A Suggestive Sketch of the Life and Achieve ments of the Famous Country Teacher of - South-Eastern North Carolina ‘Ghost”-Elliott probably left no will, yet lie left a legacy tha't accrued to the interest bf several genera* tions of children in the southeastern part of the state. -Ghost” Elliott'* (probably no* onje knows his actual name) was a graduate of the University of North Carolina who taught;, country schools in Sampson, Dup lin, Wayne, and possibly other southeastern counties of the state. He wa,^ a scholar and cared as little for money as .possibly any man of similar ability in the state has ever oared. He made his home, w;hile teach ing, with the plain country people, aVd was as plain as his hosts. All his acquisitions ip a:long life of teaching would hardly have bought the Ford that the young man who now begins to teach expects to ‘buy out of the surplus of his first year’s salary. . . Neither chick nor child had be, and probably never conceived; it as possible for . himself to maintain a horse. The story goes that once his class at the Uni versity was to have a re-union at a certain comfnence ment. He did not' disappoint his classmate's, but was there,’ walking all the way from Sampson or Duplin to Chapel Hill. The reunion was'a time of reminiscence and fun with thef classmates. On the other hand, “Ghost” Elliot had conceived the occasion to be one in which he would have an opportunity to! discuss the classics and the sciences With other scholarly men. All would, perhaps, be listening intently to some story of college pranks, v^hen “Ghost” (would hunch his neighbor and ‘ask in an undertone what he thought of this or that passage of Latin, or Greek that he quot ed at. the time. But the tradition 1s that the ptherg did Jnot^^reatly cb-opewie ^th the sentry '^Chbla* in .hi» efforts to make the Occasion a^bst of leacrfting. The writer has hid pointed but to^him 'neaj Turkey, near the Duplin-Sampsoii line, a home in which it was said that Rev: J. U Stewart, Rev. B. Fv- Marahle, ani “Ghofet” Elliott spent a nighit together. If that is true, • there is possibly no. little country home in North Caro lina in which three brainier men ever spent d night together. Stewart was a graduate of the University; preacher and lawyer too. He was learned in bpth the ology and the law,, and tSould have shone more bril liantly in either if it had been his only mistress.. He was wealthy, as wealth then went, but preached regu larly at country churches, charging the munificent ' salary of one hundred dollars a year. He wouldn’t compete with the. cheaper preachers, though it seemed to make little difference after ho had accepted the pas torate at *$100 whether he ever collected it all or not. Dr. Marable was a graduate of Wake Forest, College and was in the beginning of his ministerial career a Baptist preacher. After marrying, he became a Pres byterian minister, making on6 of the few changes from the Baptist ministry to the Presbyterian that have ever been jpade in the state. The only othei^the writer recalls is that of Rev. J. J. Douglas, better knWn in the state as a poet than preacher, who still lives. Probably "Ghost” Elliott was an agnostic, t>ut" ho was no fool about his infidelity. He left do legacy of unbelief. The legacy, of which I write was a number of his old students who had learned “Stoddard 3 Men tal Arithmetic” under his tuition, and' how to teach it. Stoddard’s arithmetic had become the standard of schol arship in mathematics in several counties, and so re* maineff for many years. Only a few weeks ago, Dr.. J. M. Parrott, head of the^tate department Of health, bemoaned the fact tfatft the schools of today do .not use Stoddard’s arithmetic. He stated that he,had onc^: asked a leading School man of the state- why it is upt. used, and had received the reply that it takes too much work to teach it. . * J _ ; The writer, .as well as Dr. Parrot, whs brought up on Stoddard’s arithmetic.. He was third in descent from "Ghost” Elliott. EMiottliad taught a Davis boy to , Duplin, Who afterward piarried a Miss Dickson to, Iliad-, en, a sister of Mr. Davis taught his daughter "Katie, and Hiss taught the writer as aflad^ 4Phe' ‘‘Gho^^ethpd had. come down in_^ py#ty. The writer never used, a-«late, (tablets were ..unknown till he. ;went .to college) to "working”, arithmetic . problems. or sums ; he was. W.kr. 1 twelve years old. A pupil would‘have thought himself discredited, in both his owfa and the .school's sight, if he had used a pencil!in the solution of problems." At twelve, and probably at eleven, the writer could stands on the school house floor, hear a problem read, catchy it and proceed to unravel it, and successfully at that. My recollectipn is that I had solved “in my head” every problem, in the “arithmetic*’ when I was 12'years old, and it contaified such algebraic problems as follow^: A tree fell, breaking on its fail into two parts-, The stump was the combined length of the other two parts; the longer of the two fallen parts was two-thirds of the length of the stump. The combined length of all three of the parts was 60 feet. What was the length of each of the three parts? , Now, that is not one of the actual problems, for I haven’t a copy of the book, but is illustrative, of the kind of work a boy was expected to do “in his head’' before he - was put to “ciphering.” The answer t*o, the above is 28| 18 2.-3, and 13 1-3 feet, if any reader de sires to test his skill in figuring it out. ^faybe not a “practical” problem* in the minds of modern educators •—But it compares! favorably with one we . recently/ heard a high-school senior trying to help a fifth-grade ptipil solve: “If one must be at a certain place at ten minutes past two o’clock and it takes 15 minutes to reach the' place, what i® the latest time he must start 7*^ O yes; practical enough but the bad part of it was that neither the senior nor iihe fifth- grader could solve it. “We could get the clock and see, but that, wouiant be fair,” the senior, whose morals were better than her knowledge of arithmetic, was heard to say. Finally the writer was asked to help—how “fair" that was doesn't, appear. I stated the time to, start,; but then the plaint was that it “mufst be put down like arithmetic.” O, it must be on! paper—whether the head is benefited or not!/ The grade „depended;n of .the/languag«- 0fi logic- and: eoula.hap^evpjp; dar iilfvhe-Jbas^Btii«e(l '*£0****?; v Here I take occasion to say that* I am aura there is a:-? V, - • -i«C ^~SC--v “ -f-.. ■ :V-':w> — -/ . > ’ . A-, '■ •'•«.**••... more t time wasted ,■ today in teaching arithmetic than' would! be sufficient to give the bright children a three' year-course in Latin, Tots start arithmetic hTthe first . ' .grade. They may Jbe seen at the board adding 1 and 2. Thobably a fifth of their time,for eight years goes to,. the study of arithmetic. Yet two yeatrs; from the'age* of 11 to 13, should be sufficient To ground any bright pupil in arithmeticf bht allow three, anA that Brakes* the time allotted to the| subject-for five years wasted. This time'would serve to give a full hi^h school cq.ur^^ in Latin. And the pupil would .likely k«ow more arith metic than he knows under the present regime. We have told in the : Chatham Record heretofore how a. - prominent gentleman of this state, whose father had. the Sarne view' da above expressed, began, the Study of arithmetic' at the age of ten and within six months joined the class of boys older than he who had begun • the session in Sanford’s Common SjChool*' arithmetic, after having studied arithmetic.from two to four years. And one of the boys in the higher class is one ;Pf th«r ,$r brighest men in the state.' j Herbert had never studied arithmetic; Kilt he iiave to be taught that 2 and 2 are 4. ' There is not «, ' sensible negro boy in the state who would not, at the age of eleven, know what the first-grade child learnt in arithmetic. And* certainly,' children do not need r A Arithmetic for sth'S^ practical purposes befoi-e they are eleven. The foregoing observations arei based upon hood’s^ experience ‘ in the country' schools and an ex-- '' perience of twenty years as a teacher. Not only did..,,v . the writer - know his mental arithmetic at 12 years age, but he had learned it in sessions of school of thred ; . and four months',; and urider' teachers whd had neyprt gone to school as much as' the pupils of these days go by the time they are eleven years old. In fact, thefyR^ writer-had completed three algebras, including north’s ^id Rybinson’s University Algebra, afid had .4. "been through”'Jtobinsorxls- Geomefry, -when -ho had been* to school 53 months. When he had been to school, all * told, 9d months, which is less than the <5hildr#i attend 7 • the-city high schools in a course of eleven grades of ( nine montfrs^he had completed every*branch matics In any school in Nyrth Carolina at that time,'. - except^ariy liigher course in engineering that may, have, been provided at the Unfarpfsity arid thyre.aye others atj ^ his aige-that achieved the hame in, less^ time, as -their studies "were more crowded into the years approaching > < . maturity, when-time counted for more than if did 'With - ; ' me at ten, to seventeen.- - - y> "'Y^ That is my credential for Eetfipg^p ^ a <»itJht of methods and achievements tjf .modern way bf teach- , ing arithmetic. Let only him" ‘who had achieved s,. much by«another method ‘or seeh more achieved by thO j modern method -dare to; ;hdot; at that old scheme which • made the principles of artthnietic as familiar ^to a boy - as his abc’s. % ' 4' CAFT. ASHE'S RECOLLECTIONS OF - v ■ ' . “GHOST” ELLIOTT ' /, . *’j,; .1 • «k' "Vi'') After the foregoing ar^idle had gone to t^e printer, the : editor asked his friend Captain- S. A. , Ashe if .to remembered ‘’Ghost”: Elliott. Therv^teran wia#at first* lost. In the flood of experiences of his, ninety-odd years^ a? he splashejl around tiir .it; all dame bacjk tt» htfm^-i£nd .att ^ ; interesting .and enlightening storywas told of. the old^ scholar and educator of the southeast. . ^ •. % .1 ■»*?' . "When Captain,. Ashe, had got hie beajfjtpg, he toM tfcg. following experiences^. "1 N <.. ^ V_". ‘ “Iwas a, student at the -JfiVal Academy and; had; ' come to my father's home at Rocky Point. My mother* told me.that Dr. and Mrs*. MOares had. moved up front fjr * ‘ ‘ - rS: ~ j- '/S*'* s-.-. »%■ _ j* • j ’*^L... • V-' ■''' \5rilmingf0h. Feelin|f.it my dujy tqa c&U upon thejie^/ neighborq^^ went_» over to, j^e r Mearee home. -Sobn^ tuai{ v % old man; dyessed in homespun clothes,. came.’ X' wap) Utterly surprised at the deference with' Which he. WtSjit* ed'nSy the aristocratic' 'Mrs: Megres. I could butJ :er what; manner of man hd v^isLAfter a-whiiei. ; rj wonder :;r~ 'M as we sat talking, Mrs. Meaires'Asked the old man.to tell, about being run over , h^ a train.^, ,JIe instated that . - she had. heard ,hlpi'^ell.it beforq. But Mrs.: Meeree., Would, have -kim tell: it for ^e_ ®ike pf. Xoiidg Sam : , ; Artie.; ‘ \ ^ ^ r ‘The old than told- how hg- was Walking on the tnrtT^'