(I K - - J -ADVERTISEMENTS T I! V f r V T Ti l I " IV r 0 i 1 ruv;6iuli8 of lk'.ct- or any l'crsou jiiiui snorts in his frenzy, and 1 I! li I L J 1 it A L I i )l L 0 , ! or persons aiding assisting or abet-J.stccl barb3 with ribbons attached and the NEW ADVERTISEMENT 'ADVERTIEENTb.' ADVEIIT1S2KNTS" are tins the violation thereof shall be thrown at bin and fa3'encd into his shoulder. lie is a grand looking beast, aud boiug now thoroughly enraged he bounds towards a hcrsa and rider. The horse is unable to escape, and is immediately gored to guilty of a misdemeanor, end upon c: !iioi v. j conviction shall be punished by tine - i or imprisonment in the discretion of 10 101 jth cot,rt- Sec. 2. That any person who shali TFIUl 5 r. VOUX G7K 4--- J. !;-i)AY M Alii H Cot r!i minor death while the rider is thrown to V i: a. e General CU.tl, in OOiatlllllg Ul U;iC33l')U l I '.uv uo iuhwmui ....... cigarettes ortohicooin any form Urcd Asso-uolv. auer a I sistv days, tm a-tjnrned. '" U :: tlve body in the h's-tory of lb: S'.-.-lt h:n ti 'O'i r..-T; corr-eienli r.'.i". i Mi.stakii:;; and conservative. ; . :i : 1 s abler "egislaures have rr.c' s.i c"" pa-t history, b-it we doubt if - M.ere patriotic, more liberty-loving "v of h'jj'sHtprs have enacted laws . -..-" n wVge'ncral prospcri--. .,! ' .a'''. Few men in eitlier i t ' c io-ight per.-onal apgran- 'i t'. rr fji tieul prt ferment, : i :e rprt :j i.tcd tho interests of . i icUt the able, unbiased and iin-! . . ! !.lf,J.n ,.f I f.l.nnr.l H.-v TWK JEI.lt.-II T F I" L CLIMATE, THE ; .. . r v..v ....... v t!. r S been a feeling of j . . ill -v ween U;e rrcnaic ami nou-e. .o ters tile ring and the fight begins. It ai a mi bin lu e therefor by wIia'so-- is a combat between skill and brute ever nrune :t a r.y he cull.d, s hrd! be s'miglh. The man must face the jluilty of a misdemeanor and upon j inadeucl l ull with only a-swOT1 in conviction ol.ail be lined or imprison- hU ' and. It is cowardly ,t strik- f:d in ti e discretion of the court. while tlie nnilcal is at Six. ii. That? this act shall be in Unan would be 1 isstd. :--: . GUARSO! for infants and Children. rest ard the J The re 1 cloth force I'm.e and after its ratilfcation. RitificJ. the 3rd day of March A. D. 1S01. I . A RALMIE IN- '2 in: A.nxii! s.' wo- is Cau'ited bef re the bull an 1 In closes his eyes and makes a furious dali for the Matador, wbo, by a siu !e sk:!full th;ust of the w6rd be twrcn the fth.rulder3 of the animal ! e ccs his he rt a:.-l he falls pantin I In death. Tj'C air is then filled with I wild thou's of ap: lause uhile the ; Matador raeeful.y bows his acknowl -oiiii-lit o At n fmm fliP hll-r'p j. 4 ffii"pin.:n!.s mi'.n. tiik amtsp:3I2NTS. t;ie its- i A j ailv ilccorattil hor.scs : rt; ' brought TOMS AND Tllli TRAIUTIOSS OF THAT aHV ! into the r n', a rc-pfc is inrown over , ihc horns of the dead bull aud he is next acquaintance Tl:OP!CAI. INLAND riCTCUED. ' . V ! inc norns oi tr.e t peker c f the rI.'ousc for the "lal Havana, Cuba, March 3rd, 1891. drawn out. The decide, has presided with more dig- j When, in the early part of - Marc!), a we .jjave y,i 3 noble M'v, : animal is .- an-i unparuauiy man , ,uan can Ml upon me oaicony oi. ms wJ.en hu jui aiA tomler sl( ak i? iJoniiton, ana me non-1 hotel, barefooted ami wearing DU-, ' KpeakcrhlJ could no i rivc? j t.V() garments, and enjoy' a strong worthily bestowed.- . Thi-rc 1 ;rrr?:e from the Gulf of Mexico, can . little I bbin irg on. j re;. line m a rckinj; chair and lcz'dy lreain away the hours in those reve ries . which come from a genuine Henry Clay" Havana citiar upon an investn ciit of only four cer.is; can sit at the dinner table in mid winter and sec around him fresh from the garden every v: ricty of fruit and veg etable that he lias ever sc2n or heard of with many more hitherto unknown to him; can sweetly sleep thro tig u the night upon a bed cf slre.c'..cd b :. !i..- i T! . i -ir.cis Ai!iance h.is had a T ir.ri'ir.nrc but wethinlc that in t'.u.M-ce . will result in goo 1. We . k i!ot of Lhe Alliance men sought ; i c.Je tljO'in'e'resls of t'le farm ' 1 !: 1 orini: clement, and were i..ticiom and cons rvativc in every measure thej- prevjritod. More than U'i'O bills vciv introjluced in the lAgilaturc t:f 101, and more than .N'1 f.f tl te ! il!s have passed both : placed steaming bcftjrffus r.ext mor'A j iiii? at brc:.kfa:.t. The flg'nt conlm ucs u.i i six cr eight bulls arc killed, the performance taking about three hours. The prices of adm-svion to the bull light are 2.00 to $5.0 in gold. U is au expensive luxury, but Uic people will have it. We were fully satisfied by attend ng one per f .nuance in the bull ring. A &MALL.FOKTVNK FOU SOMEBODY. In 18SG Miss Emma Richards, an ac'rea?, came to Havsna to take a position in o:ie of the thoatres. She soon had ihe yeilo v fever and dud here. While 1 was veiling a few ! u. t a, a.. I nr jiow a .art of the (canvas, in a strong draft, covered Mnlute law. We can't say v;hut ' with o ;fy a iiht hcDt, and never wi!L ba the resillt of the Rai!-. aJ take cold ; c--u enjoy a surf bath u j d l.Vs Coramii.in bdl, but hope it will not the year lound; can listen to the srfl ! joining - house sccirg t:,at I was an -be tin ibstacie to railn:.d budding, j nwtes of Uic 'guitar and the .silvery j Ame ican,. scut forme to call upon We consider the I!. II. Commiion ! voice of the lovely senorita through- j lcr for a few moments. She told me (ill if r-i t till lil ti' i i" I if iff i lirr tiillnf llit nn!rn niir'.f in tl.n iniu .11. 1 1 ir lit thrcuL'h an ir.ternreter, that she was - -v v u - m w ' - nii--ti.. ,avi(.au Llltl t llt.il L. lllllltb 111 Vll. 4--l t JVll - i. o v I CJ think that the Urte ( -onuui&sioucrs ' on the placid bay that is.Cuba "the c! osen will be just to railroad oorpo Queen of the Antilles." rations, and to the people many ap- IXFLAti6n of the cukrexcv. C uban inly in the ad- I ropriali'Mi were made, but the ap propriation will no, bo suvh a. draw ! One f Hie things v Inch most in- i tcrcsts a visitor to. Havana, and it is he also about the"" fust thing which i:p 11 the S.ato trensury as to in- 1 ; must become familiar, is the currency pi"priauu ur me purpose 01 cxnio itiigNorih Carolina's resources at; II. c World's Fair. at. Ci.'ii-ago :n l93.j Wt- t!ins (ov. I'ow'e, in his laes-ae ; recommended thi npprnpi iatio., and ! question ! 6f moi-.ey values, but "paper" i3 uni versally the currency, and therefore prices are made to suit thi3 deprccia ted eurrencv. A Snauish imicr dol- ut i ongraiuiate t lie Icibr.ure for iu I , . ...... i.. ' , . ,r , . . I iar .3 noun jMMr loriy ecu s iu uimcu v.-!-c :u'tio!i 111 the- ii:i'cr. l- an' . . , , . - , ' Slates greenbacks, or Spanish gold. dution of our v- .'d -n sources at :-1 -.- ... , . . - ' - Lor a ..00 greenback we get in ex- v .0 in in.iv expect the! , r . rrt. ' -change for currfnt use $12.00 in ' .' nt of millions of dollars oH . , , ' - , .. , , . "Spanish paper, and we feel that i .x. We have a State th.it is i - , ,, , . j we have been made rich bv the ex- .. n.incr-i! resource-? and the I .-, . - . , . i change until wo beyin to make some - V.i .u-.t'ol.now U.t IU- only :i huIc purchases, aid then the $12.00 , ., exhibit of the : MateS prodncU ; S2Qm3 icaly ULc wi3, aml fly ..:i.i--t,uri's at lhe Atlant i Expo- j . a i-w.years :g several mill- - T. -tn,na with Emma Richards when she died and just before her death she "put ! this paper in my hand and told me to send it to her son a little baby tuen three lnonihs old. He is with hi irand mother somewhere in Florida. I can't p?nk English and don't know .vh.it. il. tiMoer is and have not seen Spanish gold is the basis; - . . . ., . fc t,,, Is drd ?mprfvinr his stock of Farm Supplies of all kinds, Ward Turn and Cotton, S tone wall, and Hampton Boy Plows and Castings A Full line of Cotton Hoes, Axes, Shovels and Every thing a-Famer needs AT BOTTOM. PRICES Also a largo stock of - ? i . GROCERIES. SUOIT AS FLOUR, SUGAR COF FEE, AND BEST SYUUP ON THE .MARKET I r.Iso keep the best stock of hand made Boggy and Wagon Harness on hand, and do all kinds of repair work on Harness. ' , ' is . . . i 'A jl f - i? i Isiiiislj I. I Kiil. . -5, 'Cast or la Is so trdT asJapted to clallrra that I recommend it as superior to j presenptien known to mc." ARCirrE u- - Caetorla enrca Colic, Coari fpnifon, fiour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Eructation." Kills Worms, gives slet-p, and promotes dl- firesuon. tli out injurious medication. Tho use of ' Castorta is so universal and Its morita so well knowu that i seems a work of nupererogation to endorse it. Tew are tlio intelligent families wbo do not keep Castorta witbia easy reach." Caelos Matsttk, D.D , . New York City. Lato Tactor Bloomiadale Eeforiaed phurch. . Tins CssTAua CoarpAST,-77 litis hat Street, New York. sri vAJLiJ, tiKdufrfcw jSS " For several years I hare recommended .. yosr Castoria, ami shall always continue to do so as it bos invariably produced beneficial results." -v ' Edvtv Fv. PABDre, M. D., The Winthrop," liSth Street aud Tth At., Kevr York City. The best irrades of fertilizers such as HIGH GRADE PREMIUM, GflBBS .HIGH GRADE. FAR M E R S S P E , CT L COTTON COMPOUND. Come and examine before buying. CJSAP FOR CASH OR OK TIME AT 1 OUNG BROS. d dl irs soi'irlit investment dime here ....... ..i r - " is current for 2. cts. and ' the dollar !u rv aii annual anororiatiou " ot i . r i , oi our iionars " ! - '.tvU was made for a ecological irr wf tlie State. Hv means of 'his i-i:opi lation, we can learn how ri.-ii e pre in minerals, and duriu ii. . i v! , yers we expect a rapid .! f!iH ! t l t- :,i.e mineral wealth of !;.! !io-id Western Ca:o1iaa. The j.'tbl c -e' )ol Iax has been increased will buy $2.50 worth of notes issued by the Queen of Spain s bank, j W e bought a pretty Sparish fan with pictures of the bull llht Tor "CO cts. Spanish gold." Wre l anded tlie dealer a $1.00 greenback and "he gave us the fan and a $1.00 Spanish bill in change. Hotel charges . seem high at $10. per day until j-';u . i - i r..m i , i... h-r 'w,,,m "jlcara that the sio represents only eu established, with a trustee from !:,' i'l.W. e :ah of lhe nine t'onerossfonal dis-! I examined ihe "paper'' and found it to hi a cashics'ii certificate of deposit of 950.000 in the Fourth National Bank of New York. The check is datedJunc 5t.ii and is payable vith. interest to .i)e order of Emma Richards. Tlie name and residence of the grandmother in Florida," the name of the bubv I oy and. the where abouts of any n ember of tlie fami'j of Emma- Richards are all entirely unknown. The check and some other valuables are at Havana, sacrcd'y preserved by the Cuban woman awaiting a legal claimant. She want ed me to publish this statement hop' ing to find the child to claim the fortune. State Chro; icle. . A PE RT 1 S EM EN TS JL 1 hat la I? Ai tornC.v-stl-lair, t rtrla W" a rr v. 1 (tin in. t 1 1 J . . - n we con sidcr tlie eiecant accommoda- . ;he training school fo- ;irN as the i " r . . " , tions given, and.the further fact tat d:tn oi a new educational era for ' M r i . . ' . . cverv barrel of American tlour that niiiicn in .. t:. woman is suielvl- . , . . . v t aMUkSj Kmj 7 IU Jk D U X N, N. C, Wil' practice in llarnelt. and ad. It is a very low rale of board wlcn joining Counties. Special attention tlie cijual of man, and in many re fpects his superior, and she -' should have c.ial educational . ad tar. - i-.if;- with man. Hv given ',o collection of ch.iics. May-l-tf. ' ' . . '1 In ORee Clk. Supt. Court petition for final Account. Xorth PirroTliTrt T In nfw Ctfr v- .- ' .: "- ' - IJurnet Coijiiry j Jno. 7. ftewaVt Ex. oi Ehlrbie Stewart rs t C. J. Stewart & others f heirs at law of J l:l.tii" Stcv.:irt I It appearing to the undcrsie-ned that C. .I. Stewart one of thy defendants in th? ab'ne entIetl C iu.-c. is rou resident tM'TW'lR.( f of the State of Xorth Carolina, so lhat VvsHE W E 'a reai process cannot oe served upon Inm. It is order-'d that publication be made hi l lie Central limes, a newspaper pu.o-J iisnett hi Harnett County, for gixtvceks notifying said C. J. Stewart to ajipra" before the. undersign at his office bi bill inirfon on or before the '20th of April liS'.ll, and aiisWfi- or demur to -the Com plaint now oil llle iu hi otltce, or the idaiutitl will demand judgment pro confess-) as to hini. Given under my Innd and seal of offi ce, this the 2D dav of Feb, A. D. lBl. J. A. CAMEItOX, Cik S;ipt. Court llarnuett Co. ATTENTION J. J. Dnpree wishes to call the attention of his friends and customers to the best line of READ HIDE CLOTHING BOOTS shoes, mis' GIIAMS. CALICOES. Also ihe nicest line of ladies dress good : WORSTEADS, FLANNELS, GIN A nice line of TRUKS. , -, ' FANCY GLASS AND CROCKERY ROCK BOTTOEV3 Guaranteed to bo eqnal to the cheap." Any snd all persons willi do well to call and examine my stock and compare the prices before purchas, , tn elsewhere. j RESPCECTFULLY, ' - J. J.! DUPRE1. DUNN, N. C. WE HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN 'THE AGENCY FOR THE del elDratecl ;; . KIACHINB BE G-IVE1T AWAY! Hofr You May bs T!i3 hiokj 0ns en!arM, tlie , $4.25 in gold ! All other brcadsturfs and meats from tho United States' j : re taxed in this proportion. J.'S FEARS f.n '!i'ic. lor female cdueition. we i sr.-.y i;; oct.to see better wives. Let.-.' roriLAi; amusements. The favorite amusements of the ttii uuiii rs. Imppior liomrs and in j uUaus are l,ie cocic iigni, mc mis tcllizent c'aildFcn. . qucr ade carnUal. and the bullfight. Ab-ve wc have referred to some of J1,iese cnterta'nraehts all occur on the most important bills and appro-h?'1"'- A visit to the Danza, or prm-a-ms. Many others have passed ! iruival Rail will fill the American nbid. III bring material benefit to" with surprise such as he never before th. c:ate, and .we hope that each ; CXI cricn :ed- The bull fight is the ifi( i:,din r Iro-isi-iinrn. will mnlnf ! special delight of the amufcment the p driotism. conservatism, and , 9eeker- They are" intensely exciting progressive spirit of tlie legislature i aml are attcnilcd by fifteen to twenty of 1SD1. I thousand pcop le. The bulls are truly Terociou9 animals and thev are all brought from Spain having, been j trained to fight as we train horses to The'Iiull Ring or 'Plaza ATT07.KEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW LILLINGTON, N. C. Practices in all Courts where ser- i vices are needed; State or Federal. F. P. JONES, A .ttorney-at-law, r UN n. n. c.t . Pratic i where ever services arc required, either in State, or Federal Court. ' ay-l-tf 1 . . - . - j : . . ... 1 ama buddings on I a jrreat deal ! Vr.. .'i..J!V:;.i w,;.;... VJ....?.,,!1: T?V-?:rY1(: SOLD AGE'i iAI.i: OI' I'lQARETTEN 1K- iiiltni:i. - . . ! the race. Ihe Legislature !iav;ng passed the! tc '-0'r act prohibiting the sile of cignrettes v, inai lue iongcr. Thc grand entrance of the law is of importance to cigar and j performers all on horseback, clad in ! cigarette dealers and alive to the pub- j lhe gayC9t coslumcSt u ineC(1 a bri,: -lication of news directs attention to! linnt Brcctade and i8ioudIy applaud. the provisions or the act which re ids ed bv twenly lhou;aml voices. Then as follows: - i ti..: i - ,uu iiuj; is vieurcu wuu IOC CXCCpilOu of the - Matador,' or bull -fighter, and JAMES IX. rou EDAVAKD YV. I'OU Jr POU & PQU ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAW. SM1TI1FIELD, N. C. . Practice In State and Federal Court. One member of the linn will ahvavs at tend LiMiniiton Court, and will r to ' uiiun wneuever business should require. A- vf' iKfeU .- - for 6 00-lPM3.0n H. McD. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY-ATLAW 6 (UP STAIRS) TrfDRSTOJI BLGCX- l'AYETTEVILLE. X. C. Wtfmm, mk 1175 ? dW&j03T 1-75 , It is made from an equal quantity each of the Spring and Winter Wire at. And blended as it is makes a rich creamy roll or buacuit. We solicit a trial purcha-, - AMD 'WARRANT EVERY BAG RESPECTFULLY " -'r ' YOUNQ-BR08 L'S;rib'"alove cut represents tfic NEW WlJRLKk & WILSON N .. J Sew ins? ?dachine valued' at. 45 dollars, whie.'i will be given a v. ay on the 15th davSxif J.UH3 nexi. I For Cqib if Till W. L. DOUGLAS !$ oras" i in slmiKlikpnnr nvplnr ony-j .-oicmc an.i collect msr fjvrl.!t?cr. oral is in Sliops UKCOlir CCtOr- j rra, ii.s in Cutal.orl.m.1 anJ atiioii iL -.-.-nr.. a and other special-. ties for Geuttemec, T Jld Ial f'ti nr wp - l-auteil. aii.l m stamped oa bottom. AdJrts -H.L.. UOLtJL.AS,lirocktcu. Jla. fcoiaby F..W, UXDllliWOOD. Dunn X. C. l30TIOEI J Having duly qualified as Admini trater upon the es'atc of Selli Hod ges deced; notice is herebv given to all persjons holding claims acrninst liia nitnnt wn ;a . w. vnaic, iu present mem 10 tne Section . "Ihat it shall be unlaw. ful for any person, firm or corpora tion to sell, give away or otherwise ; .i,,, i4 ... lnAIi i Uo ,,nn4. , ! unuersignca lor payraei . . .. . " , tlie bva-t mau. 1 he heavy gales under fore the 1st dnr of Voh i1icnfie ivfIrctl.-nr n.t roMU r. ,.ni- .... lore iSt tja OlfCO dispose ofdirectly or indirectly cigar jlhe band tlani, are opcned and ,ft cites or tobacco in the form of ciar ettes or cut tobacco in any form or bounds the angry bull. It would b? safer to meet a wild lion in India sl ap wkich may be used or intended ll an that animal. From 1Jmn to be used ai a substitute for clear- i . -i i i . , . . u. m A ouuoi.wuwtr 0r ijega the wildest excitement which Utes, to any minor under the age cf continues to the end of the pcrfor- 17 years, and any one violating the rnance. The bull paws, the ground undersigned for payment on or be i 1802. or tiiis notice will be plead In bar of their 1 recovery. All persons indebted to' said estate ars hercb3 notified to make immediate payment ol tlie same. This the 30th day of Ja.i. 1891. NATHAN McLAMB. . ' Adiuiuis:iator. F. P. Jones, Atty, I : ' 7 ? V, A pamphlet of Information and at- Zv V stract oi tho laws. showing How to X A J',ti? rtent. Careatn. Twta'f.V .'-IaT. CopyrihU, tent 1rt. -' V"V x Addro MUNN A CO. AJJ J J3Hl Drottdwar. - e Aiy and all. part es making cash p ureases from . lcKAY & C O'i Iranlen'se stock of Hardware and Funiiture now located, in the brick build. ng next door to Young Bros- amounting to $1.00 betwen this the 26tlnday of .Fe6ruary and the 15 day of Jbne will receive a ticket, the n unfer .of which .corresponds with aiiotficr ticket on wiiioii the purchas ers rjame will be written. O.i the lotbpavof June these t;cket3 will' De pigice i in a oox anu some uisin tcresCed party blind folded who will drawihem out, the Gist ticket dravrn being entttle I to the machine. - ' iiKAV, LEE & ( O. Ftb. 2G Dunn, N. C. . - i i -I f t 1- -'S t j- ! rlBXJT A BLESSING EOR THE PEOPLE Our Prices may startle but they will pot vex the careful buyer Is the lowest p:dce3 any object to you? Are the Fines qualities an inducement? j If so come in and see oar splendid new stock of ;i STAPLE AND FANCY W GOODS, DRESS GOODS,, NOTIONS il THE BANNER ASS0BTMENT OF THE SEASON So pleasing in style , So honest in quality, So reasonable in pric Give us a chance and we will give you a bargain. Oar-store room 13 80 feet long, with countes running dowa the centre Every counter and table is Oiled up with new goads, almost to the ceiling Ladies Fine Shoes a specialty. eA Car Load of Flour, our own special; brand, and a Car Load of Salt. jn.st received. We remain yours anxious tp please, " j J A. MASSINGILL & CO, SaJ MrJ line o lie . inorui Chure IIvv Taylo "tur.d Tlcv I'rcew 11 o'c Sen go to inontl We illuCSH ' of Sui Elsd I.ibitir under Mr. new stz and w i Mrjr lr. li Starlit The Joe's, go wn i - WI3 ry in of marj Fav(f The Lj will bd fare. An 1 liurst ng, al (,rompi young protcnl Go ant The Nashvi nig'ht d were bil On Lynch shot , e CJjiefo "Mr. section that a hood si Died Davis i 6liip fla; Mr. M 56 3'earf ; Head Mr. F. lie carrl Goods them cl. Mr, ( town, n! lies.. '1 ties unf ready fj -i v?as on j jumpedl and wa A lad L C., i li j waJ CbarrJ passed I? V ' - AA If Florenc tiy the l:tT891f iz'Jn In Wew ty coult1 1 : ech H 3 a sc! 1 :88ivd i' weig : to be riioW