rV ft 3 THE CENTRAL TIMES E,-lIlor. THURSDAY MAIICH 12 131; STlTE UURAKV.. " In tbe-city of Rale:gh just back of the Cfpitol equare stands the State Library building. Comparatively few of the, citizens of North Carolina know of their .rights to visit end free lyase tlas siuic Library. All tlic Stale tciuirc;V of any visitor is food ' . - . . I'Jtul.-aof lhe Library. Any pe?son white or black has a liut to visit it'anVusc lb II UIIT IIU41 n.i , ..lun is U ev cboose durirv: . , - - . ,i tt-u..,) I n;. rs i f ao Si day- Tlie . . r-.i a. s!c.!p Tj.hrarinn is fout.d I ImIC mi h-v i n lhe second' "floor. ndihroiuh it is li e .i.lv mtraiue ti the Librar ii: ... .....r. ,,s rt anti'i.i . r,,iu about, liartv fett Huare. ai.d ou the w,nJin hau-i- pctures nndjCe ybody will be on his b(S. be. portrait h of North Carolina great I havior, and will have oa his best Wairiora. and ' Suli-meii. As .we clothe and -that, is according to . 1 1 .1.. ....vaa snd Jfok.unon S :ri)'urc. for weddinc folks shou'd si.tiiti ucnii- in. - -- --- , i;s a!moat lifelike reflections nd read . the sketch of eixh life, and some t,mt 9 of lhe d-kihv.e l el that we are fihaosv in the v sv presence of great - us?. Sons of 'orth Care Iina we're- proud "of ihtir State, we hol tto l.oas.t of tile tame noble birth right and glory that we. are North Caroli na's Eons. . On these same walls hang maps, charts and geographical pictures all of public interest. .. And on one side ." is to be lound a file of each and. evtry news pacr 'published in the State. In the centre of this rooai stands a tabic covered vviLhlh.i lai'est maga- zincs of the lands, and al this same table visitor ar. : ' quired lo register their name and address, before enter- ing the Library proper, this occupies.. . two fior8 connected by a brou.i easy- cry loot of each tlojr and fta.r way. ev . i " .1.. ....i1 the staii& being -naoutnimvij ''i'" t and padded Ocadcuii.g every sound -v ...-.. i "! :.v;iai ft-f m ot law, ana -as nwi on we bee a perfect treaU we move of shelves alcoves ad fild with thousands ol vol- ..,.-r.r rvrrv kind ofsbouk. aM at our di'-i o.-al while in this robm free of cost or charge. Victors will fi d many ciriosities tiifie l.vsidcs the bovks. The 1 ihrarian is all that could be 'cskttL Gentlemanly, courteous and aiteniive but not officious or over ex i.ctins. and whfn wc leave his hearty ihviiat on to tone back to see him and his" books has such a genuine ring abort, it that it cause us to say to our-selvas, we rill . come here rgaiu some day.' HOW. THEY rFFECT A .NORTH LINT.'. CAUO- . Mr. Eutcne Tr. HarrcP, editor of the orth Ci-.uiina Teacher is in Cuba. In a letter to the Raleigh 'New Observer he says. This is truly a land of perpetual suminir. We sleep without covering, with the doors and windows ail open, while a strong Sea breeze is always funning .the Ls Lmd. The floors M all houses are marble or atone.- and have no carpets. "Wwaik upon the cr.ol mi.'rbic with ur ba'e feot, tni"tt feels so. nice" 1 he houses are witho&t chimneys, .fireplaces or stoves, and such a thing as a fire for warmth is unknown here. The regular dress of the' working men and the clerks In stores is sim r ly a gauze shirt, low at the neck aud nhorf-" sieves, and a pair cf linen i nr. . G.i aivr Id only a hite . in fuli.ilr t-""'' cltrk'rg. .' The tsa i.i.lu? wear '-x?..r hcbl :aai 1 tv. ht;'" jhrs-.? Wit'.; ' tb-rir. heads, So.:t"ii! !.uv wl'-ch t!:- have iba-ait of !irr:ir,2ir. in a fr.".-l c " l r r. r. ; r ' rc " e : ' , Vr troulu 'arvo. urVW tb?. -Ilfjaoa pV.rosar. So ruts or hpr.iiU are vo .-n bv these i 1 weu m:t :nj or tiv r.d ;vr. ;s:n ... mo thekre or other public c-ce-ions we ;.V?"ljI':; I licse b:'!?htad'd 'CubaUi. 1 xt tb.t?y t tint i.il 1c jam po-.a 5iates ur. :r fashion ir n ; hi ur.ita 01 i.e big hat at-tuc ot-ri.' Thf f'cbiu ire Les.u'..iu: " just tiued iho bill restoring the di. youd UI -iU script ions.. TsWc great fnct tax l0 state. The bill pro black eya-d l.v.g lashes tbcap j v,iCj that the Legislatures of the lovely checks wcile a Maik ha.litua!- Sules ehali acctpt the amounts due mouth a IW 1 WM -.eariv itiir.: vueir oowuuuim costumes of light and1 airy lawns "and eatins, mantillas and laces banging In graceful folds from their jet black hair ; their little tapering feet eocas- ed in very low slippers . with high " Lee'.s r:t no words can truly de : fcribe these tropical scnoritas nor can anything else on erth excell them in Icieliass except tka girl of V C Bill Arp and the Daby. Goi.e to the wedding att gone bat ur.e and "the baby, Vm good for some thing yet; can take care of the little ones when the mother and grandH mother are awa'. I softer wanted to go to the wedding, too, but t made out like I didu't. for I knew some body had to'htay with the child the sweet JitMo'girl that lovea me, and calls me dun-pa' with, lisping tongue. "! I never saw a woman that didn't love a wedding. It is a cold, dark night, the road is bad, and the creek is up, but lull mv women folks are gone, and -they will ttay gone till r .. r..i- ;t i an olfl-riitliinnpil I we,M::g at the family mansion and ; t ierc is to l9 a great feast and fine fl hr. In r I ir, i mo will" hi! filled " U'"v, ....v. - .... - -- - -, 1 11 running over. Ibis is the hral I . . . - H cddiii" in the familv. and il will be the hist, f r t-he bride is the only child, ut.d ui cuurfte.it is a miglity - b?g th ng frif-nri-s .nmi kintirpti nave come from far. the pbors are in tiIcmI, ant, hive on wedding garment. I don't know ftl what finery the ladit'3'had j on af this wedding, but I will know ' in clue t:me. -The wedding is 16 bi a grand atfair,. and thty have been fixing for it a long lime. .Turkeys, pig, ducks, f3'sters, and crabs have been sacrificed in. reckless abundance, and there is a big closet full of syllv bub, and floating-island, and: Qjccm Charlotte, and Punch and Judy, and Tom-and Jerry", and jams and jellies, without endeuough to feed a reg iment, the3r say;' and "my folks have hinted than they will bring me sam- 1 pies if I take tood care of the baby j . ....... . hue is waning up right now, and will bo calling her tnsma in j a minute-so mote it be! A man can't do much with a baby : i" the night when the mother is gone.1 I'or iicjirlv .t.iM linnrB F -hrtf! woikorl i - - r . with that child, and every few minutes she becked for her mama. I writ hp.r - - ; . . ! picture book, and talked dog, cat and j I monkey. I then showed her- Santa Clans and Bluebeard I walked and ! walked and walked, and sang all my little songs, and patted heron the ; back as I marched to my music, I twirled silver dollars on the marblt! top table. I got the fiddle, and let her saw on it with the bow. I hunted up the dolls, nursed the cat, and tickled th co's feot as he lay asleep on the rug; and 60 by shifting ihe scenes, I kept her little mind em ployed until the eyelids began to droop, and wilbt sob and a sigh she went to sleep. It was a struggle against time, and the mother soon after I had whipped the fight. They all came, and they came a ialkir,g. and were so eoiry I had missed it, for it was a fine wedding 1 j feast, and ererybody was so nice, and the young folks were just lovely, and the old folks were splendid, and the bride was af picture, and her maids were charming, and the music was exquisite, and the presents were per fectly magnificent and other adjec tives, adverbs, interjections and ex cUinaticns too. tedious to mention: "Oh 50;: ought to have been there ! You d. n't, know what you have missed 1" T , But it wedding." wasn't an ' oid fashioned after all, for "the bride and groom left that goodly company 1 about 1 1 o'clock, came to town, and took the traia jfor Florida flipped awaj like they were ashamed of the business! They might have stayed a diy or two, anyhow, and had an in. fare at the groom's mother's, like we ue to do in ihe good old times. Ttivy might have ttiycd a few day to -iinfort the poor mother, who has ! , -vn up her only child to a man who ; is no km lo her, and never did any thing for her except to give, her a few presents taat won't cure the heartache -in usys of trouble and sorrow. j;ravuii ot the Irtb Caro. txo. Fowle transmitted to bi. L'.Uia.iiru tie following letter f i o ai n to r Va n ee with regard to ? s:T:d to-North Carolina the direct d 'ax p.tid to (lift United States: ; 'Governor Foicie, Rateig'i N, C: 1 il v Dear Si'r : The President has them in full. You had better ask the Legislature I before it adjourns to pass this act so that the money may be immediately available and provide for restoring it to the iudividuala who paid it in or whatever else-may be their pleasure. The amount due our State is abont 337,06o. I w'll send you a copy of tha bill which will show the Legislature bow to act. Very truly youre, R. 13. Vance. A STATUE OF JOIIA H'ESLTBT London, Msrch 2. To-day bain'g the one" hundredth aniversity of the death of John Wesley, the great tho ologian and founder of Methodism a statue erected to his honor was un veiled in the presence of a large con course of people in front of the Cit Road Chapel, the keorlqaarters of the JSVesleyans. Ret. Frederic WiRiRtn Farrar, Archdtacon of Westminster, took part iu the cererronies attending the unyeilirig of the statue, and after, ward, with Sir Robert N. Fowler, one pf the members of Parliament for London City, addressed a meet ing in the City Road Chapel, extoll ing the virtues of Wcslcj., The Archdeacon deliveied a. long and eloquent eulogy of John Wesley, during" lh coins of w'jich he said .'.I I I . - 1 .. I I. ue rrn.i an u cuuicuiuau 1 the church a hundred jetus ago had not -the wix-Ioin lo assimilate with the miglity cnlhu.-iam which i gave tno- menlum U the Wesley &n movcint nt. It seemetl. said the Archdeacon, shocking aod disgraceful in Chris- ti.-nis bound by a common Chritiani ty to treat eacb other with mutual coo!iif-. ' Jiilju Wesley himself, he added, set an example of splendid tolerance. Ti c Aarchdeacnn. in con clusion, leraindcd t'.c congregation of Uic words of William. Pcnn. that the 'humble, Tr.cek. merciful and just are all of one religion, and "will, s recognize each oilier while in an other world with the mask ofl. A Wesley service was held in the St. G,iles Caehedral iu Edinborough to-day. Here is an ar.noucemont that may effect North Carolina: English society, according to the London St'tr, has decided that the word " lady " is to be expunged from its lexicon of polite conversation, and the good old fashion ' woman" is to take its place. Good. There is no lady in tl.o Bible. We have all along preferred an(i Uave generally written woman. The word gentleman will have to be discarded iu the South. The ot) er day a little black fellow broi.ght a iyjL r wood to a home in Wilmiug ton. The message he Eent into tha house by a little girl pl3inginthe yard was" Go an tell the lady that 0 qentleiin has done come wid the a win)i Wil. Mesonjrer . - When Baby was sick, w gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for CMtoria. When she became Miis3, she cluug to CasWria. When the bad Children, she gave them Castorla. Al'ERI 1SEMENTS4 WOTICE! , Having duly qualified as Admiiustra tor upon the ostatc of I), A. Jones clc. ceased, notice is hereby given to all por sons holding claims against sahl estate to present the s:iiu to the unrjersin for payment on or hnrore the 12th day. of March 1892, or this notice will Ik;' plead in bar of their eeovery. All persons indebted t Kme estate are hereby 110 tifiad to make immediate payment of the same. This March the lltri 1801. K. A; Jones Administrator. F. P. Jcnks Att'y. I.EE J. REST, . . Aitome.yiit-law, P U N N, N. C, Will practice in Harnett, and ad oining Counties. Sjiecial attention given f;o collection of claims. May.l-tf. J. ATTORNEY AnD COUNSELOR AT LAW -' LILLINGTON, N. C. Practices in all Courts where ser vices are needed. Satc or Federal. james ir. rou EDWARD w. rou jr POU & POU T ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW- SMITHFIELP, N. C. Practice in State and" Federal Court. One member of tha firm will always at tend I.iHingtoii Court, and will go to Dunn whenever business should require. H. McD. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W 6 (UP STAIRS) THORNTON BLOCK- " rAYETTEVIIXE. NY C. Conveyaneln and CoJ!crinr specialties. Practios in Cumteriaii'l an-l arijoiuing coun ties. Will trv fi ; i liiu. hn urvi.N are direl. lProu;t ntt.-t;t:oD to ail buaint-sa J WOTICE! Having duly qualified as Adminis trater upon the estate of Seth Hod ges deced; notice is herebv given to all persons holding claims against said estate, to present them to the undersigned for payment on or be fere the 1st day or Feb.- 1B92, or this 1 notice will be plead in bar of their j recovery. All persons lnnebted to said estate ars hereby nftifi?d to make immediate payment ol the same. This the 30th day of Ja.i. ISO I. NATHAN McL. 4 MH. 1 Aduduis'.iator. F. P. Jones, Alty. NEW ADVERTISEMENT ... nij ' i i t i " j : I " ', ' ' . L-J ml n Is il.iily improving his stock Farm Supplies of all kinds, ft Ward Turn, and Cotton Stonewall, and Hampton Boy. Plows and Castings. A Full liue of Cottoii Hoes, Axes, Shovels aud Everything a Famerj needs i'i .... , AT BOTTOM PRICES ;Also a large stock of GROCERIES SLUf AS FLOUR, SUGAR CO F- FEK; AU BEST SYRUP ON THE MARKET I also keep the best stock of hand. made Busrav and Wasron Harness; i . j)n hand, and do all kinds of repairf! work ondlarness. . . i CHEAP FOR CASH OR The bcdt grades of fertilizers such'j as : Ion TIME AT HIGH GRADE PREMIUM, GIBliSl HIGH GRAPH FARMERS SPE-i Y OUNG JBH-OS- CI L COTTON COMPOUNP. ) , Come aud examine before buying. ' - North Carolina HariiCt County Jno. M. Stewart Ex.' In Ofliee Clk. ,Snpt. Court of Kldi ic Stewart C. J. Stewart & others', heirs at law of I petition for -ii-ial Aectinnt. Kldiige Stewart J It ajpearing to the 'undersigned I; th'atl ('. J. Stewart one of the defendants . i 1 in i lhe above entitled cause, is rou resident -1 of the State of North Carolina? so thatt! It is onl'rtfctl tliiit publication be made iyiJ ''lit ( 'onti-il Tiinnu i nmvciviiur nith-'l lislied in Harnett" County, for 8is weokTO BE GIVEN AW AT! uoruying said c .1, atcwart to appears, before the undersign at his office in Iill-q ingtou 011 or before t lie 20th pf April 1801, and answi-r or demur to the Coin-'J plaint now on tile in hi odiee, or the; phiintill will'demaud judgment pro con fess i as to him. . - Given under my haixl and seal "of ofli ee, this the 2U dav of Feb, A. I). I89I. .! J. A. CAMERON, i 1 'Clk Supt. Court Harnnctt Co. J F. P. JONES, A ttoiTiey-at-law, ' PUN N. N. C-, A V Pratic i where ever services are required, cither in State, or Federal; Court. . ay-l-tf t Udifs V"irCa. , itmn r, A W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE atd other ayacUl ttea for aat rtxt4. and so ataraMd oa bottom. Addraaa lm wa. ate., mr rax U. 1.. lMIL'QL.A.Brakiasllaa. OoMby V. W, UNDltltWOOD. SOT.DAGET . Dunn N". C. ' mmmm - .. v' f. a a a 1 r w a ' A pamphlet of la formation and aa- ) atrcteit the taws,abowUiUow to' f ' S OMia PatanU. Oaveata. Trade' V iHarta. Coprriirht. umt frt. J . ' t, V lri MUNN A CO. ' i sf ADVERTIEENTb. CUAPJO ! CUAPJO! GUANO 11! SEWING - i ACH3NE How You May be Tii9 Lucky One The above cut represp'nts the NEW t WHEHLERJ& WILSON N. 9 Sew ing Machine valued a. ' 45 dollars, which will be given away on the 15th iay of Juns next. JPlan - Anv nixl nil nnrt'pa imkimr cash f purchases from . - r .. . - ... JMClkAx JLitiili 5C UU I Immense stock of Hardware and I Furniture now located in tue brick buildmg next door to Young Bros, ij amounting to 1.00 betwen this the i 26tb day of February and the 15 day fof June will receive a ticket, the uumoer of which corresponds with I another ticket on whicii the purcnas- will be written. O.i the '41"5.ih dav of June these tickets will be placed in a box and some disin- jtcrested party blind rolded wno will id raw them out, the first ticket drawn ibeinc: entttle I to the machine. f . II 1- . r f 1 .1. p r-t Ju:iViti, IaIjTj oc Dunn, N. C. iFiimte, U f Malinnol 1 M"a m h ww 1 1YUUU1M1, 11 : r m- m All l IiJlUUUHUII PlionnnonVo f Ulibdaif? UKb Mi Pkjtt. Mlllll 3 I tFeb 26 '$L- V.-'Vi V- A LVERTI STENTS ltV ..L..... .11 ,, .11,.. .1.1. , Ul, ...I ..Mil I- -l ' for Infante and . CateBlaisKwQ4Aptodteea0dreaU I recomiaemd it m nperior to anj prMCriptioa known to me." IT. A. Ancsn, K. D., Ill Bo. Oxford SL, Btbokljni K. T. "The urn of ' Ctori in aotwlTenftl and It&jpftrits so wll known that It eem a wort rWipererogUoDtoendoret. Fewro lntiui?ant famiHea who do not keep Cwtortm wiUiu easy reach " ' KW XOTK VACJ. Lato TaKtor BloomingdaS lieformed Church. rx OavTAca ATTENTION J. J. Duprrc wishes to call the attention of his friends and customers to the best line of , GL0TDI.NG, mi Also ihc niccst;line of ladies dress UU lliilt'Ul 1. FUNKEU II UJ AnicelmeofTRUKS. FANCY GLASS AND CROCKERY PRICES ROCK BOtTOIVl - : Guaranteed to he equal to the cheap. Any and all persons will .do well to call and examine my stock and compare the prices before purchas. ing elsewhere. . RKSPCECTFULLY, - J. J. DUPREE. DUNN, N. C.;;: ' "5" ' " " f ' .' . ; ' ' " ' . - '' ' ' . ; WE HAVE 'RECENTLY TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE "Cri Piifi" Patent Flour It is made from an equrd quantity each of the - Spring and Winter Wneat. And blended as it is makes a. rich cream roll or buscuit. . We solicit a trial purcha.. i AND WARRAWT EVERY BAG RESPECTFULLY ' YOTJN'Gr- BJROS 1 Blfi SI BXJT A BLESSING FOR THE PEOPLE . Our Prices may startle but tbej will cot vex the careful buyer- Is th$ lowest prices any object to you? Are the Fines qualities an inducement? ' If so come in and see our splendid'new stock f STAPLE AND FANCY )RY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS H . THE BANNER ASS0STMENT OF THE SEASON So pleasing in style - ' So honest in quality, So reasonable in priceV Give as a chance and we will gire you a bargain. Our etore room is 80 feet long, with counters running down the cen tre E very counter and table' is filled up with new goods, almost to the ceiling Ladies Fine Shoes a specialty. 'A Car Load of Flour our own special brand, and a Car Load of Salt, just received. . I , r We remain yours anSious to- please, 5 " r J. A. M ASSIN GILL & CO. A D V E UT I Jr- EM EN TS Chlldron. CMtoria mm Colic, Ootwttyatloa, Bow Stomach, Piarrhosa. Eructation, " Hill "Wornaa, firm ateep, aod promotes St ration. weak iaiuxiflfta xnadVeatioa. " For asTral yoxa I have reoommoId your CMtoria. and aball always continue to -do so as it has invariably produced baaeflclal results.1 EowimF. Fiiii.Jf. u Tbe Wlnthrop," 1 Sth Stre and Tth At ' , Jfew Tork CStjj Coktawt, TT MtramAT Stkbkt, Kbw York. mi 1 good : li CALICOES di Fir Winn C 1 Lcc as v A sup nee pri 1 for loo . . soo Gr. 1 As 5 rati No cn - J mil Ch Te tin t ovq out be Lc to bH da W st u 5 ad t th . m' wi . t lb dc ot m T y c T -. w nd . si a: lei n I tl r S 1 a s 8 1 C it