1 . . THE Tl IVIES, rUBLISIIED EVERY THURSDAY, BY. YOUSG & GRANTHAM. THURSDAY. JANUARY 28, 1S02. On November 8tfi 1891, we leased T;n; TniE oulfiit. good-will &c, to Mr. W. 0. Ivy for a year and as we thought had retired from newspaper life perhaps for always, but after his sli'.it career with us, two and a half month, during which time he gave u:; a very creditable sheet, he con vinced hi in self as he thinks that he could not run a paper for Harnett county, soon a short notice he bid the people of Dunn and Harnett a heartily and prosperous future, and left us the OutGt to tak charge of. So under these circumstances re a.nin greet our friends with Iiie Times wishing every one a happy New Year. Thanking you for the past patronage we now intend to gire j-ou a better paper and one. that w will not change hands for' at ' least, one year. As wfi said in the first issue of Tim Times we expect to1 work for the best interests of the town and sur rounding ccuniry and especially in our own county. We still support the old Democracy, because under her influence we feel safer, and being reared under this influence we still clin to it. No-v thanking our friends for their foro er support we will ask you to -help us in our efforts, to give the readers of Hurnelt and surround ing couivies an interesting, live and creditable weekly edition. Fery Respectfully, Young & Ghantiiam. Last week cotton receipts again mritle a perceptible decline. For the week ending December 18th, they were ,3 30,000 bales; by January 15th they had -'gotten down to 160,000 bales, and last week they were but 81,000 bales. The crop that has come in -ilit since September 1st is stated at G,982,000 bales, as against only 6.530.000 bales last year. The mills appear to be buying rather sparingly even at the present low prices. - F.gypt has so far furnished 3,640, 000 cantars (sny 100-pound bales) as against o.Oo-l, 000 cantars last year. '1 he India crop, however, is said to l)C SllOlt. ; Th? supply of all other conntries than the United States wan lust year ab.ut 2 400,000 bales of 400 pounds. There is no viable of this foreign crop in Europe oniy 421,000 bales, while'thcre ate 4,105.000 bales of Ameiican cotton visible News and Observer. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Washington, D. C Jan. 22. The Natioii&l Democratic Commit tee to-day issued this call : TJi'3 N-Jiiional Democratic Commit-1 'lee," at a meeling held this day, in the city of Washington. D. CL, has ap pointed Tuesday, the 21st day of June, 1892,-as the time, and chosen the cityot Chicago as the place for ''holding the National Democratic Convection. Each State is entitled to representation therein equal to double the numbar of the representa tion 10 which it it is entitled in the EfeynA: College, and each Territory and the Districs of Columbia shall -Uivve two delegates. All Democratic conservative citi zens of the United States, irrespective of past political associations and dif ference?, who can unite with us in the effort for a pure, economical and constitutional government, are cor dially invited to join us in sending . 'delegates to -the Convention. Calvin S. Bkice, Chairman. Simon P. Siieerin, Sec'y NSiIIoir Consumption Cure. This is bevond question the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the wdrst cases of Oough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test .which no o tier medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10c, 50o, and $1. If your lungs'are sore, chest or back lame, use Miiloh's I'orous Pias ter. Sold bv B. R. Hood & Bro. Ii spepi nud Li-rei Complaint Is it not worth the small price of 75c. tofrt e yourself of every1; symp tom of these distressing complaints, if yon think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shi loh's Vitab'zer, eve ry b 't'le has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. .Sold by B II. Hood & Bro. irot--i' a tontc, or children wLo vrcnt build-in;- ut. should tsWe HiTCJ'. , S , Ol'I TKIi?. 0tIB WASHINGTON LETTER. TI c convention of inventors which is in session at Washington City is one of very grave importance to the country. The inventive genius of this country has done as much to ad vance its interests as all the labor that has been expended. The cot ion gin. the harvester, the steam ingine. the telephone, the telegraph and other similar inventions bave contributed more to the prospenty of the country than all the brawn and muscle that,' hfve been given to its development since the days when the Pilgram Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock and the Calvenes at Jamestown. Under onr existing patent law the inventor has to pav a certain amount of money, first to see whether his in vention is patentable, which is lost to him if it is not. and second to se cure his patent after it is found to be patentable. Out of this money thus taken from the brains of the in ventors all the expense of the Patent Office have been paid and nearly four million dollars have been placed to the credit of this institution in the United States Treasury. While this is so, the men who have charge of the patent business are crowded into un healthy rooms and so crowded that they cannot properly do the business assigned to them. Every succeeding Administration of the office has en deavored to pccureraorc room so that the work of the inventor could be i more readily and rapidly executed. TLe present Commissioner, Mr. Sim onds, and his assistant Mr. Frething hara, have done their very best to utalize whatever space they have and to urge the necessity of more room, but so far nothing has been accom plished. This convention of inven tors comes from all parts of the Un ion and it may be able to impress unon Congress the necessity of be ing partily decent and partily honest toward the inventors. The Administration in its dealings with the Chilian question seems to have adopted the methods of a South American animal, the sloth. It moves so slowly, if it moves at all, that its action is not distinguishable to the naked eye. It would require a thousand power micrescope to de termine whether it is moving or not. This action does not suit the people of the country. It is well know all over the country, in official as well as private cireles, that a great outrage was committed, a concocted attack made upon men wearing the uniform of the United States, and because - of their wearing that uniform, by a Chil ian mob aided by the police of Vala praise and soldiers of the Chilian army, in which some of the men were j murdered and others maltreated and imprisoned. And yet the Adminis tration is parleying as to it shall do and there is even talk of arbitration. There is nothing to-arbitrate" and the talk of arbitration is an insult to the Nation and the people ot the Nation. It is said in Washington that ivi r . Blaine opposes any vigorous meas ures. Evidently bo bas gotton over his vigorous policy idea, his jingoism, and is proceeding to the other ex treme. There has been more than one hint dropped that the action is influenced by the friends of his who have monetary interests in Chili and that it is a money consideration that prevents the proper action upon the part of the administration. The Printing Bill proposed by a joint committee of the Senate and House to amend the present methods of public printing was brought before the house on Tuesday and defeated. There were some Democrats who un ited with the Republicans who 'voted solidly to defeat this measure The idea of this bill was to limit and prevent the printing of useless docu ments, thousands of which or sold to junk dealers in Washington City, but, as the Republicans have control of the Government Printing Office and it is a profitable affair to quite a number of them, thy defeated the measure wi'h the aid of some Demo crats, - There will be a considerable affair in the House in the next few da"b, probably next Monday, when the bill will be introduced to appropriate five million dollurs for the Chicago Fair. The special committee on the Fair, of which Mr. Du Burrow of Chicago is chairman, wants to consider " this bill and "our Uncle" William Hod man wants it to come to his commit tee where he '.vill strangle the life out of it at once. There ought not to be any doubt as to what shall be done with the bill. It should go to Hod man and there be quietly put into one of the pigeon holes to remain un til Gabriels trumpet calls it out. .Wo. have a speedy and positive! cure for catarrh,- diphtheria, canker mouth and headache. - in Shiloh's Ca i . . 4 4 L. I4W lll.4 1 . A A 4 4 4. J ..4 til 1 I VV ; with each bottle. Use it if youde-, sire health anil fwect breath.- Price ! Zih',. Sold by U. U. Hood & Bro. I WE HAVE OPENED A NEW GROCERY ON THE CORNER Next to store , of Mr. J. A. McKay, j AND INVITE THE PUBLIC TO CALL IN AND SEE FOR THEMSELVES! We keep a Full Line of Choicp Groceries of every description, and will sell as cheaper, if not a little cheaper than any house in town. BRING US YOUR Corn, Pease, Chickens and Eggs, and Exchange for Fresh Goods on a Cash basis. Respectfully.. ' J. A. & W. R, REAVES, LEGAL. AD VE 11 V i SE ME NTS. Executor's Notice ! THE UNDERSIGNED bavins: quali fied as Executor of the last Will and Testament of David Oliver, deeeared, hereby notifies .ill persons? boldinjr ?! airainsf the e.-r.'1' f : e ?'' -'.. . rc - - t ' . ll. i iiiiix A"i im. iit, tri ia:iuiu Lit-: .ilii day of November, 1S0"2, or this notice will be ilead in b.ir of recovery. This November 23nl. 1S91. T. X. CAMPBELL, P2-3-6t Ex'r of David Oliver. N0TIUE. HAVING tliis day qualified as Ad ministrator of the Estate of Mrs. F. McA. Fancctte, dees'd, :iotice is hereby iven to all creditors of said estate to present their claims for collec tion on or bofore tho 15th d:i3r of De cember, 1892, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment. December 15, 1801. D. A. FAUCETTE, Admr. Mubchison & Ckapin, Attorneys, NOTICE! SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed to me on the 3rd day of Februarj', A. D. 1890, by S. W. Parker and wife, Mary Parker, and duly recorded in the office of the lleister of Deeds of Harnett countv, i;i 'book "B." No. 2, pages 20$, 310, i will, on the Sth day'of February, A. D. 1892. at the court house door in Li!linton, Harnett county, N. C, at 12 o'clock M.. sol' at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, 1 lie land descri bed in said mortgage deed, containing 4G acres. For a more definite descrip tion of said land see mortgage deed recorded in the Kegister s ofhec of Har nett count', in book k'B," No 2, pages 303310. This January Gth, 1S92. J. F. PHILLIP?. Jan 7-92, Mortgagee. Nobth Carot.tv a , IIaknk'.: : ;v . - . . .v- i . Superior Coiirt. Notice is hereby given of the incorpo ration of The Consolidate hI Lumber Company: that the names of the incor porators are John Gorier, Kufus W. Hicks, it. MeD. P.(liiiison, Ja. C. Mac Kae, Jas. D. MeNeiU an-1 a. B. Williams; tiiat the principal place of business shal be at S)ont Springs, North Carolina; that its general pui pose and busiiit s.s is to purchase, manufacture and sell lum ber, to proiluce aiivl sell spirits of tur pentine and rosin and to carry oil a general merchandise store and business iu Cumberland and Harnett Counties, with the right to buy, lease, hold and sell land. That the duration of the cor poration shall be thirty vears. That the Capital Stock is 18000.00 of First Pre ferred, 1007"-00 of Second Preferred and $10,000 Common, with the privilege to increase the capital stock of any series to an amount iu t to exceed Fifty Thou sand Dollars in that series. This 7th day of Januaiy, 1802. GEO, E. PiUN'CE, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in certain Mortgage Deed executed bv Johu Holmes and wife, Amelia, :nid duly icgistered in Hook 15 No. 2 Paes" 4"y-6l records of Harnett County, I will on 12th day i f March 1892 at the Court House door in the town o! Lillington sell to the highest, bidder tor cash a J certain tract of I hp I ia Av " r ing one hundred u.d tbree acrca be the same or less - - - V This January 22nd 1892. Nathan McLamb, Adm'r Setii Hodges Dec'd. F. P. JoNEi, Att'y. . Jan-28th-4t. sioaga uTJSBDidun ou saAtei ptre ja.M.od pas Aicg Sa;s&JDUj ptr3 'serj SS9U3ii full pm; exstts ss3irrz ni tTiioqaCTiaji Fijpuoqaodifl aajsiu sauois Scjipj jj ondarjda FF F" 5" A Valuable Boota on Hervoa 4 Disease sert free to bt addresr, g i fc '--l koj- ratif-t-ti. ;ia ait-o cbtsau E ftlicltaa tixis- metUciiie free of charge. TtUs rni5.tlT iii-rt bcon rreparti t-v t"i ru-wread irastcr K.--n-.g. Fort Tvvna, laj, 4,aoe una. mud flCZfiSS ft.ZD. CC Ch-ca30, III. Sc-'. l by i: nz,i fit SI ier Dalt". t? Tot St r, mm 3 Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphthe ria, Canker mouth and Headache.' With each bottle there is an ingeni ovs nasal Injector for the more suc cesiful treatment of these complaints The priDling plant and stock of books, etc., of the R. D. Robinson Publishing Co. of Raleigh, were al most totally destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. The loss is some f 4,500; insurance $3, 500. Answer this (Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation. Dizziness; Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c. we wijl sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaran teed to cure them. Sold by B. R. Hood & Bro. r Wellington : Educate men with, ut ieligion and yu make them but clever devils.'; . . A Household Remedy rOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES r r UrHre SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT UUrgS RHEUM. ECZEMA, avery form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION. b sldas being efficacious Intoning up the system and restoring the constitution, hen Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us In guaranteeing cure, M directions are followed. SENT FREE bS2 BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. Hats ;h wrilt.m ' mir If jva' iarca'1, witdevi set mmj mri ntellirMt mihi itkrr Hi, wha UAvt imamMtioa, TtOa. mad who. rd sad iriaulr, how to rrn litre Then- ad Cellar a rtr ia hir in lecalitie. hm rTer the lira. I iU alto furnish lh aitualion r uiplo iunt, t earn thai amount. I aliarf eciliitif aad iceiT aotb ing o It iuc cossful, a abort. Nothing dillicult to learn, or tint rsquirot much tima. I dcair but one parsvn from -each -aistriet er county. 1 havl raadr ftaurht ami vrhlca you caa r provided withain- C352r3E?iiuiribt who ar- uloTDitnt a la:x-- making ovar iUr i itAUand iUollua a Year, each. All ia new. eclkl, i-.-.ra. l ull i articulara free. After jroa-know all, if yui; conclude to g; no ftir.hsr, why, oo banal U don. Addreaa. . C. ALIO, ilaa. AufUts. Alalae. I have used tlie within remedy (Pokine) with reat success. James II. Lassiter. I have used the Pokine remedy (prepared by W. T. Cheatham. Jr.,) m' case of Sciatica. , with the result of positive relief in a few hours, and believe if used as directed it will effect a permanent cure. J. L. H. Missillier. March 6, 1891. For the benefit of the public I unhesitatingly recom mend Cheatham's wonderful remedy. Pokine," to ail sufferers of rheuma tism. It has produced marvelous re sults in my case. I was a sutFererof the malady for five years, and after taking a few bottles, was entirely cured. Very respectfully, W. W. Dowtin, Henderson, N. C, March 7, '91. MrJ W. T. Cheatham : : Dear Sir. My wife was down in bed with rheumatism and the Pokine I bought of you gave her relief after taking four doses. She bas not been troubled since. It is the best inedi cine s'ue eyer took tor rheumatism. Respectfully, Zack Davis. Mr' W. T. Cheatham: Dear Sir. I have been afflicted with rheumatism, time and again, fori therefore Uik-e gr(sat asure . in .rec ommending it t-o all ulFerer-3 of rheu-mati-m. Very respectfully, I F. G. Mitchell. 'January 19, 1891. W. T. Cheatham, Jr- : Dear Sir. I desire to say that in Janu-ir' last I was down with the rheuraa'istn; my suflenng was great, and I t!.s eomp'ttely prostrated. One bottle of your Pokine completely relieved me, and I have not had any rheumatism einoe. My son also was relieved of rheumatism by Pokine. Yours truly. C. G IJurrougiis. Hkxi.ersox, N. C,. Sept. 1,6, '91. Mk. W. 1. Cheatham. Jr: Yocr rheiimatic cure, "Pokine,' has com pletely cured me. I. M. Gheex. Mr. W. T. Cheatham Jr., Ilendei son. N. CV, Dear Sir. Being asked mv opin ion of your rheumat'c remedy 'Pokine, w ill gladly slate I deem it the only medicine of its kind on the market that:. will accomplish tha which is exclusively claimed for it. lleinsi a suiferer of rheumatism, I consequent-j ly trid mat-v remedies, until finally relieved by Pokine. Verv reap'v, J. A. K::lly. Price $1.00 per bottlo For s.ile by D'tiiiibts. Maii fiders fiilM IActlSlflfll I .fii? ' . ""'"'v.i'"''i If CV 7. 1 omp'jy l;y W . 1. LIIEATIIAM. j..;,; e.r- I'- 'k'.!-:, N. C. . , ' ..' .....n i yj'Mwjj-y;g-!L,.'w fcMllir- ,n . M-,f- .Liar nirif ---" rn ..in iiwit mrr mm i ' A for Infants and Children I recommend it as auperior to axy prescription VonaCsi aleep. and promote dl known to m." IL A. Ajlckzk, H. D., reetion, 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. T. WilScui is jurioua miictIoa. -TUB use ot vasiunii a wj iiii.r a . - . . .i n.i Its merits ao well known tnat it secis a won of supererogation to endorse it Fow are the Intelligent families who do net keep Cajstona within easy roach." Cauos SLttx. D.D., TrtH Prctf P1"'"g VLrJnrTnt Church. TO CXTAV W. T. MEADOWS, of Granville Co.. ManarV. J. W. BROOKS, of Person o., Tieas DURHAM FARMERS' ALLIANCE MANUFACTURERS OF DIRECTORS : Durham Co., P. H. Massey, (iranvill Co., J. J. Meadows, ALL Ferson Co.. J. W. BroOK3, ' Chatham Co., C. R. Scott, Granville Co., O.E.Murray, i Factory owned and'controlled by Alliaccetnen. Manufactures tobacco especially f r the Alliance trade. Business agents. Alliance Excitants and ailiance stores and warohouses :.niHd iret riur price lists and samples at once. Nothing better than our bun-Cured NWect .... ; 'V. A. L. ;r ." "Hayseed," l-T'i T v," "Clodhopper," and ""AU-.aace Favorite, and - " v "auds. -. . '.Vill be t LL-a-id to lielp o.ir brotliers from any point in the united fctates in regard to tobacco. Will send sample? fret! o charge. Address. DURIIAil FA11MEKS' ALLIANC M'F'G CO.. j- - DU It I J AM, C THIS SPACE WmiM ALL EPS MUSICAL ISSlKlilS, ; AKD ALSO WATCHES, CLOCKS 1SD KINDS OF JEWELKY. DUNN, 'N. G. . DONT. BUY WE LON'T CAH'E WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MAY SAY -ABOUT SELLING AT COST, TTiat Is AIL Stufi! . IT MAY BE COS T TO THEM. BUT A MAN WITH TH,E .' CLEAN CASH IN HIS POCKET DON'T WANT TO PAY COS ! TO A MAN THAT BOUGHT HIS GOODS ON TIME. ..' We have the backbone to say it, that, we Lave a plenty of goods in our store that did not cost us half ?.rimic!i as 'some of the merchants in litis town promised to pay for t; eir nbods. If you don't believe it. nist stc-p into our store and AND WE WILL PROVE IT! It Will Pay to Look Over Our READY-MADE - CL And Pants Cloth. We have the best quality of SHOES that we have ever had. Our HOSlEIiY and GLOVE drpartm'cnt Can't be beat. We have just opened up a tremendous line of L idles' and Gents. Under wear, wh'ch we are se'linjj VERY CHEAP. We carry a full line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS' and TRIMMINGS. Staple Dry Goods und a full line Groceries, consisting of 300 sauks of Salt, 15 bags Coffee. 10 bar rels Sugar, 50 boxes Tobacco, 10 cases Baking Powder, 25 cases Lye. And almost anything you can call for. We have a nice line of Xmas Goods just opened up. Call in and buy a nice present for yonr Sweetheart or the dear ones at home. l-W Remember, we will not be UNDERSOLD J. T .CREAM! THE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM FROM OIL OR STICKINES MAKES OUR TO! LET CREAM ONE . ' OF THE MOST PLEaSAXT and Healing agents th at HAS BEEN INTRODUCED FOR Chapped Lips, Face or Hands. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND ITS US3 AFTER SHAVING SOOTHING AS WELL AS ALLAYING ANY IRRITATION. ATRIAL BY YOU MAES I T AT ONCE A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. ' A. J. COOK & CO., PilOPRli-TOWS. FAYET'I EVILLE. - - - N. C. IW For sale by B." R. Hood & Bro. Dunn, N. C Dec. ?,. tf mm For 8fiTerl years I hare recommended your OstorU. ' uud shall always continue to do bo as it lias inTambly produced baaoacui rucuits." Edwin F. Pas.db, M. TJia Wlnttiroj," l5tu Strict and Tth Arc, KewTorkCity. COKTAXT, K HrPJLAY STRICT, KSW TOBK. J. IIf MEADOWS, of Durham Co., See'y TOBACCO M, VTTl GRADES OF CHEW! KG TC3RCS0- BELONGS TO (Inn Dpi no I; Mi mmim A. MASSENGILL & CO. I Did You Ever See k DIRECT TO COrJSUMERS, ,v, 11 "R1 P7 Ta " Prioaa and toTeaUnta thia Ba. eTernifcda. Corrwpoiideiice toTitid. WriU ftkoiMcto THE PARSOKS E1FG. CO. caiTo s.can al St., Chicago, ilu von t5;h5p'.tsia, T- V.rixi. kz. "sorden, -use . i! li f V. X -i 2 TiC X XUTT IsittS. ? P n j v V'tt(r;' Ct?r.i..!r:e hag . i C'nildrcn Cr for Pitcher's Cast THE NEW YOEK WEEaLY WORLD, One Dollar a Year. Contains the besl features of any Weekly printed. M. QUAD, late of the Detroit Free Press, writes a page of matter every week. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. THE WEEKLY WORLD, Dec 3 tf New York City. Of land will be opened to sett lement in Oklahoma and Indian Territories som.v tune during the coining year. Tliis .is the la-t large body of government land ever to be thrown open to frte settle ment iti tltls country, nnd you lanJle.ss millions want to keep 3'our eyes on it. In order to tic this yon want a Tenito rUi newspaper, which will give yon all necessary information about when the country will open, the nature of the lands, vherc the best towns will be locaeted, etc. For a years subscription to THE TERRITORIAL TOPIC. An eight page weekly newspnper con taining Territorial and general news, and devoted to the interests of agricul turists; it is reliable in every respect, and will keep you fully posted. Kach subscriber is entitled to a copy o! the LIFE AND REMINISCEXSES of JEFFEKSOX DAVIS -AND- GEN. JOS. E, JOHNSTON By distinguisheil men of their time. In trodudtory py the Hon. John W. Daniel, U. S. Senator from Vir ginia; Edited by Bradley T. Johnson, formerly a sol dier in the army of Northern Va. The lives of these Heroes of the South ern Confederacy, are in one volume of about 700 octava pi'gt's, bountifully il lustaated and Handsomely Bound in Cloth and Gold. A $3.00 book, which will be sent free on receipt of 20 cents te pay postage. Address, THE TOPIC, . PUKCELL, INI). TFR. N. B. Sample copies of this paper sent free on abplicatiu. FOR TBE MILLION BECAUSE IT Always Works, IfflmuM Light, Economical, Handiomo, ' Durable, L and U Perfect, 1 EVERY ONE GUARABTE'D.; E3EYR03E LIFT LAW P. Iu prinelp), acnitrtMrtea, tM tciial flDlih and appear uiae ur ptua DTtaloi fccratofora afetad tba pablla. SaoA tor Mr fcav ma ia mail ba aanrliioadi Uan bay CM cf y onr iaalar UZYR0SE IAUP) ft M F G. CO.. BT. L0TTX8, SO OO nECEIPT OF 60 CLHTO WC WILL MAIL A BOX OF THE ONLY INFALLIBLE CURE FOB Tetter, Ground Itch. Itching Piles, Blag , Worm and all Itching Siln Diseases. If you bave TETTER, It matters not hew long It bas existed. TETTERINE will as certainly euro you as you use IL 11 riflHTV Bfmdedifyonsur dlauttUiied lalUllCil trith tli rMtalta Bferen Southern Xtenk of the State of Georgrl, Cht luuzx Bautlc, and National Bank of tovaanab. J.T.SHUPTRiriE&BRO. SAVANNAH, GA. fnifuiiiiii4:i;iii'iHi;i!iii;i!t:i:i:i:i:i;t;i;i:i:i;i i:i:u:i 1 1 c OVERMAN'S I SPECIFIC OKYGENS IS THE "DREATH OF LIFE."i life giving el- 2 bulb emenl of ir and ittllreeBbaar PiLCS. 0X10 ZH U S-1 apialmtdicv- dOxyfintrest neat for diMi- 2 Cf 0. BOM- A throatandluag-i The inlialatioat contain O'ensi- cideitni Tjir.v fectaais. in ' - for thcf i 'Me.earrrlaj the remedy t.y inhAlatton ri -L : to u ! f the diesase, makin it a POSIH 3 ! CUBS. Eaparato pcifiea naed ia Catarrh sad ; Hay.7Tr. Jf ot a patent medioiiic. i-kfio Si nin ic ia u:r pracuce, rs lONLY moxygetn IN U3.I am mn fl f" r GOOD "Tf ruriD 1 1 I nn i 1 , UU AH TETTERIE3E ! 2 VawZlLXj?!!?I lit 1, CURES CONSUMPTION rJ bronchitis r ESiaUAuKjuuaaBSKIBvwKT nrir 2 H M-l-J'W-.Alat.ia.aSt.. Atlaota. G. H 619 Sbeli BuiUlia, Omli. N- PS a P '9 F.. Broadway. Iul-Tlo. hf-J F0R A POSTAL CARD uzmu to u2 vnll briar Jon by return mail a eopv explaiaingr the treatmsatiaiali. - SforitifyenpnMhealtlii ,3 The Specific Oiygen Co., KATLEi I I I I IM I 1 1 i 1.1 ;:!, I 1 1 I I !! I II ! 1 1 J ! f J I I I II'." r ona. S