ii!E CENTRAL TIMES. a. M. GRA.TiI45I Editors. riV rD AY APRIL, 15 ism FOWLS. Car Governor s!ecp3 in Gfkwoo.l. A mourning Siatc pa:d its Isst tribute of respect and laid fcim down . lo his last sleep. Yestcrd-.y was e. sadder day than r,ur eye? i-ave yet seen- in this the!S;rcc.t the c:.piiul gate. There j cuj.!?id of rgrif.t SiaU:. j they halu-d nd th'-n proceeded up j Al! V.'cdnc-sday niS.t senlincis West Jlorjan to i:' ;?nr wix-e th.-y stood Qi:ai:lln t:e L;;dy of c;ur la s GoctM-.r. 7.h!chrer!iri'i..'l in :;ute in I the" fr.pliil -tot'inda. and ir. the dark- :,ess . f it.t ur- lf;:irs ' f nlUt ti? ! .;! e fceniinels tread, will jt ivci!.ead, m!y served to"breIc the death-like stillness which reigned supreme. ' Under the s'.ately dome of the eap- iol. guarded 'oy his soldier l"-ys: beneath-the pile of fragrant lillies : snd surrounded by pInn and fern-, ! the beloved burden in that casket! .was" -not di.Uuibed.by a single cp-1 j --roach, through Use stillness of the j long and dreary hours of night. . ! But day broke over the city and at an early hour ch;7ens 'and. visitors I ' vverc stirring and alert making endy the sad day on which to oury their ; Governor. . All the riujrning a .strc-arn of hu manity toured through the singin j ci.urs of the iVvetteviyc bfeet cu- trance and it 3 estimated that nearly j tn thousand people - looked into the 'i'lliol vpt t.:.!' em! 1 . r, i t'siPfi lit our Governor for the lust tira. MAKi.NO HFAIV lili: DAY OF eor.LCW. Kalcigh did honor to tU memory j of her -patriotic, citize-a by dr i:p:ng ; almost every building dovu syeA. . "" uuou- su,5-- ! mg mas3 oi iiumanity nervovif.iy j moved along her sidewalks it was' stiikir.gly evident that the State" had ! , . .... -. gaihtrea lo borrow wr.ii us capital city and mourn the. loss of its coble Governor. Standing near the statue - of jWashington, in Capitol Scjuare, ai.d taking m a vicv t-- where the Cti.teiinial Grtded School rose to ar rest ihe eye of .hc si.ectator it was a sorrowful s-teiic of a !i:.;t imposing tl.-iacler, i. ciiv wranl in :he sombre j;arb of mourning. At an eariy - hour the stars and fctrij.es floating from the Government "Building were lowered to half mast as a mark cf respect ftftel a sympa thizing nation. Few places of business were opened and even they closed at three o'clock in the afternoon that no one should be b-ircd from rendering the respect cue chief officer of the State. MEETING OF THE RALEIGH BAR. A meeting cf the Iialeicrh bar was l.e!d at 9 :30 o'clock in the chamber of rhe uprmc Court. A goodlj number of resident and visiting law 3ers took part in the proceedings. It was agreed that the bar attend the funeral iu a body if practical, and a committee was aDnointeJ to draft sui.iuie .resolutions iu respci 10 lie memory 'of the deceased to be sub- mi tied at a luter day - spread upon the minutes of the bar. ' Till: MILITARY ARRIVING. - . . . 1 of , Henderson, binder command ofi Capt, Ilcury l'err3, arrived, accompa nied by x number of citizens along the R.-&3. railroad. At noon a special train arrived from New Berne bringing th? Wilson Light Infantry, under Capt. W. V. Wootten, and the Goldsboro Rifles, under Cpt. U.l. Dortch command- Vrri.'pnt W v; PoU , .l- P t , i mg. 1 rei'tent . S. LaJwick, of the I xr -n ,.M.A..r....i s , .. ! N. C. railroad, had ordered this sped kal train ih order to bring Grovernor j Fowlo's brother and sister, Mr. J. L. Fowle and Mrs. Telfair, of Washing ton, to the sad occasion. The train from the West was le in LiiKl, but when itlid come it brought i 1 t 1 1 1 -f i about two hundred and hfty passen-1 10m werc the Burling- j ton Light Inlantry under Lieut. Car- roll, and the Durham Light Infanrv! under Capt. Gat is. Besides these : . . . . great numbers of prominent citizens , . . , , from the V cctern part of the State , . , . from ihe tram. -By three o clock the capital sou re ' , . , . 1 was a scene of moving humanity. The , . , c . whole city was out en masse to wit- nets iu sau wtaaiyu. THE CASK FT CLOSEIl. As the town clock struck 2:30 the casket containing the bodj' was dos- ft and the face of our Governor was hid. from men forever. Thousands had looked upoa it with deepest sor row", young ana old, rich and poor, be lifted in the arms of: the stronger! white and blade, all had seen him as !of earthly good. May the sudden-! Jaui?.v ciar.c i t acres Hectors plaint now-on rile in lu ofhee, or the - ; , i.-v 1-,. l ; T;fT' i-.i j i: ,' , ; Creek $2 30 plaintiff will demand jtidmeut pra eon- til-" us ho lay for Lis final Sieep. liilt'e i ness of this death remind us a liow X-,' t i,t 1 i f ' Gli t J D 87 acres Ileefor'- Cr lCiSJ.vi 10 nnn. i,y children, anxious to see thq man whom quickly the cord may be broken, and j G" "tiorsw, Given under my haul and seal of offi-! they were taught to revere, begged to we may ever live in readiness pre-T Johnson T F 35 acres Hector's Cr. 2 a' camfpov831, 1' .. . ... . . .'-....'..' ' above lie cPen csket. Bm now .it closed f,rever and the large , pil. low cf the m .;st lovely end beautiful j (lowers our eves rested upoa (the Co- j retribute of Capt. Bejha Came -- ' n,i a ; mere beautiful c r plP'rnnt. floral tri- cute Las never uceu seen m jule'i'.i and it. betokened that the great exec utive Lore in death as in me -tac; a r '.r ! iiEArjMC tiie i:e:.:ain-3 to t;:i: c5irR:ii f P ras 3 -15 when the batttllioa of ! the State Guards foimed in ranks 1 end steadily roarchtd up Fayettevil.'e 2 f.iri,j.! a o ..p,:r' of the U:j f.u:int ui-io. l:o!t; ;:: .-i';n9 ia ihf-?. our ps ayers. L-t 1 hy y.?,; r"t!l;;: and t:;0 M.i.io.;!v; ;-.h"T ; t:r.j fr!of.,i f..?!i cr d'.-;vi. !: Irrri : ..itts!. id tLo T;-n.an. "At 4 :1D i be eat'ct ni-. tt-'r.ca t!:e north door, ar.d htcad iu I!1:' 1 hearse. Preceded by the Govers.-r't i httf t.c rerr.r.Tns xvs e L" :iiC ..r, i-r. of rrdilarv wtl.e FiiM. pvca! ylerfti Ct.urcu or. t.'ie corner o! i Morgan v.r.cl SaUibur- Htri:?VJ.. A''r. -irfc tbo hrarse, xvhiea. was .i.e.nvi'y draped, wi-ed the f.:i:ov;in- hi,;bSy rtSr.Ccted colcTed men of i.e werc lue cUnyr i;ali b-rcis : 8-r j Atkins. And;ev Uavwood. EH Sun ; - r(.r. (;? as C: r lvrell, . Au3.en Dmcp j ftfotlt Jirs-s Akrss. Cha'-j Cotton, George Fiendcg. f Tiifse were f.dioed bv the honor- - rv .;;,ti fearers : Ex G: jiirvi-.. Senator Malt V 'I hos Il.UlSOUl. j" c$d. Thos.f.S. Kenan, Ex-Judge E G j Rc-ade, Judc A. S. Seymour, Hon. i i.il.jcmwa,.,jaaj.w.uoi cua4; . iJ, Uusbee, lvp ,'xot. A. li. ad-, JiS- JJcKeC' "n1 IJ- F j'j.e casket was borne to the chihvh pn1rnip moinlip ,,r ..p Governor Stafr, wbo bad. parted j tLst it might pass. sci: vices at Tin: ciiuncri. Few beside the family of the late m-f T-,inr tiip li-ill linT f ! ! :.i"r t -t" ! ; '. . . ! thcbiale, representatives ot the eoi-;,, rIcSes and University, city oSicers of! llaleigh and their rnuiK:ipaht le members of the Governor's sltuT an 1 distinguished visitors found seats in the Firsl Presbyterian church, where j the simple and appropriate services where held. Rev. John S. Watkins, ,x . . , . . I)r, Wntkins' first selection was Corinthians, loth chapter, after which he very feelingly made the following 5 - DU. ATKINS rr.AEi:. Oh God, we adore thee a3 the crea-j tor and supreme ruler and governor! of the world. The heavens are thine, ! ana tnc eartu is thine, ihy creatures j draw tficir breath from thee. ' lu thee we live, and move and have our be ing, and upon thee we are dependent for all things Thou'artthe T untaiu of life. Thou givest life and tii u lakest away. We rcjoi 'e that t, e Lord God omnipotent reigneth. and though his dealings are mysterious and no mortal mind can fathom the Monti. rf ,?c linlifvp tlinf. nil lliinrrsj vrrlf ! ivtpI I nr i , . ., . , . " , ,i for good to them that lov2 Ilim. Ami j now, our Father, as we are assembled j this cvenieg'in the presence of death, ; we desire to acknowledge thy hand! in this providence under whuh ou- hearts are burdened ar,d stricken with ; grief. The Lord gave; the Lord In ih; taken awav; blessed be the name of the Lord. We thank thec for all thv ,..01aWuuluaua8:a.I.CH,. e , st.pi!tcns W G i)Z acres Drv Cr bless tliee for the services which hois:; 8:) ! was enabled to render to his State toi his county,' and to society. We Ides j , , , ... ces which adorned his -charact. r.- ni 1 AU lMi 15 00li nd praiscworti.y m ; thee lor all those virtues ami excel-' any of us we attribute to thy gnu c ,T . now our Father help us to be faithful ! followers of thyself, and through faith ! , . . t, 83 . i and patience inherit the promise. ti- . .. . .. f nrnv Tiir h hnnn.iiiili'in i.-ii ' , , - . ., , this bereavca family. Oa thou who. t , A. - , , , j these orphan ones under thy own! , , I care. Throw over them the mastic j; of thy protection and of ihy. love. . , . " : io:i iuou gracious ana tenuer ftuep - i.- , , , . A , . i -herd of thy sheep, take these lambs! -, . . , ! under thine own arms and carry them : anJ . . . . . . those whose hearts thou hast smitten. ' . . , . ' May the sweet consoltticn ot our s , , ,. . , , , . j upon each one of them thee that thou (the blessed influences of grace, and may promises of thy word console them ! in thy hour of sadness and sorrow. ; Oh Lord God impress upon all thej transitory and unsatisfactory nature i pared to meet the Lord when he shall j i 4, , oitari. tvnuia u acres o kj 11 ,i - . . throw around them ! o.,tt t, . . , t!K above entitled cause, is ron resident - i-.ivovuiuvi .-j uu it,-;ii prucirss t.inuot it served upon niui. the sweet, precious ' Dixon Alex C2 acres Juniner S2 IS It is ordered that publication be made -n f "!l for u. - Oh that 3 may Ukc of the lessons of thy proridence. May.cll our hearts, and a the tear s ? W community, and all the hearts of this State be deeply and profound. Iy impressed.- OI, that the blessing Ul ..v..-. , ) . . 1 1 . -I . 1 t i that vrs raav be enabled to look for- ..,-.1 ;,.r r, lllnCSP'l Wlr!fl t . jfi : . i : ,. i v Jiore tiiore 13 no iaors iiicuiuu, ui sorrow or rain. "V7e beseech Thee, ocr' Hcavcnlv rather, to prepare n3 e n3i . and j for t,e c,rQ awaits 113, when Thou shall call ts to pa?s i t!ruSi the uari: vasiey 01 ucaa-. ge us & out and easy pa.ia-e. Jt-iid nj envoy of angcis to guidour incspci i-, enced snwU into these rcalnis of baesr-; -d-ipst tvlticu Thou hast prepared for ; i'i i.-.ve anrl'srrve Tbe. Hearidcnre $2 25 t, .:Lio.i rov. upon all the coiit.:'. lion r'. ':? f.ti'.viy, ou ! upon all - iJ j carl . 1t t.rav IhMi rereiv? oj into that b!esed it prepared for Tl.y ; Ir. on tii-u. .iid wo shd! render aii i a; n.t: ..- Kr, i W ' I Gho-u Amen. .Tro chr-.ir trnx - Ju.i, S?.vi-n-?r of; :,v S.-,!" u,. A ,ed rcleuti ,'""! rt-" - v . ! Ti-- of.ptoT then ar.r.OKnecd th;t th :krvl-..v-. v.-i bo eoa :IiiIe 1 f.L -I t:.;e grave, and :;3 the r.-o.r.dins wer borne fivid the chureh. the choir sang r.'earer my God to Thee." At 0 :0.? t ho funeral cortege left the l i'.urc! : St at3. C'rt nii'cb Of oftandsFor Taiei Nortlil r.,n?irn Trn.-f PnB.r Cponna liarnett County- I this day leviel on tha following lands bd-.-ning lo the psrsjn or persons named,- f r dof.-iult in pay- ' mentof thedr State and C;-u ltv Taxos a:l v,ill sell the famn .to the highest j for cash at the Court House "door in iLillington or. Monday May the 4th AXDEKSON CHEEK TOUXSIllP. ll:v Xeill. 310 acres residence '89 i. j;iv N A..:a acres McCrany Br ! 'SD '1)0 $ 10 50. a v KusiJono to vrx.si 1 1 p. Adams L W. 100 acrs, Ulack River 3 G;5. Peuton J II 1 town lot in Dunn J . 1'atts Mrs. M A 2 acres near Dunn Clark W G (I W Smith) 1 town Iol m Dunn $1 80. I .Godwin r.nocu o lown lois in uuno !S14 C3. l -Johnson Caroline 1 town lit in t- 1 a DO. ! Lanier J 1 1 town lot in Dunn 30. 4-I1:'ora W L" 1 tOVVn lot in Dunn ' 'orris N . n aKQ3 on SmitUQeIll road $1 .r3 Sid'v.srt Y L 95 acres Mingo $5 O.i 1 SiruxlanJ Dr. U J Id' acre3 near ; Dunn ." 30. Tew L IS 1 toA-n lot in Dunn $2 C3 ! aiKer j m z lown iois in uunn ?3 30 LarelootL Ii 103 acres Mingo $9 42 Lee L M i'22 acres it. K. $8 07 Lee K L50 acres Stonev Run $3 G4 Lucas II C 30 sra on B It $2 90. South Janie G2 acres B II $4 GO TOWN TAX. Pew L B- "l resi lent lot 111 Dunn iy . " Linier J B t business lot in Duna $2 80 RARlIACUK TOV;XSlIIP Mills Seth A 200 acres Jumping jun (33 Morris Geo 100 acres Barbacue l'earon 7.eb 20 acres Little River D-iIrvmnhle Easter -10 acres Big Lrai.cl 1 97 : i.-laci: Rivnn towxsuip Uockady Wm Est 11 acr i , LrancU -1 p. cres Long J Mcc !1 Neill Est 11 acres Black v 1 ' r . 1 ren V V 2i acres BlacR R.ver 1359 and '90 13 ft I nUCKIIOKN TOWNSHIP. tvruoi r, Arnoi ivisavia isi ii'u acres U v K T- ..!,c,in in,. t.( 7 ''"fon i.H acres Little Norri3 Q T 04 acres Parkers Crj ' v . . I $2 1G Rollins T B 218 Beaver Dam $7 II Smiih Betty 40 acres Beaver Dam .c - ? hi " onovx: township. Alio,, Est SO acres Ju-ipcr . . firrlv n n -n 171 nin,.b n ,CV i acres Bla"k R 1SS9 and 90 SiVJu. - m., ,,-f , ,,o u t - Pleasant R J 25 acres B R.St 70! Hcneyvuit J P 29 C L $2 20. hectors creek. Ballentine J A 83 acres Neilis Cr '2 41 $3 91 t v Iovp ,, i- Vr - " u":n:i ?A 41 of the SUtc of North Carolina, so. thatl Mathews Qaincy C 70 acres N Kt $2 23 ' ' : - LILLINGTON TOWNSniP Cali Mrs Gil 500 acres .Silver Kiv;l 6 30- "' . : . I Elliott Wash 2 acjes pmey wooss $3 34 ' T Vircrinia Life Ins Co 77 ceres U n $2 33 'i Si NEIIX3 CRUEK TOV';3Hir. u ttarnes A L 20 acre3 Hughes QV 4-1 ftrt 1 v WarnesWE-551 acres -Hughes I?r 4-2 7S t . Johnscs M.J 21 acres Pry cr $f ...... i: 8te,tai:t?. c::i-es Tov;Fii!r ;! :j 1l;(itt Kr.. SD awes re-;d,..n! g. nr . ; . . Ifi Fcrgu?o Lewis Est 72 jimis ivslf-j McHride A -ii.V3 acres-Bird JiinU j t J 5 00 "jiarcr cri,r Jr isgo nd ?00 $3 01 132aTe3 residenU O'J 'I ! l. jr. TOKXur. H e i;;;',m !;.! -Ifi itrrea lti- I ri,.h:1nan .1 W 103 aores Danit: cmtk $2-'30 Lachany baci'1-50 acres V:trboro!i; V- P po Mrs Alvid 43 acres 11!. Watson J W TVri2!it rdaee $2' TiO. I Ya: borough i rah 70 acres Xei U Palrvmrde N McK i:,9 ticr' X MANUFACTURER s t BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS p n. lit ? I H I 5-' I i r urn i I 4 !1 i fs daily improving his stock f Farm Supplies of all kinds, ' Ward Tarn and 'Cottoii; Stonewall, and .Hamvytoii Boy plows and Castings A Full line of Cotton Hoos. Axoii, j a Shovels and Evorytbing a Fame? needs I AT BOTTOM PRICES! Also a large stock of t GROCERIES such as flour, sugar coii -FEE, AND BEST SYRUP ON I THE MARKET I also keep the best sto-k of lia ull 1 n , 1 r i - 1 maita tugg3r ana u agon jjarues& on hand, and do all kinds of repaifi work on Harness. ;i '. VI The best grades of fertilizers snchj as 1J! inriTi ni? a TMr nnrnTiTTw Mimr Ulljrll jliiJ c. r AKfliliKS Sx'E- CfL COTTON COMPOUND. Come and examine before buying.- North Carolina 1 In-OffiVo.Clk. Ilarnot J'ounty Supt. Court" Jno. M. Stewart Ex. "I of EUlrige Stewart i petition vs I for ' C. J. Stewart it others f fpal heirs at law of j Account. LMnre Stewart - J Ir apixarin to the undersigned thath The Central Times, a newspaiier pith- i . ij., u f . . A . , r notifying said C. J. Stewart to appear ! before the undersign at his office in Lill i : ingtou on or before the .20th Of Aoril h i i imji, ami answer or demur to tlie Com- ; Clk Supt. Court Harunett Co. Sprii.g Br $5 G2 ! .May-l-tf ! ; C. McAKTAN. i April CtU lisai bherHi.-l ;- ; j ' ' II I. L bOUCLAS" 111 Ui Clk Supt. Court Harunett Co. j! i m m M i T 1 r - 1 - i i I ADVERTIEENTb. NEW MILLINER AD DRESS MAKER Mrs. D. A. Koop.ee in no?r located is Dunn. K. C on ..the lower floor under Drs. Gouds-.m & Sexton oince and is now receiving, her new -stock of Spring Millinery, and will have a " . j i , f.Vj J J ft I VltltH' J" UCJl " I 'Tv5H,l-l ' and . uidritnmcd Half, iJounea &o xvill.be -h.vn.. l!axi?j ,9,it.t, g,vcjr.i tr.siidnjf n ML'linery j X-sfti. atitl am niv7 j-rop:iry i to-serve ay'ia mv line. Sue McKay will assist in c in .Iress rnnT:r;.s . .- . I -I'uu.v.nnlcc .sstisraot'on -m either iii'iifir'-tnesi Giv c sue a e Ytuis repec.L fully. "MRS. D. A. KCOKCE, LEE J.BESTi i) it n V- ' v. nM- .(i . -WH y 't;, : - iven :.o eollecta of cIhiids. OUCLi end ottie epftfciV kV. L. UCt OVX.Afcs BrccbUtM W T. W UXD1LHWOUU. S6LD AGET Dan N". C. v. a 15 A 5 P : h b. V i'-fc H i i f?n -R-p. n-J VP.TsT AWA1' ! ilj lii'Ho You May ba Tii3 Lnaky 0io , Pi.e fib-ve -u;. r'?,rijsnl s tho NEW I .wllI'r!L,s'iiJ. & V -? ;s;e v'i Mneiiioe valued a. 4o drtlpirP, -viiich wilt b given a-:ny on the lolhi dav of Juns nesi. ! ' Tlxe JL X.CA ax Any n:.d :i!l partes making ensh; purchase- fro. a Immense stock of Hardware arid I Furniture no7 located in ..lue brick; build ng iifcxl lK)f so Young Bros, j atouu:in to $4.00 bewtecn this the j 2Gtli day of February and the 15 day t of. June will receive a ticket, the 1 number t.f wlilch correspond with nothcr ticket on ; whicii th pnrchas- fers name will be wtittsa. On the l5i!i day of Ju!ic these tickets , will be placed in a iTox and some dislh-! tcres'-cd party Ldind fol ic-V who will j draw ihem out, the first tekfc dran being eulitled to tt.e macume. Feb-C iltt K A V L EE & CO. - ' . Duud N. C. A D V E UT I S2 B N TS ibr Infants ... i fa merits SO EQoS II IX.'. ; - " ' - . . .1 . . r I. ... iir a m f,h Few are t?.e i ?Te:!UjP.t families to uo uuw kjif ? Ctr CArJUOS Hattys, P. I . Lcie Taster Bloorains!ii!e lieformed Chtrch or 1 Tsk Ckstack If vo.i (1 .t hcliee t come and - . 1 DRY GOODS, HATS, SDOES, CactOT.asowaap-c-- n RiiJ j.. DlStrTilCV ruc-tati.-.n. IroooniTncridnaoSiiriOl to3.J-7P-vX,i5-.- V(-orlll(j givt' eiep, aai'J promotes di kaowa to n:e." IT. A. Aaarctt, 11. V, I pc&tJon, 3i: So. G?rJSt,IcckIjn,N, Y. J Witkoat injsnous nadwttioo. . lit ll ii Sue III 111 GEOCpRIFS GROGE11IES OBDIISK AND FAVORITE FLOUR IS THE BEST ' Southern Girl Cook Stove. We sell the HEW HOME and AM SRI CAN Bering Machines $80.00. I carry ani'ca line of CoIHns. Gaskets, and Barial Robes of all sizes and for boti Sexea-- '. ..-''. Call and examine, always glad to shovy good.i, JAS. A. TAYLOR. I rpriipi"'rpip'' J. J. Dnprre wishes io call the the beet line of READY MADE Also iho nicest line of ladies drc? good : WOrvSTEABS, FLANNELS,- GINGHAMS, CALICOES. A nice line of TRUKS. FAKCY 'GLASS AND CROCKERY Guaranteed toToUqual vto the j to ;a1 examine m' stock ,nfJ p cp,v ,rn RES PCECTF LILLY, J". . J. ;ULTPREfe.-- ''.'. : DUNN, N. 0. DRY Ladies. now the time to select a nice Spring Dress and J. A. MASSINGILL & CO'S. I :cls Is the beet place to buy it. They ; ' - ( I- 1 1- DOUBLE-WIWB-. IV IN in Dry 3"OC GINGHAMS TO EE 10111 DOW'T FORGET THE PLACE. J. A. MASSINGILL & CO. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR S W PARKER f V ADVEItTISEMElsrs and Children For sevor&l years I h.ie reconrvinpn'le-t fl r, , 5,,c J.iy.-.tHoM T.r.-vlifV,i Vif-Tiffinial a . w . i -; - - . . . lo b.1 as i'i. iios ivanac' irocu alts." . En-nif F. Pardbs. K. D., "Xi:3 "SYintirop,'" ! Street and ?th Ave., 2Cew York City, Cgxpast, 77 JIushay TnsrT, Xcw York. price my Ne t.J took hlllT HTPI T ( I ! attention of his friends and enstataers to OOTS, 'SHOES, HATS If. cheap Any. and all persons will do and compare the prices before purchaa, Emp opiTim have the nicest and cheapest line of LAIS, HALLUX CHAMBRAYS AND illi S, THE Cllf. H. McD. ROBINSON, ATT0RNEY-AT-LA.W 6 (UP STAIRS) TKORflTtHI BLKK. FAYETTlTrIIiL.E, N. O. Conveyancing and Collect lnsr'fiocialtif?. rrmrticcn in Cumberland ami adjoiniifi? c"un titi. Will try casc-3 in Unnn.wheiiHfrvlC'i are UVaired. Prompt attention toil luInes JAMES II. POU EDW'AItDW. POU jr POU & POU ATTORNEYS-AT:XiAW- SM1THFIELD, N. C. Practice in State and' Federal Court.. One merabej of the firm will always af tend Lillingtou Court, and will go to Duun vheuevcr bu.suiess shoidd require. CLOTRING -GENERAL MfRCHAN! I E riTninTT I' I 1 i 3 :i .

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