i i THE TIMES. THURSDAY, MAY 12. 1S92. RATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Clinrclie. Presbytekian Services ev'ry firt Sunday at 11 n, m.. awl 7 p. in. Kkv. G. A. Iloualt, Pastor. METItODIST. Sen-Ice the 4th Sun day at 11 n, in., and at nilit at 7 p. '. Kirt Suntlaj-oijrht at 7 p. m. oumlav ; School at 3 p. in.. Prof. D. B. Parker, I Superintendent, Rev. J. I. Peg ram, Pator. Primitive RAirriST. Services Sat urday and Sunday morning i K'fjre the third Sunday in each month. Rkv. Kurnick Wood, Pator. Dl5CiriER. Services 3rd Sunday in ao.h month, morning and night. Sun flay School at 4 p. in., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. Rkv.. C..W-. Howard, Pastor C, W. B. M. meet every Monday night aftrr the 2nd and 4th Sunday In each tnonth. Baptist. Services every Sunday at 11a. in., aid 7:30 p. ns.. except the Third Sunday morning. S'inday School at 9:31 a. ni., R. G. Taylor. Sunt. Praver Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rkv. W. F. Watson, Pastor. Tree-Wilt, Baptist Services , on Second Sunday at 11 o'clock a id on 4th Sunday at 5 p. in. Rev. R. A. Johnson, Pastor. LOCAI J. Mrs. W. D. Smith and Mrs. Hough spent Friday in town. Mr. Jas. P. Hodges and wife of Little River Academy, paid our town a call Friday. Ffther Price or Goldsboro, N. C, spent a short while in the 'city last week with some his members. The closing exercise of Buies Creek High School takes place ' to day. The Times returns thanks for an invitation, Mr. . T, Btliey and sisters. Misses Millie and Delphia, of Stew arts Academy, paid our popular den- ti it. Dr. Goodwin, a call Friday of last week. Miss Sallie, B. Sludge music tea cher in the Riverdale Academy near Bunu's Level left lart week for her home in Virginia. Dr. F. T, Moi.re attended the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., which convened in Wilmington on Ihc 1 0th iti9t. He was the representative from Luck now No. 115. The Times notes with regret the burning of tho dwelling of Uev. J. I). Pegrom's on his plantation near Cokcsberry, which occured on Sat urday of last week. LOST. One watch key, one medi cine case key, one trunk key (flat), also one post office box key No, 473. The finder will be amply rewarded by returning to Di. J. H. Daniel, Dunn, N. C. Dr. W J. Strickland, u former resdent our town, but now of the rm of Strickland and Williams' of enly, was in town last week. Dr. ehs us they are doing well at their new lacation. Presiding Elder G. A. Oglesby held Quarterly Conference Saturday and Sunday at Pleasant Plain church and Sunday night preached an able and highly instructive ser mon in the M. E. Church here to an attentive congregation. If Dunn gets beat in the foot race. .she can challange the South with an eating man. One who eat 6 dozen eggs for breakfast and some of them were goose eggs. The gentle roan is a reliable man - We have ic-rncd since that he also eat some khad and coffee too. He lhad and coffee can vjet there. On last week our old board ot Commissioners time expired and the eped down and cut to give way for e new men. They had boon a good nservative set and did all they could r the town and its progress, still at did not satisfy some of the peo- fe. because it is the case here that y l9w or any movements made for le benefit of the town always meets lib some opposition from some one jTe are not united enough, they wont jII together when we have a town dinancc, all should say it must be lforced. The new board composed of ear-thinking active business men ike hold under favorable eircumstan- fcs with a better future for the town. he taxes are enough now to keep e town up well, and under the ad inistration of this board we are pro the expenditures will be careful- t put out, and we see no reason why pr town should, not prosper under ie management of the present ofli PIC-HIO AT RAVEN ROCK. A DWELLING BURNED. Last Saturday, at Raven Rock was.a day of pleasure end social en joyment. The oecasion was a pic nic, at which gathered the manhood and beauty of both Wake and Harnett eountie?. 1 his p'acc to which nnture has Ikcmi so boun'iful in .bestowing her charms, has been time out of mind a jtryeling place for lovers. Scr.t 1 be- jneath the overhanging crass of this massive gray granite, inhiiling the sweet perfumes of the mountain nay, which grows so luxurantly here, and while Iblet.ing to the penile rip ple of the river at their fee, many have in year? gone by. made vow 3 to which they have been true, vw- which, have sealed their destines, cither for wea' or for woo. Nor was Saturday an exception to the past. The beanx with their new spring jiui-f, straw hats, and white ties were on hand and at their bost in their etforts to please and to do the agreeable. The writrr being no model or werd painter, in describing the girls will s'.op before be spoils it all. by saj'ing that they, in their pic-nic attire and broad hats were beautiful, and as agreeable as pretty. The cool drink and confectionery vender w.-is there, adding to the pleasure of the occasion b dispens -ing goods of the best quality. The time passed rapid I j, but, pleasantly in a general way. until dinner was announced, when 'an ."r ray of good things was spread, that was of quality, sufficient to gratify the palate of the most fastidious euicure. When dinner wag over the pron e- nades and lovers strolls began. Hie steep ascents made this difi cult, and the young men found light ladies not at all disagreeable. Every one (true to human nature) wo s watching to see, and ready to laugh at the downfall of some of the un weary of their companions as they. losing their footing took a tumble down the steep ascent. But the gallants were fort unate and we sav with Ttbulus: whom love rules, where'er his path ma)' be, walks safa and sacred." But how true it is, "thai no earthly pleasure id complete." While standing and gazing u; on the exquisita grandeur of the scene ry, pome cjes were extracted to a dense black smoke afcwuiilrs across the river. Many volunteered sug gestions as .o its origin, but it was all made plain, when in vbout an hour, some one arrived and told the s?A news that the dwelling, si United on the plantation of R -v. J. D. Pe gram near Cokesbury was in ashes. The house was occupied by Mr. Win, Trulove. The origin of the fire is unknown. The family were all away from home and when the fire was discoxs ered the roof was ready to fall in. Nothing was saved except one bed. Some of . Mr. Trulove' s sons wert at the picnic, but on hearing the sad news of their misfortune re turned to what was to them only a few hours before when they left it, a comfortable home, but now a heap of smouldering ashes with nothing save the clothes they wore on their backs. Thus passed a day of joy and sor row, and one that will be remember- ed by all that were present. B. Dickenson Items. Weather fair and warm. Farmers are all busy planting corn and cotton. Mr. E. B, Brantly and wife come over Sunday to Healthy Forest. Miss D. P. Johnson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. McNeilf, this week. Misses Sarah Nixon and Lizzie McKay called on the ladies' of Heal 1 hy Forest. Mr. James Northan and wifo spent Tuesday night with theic uncle, Dr. McNeill. We are sorry to hear of the death of one of the children of Mr. Billie Sexton of Buies Creek section, Mr. W. P. Byrd was elected to at tend the State Convention at Raleigh May 18 lb, 1892. C. ' Leading medical authorities in dorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best blood medcine. Go and do likewise, iryour whis kers are grizzly and unbecoming use Buchingham's Dye and they will look as xvhen you wero younger. Mirtle M. Tanner, Boonville, Ind., writes : "I had Mood poison from birtb, Knots on my limbs were as large as hen eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple, but B, B. B. has cured me sound and well, I shall ever praise the men who invented Blood Balm were born." 1-m. Memorial Services- Quite a good crowd of our citizens attended-the Memorial services at Chicora, Cumberland county, Tues day evening. We have never attend eu a more pleasant Memorial celebra tion. Rex. Mr. Bradshaw of Little Rix-er Academy, was the ora'or chosen by the L-idies Memorial Association. The orator vas in the finest trim for speaking and commanded the rapt attention of his audience as he paid a most beautiful aud eloquent tribute to ihb valor the sacrifice, and the heroism of the Confederate soldier, and clot lied in beauteous rhetoric the deeds of martyrdom of the wife, mother and sister of the Southern solder. The good woman of the South canno. be too highly praised for their kindness in thus annually decorating ith flowers the graves of those men who sacrificed their lives upon the altar of their cour try. Harnett and Cumberland cannot be to highly commended for raeeu ing every 10th of Ma at Chicora to beau ifv with flowers the graves of our fallen heroes, for they in so dos ing keep fresh the memory of men whose war record is the pride of our whole country, whose bravery on the battle field inspires our youth with Irgher ambitions and holier hopes, and whose unselfish patriotism has adorned the pages of American his tory. From Benson Just now, among the oung peo pie in town, all isexpecta'ion, look ing torwarn route zin lnst, ine oc casion being the closing exercises of the school at this place. Exercises will commence promptly at 2 o'clock p. m., and will consist of 'declamations, musi, debate etc., foN lowed bj' an addres3.by Prof. Ira. Tr Turlington of the Turlington Insti tute, of Sroithfield, N. C. Commencing early at night will come off exerehes oy the tclmol. It is hoped that the exercises will bo of such nature as to delight the large audience expected to be present. The Irishman, Duichman, African and many other characters will be shown up in comic, pathetic and serious. 'Compulsory educition" is the subject of the d. bate, will be dis cussed in a masterly manner by the young men of the school. What will mnke the question more interesting i3 it is now at issue. Those who do not come to hear the discussion will miss a rare treat. We will say to all. remember the time, Friday, May 27lh a!, 2 o'clock p. m. B. How Much- If kisses were a peuny each, An I xvords a ,rotc n score, A kiss for ex'ery twenty woids. And twenty in an hour. Visit the fair one, twice a week, And stay from eight till one, It would take how long, At such a rate, To spend a hundred pounds. Disd- On Wednesday of last week at his residence in the lower edge Johnston county, Mr. W. W, Tart passed away. lie was 6ick only a short time. Mr. Tart was an esteemed citizen In his community. He leaves a wife and 8 children to mourn the loss of a father and husband. I wish to say to the public that my Ice House will be open eyery Sun da)' from 8 to 10 in the morning and from 2 to 4 in the evening. J. H. Worrell. Call at Gainey & Jordon's and ex amine their new stock of Gold Watches and Chains, and other ar ticlds mentioned in their ad in an other column, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC LARGE. AT Dr. S. Ros, the German Eye Doc tor, lately from Germany, has arriv ed in this town wth a large line of Spectacles and Eye Glasses, consist ing of nothing but pure genuine peb ble, and he feels confident that he is able to suit the eye of ex-ery weak eyed person. Examination of the eye free. Old gold or silver spectacles taken in exchange for new ones. Repairs neatly aad promptly done. Can be seen at the Hotel Divine. ' .Twenty-two years' practice. Stationed and located at Fayette vilie, N. C. Ex-ery pair of glasses fitted by Dr. S. Ros are warranted for 12. months. May-12. If your blood is vitilated. clense It without delay by the use of Ayer's Sarsanarilla. Annual Statement of Town Ule - DISBUKSXMKNTS. . From May 1st 1891, " lo May 1892. y To cash paid Maj'or salary " ' Street Com, " Town Com. '- " Police . ' " " extra Police - " " " Secretary Register .. Tnx Lister $60jQ0 17j7j5 3G0 22S85 16i8b 500 10M 22jsb " " Treas in part " Legal services .. office and F. operate rent " To cash paid removing dead anima's' To cash paid Cemetery work To cash paid fire truck, bar rels etc, To cash paid building truck house - - To cash paid stationary and printing To cash paid guard hous sup, To cash paid impounding pen To cash paid cost and. wit ness Superior court To cash paid Street work lumber; etc. . To cash paid j lamps and posts ; 1 To cash paid board and lodging paupars To cash paid order issued before May 1st 1891 Hal. on hand of Treas 29 7 18j05 I 5434 1 1: 34189 t i 610 675 I I 3491GP 31192 It 2 U7M 13633 $1225 28 i IlECE-IPTS. By balance in Treas. May the 1st 1891 including certificates of sale of real estate By Town Tax collected in cluding license etc, By Cemetery sales By Fines By license whiskey, hotels etc, S224 19 I 1 818 27 50 17:0s 1 i 133125 Lt $1225M By bal. in hand of Trea3. $136,33 May the 1st 1892. j M. L. Wade. ClerkJ i All kinds of cold drinks at D. jlj. Hood's Drugstore.- I 1 . Milk Shake, Lemonade and Soda Water at D. H. Hood's DrugstoreJ s At D. H. Hoods's Drugstore y can get the best Milk Shakes We use nothing but pure Jersey milk. Nice lot of Confectionarie8 always oh hand at D. H, Hco i's Drugstore. i ; 1 Notice- j Dunn, N. C, May 4th, 1892. ! The firm heretofore existing unde the name of Strickland & Gordon have this day, by mutual concent dissolved. H. J. Strickland will cor tinue business at his old stand. J- O. Gordon;. II. J. Strickland! Thanking the public generally fp their patronage and soliciting a cqn tinuancc of the same I remain, Yours Very Respectfully. II . J. TIIICKLAND.! Go to Lee's Hardware Sior ahd buy you a Cotton King Culti'ator f 1 ? For Hardware and Furniture gostp Lee's Hardware Store, next door tb Young Bros. Look for new sign, LEE HARDWARE CO. The best Cook Stove for the monk ey at Lee's Hardware Store, I -.if We have iust received a big line! of Cotton Hoes. The cheapest we ever had. Lee Hardware Co. Don't forgot we ore still head quarters for Plows and Plow Cast ings. Lee Hardware Co. WbM Baby ws sick, we gsr hr Castoria. When the was a Child, she cried for Costoriai When she became Miss, she clung to Castorii. When she had Children, she gave them CastoiW All manufacturing business been paying this season, has I ! es- pecially cotton, The cotton frct?or- ! in nredoublin? their monev on evefv i r O 1 i f pound of cotton manufactured. Why eant we get one here ? Dunn xvith .a bank and cotton factory would beioin a substantial boom. Business men t- with your capital invested in either a factory or bank would reap a ciqe income here. ft A reviving of nature's latent forfces occuas everw spring At this tiftie. better than any other, the blood njay be clensed from the humors wbjqli infest it. The be3t and most poru lac remedj to use for this purpo3c s Ayer's Compound Extract of Sa pari Ha. warn wir.fiR i nm Patronize home industry and call on R. A, JOHNSON, T Manufacturer of CARTS, WAG ON'S and PUGG IKS, if you need a first oiass BUGGY I have them and I will sell for less mouey than the same quality of work can be bought for elsewhere, so come along aad I will guarantee satisfaction. Ifoti want a DUMP CART. ROAD CART, or WAG UN, j I have as good as can . be made. I do all kinds of repairing on CARTS, WAGONS, and BUGGIES "T he best order. I laj 5 some Second Hand Buggies on haii and will sell them very chea;. I a in determined to hold the head quarters for the best work for the least money. 1 am thankful for the x'ery liberal patronage I have received in the past and will try to merit a better in the future, so when vou need anything iu my line of business come and see me before you bux. for I am yous to please, R. A-JOHNSON, DUNN, N. C. NOTICE! - On Monday the 2d da3. of May A. D 1892 at 12 oeloek m I will sell at the Court House Door in the town of Lillington to the highest bidder for cash one tract of land in Avcas Doro township, Harnett c ninty, con taining about 109 acres and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of J, R. Godwin, Louis Jackson and others, it bung lot No. 6. in the dN vision of the lands of Joseph Stewart, deceased, to satisfy an execution in ray hands for collection against Henry Pope, and which has been levied on said land as the property" of said Henry Pope for the purchase money. C. McARTAN. Mch-314tl Sheriff. Children Cry for. Pitcher's Castori Deserving; Praise. , "We desire to say to our citizens, that for years xve have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Fil's, Buckleo's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled re medies tha' sell so well, or that have give such umx'ersal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to iuarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popul n-.y purely on their merits. Harper& Hood Druggists. O'i. What n. Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of. that more terrible disease Con sumption. Ask yourselx'es if you can niford for the sake of saving 50c, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shi loh's Cure-will cure your cough. It never faii. This explains why more than a million bottles were sold th past 3'ear. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use ShiloU's Porous Plaster. Sold by D. 11. Hood. Ginghams from 6 to 7 cents per yard at Dupree & Lane's. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford. New.Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disor dered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Uusing three bottles of Electric Bitters and sex-en boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is- sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O-, had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurabla. One bottle Elecn trie Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salx-e cured him entirety. So!d by Harper & Hood Druggist, Children Cry for Pteher's CastorlaT We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle.. Use it if ypude-f ifctm ln'filth siud Fweet breath. Price I TrUoc. Sold bv D. H. Hood. j I i; THAN K S ! Wc are still at our oM stand and beg to return oar most grateful thanks to tmr customers for tln-ir past liberal patronage which lias enabled us to better serxe them in the future. This is our standing invitation to one and all town and country friei-ds to call and see us when 111 need of anything in mr line. ' " ; O , We wish to ray that we have added to our line of JEWELRY, PLATV ED WARK. SEWING MACHINE A ta-.':eots and MUSICAL INSTRU MEN rs, a nice line of PICTURE FRAMES or almost any tdnpes. aad if we have not that will suit you im slock can get it for ycu at once. JE1 ep airing Is our specialty, tivhen you have can fix you up at short iiutice an 1 at I One Dollar Weekly Buys a Gold Watch by our Club System. Our lt-karat goldfilled cases arewaranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin or Walthaui movement. Stent wind and set. Lady's or GmH's size. Equal to any $"0"' wiilch. To secure airenU where we i-ave none, we willsell 0110 'of the' Hinting C;isi Watches for the Club pric.-? and send C. O. D. by express 'with privi lege of examination before paying for same. Our Agent at Durham, N. C. writes : "Our jewelers have confessed they don't know how you can furnish such work for the money." Our Agent at Heath Springs, "S. C., writes : "Your waU he3 take at sight. The gentleman who got the last" -watch said -that he examined and priced a jeweler's watches at Lancester, that wiere no better than yours, but the price wa3 $4.")." Our Agent at Pennington, Tex. writes : . "Am in receipt of the watch, and pleased without ineesure. All who hare it say itwould be cheap at $40." One good reliable Agent wanted in everv place. Write for particulars, EM VI RE WAIICII CO.', New York, Feb25Lhtf. 1 H. B. Randolph, Brunswick, Ga.. writes : - "I was under the care of nine different doctors, but not one did ni3 the good that Botanic Blood Balm has done." 1m Children cry for Pitcher's Oastoria- TITAIA (Tm Queen of Falrle ) MM rGH LAG ES. HIGHEST GRAPE FRAME CUSHION and PNEUMATIO Warranty Wit., Every Vhsel SEND YCU? ADDRL33 FOR CATALOGUE ARIEL CYCLE MFG. GG00,3r,HD!N' itl o :- tii&,Zi&sn4 i..1- AND THE fa'-JL'. a M LA 11M ft mhmfnn L A D I E S: I haxre a beautiful and Complete line of MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. My SPRING STOCK is Rich with New Styles. The Shapes are Beautiful MY PRICES are bound to suit. Call and see them." Iwishlo THANK my CUSTO MERS for their Liberal and Pleasant Patronage 'ast Season, and now de sire to show tleui a NICER LINE for LESS MONEV. Very Reapectfully, MRS. V. A. KOONCE. Dnnn, N.C ' t THANE Si -o- any thing broken or out of repair wV rca-on ible prices. lours Anxious to Please, GAINY & JORDAN LEE J. BESTr Altorney-iitlnw, PUNS. N.'. O, : t - Will practice in Harnett, and ArK joining Counties. Special attention .liven to collection of claims. J. A- FARMER, ATTORNEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAK7- DUNN, N.C. Circuit : Harnett. Johnston, SamrP son au! Cumberland. -Col lections a specialty. Prompt attention gix-en to all bai- ncss placed in hand. t Mcli-bl-'S1.3 , f XV. E. Mi bchisox, J"ouosloro, N. C. L. D. Cham if, Lilllngtoa, V. O. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW-LILLINGTON, N. C Ortlce fronting Court Iloase.v- April-ii-32. I. W: E. Burncttc, tak much' pleasure in infonning'the public that1 I have opened my - Barber Shop ii front of the Lee Hotel, where I will t be glad to see ray many friends and the publicVenerally. Hatinj- fienrl you xvhen. I was here before, I thank 3ou for past fayors, and beg you for- more. Respectfully, W. E. BunxisTTB. K. F. FOSCUE & CO.; - In "Dennig Building" otrers yom the cheapest Groceries and Tobacco in town. Come and sec us, we will buy and pay you the cash fir your Chickens, . Egis, Hams, Corn, Peas in fact anything you have to sell from ft tooth brush to an elephants hide. -Respectfully K. F. FOSCUE & CO- -ApriN2Utfn. "Antidola" will speedily relitvv Headache and Neuralgia. A trial will convince you of its merits. Read ' what Rev. W. J. Ful ford, editor of" the North Carolina Baptist, says : "Some few week ago Mess. A. J. . Cook & Co., kindly: sent mo a trial I bottle of-Antidolaft the other day we . had occasiohoresort to it, and found almot Irritant'' relief from an attaek oflevere'nerTOus. headache. . 1'ry jt.'M v.::. ; MJnfrt'ctu red- only by A. J. Cook : & CoHtteville. N. C, Price 25c. . b VZXpfrT Tsjrsale by D. H. Ilood;. DunhN. C. Goad, solid and sound Tobacco at D. JI. Hood's - Drug Store. Selling at reduced prices, as follows : 3.7e tobacee for 25 cents per lb. . 40c 30 50c 40 C0c " 50 -" 75c ' " " 60 ' BUCKLER'S AafUCA SALVE; The best Salve in lbs worU ftfv Cuts, Braises, J'orcs, Ulcers, Sslk Theura. Fever. Sores, Tetter, Chafk. ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, tod all Skin Eruptions, and positliely carta . Piles, or no pay required. Il is gaar. an teed to give pe-feet satisfaction, r money refunded. Price 25 cents ptf box. For sale by Harpsr 4 Hood.. - NOTICE. I have a 2 12 years old .tboraagh.. bred Jersey Bull I wish to sell, as ? 4r have more stock than t ca'n raanaa well. The beast isVery docile' 'ami kind. I will-sell t4eapf fofcasb. or on time with good not. " ? J. A L.XYTON. Dana, N. C. tr i 1 !'

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