Charlotte Story Perkinson the need of the, hour W'hai do we need to keep the nation whole ? To guard the pillars of the State? We: need The fine audacities of honest (Teed.' The homely old integrities of soul*’ q'he swift temerities that take the part Of outcast right—the wisdom of thee heart. —Edwin Markham. PEACE TIME PATRIOTISM I did not! go to Washington to at tend the inauguration!. I could fiavft postponed my trip' last month to thi* p- x had chosen, but I can’t bear to l,e one of a mob, and somehow the sort of patriotism which expresses M> self in the blowing of horns and if*, the cheers of the multitudes doesn’t aifpeal to me. It is apt to be sa fickle, so like those who orre week shouted “Hosanna. Blessed is Ha. who cometh in the name of the Lord!” and the next week, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” But there never has been a time when true patriotism of the kind which expresses itself in confidence in and love for one’s country IS moref needed. Every good! citizen shouhf co-eperate now and do lils kicking lat ter. It would take se little at. thia> present moment to throw our oountry. into such a state of chaos that the rights of the individual, personal and. property, would be trampled under foot by some of the same' applauding' mass of Ifst Saturday. Now is- the1 time to trust onr President and! not let the self interests' of a ffew groups^ thwart his every move to better con* ditions immediately. And the same is true of; State government. It. seems that we are in a pretty bad mess all' around, and it behooves the thihkihg, patriotic! citizen- to he calin, sit stesdT in the^ boat and tb say. nothing on do itothing which nrrft?Kt start at oonQav gratioir among those less capable and', less start)!®. Db Hart and Christ Ohurch When. I came- to Hhleigh to malt* my home four years ago, a mart said* to' me, "It’S the ffnesf place In tl» State ter live.” After- fSur years of* trial; fflndilt, with’no reference to1 tfld political, to be little short of ideal in many respects. Every- week there1 id opportunity to hear something which will add to one’s cultural growth or education. This last week cameflh John R. Hart, many yearschaplaiw ofi the University^ of, Pennsylvania He gave several addresses at. the col leges and sermons at the cliurchea I heard him at Christ Church speak ing upon the subject; "Religion,' Ines capable, Indispensable,- ineffable.** The church was- filled tb capacity, so in order to get a s***t ^ climbed' « dangerous dark spriral stair case, leading to a- baloony at. the back- ofr the church, which I supposed was once^used for Negroes. I was far front comfortable physically, but I ■•soon forgot that in the beauty and* smoothness- of tire* entire service. I' heard every word spoken' and1 could s^e every move. There wasn't a< false move or-a false1 note. ThO’ whole thing was beautiful; The mu sic excellent, the sermon; inspiring, hut the thing about Ghrist Church’ which is so ineffable is its atmos phere, the something which envelops you, and makes you Know that Cod' i s there, been forced to ■ WoP ship for years In .a country church of another denomination I appreciate as few can the great privilege, of having the opportunity fo worship - iir such, ar soul satisfyiiig pMtoo. Miw Henry W Ert#*ntL Ari&ioerat. .Then at: th&- First. Baptist. Ghurcfc I heard Mrs. Hjiriry W. Peabodjt <» Massachusetts, VPlio, dfifd She ■ IbarVlh*- her nsetlW'fthttf'Wttwr.ft^lHS*' wet orr a- refSf eitdUtn . It'ifrOTrf* too rttretr tHaft' the: of ther South'. Have. ® chancer to mM£ tMe TtonKe»i* aristocratic cias* live everti been- told- that, there? ***• none such. Mrs. Peabodjr represent^ one of New England’s" oltfest and" W&i+ jr. . ,/>•'. . , .. '; .^4 , families; and true- to. their traditions she Is willing to sacrifice her all, her time, her strength, her money, for that which she believes to be right. She IS organizing the women over the country Ihto the Women's Uhloir for ' Political Action, lir order to be ready fbr. unity of action by 1984 to combat' the organization on the wet side lpd.’ by Mrs. Sabin. These latter women call, themselves “Crusaders”—crusadr ers for more-liquor, arid better liquor.. Awful thing it seems to be* tb take the name ohce used’ by those who fbught fbr the Cross of1 Christ; and a werd used back in l873, by! ■ those first; brave women under, the name of “Wo man’s Crusade” who knelt in. the streets in front of the saloons and; j without the ballot, finally accomplish ed perhaps more than we women of later times have accomplished1 with it, for the cause of temperance. I fear that Mrs. Peabodys activi-'' ties here were rather circumscribed by the local. W. C. T.. U., a mast" worthy organization but- comprising a very small portion of the dry wo ■ | men of the state, and not half as ag ! gressive an organization nor as pow ? erfful as if used to be. It was tHe* Massachusetts woman’s idea to unite the women of every church and party within or without the dry organisa tions into the Women's Union for Political Action. I was particularly interested in Mrs. Peabody, because my mother chad as a partner in medicine at1 one time Dr. Sophia R. Peabody off Haw renee; Mass. Not until the Honor issue is again taken to the people bereft of polities-, will all be free to vote ttteir. convic tions, As it is. now, there is.alway" some husband’s job to consider, or. some political strihg or other, tied', to almost' everybody’s vote. And nor matter how much we love the' cause, wet- oannot starve, and! t hens' are few who will! sacrifice any personal, finttn aial interest- for the good of the: whole. ! Miss Helen. KeHer Now next week, comes Helen Kel leh blind, deaf amt dumb,,wfio, handi capped as she is, fiasibeeri aft ihspira tibrt- not' only to those likewise afflic ted, but tO 'all wfio-can-sees and-liea**, as. well. She speaks- iir. tHeP SleilKm ial Auditorium Kfarolf tlTthr- tin the in terest’ of The American Foundation for the Blind. He*» coming is- spon sored by the Woman’s Club. Admis sion? will. be by card? but arty- good’ citizen who is iifterested, may ob tain admission card'1 tRreugfi Kia church or clubi The? object of; tlier card1 is to get a\ more. represerrttetiver audience and ta- keep- outt large- nuito bers of children’. Miss Frances? Parking, The- first, woman to take her. places a»= a-member of a President’s cabinet was-born-in 1882 in Boston. She waS eduosted at Mt. HolyOke- gncf bebanwh interested, in sociology. She was at1, Hull House witHt lienee AddShh»> f&r. time. Her record, as GOm'misskmer of: Labor for State of New "SorK worn for her the highest, plaoe- yet” accord ed to a-woman ini government,. Tile thing which interests me mosi»; - and* about which T hear' the most comment ffom women; is* that1 al though married1 she usete tier own' name. She is really Mbs. Wilson’ and has a'i daughter sixteen*.. I don't see’ why women; object; tb' her using" Frances Perkins,- the name- she won he!” reputation under,' instead of her husband's name. ■Women writers, and actresses «nd* dbctbrs and1 lawyers1 Haver beetr usfitg one’ name- in public 1H'S’ and aftotfaeW in private for - soni'e- time; ssti why ^lottldrft the wonurrr in polittee die the-same? It . may Dra llttla- bit h«d to be the- Mister in tb« family in- such cases, but, he hast the same privilege to achieve' Something, in His oWn right and own name' ttiaf ffid’ vffr ihatr didj' and by' no meadEf efroultf so* eia^uwege1 compel) # mawted #* rtfttm ttr submerge? * hrHBantt rtstttt® aswieve* ift! heif crwir dam* no thfctr <*. * ftusbaadt less distinguished, or may be the flew* of; sheep*— EV« ooiufted ftih' ten thousandth Semi'things^ that# do not-leap, Ate* floWSt- mules or-'coWe- and Just, lei' ’em . creep, and creep TilI~Trosy dawn, a-bluahing I?urntbunt»'th8' eastern sky iA'MSVSfetS^AH' life a-rushing;' till I'Ve gone' tb sifeep Let them creep and* creep-and. cfr-Cte* • * *t *' My! It is broad daylight! I hear the birds ar-twitterings' TKe?tBdlCE is calling to worfcr TRis is, no time for frittering*. *-###. K3m*Kj Knock, Knoe*— “M&rr, it: is nine- o’clock, Ybvtve had a? long old snoozef The coffee’s still hot, I 'guess;'. Her# are your pants- and: shoes — Bounce out of: bed. and. dress-.’" * * * * M^!’ W!fiat. a. fine lftng slfedp— The- VOICE is still ar-ealling— fiht- blOss the poky mules that creep; Even if it be a-bawling; 1 O. J. Pi BREAKS. THE. RSGOR0P Rarely;, does any Senator become chairman of a- Senate committee dur=. ifig his first term. Senator Bailey; cxf; this' S'thte; breaks the record- by being" designated" an- cttalrman of the Gorttitiitteie ort* Claims. Jfte Was, of course; Helped: tb> this- by the" bi^ tomoren im the lastr electlon. ’How ever, his- remarkably efficient Worth in analyzing. claims at thee last! session and' protecting the‘treasury against, as horde of' unworthy ones brought! him high commendation .from ffellow Sena tbws.^-Jfewir <* Observer; . ► *■*< —(fa. SLaitu . , - s&xrm pmDhftf& cm nteier JQB8) 80IWE REPitttNG. TO* WORK1. Laborers paid, by Federal. reSttf funds, are- still digging, down the era>> Eanfement on both, sides of Federal AM fat t ataJufe »t,*wv ■■* HboseveStt. that SBr ia» CbmmfBMmBtt of Raberr n ot bye rests on of whoo hefr fijtknr wasarrher husband is.Hlmt- tern what, shee Is, and. what? she knows-, aakk what she oimr do. in. her" ow». right. itfWf file sfrnpfe. .. - - ..." • ..«■ ' • •>•' . • ■ vising, anybody to hoard, But in. that ' matter and every otherr one? wceringer when an' age-long' right or* privilege Has been taken. ftom the people. Thor: decree against hoardings is? pirtibaMy now of value, due to the - conditions which have so long prevailed and to ' the ideas- about the reality at money tHat> are- so dominant. Bwt the right to hoards should be restoed as. seen, as. possible. Verily,, the new adfninisttatlori. SO vigorously pledged tn restWe tfte* “per-1 sonal rights'' of- citizens to* ttHUIet and drink liquor, finds itself enf&ro— ing a more unjustified* rent riSUrti at personah liberty than, that restrain ing.' the liqttor maker or* seller. The maker or. seller, of! liquor hurts other, people.. The hoarder of money hurts nobody if there is sufficiency, of currency extarrt* to allow it. Sf& j may 'give- his labor or producer for wLich he secured' the hoard away, for nonoyis a mortgage’upon; gob®; and' if the- mortgage isr never fbrdbsed. the transfer of. goods becomes* a* shear1 gift. The world should not object to- . such-gifts, or to the deferring of col lecting the goods without the charge pf'i( interest ratfes. The- hoarders! .13 ithe risk. Tire people’s- is ther.. rfsR when a man ■ ft permitted to make'and" dispense a pedsiSir. -'r 4 Broflaibition;, thenV ifr not tabooed By*’ thil. administration* La®/ befbre- tha» ban can be lifted, fromr beer., another prohibition;.bearing, most terrific..pen alties, appears upon the stage. Next let’s see the snooper arid the wholb' regiprent of enfftrcettrent* dffleers* needed to compel citltens. vrtitsr Havel money to: log* it' tb the banks' against: theji* will or judgment. ff Highway Not. 1 opposite- the Iieot County, hospital. They are note allow-* ed to» blast out'the rockv but. are re*. qUtt-efl to cut' them- down, with picks*. It‘1st said-It WillthKs tttdm alf'stfmnier to-* finiPb the* Job;- TV&afr . dfffer«toW doe® this make?' T^ie* te* payer g* foot tae bHU «y -1 WheMlhgton muter Business men' in fltaa&brO' ttSE Tftft Express that* they have- hewn ttyinff to get negroes who- are being, fur nished. food, supplies with Govern ment funds to assist In. loading, and. Unjbstftng* add' fengagUig- to other jobs* around- their pfodetr o^BuS irtess,'. but they Show air hfsulhatf in dependent. Spirit aft* tOf&So to' worfe. This tttihgr of feedi»g*r the families-- off men who-are- offered! eaMpSoyment at a?, living wage,, should- be. stopped^ Wee* seer that two more appropriations. Kave been made by. the government* forth®--relief of the unemployed-—#), OW* for BFarchamT fT.OWT fbr April’. IT is- tim® fbr- the government' to stop feeding people' who* are able- tty feed' ttfemseiver by theif ©Pbr labor:-—son- - ford i Expnesoi ANtt WHERE WlH. THE ROAO tAX MONEY e&ME-FROft? A- Russian . inventor in. Bari's pro duces* for two cents' & tablet of ‘ vege table- rhatter which; dissolved1* ih £ gallon of water, turns* -the fitifd’ into & High-grade motor.iUel s.*f J; to equal' gasoline. The French Acadotny of‘ Sciences is iiwestigatlngr the state mentfc of this well-known Russian professor.. If. motorists should take; to carrying; tubes of tablets*, would flfling stations, Which, do. not. charger* for- watefr run' the rislt of becoming; merer charitable institutions'?—Chris tian Silence Monitor. ■ ii i Why, Betfe*! “Robert,.’.’ said* the- teacher,. ttr; drives home, the lesson, which- Was on‘-char ity and Kindness, “If I saw'a* man. beating a donkey and stopped- Kim ftiian’ dtdrtg’ so* what' yltttuy wotrid1* I- . be shawlng??* ’' ' “Brtrtheftyr lavtf^ Mdd< Bobby.— Tall Spins-. Sixteen, farm families are ^ now* sell ing regularly*' oh the* tiewiy organized cHr#^mar«et at £#ne*fr lit CkfdWeTT Oburtty. \ Atmrrthg short? dr corn dfce t&t tBh draugHt hn*f summer, *> graft# a# Johnston. County, farmers, enoperated*. ' to Ktfy binsheft redenTfjr. . -