Entered at Post oflicc as Second-eiaPS matter EDITOR'S IVOTICl'. Tie editor of this paper 1s not r"?joreible for the views of correspondents, and reserves the right to reject any communication he thinks proper. Short newsy letters arc desired ; a postal card frequently will do to writ the local news for your neijrhborhooa on. Correspondents must send their real names, not necessarily for publication, however. D. I FARKELL, Editor, and Pro. DUHN, N. 0., December 2'Jili, 1837 THE ONSLOW RAILROAD. The recent decision of the Supreme Court in tlie case of Smith vs. tho city of Wilming ton declares the election held by the city of Wilmington for the purpose of subscribing one hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Wil mington, Onslow & East Caro lina Railroad Company to bo unauthorized by law and; therefore, void. This does away with the present project of building a railroad to Onslow county, but it is probable that the Wilming ton people will take immediate flteps toward the construction of a road to that section. In Onslow the lands are fertile, the timber inexhaustible, the turpentine plentiful, and the fish and oysters of New IUver abundant. A road would devel op this section and Wilmington would bo benefitted in many ways. Let the road go to Onslow. The whole trip was one of much delight to all who visited the school. I was pleased to see, ho large an audience present. It was astonishing to see the rapid improvement that Samp son county is making. Sbo is moving just as fast as the wheels of time turn over. In roads, good farms, fences, nice framed buildings in the place of log ones ; fine schools being reared up in the forest, sending out, useful men and women, and with all these things Sampson is on a perfect boom. I was glad to hear the people speak so well of the Dunn Signboard, and also of the town of Dunn. Every man will do this if he wishes to do justice to his county. Yours truly, L. BLAINE ABD CLEVELAND. Blaine will doubtless bo nom inated next year. Notwith standing his ignoble record, he fa without question the most popular man in the Republican party. His friends think ho was defeated last campaign by ac cident, and that if nominated again, there will be no mishap and he will sweep the country. Notwithstanding all this, it must be noted that Piesident Cleveland has during his term instituted reforms and directed the affairs of State in such admirable shape as to receive the highest commendation of all patriotic citizens irrespect ive of party. As a consequence the Democratic party is strong er and more popular to-day than ever before. Cleveland will bo nominated by acclama tion and his election will sure ly follow. Who will the Democrats nominate for Governor ? This is a question, which being considered by many people .throughout tho State, and it is about time lor the State papers to present their respective can didates. lews from Cokesbnry. Thursday, Dec. 22nd, a num ber of friends mot at the resi dence of tho bride's mother to witness the marriage of Miss Llllle Trulove and Mr. George Abornathy, and to express their happy wishes of a long life of prosperity and happinesg. The ceremony was performed by ltev. J. r... uioinpson. The new academy is being completed. The trustees have secured the services of Prof. A. L. Plummer, of Nashville, Tenn. as Principal for the ensuing year. Prof. Plummer must be the man for he seems to gain the confidence of the people wherever ho goes, lie is a graduate of Darmouth College, N. II., and has had twelve years experience in teaching. He has furnished sufficient recommen dations to show that he is a competent instructor. This is a good neighborhood churches are convenient, and board can be had at low prices. C. A. P. Syrop Making in Harnett. Mr. W. F. Pearson, one of Harnett's most enterprising farmers, informs us that he raised enough cane of the Early Orange variety on one-fourth of an acre to make 80 gallons of the finest grade of syrup. The evaporating process, in this in stance, was done by Mr. D. A. Stewart, who was the first to introduce in this section the modern methods of evapora tion in syrup making. We learn" that Mr. Stewart does very sat isfactory work, and has turned out this year 3,000 gallons of most excellent syrup. It is said that this syrup sells readily at 30 cents per gallon. If farmers were to engage in raising cane atad were to produce as much as Mr. Pearson they would have 320 gallons, or 96 per acre. Let the farmers think of this matter. The Hew Bridge. Many of our citizens desire a bridge across the Cape Fear at Red Rock Landing or Averas boro. This can be done with out great cost, as the river is shallow and only about 150 y'ds wide. The necessity of this bridge is apparent. The people living between Upper and Lower Little Rivers have, at present, to go an average distance of 25 miles to Fayetteville to do their trad ing. If the bridge was built the people in this section would have to travel an average dis tance of nine or ten miles to reach Dunn. Instead of taking two days to freight their pro duce to market it would take only one and the saving of time and expense would soon exceed the cost of building the bridge. We learn that this is one of the finest agricultural sections in the State, that it is thickly settled by industrious farmers, and that there is produced an abundance of all .kinds of farm products. It is said that the corn crjop is always large, and that the yearly cotton crop amounts to at least 2500 bales. Steps should be taken at once to build the bridge, and the peo- pie on coin siaes or tne river should give the project substan tial aid. Let the business men of Dunn start the subscription and we aret satisfied that they will receive such assistance as will insure the early building of the bridge. The interests of both sides of the river in mak ing the connection demands im mediate action. Dunn would by this means, enlarge its trade to a very trreat extent, and would be enabled to continue L - l Jl . . uer rapiu progress wnicn is even now attracting attention throughout the State. Sampson Items; With a special invitation I attended the fall commence ment of the Selma High School, Dec. the 18, of which Prof. Ma rion Butler is Principal. The! exercises opened about eleven o'clock. Afternoon the audi ence was well entertained by the Literary Debating Society for the space of about two hours. The exercises at night were excellent. A Historic Gun. A gentleman of this county told us tbe other day that he saw, on a recent visit to Red Springs, ia Robeson county, the gun of tho celebrated outlaw- Henry Berry Lowery. It is now the property of ?' K:d Hector" McNeill, who is o f Ro.y son's most promii:i. andinflu ential citizens. Tuis un caus ed seven of the best men of Ro beson to bite the dust during that reign of terror when Low ery and his gang held high car nival of robbery and blood in that county some years ago. The Yerdlct Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testifies : "I can recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms : "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at any drug store. ADVERTISEMENTS. lui imifi .5 -ov ? P. Glasses 4 (rJ and save jj A Woman's DlscoYery. "Another wonderful discov ery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Dis ease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tpsts,'but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed immi nent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at any drug store. Why He Left Mr. W. S. O'B. Robinson at: tended the Harriss wing of tho Republican Committee. The Committee was against the In ternal Revenue, in favor of Protection and against sumptu ary legislation. Mr. Robinson differed from the Committee on'each one of these questions. Thereupon- a committeeman asked what Mr. Robinson was there for anyhow. Then came the reply "I am here because I am a Republican and 1 M ill leave because I am a gentle man." Goldsboro Argus. BRASWELL & GAINEY, JEWELERS. The best Clock and $4.50 Watch ever sold. Waltliam. jv 1 ; as Gold Wedding Kings, Lace Pins, Bracelets, &c. JSowmj; We are now receiving our cc-! needles, .shuttles, &c , always on hand. ond invoice of ! Repairing promptly uoue. e solicit j oar patronage ana a,J J an work. uespectiuuy, BHASWfikfc & warn Practical Jewelers, Dl Mt v Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Trunks. Our'stock of CLOTHING is complete, and we are constantly receiving Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectioneries, etc. oct!5 3m 3 pot mm -o- Attention Forward -March ! AT. A The finest and best quality of shoes, for both gents and ladies, in the town can be found at c. T. Williams & co's. Dunn Cotton Market. Corrected weekly by C. T. Wil liams & Co. GoodMidling 9 3-4 Midling 9 1-2 Low Middling..... 9 1-1C Market firm. No. Bales for the week 15G No. of bales sold to date 2703 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly by A. T. Lee. Meal per bushel 80 Corn 60 Rice per lb 5 Potatoes sweet bushel 40 " Irish 80 N C Hams lb 15 Shoulders 12 Sides.. 11 Chickens grown 20 Chickens youug 25 Ducks 18 Eggs doz 15 Country butter 20 Apples bush 100 Bags lb X Tallow 11 Beeswax 12 Fodder per 100 75 Laid per lb 9 Bulk Meat.. : 9 NAVAL STORES MARKET. Corrected weekly by M. J. Jones & Bro. Hard $1 20 Yellow Dip 1 90 Virgin Dip 1 90 WILMINGTON MARKET. Spirits turpentine 34 ltosiu strained 80 Tar per bl... 1.25 Crude tarpentiue virgin 2.00 u " hard 1.05 We are making a specialty 01 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, and Carriage Materials, which we exchange for all kinds of coun try produce. We have committed willful murder on profits for and will sell to suit our custom ers and buyers. We ask our customers and the public to accept our sincere thanks for their past patronage :::id hopp for a liberal share of their trade for the future. O:- O customers aive advancing, and will now n.ake a rush (or ti.e J store oi carps gjns Where r.n entirely new and fresh, as well as complete hue of i,a nrpas nnnjl! and fla.lip.n. Handkerchiefs. Domestics. Cnrst'U ini ..t ing, Merino Underwear, Hose, Notions and Novelties, shoes, Pants Goods, Suspenders, Towels, Tobacco and Snull', U'lour, Snear- uouee, Jieat, uomectionenes, ccc uouies, ioys, xoung oitl Hi very body, novr is your time to can anu examine our new H. it is picked over. Come and see My Stock. Respectfully, J.JDUPREE, Dmin. N,( ayette-vTJJLe, 1ST. O CARTS nun DliiliILi We are making ASH HAGOAS, And do all kinds of Repair jj Work, : : : j M6st respectfully, V VP TLY AND SHEET IKON WM And dealers in all kinds of Cooking and Heating Stove J a uuuueys, ior cstove 1 lues. Also drive Well prf and Pipe. Hollow ware, Fire Dogs both iron and finest ll ouuvuia uiiu ongues an grades. A large supply of B O-OBWIE ? ML kept always in stock. Low Prices for all the above oodr c- o Everybody come to the best and cheapest store in Dunn.' BEST I Desire your attention for awhile, ' that thoy may inform you oi the I excellent bargains they are offering ! in tho way of cheap SLiO & TIIAPSOV RROS. . Keep the fulie.st and ,nost s, ! M 0il5 vV tottflf lect stock of Dry Goods, Groee- Th y iIJlVe on hand a full upplv of ries, and Notions, most im- 1 L.vDiKS DKESS GOODS, proved Stoves P owe, and all CALICOES, BLEACHED jxiuud ui Agneuiiurai imple ments. We are selling. Flour, ! Coffee, Sugar, Bacon, Molasse?, 1 Syrup, and Kerosene at youri own figures. 1 Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps i for everybody. Lartre nuantif powder enough for an army. ilAKDWAUE ATD CItOCKEKY liumense siock ot croclvery, ,3 n forks, dishes. I " " J" Wl R All kinds candies, nuts, spice?, i S & cracKers, tobacco and cigars. AND UNBLEACHED DOMESTIC HATS, HOSE. f-L'SPESDEUSi" CORSETS, C. F. .4 Y. Y. RAILWAY Condensed Schedule ,o Taking effect 6.00 A. M., Mon !av, c TRAINS MOVING MOlrf J'ss r.ft M u i I. jjeavo iJcnnottsv c . i-. o m Arrive aiaxton 111.3, a m Leavo MaJton ll.ia aa Arnvo i-ayettevillc, l. aipa utsavo rayettevllie, .r, p Arrive San ford, 4.1 r n r iavo baoford .-... 1.1; pn Amvo uroensDoro... T.r. p a fjeaye Uroensboro,.-. hi. in a a Arnvo Dalton, p m Passong-cr an I Mail dinn. r :t Fr TRAINS ilOVIN(i SOCl I'ui-'rw and Mall Leave Dalton ..; ix p c Arrive Oroonsboro 7.4'. p s Ieave Orconsboro, I'.Wair Arrlvo Sanford, p e Lieavo8anford 1 .15 p s Arrlvo Fayetteville :i.'Ju p e Leave Fayetteville, :. p s Arrlvo Maxton,... MVp s Leavo M ax ton jr p t Arrlvo nennettavllle u.45ps Passenger and Mail diiincr at.M BEST BflRGfllHS.BEST STOCK, (Cut this out for reference.) M(jiit raid Flour cheap. So gar and Coli'ec, Laid, Cheese, &c. Call and Sec lis, THAMES BROS. FP.JONES, am ALlUKfllSY-AT LAW, JTTNN, N. C. S p gf B Practices in any Courts of ! bM the State where services are r'-! quired. 1THH cm IE -to; Hardware at rock bottom prices. Young Bros. Come and see us and we will I save you money. Young Bros. For Sale. A lino plantatiod in Bladen county 300 acres, part cleared, dwelling, outhouses and store house fine business stand ti tle perfect. Will be sold at a sacrifice less than the build ings cost, Small cash payment, balance on long time, if prefer red. Adply to, Tiios. U. Sutton, Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 22st, 1837. 3t R- IVI. PEARSALL Has opened a Butchpr and . M Fresh Meat business in Dunn. ! Highest cash price paid for pf,n(U, Whi n you come to Dunn, don't r;:i to call and examine mv stock FACT OK Y KKAM Freight and I;iscan NORTH nOUNI) Sul'ffl ? LvMlllhorr K f n . "t v ( :-, nU -mw a. vMUtmj ftA I ' . , Ar Orcensbr 0.35 a m I f.v Ar " 7 25pm !Ar !:." I Ar " Passenger and Mall Train? rua Sundays. Freight and PasserKrer Train r lltnnfttsvillrt nl Knvi tU viih' ettcvllle and Greensboro on Tut Beef apd Pork on foot. SEND IN YOUR, ORDERS FOR FRESH OYSTERS Merchandise ! 1 1 1 keep on hand a select a stock of bti tnd Kntiirrlai-a. Frelprht and Passencrcr Train n 4 . mm l vi revn uoru ana r svti . if and lknnettaville on TuoIaj Saturdays. , Clofifi connectior. made i r Carolina Central Railway I'tu0 and irom Wilmington. . . Trains on Factory Dranch ru-J J. M FUY, Gen. Supt II. McLean, UDry Goods, Motions orncy& Counsellor at Law,; liid xt'OCricS Will practice in the counties of Johnston, Cumberland ami liar-! .vs uny bouse in town, and sell at bepatf ; such piicea as suit the times. You ' cordially invited to examine V ! tk teforo buying. ATTOBN'Y & COUSSELLOB AT LAW ' llvVCvX LILLINGTOXN.C. ' . H Srs?8 ia a11 lhe its oi ! feorre cs feorre L thebtate. Prompt attention. 5 DUNN, N.C- jas. n. pon. ED ATTOBNEYS-AT-U e inanyco to tho setj d colliction I Offers his ioff J vices to the citizen" 01 1 the surroundinj; conn J J ar ('Of. 01 Magnolia Streets,