Incorporated in our article on Halifax'County his tory last issue was ttye address delivered by Dr. T. y Long upon the occasion.-of- the unveiling of a marker at Halifax tp,. ofr Vftllie.,.Jones and jolm raul Jones. Therein. Df. Long embodied. an(t approved the tradition that the naval hero took tlie Uauie Jones because of his friendship for the Willie Jones family. . ' 1 As John Baptist* Ashe married, a. sister of Willie Jones it is. apparent th,at Captain Ashe has. an unusual interest in. the. matter, apart from that of th,e historian of the State. It was. M>s. John Baptists Ashe who made the Ouftttyg; rej'oinder to CoL Tarle ton, Lorf^ Cornwallis’s famous cavalry,; commander, when he had snepringjy stated, t^at he see Col. William Washington^ a hpprish Patriot cav alry leader. Mrs. Ashe’s, retort was that; he copld, have had that satisfaction if. he .had only looked be hind him at the battle. Of Cowpens, where,- the tradi tion goes, Washingtoh chased the dapdy-Britisher from the field. x i Captain A$berty bonds. Let jisvsuppose that.the debtor na tions could and would send fifteen billions in gold ‘ ' - V . V. ■■*•**“' ' -•■’■■-i*. * *. over here and settle all war debts. What would be the difference in its inflatiooartf affect upon our cur rency and that of our own government's producing the money needed to pay off the Liberty bonds? .Not a bit, if the gold should be actually used to pay off those bonds. Cutting the. value of the dollar^ half in. terms of gold has not really affected its purchasing power. The number of dollars iif circulation deter mines what one of them will buy, and not what it is exchangeable for in the marts of the world in terms of gold. Payment of tlxe Debfs liquid Oflly Inflate Outr Qjvq Cufrenoy. America does not want, more goods even as a gift nor more laborers even working for nothing. And tlmse who. haye followed! the qprrengy agitatipn tpf forty or fifty years, knqw that every influence, bbS: been expended tp keep ppwn the ampunt of ipopey ip circulation. If our circulation could he doubled by the payment of the dpbts, eyery dodgy in would actually be cut in two in value, Tbpt, hasn’t been true in tbe case Qf revaluing, the dollar, ip gold, But just try doubling, the number, of dollars, ip qiycu hition and see what, would, happen. With fhP of all dollars lessened, the payment, of the debts would not amount to a, cent? gpyernmgnt, tp,be sure, could pay the I^bpyty. bpndj indpbt#1^^*, would bp. paying, thpna. with, dollara only bajf ns much as the present fifty-ceQt dpljpfs. buy. - I$Ut why pester the pppr;. ^tupu$ajtt,bpuptr^s longer? If we want plenty qf, cheat):dpPcap, get them. Simpjy, turn tjhe* pyip#11?, afl# print as mapy, dollars, as t^e gfil^-heid, wpald under the uspal, custqm.gnd=% ^QUJ4 bgv*C mSdtP?' to pay his. Liberty hplJd defcts, and. eyeryv 4fiU£?r *3? ' Amerjqa bft wopth, jngt, ty W#1 bft beif the sarft&rSWP TfSSfe, p^ufr tyf0 treasn^ by^tbu, way, dfi^; Tbe payapit Qf tpe, ggyernmpi?*.. 48*%- means. qp& . ..Qm&ency, and ifca^ g qgfof. n^on|, tg, O145 ; /_ - .... ! '\r ■ -r.‘ \ . 5' • •*> • * » ■- ■■ ■ -j* ' , ; From the individual: standpoint, the American creditors of dobj&K cojigtries or; their citizens would profit by the payment of the debts to them. But as a matter of fact it would-be collected-from the Amer ican people- Any increase of opr money supply means a proportionate decrease in the value of exist ing dpllars. l«et Europe, p^y American investors five billion dollars and, it be pfit ip circifietipn here, every dollar in America would fie cheapened?— is, it vpQuld,ta^e mpre of tfiem to buy a, given amount of goods or. to employ a definite amount of labor. America, wouldn’t be profited at all, Yet the debtor countries would be financially ruined. The Difference, im Spending atBfefl»e and Abroad. You see rantings about the extravagances of the Frenche. or the Germans, or the Japs, at home—so much being spent for armament or for maintenance Of the army. That is possible while It would be im possible to pay the debts if those expenditures, were stopped. The, French have. the material afid; the la* bor to. dp all those things at home, but no way of converting that material, and; labor, into gold, to pay debts abroad. Therefore, unless America is willing to call a. hglt upon production, and; give up. its foreign trade and a goodly part Qf its. home trade, and let the debtor na tiqns. have the markets, we cannot expect the debts to be paid. And if they were thus paid, the latter end would be worse than the former. Onqe Spain thought she was: rich. when, gold and silver were pouring into her borders, from tbe virgin mines, of America, But that inflow of gqld and silver ms her ruin Money cannot take the, place of an active in dustry, and the worst thing tfiat cofild happen, to America, would be fpv us to . call a holiday and, let ^ropa feed; and clothe ns tin those debts sUppld be paid.: nnorlxT cn The agau, uui T-sr \. ' :r» • n. tsaprti HMh wUt ■* W. «S". W m •&. ws. %. m, *w m as3 eyerjlbo^ Bpt whejj^e are busy, 1^’s remember ng djctrua oL three year*, ^ ^hich then sounded, like heresy that I perr^ally, ^8# ^ .he w^d *.«f .erW # *«« mean the, 4ft§filu^ giftR of tWt fcfcK*.* «g.J£ tipns, It is. tyrng. to cl^r tljg. sjate of thg OT^t, %§ »*4«« W%lr exchan^, <* lg>ods WASPS'-. ,' ... o I ,>:-v ;.■ >,: V;': f- *• . • * 1* ■ ■ . ..9. standard at values for~goodsr of- nit countries. £«t> ”S wsgv&si*0# ex- , change values of goods., Pitt’* New Rept^wtatjw* I iad wet Attorney JQlm'djl! Playler oac4 or twice bgt. I^t hiHjfe *gffev.;tlft.voft$$> d*g# Swot. mu as, tain otJESti CoBW&’^BKBSfiasstate&JI® the nest session oitte' MtgfttetaM^.Slayte»li*es at - Farmville. He "won over UlST Opponent by the handsome piajpri^jr of 2175 - P^t’s other ^ep^ Sentative wilt B^unt. ^FftVbetp no* otfcefc county in the State could has«e sent s mao- named : Hljpler, t& %&> legislature 44fcp-JH0k-4i[lfr'be seeing jpa perforin tfext ufeter.' r' ; : ?*' Thin papeA costs only $10Pa y«a& 4w: seiksMMe ;-iS ,m$$rs, will #n.d 11^ - ,;,v "d'T'JT Tt1. , ,„.w ■ ™|t -, “ tfi Tit Ww •.^P5»-*V1Wc, J-.+ •;«*. » \ V ■' ►twf >*■*». - .•• kt*;*!**' ?' OMm, NRRRAKK \ r Balance *fc9?2jOQ Peatb Claims reaPtted* but not yet aid? ""v jjusted:--——- ——--—-— l£l*12&5d . Permanent Disability Claims ———.56j^lAf26 Salaries .rents, expenses, comaaisaiom et«. J&OOQstiO Advance assessments 4Sj88ft$6 All other Liabilities, as detailed in state- . , ' 5 ment__——:- -■—r——-;—.-- §5»809jp58 -lit? Total. Liabilities. —--——$ 32T.268.75 BUSINESS ^ N.W’jR 1933 Policies ef-3,; ?t3§§*9$ Ijqs&ea pft4. Claijfts ippurr^d dwfiq$ the. ? yeqr, _ Number,^; -r~-r-^vr-rvrs. , 17,781,0$ losses.. apd »gJ4 WW,, Number 39;_'__r!-__-r-r--r— Losses and Claims, unpaid December 31, , 1933, _ Number 3; _____T.——--r--’ ’ 2’2^8,0(? Premiums and, Assessments, qqllected dur ing tbp year ip North Carolina, —---- 32,970.0$ mS* MARY E LAROOCA, President. ; ■ a®BS. NEVA, AppXAlNDER TALLEY, Secy, ' MRS. ETflgEL HOLWAYV Treasurer. _* JAR. A. RLAJHA, Actuary. Home Office: 33rd and Farnam ^t., Ompha, Nqb, Attorney for Service: DAN C. BOjjfEY,. Insurpnc^ ■Comn^is^ionet, Ralfefeh, ?7.' C. ... . Manager fop Nortel patoilna : HWte , ,, ,J ;%ai) STATp OF NORTH; C^BOUNA,. ' INSURANiCB DEPARTMENT, 1 ^igh-Jtdy 9th, 193£.' I, DAN C. RONEY, Insurance. Cqmmissiqper, d£ iej:eby certify that the. above* Is a ixM and