Mi; cestui, mm. ten ay JUNE 4 1S91 ,LpBANT&AM Local Editor. Turpentine Market: Virgin $3.00 elloW,Dii S2 30. Shefl.. M. L. Wade carried a :iZs colored woman to the Asylum iear Goldsboro Tuesday. Dwmir to hteli" water in the Cape w for the last week very few peo- (le from that section have been to ,'wn. The Winston Base-ball team have haliensed the State or even the Luthern States. Who-rah for in to n boys. The farmers of our section are uUirr in some good work now they av they have pretty good stands of and corn is looking well. tVJ L I w .. - Mr. H. C. McNeill tells us that on IonJav a large Mack snake called at his house and when the Runner ade his appearance, the family dis- ippcared with a shout. fieo Brandt, one of the largest 'merchants of Fay ettevi lie made an assignment on Tuesday for the(bene' 'fitof his creditors. Liabilities $20. V)00. Assetts estimated at $12,000- The Smith River Association will Lid their next Union Meeting with Spring Bransh Church about six L;iOQ fr.,m liorp in SamDSon cuuntv on the 28th, 20th and 30t,h of August. Some of our subscribers, who only subscribed .for three months their (subscription is: expiring. We will 'put X X marks at the end of your name at expiration of your subscrip tion and we would be glad Uhaya you renew Rev. J. J. Harper of Smithfield has ben in town this week assisting in the meeting at 'he Disciples chure lie preached Sunday and 'Monday n ::h;s. On tho former night his tilj'i t was, "The Oestitutio'u of the sinner. end on iuc letter nigni Procrastination " The' were both impressive, able and sound sermons, well directed to the point, and full of scnptual truths Mr. Harper left for his home in Johnston county Tuesday morning. We were informed by one of our best citizens, and a close observer he is. That a certain young man in town has a nice way of po. p ng the question. As he was standing in his store door the other night the young fellow with loved one pa ssed, and he said to her. I, want 3ou to walk through lifes rsth's with me. Oh I she exclaimed ! How beautiful the mooa shines to-night. . Now the oor boy is still pressing for a more definite reply. What will it be? The scries of meetings at the Christia i church held by II. C. Bow tn closed Monday night. The meet ing continued for sixteen days with good attentive congregations, and closed with ten additions, five by confession and baptism, and five xjlherwise. II. C. Cowen did most f the preaching and won the esteem nnd many compliments of his con gregation. J.J. Harper of Stm'hneld. was present on his return from the Union mcctiDg, Sunday and Monday Yn-hts and preached the two closing sermons. Mr. Bowen left for his homo Tuesday morning leaving be hind many fiends who will be glad to sec him return. Prnoialn. Shenfr McArtan w.ia in town Tuesday. Mr. W. F. Hockaday of Lillington was on our streets Tuesday. Maj. B. F. Shaw spent Sunday with his family in Lillington. Mr E. F. Young accompanied by his wife spent Sunday and Monday in Summersville. Messrs. L. H. Lee, John Pearce ftud Lee J. Beat paid a trip to Goldsboro Monday. Rev. Mr, Hough and wife spent yesterday m town the guesU of Mrs. McCoy at the Hotel Divine, Me were glad to see oar young friend Mr. Will Underwood ofNew ton Grove drive in town yesterday. i iiss Claud Harrell has been con fined to her room for several days by wetness, bit, we are glad to hear she '3 improving. Senator Green of Lillington was ni town Tuesday selling cotton. The Senator is always jolly and his many friend here are glad to see him. Mr. Joe A. Stewart of Troy villa passed through town yesterday on his return from a trip to Roberson county. He says the prospects for crops are poor in that section. Mi. A. W. Deiniag from the Troy vdle section and one of our county's bes$ farmers paid us a call Tuesday Sfid subscribed for the Times. i f-' . ' . " " " Messrs. John Williams and Jdbn Colvill-j of Little River Academy pascd through our town -Monday summonsed as Federal Court Jurors. The many friends of MissKizzie Lee will be pnine-1 to hear she remain quite il! yet with typhoid fever. The Timks joins thero in wishing her speedy recovery. Messrs. Eldridge Lee and Jar. A. Taylor, of our town attended .he Union Meeting which was held with Salem church in Sampson county on Saturday and Sunday. They report a large crowd and a good time. Sampson people are noted for their hospitality and kindness. t Mr. J. L. Parriah, one of Benson's largest merchants and Mr. G. W. Cavenaugh, his book keeper paid us a pleasant but brief call Friday en route to the Cape Fear Shingle Mills. Messrs. W. F. Hodges, T. F. San ders Josiah Pope, Hinton Munns, P. J.-Jeffreys and G. M. Lee are at tending Federal Court in Raleigh this week. Miss Mamie Harper of SmithfieH has spent several days in town visit ing relatives and attending the series of meetings at the Disciple church. She presided at the organ and by the assistance of the choir moit exceilent fpusic was rendered. She leaves this morning for her home. Sample Copies. When any one receives a copy of The Central Times it is an invita tion to subscribe for the paper. Ma ny are taning the hint. Let many more do the same. Wc make no charge for sample copies. Send your name & address upon a postal, it will cost you one cent and you will receive a copy of the paper free of charge. Wc need .a good paper in Dunn bat unless the' people will aid us it is impossible for as to give it. Friends will aid us by sending in any news in their neighborhood. Memorial Service - O. O. V. On Sundav evening next at 5 o'clock in the D scpJe church Luck now Lodge No 115 will hold service in memory of those noble brethren who have passed from our order here on Easter and gone to join the Grand Lodge above, Rev. N. 15, Hood will conduct the services.- Kvery mem ber is requested to meet In the Lodge Room at 4 :30 o'clock, sharp. llOAHD OF MAGISTRATES ANNUAL MEETING THE TAX , LEVY RECOMMENDED DT THE COMMIS SIONERS ADOPTED. . t The annual meeting of the Board of County Magis. rates and County Commissioners of Harnett county was held on Monday June 1st at the Court House in Lillington The first business before the body was the question of funding the L illy debt which was recommen ded by the commissioners. Messrs. Goo. M. Rose and R. T. Gray represented the Lilly estate after considerable dis cuss ion both pro and con a motion was made to table the resolution as recommended by the commiasioners but was lost by a vote of 15 for and 1 6 Pgainst. And tben on motion to Concur in the action of the Commis. sioners tlie vote stood 16 agaiast and 15 for. Consequently nothing was done and the Lilly debt stands just where it did before. Next business was the election of County Board of Education after considerable voting &c. Messrs J. A. Smith D. P. McDonald and D. B. Parker were chosen. We congratu. late the. board on their ssl ection. while we know only one member personally we have been told that the others are good capable men. In the matter of assessing lands throughout the county it was decided to raise the present valuation 25 per cent. On Averasboro township the average will be $4.50 per acre. We would like to give each township but cannot get it in time for this Issue. Itlarrled. At the residence of the brides par ents near Peacocks X Roads John ston county last Thursday evening at 5 o'cloek-John W. Jernigan a for mer resident of onr town and Mies Emma Lee were united in the bonds of matrimony, 6. P. M: Tart, Esq., offi ciated. A. B. Godwin Jr., of Dana, was call upen to act as best man for the groom There was a goodly num ber present and the occasion was in " deed a pleasant one. We extend onr best wishes hoping them a long and happy lift. May their yoyage be calm and smooth and the waters they sail upon never be ruffled with the stormy cares of life. Children Cry for Pitchers Cistoria? If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS To the Teachers of Harnett !o. Mr. Er rroit : B - your permlss'on, I would like to oJfe r through your columns a few suggestions to the teachers and friends -of education in our cou nty. It is well known that our public schools are not doing the effectual wor k tl.cy should and would do with he proper interest on the part of parents and teachers. The little good accomplished in our District schools is the cause of the, cry, "Down with the Public schools," This is not all due to the teachers. How often are they ridiculed au d pounded with hard names because of their inefficiency, when those very people who ridicule would not pay them more than twent y or twenty-five doll arsper month? What teachers can prepare them selves for effectual work at such remunerations? I believe the majority of our dis trict teachers are doing the best they can. They are honest toilers and do not want your money for nothing. If you would pay them more for their labors, and then suppliment the Public money with a liberal subscrip tion ; it would enable these sacrific ing teachers to prepare themselves for, better work. But I did not in tend to discuss the relation of patrons to teachers. Now a few words to yjou. my com rades, in the battle against vice and ignorance. The battle is upon us. And like brave soldiers we must fight it. Does it not then behoove us to equip ourselves for the fight It strikes me that our interest might be greatly supplimented by or ganization and united effort, " In union there is strength." Teachers, why not spend a week or two this summer in organization and discussion of plans and methods for the work of next year ? The last of July will be a leisare time for all classes. Why not meet then? Why not? With the profoundest conviction ilia, good will accrue to us from such a meeting, I hereby move that the County Supt. appoint a committee of three or five to select the time and place of meeting, prepare a pro gramme, and appoint or secure the speakers. What say Prof. Parker and Rev. J. A. Caupbell and others to this pro position? Let us hear from you friends. With best wishes for all wno a-c interested, I am respectfully, E. B. Jounson, Bunn'b Level, N. C. May 27 9l- Proclamation by the Governor. Executive Departmt. j . Raleigh. N, C. Whereas, the Southern Inter-State Immigration Bureau has decided to hold4 in the City of Raleigh. N. C. during the mouths of October and November A. D. 1891, an Exposition of Southern products; and Whereas, the-General Assembly of North Carolina has made an appro priation lor the purpose of displaying the State at the Columbian Exposi. tion in Chicago in 1893. . And in accordance with the request of the progressive North Carolinians in Convention assembled ia the City of Raleigh, N. C. May 13 and 14th 1891, I, Tnomas M. Holt, Governor of North Carolina, proclaim to the people of this State tlie necessity of fully co-operating with the Southern Inter-State Immigration Bureau, and the Commissioners in charge of the Columbian exhibit for North Carlina And I request progressive citizens in each county to meet the Justices of the peace and County Commission ers at thejr respective County Seats and urge the appropriation of such a sum of money as may be deemed neccessary to have the resources of eachConnty fully shown to capitalists manufacturers and home-seekers that will visit the Southern Exposition in this city during October and Nov ember and at Chicago in 1893. The State appropriation is not suf ficient to make such an exhibit as this State is capable of showing. Therefore, I most earnestly urge those County officers having the inter est of the people in charge, and all wishing to see this grand Stats of ours properly exhibited to the World to give this important matter their most earnest attention. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, and at the City of Raleigh, this 22nd day of May, in the year of our Lord, ona thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and in our one hundred and fifteenth year of our American Independence. Thomas M. Holt. By the Governor : S, F. Telfair, Private Secretary. I he 81gK of the Time. Mil Editor: it is generally decided in these progressive days by the Spirit of the age, if a man cannot See in the signs of the times, the approach in the near future, great moral and political reform, and social and reli gious improvement that there is some ihing wrong with his liver; Now with your permission I will inform your (as.nevs) that lam suffering with something of the kind, and have taken liver regulator, blue mass and iuus pui.', wuuout rener, ana as you have a number of good phisicians in your town, which I hope will in terest themselves in my case, I will give two or three among n any of the causes of the disease to aid them in reaching a correct diagnosis. The new'sl flies from New York the metropolis of America that our na tion pays annually $900,000,000 for strong drink, $600,000,000 for snuff and tobacco, 400,000,000 foe music $200,000,000 for kid gloves, $20,000, 000 lb? ladies dead dress and only $5,500,000 for missions. The news also come from the Cap ital of our nation that Senator Ingalls publicly declares, that the Decalogue and golden rule has -no place in American politics. The news emi nates from the capital of our State that our recent legislature, .made of men pledged to guard the interest of the poor laboring class of people, passed an act unanimously making it posible for one publishing house to suck $420,000 from the poor people of the State. ( Is not this enough to give any man that believes in a special provi- dence the blues ? PHINX. Show to the World What YOur Section is Capable or Pre-dacingr- A The following are among the ar ticles that are desirable from each section of State the to place in t e Southern Exposition to be held in the City of Raleigh, N. C. j One halt bushel ol each of the fol lowing : Barley, buckwheat, corr, oat?, rye, wheat, rice, grass seed, field peas, beans, dried aj pie, peaches, quinces, prunes, denies, wild and cultivated berries, nuts and acorns Preserved fruits in half gallon glass jars. One to ten pounds of each variety of cottod in seed and lint; flax and jute in varisus stages of manipula Uon, Ten pounds of each variety of sugar; one gallon of each variety of molasses and soigharo, honey one quart or one to ten pounds in comb. Two pounds of each ariety of to-bacco- Te i p u ids of ere' Jriety of grass one bundle of, six inches in diameter of each variety of grain in sheaf. Hops, five pounds; broom corn, ten to twenty five heads; garden peaa and beans, one gallon of each variety dried. ; Plants and growing shrubs ia spots. Spirituous liquors: winea and all kinds of liquids oae quari of each variety. Minerals, building stonei, precious stones, marl and phosphate rock any size specimen; soils one foot square a9 deep as desired, boxed up so as to retain the same as when taken from thground. - J Wood and timber specimen, ' if in sawed form, one inch thick, any width and length; if section is sawed from the tree to be any size desired if split from the tree, the section to be large enough to square at least two by four inches by four feet long, manufactured good3 from wool and flax and silk, each sample usual width, six yards long, from wood or iron, one specimen of a kind. Stuffed birds and animals ; Indian relics and curiosities, photographic views of buildings, farms and scenery one of a kind, A The above list of articles - may be added to, both in variety and quanti ty, according to what is prodoced, manufactured, or found in esch state or community, J no. T. Patrick. Secretary Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do ail that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Livsr and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, B oils Salt Bheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malarial fever from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Con stipation and Indigestion try Elec trie Bitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts., and $1.00 per bottle at Har per & Heod's Drugstsre, m:i. Mrs. Eliza Norris wife of W. B.' Norris Esq., of Averasboro- She had been lingering' several months and oa Tuesday night gently breathed her las'. The death was expected still i was a shock to the family and community. The Time J.in her many friends in extending their yn -pathies. At tier old homestead and at the residence of Mr. Geo. M. Lee tbr mothcr of A. T. Lee Esq- late of Dunn. Mr.. Elizadeth Lee brea'hed her last on last Sundav night. She fell from a chair and received a severe hurt and lived a few days. She was in her seventy eighteth year She has been a consistent member of the Primative Baptist church for six teen years. She was the mother of Sfieen children thirteen of them are now living and all Married. Her fanHy numbers efgkty eight grand children and fifty one great grand children. She was interred at the old family grave yard with a large atten dance. We extend our tender sym pathies to the bereaved family. May she rest in peace. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. . When she became Hiss, she dune to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Castorift A DERT1SEMENTS A Household Remedy . FOR ALL BLOODandSKIH DISEASES 13 Dofcni3 DI::d Dd3 Ur, 'scrofula, ulcers, salt form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious In toning up taa system and resloring the constitution, when Impaired from any caste. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify os In guaranteeing cart. If directions are followed. SENT FREE MBMk f Hntol." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. 6a. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO J. C. COX IF YOU WANT TO BUY ANY CHEAP FOR CASH CALL AT THE STORE OF JVC. COX SPRII --rV YOUNG BROS. HEAD QTJ.AJEIT Onr Mr. Young nas juot returned froxa Uavr York where he Bought one of tho Largest and viczl complete Stock of Goods oyer brought to Dunn, Our former large Stock of CLOTHING, BOOTO, GHOGG AND HATG Haye heenr doubled thioTceason Our Prices on these Goods we will guaranteo 20 per cent under Kaleigh, Fayette ville or Goldnboro The ladies are especially invited to examino our STOCK OF WHICH FOR BEAUTY, VARIETY AND GTVU2 cannot be equaled in We fciVo TaicO added to WHOLESALE where will carry a largo CLOTHING, DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCIFIIOH, SH0B,M$ AND WILL GUARANTOR The attention of Merchants of tho enrroundk section axe invited, and all wo ask is an examination TOIG IT YOUNG BROS. DRESS GOODS Eattern Carolina 4 OS- our buxdntrs a DEPARTMEIJX Stock of e j PRICES WITH TO: BROS

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