cco. The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger lander than two chews of such to 'D;iao. The color, size and shape . (lf the tas, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands of tobacco have been made so much like 'Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were getting Schnapps. Sufficient proof has been secured to establish the fact that certain lirands are infringements and in vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade win continue to Dej imposed upon oy tnese minngers until me suit . already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations are Plug claimed to be "just as good " as" Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S and then you have it the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality. of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. ( If the tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers formerly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound, in 5c. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. n m ni Magoon Regards the Island Pacified, Devotes Time to Civil Matters. CKNTRAIj must pay FIXES OP $108,000. SATURDAY REBELS RETURNING Commission Will Be Appointed to Draft Election, Municipal and Other Measures Major Kean De clare Yellow Fever Situation Kn cour aging and Soldiers Safe. Havana, Cuba, Oct. 19. Governor Magoon describes his first few days at the head of the Cuban provisional government as gratifying. He re ceived reports and visitors from va rious parts of the island,- all showing that,' while here and there bands are roving about, stealing horses, and cattle, most of those who were in arms have .returned to the .cano fields. Others are loitering in the vil lages, "talking over' the revolution as a reminiscence. Use of the past tense, which is general, Governor Magoon declares the most encouraging feature of the situation. He regards the country an pacified, and, leaving the full Railroad Company Heavily Assessed for Giving Rebates to the "Sugar Trust." New York. Oct 22. In the United St tes Circuit Court, Judge Holt de nied the motions for a new trial and arrest of judgment made by counsel for the New York Central and Hud- : son River Railroad, and for Its as- ! Flctant general traffic manager, j Fredeilc Tu. Pomeroy, convicted last ! Wednesday of granting rebates to the American Sugar Refining Company, c! New Jersey, and the American Su- as- Reining Company, of New York, th no-called Sugar Trust. Fines s?ainst the company were fixed at M0S.000. I'CiiuItfes which may be assessed rnler the Elkins act, under which conviction was .had,' are named in the 'ri'nte as a minimum of SI, 000, and a maximu-m ot $20,000 for each of the ; fr counts on which the defend a;it r, j.oiation atid traffic mannger w-i-r fo mil t. v.ilt y. Ji:.' : Hj!i leni-U all the motions ; r I ' : !io;is were taken. In .-. :'.vcro arraignment of both He on ! -afj.'m and the individual C ': -"'j nt .lau-ce Holt sentenced the ';!: 'nti:tl to :ay a fine of o ; t:-i c.u-h of tlie sIk counts in l-Au-i n. iit, a total of $108,000. .ai lined Mr. ro-.ii-'.ov Si ,000 on (;.. h v' lh" t,ix ou::';". gnint hi'n. NIGHT TALKS 1 i guvs en m ItlLtZl Salvage Crews Are Certain That Ail in the Lutin WASTED RESOURCES. Oct. 28, '06 (Matt. 26:6-16.) Have Perished. MRS. a D. ROBINSON. Every U'wm im Am trie m It .'(tnil: nl IMhie UrcUrea T!ey Have j I V K Yet Swelled In Finding the "Hi n ken Craft I VI Iff T!mt Inruh of Vut.r Overturned 4d Tanks and I : ping Fuiim K'ititl Crtv. :r-. II. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. The new Laxative hat docs not gripe or nauseate. ''Icasant to talic. Froit byrop n Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and Chronic Constipation, CHARLES COLE & COMPANY, Carthage, North Carolina. H tW'-'i k.-X L. J Has Mm Ma rble Work rea- i HJT I i.o. ..;; .-1 i t; ox moved for and o'.il::i!i'd a sl::v .f :-.;.xly Uajs in tv hirli to i-r-f-. . i. iir ajiifai. 1 m -0y feared he wo;;M tn m ?'-',,!' 'i o:. cash ro;nt.'" whLrrfd .y. i'.v. 1.) Mr. Lindsay, at hs si''.o. "V r.ft a litf) ;t lirhier tH?n I'l :.-. Tunis. Oct. 1?. -All at totDj ts in raise th French fubma--!r. '. ' l Lutin. wltkh inn mar this port v.h jl-nnt ! i oui aad ,;.--i-ted." h a vi')':. i i-K! of law," '!oH. iii !i:.s.sia. s-ciiinc-' !i nri' ': i'ldiiS ii;!J I hi !1 COOPER BROTHERS., Proprietors. MONUM EN TS, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. We pay the freight; write for catalogue Stood i k8 ivsi, & cars Grove s Tasteless Chill SO cents. TeIc Ko-Cure-NoFay. trf- ' ' N -VA Ml Ml 1 ?'.. LI BLACK " Black Powder Slclls -Shoot' Strong arid Evsnly, Are Sure- 'Fire, v ill 'A I ; , The 3 ft 3 .m ; Georse Haschld, a Syrian lepor, who was shunted "about by several State governments, died in the West Virginia mountains. Thomas F. Ryan sailed forhome after closing a transaction with the King of Belgium for a great tract of rubber forest in the Congo Free State. Secretary Taft arrived from Cuba optimistic as to the future of the island republic. "Lord" William Scully, owner of vast tracts of Western lands, died In London, England. . Demand was made upon the State Superintendent of Insurance that he begin criminal proceedings against ofBcprs of the New York Life Con pany. RMmat Taisinerao Gaekwar, son of the Maharajah Gaekwar of B& rodn. arrived to enter Harvard. Stuyvesant Fish and E. H. Harrl mm, represented by William Nelson Cromwell,' had an open clash in the Illinois Central Railroad stockhold err,' meeting In Chicago when' Mr. Fi' .Vs ticket for directors Was elect ;i;::r ci inu s as '.!! ' '. ri'linia .1 o,ii':s s of s;:!l''!i i o These Ciln'.es ry -n of edix . tion. ' -s-and standing !n t.i" uc. ::'n-!'iity, and as such ti.ey s;o ;ld J be exvei-t; d to set an ev.ai:;: If cf ; obedi'-ncn tr ti" lav. ' i 'This (orj-c i!ion ror'ived j:irg ! ar i, valtiald ii.ilvtie privileges. It ; v:..- .if ler tlie l.iirhest ob'.iirat ioae to ; tre:-.t ail " 'tius a!ik :uid net io i Kr.int any unjust discriminations. ! VI. !.s was a secret crime, ill" i-teif cf v.l ivl- was ti;nT: lit to et:tain. T'is Is tV frst a: "J brought in thin 'ourt, unJ with the exception oi one r "iit ly in Phi'adelpt.ia th. only o .e ic ', lh" Kast." i "To - what purpose was this vasle!" Such was the criticism of .Iim'i j. when r lovlne woman, aa an rxprc-sion of her devotion to Christ. DIVERS' VAIN EFFORTS! anointed His feet with a box of pre cious ointment. The penurious dis ciple had no conception of the beau tiful or the sublime, either lu na ture, or in art, or In religion. He would never hare given a penny to promote an aesthetic or benexolent enterprise. The Scriptures Intimate tlat he was not'only a miser, but a thief nnd though he professed great love for the poor he really itched to get ho'tl of the sheckles the sale of that spikenard, that to his mind wa .vp-sied onChrist would have brought. Io::ev he could understand, but s; dkenard. bah! It was only a smell. Society has always been a dieted vltli a lass of carpers like Judas There t -vcr was an effort made to sveeten the bitter cups of thi '.r!ds trouble, but some sneering i - I: is appeared to complain of Hie v a-te of good material which Is d la the operation. 7h' poor would die of starvation. and vice and crime would become e,(ide-!ile If these people could get trtM rf tha fnrvria vrhth arc r rnr rl - ' ' - .. .. . , ig to their way of thinklait waned aeon the undeserving. It Is ImpoHsl ftr thorn f r roaltro that ttiA h 11 . man tieart craves sympathy as tlie body needs bread.' and that the oui hr.nKTa for love and starves without It. ; s truly as life Is sustained by food." Mid perishes for lack of It. Thr.e are multitudes of people who t understand a dollar, but who t: T'.io: understand a bouquet. The 11 ; f. :,t f..r . (; . i 1 nun on lan!. have thus ej ruitU1. it t-ncged In t!i :alvas) exprosit the ! tat.it i tht th rr.: rf the I.ntin ha- icrih1. M : ;' rrt of the cr'' of the tug lh I 5lh eiavoed th- l.iilln nj l,er lal oHj:e. del;r' that the rnb v. lie..- pluns! nunevf ul!v nad thrt a'er sh" had gone dewn for tb t';lil tl...e 1.t bow showed twite u!.v- tho nutfare of th- ujtT le fuf she finally dls.ii-:irMl. Till l-ids to the lMll-f that the sta t.iip'io resulted from a ddn leak tt th" Mem. The water probably it-j.h'-d U very rapidly and orttiurn ! the : unnilators. This would i.us" death-giving fume, to -ni.in-; te ftoin the acids, and the rrew .0 !1 buve no chance fer life. Admiral Hellue Is uncertain h-ther the salvagers have really Io ta'.. d the Lutin or not. Direr have v.; ""r'V ' . : t IKOYtO BY PE AIC CATARRH. life m:... t .. " vmif it ) me."" 'in. O. li. kJlna. PS A' it? . t iV 1 LSENER EXPORT" is a perfect brewed beer. it. is (! liquid food, High in Hx nirs, '. oil in Alcohol- Highly recommended b' Medical A uthor it ics- - f cd. i Dencit oX 6 1,5 00 was discovered in the United States Sub-Treasury at i.t. Louis. Before the convention of the Amorican Bankers' Association in St. Louis Representative Fowler advo cated the Issuance of cleaner money by the government. President and Mrs. Roosevelt sent a fioral offering and a message ot sympathy to the family of the late Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Manuel Silveira, Cuban banker, who fled from Havana after causing the failure of Ceballos & Co., of New York, left the steamship Carmelina when It reached Curacoa. When customs officials appraised at $200 a painting being" offered at $75,000 a clever "fake" was dis closed. In the United States court the New York Cential Railroad Com pany and its traffic manager were convicted of rebating in the sugar cases. Richard Croker cabled his son of his intention to return soon to America,, and Tammany leaders de clared his presence alone could save the organization. District Attorney Jerome, at a hearing to prevent the Grand Jury from further Inquiring Into the kill ing of Mr. Stanford White, hinted that another indictment, for com plicity, -might bo found. The United States Supreme Court has decided that former United go iPPirginia Brewing Co., "'I Roanoke, Va. "WRITE von vincts, Always Remember the Full Name Laxative Cure uimn f3 s a Cold m Oeo Bay, Grip inTw Gov. Charles E. Magoon. toration of order to the United States troops, which are being scattered about, he Is considering the steps ne cessary to form a civil government and put the Cuban republic on a firmer basis. To this end a commission wlii soo be appointed to draft a new elect on law, a municipal law and, perhaps, a civil service law, but this 13 not cer tain. All laws passed by the Cuhon Congress since the establishment of the republic will be scrutinized- and. where it is deemed wise, recom mended for repeal or. amendment. The commission will, as now deter mined, consist of nine members six Cubans and three Americans. Tt is likely that Colonel Crowder will be its chairman, but thtf other members are not decided upon. To Consider Claims. There will be another commission created for the sole consideration of claims growing out of the revolution. This Will be composed entirely of American army officers recommend ed by General Bell. This does not mean the United States will pay tlie claims allowed, but the commission's report will be sent to the next Cu ban Congress for consideration. Until Governor Magoon has select ed the men to orm these commis sions and they have begun work, he will not bother about appointing a cabinet. The air is full of reports of the anxiety of tho exultant and ex pectant liberals for office, but Gover nor Magoon says they are behaving like true patriots. They constantly assert they want nothing for them selves, but they are deluging his of fice with affidavits and complaints setting for shocking depravity and total unfitness of the moderate offi cials remaining In office. These ac cusations will be looked Into, but no changes ,wiU be made except for cause. Major Kean, who has charge of local sanitary matters, talked about the yellow fever situation. When asked if there was any danger of an epidemic he said : "We have fires here and there Is plenty of material to burn, but we have to rely on the firemen to pre vent a conflagration. It is thus with yellow fever. Havana has plenty of germs and the number of non-Im- munes Is very great. "The sanitary corps is doing Its best to prevent an epidemic, but Ha vana will never be a Bafe city until It has a sewer system. The best I can do is to work and hope It Is a hard field to cover, because there are fully thirty thousand cesspools In which mosquitoes can breed. The plumbing is very bad and pools of stagnant water abound. Every cess pool and trap and water hole should be oiled once a week. We are doing fairly well, but that gives an Idea of what we would have to do to make the city fairly safe from an epidemic." Import "Krnrative" Ants. New Yv.k, Oct. 19. Customs offi- cia:s on tne iunaru line pier ioiu oi having eucountered curious objects la the baggage of travellers return ing from Europe, but the oldest one did not remember having seen a lot of "educated" -or educative" snts broiigb. in before Wednerday. Theij insects, which were brought over by Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ein stein for fhe entertainment of their grandchildren, were in a case con structed like a small picture frame. Under the glass could be seeen about three hundred of the busy creaures, building caves and passages In the dark earth which partly filled the case. They were under the direction of a "queen," who Is about three times the size of any of the rest. It Is said that they are fed once a month on honey. States Senator Burton must prison. Passenger on the steamship Grenadlr slept while the crew battled an hour with a fire in vessel's hold. Burglars got jewelry worth $10, 000 from the home of G: L. Bolsse valn, In Mount Klsco, New York. Mrs. John 1). Rockefeller, wife of the Standard Oil King, who has never been conspicuous despite the- fact of her husband being the richest man in the world. Windham Glacier lieeoniea Active. Seattle, V.'abh;, Oot. 19. Afr years of inactivity, Windham G4a dor. Southeastern Alaska, has be come active. The 6teamer Jefferson brings a report that an immense mass of ice has carried away the for est which separated It from salt wa ter and pushed out Into Takua Inlet tv.o miles. A river flows under the glacier. Killed 29 Blacksn sites. MIddletown. N. Y., Oct. 19. The largest slaughter of blacksnakes ever known in this county has been ac complished by Emmett Bull and Ab ner Weller, of Clrcleville. The two men were walking over a field, when they discovered many snakes. With heavy sticks the two men annihil ated 29 large snakes. Chilian Cabinet Resigns. Santiago, Chill, Oct. 17. As a re sult of Its defeat, over the nomina tion of a member of the Council of State, the Cabinet has resigned. A. Carnegie, a Doctor of Iav9. Edinburgh, Oct. 18. Andrew Car negie opened the new Engineering and Natural Philosophy department of the Edinburgh University, to the establishment of which he contribu ted largely. A. J. Balfour, Chancel lor of the University, conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws on Mr. Carnegie and Lord Elgin. ;.!.;, .v what a bag of potatoes means, '':( they cannot understand how a s-slle i'nd a pleasant word, puis a oMiT into the heart that sings all thro ih the day, and acts as tonic nmid the depressions of business anxiety and bodily weariness. The value of the aesthetic In life has not half been appreciated. In propoitiun as nations Improve thulr surroundings do they rise In the seal.? of living. It Is possible to get an education in a little red school house, whose benches are hacked, .. ; r.yi roof leaks, whose windows are ' v.hoe stove smokes, whose do : " t: on one hinge, whose equip ment ir.:.-Uta of a cracked black board uad nubbins of chalk, but the child 'who goes to school In a mod ern, "up-to-date twentieth century building stands a better chance of getting right views of things. The on.n.ur.ItT which thinks it a waste of money to erect a well-equipped rhool house, and to pay for prop erly trained Instructors, may save their money but it will be at the ex-. pense of the manhood and woman hood of the next generation. When a new church is to be built Jtidas always comes around. He wants no foolish display . about the houfe of God. He declares that steeples are an Invention of the devil to rob the poor people of their hard earned money, and as for Ftained glass windows, the very mention of them makes it certain that we are headed straight for the papacy. His fathers worshipped In a plain, un painted, rectangular, bill crowned, wind-swept, sun-burned meeting house, and what was good enough for his ancestors Is good enough for hlmt And then If he Is outvoted, he buttons up his pocket at such unrighteous extravagance, and goes out crying. Waste! Waste! In the estimation of these people it is a waste of good material to bury the bright minds of Christian lands in the darkness of heathen ism, that those people may see a great light. He doesn't think It un wise for the brightest and most ag gressive tradesmen of civilized na tions to push their way Into heathen countries to carry on business. In their ca'se there Is money In It. But that a man should lay down bis life instructing the Ignorant, reforming the vile, and making himself the sa viour of whole districts swarming with human beings who otherwise woi.ld live like cattle, and die like flies Judas cannot In the least psr titular understand that. When such a woman as Kraaoas WlUard. brainy, cultured, fit to grace any position In' society gives up her life to the advocacy of what lh? superficial consider an Impossi ble reform, how many there are who criticise such waste of good mate rial. They say she threw her life away. On the contrary she broke the alabaster box of Infinite love upon V- feet of staggering humanity, and .e odor of the ointment fills the Aorld to-day. While the world stands that she hath done will be told as a. :;:cmorlal of her, while the women Tho have lived like butterflies, like them will be forgotten. There Is many a delicate, tenderly-nurtured, cultivated slam worker, wearing the neat garb, of a deaconess, or the characteristic attire of the Salvation Army, scrubbing floors, tending ba bies, shaking up hot pillows; com forting drunkards' wives, lifting lambs out of the way of human wolves, arresting crime by the power of their purity, never heard of ex cept In the little circle In which they move, who In eternity will shine as the stars forever and ever. The sneering critic says. "It Is a waste!" The Sfri of Man says, "Inasmuch as ye have done It unto one of the least of these, ye have done It unto me! r.-aclied the bottom, but owing to the routines of the wa they are unable to remain below sufficiently Ion? to m:':o a thorough' lnventlKatloo. io j rtoeu salvage vessels now form a cordon around the spot where the Lutin went down. The divers de- j so end in relays and are displaying r tithing energy. All their endeavor. I.. -ever, to obtain definite knowl edge as to the Lutin' position In or oider to permit the utilization of the powerful lifting apparatus on the i n have been In vain. The British Admiralty has sent a bs'tleshlp, a cruiser and a torpedo bo;?t destroyer, as well as several Ji.i, to assist In the search. The eca Is moderating, and the work wHl be continued under better conditions. Brouwer Declared Not CinlltJ. Toms River, N. J., Oct, l. After being out one hoar and twenty min utes, the Jury retamd a verdict of not guilty In the case of Dr. Frank Brower, who had been Indicted for wife marder. The announcement ot the verdict was received with dem onstratlns ot enthusiasm on the part of the liberated man' friends such as are rarely seen in a court room. When the foreman. In response to the question of the Court, had pro nounced the word "not guilty there was wild cheering from Dr. Brouwex's friends, who, hardly wait ing for the Judge concluding word, rushed pell-mell Into the enclosure where the physician stood. Raising his hand for silence. Dr. Brouwer stepped to the Judge' bench, heard the Court's final decree freeing hlrn. and In a burst of emotion, cried out: "Oh, Judge, I thank you for your fairness to me, and you. men of the Jury, too. Ood alone knows bow happy I am; you can only gueas. I Mr. o. r. it n. :i p. KUa BV tr-k' n. ? 1 .. nj!: hm e tn fe ;. ntf dM tm more gtrd tt. -ry iro yean' trtinment ' "." pL?1-1ii. "I t a i i 1) -T that 1 fl Ilk inotii. r i. N mre n ! sad i-nt. No rn-re Mi'Juir f Ibe ala'of ii. N"mTt lnrtn-f thresli. N !' ri'if and Hirr )4ota. Ytwl ha" n i hat Tir tr.atunt ha df r. f -r m. It ) st j. longed rny Ufa sod tit.i'l'- a ru-w (min f m. 'U. nuctt m Netting I Hm rmeetred through your kltdnnt. Doctor, mm4 the mulitMrc of the medkJo which yon so klIy practlb4. " am able W work also I bg.a year treatment. tut befor I vm nvl able to trip mylf, much lea do aoy vwk. All prale ts due to Dt. Harunaa and LU treatment.'' To tli Trnstexs of Union ltrrcs byterlan Carthage I'rewbjrterasm Church. (Jentlemen: It's sound scqm thai we tell jou It well cot leM dollars to paint jour churcn with L. A M. Paint, because more painting is done with one gallon of L. & M. than with two tallons of other paints, and the L. & M. Sue hardens the L. & M. White Lead aod make the L. & M. Faint wear like iron. Any chureh will b ffireo a lib eral quantity free whenever thaj paint. 4 rallon L. & IL mix ad with 3 gallons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized bouse. L. A M. costs only 1.30 per gal lon. J..KWebb. Painter, Wcl ory, N. C. Writes, "House painteJ will L. & M. 15 years ago hare not needed painting "incc. . Sold by (lias. Cole A Co., Car thage, N. C St ( i ' ch K thank you, I thank you. and will do .7,.. J ire -t i ml'" iv t rtnfra.aenraes - - . oti. tad tbraath. i . .: . ard catarrh , i tc i:.i'.rtieo. . 71..J fiew dlaco-v-.',; jvic-ee et tfires . in a '.::i!.y stomach, s f! ;t t norn twn - ; ;r:f.S. K&Acl DyS- . .'y ru iftd'reruoa !rr.iua terr.edy !rergibenirx ; v BcfT.ch. V V .. aara 1 T.i in, roar. i.ktt aMfti '..I . You tat. 2 Bmtl ft trial j. . t a oo- OMicaoo. Pnv'-i tit , Chas Cole and Co. WlUJjun F. Connor-, of Buffalo. State Chairman of New York Democratic party, once an em ployee on a lake boat, now a mil lionaire and owner of two newspaper. Hydrophobia Kills a Woman. Greenfield. Mass.. Oct. 18. Mr. A. W. Esleeck died of hydrophobia, resulting from a bite upon the arm by a small dog. Mrs. Esleck was the wife of A. W. Esleeck. a Miller Falls paper manufacturer. The Es leeck moved to Greenfield thre wk ago from Holyoke, where the family had been prominent socially for many years. Wcrnsa v Mt i ?.a Eiia V'4te Trouble. Kj It-v) tt UK1' Hjr.rr :i; FOREIGN NEWS. 9 m All the French Ministers have re signed, and it Is believed that M. Clemenceau will succeed M. Sarrlen as Premier. Divers found open the hood of the conning tower of the Lutin, the French submarine which sank off Pl.erta. proving that all within had drowned. Doctors .ail He would not Live, i Peter Fry. Woodruff, Pa., writes: : ' After doctoriiiir for two years with; the best physcians in Waynesburg", ! and still getting worse, the doctors5 advised me If I had any business io at-1 tend.to I had better attend to it at j once, as I could not possibly live an-; other as was no cure for me. Foley's . Kidney Cure was recommended to me ! Complexion see-rets. To remove !i;n!p'.. ninth spots. s:t! lowness blntol-es. clear un the com plexion and put tho bloom of vouth in the cheeks use I.axakola tablets a positive cure for cotMipat ion at 2-Vrts! a tiottle. t lips, t oiCxV i-. Sic!c IleAdaeliA CnrMI A Sale IIe:tIache Cure. We ask our customers to try Ake- by a friend, and I immediately sent In-the-Head tablets for neuralgia ana my son to the store for it. and after headache with theunderstanding that taking three bottles I began to pet vou must tret immediate relief or your better andcontinued to improve until money back. Safe, sure and six cures I was entirely well." for ten cents. Chas. Col & Co. VevuMos IUttrred hj Storm. Naples, Oct. 17. Travel on the railroad up Mount Vesuvius ha been stopped, the Mae belnc partially destroyed by a recent storm. Several bouse In Ottajano which were dam aged by the volcanic eruption last April have fallen. An .avalanche of mud ha Invaded Boaco Tracaaa. Keep the bowels open wh7 yoo havft a cold and rose a pood remedy to allow the inflammation tf the mucous membranes. Tlie lest is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It contairs no opiates, move the bowels, drive out the cold. I reliable and tastes pood. Sick headache is caused by dc raneoment of the stomach an1 by indisrt'op. C'hamlerlain's Sfr-m-neh snl Liver Tabids correct these disorders and effect n cure. liy tilcinjr thoiKc tablets ss jwvm n ,Sold by Chas. Cole A Co. the first indie tion of the disesj 1 appears, tlie aitnck ma v ie ward- O A O (I ed off. Get a free yuimple nl trr ' Baantke vl sJt" imls& them. For sale by Chas. . Cole & j Bijastar V , mSJ7--&- Co. . ' tt .V; 'jti the mind. t-iWlin; tieaitty. iV'if and chrffffal urw diaapjwar hcn the kidneys Hi jf unlet or lia- Kvlney trooblc baa - ime ao ptrralrnt tli t it l tA urvcxmj Vi"n for s chill tot mnts aClkClaJ with t ak k x'.neys. Ii the chiVl trinatctor.f,.ta. f the tanne scaU the flevh.'T if. ben the cbikl reaches aa when it booV4 be able to control the ;va-e. it is yt fEctcl with bed wrt tm g . df-jK-n-l it. the rauae A the difi cu.ty is kidney troobk, and the fcrrt tcp h ull be toward tbe treatneat of these jmportaotortsns, Thi npaat tnt. it dac La a diacssed eooditioa o tbe kidneys and bladder and not to a Ult at moat people woppoae. Women as well a men are male mir- able with kidney and bladder trocbie. and both need the s-une rrent rmlr Tbe mild and tbe Immadiat effect U siraoCoot is soon realized. It is sola bv dractnsts. t any- cent and one-dollar aire bottle. .oaany have a aample bottle bv mail free, also a Umm panrpnlct taring aU aboara Hrnrp-Tfijeot. including muty ot tb tbonssnils ea l mooisl letters received frota wJerer cured. Inwritinr Dr. aUlaser & Co.. Binghamtos. N. Y.. Tm mr and ararnttoa this paper. Dont make aay mtitVe. but remember tb name. Swsjaatnot, Dr. Kilmer's Swanp-oot. and the ad dre. liinghamtoo. N oo ertry lottle. L - i O Taaantaa tlrasUi f 1M U4 11 Irsi awn BSl )

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