.-.-it IviVtvS UILUtUU WISHED. EVERY. THURSDAY. :G: Advertising Rates i bscription Rates : . - , V.nr.v flJS MontlA S.nt i a Without tli'- ciifv. flltPfftiiP. s 1 In. . . v c 1 T; no. 1 Month. 3 Mo'. AHo'sttSMo f 4 03 7.10 . ? ttt fi.r ' i i v.. i .1.1 0 10.0M U.O 12.U) 23.0 flO.0O 9dQ TV o t r, v c(' sent free for one year v pei on seiuPng in a club subscribers with the 1.25 A Year. cc XJsT G-OID WE TRUST. 3 5 Zi:i?, 13TTI1JG m KENTUCKY. VOL. 1. DUNN, X. C OCTOBER 19, 1887. N. 1L liiriiARPsoN, Editor. XO. 8. ! Ival aJvortimrnt or rr4ln notice : iharvv! for at lu ont per line Id ran- ! Mv. U vrtisomont fur one month or under nu;-'. N- paij m &.H auct-. Others mcnthly and quarterly. ?;:plo Murdered at Different, T::.: all cn -Account cf a Tri- r.'.i;isviMJ:, Oct. 8. livo lives hiiVf !M'f!l saei 1 11CJMI HI , lie laiCSL ;,.,', y fi-tnl on Yellow Creek, in Bell ,.;:ntv. The trouble began Lff: vi unier and Gen. this v ;fivi! : - v. brothers in-law and lived i!M.r.ii m each other on Yel low ( if k. They had some family I:!!,' ;!' y and Tin ner waylaid ami h o'vi'hjiH, hilt not dangerously. Ley nude up. arid everything went j Washington !'' TAYLOR AS A POLITICIAN.' Some Peculiarities About That Fine Old Man. ' Piesidcnt Taylor was probably the only President to whotn the presidency was an uncoveted and unsought lor boon. Mrs. Taylor was so averse to public life that it was said she prayed every night during his candidacy for his de feat, and when told of his election, said: "Why could they not let us alone ? we are so happy here. Why do they want to drag us to Wrho that ever FEMALE SUFFRAGE. The Position a Nice Woman Would Occupy vrho Voted at ihc Polls. ANOTHER RAILWAY ACCIDENT, ! NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLI CANS. SOUTHERN PUSLIC SCHOOLS. r-- tw rw' r;l. - ThovWcrk.Dav andNUht, Tear in Pe-Pl0 ar0 D5lnS v.II Joi a w iiih. Tht! (piarrel broke I saw Gen. Taylor at a levee could forget hi in f He grasped every new corner cordially by the hand, oat aain at. a school-house gather- UiZ, and . Sowdcrs went up to his father's hoii.e. Soon alter Turner I and saluted all, high and low, old w ilt ii; , and a lively shooting al- maids', bride, young girls, all, with ;Y. in i i - lti iviiMcii, i nrher oeiug Kiueu. ..tiiuut v is taken out, for Sow- bal , they have never (taught the words, "Glad to see you ! Glad to see you ! How's your familv ? Hope the children are all well." . ;!.tii Kaij,s wis, a great friend i His greeting was almost equal to owdcr.:;. -A week or two affe" ! KiiTs toast, ''Here's to you and r wa ... sho. 11 tins was shot j your family. May you live long Mil Ii.U v a . . o i i i '. in-;- 1 "iy, lit ait f ; tioa an i lr; :" til! .. a:i.: walking along the road, y Turii-.'r, . a brother of Lee, .-layer. The warrant sent the arrest -of llaryey Tur i m ' A i u t he next killing. siierifi 1 1 '-' '.' t . ! . '!:;.; i i j jv'::aA . ; : o ! m 1 v a i! t he the s osse weiit up to to, make the arrest, Turner, Harvey's liu .;.!.' They veiu not hiehow an alterca . ; nough no one seem i . Turuerv rode oil, v lired at. hhn when a .Is away. Turner re- hot and the posse S i i ! at i t 1- M ! i!) 1 ; r i iil a ci Dm ii o t ill e.ilije oat ol 'til-.- -' . ( f iil gau uga'.n. i'iiey did not go the Turner fac a corn field, and George i. :a.a's, t he .Marshal ot Pineville. hilled and this ended the fight. ;. ho l thought, that Jack Tur i v. .is in this last crowd, but he c... i , ... ... 1 1 i . , . t . : . 1 f a. -o k taesua' auu gae uiuiscii hie w.s released on !?a,000 :al ;-he gra'n juiy indicted the .as I ": the ii'Uider of Thomas. a in i . mm sta al aroitdd for two Ts a!ul ti.en went home when he came s he was walk was shot luul or t h ii i dav o- t wo, a.nM,. ana one ua .i : up the street he ilied in front of the Monroe Hotel y -.omcbods "eoru'ealed Hi the up- !'; 'Aim ow ol tiu' ne. if ouiiuinir. Mai shots y.e're fired, and the lij.rif uo L ilieu him atk suiosel So .vder's. Green Turner, and ii ai . i'ii! aer. ; The latter mar .ov.aleis sistei , ami is a cous ijet Turner, the first man kill M'e Miiiended ami was libera- and nrosoer v He hardly ever opened his mouth without making a mistake, and people laughed heartily. Still they loved him, trusted his judgment, and know his heart and hand were true as steel ; aud when he died the whole nation was a mourner at his grave When Major Douelson returned from Europe he introduced him at a dinner party as, "Mr friend Don elson, just from Berlin, Austria." Durinir his candidacv Col. YV., a State elector, after discussing sev eraljiublic topics, asked him what were his views on the tariff. "The what, Jack !" said Gen. Taylor who stuttered dreadfully. "The tariff. General'7 said Col. W. "Whv! what's that?" "It's a sine (iiia non," said Col. W., who was one of the greatest wags that ever lived, "that the people are much excited about now." "A sine qua non," 6aid Gen. Taylor slow ly ; "1 believe, Jack, I saw one in Mexico, but I forget what it looks like: and l'il be blamed if 1 have any views on the tariff.'7 UNDOUBTEDLY INSANE. A fine sample of wifely obedience surely would be the loud-mouthed female demagogno marching boldly to the polls lectioneering and vot ing, possibly against her husband's interests and feelings. There is no telling the discord, the contusions and troubles which would arise from female suffrage in the family circle and elsewhere, and instead of being helpmate to her husband he wife would degeuerate into a creature who would prove the bane of his existence. As? for our part, we think the dear creatures were made lor a higuer, holier purpose thyn voting and politics. Woman is not physically qualified for many of the positions there would-be re formers would place her in. "Neith er do our Southern women desire any such place, whatsoever the fuz zy, brazen-faced demagoguo of the North say to the contrary. Wind sor Ledger, Female suffrage in North Caoli na would only please andsuit ne gro women,-who would crowd and push from the polls decent white women if any such desired to vote. Charlotte Democrat. Same Number More or Less Inji ed. Tear cut. Waichin?. General Education. Near Koutz, Iud., another rail road accident has happened, rival ing but not equaling the Chats- ltv publicans pi North Carolina, are jristv now paiticnlaily active. Whenever you see two of them together you m?y be certain that they are talking politics. With Democrats thev will talk ofbusi- worth disaster. A passenger train had stopped at a water tank for a mss, farming, and sometimes even few minutes when a heavily loaded of religion, but whenever thev rret freight tram crasued '.nto the rear of it, telescoped three cars, set fire to the rest of them, and killed about 2o persons. The last ear of the train was heavy Pullman sleep er. This, when struck by the freight engine, crushed three coach es in front and appears to have killed or wounded everybody m them. Seven persons were in the sleeper and all those escaped harm except from the shock. Accounts vaiy as to how the wreck caught fire. Some attributed it to the coal in the freight engine: but one pass eugerwho was rescued fro in the crushed coaches says, that while A DIABOLICAL DEED. A Wayne County Man Assassinated At His Own Fireside. Mt. Olive, N. C, Oct. 14. One ot the most diabolical deeds ever committed in this county was per- detrated about eight mile west of this place at an early hour last night, resulting in the instant death of Mr. Robert Padgett. Ho was sitting by his humble fireside when some unknown rascal poked a shot gun- through a crack in the door aud discharged the contents at his head. About a dozen buckshot en tered his brain, causing instant death. No clue as to who the mm derer is. Wilmington Messenger. Evidence Irrefutable of it. Mi ee. a'o. , I' "V tir.V. to -i lO nu m'i ;n lulled was How- -x ttaniga it is reported 1 ' eice was shot in the t'. t iu. '('!' day. lie belonged i'lT'i he ;' crowd, i.iiije wcaSon Saturday week mi .Vli'U'i's' house about tour ; ; . ah ( unihei laud Gap. Edith T iViierv (1 n-gMci by his wae and while M.aiuta was sitting in a chair Liikiri;: to Saliie Meyers, alter supper, was hot dead. The buljet came tlirouh iae window and put ut the light. .Monroe was a friend at powders, ami some say that was i.e. tea- on he. was killed. Turner, who went with ! TVint is tViaOnlv Wav to be Inde- . . . j ' - ol .lack Turner went with him, Judge -You attacked your victim in a lonely spot. Accused-"Well, you didn't ex pect me to go through him in the middle of a crowded thoroughfare, did you V "You robbed of everything he had except a gold watch, which probably escaped your attention." "Gieat Scott ! Did he really have a gold watch ?" -"He did." kThcn you want to turn me loose.''7 "Why so r "Because, if he had a watch aud I overlooked it, 1 must have been out of my mind. I was not in a reasonable condition. It's a e'ear case of temporary insanity. "-Texas Siftiugs. RAISE WHAT YOU EAT. Salvation" Show, oil together they drift back to poli ties. Politics is their business, and they pursue it with an earnestness which would wiu them success iu any oilier line of aetiVity. Their conception of politics is, however, with all of their talk and study a very narrow one. How to beat the Democrats and. get the cilices is the extent of their enquiry. "We want ollice," is their principle. With them ollice is the end, not the means. They adopt their platform with a view to-getting ollice they do not st ek the ollice with a view to carrying oaf. their platform. Thev are ''.Ui things to all men"' fastened between two car seats, he iu the bad sense of that much alms saw the gas with Nvhich the car was cd phrase. Without fixed priuci- liguted suddenly fill the upper part pics themselves, varying with every of the car with flame, the gas pipes wind of what thev conceive to be having apparently been broken, popular opinion, they sneer and and the escaping gas caught from j laugh at the principles of others the lighted burners. No evidence -and refuse to believe in them. This appears in any of the stones that a I is our conception of North Carolina flagman was sent to the rear when , liepublii anism, and with this be the train stopped, or that any pre- ; lief we. shall unceasingly and e am caution was taken to guard against estly do' battle against them and such an accident excepting that the lor the Democracy, which assuies night telegraph operator at Koutz ; s-eady, conservative government The New Orleans Times-Democrat has been giving some interest ing figures with respect to the mon ey exp Muled in the Southern Statu on their public schools. The aggre gate sum spent annually by the several State governments for all purposes except schools is pat at nine million eight hundred and fif ty thousand dollars, while the amoirnt expended on schools reach es eleven million five hundred and forty-live thousaud dollars. Since 130 the number of public schools at the South has been Increased from forty live thousaud to sixty-' . . one thousand nve Iiunured and eighty three, and the number of teachers from a little over forty three thousand to sixty thousand less seven. The number of child ren enrolled in the schools reacben nearly a million. The number of normal schools has also been o largely increased that the priucipal fdillicultv now is to find proper teachers for thvm. Who shall say, alter this exhibit, that tio South ern States have not been making strenuous efforts to provide educa tional facilities' tor their children t Baltimore Sun. She Drew the Lino. A Clever Irish Rejoinder. says the rear brakeman on the pass enger train hung out a red lantern when the train stopped. The men on the passenger train were fid'v aware that the freight train was following them. NEGROES TO GO TO CALIFORNIA. because it lias fixed principles and ' tries to live up-' to them. To be sure it fails sometimes, just as e'very ! good man fails at times to live up i to his principles, but even as the i good man of fixed principles gc-er-j ally does right so does the Demo 1 cratic party. -Goldsboro Argus. Mdith h . . 1 , : ;;!v t m es i:is in Kansas, ami came ' ;cl iur share in her fath- Her father killed her 1 1, e .;; re. ii.! t : lather "a good" manv years "'T P-it'f ; S" i-ouiier: --Will this wash r t'Vik:---No, 1 don't think it will. :n ver knew it to."' CaMofnci : ..--If it would wash 1 JvoUid t.ilvc a! t ceil vaids." ( !ci k ( i i i la- material can be u iii.it h what you mean, oa sirnpiy .'confuse the transitive hud . .intransitive veibs. Servant litis wash; clothes can be washed. d)0 YpueaU 'u my meaning T' Cu'stomei: -f think i'do. And you are an insolent idiot.' Is that ft a '!erk: "Quite plain. Quite for- pendent. Mr. A. 15. Dawson of this county has declared his intention to quit raising cotton while he can quit. He says if he makes it many more years he will bo in such a fix that he can't quit therefore he is going to quit while he can. He proposes to go "nto pony raisiDg. Having investigated the matter ho finds that it is cheaper to raise than an ordinary cow aiid one pony will sell for more than three ordinary cows. This is really a grain growing and stock raising section, and our farm ers will sooner or later be compell ed to abandon cotton and recognize the fact that they are not in a cot. to district. New Berne Journal. Captain Ellis, of the Salvation Army, was married last night to a female ol the army who came all the way fiom Augusta to be made Mrs. Captain Ellis. There ceremo ny was performed at the Academy of Music, and an admittance fee of fifteen cents was charged. The crowd rushed in, andjiad the priv dege of seeing, a vey ordinary looking man married to a very or dinary looking woman. Before the crowd got our, the hat was passed around twice, and it was bombard ed with shot from the size of a cop per cent to a nickle. Charlotte Chronieh . A Sensible Man. Omaha Lawyer 1 have jus heard of the death of your uncle, who, you know, was an old client of mine. Nephew. Uncie's dead, eh? Smart man. that uncle of mine. Started on nothing aud uiade mil lion after million without half try ing. "Yes, he was a smart man, there is no doubt of that."' "Smartest manl ever knew. Saw him only a few months ago, and his brain was as quick as a steel trap, old as he was. You have charge of his will, 1 believe !" "Yes, he left all his money to or phan asylums." "He did i That won't stand. He's been a half Idiot these twenty vears.7" Oniaha World. How the Rascal Abuses Our White People. ltev. Mr. Petty, a colored divine, delivered a lecture to a large crowd of colored people at Zion Methodist Church, in this city, last night. He-appeared as a California pilot, aud made eloquent arguments go ing to show why all the colored PITT COTTON PICKERS. That flow the Strike in County Six negro wonu n and one man were indicted at the last term of Our pantry is next to our kitch en, where Margaret received the visits of Mickey. One evening I went down to the pantry for something, and while there was an involuntary eavesdropper, on poor Margaret. She had confided to me only a lew days before that, short ly after Lent, we would havo to look out for a new girl, and we con sequently received Mickey witu more good wiil than before he had declared his intentions, although we were sorry to think wo would lose Morgaret. On the evening in a question Mickey was in the kitch en, where Margaret was finishing up her work. After the rumble of a il ft Ml Court for unlawful assembly. The ! ;i iron laiung 10 rue noor uau evidence showed that some three !-J'ulr,sVkMl' 1 he;U(l tho following dia weeks ago Mr. Mareellus Stokes, a lop"': farmer-in Swift ( 'reek townshin. I u Mickey. No, yotl cailD0UM peapie hereabouts should pack up r(.(,lsed to pay 50 cents a hundred! "An Maggie, dear, gi' me one aud go at once to that haven. "Cal- i for piekiu" out cotton and being j lciss 110,11 those sweet lips.'7 ifornia' said the speaker, "is God's miiVb!e to-et hands at '.that price I 4-Mickey,'7 replied Margaret, in a country," and to sustain this asset tion ho stated that colored hotel waiters out there received 21 per week, and shingle makers G0 per week. The speaker gave this out as a solid fact, aud "being as it is so,'' we expect to see a big exodus of our colored population for the golden shore. Rev. Petty was ex ceedingly sarcastic iu his remarks, and gave South Carolina a heavy lick. He said that God never made South Carolina and did not know anything about that State. "A'l the negroes east of the Wilmington i,. tho mu.rl.hnHMio,! rmf t hroo nwm ! Stem V01CC, "yoll. IllUSt OWIl the from Craven county "who went to l)0i l)t'!orc you claim the sugar." work ad 4u cents. Wliile they were " at work in the field the six women and one man went to the fence aud called them out. They told them c,d ; TT;ff a Humbuff that they should not work for -JO i .ww a iNlgger a llumDUg. held HE ENEW. cents. That a meet ing was at Shi loli the night before and if they continued to work another would be held that night, and when they woke up in the morning their hands and b et would be tied and they would find themselves in judg- menr. me men a were o mucn ev weiuon ranroau, ne-declared, frightened thev quit work. The "are m a starving condition. They lllrv roumi an ti(. -;jCs guilt v. don't know what a biscuit is." To . judge Shipp stated to the de support this statement the Re ver- Pendants that in consideration of end divine explained that some their being only tools of their bus days ago .he was traveling. along the bands or fathers or of the Shiloh road, when he met a little negro. mCeiing and their ignorance of the He asked the rising young ward of sCrjlm; th,.v ilU committed, he the nation if he wanted a biscuit. ou pass ao judgment except to ana tue ooy .acruany uiu not know what "biscuit" meant. Several white people were present, and they report that Rev. Petty's talk was anything but pleasant for the two races. However, they say that they hope all that believe him 'will follow his advice ami emigrate to "God's country Calllor uia."-Chai-lotte Chronicle. pay all the costs which amounted to aiMMit '".0, i. Greenville Re liecMor. A Sinralar Recerd. Requirement fer Insanity. Mi Try Building a Governor's Mansion. and. gramr aiticlly, absolute Tevas finds herself: in a financial rrect . No confusion ot verbs way iu tue same embarrassed ixsi i into the Union army, but again pro- There are some statesmen wh os minds would be improved if thev could have a well developed case Col. Frank Coxe, of this State, has ths comprehensive and impar tial war record of any man in the 1 of insanity. Messenger. couutry. He began service in the Southern army; then to protect his inheritance he gained the consent of the State authorities to procure a substitute and visit Pennsylvania. Arrived there, he was soon drafted " a- U . 1 twx.i .i c- io Hirt rrt noro 1 (rnrornnipnt She has a revenue larger than there is any need for. Happily It will ! not be as hard to reduce the taxes . in Texas as in the country at large, W hiiik.v--.-l notice a chemist has! for they come directly from the i"vcreda new kind ot whiskev neonle 'M Wi)it"t make a man drunk" ! I . iianky- "What on earth wih the fact that Texas is building and POlsOn dl'lUi: ! it:, then'".- navintv fir 5V verv 1 nrrr on,l vinn sive State House at Austiu. pvK.li. curing a substitute, and letting the two hired patriots fight it out be tween them, he went to Europe. His record is thus succinctlv sum- During the last twelvo months thirty three cotton factories were established in the South, twelve of them iu North Carolina. The aver age dividend on investment for all the mills has been about 20 per cent, and yet there are good busi ness men in Raleigh who seem to think that a cotton factorv would Gov. Scales oilers ?200 reward for the capture and delivery of 'Sam uel Underwood, who fatally stabU'd -Luther Hicks, eo!.. at Jonesboro, Moore county, the 10th of last Sep tember, in that vicinity tore was a habit among a certain class of iKropie ol expressing their superior ity in physical strength or ability Colored confidence: Candidate You live (ait iu the colored settle ment in the outskirts of town! Negro Voter Yes, sah. Candidate Well, there is going to be a ward meeting to-night, Jim, and 1 want you to be on hanll with all our neighbors, and don't come without them. "You kin jess bet dat all my na bors comes along wid aae or 1 stays at home liiyse'f." "How's that!" -Ef all my cullud nabors cornea wid me ter de ward meetin', den I'll know dat my four diminecker hens and de rooster am safe. Kf I was ter go to datr meeting and leave jess one nabor at home I'd nebler see dem fowls no moan!" Have you no confidence in your own race!"' "Confidence en a niggah when dais chickens in de coop and no body in de yard wid a shot gun! Why, kuruel, yer must be a dreaminV Texas Siftings. ,- r.lridiy Enforce the Law. J t Let our judges see to it, that he wfio violates the law against carry nig concealed deadly weapons, will have time, while removed from the busy haunts of men, to reflect upou nf i.'ii' llA't lnict tlnn' i'.r med up by a corresjondent of the x j,n-t ir funu v ?' Think Boston Herald : -He fought on ; u business men.-News-Ob uoiu Slues simultaneous, auu et at the same time was in Europe. He was killed in one army, wound ed in the other, and yet never re ceived a battle scar."' server. Transylvania county has voted Th Durham Tobacco Plant is the ?50,000 to the C. K. & W. ral!roaL best printed fhea we get, without The vote stook 763 to 61. a doubt. ; to -cleaii o:a" a crowd in a free ' the beauties 01 correct moral pnnci riglit bv saving -I'm an Eli ! ' On pies, and he need have no fears, the dav of the murder, Underwood, but that the law against Carrying who is'a white man. stepjd out of concealed weapons, will exert a a store and proclaimed to all by wholesome influence upon the com stauders that he was an 4-Eli.' munity, and do much towards re Hicks, ho was c.:ore J, echoed his ducing the volume of bloody crimes, words and said he was au "Eh" too. that are doing so much to disgrace This led to some words between our sister State. Ex. twecn the two parties, which re- .. L suited iu L'mlerwoods rushing on T1,e -uW yorj- gar announces to Hicks am p.nngmg a kuife into that if fue pjatt machine succeeds his brrast. winch killed him. m ejecting its State ticket this fall Koscoe Conk l m win do me n publican ciindidate for President In i '