T H EC E N T R A L TIMES. TllUIii-n AY MARCH 12 UOl G. Z: GEAMTHAM Local Editor. Cottor. 8J. t ' - , Go.to Younz Bros, for Guano. Go to Young Bros for your flour. Head the advertisement of McKay Xec & Co. " , . McKaiv Lee & Co. sell furniture "as well as hardware. All belting on horse races is to be -suppressed in Frace. . Any news from our country friends will be thankfully received. The Chicago.Fair officials anhounce that $32,000,000 are assured them. "A 45.00 sewing-machine to be given away, :;ce McKay, Lee & Co. For a substantial Lcoic our 'town i titer- rieed-j -some 'manufacturing prases. " ' Fanners go to McKay. Lee &. Co. for. your plows, castings; farming tools &c. . " . Mr: Vi.W Fife the -Evangelist Willi sunn bezin a scries of meetings in ! Greensboro. ' i How auont a Building & Loan j Association, a home enterprise.- l:a:n'.tj v.c get ona up. At present $ 1 1o,.jDG have been raised for'Gcn. Oram's monument in New Yojk. ' Our farmers should diversify their crops, there is big money in tobacoo find peanut, try 'them.- . Children Cry for Pitcher's Casforiau Don't forget that Ben Terrell the Texas Alliance orator speaks in Dunn on Saturd 14ih inst. Tom ltecd'a Be;gn of Terror is over. Let him be guillotined withr out benefit of clergy. No Senator from "Maryland . wiii be appointed by the Governor, rue Legislature will elect in Jan.. 1801. As the spring seaion is approach ing our City fathers should look well to the sanitory condition ofoar.toWn. Judging from report, it U possi ble that Dunn may at some future day furnish a President for the W. & W. R. R. ' - t Mr. W. S. Jackson is opening a .general merchandise stock in the store formerly oecupicd by McKay Lee & Co. Am AttiMtlT , ComMm4 POCKET AXJIAHAO nd MKMOKiSDUM IM)K aSTftrtIlnj BKOWJi'9 lHOJf BITTKRS Ui byt Tonic, KtTen awivj at Drug and coueral ttorcs. Apply at onoe. The Primitive Baptist cbjive began the work on tcir bliurch this week, Mr. Jesse Jones has the contract and will-soon' have them a nice building. v; - .i v- Oh Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Butt, our former Methodist minister Uclivercd a good sermon in the Meth odist Church, to a large and atteu. live gongregation; Messrs " X. W.S Porter rand Win Turlington two of liens-on's deter J 'JUll iitLli UklVl V'Ml t fIWVl 1(41 UlCl't Chas McDonald, Esq., a visit "on Tuesday evening, preparatory-to the wedding of one of "Benson's promi r.cnt young merchants. .We are delighted to- sy tlie do bired bridges Lave - been put "down over the ditches along. tha R. R. norc uutt buu u:iin) iiaii(.itcrs cait uuit un load with mach more advantage. The Legislature adjourned Mon day,. and our. Senator. .'.Mr. Green, passod through enrcute for home. He has made us a faittfo". able Vnd ........ - - . noble representative, one- -in wuich Cumberland nd ilarnett aould just h"fccl proud J. "- . The Funeral of John R. Lee de ceased, will be preached by Rev. T".B. Harrell with Masonic Cejemonics on the 4tb Sabbath inthi3" month at Jhe resilience of Mr. Joseph, Nailors in Sampson. All Masons in - good fel lowship arc invited. North Carolina produced In 1883. 25.6")o,000 pouiids of tobacco valued att $1,951,641. This is below lis rcaf value, we have no doubt. . Much of this was . sold in the markets as "Best Virginia Brights" no uch tobacco is grown outside of N. C. Mr. J. B. Holland, Dep. U. S. Mar shal returned Saturday from a trip in upper Harnett, where he. arrested Mr. Fred Stephens and S. Y. Work roan, who were. charged with being connected with an elicit distllery. They were tried bcfore U. S. Com, T. R. Purncll of Raleigh, found guil ty, and m default of $200 ond each they were committed to jail. But Mr. Workman afterwards gave his bond and Is now out. .Chllciren Cry ftrjitcher's ; Castoiffi PersotiH.1. t ! N A. 1L iy ton Esq , of Sampson was in tovn Tuesday". Dr. CJ M. Benton, of Newton Grove pahl our town a visit Friday. BIr. A. N. Bradley Post Master, at Bradley's Stortv was in town Friday. t The clever and jolly J. M. Stewart of Stewarts Creek was on our streets Friday. W. J. Long, the clever Post Mas ter at Buici Creek was, on our streets Monday. Mra. Thos. Snead, of, Johnson count-, is visiting the farniiy of Mr. T. F. Sanders: Dr. J. II. Dar.itl was called to Fowersvillc to see . ona of his pati ents last week. Our clever R. R. Agent, Mr. I. J. Jeffreys, ! spent Sunday at his oj.l home, Fremon.. Mr. J A. Wade, a prosperous farmer of Cumberland Co. was in town Friday. jut clever friend W. II. Bridgcrs a Ft'i . of Kcnlv spent one niLt last , . weeK'uttii? lU'iei uivme. Rev. J. F. Butt of Chariot c. spent several 'days lirst week with 'his daughter Mr. G. H. Pv.rLor. ' Mr. J. J T. S. Young,- father of our townsman ilr. l,. f. lonng spent Su:vtay ana .Monday in town, We are glad o say our -friend. T. ). Stewart is agnin at bis post aud t,.c mc;i.e3 are no longer with! Mm. jtjessrk. T. Darreo mu Chas. Allen, 'we are sorr' to say. arc both confined; to their room with measles. Miss Minnie MeKav one of our most popular and charming girls has the measles this week we are aorry to say. t Messrs W. TBaily aud Calvin StewardJ two clever young men of Sawarts Academy was in town Thurs day, j Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thompson have been spending a week visit ing thir parents in and "near Golis boro. - . ' "Mia3 Ida Adams,, a very pretty young lady of Raleigh . is spauding a few days with her -sifter, Mra. J. B Holland.- Miea FTortnce Byrd. one of liar nett's popular and a ccompliehed young ladie, ia' visiting her sister Mrs. J. P. Pegram. . Mr. J. II. Dupree and Miss Annie Stephens," of Myatts Mills. N. C. spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of Mr. J. B. Holland. Mr. Malcom McKay oao onr ex c;llcnt ) young men left Tuesday morning for Chicago where takes a course in Pharmacy. We wish Mc much success. - ' ' The 2Gth anniversary of the battle of Bentonsvillc, near SmithQeld, will be celebrated 'on the ground ou Thursday, 19lh inst., by the .surviv ors of that fight, one of the closing struggles of the war. Quile a num ber of the people of this seci ion par ticipated in, that conflict, ami will be present at the exerqises of the day, which will consist of short speechse; yarn -spin nine, etc., etc. Allentioii Iiremji-B. The foreman of Hook and Ladder Truck will assemble his company for drill, hereafter, one night in each month. The time set for'ftrill is Fri day night after each" first' Monday. By order of.. J. Pseksaix, . C. F. D. We found a note on the street, tuej nllmr iliv ami fur l"u- 'i"T !l c. .iin t rf''r onr readers wc will gne it to the public. " r Miss C : Ms there no cliar.ee to bridge over the cliasm, thai 'ceu.s (T) lo exisi be tweeir us ? ' , . ,". , Why should not everybody, !ve to make each other happy ? " " I will Luild the buJge if you. will furnish the plan. If ?you will, give your advice, it will be kindly received. Most respect fu!ly. -12 7 Duon, N.-C3 001. ; i A plea a itt nflcir. The sociable given by Mr3. G. H. Parker, complimentary to bcr Sun day' School Class on Monday night was bighlj enjoyed by all who at tended. The Class comprises abboat a dozen of our brightest and fairest of our City's young maidens, those with a few invited young people all Ywith gay hearts merry smiling faces composed the crowd. The evening was deyoted to candy pullisg, Eleven Up, and a few other quiet amusementa interspersed with excellent mtuic by Messrs. J. C. Cox and Albert Har. rell with the guitar and banjo. Fi nally abont midnight, .natures most holy hour, all departed with the thought that Mrs." Parker knows bow to give the young people a good time. iQhiidren;Cfy iorJiteHstorS! lies latiOnH Of l(Ppcr. Dunx, Fike Department. March Olh, 1830. Whereas: God In ins wis lom has seen b?st to removo from our midst our comrade and friend, we bnr ?o Hia wisonlecreea and j mimr out lots. Resolved. That we deeply do mourn the death of our comrade, D. . A. Jones who was a warm friend and supporter of our organization. Resolved. That we extend our sym pathies to the family of our deceased comrade, and that a copy, c f these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased comrade! Signed. J. W. SMiTfi, Foreman. ?L T. Creel,. Asst. Forenflan. J. Pearsall, C. F. D. Died. We are very sorry to chronicle the death of L elia May, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gainy.which -occured Tuesday eyening. i Died at the residence of her pa: rents in Dunn. Clara-Myatt, daughter of Mr! and. Mrs. J. A.j Novell, aged 7 ycn;. She passed jfioic this life on Thursday afternoon"; we extend to the f;:ui' ur swtdere sympathy. J I iIrs. Susar Stewart, of Aversboro To'-vnsh'p, V-?'X i'eb. 25t'i. She was 72 years oid, had ben a member of the Free Will Baptist Chueh, about 3o years; she leaves a host of rela tives and friends to mourn her de partnre. j It become cur painful duty to chronicle the death Mr. D. A. Jones whom we reported ill at our. last is sue and ho died at his home in this tojn last Friday after an illness of about two weeks. He had mcalci and aftci wards contracted erysipelas from which he died. In the death of Mr. Jones Dunn sustains a great-loss. He was one of those energeticcnter prising, wide-awke men wbose place will be hard to fill. Locating among us at the very beginning of bur town, no citizen ha3 done more to promote our material growth. Mr. Jones was a leading member of the Missionary Baptist church here and the funeral servicer were conducted by Revs. Hollinian, of Apex, And Nowell, of Smithfield. He leaves a family and many friends who vilf mourn their loss To the afflicted ones we ex tend onr heartfelt fj-mpathy in this their hour of deepest earthly sorrow. ForMalaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Fire Ocp?tr:uicist. j . 1 1 - Mk. Editor : What about the Dunn Fire Department. It seems as if 'jiwas " done" sure enough. There was a great fuss and stir made to organize a Fir.1- Department hero. The c:t:zen3 subscribed liberally and the town authorities did all iu their power under the charter to luVp. .." The Department was organized and equipped with a first class Hook and Lauder Truck and a company Was organized aiul since then (except one or two occasi'jnr) i;cj Truck has not beSTn .moved. .- ( - Is, the chief of this Depart pi edt to blame ftr this lack of interest in this matter, or .does' the blame lie in the fact that there being r.o fires he "don't have a chance "to show his activity?" He has good men good apparatus &c. now. wr don't he practice his men? He manj-.-d to get the -appointment j a? Cl.'ipf -Firc Dept.,- and ' at the j time judging from nat rasjsa'.d we were lee to sun')o!! Ji: Insurance .-O "t .i I -.1 t- Spcal rntcs on fire ib-it our licres huvc fallen. ;isl--s h In?r.ran:.e is si costly as ever. This writer ha's intimated to the Chief tb-rt he " should make some move to let the people know that he is alive and tliat his apparatus is still ready for uss. . - It is to be hoped lhat he will heed our suggestion and, have the Foreman to drill his company regular and of ten. In a very short time the Town Commissioners will be able to give j this Dept. sheds, wells and other things, and I say he must "shoot or give up tho gun."i Don't let the asks of the " Tarriif" get rusty Mr. Chief. ' 1. ' Specimen Cases, j S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis. was troubled with neurulgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disor dered, bia lirer was alfected to an alarming degree three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, ill., bad a running sore on bis leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buckliu's Arnica Salre and his leg is well, f Sold by Harper & Hood.s Drug store, Children CryrfcRtcherilCtona! IT Tft UX XA CK JJCUT3. Otjoa te mil worn oat, rMllr pocxl for no8 lDf, It in eseral dfcUiity. Try tIT-V' IMON JBITTMltS. It wl rai 7oa..cleftDe yocr Utt, sad girt ' ' " . . - ' b Goal Night Swoet-Eeait- ; . .- .if,- Y CLAT7D ZAELE. Gool nl'Tit fwect-l".-art, goodnJi.t! My heart is Ir.iuj IK , rross ?U so tzLM;- 'gilpst ydnr loVSrg My ticrt is aigTiia. So fall it la of iove.and porfcet rest. I i 4 Good Diut. -ct-hcarf. good niM! j. My inmost "soul, " , ' " Won throbs responsive to your own heai beat. ; - i Qooa night, sweet-ncart. gooa niguu Tbe very irhole Of all my bliss 13 centered in YOU. Sx eet. .1 Good night, swot-!scart, good nihtt - The day is dawning 9 ': i Where there will be no fraught with rain. Qood night, sweet-heart good night, Wkea comes the morning-, I'll sing again the old, sweet, refrain; Good night, sweets-heart, good night! My heart again f Is glad with all the love your heart has glvtpi. Qeovl night, sweet-heart, good nlghtl t4 No breath of pain , Can ever rise from happiness, like ours. So Tieaven. Duon, N. C. March Cth lSDl : . - - f; You see two large birds soaring n the air above you. They are nearer' the same sfze. "They are colorfjl alike. They have the same extentlf win. They describe the most gra ful curves; Thcv seem to an ordirta- ry observer to be birds of the sairje species. But when you look at then more carefully, you notice .that oe of i hem looks sunward, and gradualy risss upoit hia great pinion into tle higher atmosphere, enj&ying the toxicalions, of his mighty flight. V-;u also n'oticc that the other looks ear1 to ward, and slow '.y settles down infti ... n the mephitic vapors of the reekiiijg earth. The .one has the aun in Iis eye and soars upward ; .the -other hs the exhalations from Eomo bit i;f stinking putrescence in his nose, afd he settles downward. The one 13 te imperial eagle; the other is the diry buzzard, These birds may be tak as types of men. Some peoplej t pirc; o'hcr people grovel. Soaey people fix their attention upon tUo tilings that are pure I -and ennobliqg ; other people bend all their attention upon reeding nastiness, The eagle these; the buzzard those ! Progres sive Farmer. f . ; ' . i ' i Sow Try This. '( ; I . v , It will cost 3'ou nothing and vnll surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold or any trouble wth throat, chest or lungs. Dr, Kin.'s New Discovery for coneuraptirh. coughs and colds is guaranteed ; give relief, ar money will be p(d back. Sufferers from La Grippe itjuatthe thing . and under its i$e had 'A speedy recovery. Try a &a?n pie bottle at our expense aud lea! n for yourself ju3t how good a thiriiit is. Trial bottle free at Harper j& Hood's Drug Store. Largo size 5(c. and $1.00, r 1 McKAY items. The measles have been very preva lent in thisjsectiou for several dais past. i H The poblic school at Poplar Grore under the efficient management pf Mi s Natomie L e, cl sed on March 2w'd A 'is I on account of the measles. - tf- TLe farmers of this section aje very busy preparing for another crdf. and I hope they will be rewarded p aDOiher bouctiful harvest. . Mr. Pharph Lee paid a flying viljt to'Four Oaks last Saturday, and.altfb attended the Closing exercises lt Centre Grove Academy under tlie manaaement of Miss Bethany J ohi-. son. jf From the number of log rollings jgi thrs section it seems that the farmes have been very busy f clearing hc7 grounds.. , . 1 Mr. Perry E. Johnson, of the Rorfe section,- who has been taachiog schc)l in High .Johnson, retttrned home lat week. . .. ' fr Much success to the Times staff. ' ' StiM.lf- March iOth fOl. ,; Walter Bridges, of Athoos, Tenji. writes : "for six 3'ears I bad been, ar flicted with running sore3 and an ctfr largementof the bones in ray leg. tried everything I heard of without any permanent beniftt until Botanfc Blood Balm was recommended to mli. After using six bottle3 the sore hell ed, and I am cow in' better Lesib than I have ever been. I send tljs testimonial unsolicited,' because' Ifl want others to be benefited" - .1 : I IlucklO ns Arnica SalTC. The best Salve in the world Lr Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rkeu. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and $11 Skin Eruptions, and positively cur js Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satis faction, ar money refunded. Price 25 cents jfkr. box. For sale by Harper & HoifJ Druggists, BROTO'S IRON BITTERn Cures Dyspepsia, Inj digestion & Debility AD K 1 LT 1 b K m en TS. ALL SKI N wp B LO0D ASES. The Best Houseliold Mediciae. Onoe or twice ea-di year the sys tem needs purging? of tbe impuri ties which ciog the blood. From childhood to old age, co remedy meets all causes with the same cer tainty of good results as BOTANIC BLOOD BALM; ; W. C. McGauhey, Webb City, Ark., irrhea. " B. 8. B. has done me mere good and for lesa mmy ihan any cthr Mood purifier I ever used, lowe tbe comfort of my lif to It-' P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va.. A k gust ,10, x8S8, writM: I depend on B. B. B. for the preserratlos of myaalth. I have had it in icy family now nearly two yean, and in all taat time hare not had to bava a doctor." Or Write for lllnatraud "Book of Wondra," SLOOD BALX CO.. Atlanta, &. Seat free, N OTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed rna'tei by Enoch Godwin and wife, to Jas. W. Gregory, wbieh has becfn du ly recorded in "Book B. No. 2" Page 4-i-SG; records of Harnett Go., N. C. I will on the 6th day of April- 1891, fit 12 o'clock M. at the Cimrt House dor in Lillington. sell for cash ut. Public Sale a cerjtain lot of h u-'l in Dunn, N. C. known a th li. Godwin work.shop.vaod knonland deinated as lot. No. 5. Block L. j an. cording to the plan of the towa of .Dunn, to satisfy the above mentioned mortgage. This March 5th 1S91. JAS. W. GREGORY, ! J . Mortgagee. E. P. .Tone's, Atty. t . LEGAL NOTICE . The undei- sign liave associated them selves tojelher for the practice ot law in the Superior Court oiUarnett count. They w ill establish a branch office in the town of Lillington ahd one or the other of iheni will be present in the paid town km each first Nondav. This the 7th da of December 1SS9 W. E. MUKCHINSON. F. F.JON KS. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO j. c. cok IF YOU WaXT to boy aky THING AND BUY IT REAL CHEAP FOR CASH CALL, AT THE STORE OF r DISE

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