THE CENTRAL T 1 M E S . ci. ;sa:vi'iiA3X Tiii'nsiiAY FEBRUARY, 20 Is9i .'-M. 'iljo i.. tn nmVo t;ur Lor and venture in the-' storm A . r iea of j.Kirnidistn. with ihe j m:s wii may. w-imiu a ww-.i ,.wv;t.()C jjtatc :ly count es. it was re xuAL Times cur little barque i this amendment to go in. I sm s it- j ceive(l last wcek froI:1 t. p. Porter, Cen to drift we know not where; though If the storrry waves should happen ,to .... i. D 1 1....- Ti,r.nrrpnt nnrl tu- cosies -tides nhnost bury. o- ri .ii .Kbit, we hone to l.tve friends .Vho v illcomc to our rescu ad that jybo Me to ir.aeth:.v-paper no. m wff- i-.itor in un u.i r ,r, r!miV n-Hc intlisfi-d Ud county, whose' 'endearing name is able speech before l his GenlAs II; rr.cU. Yea, even more; w-j wish sembly stated that this country is alto-make many friends at.d ere long ! ys in six months of starvation, be welcomed ' ;.orcSs the borders of! and 110 (r:e will or can truthfully de Jhnsoi San-.P3.n awl-CumUrland. ! "V bu. what money is the scarcest Oar columns will ever be open for article in the land. he cry of the i . i i r 111... ll;e bet iuterest f Vuun i.d our firand oRl tounty. We shall ipnre no e.Ibrt in auocalii.g tlk- principles of DfcQ:octacy and Will a'wtys be ready fr jidvipito -its 'ause. and to. tie fmrrVand Alliance' men we would savthat. are standing ready an d wiitinr: to aid'vou iu any legitimate way' that is in our powcx so to do, lb advance the farming interests of our iiinni!ini! v ri'id ccuntv." .and as we a ti.a o5r. rccoiize the j;rmer as tl:e main - -,..; ..'..lnmnii sunn" oi the universe our column hall be open for the advocacy C" )f the best interest fm the fanr er. '. A'oivj our journey if we should fall to come up to the. mar , u.-. Lht fc rutinizin eye would term it. ou to pardon us and come to ourfv aid with a libera; subscripting. .Now again wishin- to meet many of 3 c.u each Thursday evening by j cur own firesides.. April 2-Uh 1672 Matt W. Rr.niom 1 - v - of N. C, too'-: his feat in tl;c Ul S. , , . Senjafe. .vmcc Hiat day he has seen t J t, - . , J- -i i its enactment with pleasure and de- then stood pass out. lie stands to-1 , . . 1 , . TT : light, because it would give us money day as the Senijr u.ember of the U. , , , .. . , '. . , J , ! at a low rate ol interest and - would S. SenaL. !4 is present term expires.; 1 ,, 1 'givtf us th-j chance to borrow on-real March Srd 130.D a-.d -he will Lave; - . , . .' . , estate at 2 per cent, paj sble m twen- boen our Senator tor nc-ilv a .juarler ' .' . , . , , i tv years. i -.Money, Mr. l'resident, is of a century. lie L3 to day tho samei -, f . . .. . - . ; loaned lofr a proilt, and I fail to see cvci be. ' Our PeerieiS Kansom. -r We are deli:hted to 3ee it announ; el that the scholarly and pfolouudi '. ... j Dr. Kvngsburv will, remafh :n ctilo ,.r ti. w;!...;...,,, Mc. grnd and mcciiticint powers as a!ct:it; vntiut having som, o..c in wr.t,r and as'V thirker and as aj ip Ui endorcc i, them, as ii ii i , i,;t ! it was a few ago.- Aliiance- tK h.i!ar, coupled w. l?.- tne i:domita- J i i r ' t- .i i i i men can join together and make notes f bie eiicsv ot thejHugfCSSive minded ; . J . , , -vt. ,i. and procure .loans at 8 per cent, and i Bixhi-k. which made the 3Icsscnger; 1 1 . i i - 11 t;.. . ,i i bsiy their supplicis for caslr and save 1 lie best i'.aily paper ui tlie Stale, a.d J 1 1 . - j . .i.i. .in" ware rcio:ced to-see that he will re - :n. .mi in the-place made s lustrous ai.d icspVndentby his masterly SXhP .iv V,.rin ;nfrni...rl , mvnrs. horridly written cdiuf -race and lend a ch'arm Mu'iy of his i iaVs w.-ild gr to the most choice. v fdicd inaiiflzjnes of the tav. for thev eal in all'thelr brightest" lustre itc !rr.:r:?rnrable richcof an opulent and-wv 11 store I mind, and the exquisite tmtings of the-rarest flowcrf that ever gre-v m the fertile Hardens of iH.clic taste -. and leautr. ' Thorout-ldv refined.! n,an uo -1!S au l!"n?s wc,nS ual f ! thoniughlv tultured. thoroughly pol-i 1 sub-mU 1,0 w."ot un,ess b hail-i ished. and with a mind most admira- fore religions scruples about usury, j bly irtdned and felicitously furnished he uimueslionaldv oneof the most ..!,rmin,.n1il,,.ft.rni,K,if..i;.i.,H,,)1,,lit!o!1 of tlie farmers to day , : .j:r..: w i.i the South, .and -' we . nre "glad to ;nnw i ii.-il iin nn.i n ii pt on nun ' - v . . , . timers will, still enrich and give! 8CC U,MICSS U;1S 01,1 wluJjr,5ii; glor.ous light to .he annals of North ! Kver" man ias Io:inc' .moX to i Carolina Journalis.p; Bv the wav j !'1S g'- or may. say, 1 1 the finest, Vichest, prettiest; grandest! ivvoul;l ,iko t0r lnJulSC-y; but it is iubliairst exhibition of wrd , paint- l'nI!ssib. fr.luc trt fo longer." j .ingthat we have exer seen is his jUerehanis could and wordd refuse in j ...o..l.- 'i,D . L4 i iiuoniiy ami Li.;ov; .niivi til u;ui; ailvl poetic discrintion of Edwin "Arnold's latest W". entitled the " Lmht of . the World." It has about it a charm, - . a beauty, an elegance, a richness, a jjrrnder, a gorgeo.i sness thafi en n net bor apj Toximated by any living Nortl ! rr..!m:n wo ,l,k,,M if it r.nn even Mr. Arnold him- s.If.orwhom i the gifted and scholar- ly ivinsbury sc. grandly and so i - i 4i a melodiousty wroi-e. It is the m,gni - tieent crown of majestic composition, and shdws the undisputed royalty of l is 0o4 crowned intellectual powers, "ami before wlrch we'b iw with sin cerest tribute of loftiest 'admiration. Wilson Mirror. 7 l)iiring the month of Janoary the y following prominet North Carolini 'uris died: Gen. Philimdn B. Haw kiiis, Paul C. Cameron, Dr. Walter Kroie. l.'ev. Daniel Cnlhreth, Rev. v'yK Ga:iilon aui C. lioberi F. Cure 3 Dyspepsia, In - ' . " I i i ge s t i on"& Debility. RATE Or INTEKKST. Du-inz tbe discussion in the Sen alo on Wednesday on the oill to make i fcix rvr ecn', the legal rate of inter- ! est, Sna or Green, of Harnett, sr! ! forward an amendment to exclude j the counties of Cumberland and liar nett, and snid : ! Mr. President': do not favor j Ciasa legislation, but Tor Tear f'' j i ,1 1 Ml ..I - 1 ..... I .1 n- i-a I lafii-rt in my mm! that such JegiMa- tion al this time would imperii ynei i Hns.ncial condition ci in;s Mate ami. work harm to every important mdu.., j try. If we ha'l plenty ef rconev this t would be a wise and just measure. !aHw.iM be the last man oP- i pose u. liur, sir. ml us icich mr J Situation to-day. Dr. Curnc, in h wie cminiry iS iii.ue iu.mj . .m, , f li m i t c n o i li.iinrr o m .nnir nn.i; ' in our country last; year But for the intervention of the treasury of these United Stales that tided over things until our cotton crop could be placed on the maike', it might nave come. One cry is" for the free coinage of sil ver as a measure to help the State of atfuirs that now' exist, and I s.y liero i lo day that with tliis and the ten per ' cent .taken otf of tlie State Bauks we' i ; .' ; ! n.'i-:bt then, come here and ask that! - i 1 Ul MJiCTtL i;b iJUiit'ii lib ;i lower' figure.- Munev-would then be! plentiful and interest would in a man ne- regulate itself, and at a very il . ;. T.1. We would bejMJv rJlLC- . " ol'ric vv.jt,u . ' j -i j ent bankil s$Hm ! l!lU kokin to tlr'3 c A suo-trtaury end is dt;m ndod' ; country arid 3"ir, I. am free to sa3' that j i the most I'cavable plan I have vet! 1 i seen has been introduced by Senstorj ; . , . , . r .... ,f Stanford m the Senate of tlie Lnitcd i ,. - ... . ., i . Mates. A e,--tiie farmars, will hail ( LiJt:? UiiAS ui nits v.iii!Li y tiiu ! . . I ' . . , - j borrow money at o i er cent., as they j ; often l.ave to pay, and then loan ii al j !the sane rate. I received a" letter i I from the president of a b:uik in mv I . ' - ,., j Jiave a rui.iiiii3 c-lfect and stagnate - i ; money ucivs i.i tui.- tatu. riaui-j ' roin luiriv 10 u:iy uu'.nu-ju per cent, ; J 1 ' j bu sir, if t!:is bill bscotaos a Isw 1'- Ul otutv Ul' I sad of ng in. It has been t . -.. a c.-. : ! atexi ; ,lii,liC' is i C:lsicr wbli''netl in Virginia at six per cent llian here at 8. It hao been siad ' lh:Vl a mau cTcr thls iine m11 I lfn Us monc.v in Sla, s5x j lcr ccnl r:ltlicr than loaii to hinrth Caroli,:a 'bor ' at 8 wP.h equal j sccuniv- 2' Mr" Resident, does I ok 'reasonable 1 Would a sane 3,1(1 I,e lmve ? I)rav ,,-,c"i1 me "V1 temptation." What is the I - 1 . '1-1. any unucr morrgige r.nanie to pay ! al this1 lime 'and h..te v.e a.e aont to coiiecuou t)i m s u not . Ii ...! . -i" . i everv dti.t now due Who does not ! I iuauuuv lu ;u;ui us id renew , j.OUr mcr,a8es that arc Tait duc' a: man yCS niaoi' wou?d nft.bc ab'e to save the home that now gives them fcheller. I ask, in the name of arl that is tight, not to force this ui on the people of this Stale at this i..ut.u.u u ui c u-UUll- Rgailisl. 8 ' nara. f m' ,le' in llic na,ne of JU9llce UUtl riht m,t U l,asa this b5lK ! Let. us wait, hoping and wishiii'T that ! lUe Me-may, come when it will work j no iiiirm , itiHi incin jir. 'resiaent, ltj will be u j- duty as well as :nv pleas- j ure to adyccale and support this or a j similar measure. I shall vcte against the bill. : . ' Tlie above sliows what faiihful wgrk-our able Senator is doinn for us. Kd. bro?;ns iron bitters COUNTIES OFi'SrSAI, FIGURES E-'i2 SUPERVISOR ! FCnSYTII, :' KOWAJf, DICIIMOND AND j vii kfs c:ain A DCPiiKSENTATi ve m ! buxcomek am, foiisytii i.EAPs in . icsp J FEU CENT OF We are glad to present to our rcad- crs to-day the official popnlation of - ' - - Supervisor (f.iho census. Alamanec, ' Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, l'da'den, Brunswick, Buncombf, Burke, Cabarrus Caldwell, Camden", Carteret, Caswel', . Catawba. Chatham, . 'JLerokee, Chowan, Clay, . Cievel-and,' , Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Cui rituck, Dare, Davidson. Davie, Duplin, ihuham, Edgecomb c. Forsyth. Franklin, ' , Gaslorj. . Gates, ! Graham, Granville, Greene, Guilfcrd, Halifax, Harnett. Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, : , Hyde, Iredell, Jackson. Johnson, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln. Mcdowell, JiiU'.on, "iu.ison, Mart:i, Mecklenburg. Miichel), Montgomery. Mo'.ro. iNCW Ilanovcr. iNorrhampLoii. pnlo, Orange.. Pamlico, Pasquotank. Pender, Perquimans. Person, Pitt, ' Polk, - liandolph. Kiehinond, Kobccon, Rockingham, Kowan, Kulherford, Samison, ' Stnnlej-, Stokesv Surry, Swain, TVansy lv 'inia, Tyrrell, Union, 1S.271 i),430 6,523 20,027 lo,G25 21,072 10,170 1G 7G5 10,900 35.26G 14 939 ZuJ l-vijs i 6.GG7 -10f82"i . 10,028 18.689 25,413 i),976 3.167 -1,197 20,391 17,858 .20 533 27,321 G,747 r ' O. 4 UO 21,702 11,621 18,690 lt?,0il 21,113 28,431 ,21,090 17,76 4 ;10.252 jr 1 i 24,-134 10,039 - 28,052 28 908 13,700 i q n 12.589 13.851 )f3 i o,5i2 j - 27,230 1 7,403 j 14,879 12,586 l".0'3i . i 17,805 15,221 40,0 73 12,807 11,230 20,47'J 20,707 24,023 21,242 10.' 3 0.5 14J4S j - 7,146 1 ' ' (l! j JV,-,1U 12,514 1 . Mnl 15,151 25,510 5,002 25,11)5 23,948 31,483' o - p o ! -J.OOJ 24.123 i 1U .-. 25.C9GI Vance, Wake. Warren, Washington. Watauga, . Wayne, . Wilkes, Wilson Yadkin, Yaucoy is an i i,i,.j Tulal, ,--G17.-W7! 55 i:a i'joirno 2.:vr. Accurate calculations, based upon the late ttn.-us letunif , have been n;aic. 1 Tr.dr-r it. 1 t o. !o 1 :o lov mg coun- will gain a of tl c - iiouse: Forsyth, Kowan, Kichmoml, Wilkes. The following will lose a member Wake, Franklin, Nortbamiton, Davi'sin. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori. i Gen. Joseph E: Johnson was one of the pall bearers at the funeral of Ccn. Sherman. In war the' were on opposite sides, , and" the armies the Printed pfif!rn!.hcr on ''-' . . rnan' a bloody pau,c ueu,f an. a. !- T1. f-nrrnn.ln ! t uodoui d..eJu - Sherman. But death has held up its ibanngr of true0, and under its peace fid folds all hostility ends, for in. shadow' of the grave no '. briars of hatred, no weeds of estrangement, no thorns of crimination grow. Only 1 the flowers of pardon andof kindness jjR(j 0r tenderest feelinga bloom anil blossom there, and they alone doth scatter their ' precious fragrance o'er tbe puleeless bosom that neVer more will ilirob with anguish, pain and care. Wilson Mirror. N EA,V A i ) YE II T I S K M E X T OOF ! i 8 i k " JJOUil ; t 1 I t THEM'S HUSTLING BOYS ' AT , . J, i. -TATLOS DEALER IN : DRY GOODS,- BOOTS, .SHOIS, II ATS, READY MADE CLOTH I.G, CROCKERY TIN WARE, II A RDWBRE stoves', WARD V ' I URN 'AND CO I TON. . ' STONEWALL. ;. BOY DIXIE AND NO. TWO PLOVvS, GROCERIES, OF ALL K I N D.S. FI .0 U R A S PC I A L FY L 1 LOWEST LIVING PRICES HEAD QUARTERS' FOR CENTENNIAL '- ROCK .LI.SIEj i OTANO' GUANO Sa Fowl, Ov1 Brand,. Farmers Bono, Patapsco,! 1 Listers, "Old Dominion, Old OUT 1 -tf.'. ISiavassa, Acme and JTa--ii-1 , yassa and Longs FrsparecL chemical si NorllfCai'oliuii ; ) In Ofllfe Cfk.' Hanict Conn; v -i Sunt. Court Jnn.M. HLewM Ks. V o Llune'. stew:u-t v-.. :. I. C J. ;Stfv;i:-t Others j Irt ir- ul law of j Khhi3' Sii'WJii't J Petition for ii'i;d Aetouut. . It :ipl);:ii ln; lht uiitL r-iiu'd thalij- C. J. 'v;ul oue f tin; tK'fciulunts in llu' :ibovo 'entitled :vusc. is !0!i resident oi'llic Sf:it;' of North -: r. ' l;i:i, so tli:it ii'al inoce.-s c.iniioi !). ses ed upon hiin.' l.l is oru; iv.l i)iiblie;'.tioii hi; liiude 'n'.i -T!ic Ceiit:-:d Times. :i newspaper puh-ji lish;'fl hi iiuruetl (Jojlut y,4"or six veek; Uiiiii'yiii' aiI C. J, .Stewjist -to appeuil-!i-for th- is jnIiM's!'i"n nt it f-.(TSfi !m I :!''; i niri on on u- b';t'o;-e the 2 ;t!i e.f "A! 1S!-'L Jind :mver or dfiiHir to t!e Coin-I: l-'hiinr now on 151;; in hb oihee, or th(l piaintiu wiii Ueaiantt jii'.Snient pro con-, fes.s-jas to him. j'. ' . (riven uiiiicr mv hand and seal of ofu-;' ce, this the 2'J da v of K'b, A. 1). 1 Sj 1 . j J. A. ('A ME RON, j v Cik Supt.. Court liarnuett Co. $ F. Ti JONES, A ttome3--at-lav7, Ii u k N. N. c, Pratic 3 where ever services ire required either in State, or Federa 1 C furt. ; j ay-l-tt l i . i'i- I j I' f s& .-v:v.:vC-. '"t$iim&& 1-2.133 . j " 17,199 : , 19.231 . ' j 21,249 ' i:nfe!WirMJ ftnVr, " io.:k-o' iWft$gm8 $ tsn--i :il.L DOUCLA! $3 SH 1 -. ami otlic-r ppcclal ties for OeulU'RicnN' ' 1 -1 . 1 i ( i J t .1 r'. i.-n ' j rAiiteil, nn.1 so rfnmrca cn.hcttom. AiMroK? t ! V L.. iJ.Ol t;L,Ab, Ureckloii, Mu. SoldbJ). uhui., v . 1 till. I.e.. T. W, LTNDLI;WOOD Dunn X. C. straetof the ias.hoc7in-r ti,.- Ik: .-YOr N3 2fcni iCtt Traded" 1 -SyTS555K? t i ' :: , I i (Ml mm smm . If s A D V E TiTI E EX TS. GUANO.! CUAiOH! CHEAP FOR CASH OR pN TIME AT : IyOUNG' BEOS. SEWING TO BE GIVEN AWAY! Uq-77 You May be Tha Lucky One The ahove cut represents thc'NEV WtlKRLKU & WILSON Xs. 9 Sew in Myehine valued, ar. 45 dollars, vliieh wl he given a ay on the loth day of Jti3 iiext. Any and all nart'es mukin' cash purchases l"ro:n . ! McICAYJLliiS & CO'3 Immense slock oL Hardware and Fnrniiure nfiw loca;ed in the brick ? Kn,i ,...i .i . . -i' i. ! ""'"i "ii iic.b. ini-..-i mi iOUlilJ 1 jf OS. I'uoun in (o i.uu tins the r2Clh day of Fel.rua! v and the 15 -day ot June will, reosivo a t'eket. the' linmner 'of wh;i h corresponds with another ticket on win'o i the; purchas ers nanie will he written; On the :. . iiav oi June fese trckets will I be placed in a box ar.d so-.uc disin- ! tfrested party blind folded; who will draw the:;: out, the (list ticket being entitled to the u;a.-iin.e. McKAY, LICK & CO. i'b 26 Dunn, N. C. HAVE JUS'I RECEIVED A NICE. LINE OF FALL GOODS SUCH AS ' ; , PIT It; i i LADIFS AD CHILDREN CAP! A TULL LINE OF NOTIONS &c, Calj' And see me, satisfaction s uar anteed. ' ' Mrs. J. Broa dwell. V Duxx, N. C. liliMiS a 1 S7T Bffl m li LAWES STRAW FEU BATS ADVEUTIStEMS y 1 . - A .. .. . ' ' for Infants and Children. "Castorla is 90 well adaptsd to chiWren tht I recommend itaa superior to any prescription kno-KTi to no." ' II. A. Arccts, U. D., j III DO. Vii'jra Dt., uryjiy a, sx. x. " The use of Castori ' is so universal and Its merits ao well known that it seems a wck of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." r New York CHy. Late Pador Kcomincdalo Eefonned Church. Taa Cehtaub J. J. DupreG wishes to call the attention of his friends and easterners tb the best line of READY IDE. $ CLOTHING, Alsoihe nicest line of ladies dress tit AUitTr i nn n i TTrr n 1 A nice line of TRUKS. FA&OY GLASS AISTD .'PRICES ROCK I Guaranteed to he equal tQ the clieap. Any and all persons "wilt do well to call and examine my stock and inn elsewhere. KESPCECTFULLV, -- . .' . " ! 3 o WE HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN THE AG.ESC.Y TOK1; THE Oelelorateci It is made from an equal, quantity Wneat. And blended as it is, .makes a We solicit a trial pnrcua.. AMD. .WARRANT RESPECTFULLY .RIOTIC 'V- I I " Having duly qualified as Adminis-. trater Upon the esla'c of Seth Hol gesideced ; notice is herfbv given to ail 'percona holding ' claims against said estv.te, to present them to 'the undersigned for payment on or be fore the day of Feb. 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. 'A 11 persons indebted to said estate ars herebj. notifisd to make immediate pay ment of the same. i his the 30th day of Jan. 1891, NATHAN McL AM B, ' , Administiator. ft t-,.L a f. l.UUAtS, Ally. TOTlCEjOF S ALE. 15y .irtuf of a power of sale con tained in ia certain mortgage deed mafic 'by Knoch Godwin and wife, to T! wr ify i - i . Jiirj- ' vjrregor), which nas oeen an l recorded in "Book Ii. No. 2" Pag( re 84x86; records of Harnett Co., N.C I will on the 2nd day of March 1891, at 12, o'clock M. at the Cttlrt "House d.or In Lillington. sell for, cash at Public Sale a certain lot land in Dunn, N . C. known as' th A. li.. Godwin work shops, and 'ktiM'n and designated as lot No.'o. BhjcV L ac. cording to the plan of thetowc of Durin, to satisfy the abqve mentioned mortgage. -This Jan. 27th 1S9I. - JAS. W GiiEGOIlY, Mortgagee. E. P. Jones, kAtty. r I IUOTSCE. X6i;e is herein given that nppliea- tiotf ,wfll be made at .the- uuxt Generals A.-sembly of sorth Carolina for amend- i mcnvsTto tlie charter of the town of JJunn. ihis application is made for the purpose, of enlarging the " privileges, franchises ana corporate powers of said towniot juunu. 'llu jov 25th 1S90, T J . f. Phillip, Mayor, ON Tho firm heretofore d f idrrrtlie style or Strickland & Moore ',u:!a uji uisjunwi'uy rantlUI COll- ?ent .AU parties' owinor said firm Aill please come forward and settle nromfct- "oft. a" JR. J.lLSTKICliLANb. ov,30 '9Q Dk, F. T. MOOIiE. lYQ.Ijjyr (BrBEQB DIM! - ADVEKTlSEMENrS - r i -! Ccatoria mres CoTlc, CoEfrffpfttion, 8ourStomacjti,"DianTicea.. Erudition, Kills Worms, givea -sleep, and proiuotcs di - peGtlon . - j "Witaout injurious medicattoa. ' ' Fc-r several y'eare I have .recommended yoar Ckstoria1 and shall always co-ntinua to lio sio as it heus invariably produced beneficial results." j , ; . . -.. ' ". ' i En win F. Pabbec. K. D., ' Tha Winthrop," J-25ih Street and Tth Ave., Kew Yoik CH7. Compaky, 77 Muhrat Stm t, fvcw Yowt. to; at, good1: CROCKERY compare the trices '.uclqrcpurclia'a, . '.j i-i . DUNN,. N. Q... "each ;of l lie Spring .ai d VVinler ricli creamy roll or buscai. -. :v.rV:.baq D U . N N, N. 'C, Will practice, in .Uarnettr. and ai,- oining Counties. Special ..attcniw.. Sivenf,o collection of claims, i ! Mavd-lf. 1 T i - i r in ATTO.NEY A k CCUSSELQR -AT UW ( ;. LILLINGTON N. C. ! Practices in all Courts where vices are needed. - S'ater ,1-ck'-, : ; . . - ? ja jfES n. potj . e yy-A r. v v. rt ' ATTOBNEYS-AT-IA; I SMITH FIELD,, N fV ' Practice in'Statje and Fe-raJ One member of the linn will ; tend Lillijiigton 1 CquiI.' an'J " Diliin lever lousiness 'shu 'V1 . . .H. McD. RO3lNS0' 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LA , G (UP STfiiF.S) TH0R?iT0?i BLCH' FAVirrTKVILLK, X. " Conveyanclnti .1T)1 Cohort ir.e Practirps iu Cumborrriiul a!id 'l"JV'V'-' ties.. .Will try case- in Diyni. 'a-,t... ' I PITA PC "'-!- lot out 131 MM ! : :" h-' T,EE: .UlEST, .IDC NSUPvE YOUn J)WELLIU- nice appearance .T of Ur t0 Lorit;e iWlkMUL" : ier the sanitary NSURE YOUR STOKE is fas I ; ' ! unless we Lam NSURE YOUR LIFE J .'drained and back y &E ALL THAT l T The undersigned 'to& st American Fire aa:l L nti'ng undon best nies. H.'I. M GENERAL INSURANCE jan 'n'liii " ! Faycttcvi"f''j 8 1 n.i of I s lias infi, on Ilea tice ' a "cr.jj, . i . e cry homo , . one iva Prcsb) h"l! t 't't-I ;i . relative Jvpartui Mr. homo f(j Iroi-i iiC; J Was a ''), old re j Tljc fUf;f iVr,palJjy jad ion. 1 'V' M nt t he. res; CharJoiteo "K. Ca.'dwo ow, n visij - Jany ff)yil( ,''?r aini'oi '; tr-. .' members' of . J.O.'fX'-iA sorrow and Sexton and b:foV(.( ,!1 tills -U, ?4 ent '-our " 1 ''('gh JAint 'I were of no uHQ was a pei :fro Wry rl ii,at( fcas caught no J tee frog sjij m (;atJ, rapid !iprovprne Tlie Mirshai win, nd aooi ti,ey v, sum our .idpv

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