k iptatoi- LiLKl :():- THURSDAY. uicri-otion Rates: ti.'S ,' i .1 1 t !, Tloiu-y. s-ut t- oe far oncj !i s'ii!-ng in ;i )-;c fibers year club with the 1.25 A Year. EC n i z if i in 111 ill ih f ui i n in m r n h t "CS is Col. I i 1 1 I s,uo 1 i MI Advertising Rates i Month. SMo's. Mo'l DCMo J?.oo 4.U0 12-00 15.00 14.90 t7 1 CM as.oo odoo U.00 fcxoO GOD "WE TRTJST- P. X. Fa E nell, Editor. VOL. 1. it rn K'KT SQJJEEZE. :0 ,7 0r or ,(.v oncx trav iooi: A : : a si'iuxu gun. Tl rrr: Hit i f' s Cait'jlil in the act sint'f. mid Murder ... " Custodian An Unex (, , ". Horrible Surprise. ui lGo I was employ ; U in a general store at a in southern Indiana, a ( hutch, and a black- with two residences, iuc buildings, and the i merchant and the tli were t lie omy ro nieiiis. i:y about wan thickly set i.,,vi:vtTv and trade was u--. WU)ik the merchant ;,ir i e announced that 1 iv.- t sleep in the store of i: : i hat unless 1 had pluck i : i '. !,;:. hi 11 V. I' ll i (:." 1 , ii l 1 1 nd the place against !.' ilid not want me at I Ir showed me a shot-,vi-r and a spring gun, ii ty.i, vi on hand to us d the nlace, and. the tic protected with stout i he doors with double war ha dthiltt'd a bad 'iit' Indiana. The high bill of tramps, and there 1 1. ii i 1 ! 1 1 1 '- I t 1 V is of nu n who had ue- , make a living oy some than labor. Several a. I bt en made to rob the it Lad come to that pass i',; wanted to sleep there ii.cha.il seonied saislied r aUoweis 1 gave him and ,rtam Monday morning I ! work. nit a i ad l :. i i' mm a.ra i That same night a I'o; r miles away was ;'.:nl robbed and the ... t.i rn . . ( ;lce horses were sto : , i.borhood. At the . k a farmer w ho was : r ae from our store was ;.r highway. If I had i:;.;i.t sh eper by habit, ,'. rs would have tend sl! too lengthy dreams ! :V little bed room" at ! the second story. Tho h always placed under .,,1 tin' shotiiun stood h. The spring gun was aidway of the lower lloor. ...Ul baneled shotgun. and the man who ',;tlng antl discharged , would never know from my mmd altogether. We counted up the cash, made some charges iu tho day book, 'and it was about 10 o'clock when the mer chant left. I was tired out, and I took a candle aud made the circuit of the store, set the Bpring gun and wpnt to bed. I had to pass within sir feet oi the trap door as I went to my room, butldidnot see It. It was a rather chilly night in Oc tober, aud we had no fires yet, ar.d as I got under the blankets the warmth was so grateful that I soon fell asleep. It was the first night that I had gone to bed without thinking of robbers and wondering how I should act in case they came n I did not know when I fell to sleep. I suddenly found myself halt upright in bed, and there was an echo in the store, as if the fall of some thing had aroused me. It was 1 o'clock, and I had been asleep almost three hours. Lean ing on my elbow, I strained my ears to catch the slightest sound and aftera minute I heard a move ment down stairs. While I could not say what it was, a sort of in stict told me it was made by some human being. iiiveryiuiug on me street was as silent as the grave. My window curtain was up, and, I could see that the sky had thickened up and w is very black. 1 did not wait f A 1 ? ior me noise to De repeated, l was just as sure that some one was in the store as if I had already seen him, aud I crept softly out of bed, drew on my trousers, and moved out into the big room, having the revolver in my hand. There was no door at the head of the stairs. I in. tended to go there listen aud down the stairway. As I was moving across the room, which was then pretty clear of goods as far as the trapdoor, I suddenly recollected this opening and changed my course to reach it. It was terrible dark in the room, and one unfami liar with the place would not have ''l""'1 tc ni ova a fVrf TTolf w o r t r DUXX, X. C., JANUARY 19, 1888. A HASTLESS DEED. XO.21 Z LK-al d vertisement or rtna -ill bo charred for at 10 cent per Ham larwkt r Advertisements for ono month mu!t be raid in advance juarterly lja uiai , range, l heard the men coming back to the stairway, and my" nerve gave way. It was not from cowardice, but the knowledge that was to kill a human being upset me. i ueciueu to retreat to my room, and, if they persisted in coming that far, I would shoot. The trio had rubbers on their feet, but they came pip stairs without trying very hard to prevent making a noise. The one who came first had the candle, and, as he got to the head of the stairs, I saw a knife in his other hand. They made no delay in approaching my room, and with a great eiiort, I braced myself for what I saw mast happen. Tbey could not see me until within three or four feet of the door, and their first intimation that I was out of bed was when they heard me call out : "Stop or I'll shoot ! I had them covered with the weapon, and for fifteen seconds there was dead silence. Then they got a plan. The man with the cahdle'dashed it on the floor, and I suppose they meant to rush in on me in the dark, but I checkmated it by opening fire. Tbey theu either meant to retreat down stairs or toward the rear of the floor, for I saw the three together moving off, and fired at iheir dim figures. m 11 .1 inree seconas later mere was a great shout of honor, followed by a tremendous report of a double barrelled spring-gun, and then there was absolute silence. I think I stood in the door, shaking like a leal, for fully three minutes before the silence was broken by a groan. Then it came to me that the rob bers had fallen through the open door upon the cord leading to the gun. I struck a match, lighted my own candle, and, going to the opening, saw threo. bodies lying be low. Kunning back to the bed room to recharge my revolver, I then went down-stairs to invest! gate. It was as I suspected. The "L'ViT oi1' one s head had been trap, I got down ou my hands and blown oil by the shot, a second had knees, aud as 1 reached the open- a uole in his chest as Dig as your inrr. t settled down on my stomacn. fUf. while the third, who was re- Afrera minute I heard whispers, snonsiblo for the groans, was se then the movement of feet, then a verelv wounded in both legs, it certain sound which located the in- was three mouchs before he could rrnders to a foot. I drew myself be r,ut on trial, and he then got forward aud looked down the four years in prison. The whole r i i i : . .1 1 . . " i i. mm.. ia.n opening, i couiu see a uuieu thing was a put up joo. mo mu- candleaudtwo or three oarK ng- ver" was a Chicago uurgiar caueu f ttin aafP. and T conld hear "Clawhammer Dick,' and he had hflini : worked. M.v hidden himself in the store that tUU m.uv. p - - . : In- r.f fhnnfrhr. was to droo mv hand nierht. and men let ms nus iu i n firAin thftir direo the back door. They had a horse .,,f t rAitiAmhArpi that we ann watron in ine itiiir ui iuo unv liuu, vv - "r., v . " T ai aU trs rnh tlift K..fk hnilftt, had a chance store of goods as well as to get at I ; f tm oota A i' i ti n- fn thn saifl. i was r.nn inuuev iu iuc UL U'lIUlf, K - - I " t. r,l, .wrincr what to do when I heard carelessness on my f-ih uu uu.j IIUU1HIIUB " one of the men whisper. A Cruel Mother Kills Her Own Child Persuaded by Her Paroinour The Woman Confesses Al Another Sensation in Edgecombe County. The most revolting, uunatural Inhuman crime in the annals of Edgecombe was Committed week before last. The determination of Lady Mac beth to dash ont the brains of her smiling infaat, if need be, appears less cruel compared with the act of Oora Wright committed onlv a hort distance from Pleasant Hi I hurch in No II township. Cora W right is a bright mulatto woman and is good looking. Wil liam Pontori is a near neighbor of Cora's. lie is a colored man about 35 years of ace. .Last vear jora worked for him, and other relations than those of master and servant existed between them. With the disappearance of the old year her neighbors noticed the absense of her child, an iufaut sixteen months old. Her different stories account iug for its absense first created a suspicion that harm might have befallen it. To some she stated she had sent it to relations, to others that she had given it to a white man. These stories proving untrue,' Saturday, a warrant was issued for her and given to Consts ble Jno. N. Taylor to serve, and it is owing to his cleverness that the body was found and the crime brought home. Late Saturday night he went to her house and found a lively crowd assembled there and the woman with others engaged in a dance. lie called her out and inquired for her missing child. In a hesi tating manner she said that she had given it to a man whose name she didn't knotv but that it was telling me the truth, 1 have lound : your child." With terror depicted ! on her countenance and in a trem bling voice she ejaculated, ''You have !" Mr. Taylor repeated his assertion and advised her to tell him all about it and he would do tla' best he could ior her. She then said that she did not kill It. Continued questioning oi her brought out : that the man she th hist, vear made her ; that the child was a white it would cry a little, that it only died two days before it was tooud. Examination of the bodv bv )r. J. M. Baker, assisted by Dr. L T. Speed showed that, the child died from exposure ; one lung was fouud to be conjested. She was not strangled by the string around the neck. On Tuesday evening the prison ers, Cora Wright , and William Ponton, were lodged lu j.iil. Tarboro Southerner. NEWb OF A WEEK. :o:- WllAT IS UA1TEXINQ I2f 1UE WORLD AROUND US. ing the Presideut-of-this-society I'm with you in this move, don't any of you forget it. over our laud slang words !: .h.V : It ! .' 'i 1'i t ; ; i ' i v !.,, r ; ivji'.i' in m !i !- my lu-. . i : , i-m 'ossilile that a'uy .. ak into the store with in;'. There was no r.o:n, and alter the hi neiirhborhood had 1 c.add hear the slight- - store. 1 nau kok stove for a weak ..: aiKni to find it, but ii h iu e came near pro a ilestructioi!. 1 should M.n. in describing the a-; over the spot where - ; in ir gun was an open- h w loch we hoisted a U.v Towards da of my Tt?,a all d d nonsense. ve mi trlii. vnr k here a week and not lUlgUV " hit, it " "But I told you to bring the tools aud vou wouldnt," protested another. . . m 1 (.oh ,irv un V put in third voice. saved the store and pro.oaoiy my life, but wiped out a very desper ate gang. New York Star. What Am I to Do? man's and h ; als as were stored on the second tleor. m. tiiis oueninff was 111 H . - - - - , a tiai) door. i tlu' tenth i h isted up a lot of pails aad had just tinished became so brisk that I to wan on vuiai"-o. that 1 had ktt the n, ami 1 said to my- : ait I would let it K 1 ; to b.d. l'h" store had the hurhu pi'-i safe for miles mil, anil w: customary for la-rs v, h.' ii.ui 1 0 or so to with u-- He u-eeiveii an n which to enclose It, as i; at? i!ie-.i ut i -aw hf.a1 ci . vc U .velope-i ad he c 1 please .1 cv v.ai .:' io a ti deposit. i ;;; i up, we to enclose take oat or out in Oa even-.u four or farnuMs raao in r. - ...... 1 t . . a I aiiei " o i abcut 7l."i''d in the safe, 'la ic .ere two' strange faces in that r veiling, vine oe- roughly diessrd evil- who anmiuii'vCil in nisei t j , T '1111 III.' I'l LIS A.M 1 W i . i v -. rlio l itter and we can ; aa rim i. 1 uae nit laiiti , a - of tobacco and some crack .i.liheese and he soon went !..'.'.:td we were so busy up to 9 h that I did not sive the dro naa h attention. When wo came ro the store he had gone and make him open the box.' 4.1 mi aivfl the cussed thing a few more trials," said the first man,and I heard him working away again. My eyes could not have told mo the number of robbers, but my ears had. There were three of them, and they wero uo doubt desperate and determined men. They spoke of bringing me down io upeu tuo safe as if uo resistance was antici imt.iii or taken into account. In- deed, they might well reason mat Miv had me at their mercy. Tho rain was now falling, the night wa verv dark, and a pistol shot in the store could not have been heard n either of the dwellings. If they retlected that 1 might be armed, thev would have offset it with the fact that I was a boy of eighteen with a girl's face and probably girl's nerve 1 don't deny mat i was a bit rattled, and that my Hp would quiver in spite of me, but I was at the same time fully determ ined to protect the store if it cost my life. How to get at the fellows was what bothered me, but that was soon solved. iiTiiflr'' whisnered the man , the combination, as he let go of it, i "1 won't fool here another minute. That kid knows the combination, mobA him worfc lu They were coming up stairs. The best place for me would be at the head of the stairway had a half turn in them, audi would fire upon the first man who come within The symptoms of Biliousness are -'What we want to is to go up and unhappily but too well known.--hrin" that counter-hopper down They differ in different individuals to some exieuu umvuo seldom a breakfast eater. Too fre quently, alas, he has an excellent appetite tor r.quius out uuuc iui solids ol a morning, ins tongue will hardly bear inspection at aD.v time ; if it is not white and turreu, it is routrh. at all events. " " ' r-t ; . ..t The digestive system is wnouy ni nfnrdAr and Diarrhoea or Con stipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate, mere aic uncu liemorrhoids or even loss ot oioou. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and temtyfhess in the pit of the stomache. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it costs but a tnile and thousauds attest its efficacy. at child and he declared that she should not live with him nor would he have anything to do with her so long as she kept the child; that he found a place and she accompanied by him, carried the child and she put it in and buried it, first cover lug it over with bark. She then without light time about midnight, conducted the Con stable and ltedden Builuck to the place where it was to be fouud. Two hundred and fifty yards from the house they came to a stump and pulling out of this stump made hollow by fire, some pine straw and leaves there was disclosed her child, Martha Ann, lyin deep flm imllnw. dead, with its Uun u in 7 7 mouth stuffed full of rags string tied around its neck. She had beeu missing seven ; days. I The womau was arrested and; held. Constable Taylor in aogense efthe Coroner, who had not time to get there, late Sunday afternoon . held an inquest. j During the inquest the Coroner S arrived and was nou pi used that some one was acting in his sread. After thinking over it all night he summoned another jury to assist him'with an inquest Monday. rr-?, f.in hrnilirht ftnt :it both of UO itvio u 11 h these inquests besides what have already been given are as about as follows : 'o motive for the cold blooded, heartless act, other than her llhct love and his dislike to a white man's child, was disclosed. The child's lather, who is a white m.n it is said", made ample provis- W CM. An Anti-Slang Society. A large number of Chicago girls met one evening last week for purpose of forming a "Ladies' Anti Slagg Society. ' The meeting was called to order, ami Miss Sadie De Polk elected President. Before taking her seat she said in a clear, calm. well-modulated voice. "Keally, girl;, lin too badly rattled by the houor conferred upon me to give you much of my guff, it's the first time I ever tumbled to anything of this soit, and I hardly know just how to catch on. However, I'll try to be sufficiently up to snuff not to let any Hies light oti me while do- act, and All and phrases are multiplying like Hies iu sorghum time and it is jour duty to help knock this crying evil as silly as possible. L"t our motto be Shoot ihc Slang:st." " Trying to Climb to Heaven. One day last week a demented negro boy, about twelve years of age, wandered away from his home in the country ut reached Kosci usko. The Methodist steeple now being fiui$hed,,dL') feet in height, first excited1iis wonder, and he made a bee line for it. When first seen by the workmen ho had climb- lieam, nu'ai iiunl fiic rft'i i'U, ; with a bucket on his arm. The men oeiov yeneu io do .vn. His answer, "I'm heaven to kerry (lod some butter, somewhat surprised them. An Irishman, with commendable pres i once of mind, hollowed t him that he had gone up wrong, "come down and go up the other side,'' i brought the would-be angel to I solid earth, where he was kept. Kosciusko, Miss., Messenger. A cotulenscd report of the news a gathered from the columns of our contemporaries. State ana National. The largest illict dittilery jet captured was coptured near Leaka-i ville. 'I 1 . I 1 11". -v . . . ine rraiiKiin JJispatCh 18 DO longer edited by He v. Baylus Cade. Three daring attempts were made at burglary in Monroe oa ont night. Durham county appropriated thlt year 2 per capta for school par-poses. Miss Laura Wood, of Lenoir county, killed a deer, a few diji ago, says the Kiuston Free Preea. Tho Southerner urges the people ot Edgecombe to cometo the front again aud have a fair in Tarboro again this year. It is extremely seldom that ne groes kill themselves, The War reuton Gazette says one committed suicide iu that county recently. About G00 or 8800 worth of cotton aud corn was destroyed bj Great Cliuton,Sundy of last week, says the Caucasian. nil .- im him to com- A ' - i. gwine io A Sad Case. One of the saddest downfalls we have heard ot in many years, is that of Mi. Wyl'c.I. Palmer, who used to be Superintendent of the North Carolina Deaf and Dumb and r.lind Institute at ltaleigh. He left that institute several years ago to take charge of a Candian Asylum vt ;v higher salary, and filled the place splendidly for some time, but his habits became bad, and finally he was so incapacitated by drink that lost his position. Drink antl family troubles so un settled his mind that he has become lived in Iredell county and her ftge is certified to at 110 years. We see from an exchange that Rev. T. J. Gattis, agent of col-port-age of the North Carolina Confer ence, has made Durham his head-quarters. The Winston Sentinel says: A negro child was found in Belo'e pond tbis evening. The child bae been ascertained to be that of Ade line White, and circumstances fix the crime on her. The inhuman mother left, for parts unknown thla morning. insane The Fayetteville Observer tells of the shooting of a?woman in that place. It says : Douglas Sellars, alias Revels, (col.) was arrested on cnnfbv niht bv officer Flowers on i r etinnrinp his wife. From ,nn rnr it and the mother as what we can learn Sellars was sus- j Qa the very night the child disap . picious of his wife, and returning j peared he is said to have given her j and hi admission into the Western North Caiolma Insane and a 1 svium at Mrganton was granted last week. Poor man ! No one stood higher m this grate than WvIim .1 P.dmt-r when he had charge of the Deaf and Dumb Asvlum at lialciih. A terrible warning. Cuai lotte D e m oc r i t . Tiie Newton Entei-pn-e tells ot a Kaihoad accident nenr Hickory, on the Nanow Guage road.ou Tuesday ot la-t week. The Enterprise says: Tlu two iMseurer coaches, mail, ba!'gge arid expi es cars were pre cipjted, and taking fire Irom the ' broken i.nnpsand stoves, were soon entirely con-timed. Theie were four or five passengers on board. All the pasengers were hurt to some v -nt, but foitunately none fatallv. The engine and tender had cleared the trestle, bat was Edgecombe county appropriated j?lU,4.7.i7 to the public schools, of which the white schools received ?j,:.l.r0 and the colored schoole ji,'.! -10.374. We wonder what part of the school tax of Edgecombe county the negroes pay ? A rery small proportion, wc II wager. The Wadesboro Messenger thua describes the escape of, a prisoner iu that county : Ah one of ont good officials was conducring IMA Ramsey a colored brother to iuii ;4 r..w davs aco, be broke away 4iid ran. The officer fired a ebot across m bow to bring him to, but h hoiHted full sail, and in the ,u-rtguage of Squire Crawford, M)ef with a fastidious .levity that die-. l : I .... i t- V (laiueo lumui,. From the Winston papera it ia learned that Mr. Jake Hicks will be given his old position of engineer on the Raleigh passenger train. Mr. Hicks was put down some time ago on account of bis deficient educa tion but since has applied blmteir diligently aud has learned to read and write, and passed a satisfac tory examination. Mr- Hjj" J between oO and CO years old, ana ; jtvph much credit for the sue- cess he Las met with in studying. The Charlotte Chronicle telle of the boldest roooenea of ccpral dollars. Bevond the disappearance oi me i n Cnn.l-iv mnrnincr aoOUl O .inL- Iia burst onen the door oft v . a.:HM i . - -. . -a. mAf tiinrr to his wife's room and tired, snooiwK cuild and nnamg it ucau,uuiu.uh i,ja unfe in the neck, iust above the ; known save what Cora right iugular ; tfkuA herself, and some contradic- his wife in the neck, just collar lone. and near the vein. Dr. McNeill probed for the ball but was unable to find it. Thus far there seems hopes of the wo man's recovery. The wound is a very serious one and came near be ing fatal. tory accounts ot l'ouion a io in. whereabouts on the child's disap pearance. She stated that she went several times to see the baby, and nuraed it; that when she would leave it fin- traek. down an em v ;- , one bankment. liJtu engineer 11 1 ! have yet heard of. Thfttpapd and iiretaan Long were caught ; U Gastonia, last Tuesday, under the engine. Tne engiueer , . . bolde3t of horse succeeded :u extricating himself. , " ,n,r oll rCcord was perpetrated: but the fireman had to be dug out. - i0iiand waa sUnding by All express .k iu the firebut the mail matter was saved. Contlnctor Waddill and i : . ssa -l .rilt." d s-t'li ger vii!'. VF-...J t U'jure-. - Some one ui North Carolina last year killed a hog that weighed.1,000 rMjunds. I he largest t fins far reoorUd is a mai I r this winter less, than oo I -ounds, says the Wilmington Star. the roaflsiue, uojuiuk when a fellow named Rhodes caxne h!oub, the Hri'dle Mr Holland's bands, mounted tne animal and galloped away. Hi was out of sight before Mr. Hol- land had recovered from bis astoo. Uhment. The thiei waa capww yesterday and the horse waa turned to Mr. Holland. re-

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