$ -unit Entered at Post office as Second-c ia iflatt r EDITOR'S XOTlrK. Tledltor of th! paper i- not nponiK. for the views of corrp"ndeuts. ami r-.-rv-the rteht to reject any communication In thinks proper, Short newsy letter an: desired; a postal cam irtijuentiy win 10 writothelocal news for your -mshUh' ion. Correspondents must send their real names, not necessarily for publu-ation, li-.wevrr. -- H.R. RICHARDSON." Ed. aDd Pro., -r - : r- j Dunn, N. C.f October loth, 18S7 THE INTERNAL KEYENUE. . In last week's Sioni;oaki we gave in substance, the grounds taken by the State Chronicle fjtvnrintr n rpnen.1 nf th Tntpf- i nal Revenue laws. The Chron- Icle goes bo far as to oppose the ; re-election of Mr: Carlisle as Speaker of the House of Rep-; resentatives, because of Ins op position to the repeal of the Ke venue ?ews. ' .TKe SiG.VROAiii strongly fav ors the repeal of tholaw as it now exists, but not uncon ditionally. In order to pay the great pension bounties to union Boldiers, and other heavy ex penditures of the government, money must be raised in some way. to meet it, and to do this the revenue must be raised either on the luxuries or neces saries of life. We do not profess-to fully understand the law of taxation as imposed on import duties or the Tariff laws1, and there are thousands like us in this respect, but we th ink we understand something of the systeir. There are many ar ticles on whioh the import du ties are so high that they are altogether excluded from the markets of the Urlted States, and the government therefore trets no income from such ar- tides. Now it seems to us that if the tariff taxes we e greatly reduced, it would throw foreign kn arl'ets open to our uerchants, and wonderfully increase n ports from fo eign factories ; whch wou'-d r "ult in cheapen ing the nece -sr ies of life, without curt? Ming the income to the t: eaLi"" "oin that source, but would rather in- crease t) ui diminish the tax j rece'pts at our porl - ; while to ! the consu ner the articles would come at a much lower rate, and t e tax would go into the pub lic treasury instead of going in to the pockets-of the American manufacturers, to heap up their wealth to the dairage of the consumer i'i this country. Com mon sense and common reason teaches us to hold these views, Then if we are correct m the above there would be no neces sity at all, for any d rect tax ation whatever to meet the de mands of our government,, and a proper reduction of the tariff would necessitate and force a repeal of the Internal Revenue. With this view, we earnestly and conscientiously favor the immediate repeal of the Inter nal Revenue laws in toto. If,-however, the one is to be repealed or reduced, and the other to remain without ma terial change then the Si;- hoard favors reduction in the tariff and an increase of the free list, to lessen the necessi ties of life, rather than have 'free drinks and free chaws and smokes,' as brother Kingsbury would say- i be liquor traffic cannot be prohibited or proper ly regulated by the national government, but it can be by the police regulations in a State. Owing to its being such a fear ful source of 'pauperism, crime and disease it is an object for the most rigorous police super vision, and the Su;s jard fav ors the giving to State authori ties the .supervision and regu lation of the great. monster, the cost of all ihe crime, insanity, pauperism and disease it pro duces falliug upon the State and not upon the nation. There fore the State ought to have the authority to regula.e it. and J to receive all the taxes of every description deiived therefrom. Let the State et the revenue, not the government In tthe lantiuatre of Judge I C5D nnmv,n .Kelley 1 would repeal the ; publican or Independent candi national tax on distilled spirits j dat for Congress next year, in and tpbaccoes, in order to im- his district. The people ' of pose effective retainers upon North Carolina would be very -the traffic by State and muni- little surprised by such a course clpai authorities, winch by sub. i jectingtbis baseful traffic to f Dunn Cotton Market. police regulations, can reach it ; Corrected weekly by C. T. Wil with ienal restraints, as the i Hams & Co. national government cannot do. ; Good Mi(llin2 s 7.8 So to sum up, we would re- j Midline .....!... 8 5 8 peal the Internal Revenue, to ; IjOW Middling 8g lessen the cost of necessaries, - Market firm. ; and to enable the State to real-, No. Bales for the week !...!. .210 ize a tax from the liquor and No. of bales sold to. date 12TJ tobacco manufactured, and to . . . . . i , . , i : ,r 1 give the State Complete police ''in r n trnffir Rut W6 i COHtrol I Ol Hie traiUC. bui -n-rkiilrl Tint rfTiPal it if it should 1 have the effect to perpetuate the liigh taii'ff taxation on the necessaries of life. 'We do not -believe it would Lave the latter effect, therefore we favor the ; entiro repeal of the system. Value or Local Papers. Tl nal, in commenting on the greai , benefit a newspaper is to the community where it is located, ; has this to" say : 'It ?s (POicult ! to estimate the value of a good local paper to a town. Ev- y j week there comes to our desh a j score or two of the best of these 1 local papers from Virginia and ; North Carolina, and it is grati- j fying to note the interest these papers take in their towns and sections. They all do fifty times more advertising fori their towns than they get paid ! for. They speak up for their j resDective markets and draw i trade thereto that would never i come but for the influence of the ,V f, j uuauiauji, 1110 nvciajc ucw a- paper man uoes noi iei uiai dampen his ardor and enthusi asm for his native or adopted place. It is impossible to esti mate the good that is being done to our sections by local news spapers.' Our people should ; 1-ocin.ttt tho pffnrtQ nf tbo appreciate the efforts of the Sk;ni)ard in the interest of Dunn and Harnett county, and we believe some at-least prop- f erly appreciate its establish- nient and work. The Minneapolis Tribune, a Republican paper, in comment- ing on the President's visit to that city and through the j South, openly in its columns insults Mrs. Cleveland, in an un gentlemanly and malicious ir uier. The editor of that papjr is either an idiot or a malicious, envious ruffian, un worthy the notice of a gentle man. That editor has been burned in effigy by an indignat assembly f Judge II. T. Kliet; the orator who was chosen and who deliv ered the address of welcome to the President in Mpii-mhi.? lcf j Saturday, dropped lead before he left the stand after the president's response to the ad dress of welcome. The establishment of manu factures will be few and far between so long as men can loan their money at an exhorbi- taut rale ot interest. .Men can 1 loan their money at a large in- ! erest so long as the farmers j rJseoniy cottton or any one ! crop. Whenever the farmers j become more indeDendent. 1 -money will bring smaller inter est and inonied men will invpf more largely in mannfacturip ! The people of North Carolina read too little. They forget many of them that it is as necessary to feed the intellect as it is the body to make a de veloped well rounded man. No family can afford to be without a healthy, live newspaper for the improvement and entertain ment of their children. The man who saves (?) the price of subscription to a newspaper to add to the money he will leave his child. at his death, robs that child of the material by means of which his intellectual statue may be fed. The father who shows ls luve for his children in such a niggardly way may be honest he ofte ;- -but lie has certainly o . . . .t;--l the development gl ;he lest part of the child. Mr. Richmond Pearson is now in Europe, where he will remp.in until next Soring It is believed he will be the Re- on 1 is part. PRODUCE MARKET Corrected weekly by A. T. Lee. lr bushel 70 00 n o -JO SO V2 11 1220 . " 20 Corn Rice per lb Rota toes sweet bushel Iiish NU IJains lb Shoulders ; Cities: '. Chickens grown Chickens. oung.....' Ducks fntr',z butter U Apples' bush ' iags 'lu Tallow m 40 1 0(1 is 70 10 "J Beesw;ix. Fodder per loo, Laid per lb .l"'k Meat NAYAL STORES MARKET. Corrected weekly by M. J. Jones & Bro. Hard 1 15 Yellow Dip l 75 Virgin Dip l 1)0 W I LMINGTON MARK ET . Spirits turpentine 30 HXU stra,,R'a 774 Crude turpentiue virgin 1.C5 u Ill'd (jy ADVERTISEMENTS. G R CASEY ORNAMENTAL SIGN PAINTER. VVXJ Y ,.opp f,.pnrTY.' KEA L 1 , AOk 1 H CAKOLIN A . All kinds of Sign, House, Fresco, Carriage and Window Painting. Paper Hanging of all kinds. Anyone in need of a Painter in the above line w 11 T 7 ing my i?"' LVl u,Te ving oui their work. Orders from a dis tance solicited, and all work warranted to give satisfaction or no charges made. Address, G. II; CASEY, Kknly, N. C. Dr. .1. Griffin, GODWINS, N. C. LTA few mouths ago located at Godwins, and offers his profession- ! ai service 10 lue citizens in ! surrounding country. Calls i . . - . the at- tended at any and all hours. DR. M. H0LDEN. L? Has located in Dunn and most resp jctfully tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens and surrounding country. Calls attended at all hours. Office at A. B. Godwin's store. 33eef Market- I have opened a market in Dunn whp T will feoAn ifrch Beef and Pork regularly. I buy beef cattle and will pay the highest market price for beeves on the hoof . Remember tn h rintr irk ttia Respectfully, Henry liable. DUNN, N. C. SHOEJU.lItER, Has opened a shop in Dunn, and is prepared for making and repairing shoes or boots. Fine or coarse work done. Give me your orders. Respectfully, jlemy Vcnable. N. R. RICHARDSON, Attorni:y-at-law, Dunn, N.- C. CGives special atteution to office practice and attends to cases in Justice's and the Superior Courts. NOTICE, Having this day administer ed upon the estate of Jesse G. Barefoot, C. T. A.,; all persons having eiak ns against said es tate will present them for pay merit within the time prescribed by-law. All persons indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment to me. NICEY BAREFOOT. Adm'r, C. T. A. October X, 1887. HENRY TENABLE ADVERTISEMENTS. iSrot, ice in obedience to an order of Sale from the Superior Court of Harnett County, I w.U sell at the Court House door in Lill ington, on the 29th day of No vember, 1SS7, to the highest bidder, twenty acres of land be longing to the estate of Silas N. Barnes, deceased, lying in Neills Creek Township In Har nett Co., adjoining the lands of A. J. Byrd and others. Terms of sale : One half cash ; balance on a credit of twelve months f rom day of sale with S per cent interest. J. D. BARNES, Administrator of Silas X. Barnes, dee'd. Oct. 1, 188 7 Gw. mm mM Have bought this space ami will here tell the people next week of their fine stock of Jewelry which will be opened in Dunn, N. C. dur ing the next few days. seplG-tf F P. JONES Altouney-at-law, Dunn, N. C. Practices in any Courts of. the State where services are re quired. "ALLEGERORGSKS." 2 CELL EI2E:T TO FA1ULISS, thua ftv. Ming rurents and d'al rs v h'H- jTotlts and f xpt-nsea double t ho costs on every Orpan thev sell. Tiiis Ix-autiful, solid Vair.ut Case, i sets of Patent Reeds, Treble and Ba.3 Coup lers' Ure-w for only 345.00. Warranttl ior 7 y. ais. T'an y St.Hjl and Instru -lion Book free. Vn trial in your own homo before yo'i buy it, and if not satistaetory I will take it Uu-k, iiyiiiKf reitrht Ixith ways. y.-ai s exeri- necin the l.usi-n-V. Catalogue f :ee. Urderat oatc. E. . ALL23E2, ilajcr. -Dealer in- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Mens" and Boys Cloth ing, Mens' Underwear, La dies Dress Goods, Shawls and many other ai - j titles too numer ous to men tion, idlattbeve'v lowest cash pr'ces. Also a complete stock of Hards ware, Collars and llames, Locks and Hinges, Hal ter Chains, Well Wheels, Su gar and Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Flour, Bacon, Tobacco and Snuff' from li.'ic up, Waul Plows and Castings, Boss and Gem Plows. We mean to sell goods as cheap as the cheapest and guarantee every thing we sell. Come aud see me before you buy. J J. WADE. Siggiibostrd The Signboard has established a Real Estate Agency in Dunn, for the purpose of bundling real estate. Will buy. sell or lease town lots or farms. If you have any lots or farming lands you wish disposed of place it with this agency wnh a full description of the same with terms, aud if you wish to buy or lease con suit or address The Signbonrd Agency, DUNN. N. C. We have the following described lts for sale at this time : We have the following described lots for sale at this time: BUSINESS LOTS. Lot No. 7, in block L. on east side of the railioad. size JOxl.lo' feet, vacant. Lot No. s. in block L. adjoining No. 7. in sum. if i' r v. r , s'ze .'JOxloO feet, vacant. Lot No. ni block west side of railroad, fronting public square, on wb'ch there is a new store house of lare s:ze. two stories high. RESIDENT LOTS, Lot No. 1, block I, west side of railroad, sze 140iT0O feet, v?2aut. Lot No. 3 in same block as No. 1, size 140x150 feet, vacant. Both Nos. 1 aud : are eligible resident lotSj near where the large hotel will be built. ; N. R. RICHARDSON PRO: j 4 w flwtte GENERAL 1 to mm Use B. P- Glasses BRASWELL & GAINEY, JEWELERS. The best 5 Clock and $4.50 Watch ever sold. Walth.nn. El- m Elaraclas Watches at Rock Bottom prices. A fine line of Jewel:; . ,!, as Gold Weddiug Rings, Lace Tins, Bracelets, xc. Sowing uwh-Uv needles, shuttles, &e , always on hand. Repairing promptly done. We solicit .our patronage and v. nr.wr. all work. Respectfully, BfiMWM & CAM , octlo 3:n Practical .Jewelers, DL. ('. ;At tent ion- For Ot customers are advancing, and will store of THE 5Ri Where an entirely new and fresh, as well as complete l;ne of Lm ,s Dress Goods and Calico, Uandkerchiefs, Domestics, Corsets and sha-i iug, Merino Underwear, Hose, Notions and Novelties, Klines, nats. Pants Goods, Suspeitders, Towels, Tobacco and Snuff, Klour, Sin r mnl Coffee, Meat, Confectioneries, vSc. Lodies, Boys, Youag M ! M, Everybody, now is your time to call and examine our new sto,ek l-f!".n it is picked over. Come and see M v Sloc-k. Respectfully, J.J DUPREE, Di-iini, ;.". M CMnn n ahr V U U La Uj Fa.3rette-vilie 77.V AM) SHEET IkO.Y WAH1L And dealers in all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stoves, suve Pipe, Patent Chimneys, for Stove Flues. Also drive Well pumps and Pipe. Hollow ware, Fire Dogs both iron and finest !:,!-, Shovels and Tongues all grades. A large supply of EASE! kept always in stock. .Low Prices for all the above goods. IIIIIIV Desire your attention for awhile, that they may inform you of the excellent bargains they are offering in the way of cheap frtj M&s & tecBtif s They have on hand a full supply of LADIES DRESS GOODS, CALICOES, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS SHOES, HATS, HOSE, SUSPENDEBS, COBSETS, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY Meat and Flour cheap. Sugar aud Colhe, Lard, Cheese, &e. Call and See Us, THAMES BROS. :0: When you come to Dunn, dori't fail to call and examine wv stock of General Merchandise I keep on hand as select a stock of Dry Goods, otions and Groceries as any house in town, and sell at such prices as suit the times. You are cordially invited to examine my mock before buyiog. Respectfully, ill STORE A. T. liEE- fl0 Mi and save Eve ward 31 areli ! now make a rush lor the n, U J 1ST- C M C. F. O. Y. RAILWAY C0KPJ Condensed S :icJ;s,r ,o, TaUinf,' effect CO) A. M.. Mu'i.'ay,' Aj. TRAINS MOVING NOIM II. I'-'muT i 1 and j Maj. I'i, ' s. t"i a ;; ' . 'lo.l. a in I ."" p in '. - I Leave .RenpettsviMc Arrive Max u Leave Max ton Arrive ayetteville, Leave FavetJevil'i- ! : IT 'fi p in a -I p M.. p At rive San for. j I -.'.-II p m In Leave Sapfor.... Til Arrive O i ee.)s.ro,. Ixave Greens. h)m Arrive Wairu. Covt , Paseri'craP'l Ma i - p im :;, .l' p in v. !.'.' a m ... - j) in'... ui.-r at Sanfi r :. TRA I N S 31 ( ) V I NG S UT1 1 ' l'as'nrr ari'l , M a i 1 Ix-ftve Walnut Cove, ' j .. h i m l'r. Arrive O ruenslKin . Ix-ayc Oi-eenslM)rn,... Arrive San.'oro lxave San ."0. ft Arri ve Fpyei ievi He.. Leave Faye.ie il'e,. Arrive Mh-.o'i Ieave 'aTrto') Arrive Lennei. ji;u , 4.. p -!i - 'J .. a in . i.:."i f in l.V. p II! . M'J p 11. p 1:1 o.Jl p in . j, m i 1 . 1 i . . t P 1:1 Fussen er an-1 Mail-Dinner at f a c r o n v is n z I rei-lu :iim! I'as'jier NOKTIf U " it. SMl'Tl! i: N ' Lv i ri ( iivIm .r j Ar .M 1 1 H h , r ,. , .-, . ; Lv .Mil'lwiro .;.:"h in Ar C, reenjfbr' t.;;j Fv-ivlU a:i.J l'.' nvi r Train runs !,. t v. . frayetteville an-1 Uf.-n. f ts illo on f,.,, -k. W' nelaj s ai'i . F'rii'avs. Freight anrl J'nssenv r Train run- , 1'ayetteVille an-j (ireen-JK ro l u. ..i;. y- i days and Sat un!:iy. and t t ,v -i u i . , . and FayettevilJe .Miitj.lavs, U'e-in, - rr.days. " Passenger and Man Trais run du'v Sundays. The north Ixiiind rawciwr an 1 M ! '( ' makes close e.,rwie ; ion n ia v t n i i Jina Centi-al to C i8rlo,u-. Trains on Factory l;raii. h runs da .y . Sundy. J.V. Fi:v, W.K.KVU'. Oen. Supt. Oen. 1'a - . JAS. II. V(V. ED. W. Vi . ATTOENEYS AT LAV, , SMITIIFIELD, N. . f Practice in any :: r f. Sj, , the seLth tiien: estates and eolhetion ol Hiiim Office in the Comt House, ocri:; Oi DrFTMooro I - i- GTOffcrs his professror.al t vie.K tn flu -if iy.4-11 nf lliinn it. ! ! - - v w - ' " - - - ' m a 11 II 11- the surrounding country. C.i: ll : attended at all luurs, day- or n : riJ 1 Residence at Cor. : Wilson ;? i f ' Magnolia Streets, iO : DUNN, N. C. l - i T r - f j - J. I Sig a J i . I to I'pbi i Sat: CWOI wet iton v;li re 11 ir! ;1 for in r tur; wa.' i A yea; tieo ! T le; lnai low tt ir COVi r - -K Bi: last mat pasi t'X this Cut: and bris Fen hat Bsri! ;a3 tl nii- ; I-A1 era bus! prdli p.ho fcet f fAV Til r M til:.: " i J