. .-- TIME ;. F. YOUWG, Manager. LIVE rAN D I H ETi-blVE,' ' 67. IC GRANTHAM, Local Editer, Volume I. DUNN, HARNETT CO.,N. C, THURSDAY, ATJG-TJST 27. 1891. Number 27. 1 HE.- ;GENTRE :- JThc Central Simcs. . M -- - ri;IJSHEI EVERY THURSDAY BY 1. 1 mi and G. K. Grantham. Sii:M-rIptioiis In Advance: "- - i u ;;:yi:au, - --.y host iis, ' 7- :,;; mostjis, - - - 31-00 50 25 Advertising Kates: Column, One Year, . . $75.00 40.00 20.00 10.00 (J.,.- Ineh, O' Contract advertisements taken at piportioimtely low rates. y Local notices, 10 cents a line."- K:,!t;,-41 t the'roi$irv in Dunn, N. C, hi mi nd-ritt mdtUr. OFFICIAL D1-REGT0RY. rorrr UOL'K, L T LIANG TON. N.V; County OfTleers: f -;fc.lin McArtan. I'-rk Suj'rior Court G. E. Frinco, l. -i-it'-r ..f Deeds H. T. Spears. Trt'ir'-r A. L. Byrd. (,;ii'.i:inTS W. F. Marsh, Ed Smith, s.-iiirh, W. F. Bwann,J. M. Hodges. Tdivn OHlcers, Dunn, X. C. Vttvor J. F. riiillii, ( hi-f ..r l'olico X. T. Creel. r,,-.vn It-ik M. Ij. Wade. ( i.tumissioners J. A. Taylor, 3L F. Gainey, J. II. liallan'ce, E. Lo, E. F. Young. ALLIANCE. ; The Count v Alliance meets on the 2d Friday in January, April, July and October at Lllliry? t.n, Nl C. J. S. Holt, President, Tim. Bex-t-.n, Swretary. CIiritCH DIRECTORY. Jr"X CIRCflT. " . I M.-thodist Episcopal Rev. J. D. Feqram; I'a-tor. Chan?. Dunn, 2d Sunday night mi l 4th Sunday. and night. Sunday school dvrvSundpv at 3 o'clock. Prayer Meetleg ivrv W.liiiday-mght. Black's Chapel; 1st Sunday morning. A vent's School House, 2d Siirid.iv nvnflng. Elevation, 3d Sunday iii'Viiin'. Uenson, 3d Sunday afternoon liapti-t Coiireh Rev. V. F. Watson, Pastor, FiiTUv s-iioolat J:Mk. m., R. G.Taylor, Supt; S.-rvi-w.-s 11 a. m., 8:30 p. m.. second and f .urth Sundays. Prayer Meetingevery Thurs .I?iy S-.IH) . m. All cordially invited. IV-fhyterian Rev. G. A. Hough, Pastor. Serviw every 1st Sunday morning and night. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock.- " - lis.:iplts Rev. J. 11. Tingle, Pastor. Her-i-i's every 3d Sunlay rnoming and night. Sunday school! 2M o'cck every Sunday, l'r iyer mooting every Thursday night. l-'reo Will Baptist Rev. R. A. Johnson, Paslor. Si vices every 3rd Sunday. Sunday s hxl ev;ry Sunday morning. M)1)(1K DIRKCTORY. jLueknow I.o.Ige Xo. 115, I. O.O. F. Regti-hn- meeting everv Tuesday hight. I. W. Tay lor. X. G. (i K. (Jrantliam, V. (l. K. F. Grat ham", Sevn-sary. R. G. Taylor Tres. Palmyra Lodge No. 147. A. F, and A. M. Kcgular meeting, 3rd Saturday morning and l'rid tv night before 1st Sunday. I. W. Tay lor, M., F. P. Jon., S. W., J. L. Phillips, J. W., U. A. Johnson, Treasurer, 8. W. Par ker, Sivretary; AV. A. Johnos and. Kldridge L-; Stewart: R. J. Xorris, Tyler. "AT 1IOMK." When I was dead my spirit tnrnod To seek the much frequented house; 1 passed the door, and s;iv my friends Feasting lienetth green orange bonghs From hand to hand they pushed the wine; They sueked the pulp of plum and peach; .They s;uig, they jested and they laughed, 1'or eaeh w;us loved by tvch, J i listened to their honest chat Said one, ".To-moikow we shall be JM'hI, plod uiuiig the featureless sands, An I coasting miles and miles of sett." Slid one, "Before the t,urn of tide We will achieve the eyrie seat." Said one, "To-morrow shall be like To-day, but much more sweet." "To-morrow,-siiid they, strong with hope, And dwelt upon the pleasant way; "To-morrow!" cried they, one and all, While no one spoke of yesterday. Their life stood full at blessed noon; I, only I, had pjissod away, "Tomorrow and to-ilay," they cried; I was of yesterday. I shiveml comfortless, but eat Xo chill across the table cloth; I, -all forgotten, shivered, svd T A stay and yet to part how loth; I ia.-ed from the familiar room, 1, whom from love had passed awny, Like the remembrance of a guest That tarrieth but a day. Christina G. Rossetti. NKWS COJIMKNT. The Government test for rain brought it in" ten hours. TUe cummer girl Is afloat through- out the land, so every prospect pleases. i " , The People's party'lu Ohio have nomiuttted for Governor the Hon. John Sietz and Frank llist for. Lieutenant Governor. rour thousand women are em ployed in the yariqus government departments at TVaslrington, They gei good salaries, have easy hours ancl do good work. For a long time good' men have been preaching that "honesty is the best policy," but the finest peaches and apples still find ,their way to the top of the measure. The little ling of Spain does not know his letters yet, and all mental education has been forbidden him. He is so fragile and puny physi cally that the slightest exertion 6f the mind fatigues him. THE state: CAPITAL WHAT IS TRANSPIRING IN AND ABOUT RALKIGII. Run Over by a KIcycIe Cheap Trip to Cuba The Comlne 3Iusie Festival--CIreus Coming . Miscellaneous. BY Om BEHIPENT COBEESPOXDENT. Raxeioii, August 22, .'91. There is a great and unsatisfied de mand for dwellings liere. Many neV people are coming in and . the city is growing in every direction. The elec tric roads will push the suburlmn devel opment greatly. The Street Car com pany was understood to have options on some property westbf here, but this plan has fallen through, . it waif inti mated a few days ago. All the roadway between St. Mary's school and the Ex position grounds will eventually be lined with villas. The road is very suitably constructed for all that distance. It runs beside the sidewalk, thus giving the macadamized road-way' clear for vehicles. This is an ! admirable plan in J all respects. v RUN OVER BY A BICYCLE. On last Tuesday night two of our wheelmen came rushing down Xewbern Avenue and ran over little Paul Faison, who was playing iur front of Capt. J. 11. Hill's house. They were going quite fast and did iot see him m time. He was ; taken home, a doctor summoned and the broken limb set. Fast riding on bicycles is dangerous and our city fathers should pass an ordinance that will prevent such accidents as the above in the future, CHEAP TRIP TO CUBA. , Col. E. G. Harrell, editor of -the North Carolina Teacher, is arranging to carry a party of fli ty teachers on a two weeks charming trip to Cuba during the Christmas holidays. The entire ex pense of the tonr is not to be over $75, which tili include transportation, board and sight-seeing, and all necessary ex pellees. A week- will be spent in Havana, and four days will be given to trips into the mountains'of .Cuba. THE COMING MUSJC FESTIVAL. Everywhere in the State- the talk is about the coming music festival, and the prospect is that it is going to bo a grand success. The choruses and or chestra outside and in Raleigh are re hearsing with all their might and never before was there much interest' taken in any musical event here. THE CIRCUS COMING. 'Tis said that the big circus and hip podrome of John Robinson, which has delighted -several generations of -young folk, and old folks too for that matter, will be hei-e some time in October, dur ing the Exposition.' !he advance agent is expected soon. MISCELLANEOUS. The State of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina have taken niucu space at the Exposition. Florida has a great stretch. All the ceiling will be of the Tillandsia, the long grey moss so famil iar in our State, and under this. there will be a beautiful" display, in many re spects" novel. ' As these exhibits grow into beauty, your correspondent wi tell of them. New goods are arriving at the ury goods stores for the fall trade this early, in expectation of an early opening by reason of the Exposition. The Seaboard Aft Line last Tuesday received two of the immenso engines wiljh four drivers on each side, and de nominated in railroad, parlance as 'hogs." Two more were expected that night. Four new shifting engines have also been recently built for tins line and will soon be placed at different points along the road. In World's Fair Circles. Alabama may be represented in minia. ture at the exposition by a series cf comprehensive relief maps. All of the. iinikortant trunk lines in the United States has agreed to trans port exhibits at half the usual rates. Texas has decided to set apart a spacious room in the exposition build ing for an exhibit by tne colored people of the state. J - ' George Ward, manager of the Com mercial Cable Cooiiviny writes to Chief Barno.tt that h will make a big display at tlm exposition, of cable'instrunients. The London Times, in a long review of the exposition, says there can be no doubt now that the exposition wil1 surpass in many respects all exposition8 previously held. The New Orleans .Vachineiy Com pany writes to Chief Buchanan that it will make -a complete exhibit of cotton gins, sugar mills and other machinery at the exposition. The "Wisconsin state building will be two stories high, with' not less than ten thousand' feet of floor space exclusive of porches. The whole structure is be ing built of "Wisconsin rqatexiaL A SUPPOSED 3IIRACLK. Remarkable Cure Said to Have Keen ( KfTceted at the Shrine. t Boston, Mass., August 22- A sup posed miraculous cure "of a cripple at the front of the atar is reported in this city. Durfng the services of last Satur day at the Church-of Our Latly' of Per petual. Help, Jrs. Catherine Garlaud, of Stoughton, Mass., who is temporarily ill the city and who has been for several years an almost helpless cripple, was present at the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.' During the services she felt a peculiar sensation pf distress and faintuess, fol lowed by an. accession of strength. Ris ing she put her crutches aside and walked out of, the church. Several pre vious miraculous cures have been re ported from this shrine. IIK DROTPKI ;?OQ FEKT And Drowned In the Presence of 70QO People. k Syracuse, N. Y., August 22. James Buckingham, known as Professor Deive, the aeronaut, made a balloon ascension from Pleasant Beach, Onondaga Lake, this evening. When the balloon had reached the height of about 300 feet the aeronaut loosened the fastenings of the parachute' and dropped. The balloon was over the water at the time, ard although the parachute opened all right, Buckingham became tangled in it and, falling into the . lake, he was drowned within tifty feet of 7000 -people. A 13oy Kills Ills Father. In Cincinnati a few days ago about 8 o'clock in the morning Charles Niemann, aged 20, shot and instantly killed George Niemann, his father. George Niemann was' a cobbler and lived at 18 "Gorman street. He had been divorced frpm his wife, but still lived in the same house with her and her children. lh had frequent quarrels with his family and divorced wife, and this morning's tragedy was the culmina tion of one of thet-e disputes. He had come down stairs, and, while the boys were dressing, demanded tiit the door be opened. ' Just before ha opened the dor the son Charles 'took a loaded revolver from the mantel and put it in his pocke1, fearing that his father might get it. The old man entered the room and began to abuse his son and tnally assaulted him. The boy's mother interfered but was roughly pushed aside by her divorced husband and she fell to the floor in a swoon. The old man then pushed his son out of -the room and backed him down stairs. At the foot of the stairs is a yard. As soon as he reached the bot tom of the steps Charles stepped back and drawing a revolver fired, killing his father instantly. The boy was arrested and his father's remains taken to. the -morgue. The boy takes his arrest very quietly. ' ' The South'. Prosperity. Financially the '-Southern States are glowing with health and promsie and rejoicing 'in tthe consciousness of their essential greatness. No furor has been created by sensational advertising, but the - world has 1 een astonished by the latest statistics of wonderful growth as shown in the national census for 1890. The sum of all is in the fact that the assessed value of property in nine States j is estimated by the census omcials to have grown from $1,000,000,000 in 1880 to $6,000,000,000 ifi 1800. The reports of the census everywhere tell of enlarged and enlarging areas of cultivation, of new mines of oal and iron, excellent in quality and inexhaust ible in quantity, of new manufactories in every department of human industry: All the bases of wealth and of sound and satisfactory finance are here; and in my opinion Southern enterprises are anima ted,, sustained and fortified by as sincere and liigh a regard for commercial credit and personal honor, and by as-profound a conviction of the "necessity of fair dealing, as aie to lo found anywhere. -4 The Forum. In Lumbering Regions. A Chicago' man is at Poland looking, for a stick of timber one hundred and ten feet long and four feet square. It i thought he wants it for the cen.tcj.pole of a circus tent. ' A Georgia -cinan has cut a tree from whivh he got two saw logs, each forty -five feet long, and forty feet of the top of the tree was left after re moving this section of ninety feet, mak ing the tree one hundred and thirty feet high. A Sequota tree luis leeu found in King's River canyon, in the NevWla mountain range whose original diame ter exceeds forty feet, but has been reduced by fire to thirty-niue feet. This is larger than any of the gigantic trees discovered in California by seven feet. ' In dragging the Au Sable river for sunken logs, ' 100,000,000 feet was se cured within a very sbor,t distance, and now the statement is going the round that it is believed there is ir0W,()Cp feet of logs sunk in tHe. Au ablu alone. At six dclh-f. per thousand this would amount to $000,000. ! I -l t I PLOUGHED UP "A-POT OF GOLD. A Texas Farmer Uiearthed $17,000 Which Santu Ann May Have 4 Burled.' Sax Astqxio, TexAug22. yonng farmer nanjr&l Edwards, rnile ploughing near Sutherland Spririgra few days ago struck aniron pot-tha . tajof which pro jected half an inch above the ground. It" was apparently1 filled with earth, .but its great weight eH ta an investigation. Under nn inch of dirt he fpund 817,000, all in gold doub!oons. ' : ; ,Ed wards loaded his treasure into a wagon, drove- to San , Antonio in the night and next day deposited the coin .in a batfk, sayipg nothing of the find until his return! - ' There has long been j. tradition in Sutherland Springs ti"eighhorS&ood that Santa Anna buried treasure there on his retreat, after his defeat at the battle of San Jacinto, in the Texas war for inde pendence, and various searchers have hunted for it. . GOOD NKWS IF TRUK. Trinity College May Get an Endow ment of half a million. It is now being whispered arOund that Trinity College is soon . to be made the' recipient of a splendid endowment amounting to oni-half a piillion dollars. No one lias it straight but it is talked secretly in circles that can be nothing else but reliable. Some have it that northern men will make the. donation, but others, who are more probably cor rect, have it that Col. Washington Duke Durham's millionaire, w ho lias done so much for Trinity, will be the principal leader in this generous giving. If the report rwoves true, and we hope it will, it will put Trinity on an equal basis with the best institutions of the country, and we shall, expect to see her flourish as no other' southeni college has flour ished. Concord Standard. A BABY PIPK-SMOKKR. At 2 Years of Age .it Cries for the To bacco." Chicago, August 23. The . Illinois Humane Society has decided to prose cute the parents of 2-year-old Leonard Tucker, the tobacco-smoking baby. Ever since the baby was 2 months old his father has been ' teaching him to sirioke. The child has now become so accustomed to the weed that lie cries for his pipe and tobacco. The mother has had to work, and has been leaving the loy at a nursery. The matron of -the nursery refused to allow the use of tobacco. Two physicians ex amined tha child.. Ho was found to be in- a veiy feeble condition, already suf- luring irom acute nicotine poisoning, ilnd having what is known to physicians lis the "tobacco heart." TIIK FIRST ELECTRIC LAMP. Inventor Kdison Tells of the Dfllculty of Putting it Together. "Won't you -tell me about the. first carbon lamp you ever made?" asked a New York Jibrning Journal man of Mr. Edison. "Ah, that is a story. The carbon of the first lamp was made of a spool of Clark's thread. All night Batchellor, my assistant the greatest and best of my assistants, the man of infinite patience and indefatigable persistance worked beside me. The next day we worked all day and then all night again, and at the end of that time we had produced one carlxjn out of a spool of Clark's tliread. Having made it, it vas necessary to .take it to the glass-blower's house. With 'the utmost precaution Batchellor took up the precious carbon, and I marched after him, as if guarding a mighty treas ure, to the glass-blower's cubby-hole. To our -consternation, just as we reached the glass-blower's bench the wretched carbon broke. 4 'liatchellor' turned around and looked at me'and said: 'Edison, we won't sleep till wet, get one.'" At the recollection Edison lay back in his chair and laughed heartily. VV hen, ne nad recovered irom tne ninesaiu: "That was on of Batchellor 's perpet ual phrases, which he had "said .to me a hundred times before, and which I had skid to him We turned back to the main laboratory and set to work again. "It was late in the afternoon before we had product! another perfect carborn. The same procession as in the morning passed to the glass-blower's den. It was safely deposited on a bench, where Iratc-hellor'laid it down, when a jewelers' screw-driver a very little utensil as you know rolled down and broke the earljpn "But we turned back again, and before night a carbon was completed and in serted in the lamp. The lamp was ex hausted of air and sealetl, the current turned on and the light that is to be the light of the world met our eyes for the first time in all its beauty." A Precaution, She Is that frier oi yours whom yon are'eypscivag a tall man? : Pe-r About 6 feet 2 inches. Why do you ask? She Because in that case I shall have to dust the ornaments on the top shelf. DetSehalk. A BABY LIKE A COLT. It Exrites the Wonder of Doctors and Curious Folks. : SpRrxojTEiJD, O., August 22. Green ville, west of here, is just now the Mecca of curiosity hunters. Tiny want to see a male child recently born to Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. , Whitehead. It is part human and part animal. The child was born alive, and is doing well. Mrsl Whitehead, prior to the advent of the monstrosity, gave birth to six healthy, perfect and well-developed children. This infant is fully developed, and weighs about eight pounds. After birth it seemed dead, but by careful manage ment it, came to. It is abnormal from the head' down. The legs resemble those of a colt, even, to the feet, which, while not exactly hoofs, are on cluli-foot order. The child, if it lives, will be obliged from its peculiar formation to travel on all fours. FINED FOR SAVING LIFE. . The Next Time He Will Probably Be Killed. Vancebubo, Ky., August 22. En gineer Hughes, of the Kanawah and Frankfort Railroad, has just paid $9.01 costs and fine on a warrant sworn out by William Stevenson. Hughes saw Steven son lying across the track ahead of his train. With an effort, the engine was stopped with in a few feet of Stevenson. He appeared to pe drunk. Hughes pulled ,him off and - kicked him two or three times. , Stevenson was in a fit, and he had , Hughes arrested and fined, though he had saved his life. WILL WAR UPON CHINA. Foreign Powers ' Demand Protection for Their Subjects. Shanghai, August 23. A most serious state of affairs exists in the country at the present time. . The tension between the Chinese' Government and Jinisters of the foreign powers increases. From all appearances the former are obstinate in their refusal to redress the injury done to foreigners during the recent riots. On the other hand, there is also no rea son to doubt that if the Chinese authori ties do not vield to . the firm demands of - - X hostile action upon the part of the war vessels of the various nations represen ted in these waters is imminent. Blue Monday. An explanation of the much dreaded "blueness" of bnday has been afforded by an erudite French observer. He gives it as the result of extended observation that the only nation in which Monday is a day of poor lessons, headaches, scratchy penmanship and "that tiredfeeling" gen erally in the United States. Here he no tices that people accustomed to great regularity in eating and other physical habits during the week, make a practice of eating a late and unusually large din-, ner on Sunday and- lounging lazily around the house a great portion of the day instead of taking necessary exercise. This, of course, leads to temporary dyspepsia on Jonday. The theory is ingenious. Detroit Free Press. Ella's Lucky Stroke. Little Ella wanted candy, . and this is the way she got it : "Papa, you're going to give'me three cents, aren't youi" she said. "No." "Two cents?" , "No." "One cent?" ' "0." "Then, how many cents are you going to give me?" "None." k m - "Well, I won't take it," with empha- f ' - ' ' V sis. . , After a laugh papa gives her a nickel. New York Herald. Every Man Has Ills Price. Colonist (to African chief) "Will you sell me your kingdom for this blue coat and a bot tie of spirits?" ' Chief (scornfully) "Mow can you dare to make me such an. offer! Forfeit the royal title I hold by right of inheri tance; abandon the throne of my an cestors; sioop under the yoke of foreign invaders? Never J Ah! if you had made it two bottles of spirits!' Le Monde Pittoresque. . A Death Message In the Sand. LoxG Braxch; N. J., August 23. An unknown young man, who first wrote in the sand: "I am going away," hung him self to the hawser of a boat moored to the : bluff last night. Many persons viewed the body . to-day, bat it had .not been identified up to a late hour to-night. To Kxhlbt Jacob's Well. i Sprixgfiixd, O,, Aug. 22. A class of young men in a Snnday-school at New castle have hit on the remarkable scheme of excavating Jacob's well, in Palestine, and, bringing the contents to America jor exhibition and sale at the World's Fair. A Woman ' Saved From the Gallows. The counsel for Martha -Yillen. the negro woman who was to have been hanged at Chester, S. C, for poisoning her husband, has secured a stay of sen- rtenoeand has carried th case to the 8npreme Court. i , - i THE ,STATE SURVEYED. 'NUMEROUS NEWSY NOTES FROJI OUR BRIGHT EXCHANGES. What Has and Will Happen of Inter est Throughout the Old North State Industrial and Otherwise. Philip Taylor is erecting, it is reiKrtod, a plug tobacco factory. . The establishment of a steam laundry at Graham is projected. A cotton gin and a saw mill will be erected at Fallston, it is reported. Mrs. P. P. Snides is reported as hav ingpurchased the Saleni Grist Mill for $20,000, W. H. J. Goodwin, of Raleigh, has invented a cotton chopper, and will manufacture same. A college, church and two largo brick storrsare oeing built at Smithfield. J.. C. Bingham can give particulars. The Goldsboro Lumber Company will, it is reported, erect a saw and planing mill with daily capacity of 50,000 feet. J. F. Prettyman, of Pemberton, Ya., is erecting a saw mill at Newborn, as re portedlately; 3,500 acres of pine land is to be cut. Endeavors are now being made to organize a stock company to erect the cotton mill at Belmont mentioned last week. W. W- Davis can give informa tion. '.'.'" The Somerville Compress Company, of Somerville, Tenn., states that i,t will probably erect in Newbern the cotton compress recently -reported as contem-. plated. , - The Montgomery Vidette is being moved to Norwood, Stanly county. The name is changed to Southern Vidette. This leaves Montgomery without a papier and gives Stanly two. A. C. Zollicoffer, 3. R. Younfr, J.c D. Cooper and J. P. Taylor are reported as having purchased and as to operate the electric light plant of the Henderson Electric and Gas Light Co. O. F. Janes, of Chattanooga, Tenn., has. purchased 10,000 acres of mineral and timber lands in North Carolina, and will at some future time make arrange ments for developing same. An officer from Moore county, on last Tuesday, brought here . to jail Aaron Alston, colored, who had been indicted for larceny in this county and had, fled, says the Chatham Record. . Tarboro" Farmers' Advocate:' The farmers say if the dry weather continues the cotton will fruit all right, despite so much rain during the past month. Cora, peanuts and tobacco look well. Lincoln Courier: The news of the death of our worthy and highly efficient Sheriff, J. B. Luckey, which occurred at this place last Thursday, was received vith' deep sorrow throughout this coun try. The county commissioners at 3organ- ton will soon advertise for bids for the construction of an iron bridge across the Catawba river; bids to be made on a sin gle span of 200 feet and on two spans of 100 feet each. ' Hendersonville Times: Preparations for building the new hotel are still in progress, and by the next season Hen- l dersonville can boastof one of the most convenient and best equipped hotels in the State. Durham Globe: The painful news was received here last night which an nounced the death of Charles G. Mark- ham, at Morganton. He formerly lived just outside of Durham, and was well and favorably known. We have been informed that Johnson the fiend who murdered the colored girl, Fannie Sutton, near Ivanhoe, on. Saturday last has been caught. -Wo have received no particulars, says the Fay etteville' Observer. ' Regular trains are now running to Advance. The road is leing pushed forward to Mocksville as fast as poss: ble. It will 'not be many weeks ere the "toot" of the iron horse will be heard here, says theDavie Times. The Winston Land and Improvement Company (office Winston) has let con tract to Andrew Murdoch, of Salisbury, for building-tne abutments and other stone work of the brihre it will build over the Yadkin river at North Wilkes boro. Kinstou Free Press: Our farmers re port the finest corn crop they liave ever had, but most of them say cotton is making too much weed because of the continuous rains. Cotton is larger than it was last year, but it is not fruited near so well. j The Granite City Land and Improve ment Company, of Mt. Airy, has in creased its capital stock $00,000, pur chased and will improve the, White: Sul phur Springs property. ! The eomrjany desires plans and specifications for wagon bridges. Address H. C. Cooper, general manager. K BALLOON ISTS' 'AWFUL' FALLS. One Tumbles Into the Sea Another Falls With a Bridal Pair. RoMEi August 24; Among f the many recent ballooning -accidents reported from various parts of Europe was one that lias just occurred near -Vueerta, cap ital of the Italian province of that name. The aeronaut was unexpectedly carried out to the Adriaic, where he fell from his balloon, and Was droxvned within' fall view of thousands of people. Denver, Col., August 23.. A ludloon, with Professor King and a young couplo to be married in it, burst at a height of .8000 feet above -Manhattan, near hero, and fell. Its silk formed "ft parachute and saved the lives of the trio. i. The Patent Tto well-Hack. Man.' "Well, how goes the Seek-No-Furtner roller towel-rack?" I asked of the inven- tor and proprietor yesterday as I met him in Canal street. , . "Oh! Is that, yon again? Waal, the New York public is still fighting shy of my great invention, but Fm liangin' ou like a dog to a root. If I ain'ttakin' orders and gittiu rich I'm havin' lots of experience, and that's Wuth a good deal. Lands save "ye! but I know forty times as much as I did a week ago!" "Well, that's good."' "Yesterday a feller comes up to me on a street down hero a piece, and says he : " 'Obediar, that coat 'of yours needs repairs. G o ' down on the eoyner and ask the policeman to givo you a collar. He's an awful nice man, and he'll bo glad to obleege.'" "But you diidn't go?": "Oh, yes, I did went right up to him and said I'd take a collar if ho was givin' 'em away and wasn't too tired. Ho said I wasn't drunk 'null and told mo to go on." : ' "liu mustn't ' mind such jokes." "Oh, I don'i. I'm a great joker myself when I ant at home. It was me that set one "of my strawstacks- afire to scare out a hog, and the ragin flames licked up two barns aiuL a stack of hay no insur ance. I'm right on hand every time when ther's fun gain' on. Say!" ' "Well!" "I've struck sunthin' in this town -which beats hard ciderkvith gin in it! Up to a week ago I thought that wos'tho gloriousest drink in the world, but it don't beirin. Thev call it Thomas and .Terrv. - j was a-feelin a little down-hearted yesterday, and kinder -hankerih, arter some Huckleberry Plains hard cider when I droped into a place and says I: " 'He' you got. sunthin' to cavort over he heartstrings of a man who is far, far from home, ckal to hard cider? I'm in the middle of strangers and a bit discour- ed, and I want sinthin' to cheer me. ' "And he riixs.ne a Thomas and Jerry, and I hadn't got it down three minutes when I wanted to jump a seven rail fence and yell for this glorious old Union. Say! I wouldn't have Elder Spooner hear of it for an acre of turnips! I know what he'd say. He'd come over and sot on my cornfield fence and put on his spectacles and say: " Noer, you invented a kitchen roller towel-rack and went down to New York to sell it to the people. -You was guile less as a red calf in the front yard when you started out, but alas! you fell. I know all about it, and you can't neither tunny our hogs into my stubble any more, nor kin you come to prayer-meetin till you've repented.' "Do I look like a dissipated wretch?" he anxiously asked. "Oh, no." , "Thankee I didn't know how that Thomas and Jerry would work. Jest wait till I put a lectle more hayseed on my hat. I'm jest a plain every -day man, tilfing the sile fur a fivin', and I don't want to false pretense anybody. This morning I was down by the river and a -man stops me and looks at my towel rack and says: - " 'Wliar's the drive-wheel ami the low water indicator, and so on?' - " 'My friend!" says I, 'that's one of the strong points in favor of my patent Suk-No-Further kitchen roller towel-rack. She ain't got no machinery to git out of order, and. any child kin rrn it. After a towel lias, ijeen used fur two or three weeks you just lift np this end of the roller, slip another on, and away she goes. Hang by one nail only, saves a quarter of a yard on every towel, and she's bound to" git to the front if you give her time.'- - " 'Do you want somebody to hoop'tr up?' says he. - ' " That's the plumb-centre idea,' suvs I. "Then he tells me to go down half a block and turn into the alley, amd I'd r find a man to do the hoopinV - "And did you?" I asked. "Sartin! He was a cooper! I hunted around for the other feller, but couldn't find him. I was going to daro him out sidjb the city l'mits and mop him over a ton-acre lot, but njtbbe it's jest as welL I lit onto ..a chicken buyer down ut Huckleberry plains lasi winter fur M-lhV my wifd "No. 7 hhoes when he knowed she wore 8's, and it cost me $7 fine and mor'n a bar'l of nightmare." M. Quad, In New York World. The King of Servia is in Faris and is the guest of President Carnot. tv