I ' ' ''..''.."'. 5 ji'. I s i ii A L i I S u O. K. n.wriiAi THi :: i.Y .h.'T0I5?.i: :3 1S91 , If- i-ri.i ft ft.i'i.i h ' Hurt in's parable about .' r -rii.-K triig-lo s:t on one neL Jjui Kr.n occasion fur alarm . --v. :r ..;- -r, ..iit this matter. The ! :T i. ?!-'- Ul lrf ; ;r !;,'''irI I.HSt prjr. a;d ... " "; '.. I in wi h. - i ; Mali. Dt'iii. Jntncs Gordon Bennett, who since duel wiih young May several jus rgo lias lived in Europe, chiefh ir: P ris. Will sh'-itly return to make I. is r .-idence ':n JCew York; and give hi vc ' lich hi rerson.al uttn.tmn to tlic lierala. is in oiie respects, tlie greatest paper in "the world. Wil, Star. it worra;! c?!ni( t keep a seen'. to ! Vd her all right. burg jMfpJitcli. 4t.i lie I -reived. -Carolinians will mi.ke a bit; yistuke irthey tlink that there is no longer any duner of a Force bill be. ing passed. The Republican bloody shirters are resolved to press the mat er, and but f the f;ict that the Dem ocrats ate in such a decided majority in the nest House of Representatives a tyll would pass and Harrison would gladly approve of it. lie is knowu te be one of the fastest, friends and most urgent advocates of this meas ure of oppression and' bulldozing aimed at the South. Senator Gor man, of Maryland, in a'recent speech, gave it its his confident opinion that Harrison seeks to have such a law passed. He said,? : "That bill will come again if liar rison ia "re-elected. Do not mistake the signs of the time. Massechu-etts bad Lodge, who Introduced theJjill, as chairman of Its Republican con vention; its resolve was for the Force bill. Ohio and every Republican State that baa acted arc for it. Thev Republican party-is irrevocably com mitted toi; their very 'exist crjee de-J pends agon it; ' That question ' $s above taes and extravagance; ic de" termines the question of the contin uance of the fornTof government un der which w Jive.' . v '' -' " t V" Withfa- Fofce"biir threateoing the liberties tof a free people what mad ness and folly for the Southern whites to think of disintegrating the Ola Democratic party and starting a Third party to bind in chins the whitws of all Southland. If no one but those who desre to break up the Democratic party were to suffer from bad laws revengful legislation it woulxi not be so bad. Hut the truth is. that all the South -Will suffer alike. Wil." Messenger. Charles S Pariiell. . "Notwitbstanding the unhappy events that clouded the last couple yeai's of Parnell's life, and estranged from him so. many who stood with and followed his leadership through mt the dozen years of his gallent trug!e for his county, Ireland bhould and can have no other thin a kind memory of Charles S. 3'arncll, who, last Tuesday night, passed so sudden ly and unexpectedly from tho fctage upon which he has played so con spicious a part. Had he died two years ago, before his weakness and misfortunes became a world-theme of toiigue and pen, divided his ence enthusiastic, trusty, proud and uni ted following into, contending fac tionsj Ireland would have wept " and .mourned him as an idolized son, and 'Irishmen the world over would haves grieved afrhte "dealh as they would at the loss of a beloved friend whose untimely taking ofi brought not only sorrow to them, but irreparable dis aster to the cherished land of their nativity. Rut whatever their feeling towards him might have been since the unfortunate complications of t!:e latter, years of his life, dead, going out thus' suddenly in the prime of his life, they cannot feel otherwise than kindly for the the man of heroic mould, who so long stood in the front with indomitable will. patriotic de votion Spart&n courage and brilliant ability, battling for the land he loved with strong and ardant love. Thua. the world will think of him. and thus admiration will remember his virtues and charity will throw a cover iver bis failings, without which he would have stood one of the grandest fig ures in the annals of his country, and left a name to. rank with the most illustrious of her deod. Wilmington Star. HdreCiyJ'rcheSjtoterii1 To the Emtok : Secretary Foster j nri cx&"-r account'int. He could secure a first clas po-it n nny where on account ot his ability in t a? line. The beautiful fictions wide- he snd-out every month and aV.'.-f "everv "dsv f.om the Trefisur-Deptrrment- hs to the amous.t of jnonjy n band entitles him. to the very first rank as pamkoas a writer .,f sensational literature.. He claims o have a 1 .rjo b ilaitce in the Treas irv wliich, when analyzed, turn" to be he baitered quarters and ten , cent pieces in the vaults and Hie money -upposcd be in I ie nalianal bank lep"-i'rie- I . h rom tf of the Treasury lias barely enough in it to meet the daily expenses. Govon-er Canirbeli has notified the paders which "published tlie sto rics about Ids bankruptsy a pccu latioii that immediate apology nd rttracti(yii must be male" or he will commit suit for libel. It was a very Jirty thing upon the part of . thee papers to attack the Governor per onr.lIy in the way the' have done nd it re acts in his favor. Jones wLo pays tho freight, is out in a letter in which he pretends to iiive sjri;e at his reftions for refusing t( support the Democratic State tick et. .frHes, who pays the freight does not give the true reasons The real gist of the matter so far as Mr. Jones is concerned is that he did not get the nomination himself. The Demo crats of N York were not cajjtiva ted by the immense mustaches which Mr. Jones wears and'did not nomi nate him for Governor. That is the sole cause of the Ricking on his part. - One of the singular episodes.of the past "car was the fact that, while Great Britain was negotiating through jS foreign office with our State De partment as to the right of the United States to control and police Rehring Sea to preserve the seals from des truction, Great Britain in the name of the owner of on of the Canadian sealing vessels brought suit lit the United States Suprema Court to de termine that question. It was cer tainly a high compliment to the Su preme Court, that a foreign govern ment wa3 willing" to abiJe by its de -ctsionTn a case wile eJVs own govern -was one of the parses. This case comes up for argument on the "second da- of the term hiclr commences on tbe.lSih. of October.- T o' either v,ery important-cases are before the court. One is as to the constitutionality of the McKinley Bill, one of the points raised being that the Speaker of the House had no right to count a quor um when the members refused to an swer to their names. The other case is as to the constitutionality of the Lanti-lottery law. All of those cases will be argued during the present month and probab'y decided before the Christmas recess. Judge Paschal of Sah Antonie, Tex as has deckled that an anarchist or a socialist is not a fit man to be nat uralized as a citizen of the United Stutc3. Every one in the country, except the few anarchist ahd socsal ist who have already gotten a foot hold here, will , applaud that decision and every Judge should sollow it. Hermann Oelrichs, a member of uhe National Democratic Committee of New York.jhad a little quarrel with Mr, Flower la3t winter and as a consecpiece refuses to support the Democratic ticket and has resigned from the committee. The last act of his 13 a very commendable one a3 he di 1 not amount to anything on the '.committee nor will he off of it. Mr, Morgan, Commissioner of In dian Affairs, has made his report on the condition of tho Indians and re comends that all Indians shall be upon land, allotments aad mad self sustaining as soon as possible. The National Republican Couiroit tee proposes to take Time by the forelock'. Headsman Clarkson has called a meeting on the 20th, of Nov ember whon the Committee will elect its Chairman and determine where and when the Repub'ican National Convention shall be hold. It is gen erally understood that Clarkson and those with whom he has consulted are in favor of holding the Convention in the latter part of May or the early part of June so that there will be time, not only to "fry the fat" out of the manufacturers but also to distribute the boodle after it has beou obtained. 53 FIRST, TUR1 THE RASCALS OUT. Abraham Llncolm, himself an honest man, knew the make up of his partv, and showed himself a prophet when he said : "As a result of the war. corporations have been enthroned, an -era of corruption in high prices will ' follow7" and the money power will endeaver to nro- 'S to reign until all wealth .aggre- ; ft pubae'is iost." . i The it imbh;' is not !ot. It I a- ;u J--U- hanjed huiid. In the day of It -r.5i.cra! ; nue before the 9 '2 dl i .h a the other 63,000.000. But we ha rather er the 'republic lost, than U see a icerc handful of men monopo jiziug ull the weahVi, and the m::ss -taxed to keep them in luxury and iilleness. This aggression of wealt1 ! will go on until the people rcsoWe to band together and stop it. But thev v !i i.o' bri :j it to an end by e . t;eiue- tru-trjtied ;md tl:e:r leyihla im atsnulted. Then we cp.u tnl ion. To -Mum the ra?-f n$ out.' i- .itdiJ ;n preceedctit to i;v lei 1" ; - liRt will prevent the conliiii ion of luilliosi .lrw-m k'ljt; C;:r;i ie. x Ed. Chambers Smitli, E q , Chor uiuii of the State 1 leniocraiic Execu tive Committee, has called a meeiig of the executive committee to meet in Raleigh, October 15th. at 8 . in In addition to the central commit ice, the following are the State com mittee : First District: V G. Lamb, H. Skinner, Ghn. W. P.Roberts Col. V. S. Ca-ter. - Second District : J. R. Jlartin. J. W. Granger, W. J. Rogers, R. 11. Speight. Third District : W. A. Johnston, T. H. Sutton, A. C. Ward, M. J. 11am. Fourth District: Col. J. S- Curr, V. 11. Pace, 1J. A. London. J. J. Young. Fith District: W. A. liobb.t, A. E. Herndon. J. A. Barri tiger, R li. Gleivu. Sith District: H. R.Adams, D. S. Cowan. J. S. Oliver, B. R. Moore. Seventh Li trie;: J. P Ca dwe", Will. X. Coley, T. S. Redding, Dr. W. L. Crump. Figth District: R. C. Cobb, J. L. Webb, W. W. Barber W. W. Scott, Ninth District: A. H. Hayes, .J. C. L. Bird. J. S. Anderson, J. M. "Judder. Chronicle. ..... MR CLEVELAND IN THE NEW YORK CAMPAIGN. Ex-Presi petit Cleveland pi csided at the great Ceraocratie meeting in New York city Thursday night, and made strong and earnest speech in which he set forth, with his usual clcrness, the iseuea dividing the two great parties, and urged the import enee of continuing aggressive work to confirm and extend the advantage gained in last fall's election. In a few crisp paragraghs he stated the case of the people against he -Republican party in it3 national alfares and warned the New York Democ racy against being led away by the efForJs of thir opponents to shift the discussion from the national abuses for which the latter aro responciable to irrelevant side issues. Hid in dorsement of Sir. Flower was cordial and 4harty, and his speech throng, out was a vigorous asset tion fo Dem ocratic principles. Miss Claveland appears to be ex erting agood influence thus early.) ft. ia rfrkrrt.l Vl-.ot- ut It ia rttnr ia ir-.n ! of the great Democratic meeting in Cooper Union on the night of the 8th1, at which ex-President Cleveland preV ided, and Gov. Hill was one of Jhe speakers- He was driven to the resi dence of the tx-President. The latter was ambitious to show the baby and the former anxious to verfy lite Iac. tbat Mr. Cleveland was a father. The Cleveland 'and Hill factions were un jted around the cradle of a beautiful girl baby. They say the favors her mother. I am truly sorry for. Jobny,'' said he friend of tde family, meet ing the boy on the street, to lenru tbat your fathers house was burned down yesterday. Was nothing saved?" -'Dont you waste no grief on me, replied Johny, All of paw's old clothes were burned up in that Qre, ahd maw cant make any of 'em over lor me this time. I'm all right Troy Press. There will be an Alliance, dinner at Woods School House in Carvers Creek Township Cumberland Co . on Saturday Oct., 18th. All Lodges and friends 'invited to attend'. C VT. L. Williams, Com., A Cadee Parker, Oci., 13th 1891 ( A. U. Walker. Children Gry for Pitcher's Castor For Boils, Pirn carbuncles scrofulous sores, eczema, and all other blood diseases, take Ayer's Sarsapar it whs relievo and cure i .7 dyspepsia, nervous debility, andjthat ; '; tired feeling- Has Cured Others will cure you- North Carolina 1 Ji nsticc - ; : Sampson Count y J Court. li. Young 1 Service of Simmon by J Aoiinii dju!-., ;ii,auit J li. I.iws'-n J publ'cuHO Norlce to .1. R. Dawson. Take notice th.it th-.: -ibove entitled causa U ien'.lip ! before me the vnn-i;osc of which' tetfco ct-Uiiii jtulgiscnt :ijnlist you ana in'fi vor of the. plaintiff for the sum of oiie hundred and ninety-four dolbtrs a:id thirtv.one cent?, v. Jth interest on te sam from the 1st day of Nov. 1S89 M the i nte of eight per cent, and you Aiv hero by nqnired to appear lx;fore me Jit ay ohlee In Mingo Township of snljd eouuty and St.it e and answer or tlemnr to the thi: co!tij)l:i!nt oi the plaintiff on the fJth dav of September 1801. Thjs July 'iUt lv)l. N. A. IiAYTOIf J Jit.;ti-';e of the Peace.: : rROGRESSIYE INSTITUTE, j f DUNN, N. C. i i. The fall session for 1S91 will e gin on Wednesday, September the 2nd, and coiitiaue twenty weeks. 1 i D. R.PARKER, PKIXCirAL. OTICE. On Monday, the sectmfl Jay j of November A. D. 1891. I will sellj at the Court House door in the town of Lillintiton. to the highest bidder 3Tor cas.h, one tract of lahd in Harnett count A, containing ab,ut t)iriydne acres, and bound-ed us follows : ;. The larxU of Ccinelins Hodge. N. W. ThwitDn, T. B. Wilkins, M. i- S' H. Whittenton, known as a part oT the Bnttian Ssaith tracf, and. m.Orl1. gaged by Barnes Bradjr and wife Julia 'Brady to felOltve :d rocjeyert W1,''--ri ' . ! "-"".iij-- it J-.... county in book Z. page 2&2 und '2S3 to satisfy an execution in my hap(3 for collection- agains-t James Bridy and Julia Brady and which has bdn levied on saib land as the- .property of said James Brady and Julia Brady. v - 1 C. M.Artan -. SheHif. 1 VTheo. Baby vras eidk, we gare her Castoria. When she waa a Child, ahe cried for Castoiiaj 't TThoo sh became Miss, she clung to Castiria. , When sbs bad dJUren, she gave them Castoti 6APE FEAR I YJM VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. i fi 1 t" l 4 Condensed Schedule.! i I. in crfrcr sepl 9, 189i. NORTH BOUND. ! f'O.l. J Baily j ox Sunday Ko,4 Uaily ex Huoday Sunday Leav. WiimiDgtoT... I04am Arv . Fayette ville j 2 42p in Leav. FayettcTillc 3 10 Limit. Sanforil -I 4 35 1 I.' II Arv. Gr:ei)loro.. .1 7 S5 i ia ; v .VrLC..!.1Cl rn I,--;iv. .'-Jf-it-t-. usviuei..- - ! . t: v . M a v t o u j Arv. Fa 't.i'i, - j I:av. liaii'.-.ur ......., Arv, G rs(,iioro.- Leav. O v o na Xo t o . .. ; . . . t. :i2 C5 1 0i 2 4-7 10 i Y, 10 :0 . .' 1 opm - 1 '' ; i - i fcOUTH BOUND. "1 ,1 No. 1 Iaily ex Sunday 7 00am 8M 10 15 10 45 llSpm 8 45 3 10 C 35 No. 3 Jail - ex Net Pal It ex Sunday: Huii d Leav. Mt. Airy..... L-av. Walnut Covp Arv. Greensboro... Leav. Oreusboro.... Leav. Sanford-.... . Arv. Fayettville... Leav, Fayetleviile... Arv. W'iliniusrton Lav. Fayctteville Lar. Maxton Arv. Bennettaville. Leav. Matiiion Arv. Ureenaboro ...... Lav. Orf eiibboro.... Arv. Eaicsur 1 30 i IP 4 02 4 bO I Mr i !5 25 I r 13 2d i j : t No. 13 I NORTH BOVJ.D Paily j Kreen Sunday No 11 t j KTnt!lnni!iii'! i- LcGreenatioro 1035a m I L. Mt, Air 110pm Walnut Covel 5p in I ' valnnt oot " Ar. Mt. AIry..4 W - J ArQeonaboo30,; W. E. KYLE, I f General Tasiengor Agent 1 J. W. FKY, I f ".General Manager. ' S IK J ? V- VOTICE. i :iFHf-i r i- imm m m i m b a Hla': '1i;aa; for infants and Children. t it: uirior to ary presenpuoa 3 known to me." II. A. arcusx, . un 111 So. OxXcard St., Erookn, K. T . - r rv' -The use of 'Castoria is so nnirersd I and its StT well known that it seems awork of Buoereroeation to endorse it. ef?rf" fntennt Amilie. wUo do keep Castona . Late Pastor Bloomiosdtle Baf ora&i Chuivh. Mexican ' Mtista L A "Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. ' A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one . requiring an effective HnimenL - No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of r years, almost generations. - A No medicine chest Is complete without a bottle o Mustang Linimekt. , . Occasions arise for Hs use All druggist9. and deakr3';hayQ . t. t iEW COODS! DRY GOODS. ciise; C LOT 11 1 K G ! Fine Line Mens, Boys and yontlifs feuits from $J!.50 upr The Celebrated 2.00 Ladled shoe is the best. -: : . Groceries, Groceries, 'Southern Girl Cook Stove. New ; Home and American Sewing Machines. ' I. carry a.nice. line of Coffins. Caskets, and Burial Robes of all sizes and for" both Sezos- , . Call and examine, always glad to show goodpr JAS- TIiQ 1 no WAV l! HUJ.-'IU Is to alvrsys be oa 'the" look o't for BARGAINS', . and never spen d yonr hard earnings, nnlsss the prices are just as low as the goods can pos sibly bo sold and tle article famishes of the, very best . QUALITY. we are bstber preoaired Vm nv?sovi to 4T'ar our friends -. fcPKCI-iL Ii ARG A I M.-j ..." , ; ' ""' Thao ever before. We promise to look out for yonr interest and treat you honestly and courteously at all times and nnder all conditions. WE GARKV ; : A large and well selected stock of KKAUY MADL CLOTHING Ladles Dre33 GootU and Trimming, Staple Goods. Flannels, OaUngs, While Goods and Laces, Jt males no dilTerence what kind of a . . . SHOE YOU WANT We can fit you np. - We are selling Trunks. Valiccs, and Grip-aack9 at prices tbat defy CompcUtion. We are II EA D QUARTERS on Groceries, snufi and,Tobacco. Call and examine onr stock before purchasing tlsewhrcre, RESPECTFULLY J. A. MASSES7 GILL & CO. 1 CHASE & SLATER LW AND CLAIMS COMPANY. 1331 F STREET, RORTH WEST. wAsnixGTos,i;C".v rractice in the Supreme Court of-the Un'ted States, the Court of Claims, all the Executive departments and before Congress. Collection of Claims for Indian Depreciations a pecialty. Pen sion cases prosecuted. Patents prompt ly secured. Careful attention given to all classes of land ca.s. -;u v-orn. gives steep, and promotea a ir Stomach 11a Vv'oraai, Vitious injurious medication. vr sereral years I have recorom ended ioso as it iias invariably produced bvn&iai rteuits." . - ' w ri Edwth P. Tavlvsm, M. f- Tha Winthrop." lUi Stwet and M, Kew 1 ork Clt , Stkkst, Kw totM. v - i t s2al ' vJC' -I .. . iniment 1 W almost every (JajX ,V - -J- NEW GOODS! SHOES HATS C L O T li I N G l TAYLOR. JAMES II. POU iDWABD W. POU Jr POU & POT ' ' ATTOH1TOY& ATiW. . SMITHFIELD, .N. C. r Practice In State and Federal Courts. One member of the firm will always at tend Liillicgton': Cotut. and will go to Dunn whenever bnsiuess should sequire. Msij Muiib OTICE. State of North Caro-i T i BIryJ.' Atkins Adul fur,,V vs. N. M. Alklns and others Heirs- at Latv of John L. Atkins It appearing to th.e.satisrw t Court that Ii. F. Atkin. 7A tbo T. Atkins and'Lpoh s. now Residents 6T thi v... ordereil that Publieatmn u. ui the Central Times for 8ix notifying them as the rr-rj. this proceeding to appear saiu vierK at ms oriice m on the 2&th clay of October Is answer or demur to the com i and petition in said pToceediQ2 TV: , r -r O a. ii iiiiwu 4mii i rii a i of saict Court at olfice the it 7 of September A. D. 1801. , Geo. E. Prince C. S.C, . ATLANTIC COAST Ufft, WILMINGTON WElMit1 CONDENSED SCI1ADUU TRAINS GOISO SOCTtf, Vn 0" 1 Datel.scpt. .1 '91. Leave Weidon...... Arr. Rocky Mt,...- Arrive Tarboro.;. Lete TarUoro...-. P M Arrive WilBon I 2 18 Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arr Payttevill.. 2 30 3 30 5 SO Leave Ooldabor.- Leave Warsaw Leave Mag-nolia... Arr; Wilmington- 3 15 1 14 6 00 I TRAINS QOINO NORTH. u so 'in. , J ! 8 13 ,r k AM ' 10 3 ...... 7 00 iTsT ... 1 IM 9 55 I 11 M No. 11 No. 73, 5o. . DPt Daily. Pally. eiUm AM 1 A M TTm Lea. Wilmington- 12 35 9 15 1 4 8 Leave Magnolia.... ! 57. I M Leave Warsaw.-.. 1111 ( Arrive QoldabOr - 8 55 It 05 7 31 Lea. Faypttevirte.- - 9 10 I ; Jirrive Sclrca . 11 bt ;.; Arrive Wilaoa..m 18 Iff . AM f M FIT Leav WiiHon.-. j 3 25 1 H 5S j 111 Arr. Roky Mt..- I 1 56 1 I U Arrlvo Tarboro-.. Leave TaToro- .. r m 2 53 Arrive Weldon- 0 03 ION Baity except Sunday. Trains on Sci)tIanT Nck Branch Roil Weldon 3 30 p m., Haliax 3 52 p ra. rrlTit 8ffftlnnd Nock R 00 pro. Orfv1!'i fl af Kiaton 1 ia ii tn. . Ketamlnff. leaves KlBito T 00 a m. Greenville 8 10 a in, ArriYinjr at Hl' ifaxttli PQ.a m, Weldon. U 25 a m, daily el ceTi Sunday. . ' - ' TrafnJeaves Tarnorw, JT..C. ria AIbrl & RaTeih R R,. daily excit Sunday, 4 05 p Sunday 3 m; arriveat Williamston. N. C. 6 .-.ffiin and i 20 pin; Plymouth 7 50 p ro..i4 5"fl,pra. Retnrulna: "leaves Plymouth. 1C. C. daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, andty M 'WiJiianaston 7 46 a in, 9 58 a rn. ArrlT t Tarboro, N. C. 10 0? a ni and 11 10 am. Tran'n on Midland NO Branch leaves Goldi toro, N. C, daily .except .Munday, 70a n;r rive Srhithfield N C. 8 30 a ra. Retamlnr leaves SWrithfleld, N. C. 9 00 a. m. arriTM Go!dsl)oro,K. c.10 ?0 8. ra. Taain on' Nashville Branch lavf Roky Mount at 3p, m. arrives Nashville 340 p. . GfT'ing Hojie 4 15 p, m. IWur'iinfr. 1ot Spring Hope 10 a. m. Nashville 10 3 a. -arrive Kocky MOnnt 111$ a. m.J daily txttft Sunday, - " Train on Clinton Branch terves Warsaw tor Clinton, daily except Sundayat 38 p na aoJ lllS.am.; ReCuriiing-. Ip.iv? elinton at W in and 3 Wi m connecting at Wrrsaw wltfc Nos. 41, 40,2.1 and ?8,. . SouthToun train on Wilson FayetNrill TJranf h is No CI Northbound ijKa-10. Daily except 8 qndy. Train. No 97 Santh nd 11 North 'will itc '.only at Raeky Mount, Wilson Ooldsboro aid Mapnoiia. Train No 78 jnafc5 close connection at weldon fr all points Nortli daily. All rail i Richmond and dairy except Sunday via Bar, Line JOHN P. DIVINKtJen'l 8np't. j J. R. KENLY Sup-t TraoeportaWon. ) T M. Emkekson Oel Pass'tf'r Apent. j DMiXlSTKATOKS XOTIOE. . The Hiider?fg hed having lyiallifit'cl a administrator Com testaments annex of estate of JSf. V. li. iicN'tili deceased, notice is -hereby given to ail persons holJ? claims against eaM -s- i tiite to pret-uiii thfctu for pjiymt:nt on or before the Krfh day of August or tqts notice will h: plcnde in bar lor their recovery. rVrsonf indebted.. ' to said estate are rcfrjckt to- made nrrmcdiate payment. J. M. If WIS. . Admr. C.T. A. t W. U. 5ruifclsisi & I. II. McLean !, Aug.. 10th, 1801 Attv. . THIS SPACE 1 .Ms FT' .FOR II. A. JOHNSON MANWACTtrKEJR BUGGIES, CARTS, WAGONS i'.i .-u 1. R.l t vhirMu' Best i Cir 1: tie ' ilLU ,U e rrenSx Ti O ,i ice 3 A 1 i ll . n'Hirq Ni- . x . i'.. ; G Acadj fth to oul and cess. I r. iut a was boltl 1m r git M gini bro Chi: wan the! htol to Pr 3 e .a - r