ttXf tir ilV:'rr- THE TIMES. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1892 HITTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. ChnrcliCH. ritKHnvTEUiAN Services evry first SiiihIhj' at 11 , ni.. :inl 7 p. in. Ukv. G. A. Hough. r.tor. Mftthodist. Service? the 4th Sun tl.iv at 11 .i. ih., nnl at night at 7 p. in. Vir-t Sunday iihrhf at 8:30 p. m. Sunday Nliool ut 5 p. in.. Prof. I). Ii. lark-r, Superintendent, REV. J. I). Peouax, Patnr. Alabama held her State election last Monday and elected a full Democratic ticket, score one South em State for Cleveland. The young men gave the visiting young 'adies in town a pleasant little ice cream supper at the McKay luusu iasi night. Everybody en- joyeu me occasion. Tuesday Me33 J, II. Pou, A. D. Jones of Kuleigh, Judge McRae of Fayetteville made enthusiastic speech u unngion. Mr. O. J. Spears of Harnett made a speech in favor of the Tuird party. Mess Jones Murchisoti i i ... mi i ou replied to him, and they gave h and the party he is advocating something to think about, facts effort. Judge Woraack in a solemn and matter of fact way bat pleasant told them of the dangers of leavin their old tried and true leaders to follow such men us claim to be the leaders of the Third party. His speech was based on-facts which none not one. could dispute. He reasoned with ti e people and showed them ho Sit- which ht pi,i ' , , rcujjic ami iiinwen mem how M, S,W,1,tman of SmitIineM ,,ct a day or two thl. week , our " Spcr. u, cv, hi. .. 1 ' ..riI, . ? T " I'aner published by the voun.. n.-a r. ' every Mr P....: . .3 ' f rm - - I ----- rf-w I . . . I Phimiti vk R a it lst. S, r viois r&.) and Sunday inorinn; Wf.r: the third Sunday in each month. ItKV. IlURKICK Wooli, Pastor. ltrM. Service 3rd Sunday in arh ttVolrtK morning and nighT. Sun- v School at 4 p. in., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. Rev. C. W. IIowaiu), P.ihr C, W. IJ. M. meet every Monday night nfter the 2nd and 4th Sunday in each month. the Turlington Institute. Wc return thanks to the Lumber River. and Live Stock Association for a ticket to the Third A n nun 1 air which convenes Atizust. 18th 19th and zOth at Red Springs. ... lie Will furnish Mr. Knears the! L. : into lMiutic .r. 5 I ... ciMiniry-, i ri,f(rm .i,;.. ,.,.. ..... , . "" j unye oroKen i . . oesi nor-e and buir.rV jn ti.e ,,.mntri. and see that he has the best time of his life if he comply with his request. uemoeratif: sr;p,.i -.VVVIIt. III r........w..: .i i-ia.uaiion iueir goin s and putting out men to Tl "..triiLini an.i lorcible, and they did g"d for the c.i me. There is no loubt now but Harnett is safe in the type of old Democratic kind. HAY RIDE. Baptist. Services every Sirily at 11 a. in., and 7:39 p. ift., except the Third Sunday morning. Sunday School at 9:3.1 a. in., U. G. Taylor, Sut. Pmver Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. . Kkv. W. F. Watson, Pastor. FitrK-Wii-L Ha itist. Services on S ond SniicUj' at 11 o'clock ud on 4th Sunday at 5 p. in, ISkv. K. A. Jonxsox, Pastor. LOCAL. "Court tins week at L-llingtou. -Hudc Hryan on the bench. Subscribe for the Times the onlyl romper nx tire county. Mr. .T. K Morg-an fr Tierum paift :iur city viiit T-nesday ening. Don't forget the old ftock is gov ting at cost .t Dxpre AX.anc'8 A -pood TOarry' 'rtf'Our 'tnmrn rpeople .re at LilllngUm'tlMS'week attenfiing; Mr. TjIirts. Lowell left Monday for Hits hrtwte in Smithfield, visiting his Varents. Mr. V. S. McRae of Fayet.te.viHa, fiptat a day or so at tShs Diviaie JJoteJ ftWs reek. ' M-ia. frese Mc-E!ay Is -virtiwg the family f Capt, J-Meroiag at liolls ftlLle X. C Hev. G. A. Oglesb3 Presiding Elder of ibis District, preached in Hie M. church Sunday night. Monday he held Quartely Conference with Black's Chei riK, prchihititin State Convention was held in Greensboro last week. They got out a full State ticket, with Mr. Templeton of Wake, for heir Governor. Pof. Mnson nf Divio Pnnntv n graduate of Wake Forest, has accent- T l". Woon ll,,t V ide to ... ' "uo-ies Aim. tuu principnisiup 01 ine new It. i ill - t-...on..b i., nave in our socir. ty thoe who arc ever anxious to dis- pense pleasure to others, such we nave m our little City. List Fri.Uv mgl t was a fest.v. occasion to those who had the pleasure of School here, and will open on next Monday. . See his ad. 1 a 1 . 1 . a I rr1 , c iiiucrsiHno mat, ine linriiN !arty ites in Grove don't stand but small showing, even the colored preachers turn them down, and ohject to tfceir attending their service?. of Tli rk v a .... "v, iiuiv was rum lwocuul misses Janic Dunklin Auburn Ala.. Mamie Lightfoot of Macon Ga and Mamie Johns of Auburn N. C, attended by the gallant young men nf our city and Messrs v..." ana Mclyer of Fayettevillo ..uperoned by Mr. and Mrs. K F xoung. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cox. In me aPernoon nf h.. .r.i , lav Hut dufnt Judge Wromackf Cap. J"- col"d have seen the voun men w d .wn everyHiing tUey ever undeK took. Then Mr. Troy was int-ori ne ed, and as the people ki.ew him of oki, they expected the Reformers j c.mips fired and surely they were for he gave them the stuff they need ed, before he came off that c!as who i . i .... . , c.uimioDa inirrt party men were ashamed to own where thev slot.- w're xNovemner they wiil all' be in that fix, We are proud to say we found very few men of t he be.-t element and influence oelongins o the New party. Mr. D H. McLoa.. concluded the speeches, n: as usual urged these people whom he has stool with in time of war and of peace to back, tl at it wjs nni.le for m n toacknnwhdge he was wrng, nnd beg par.'or., and the I cmocrats would forgive them from being led as'iav. Tims closed the biggest rally Harnett ever witnessed. The shot was a cnppicr u lnini party ife, and its influence will he of lasting wood. Everything was harmonious and pleasant. Good order and prevailed. A Lit He Girl Experience in n L.IKUI house. Mr. and Mr?, Loren Tresfott are l Keepers or the Gov. Lighthouse ui Sand Beach, RIiss., and are blessed wit! a daughter', four years old. Last April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadfnl Coujih and turning a Fever. DoctoVs at home and at 'Detroit Heated- her. but in vain, she grew worse rapirflr.' . unm sue was a mere "handful of ; uuue. men she Ined Dr. King's New DU overy for Consumption and aaer the use of twa and a half hot tics; was'comjdetrlv i-nrid Tim. . say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth Its weight in gold, yet you mav get a tr:al lwttle free at Ilanier k lUnid s Drugstore. ... w , , m " " ' x " . ' i a , " ,; ; m - - . "" 1 ! :- n for InfantO nnd GHUAn 5tarl w waSpted to ehfldrw UuU iwconunend It mm superior to acy mmaisHitmk taMrwatome.- II. A. Xxcra, M. Ul So. Oxford SC, Brookes, N. Y. . -The of 'Cartoria. fa omtrCTMl and km nvniowHl known that it w-ma m Wk or nupcrrrojration to radorae it. few are th intWJint families who do keep CartortZ withia easy reach." CaauM Kawttw, D.D.. Late raster DIoosaincdalo onued'taJlrch. Caatorto CbSc,i triarrhc rirea aim w4 . ' . nthooft iajar1ee tamOiemtiom "rr."T rIiare rertpm,, iy, hariaU prwluoetf talHi "TboVnxBiKiTrvsUx Btroet and Tih Jiw!otif;.y Th Cdttack CottTAjrr, 77 Uvmmat Snmxi, Skw Y low peace Coke and Mr. Troy make the Third patty ites Ptick their heads down last Thursday? Bat we are uoing to lowrlheKi still on next November. Mr. Willi Walker of Little River tramnin??. with ,Q-;. ..-.. .. t-"oiitttnjn, on ineir mows, vowing that the ride bhould be a 8Uceesu in.!,.; r . , j".ii. tiuiu me ume spent and the glee of the party while returning. While between midnight. - - and the still hours of morn the town B iOiin m IT 1 Xl lkim n 4V. m tltn r! a1a1 1 JTn a n l i ""'"j 1 a Hutu me vriiwici -iuusen uy a noise as of a caval- Military bchtsol of Charleston spend- cade approaching, and a ing vacation. We were glad to see him on cr streets one day last week. Some -of tlie Third -party men saj' they don't wsR-t Hon. Ja", H. Fou to whoooinj? as of a band of comanches. We poked onr head from tim ;.. w ith timidity for fear an arrow would But tlip.v h.-id o""" -'uic. uae VOIlflfr man o DUNN ACADEMY -INSTITUTE, DUNN, N. C Fall term begins August. 15th. Strict, discipline will be maintaine.d -a ft - 9 iuDMc patronage so!icitel. Terms reasonable. H, K. lASOX. A. R. Prinoinol 1 - 'Viiw a a w v . AITS. A, J. 15. li AUIJKIJT.. Aiiiif . - Aug. 10thv.lm make -any more such as the layed, down to rest, but sleep did ne at CXHtngton Tuesday, for they not come to his bidding and when won't have any of-their faith left if the breakfast bell WQ i ATLANTIC COAST LINE. he docs. Mr. "W, M, 'Sexton has withdrawn 'tis trarae fr Register of Deeds be- fore the CcuveRtion and hia friends will run his same in the Democratic tVinyeatioa on the 22nd of August far County Treasurer. I a i I w 4-.a v ,a,aw w n "is appearance, and reported rheumatism, but we think twas grief that the Hy ride did not Inst always. .Oil Air anntlm. IT ' , ' . - " jwhjv;i raay r!(ie. v o are too old to participate, but success to th zirls. in sr. tlm and Branches.- CONDENStD SCHEDULE. TKAINS GOIKO SOUTH. JJ rf X i- Datfed TeH. 28 '92. .liiu a- fi. tttew-Brt w n a 1-rip to WniwW-tw.-il.Ic and C-ulijiJi JleacU ze We have on our table the first copy of a Poor column papor published in Fayette vi tie Entitled 1 Lcavo V"Mor....m Arr. Itocky Mt, No. 23 Daily No. 27 Fast Mall Daily; No. 41 DafTy etjjnn P M U SO 10 r m 5 43 6 3J A M 6 00 1 09 That Your Hair may retain Its youthful color. fullness, and beauty, dress It dally wltrr Ayer'o Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair Dr. J. C. Ayer Cs. Lowell, Maso.! ' a ' ENCIWES, -ja, TIIRASIIIAG MACIII.-VEM. Best Machinery at Lowest lricca. A. B. FARQDHAR CQ., YORK, PA- Alay-26-3m, lr ln o ii need Staved. Krom a let'er wrilten by Mrs. Ada E." llurd, of Groton; S. D., we quote : "Was taken with a bad ' col;. which settled on my Lungs, cough- set in and finally terminate! in Consutnp tion. Four doctors gave me up, say ing I could live but a short time. - 1 gave myself up to my Saviour, deter- minpd if I could'not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr: King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles, it has cured rae, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free Harper & Uood's Drugstorer regular size, 5bc and $1.00. tir.'a'xiiig. kzw y want advertising' done SIttceitiu the -Tejcu: xd it will tu'jrre tlixis p-iy yu back. -lAuprae Lane'i hew Stock for tlvc Fail is coining, everybody is in vntied to call and see them. Don't forget the Democratic pri maries on the IDth and County Con vention on the 22nd this month, Mr. Charlie Daniel's of Goldshoro X- C. was in town yesterday on his ritara home from Lillington Court. Th At handsome Druggist, II r, R. 11. King ot Fayettevillo, spent the latter part of last week in our town. Lr. w. irouawm ani wile, arc iown at H rightiville breathing tlie fine sea-breeze for a week or two. Duprce & Lane oilers their entire Stwk of Dry goods. Shoes, and Hats at cost untill the first of September 1832. Mr. C. M Ex urn one of the formei boy s of our town but now of Nash vdlc N. C. spent a part of this wee here. Mr. A. J. Turlington returned yesterday from Wilmington and the ound. where he has been spending a week. The editor is again in his chair, in another column he gives a birds eye sketch of the Press Convention and bi trip North. Misses Laura and Nerah Grimes two of Charlotts pleasant and pretty youny ladie arc visiting Mrs. G, H. l'arkcr. ,Mr. Jim M elver, one of Fay rtteville' most popular and hand . Rnrae 3'oung men spent a few days iast week in our city. lis3 Lenna Hat ton one of Green- lVille'g.saost ci. arming j'oung ladies w iw City for a few days llu3 guet at Ui&s EuU Cox. land Democrat. Edited ty Mr. Dun can Koc. Business Managers Messrs W. C. Troy and Geo, A. Burns. It is a nicely well gotten up sheet nnd with the geutle.nen at its helm suc cess to the Democrat's, Mr. Joseplms Daniels for a lorg time Editor of State Chronicle has again taken his chair in the sanctum of journalism and sends out tlie North. Carolinian. The name of jhc paper will inspire ihe readers besides Mr Daniels is one who weilJs the pen with success and advocates what is good for our people and State. The Chatham Record says that Gulf township held its Third party primary selected their delegates and took p their collection for defray ing expenses to the Convention. When tlie counl was made found $1.00 in the reform box and Uncle Larry an old nero v gave the last fiye cents he had to get the funds op to & dollar. Wc A !. a. r..t . t . wul ue lovely iloon-Iit niht ine tumoer With all so quiet and still; all together, traveled on, app.V party, to the Mill, XT I w ucre many a heart h is rid itself Of a heavy weight of love. i Aim many a truth from there, has been Recorded in that book above. No doubt bu such was the case this time, Though the writer does not know. But if actions speak the truth al- wxys, Evrry body knows 'twas so. S t c llftrA St. . " "i'iy piiriy ic must nave been, 4T-. , . m,KJseuit tuir ladies and hand some men, But it sure.y was more pleasant still. For the happy couple just under the Mill, A NON. rrivo Tarbora.. Lo.-VTe Tarloro. An-ivo Wilson. 2 13 P M It Ra P M 8 18 6 00 Leave Wilson Arrive Selin..:. Arr Fayfttevllle... Leave ioldsl!or6. Leave Warsaw Leave Maarnolia..- Arr. Wlliaincton.. 7 00 40 2 30 R i0 1 I 7 4 11 4 K7 I 8 Hi 60 a 55 8 K( 9 44 11 25 TRAIN'S O01NG NORTH. No. 11 Daily. No. 78 Daily. No. 40 Daily ex Sua Lea. WilTninrton.. Leave Magnolia.... Leave Waraar Arrive Golljloro A M 12 35 1 54 Lea. Fayettevillo.. Arrive Arrive iyettevIllo1 Plni I WilsQn... .... A M 10 57 11 II 12 05 IX 33 is eo P M i-20 6 0i 6 15 7 10 Leave WIIhou i Arr. Roeky Mt A M 3 XI I P M 12 68 1 341 P M 8 l Arrive Tarboroi... t Leave Taboro I 2 18 Arrive Wetdon. 5 05 2 55 10 00 The "Times hopes the Democrats will be sure to get ur. woore as nominee for Coroner again this 'ear. We don't know of a man who can hold a better inquest over the Third' party in November than he. We know there are enough good hearted Democrats leu in Harnett to give them a decent buying and have their funeral preached. Rev. D. W. Davis of Washington, N. C, will preach in the church of Disciples here on Thursday night the 18th of this month. Assisted by the Pastor Rev. C. W. Howard, the meeting will be continued for several days. . Mr. Davis is a yoang man, able preacher, and & successful Evan gelist. A cordial welcome is extend ed to all to come and nar him. ng.res psse4 a Uli appropriate -"g $S.SG0&G0 Cat tlie World's Fair lon lsstrFfidy djornei to rest for the coapaijo. e sjq glad toce our old friend Malconj McKay home again. Je is jU8t from a .trip through Chief Justic Joseph J. Davis of Louisbarg N, C departed this life last Sunday. He represented his Disirict in Congress from 1872 to 1880, and since 1887 to bis death he has been on the Bench; as' Chief Jus tice of the State. He was one of North Carolina's best and purest men, never did .Ire shrink from a duty, nor was he influenced by any. So passed away one of the States truest men and patriots. Many hearts will b.ow ia sorrow to hear of his death. GBAffD DEMOCRATIC RALLY IN DUNN- On Thursday morning when the mail stopped at the depot Mr. W. C. Troy of Fayetteville with the Band and a cannon and Judge T. B. Worn ack of Chatham county got off. Hon. Octavius Coke arrived the evening before. The democrats of Harnett and the surrounding counties had hoisted a flag on a 75 or 100 feet pole and some fifteen hundred peo- i pie were rallying around it. The Band marched up main street and across Lucknow square thence down Fayetteyille street to where the stands were arranged in the grove for the speakers at eleven o'clock. Mr. L. J. Best rose and in an eloquent and impressive manner introduced Mr Coke who for nearly two hours gave our people some fine argument on the issues of the day. He gave good Democratic doctrine in his earnest way and poured hot water into the Third party camp. Then dinner was announced and the long table was loaded with the choicest barbecued mutton, pig and beef. Everybody was invited and showed their apprecia tion by eating hearty. Still after all was done there was some left. At 2 o'clock Mr. D. H. McLean Harnetts natural born orator introduced Judg 3 Womack in a short but appropriate Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neek Branch Boi inv w eiuon 1 IIU i m.. Halifax 4 2-2 i m. a rrive t Scotland Neck 5 15 pm, Orenvil!e 6 52 n m. Kinston 8 00 p ra. Returning', leaves Rl9ton 7 10 a ra. Greenville 8 25 a m. Arriving at Ila!- nax alii w a m. w eiuon li 25 a m. d.iiiv cept Hunday. Local freight train leaves Wetdon at 10 IS a in. arriving Scotland Neck 105 am, Oaeen ville 5 30 p in. Kinston 7 40 t m Dotnmtn leaves Kinston 7 0 a in. Ureciivil as-, . " Scotland Neck 2 20 p m, arrive We! don 5.15 n . ii.. .r ....... . . - i iii,uanjr rccj)i kiiuuajr. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albemarle Kaieiarn k k. daily excent Sundav. 4 40 m 7 li pin and 4 20pm; Plymouth 8 SO p in., and 50 p in. Returning leaves Plymouth, N. C. daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Kandav 9 oo a m ,nianiston 7 SO a m, 9 58 a m. Arrive at iaruoro,?i. u. iu 40 am and 1120 am. Trains on Southern Division. Wiin nn Fayetteville Branch leaves Fayetteville 7.30 a. m., arrive Rowland 12.15 d. in- Ki-tnrnii.o- leaves Rowland lz.15 p. m. arrive Favette. ville 5.15 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves rinlda- boro, N. C. daily except Sunday, 6 00 a in; ar rive Smithfield N C, 8 30 a m. leaves Smithfield. N. C. 7.-mm. arrive. joiusforo,fx. c.: a ;so a.m. i - Tjain on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5 V p in arrives Nashville 5 55 p. m. Spring Hope 6 :?o p, m. Returning, lves Spring Hoi 8 00 a. m. Nashville ; a. m. arrive Rocky Monnt 15 a. in.! dally exceit Sunday. - , Train on Clinton Branch lerres V,m f Clinton, daily except Sunday, at C 00 p in and ia a m. Keiummjr. leave cnuton at 8 iO a m aDd S 10 pm -connectim; at Wrrsaw with S ob. 41, 40, 23 and 78, Southbound train ou Wilson Fayetteville Branch is No 51 Northbound is No ZO. Daily except Sunday. Train No 27 South and 1 North vill Mop only at Rocky Mount, wilson Uoldnboro and Magnolia. TrainNo 78 make5 cloe connection at weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bar Line, also at Rooky Mount daily except Sun day, with Norfolk and Carolina for soffolk and alll points North via Norfolk. -JOHN P. DIVINE. Gen. Supt. T.Jt. KENLY. General Manager T. M. EMMERSON. Traffic Manager. Turnip Seeds, all kinds at D, II Hood's Drug store. Don't neglect to read D. D. Hood's ad this week. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorijf. NOTICE!' Having qualified as Administrator of Mrs. M. Ev Waddell. deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons- holding elaims asainst' said estate. to present them for payment on or before the 1st day of January 1803, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recover j "All persons indebt ed to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. This June 27th, 181)2. J, W. Waddell, . Adui'r. Jno. A. Spears, Att'y. Ju-T'-Gt. SUBSORiBE'TO'THS STATE GII-R ONI CLE Daily and Weekly.. Latest Telegraphic news- from al parts or tIK. world! (Bv Union Pres, and Special 7ire.) ' Has the largest daily circulation in the State; Has more-State- correspondents than any other daily In the State. i weiveoionthS' $6.00 Mx Months 3 fjo Three Months i j;a Weekly, $1.25 per year, in clubs of five or over $1.00.' x. it; Jis'RiQAr, E.iitof. R. W, Litciiford, Manager. When Baby Vis eick, we gave Vet Caetoria. When Bhft waa a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Mias, she clung to'Castoria.' ' When Bhehad ChHdrenvslie pave them astot1a:; Nothing adds so much to a per son s appenrance as a fine thick head of hair of even tjoior and iJ t6 assure Ws use oly Hall's Hair Rentwef. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Instruction is otfered in four gen eral courses of study, six brief courses, a large number of special courses, and in law, medicine and engineering. The . faculty includes twenty teachers. Scholorship and loan funds are available for neelj' young men of talent and character, The next session begins Sept. lsr. For catalogue with full information address, President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. 4t-m. POR BENT.: o roon House tor rent, jr desired store will be rented for $3.00 a month and house can be divided in divid ing 5 front rooms and passage at $5. balanee 4 rooms-at $1 a piece or' $3 for all to one person, good' well of water in 2feet'of house. Tlie whole house and store to one person if paid strickly in advance $8 ner month, $10 if paid & end'of montb For further particulars see G, II- Parker, Dunn, N. C- 3fc-m; J. BEST, Alterney-ol-laT. unn; N; fj.f. . Will practice in Harnett, nr... 4. ioining Counties. 8iecfal'auVi.Vr't -given to collection of claims. Maylr- Cifcirtt : 'Harhete, Johnstdri; Sa,rl.-sanaJ'Crrtiitferlahd-Cotreidnsa sped Ally. I- lropt attention given to all bivV' ness placed in 'haftd. , Meh-Jl-v,!. W". B. MfRcaio, JohesboroJ Jg. c. ' linnrnrMiiT Jt'B.CHJiriv. LiitJntoi. . r ff' ftirTnii' ATT0BNE YS-AT-L A W LILLINGTON. N. C. Court-' HoHSe,,' IF R.J. II DANIEL.- DUNN, HARNETT CO 1 Hks met with most wonderful .r cess in the treatment of Cancer. W rite to him for one of his- n. - pklets on Cancer and Its trentmcnt. - Children Cry for PHther's Cajtorlal Do you scratch ? Haven't yon got the Itch? If so, you can get cured for 50 cents. D. II. Hood will sell you two boxes Hood's Itch Ointment for 50 cents. No cure no pav. 1 have just in a nice line of Station ary nd prepared to furnish you any- hing in this line from the cheapest Note Paper to the finest Linen Paper, 1:11 Heads, Statements, Draft Books, Receipt Books, Tablets, ets. Call at D. H. Hood's Drugstore when in need of anything in this line. NOTICE On Tuesday the 9th day of August 1892, I will sell at the court boose door in the town of Lillington, to the highest bidder for cash, onetraet oJh land in Harnett county,. Johnson ville township, two. hundred- and' sixty acres, bounded'as follows:- Adjoin ing the lands of Sarrah J. Cameron. Kenneth Cameron and'others, to sat. Ufy-an execution ia my hands for collection against F. J.Swann for the purchase money of said lands, and which has been levied on said lands as the property of said F. J. Swann. This July 9th 1892. C. McArtax, Sherirt Jn 14 4L - ROANOKE 40TH TOR BEGIRS SEPT. MTHr A College of high grade. Choice of courses for degrees. Also a Com mercial Coarse. Separate Prepara tory School for Boys. Library, 17, 000 volumes. Working Laboratory. Good morals. Healthful moan tain climate. Buildings improved; steam heat. Expenses low; Increasing patronage. North Carolina well repre sented. Catalogae with 8 views, free. Address Children Cry forfitcher's Castorta? P3 e-D3EHES,PAESlDST,SlLEH, V. BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVE. Tlie btjst Salve tn" the- world' 'for c Cuts, Brtfises-Kdres,-. Ulcers, 8a!i' , ThemaFever Sores. 1 etter, CliaV ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all t Skid Emptfonsand positively cure-' IMes, or no pay required. It la-gnu -anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or -money refunded. Price 25 cents perv box.- For sale-6jr.Harper & Uood.t. Important to Ladies. Srr--I made use of ' vonr Pmi.c TOKwith ray last- child,4 in-order -to procure asafij and easy travail. I f used if about two months before mv expected time; ontiHas taken sick,, and I-had a very qtiick and casv.- conftneroent; Nothing occured to proteact ray convalesence, and TJ ffot . about in less lime than usual for ma. - I thing it a -medicine-that should be iwed by every expectant mother, for -should they but tr3 i as I have, they-. would never again b without it at s'aob times,". U am y outs respectful ry, . Mru; ELIZ4BETH DIX AViy merclwrat or druggist can pro-. Cure RlSLEYfs PlIILOTDKEN, for $1. bottle. CHARLES P.' RISLEV- Wholesale Druggist, v 62 Cortlandt SU New YorMc Feb25thtn Electro DlUerwi. Tins remedy is beonmincr so. wr Mi known and su popular as to need im special mention. All who have use ' Electric Bitters slnz the same nn. of praise. A purer medicine do not exist and is guaranteed to do U all that Is claimed. Electrfo iis-. will cure all diseases of the Liver nwh IT 1 1 1 Aiuucya, win remove rimpJes, BoiU Salt Rbenm and other afTectioo.. cansed by impnre blootl. Will driv -Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation, and Indigestion trv Electric Bitter, Entire Satisfaction guaranteed, or- monev reranded. Price 50 cts. an t $1.00 per bottle at Harr & Hood LTDgsiore. - Children Cry. for. Pitch eHs Castoria-

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