T3 THE CENTRAL TIMS. K. F. YOITNd . K. R a:tii All Editors. THURSDAY AUGUST 30 1S91 rOI LTKY A.'Ml EGGS. Poultry-raiaing is not classed aroori the industries of this country, for there are very few who giv? special ) interest to it, and yet insignificant as it is generally supposed to be the aggregate sales of poultry and eggs amount annually to about $500,000, 000, in addition to which millions of eggs are annually imported .from Kurope. There are farmers who wouldn't think of raiding poultrj fir market or of I rioging eggs to market because tLe- think it looks too small. There are also thousands of farmers. North and South, .who although they are n.t too proud to sell poultry ar.d 1 1 J ' eggs never do sell them because thev j b ' : have nevrr af ached any importance 1 J 4 to jthera as sources of insome. They , raise enough for their own use. that's all. We have known farinar in this Stae to kill tlteir chickens because they scratched liposome of their grain. There are pome poultry farms in this country, a few. wl.-re the atten- j lion of the proprietors is given to j the raising or lh an i eggs lor - marker, and the snrpifsir.g thing I Hbout it is that tnero are not more tbera. and that the pi.ultry. a:vl buyers of the country have to depend upon wiiat ib simply picked up upon the farms. There is no industry in this conn try which yields as much money in prop'rtirn to the capital invested. wi.nld no bean exaggeration to say that at ieaset eighty pT cent, of the f500.000.000 received for poultry and eggs is clear p.ofit. the fowls j feeding themselves fro.n pickings around the farm, which would, other wise go to waste. In the S"uUi the chicken is a trench more common article of fb-d than in the North, the per capita .consump tion beicu at least twioe as sreat. which may' he accounted for by the fact that raising chickens gives but i little trouble nere. th climate being so mild that there is no . danger of their being frozen to doatu in the winter if not well hiused, and no dauger of their starving to death if not fed by hand. For this reason the raising of poultry is not attended in the South by the same risks and losses which it is the North, and for this reason it would be morc-profita. ble and should receive more atten tion. It may seem an iincredible state ment that ttiere are not poultry nor eggs enongh sent to market in North Carolina to meet the homo demand, while in all the larger tofrns on the railroads they always command a fair price and sometimes a very high price. In this city half grown chickens seldom sell for less than Urenty-five cents by retail, and eggs Bcniora less man iuteen cents a dozen. At prices like these there are lortunes in chicken farms to men who will devote their attention to lhem. and study the (thicken so as to be able to prevent or cure the diseases . . . . . ! special industry, for chicken cholera anu oiuer laiai diseases sometimes ! 3 at maL sometimes attack and carry an appropriation to the World's Fair, them otT. This is the ..most serious j an(1 ha(1 actliany ut to 'siMme some draw back to engaging in this aa'of her slstcr states Aml now it I via iw t,o utit u iii iiuiuuu u sweep them off by the hundred. The and scoffed at. Will the wide-awake cause of thia we. d;,n't know but in- j citizens of North Carolina stand this ? vesication would probably show that Uyiy ,not .go to work and get up it will be found either in ths food ; enough money to have a grand ex they pick kp. the water they drink or J lubir. at this great exposition in 1893. In tha ill ventilatei houses they rooitjxorth Carolina has the material to in. The Northern chicken raiser has!raake an exhibit out of, and all she the sarno dimcultiea to contend fwants is the energy to have it dis- against, iiut this does not occur often enough to be an lnsurmounta- ble obstacle to success in the busi. oess. There may not be in the largua'je of Col. Sellers, millions in it.", but there is handsomely paying money and more in proportion to the Sand, capital and labor required than in anything the Southern farmer can en. gage in, and it is a business, too. : - which he can increase as he desire?, without tnucu additional oxnene. There is no danger of overstocking the market," for there is no day that chickens suitable lor the table will not command a good price in the nearest market town or in towns of easy access. With the advantages the South has in climate, mild win ters, und in the abundance of food the chickens pick up this ought to be the great chicken section of the country mh! ought to bring in to our people as much money as the cotton " looKs.use a UJ" UUfc- tuere are immense iMHsihifi ies iu it. Wilmington Star IMPORTANT Awvivn. . Messrs. A. Sprupt & Son, of Wil mintrtnn. N. C. who as cotton ex ...rLPr.have attained to credit a..d. renown throughout the commercial circles of the world, and who' are thoroughly posted in the minutia of the business, have recently issued an open circular to cotton planter- that contains much wise counsel and im portant formation concerning the r - ( growing crop and Low it should be handled in getting it ready for market. If our farmer friends, readers of Tiik Times, in this section, whoegan neacht Micb. and re Messed name is legion, and most of whom ;are co'ton growers of many acres, win ...now rr.,. o,u,.ww. - palpably sou"d advice wc fVel qu.te j ' J 1 ' sure it will redound to Jieir advant- . Ml r II f . C? Jt. CT,0 .' age. Ti e circular reads as follows : Wilvixoton N. C. Aug, 1. 1891. Dear Sir: The accumulation of) i low grade cotton ha overstocked i ll.a i.inrlnt nf I'm wnfl 1 n-l thl .. ... , , iiirtiliia will i'.riihn.!ilv have to brt 1 ' , ,,.:, sacrificed at extremely low prices,! r . , f. On the other hun t, t! c supply or good cotton is -quite limited, and ; ti.cie is always a market for ihe'j bet'er grades. It is therefore a 1 matter of the utmost importance to our friend, the planters, that extra ordinary care be taken in handling the next crop The greatest precau- Uon sjMMl1il be tak. n to pick the c(U n f.titt? n lion it in firt 1 v flrv nvoj,liHS, s,UCi aiv snidy cotton. I w, ic(l niM lte In,t carefallkept ! spparate from the better qualities, T,,e'n exPrci c:ire in setting the gin , g.iws so &s to nv((i(l rl,,t1n? t!e s.ft. ; .wl whon . j.kg, cc that no i j gin-falls, inferior cotton, sand nor J ' w:iter js penntttcd in the ba'ing. ! ! Ti'.is pro!;:ir ition will insure a ready j I tje at the best, enrrent prices wide j' l.p npioct f t hesfv precot;tions will! ! pr,babl y cause a loss of from five to! ten dollars per bale to . the farmer upon every bale he produces. Hiihorto many of our planters could afford t take tlie easier curse aiid gin good, bail and indifferent cotton together, but as the indica tions point to ruinous prices for me dium and infetior grades next season, it !ehooves every cotton producers to excrciset he utmost care in preparing his c rop for market, We trust tbnt our friends to whom this letter i addressed will appro, cia?e our motive in offering this ad- vicos: for their benefit, and that they will circulate it among their" neigh bors, S Alcxaxdki: Spuuxk A Sox. A II ii mi up; Mi:iH(. It turns out now that North Caro lina will have to back down in the $2.",000 appropriation for the World's Fair. . Since the condition was that it should come from the unclaimed direct tax money which has been returned to the !tate by. the Govern ment. The State cannot use that morey for any purpose' whatever, in less than six years, even granting that enough will be will be left u -called for. It would have been a thousand times belter if the Lesjisla- lure hvL, never zone through the farce Lf appropriating money it had no right to. The . newspapers have hearalded to the wor'd with glaring headlines that North Carolina, the 'Riii Van Winkle" State, had made turns ;ut to be merely a myth; how ti,0 m.i v,,rH, t M;,nir played in 1893. Patiiot. AVlml fv 'IVaeh Girl-. Give your girls a thorough educa tion. Teach them to cook rnd pre pare the food of the household. Teach them to wash, to iron, to darn stockings, to sew on buttons, and to make'thier own dresses. Teach them to spend within their income. Teach them to wear a calico that is paid for with more comfort than a silk one which is still owing! TeHch theui how to purchase and sec that the account tallies with the Durchsse. Teach them that good health and a bright face is better than fine clothes. Teach them good common sense, eel f help and industry. Teach that marrying a man with out principle is " like putting to sea without, a compass or rudder. Teach them if you can afford it music, painting, and .other accom. ni,,iimrntq - hut insist on a certain amount of reading daily. In read ing there is development, and ofteii The no man who does not read enough will certainly "gossip enough. Teach them to mind their own busi- and .avoid go8i,,ing as they would an infectious disease. A gos sip is a perveeted mind. Fina.lv. teach that matrimonial happines? depends npp on wealth, nor on appearance, but on personal character. A Utile Girl KxperlCnreMn UghlhouwC'. Mr, and Mrs. L ren Tre.scot are 4 1 keepers of the Gov. Ik'ht. house at wit h a dang hi it four Tears old. Last Apr il he wa taken with measles, f .uwed with a dreadful cou!i and , . , . . turning into a fever. Doctors at .11 home snd Detroit treated hei. still t ha grew rpiUy wrorse, until s'e j was nothing but bones. Then she ! tried Dr. King's New Discovery, af. ter usin two and a half bottles. ws completely curkd. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weiht in gol1, vet : . . trial botJe free at li weight in goM, yet you may get a arper & Hood's I 1 niTHf urn 3 , ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona. Iluel.lon'w ArniCii SalVO. 'Lht; het Salve in the, world for Outs Bruises Sors, Ulcers, Salt Rl en. fever Sres, Tetter, (.'happed ! Hands. 'Chilblains Corns and all N1':,n Eruptions, and positively cures l''1. r no nay required. It is guar anteed to or;vc pt-rfect satisfaction, o money refunded. Price 2 cents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood Druggists. Vhon IJaLr wa?i sick, we give her Castorla. V!icn yhe w.-is a dill t. she cried for-Castoria. WlKn s!ip hci'anf: Miss, she clmijr to Castoria. Wl:ca she had C'hiKIrt'n, she g&ve them Castoria Many Persons nr broken flowr frrro overwork or household carea. lirowu'8 Iron Bitters Rebuilds the tyjtem, aMif dipcstion, remove excess of bile,' and cures m&Uria. (Jet the genuine. NEW ADVKRTISKENT- RJHEUMATiSJU neuralgia, and sciatica - can always be successfully treated , vith . Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is: sure to follow v the persistent uso-of this . medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. LEE J. BEST, A 1 1 o r 11 Vy-n 1-1 a r , I) U N N, N. - a, Wil! practice in Harnett, and ad oining Counties. Special attention given '.o collection of claims, May-l-tf. H. McD. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 6 (UP STftlRS) THORNTON BLOCK. K A Y KT T K V 1 1 ! K . X. C. Cnvyaueinir and CoUttinf ' specialties. Pritctic s in ;uuilerlainl and adjoining coun ties. W ill trv cuiits in liiinu, wlici services are desired. Prompt atteution to Ail business if r ii; i. UUUilLOOHL- ir DUNN, N. C. The fall session for 1891 wiil be sin on Wednesday, September the 2nd, and continue twenty weeks. D. B. PARKER. PlilXCirAL. mm THE N'KXT TEKM HEC1XS SK.HT. 3 KNTKANCK KXAMIXATIXS, SEPT 2. Tuition ?;i0 per term. Needy youn nieii f t:ii-nt ;kiul clianieter will beuided w hit y-i !il;ir!iin anil 1-Kirs: Bosiiles the Cii-mra .'oiire of Stn!, which oiVer :i wi'le rane of eeetive. stnilie. th.re are eourses in JAw, MeJieide and Knineerinw. Fur catalogue itc.t ad dress the President, GEO. T. WINSTON. Chapel Hill, X. C. jDMIXISTRATOKS NOTIOE. The nnder?i2 ned having1 quailiiled as adiuinistmtor Com tetinento annex? of the estate of M. V. B. McNeill deceased, noiicei hereby given to ail persons holding claims against paid es tate to present them for payment on or before the loth day ol August 1S92 or tips notice will be pleade in bar for their recovery, l'ersonf indebted to said ctate are requested to made immediate payment. J. M. DAVIS, Admr. C. T. A. W. E. Miiicliison A, D. U. McLean Aug. 10th, Attys. ADVERTISEMENTS. THIS SPACE BELONGS ' ; TO J. c. cox IF YOU WaNT to luy any t CHEAP FOttCAStrCATL AT THE SJORE OF 4 J; CO OX GAPE FEAR k TADKIH TALLET .RAILWAY W. Condensed Schedule. lit EFFECT JULY 5, 1891. NORTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily ex " No. 4 . No. lc... Daily DailJ ex "I xe Kunday Sunda. Sunday lav. Wilminpton... lOam Arv. Favetteville. , 2 Kip m Leay. Kayetterille-.. 8 05 Leat. 8anlord 4 35 Arv. Qri'nslKiro 7 05 Leav, Unenslorii...j 8 47 I.eav. alnut Cove-j 10 45 Arv. Mt. Airy- Leav. BeniH-ttsYillt' L-av. Maxton. ..... Arv. FnyetU'ViU .) ..... lav. Ramspur. .. Arv. Greensboro Leav. Ureiislioro.-.J Illrm 133 2 57 7 sr.a 1. 1005 10 05 10 :5 Arv. Maaiaon..... SOJTH BOUND. No. 1 Daily. No. 3 Dail ex N01 Dai ex exiy Sunday Sunday Sund I.oav. Mt. Airy-... I 5 30am L-av. Waluut Covej 7 17 Arv. OreentKro.... 8 45 Leav. Ureensboro-!10 Leav. anford--... U.STpm Ar . Fayettevtlle ) t 80 Li ar, Fayetteville.-j 3'05 Arv. Wilmington SO Leav. Fayettevillej Leav. Maxton ........ 8 30 pm 4 1 M vrv. rennetisviiie Leav. Madixon .., Arv. Ore-ntoro Leav. Greenahoro Arv. Ramieur S FOpn. 4 35 5U !3 50 No. 12 I No 11 worth Borso Dally I fsorTH bocm Dally Except Sunday I Except Snnrtav Le.Oreentoro 10 35a m I L. Mt. Airy .. i iu - Waluut ovel05p m I walnut cove 43" Ar. Mt. Atry 4 20 - J Ar Oreo naboro 130" W. E. KYLE, General PasheDser Aent j.w.fry,; - Ueueral Xanaser. ADVERTIS2ENTS C 1. JE I 'mm a -mr- , I "V r? 1 ft ft 1 l r:.v for Infants and Children. -Cmst art a Is BO veB adapted to thildreil that I recommend itka superior y any precriioo known to me." II. A. Aacwxa, II. 111 So. Oxford St, BraWa, K. T. " Th us of ' Cartria is so unirsfsal and H merits so well known tha.: it kq) a Wl,rt of aupererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families whd iio wot keep Ca&toria wfrhio easy reach." " T Carlos SlARTvy, D. D , New York City. Late Pastor EloomlncdAlo liciorined Church. Tu Ckmtao Mexican Mustan Liniment, A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use All druggists and dealers tai 1 si I'Sffl i If you don't belipve it come and price my New Stock DM GOODS, HATS, SHOES, CLOTHING & GENERAL MERCHANDISE GROCERIES GROCERIES 0BDLISK AND FAVORITE FLOUR' IS THE BEST Southern Girl Cook ov ;. Fe sell the NEW HOME and AMERICAN Sw.ng Machines jU-5. 00. I' carry a nici line 6f Oof ns Gaskets, and Burial . Robes of all sizes ind for" botn Sexes- Call and examine, always gl A to show good?' JAS. A. TAYLOR. Wl mn TT fTlTTTf Ovintr to a cnange in our business, wc shall offer our entire stock of oods AMOUNTING TO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES And a great many articies at and below Coat.. s CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARG INS. WE MEAN BUSINESS r REsrCECTFULLY, J. A. MASSINGILL & CO. DUNN, N- C. . CHASE & SLATER LAW AND CLAIMS COMPANY 1331 F STREET, RORTHWEST. ..WASr.IXGTOX.D. C Practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, the. Court of Claim?, all the Executive Departments and before Congress. Collection of Claim for Indian Depredations a specialty. Pen don cases prosecuted. Patent prompt ly secured. Careful attention given to iU classes ol laud caaea, ADVERTISEMET fa Cvtoria enrw Colic, Ooontrpation, Sour Stomiica, Diarrhoea. tructat.on. Kilis Worm, gives aletrp, and promote dfc restion. WitLout injurious medication. For several veArs I hare Mcommw 11 ,m your Castona. ' and shall always continue d as it hz& itvarialil produced beneficial rtti'jitS." Edwix F. PiRDa. ti. t), " Tho Wintfcrop," lSUi Street and 7:h Are., New Tort City. Coa?t, 77 Mukrat Etbsit, Xnr Tom. - i nli if I t hrmm i mi.'- almost every day. have it. Y 111 SPACE WEEK. NEARLY $10,000 JAMES H. PD EDWARD W. POU Jr POU & POU ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAW- SMITHFIELD, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. One member of the firm will always nt tend Lillington Crt. and will go to Duun whenever busiuess should sequire Mil iSEW ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE! BEAD THIS Ahv iAVDTOTJR MONEY I bfj to inform my turner friends and the public .generally that I am now located in Duni and prepared to make aud. repair all kinds' of vehicles at I will shoe your horses and mules all-round lor . IToi?70ots, I use the very best materials and sruarantec all' work You will Jind me on the corner of FavettevMle and Edgerion .Streets, on West side Ii. U near Wfn. Cnlbreth Stills. Give me a trial and he convinced. Rrect fnllv ' 1 KUFUS PAKRI5, , ATI AN TlGCOAST LINE. ' WiLMiNGTONTWELDON U. CONDENSED SCHADULK TRAINS (lOINU OUTH. No. 23 Dally No. 27 ISo. ii MtM!l Daily Daily., iexuu Dated April 26 '91. r m i ;.o l io 1 M 5 4.i Leave WeKlou.. 'it Arr. Rocky Mt 7 21 ROCK BOTTOM ICES Arrive Tarloro... 3 17 I AM LeaVf? T.I rtoro 10 3: I ............... Arrive Wlf.tnn I 8 U I 7 'M 7 53 Liav Wiis;ou-(...-j.i t SO I .". Arrive Si'lltla.-.-.i.w (3 k0 I Arr FayottAVill... R 0 1 ..:...,... , 'Leave NoVrfsiTm.,, I I 7 40 -I " 8 4u I.i-avo Warsaw...... I 4 1( I ....... I 9 31 LSV Mairnolia.. I ' t 7 I f W I 9 49 Arr. Wilmington.. 6 00 9 53 ll W THAlNM OOlNU NPKTIli. . i: ' " f ao. U i No. Ta oT4() Daily "Daily. I Daily. ci gin) 7C Si 7Tl I fM" LcaV Wil'niinfton.. 12 ;I5 . li 15 ' 4 2i feat Magnolia 1 !7 6 io I.mvp Vfiraw Il ll 25 Arrive OoMabor - 2 55 li 05 7 20 Leal FaytiVin.- ..... 1T ..7.7.... Arrive Mma 11 tf? I .-........ 1 Iff ; Aft. tto4y Mi...A 1 39 f 1M AffiVe Tarboro. I.eflVo Tat)rtro.. ArriV.? WtUlon. 5 OS 'i 53 Iff 00 Daffy extcpf ftniiday. Trains on Hotland Neck BraftfTj Rnif fki-H Wefdon xoap ni.. Halifax t tl j tii. afrive aC yrotl.-tnd Nrtrh4 1" p m, .rMv'n!'' ns r vf, Kinston 7 10 p in. Returning. I- Ktti-'oti 7 00 a ni. OreenVlUe g 10 a tn. Afrivin at KaW ifax atll 00 a ni, Weldoii ll 23 it in, daily ti cepT Suhcfay Train leav5( Tarborft. N. C.vfa AJbPtnarU & Ralijjli fR R.. daily e.tcejt Sunday. 4 0i p m Sunday 3 i irt; arrive at Williamnton. N. C. 6 ?0 pin aud 4 '20 pro; Flyinoulh 7 50 p in.. and. 520 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth. Pf. C. daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m Wllifauiston 7 !0 a in. 9 68 am. Arrive at Tarl.oro,.N. f'. liro; a ai und 11 vo am. Train on Midland N C Branch leaven Oolda horo, N. C. dally except Sunday, 7 00 a m; ar rive Smlthfleld N Cr, HO a in. Returning l.flvpa Nmlt hfleld N. f. Him l m. nrrlu Goid,sl)oro, N. r. 10 SO a. in. Taain on Nashville Branch leave Jlocky Mownt at 3 p. in. arrives Nashville 3 40 p. in, Sjiring Hope 1 15 p. m. Returning-. Jeav Sjring Hope 10 a. in. Nashville 1 :5 a. m. arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a. ru.Z dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Brmch lores Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at ft ?.tt p iu amt 11 13 a m. Returning, ha re Clinton at R'.o-n, in anil 3 10 p in eonuectlng at Wrrsaw witl Nob. 41. 40,2i?and 78, ' Sonthlonnd traiji on wiNon a Ffyettevlll Bi-ani-h U No 51 Northl.ound isNo to. l)aily except Sunday. Train No 27 Houth ami 14 North will top. only at. Racky Mount, wilton cltoro ami' Magnolia. - Train Nn 7 inalf" cfos connection ntr wclion fer all jny'tnln Nrtii daily. 'All rail via Riclioiond and daily exwj.t hunday via Bay Line JOHN F. DIVINE fJen lKup't. J. R. KKNLY Sup'f Traooportu lion.,- T il. EMMtii.sox Oen'VI'ahH'g r Agen,t. 00 for a Pair of n (Custom-Made) M from MftTiufrs TVmnatits, I Satisfaction KurautoeU or a . m i . j SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES And Instructions for Se!f-Mea"rment. PIEDMONT PANTS cSTlTPANY.. Winston. N. c. THIS SPACE IS LEFT FOR R. A. JOHNSON MANUFACTURER GGGiESr CARTS, IP OTmn MID B.4C ChildrenjCry for Rtcher's Castoria: ' 8olace ' ; - " f - it

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