THE Published Every TttCRSDlT, bt YOUNG A GRANTHAM. THURSDAY. JITLY 28. lftt. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET- FOIt r&EMDENT : GROVKR CLKVELAND, of New York. FOll ticirKKsiDKsr. ADLAl K STKVENSON, Tf Illinois. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET- FOR GOVEttXOIt: KLIAS CARR, of Kdgecorabe FOH LIEUTENANT GOVERSOK R. A. DOUGMTON, of Alleghany. ;FOll SfctllKTAUY OF BTATK OCTAVIUS COKE, of Wake. FOll TltEASUItEK. DONALD W. RAIN, of Wake. foii auditor: R. M. FURMAN, of Buncombe. r m r- - - "0R 8Uf EIUNTRNDENT OF fUBLIC IN STRUCTION ; -JOIINC. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. . OR ATTOIINEY GENERAL FRANK I. OSltORNE, of Mecklenburg. FVK9IDEKT1AL ELECTORS FOB STATE AT LAKOK; C B, AVCOCK, of Wayne. EL U, GLENN, of Forsyth. TUB , rOU JUDGE TWKLTIt DKIUICT GEORGE A. SHUFORD, of Uuacombe. were there from all portions of the State, and the Convention excelled any previous one in the history of their meeting. The Editors were highly entertained at the Central and Beaufort Hotels and the city with all its hospitalities was given up to them. They visited all the beautie of the Queen City of North Carolina, and viewed many of her Industrie and en tei prises. Oil Mills, Plaid Mills, Manufactories, Fertilizins Mills. Machine Shops and Whole sale houses. The R. R. neoole gave them an excursion around the City, and the citizens a carriage drive over their beautiful inreets. On Thursday night the chamber ol commerce spread a Banquet which could not have been surpassed an where or by any people or any City. Charlotte is noted for its magnificent residences, luxuriant flower yards, and elegant streets. Her Street Rail way system is good and a bright future awaits her hospitable, enters prising, progressive people. Within ' he last two years the taxes show an increase of $2,000,000 worth of im prove men Is in the way of manufac turing industiies of various kinds. The City has splendid waterworks, and most of all are her well edited and brilliant Newspapers. The Ob server. The News Democrat. The Times have been great factors in the progress of the City. The Y. M, C. A. Hall w th its library was tendered, the Editors during their stay in Char lottc. The business meetings were held in the Belmont Hotel. The usual routine of work ws dispensed with, and questions of benefit to the Editors of North Carolina were dis cussed. Uincers for this term were sleeted. Mr. E. E. Hilliard a son of our own county was elected Presi dent. Yice President, Messrs. Je rome Dowd and H. A. Latham. Sec retary and Treasure the present effi cicnt' incumbent Mr. J. B. Sherrill. The next Convention goes to New Berne in May 1893. Thus on Fri day morning the Editors of this State left the Queen City with many pleas. ant memories that will ever go back to the Convention of July 1892. From Charlotte a party of about forty o the Association went to Washington D. C, Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York,and Niagra Falls. Your writer took in Washington, Baltimore, Phil adhlphia. New York and a trip up the Hudson River. He visited th White House Pension. Treasurer and Patent buildings. The Washington Monument 555 feet high and many and room to NEXT SESSION OF TURLINGTON I NSTITUTE, Smitlifield, INT. C. FOR GIRLS A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL BOYS AND WILL BEGIN TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1892. This Instruction has English, Classical, Mathematical, Scientific," and Business Courses, Equal in almost Every Respect to Those of Any School in th State. AND A ULT Elm MILITARY DEPARTMENT. This school having out-grown its former accommodations, the Principal purchased a site just outside the corporate limits of the town and constructed on it. 3IAMU7I' QEiOnT, 63 5l $2.10 $1.70 $1.60 $1.00 Cotton. Middling Low Middling Stains Turpentine. Virgin 2ml Year Yellow Dip Hard Countby Produce. Chickens 15(3;25c Eggs 10 Hide 4(6c Corn 65 Peas 60!.00 Butter 20(525 Hams 10 Cape Fear & Yadkin Vaey Bail- way Company. C0X0ERSE0 SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT MARCH 29TH, 1891. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Wilmineton. Arrive Fayetteville, Leave Fayetteville, Leave sanforu, Arrive Greensboro, Loave Greensboro. Leave Walnut Cove, Arrive Mt. Airy, 9.50 a in p ni 3.00 p m 4.25 p in 6.55 p ui 7.16 pin 9.00 p m 11.15 p m A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS - ,i u HOKSE BREEDERS MEETING otber place! of h 8torjr' beauty . im it n-,m inLerPBt. Which W hlVM nrtt- -m i A II K A I ! KS. I 1 , i ui meniion. In NpV Vnrlr r lrlaitoA Wa rv... . i, i . . . I " " I " VtU ah uie prominent norae breeders f.rni prlr r.non. n--.-..; anrl nn rltr oil . . .- i I J m uae Brooklyn Bridge which cost $16,000.- v,-..u uave agreea 000. and one of the mosr. nnrri to meet at Raleigh on August 17th niPoM r nwA r u - 1 o... .o. - . r ..v.. fivum. Ul lUC du iohi, ioji, ior me nurnose or . u tu t. v . . . - i v wa Aim -m- aacj Av t ww i in a w iinii m n rm inaugura ing a permanent race pro gramme for Spring, Sumn er and Autumn, and to organize a Breeders' .association lor tue Mate; and to his meeting, everv citizen in the Sun buildings where tuey manufacs ture papers not Print them. Th Museum, Talmage and D;xon Tab ernacles. The im mense A. T. Stewart store, rode on the elevated Street blata interested in owning, breeding car8 aud fa a;gbl8 tbat would ffiake 1 I" "ier is theNo;th Carolina countrv Editors -confially invited. A ... . " ,,.7. . r . , .. 8tand with mouth and eyes both he racng feature of this meeting open. From there aotuQ of will be the very larges most exciS went to Niftgr9 and 8ome F ing and interesting series of trials of ud8on. Tue write, Qn H speed ever kuown in the State. The had one of the finest trips in Amer programme was undertaken by a ica, It has been well said that th few gentlemen tieir individual Hudson was the Rhine of America, expense, and they are greatly gratifi- As vou leave the fW r.,K..t J ed, indeed pleasantly surprised, at Utreeftbe boat glides smoothly alonir i the interest which has developed in i the undertaking. Forty seven horses have been entered to date, and their will be as many as eight starters in ; some of the races, which will be made on the two days named. The in create of interest in fine hordes breed - ana on eituer side of the rloM,i waters rises mound shaped mountains 1.000 to 1.500 feet hib, capped witn green foliage, and on the less eJevat ed parts can be seen the handsome :ramer rcsiden. es of Jay Gould, and manv other of Mip. mnntti I ,. ... ' t.UM(U mg iu iortu arouna ior tue pastjeners. t m-Wm M V A M M I.AM A A I i"ujsb, tjrrcn imeuumenai: ana rn r . . . . . ...... i vtvac ui iiiiu river, runs tiviit. alresilv lhpr r within tho K... I . ... . mM tigut ' - " uuiuus nn I Im VILPr P(1io t lia V l- ... . . - " - " t.--n 4um .oi ine oiaie, norses or international Central K, R for more than one repute. The splendid race pro- nndred miles and on the other side gramme for August 17ib and 18th is r11 . ?een tUe We8t 8horo WiP.I rolt th!. 'S uKewise an ine way, the - - - - " ' wwav km h r mw. i www . . ... . -----. scenery is grana. we went to New. -wnicu will receive an immense im inrVBnm...Ann A. Dttua at this meeting. The m km - . www - fw ww owuinicbuii m will also be a forerunner of the race borne, during the Revolutionary Dfofframme to be made un fr i.h remains ue uouse In tttA IVtUlhIllftl nf Iwtrsa 11 1 f . 1 "v- rw "t-u " iminer oi oar country sat more than appreciate the advantage of being (once while the battles of ihe North able to note what may be aecooBDliabJ were SoioK on lor liberty. Then ed at the August races and afterward .u.r new no outQ or Worth, Bote any developuicat at the State t. 7u 1 r".:"lmmu u 8loou "i - m.M r aim hit rtwHifim t v v-. m . I iivvmuui, uuiii lucre we row ww r I IOOLC Ui WMt. K m Pn.( Tt'- i ' I ww uuu.w uuau J IT Cob riie meeting- for organizing the rant the selected stot for the Breeders Associattoa will be held on Un,ted State Military Academy, and the ntglit of August 17th. The oeetirc and railroad rates for th uina. Tw ... .i. .- - - - . w " ran kua ysriOUB ccsioa are onusnally low. Mr. E. CDOrf bwildtwgs in their perfect ar ,11. Lt of ttaleicb will take olenure -aeatsv The level smootlt drill 4n aivtru, .n i.rn.R..;nn 1 groDoo!?, th cadet camps etc In ,,,u,,MWM,lw. the main. Hall - WW w V av UiOIl W IHIIUBI ef the noted Generals, and Military man !.: TTI B u i 1 d i n g WHICH GIVES AMPLE ROOM FOR AT LEAST fo. 4. Daily Except Sunday. leave Eennettsville 12.40 pm Leave Maxtoa, 1.27 p m Arrive Fayeteville, 2.57 p m No. 1G, Daily Exerpt Suntlaj. Leave Kamseur, 7.25 a-m Arrive Greensboro, 10.05 a ni Leave Greenboro, 10.45 a on Arrive Madison. 1.05 pm No. 12, Dally Except Sunday. Leave G reensboro 10.10 a in Leave Walnut Cove 1 .55 d m Arrive Mt. Airy 7-55 p ra No, 14, DaHy Except Sunday. Leave Bennetts ville 1.00 a m Leave Maxton 4.25 a in Arrive Fayetteville- 9.55 a ni SOUTHBOUND. No. 1, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Mt. Airj 0.00 a m Leave Walnut Ceve, 8.11 a ni Arrive Greensboro, 10.00 a ni Leave Lrreensboro, 1 0.30 a in Leave Sanford, 12,45 p in Arrive Fayetteville, 2.06 p m Leave Fayetteville, 3.04 p in Arrive Wilmington. 7.0,5 p m No. 3, Daily Exeept Sundaj-. Leave Fayetteville, 2.11 o in young ladies completing it, it is believed can graduate at any Female Col- ' Lvnip Hi !" lege in the State m one year. It is noted with pride that the boys and . " " ,V e' ,c P1" girls of this school take a high stand in the Colleges wherever they go. r t Dal,y txW1t Suntlav Besides preparing boys and girls for College a finishing course has been vee olSn "bore" 41s n ! arranged for those who do no', intend going to College. This prepares IO iboS" siis n Two Hnncireci Pxipils. 151 C IS I GIVEN 1WAY BY . V. H HOOD. I Will give in CASH $2.50 to the Person raising the LARGEST - TURNIP FROM SEED BOUGHT F R O M H $1.50 in CASH to the Second Largest $1.00 4 4V Third ' The CASH will be Paid December 25th, 1J&2, D. H. HOOD'S DRUG STORE Is HEADQUARTERS for Everything in the DRUG- Line, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationary, School Books, Seods, Tobacco, Snuff. Cigars, etc. VERY RESPECTFULLY, D. H. HOOD. THIS CO. GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION has been so enlarged as to make it equal to that of any school In the State. After completing i&. boj's and young men are prepared to enter the sopho- tnnre rl una nf anv fTrkllmro in flia Vtato rw .f Iia;.. - J them for the ordinary nursuits of WTa Those who wish to become expert Telegraph operators and book-keepers and business men will find the Business course suited to their needs. "Mens sana in corpore Sana, a 8ouad mind and a sound body. The truth contained in these words induced the Principal to introduce a Mili tary Department for the physical development of his pupils, Arrive Kamseur, 8.10 p m No. 11, Daily Except Sundas.' Leave Mt. Airy , 2.10 p m Leave Walnut Cove 6.15 p ni Arrive Greensboro 9.30 p in No. 13, Daily Exec? Sunday.. Leave Fayetteville 10;HTa ni Leave Maxtoi 4.30 p in Arrive Dennettsville ,05 pm FREE f.lEDICAL ATTENDANCE. -:o: Train No. 2 connects at isanford with Seaboard Air Line for Raleini Norfolk and all points North, and Dr. R. J. Noble rlrst-clasa ohvsician living in h.a in.n k. k Last. d at Walnut Ceve with the ' & mJ - "--1 w-bv BMW UUU HCL.U1 L ed bv the Princinal look after the health of t.h hnnrrli I Norfolk & Western RL K- for Wi mf " --'--syMft.r.ic imnw) Mil UllilCOt I " This attendance is free or charge to the pupils except in those cases of ston-Salen. Roanoke sod alii pofats success wuen a aeconK pnysician must oe cauea. in such cases the pa- North and West of Rewnoke . tient must nay the extra charges. Iran JNo, 1 connects at Walnut Cove with Norfolk & Western R. R, for Winsion -Salem. IIaanofte's3 all points North and West f KwraeSe, m-r-r-r . -w-v ana at feanlbra witu creattoarcf Air THE BOARDING DEPARTMENT Li"e for Monroe-Cb- A- poB2u i?oaai ana Rep esenting t w LOIVLOK LIVERPOOL iz GLOBE, VIRGINIA FIRE & MARINE, utijfc UAROLINA HOME AND SOUTHERIT Insurance Company of Louisiana, Also the Old Reliable PENNSYLVANIA lTJTITAL Of Philadelphia, dffick in YOUNG BROS. STORB, IS UNDER THE IMMEDIATE CONTROL OF THE PRINCIPAL. Atlanta and South-west, all EXPENSES FOR SESSION OF TEN MONTHS. PuU man Palace .Sleepfifg' Car n t Seaboard Air Line trww Njsth- and South from Sanford aD&rniftoifoft A ! Western trains North amSWestf from Roanoke, Incidental Fee $2.00 isoard, including rurmsued room, washing, lights and luei iu roos.j Tuition in Primary Department TUITION IJ COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. ENGLISH COURSE. Freshman Class Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class Pusseagers from Wilnwbgton, Fay U0O or 8.00 ner mo. ti . ... $20.00 or $2.00 w sowboi oaniora win amye at xtaieign ac jj :i a, and bave 5 hours in Raleigb and reach, lxwae same day, ti i ,0 ri v x I XZetttf OBMtfr TTr - TT wr mitmjM.i.m try nt, ium BOl AM kmw M-.-wwn.' uumwewuj tQMt for it. SR- Iiouia, Mo., lCareit a Mwtv. XWKnfnrg&franioant of rood Pkt Timhw mw mK 1m don BM,lMit dntX Miff So K good quaUUe. M nr-TTtaii anmmm nuMd Wr Uqoor lvM aidi rrtirwJ 9tct ot tout madielivk.1. fit . .? Mora I eron nudk wito. bojttU, tnmblju loep sound mL un fBu-. . AT SomUUat I hd. not hwi w- iTr 117 I re to mvtn 1 thru for tears we bave been 1,-, Df, King's New Discovery Xrr Con-l sampnon. Dr. King'a KawHifeKills, Bucklen's Arnica Solya aodi Eietjtric Bitters, and b&xe neve baailadi re medies tba( aelt sQ.weUjoi.thh.,... girea skcIi uwver, alpatUfitioiu. We aanafcUas, gratoe them. timfisuidr n,. standi raiQ Tn- Pretia. prtoe. j S fcUfao-. tocy reealts-da not olkvv t!.i eee, rftBRadfeliaTne wou theJr greatu populfrHy pitze- oa, thik merks ti . . . . u.rpcra uood DrogfiMtc. Icnrr i ar tintfc El llbb um, tO (IT MATHEMATICAI. COlTRSe. Freshman Class Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class 8EMI-CLASSICAI. COVRSJC. Freshman Class Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class CLASSICAL COrit&JS. Freshman Class Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class Tuition in Business Course (without Telef?ranhv,i Tuition in Telegraphy Tuition in Book-Keeping alone Tuttion in Writing alone Tuition in Music Uuse of Piano $23.00 or $2.00 per mo. 3U.uu or 3.00 $23.00 or $2.30 per mo. ia.oo or $30 per ino. $30.00 or $3.00 oer mo. $40.00 or $4.00 per mo. Ample time is given passengers for breakfast and supper at Fayett eville, and dinner at Walnut Cove. W. L. KYLE, J, W. FRY. Gen. Pass. Agent. General Manager, COEfllG WED ? Cw,C2tfsa Kl MdV7 Drvcglrtftst 41; $30.00 or $3.00 per mo. men of this Union, who have gone . , UD for thpi r rcv.rt. urA . iui usck to me City of New York, and on Tuesday our faces turned home it ax J, Sfcjppn' at Pniladelphia Baltimore and Wash ington for want of spac we cannot even give brief keiches of the siht Oo the 27th and 28th July the 50th Annual Press Association cn venedrin the "city of Charlotte; A rs, att.nnc. of the ill JHt,J "."j; Guarante4 Car. We authorize our advertised drug- $45.00 or $4.50 per rao. gist to sell Dr. King's New Discov- $3.00 per mo. erV for Consumption, Coughs and $3.00 per mo. Colds, upon this condition If you $L30permo. . " fl.tX) mn are aroiciea wun a uongn, uold or f w. $2J0 per mo, any Lung. Throat or Cheat troudle. rx .ou per mo. j ;n .... ti. MmA. j: . . . . . must be paid at the beginning of each term. "e giving it a fair trial, and experience Ihe remainder or board and tuition mast be paid monthly- at and nf ak no beniflt, you may return the bottle ""Cic.cbeobUm.d.tHoodBro.. Urug Store i to reon.bIe "d W refonded. W. rates, could not make this offer did we not A.P!?iform.f .incla?inS 0oat8 P: cP8 we furnished to the boys at know that Dr. Kiug's New Discovery $15.00. This is the exact cost and is as ffood c?oo!a q on k i u J the money anywhere. v uricoald be rclied OQ. n Ttr isap- tyFor Catalogue Addles, REASON WHY Httl LADY WSB Mk S H O E. I IRA- T- TtTRLINGTON, Principal. 5MJTHF1JELD, N, C, points. Trial boltlea (Vee at Harper & Hood's Drug Stqre. Largs size 50c and $100. nvLre o. AQP9ev ako t wostu win MHWii, and pajtltlana. a& dkmpuM olM.tli MresUcoids and aiJMa. PERFECTS OJWHtf. rrke aa4 Oiamy b 6stlafaetor. Lynn. Maa. lr Sal in Duun by Fleming & Co,. mm. Mi,, 4 ore MnnfaQtire of, SAsRfEJt wir. eB50Gi!utrutiwfll( ftwJ foQ ebiewaa aIpflL ajtd L fcttttantee aliaf:tiplK i.uajeeae.gev t en, h cudeN 1 a ox jiejMjalM oiv CARTS. WAGX n4 &VGGIE& in ht beat awk I have some Secoad Has Baie, on, Uadaad wiU sell tbra ttry cheap. I ai dteiea to fcoid tke kea. qcMtei$y tU besl leaA CMtfiey I anj tkankfUA fe U Wj Uberal pairoaagel Uxt received, la the past and will try to, m?sU a bettt in the, fo aa ha ypA etd Wthing U my Us,a o bU cca aud eea m betaje yoM fesiy. far am jW9 ta plest ' R. A. JOHNCQN, i

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