It- 4 THE TIMES. TUirKSHAY, AUGUST 25, 18?2 MATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Cliiirvlioi. Pkesbyterian Services ewjy first gunday at 11 a, ".. ami 7 p. m. Kb v. G. A. Hough, Pastor. yKXHdiifiT. Services the 4th Sun hv t 11 m-i !in'1 ftt ,l'Knt l " p. im. . yirt Sunday night Ht 8::t0 p. in. -jiunlav g.-hool at 5 p. m.. Prof. D. I. Parker, Superintendent, Kkv. J. D. Peoram, Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Service S:it- .i.1 Siiml.iv iiinriiinci before the thin! Sunday in each mouth. pjscirLEB. Service 3rd Sunday In tirh month, nioining and night. Sun- fraver Meeting every lhursMay night. Iir.v. C. W. Howard, 1'astor V W. n. M. meet every Monday night ' - i 1 J. I. o 1 . I.. gfter the 3il auu iui oiiihwj iu ctn month. Baptist. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in., except the Thirl Sunday morning. Sunday School It 9:3 n. in., R. G. Taylor, Sunt, praver Meeting every Thursday evening .17:30. Rev. W. F. Watson, Pastor. Free-WiM- Raptist. Service on fcond Sunday at 11 o'clock and on 4th bunday at 5 p. m. Rkv. IS. A. Johnson. Pastor. LOCAL. Crops arc damaging from the dry weather. Min3 Irene McKay returned home Friday from a visit to Ilollsville. Dr. .T. K. Fleming spent Friday ir,d Saturday in Ualeigh. Mr J. K. Harper is on a visit to hi parents in Johnston county this week. Miss Robbie Hall of Fayetteuille. is spending some time with Miss Liizie McKay of Dickenson. Rev. W, F. Watson and wife re turned last Saturday from a pleasant trip to Moore co. Mrs. W. P. Baldwin and sons, W. P. and F. P. Baldwin of Macon, Ga., is visiting relatives in the commun ity Quite a crowd of our people atten ded the county democratic Conven tion which met Monday in Lilling tn. Ualeigh had a big fire last week t!ic acid department of Cura'eigh Mills were burned, loss $2.,000 In surance nearly cover the hss. Misses Callie Avera and Nett e Barnes left. Monday for the Greens boro Female College where the)' will spend this session, Mis- Mamie Johns of Auburn N C. who has been visiting Mr J. C Cox family, returned home Monday to the regret of her many friends here Prof. Wilson Principal of the Gra ded Schools of Beaufort S. C. spent several days in the city, this week Mr. Wilson taught some years ago at L. K. Academy. Misses Mamie Lighifoot and Janie Dunklin who haye been spending some time with Mrs, E. F. Young left Tuesdav for the Hammocks, Oh 1 boys we are sorry for your heart aches but such is life. Senator M. W. Ransom is again in his own State and already he has "began work for the success of his party, lie made some rousing speech- ?s in the western part of the state since Congress adjourned. Miss llossie Smith and brother, Mr, Edwiu. spent Friday evening in town, they came over to meet Miss Annie Crow of lva'einh, who is spending some time with Miss Ros sie. Mr. Frank Furgerson, who has charge of the shoe department of Tucker & Co., of Raleigh, and who is one of the best shoe men in the Stale, spent several days in town last week with Dr. Sexton. Miss Myrtie Harper who has been here taking a course in telegraphv fur the past two months, under our clever agent Mr. Jefferys left Tues day morning for her home near Smithaeld. She has accepted a posi- tlrn in the Female School at Grange. Tle Third-parLy is waning every in oar county. Some of them kave already seen the error of their ay and are repenting l-i sack cloth and ashes, but don't like to come up nJ isk forgiveness because their sin Lr' betn so arcat. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Young pahl a flying visit to "Wilson last week. Trinity College will open at Dur ham Sept 1st, in the New Building. I haye a building lot on Hroad street for sale. J. A. Heaves. Turnip Seed (new crop) for sale at I). II. Hood's Drug Store. We arc sorry to . chronicle the ill ness of our young friend Mr. Albert Harrell. We hear with regret that Mrs. J, W. Atkinson is very sick. Hope she will soon recover. Our section was visited by a de lightful rain Tuesday eve which was much needed. W. A. Guthrie Esq, will not accept the nomination tendered him for Atty General by the Third Party. Look at the expression on the taces of the two young men. The mer chant and the Ph. G. "Will they never come back?" Call and see D. H, Hood's 25 cent 'lodacco before you bu3. The boys are feeling sad the cause I guess you all know, they have not seem their cot in three week until midnight. A full 1 ine of school books just re ceived at D. H. Hood's Drugstore. Miss Eula Cox of our town, has ac cepted the position of Music teacher with the Progressive Institute. Prof. Mason's Sdtool is making fine progress numbering 46 scholars with new additions each day. Mrs. J. A. K. Tucker and Mrs. R. Moore, who have been visiting the family of Mr. G. W. Cox, returned to their home in Greeuville Monday. Hon. David B.Hill will cavas the State of N. Y. for Grover Cleveland and democracy. He says Cleveland shall carry his own State and David B. is a wire puller. Why don't soma one of our goo I Democrats call a meeting some night and organize a Cleveland and Carr Club? We can no doubt d.n some thing for our country in that way. Key. R. A. Johnson is holding an interesting meeting at the Free Will church this week, he is assisted by Rey, Mr. Mackleway of Fayetteville, and other visiting ministers. The Progressive Institute opened 3'esterda Prof. Parker the old veter an teacher, principal, who has taught very successful for the past two years in our midst. The Republicans of Harnett have issued a call for a county convention on Aug. 31. That is two calls now out, one has been called by Root. Graeme a negro and the other by A. B. Godwin Esq., of our town, There seems to he some difference as to which is the man with the authority of calling their Convention. We think there is another young man in our town who is trying his fertle brain to see if he can't get to Greensboro. He is not useing the "Cigar plan" like the other young man mentioned in the local "Tis sad but true"' but now he is4 never seen with out "The Coffin Nail" in his month. Last week 10 miles from Greens boro, an old man named Swain was shot down m his house and robbed of $500. He was 86 years old and was ready to start West where his relatives all lived when his untimely fate came, One white boy, named Reynolds, and two negro boys, all of bad character, haye been arrested. The colored people seem to be car rying on an extended protracted meeting, and at some of their ser. vices they get rather nois. While we think the decendants of Ham need preaching and have no objec tions to their meetings, we do say their preachers should avoid such uuusual exercise as we saw there one night last week. More preaching and less shouting would result in far more good. Passed from this life Tuesday morniug about S o'clock little Emma, the only child of Mr. and Mrs P. T, Masscngill- She was a sweet little girl 5 months and 11 days old, was the joy and comfort of her parents, i.nd hard to give up, but the little one has gone to sweet repose wheie no sickness will ever enter there. The Times extends heartfelt sympathies to the sad parents in this their hour of bereavement, and commends' them to Him, who doeih ali things well, for comfort. j The Lieutenant Gov. Mr. Cobb on Ls-jm,,.,, ,,,v-0t .i,.t m un in. dieted and will probably have to de cline the nomination yet, just as we told the third Party men whan they come from the convention. They will have to hold one or two more before they can get a ticket who will stick to a platform their nominees can stand on. Miss Addie Young one of the tele graph students of the office iiere will leave Saturday to visit her home at Fair Blurf and spend a few days on the Sound before her return. Hon. B. H. Bunn and Ed. S. Ahell will address the people of Benson and surrounding country on Thursday night Aug the Go and hear them, other distinguished speakers will be there. Hon. Adlai E. Stephenson of 111., the candidate for Vice-President, will (ill six appointments in North Carolina during the month of Sep tember. He is dated now to be in the State on the 16th, to begin the fight. Charlottee will probably be the first place he speaks. The Democratic ticket for this count which was brought out Mon day the 22nd, can't be beat. With such high toned spotless, gentlemen, clear record, well qualified, and bet ter still, pure Democrats, we see nothing in the way of our success in this election. Eyer nominee can and must be elected. The meeting at the Deciple church coutinues, Rev. Mr. Davis has preach ed 3ome excellent, practical, logical and very able sermons. Rev. Mr. Howard the pastor came Tues day and will assist in the mee ing. He was accompanied by Mrs Howard the interest is increasing, some con verts so far. A Card- I, having heretofore been a mem ber of the Republican party, take this opportunity of announcing my self as no longer atliliated with that party, and hereby declare myself a member of the Democratic party, and shall do all in my power to elect the present ticket. I). W. Turner. Westville, N. C., Aug. 22, 1802. Married. On Sunday August 21st. at th re sidence of the brides father in Aver asboro township, Harnett county, Cephus Johnson of Meadow town ship, Johnston count, led to the hyraenial alter Miss Mary Tart. Rev. J. B. Parker, officiating. Waiters in attendance : G. W. Neighbors with Miss Fannie Johnson; Jes-e M. Tart with Miss 1 Laura Johnson; Allen L. Barefoot with Miss Emma Tart; Johnnie Johnson with Miss Rebecca E. Tart. After breakfast the wedding party made their way to church at Benson, thence to the brides father, where ail joined in for a good dinner. Democratic Primary. Friday, Aug. 10, 1892. . Dr. M. W.' Harper chairman called the meeting to order and asked G. K. Grautham to act as temporary secretar'. By motion the organization was made permanent by a unanimous vote, The Convention decided to send 11 delegates which they were entitled to from this township to the county Convention Monday the 22nd, at Lilliugton, A committee was appointed by the chair to name tb"e delegates and sub mit to the convention for rejection or adoption. Tbeir report was rejected and a second committee appointed, who reported the following names as delegates: M. W. Harper. E. F. Young, J. L. Thompson, G. K. Grantham, J. F. Phillips, B. A, li edges, Lee J. Best, G. W. Neighbors, J as. A. Taylor. James Pearsall, D. T. Jones and W . J. Hodges, which was adopted, Mr. C. W. Jones was then nomi nated for Constable by acclamation. Nominations for the various offices was then in order, D, E. Green and Col.. K. Murchison were nominated for House of Representatives; for Sheriff J. D. Barnes and C. McArtan; for Clerk G. E. Green, W. J. Wash burn and J. H. Withers; for Register of Deeds H. T. Speara; for Treasur er W. M, Sexton; for Coroner Dr. F. T. Moore; for county Surveyor N. B. Hood. Me-srs. Hood, Spears and Moore nominations were made by acclamation. A ballot was then taken for Sher iff, Clerk and House of Representa tive : Barnes received 79; McArtan 2; Green GO; Murchison 6; Withers 1; Prince 71; Washburn 5. Every Democrat is to be a dele gate in the county Convention. Capt. J. W. Atkinson addressed the convention in a short but appro priate speech. He congtatulated the harmony and enthusiasm of the peo ple, and told them to stick together from now on. That theie are only two parties the Democrats and Re publicans, there was no Third part, but if the grumblers should hold on until November we would settle af fairs for them, The convention ad journed. M. W, Harper., Chairman. C. K- G 1 AN Til AM. SCCV. Written for The Times. My Country Be True. By Bill Gkey. The Third party old plan new name, Republicans, it is just the same, Then Democrats beware yes, . we'll take care, And save our country from shame, What reform can we hope from these. Who have sought our South to ag grieve. Yes, have cursed us with words and would curse us with swords If they could the victory achieve. This wolf in sheeps clothing; we helieve her We'll accept as our safeguard ? Iso never. We'll bury this vice, never more to arise, With the epitaph : "Third Party and' Weaver." With such as officers for county and Slate, And Weaver and Field 'twill be very late, Ere our people will permit these fellows to sit Or to rule at our commonwealth gate. Good Democrats, yes, we have been tried, But we're solid to say we are on the right side, Of course we will remember, that day in November, When Third party at last, shall have died. Then brother 'tis time you awake to dutj, If you haven't already shown Dem ocratic oeauty Toward your county act fair, to the polls then repair On election day nd vote for your country. With the Force Bill still threaten ing our country. And other tilings equally as dirty, We should work with a might and stand for our rights Supporting the banner of Liberty. Then let us be faithful to these; Nor God and our country displease, May the banner of light the stars and the stripes, Ever float in our country s breeze. Barclavsville, N. C, Aug. 16, '92. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona7 'Tis Sad, But True. Among the young ladies that left Monday to attend school at Greens boro, was one who is very dear to one of our boys, so dear, at least, he could not bear to be separat ed from her long at a time, and as she cannot come home before vaca tion, the oung man thought of a plan very soon that will give him an excuse to visit Greensboro, and the very day she left he began to smoke, and just "sticks" to his cigar all the while, trying to make it a habit, so that he can go to Keeley for treat ment, and thereby be in the same town whether under the girl's sweet smiles or not. Oh 1 dosen't love mako the brain active in deviss ing plaD3 to meet its object. Children Cry for Ptoher's Castoria Do you scratch ? Haven't ou got the Itch? Ifso, you can get cured for 50 cents, D. H. Hood will sell you two boxes Hood's Itch Ointment for 50 cents. No cure lo pay. I have just in a nice line of Station ary snd prepared to furnish you any thing in this line from the cheapest Note Paper to the finest Linen Paper, Bill Heads, Statements. Draft Books, Receipt Books, Tablets, ets. Call at D. H. Hood's Drugstore when in need of anything in this line. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria! Mocking bird food and Canary bird Seed at D. H. Hood"s Drug Store. DTJim ACADEMIC INSTITUTE. DUNN, N. C. Fall term begins August, 15th. Strict discipline will be maintained. Public patronage solicited. Terms reasonable. B. K. Mason, A. B., Principal, Mrs. A., J. B. Hai:kkll, Music, Aug. l!-i:r. A Yjitlic Girl- Ili'TOricnt C iu :i Ijili1Iiotte. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Tresott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach, Miss., and are blessed witq a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough j and turning inco a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit tieated her but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a ' mere "handful of; bones.'.' Then she tried Pr. King's New Diatovery for Consumption and after the use of twa and a half bot tles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Harper & Hood s Drugstore. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always bo successfully treated with Ayer'sSarsaparilla A cure Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine.' Has Cured Others will cure you. lBrOnoiiucel llopclc, Yet From a letier written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote : "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gao me up, say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman.". Trial bottles free Harper & Hood's Drugstore, regular size, ooc. and 1.00. i i ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wi'mington & Weldon Rail Soad and Branches.. CONDENSED SCHEDULE- TRAINS OOIXO SOUTH. No. 2:S No. 27 No. 41 Dated Feb. 28 '92. Fast Mail Daily- Daily Daily. ex Sun V M 5 M I A M Leave Weldon li ;0 1 t i.i 6 00 Arr. Rocky Mt, 1 20 6 G(j 7 0J Arrive Tarlforo 2 1". I P M I Leave Tarboro li 58 6 00 P M I Arrive Wilson 2 18 7 00 7 40 Leave Wilson - 2 30 Arrive Selnia 3 25 Arr Fayetteville... r. 20 Leave 'loldsboro... I 3 15 I 7 40 8Zi Leave Warsaw I 4 11 I I 30 Leave Magnolia.... I 4 27 I - 8 40 I 9 41 Arr. Wilmington.. 6 00 9 T-.T 11 25 TRAINS GOING NORTH. J No. 11 No. 73 No. 40 Daily Daily. Daily. ex Sun AM AAI j P M Lea. Wilmington.. li :-:5 15 1 4 20 Leave Magnolia. ... 1 rl 10 r7 6 02 Leave Warsaw 11 11 6 15 Arrive Uoldsboro.. 2 "5 12 05 7 10 Lea. Fayetteville... I !i"ro Arrive Selnift 11 :-:5 Arrive Wilson 12 80 , A M PM P"M Leave Wilson I 3 35 j 12 T, t P. 8J Arr. Rocky Mt 1 4 03 1 30 j 8 33 Arrive Tarboro...... 6 30 2 13 Leavrt Taboro ! 12 r.8 Arrive Weldon 5 05 : 2 55 : 10 00 Trains on Scotland Necft Branch Road leave Weldon i 00 p in.. Halifax 4 22 m. arrive at Scotland Nck 5 15jni. Orcein ii'e fi T2 m, Kinston fc oo i ni. R. t liming, leaves Kinston 7 lo a in. Greenville s 25 a m. Arriving at Hal ifax at 11 ini a m, Weldon 11 25 a in, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 15 a ni. arriving Scotland N'ck 1 05 a in, Gaen ville 5 30 i in. Kinston 7 40 j in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7 20 a in, Greenville 9 55 a im. Scotland Neck 2 20 pm. arrive Weldon 5.15 p in, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarloro, N. C. via Albemarle & Raleigh R R.. daily except Sunday. 4 40 p m Sunday 4p m: arrive at Williainston, S.C.. "Hpni and 4 20 p ni; Plymouth 8 X0 p in., and 540 jim. leavea Plymouth. N. O. daily except Sunday 6 00 a m. Sunday 0 oo a m Williamston 7 20 a m. 5 ti a m. Arrive at Tarboro, N. C. 10 4i a n and 11 20 a m. .Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Faettevile Branch l.-avs Fay-ttevii! 7.30 a. in., arrive R-i'wiand 1j,15 p. ui" R-tiir!.iug leaves Rowland Is 15 p. in. arrive Fayette- j villo 5.15 p. in. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland NC Branch leav GoMs boro, N. C. daily except Sunday, CU" a ni; ar rive Sm:thfi-id N C. f- ?h a ui. Returning leaves .smithfield, N. C. 7 SO a. ut. arrives Goldsboro.N. c. i 30 a. m. TJain on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at . p m arrives a.sriville p. ut. Si.riiiir Hope fi 30 p, m Returning, leaves arrive Rocky Mount 15 a. m.: daily except Sunday. Tram onci.ntcn Branch ierve arsavr for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at f. j. in and r Nos. 4i.40.23nud7, SouthTound train on Wilson t Fayetteville Brain h i.- N - Zl Northbound is No To. I . : .- except Sunday. Tnin N 27 South and li North will tor only ;t Rocky Mount, Wilson G'oM!oro and lia-'iiolia. Train No 7s rna!;.-5 close connc-tior, at ! TuZhiY I I .Ln n- ll,,.lt'!fill,t d!lv t -an- day with Norfolk and CaMiia for .sffik and aiil points North via Norfolk. john r. divine. Go-n. sui . T. R. XENI.Y.G-u- for Infants "CMtorl is 90 wen Adapted to children I rocomnvnd it aa superior to tar pnacriptiou known to mc." II. A. Aacirx. iL D., Ill So. Oiord SL, Broukijn, Ji. Y. " The use of ' Castoria ' ia so nnlTrrw and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Fow arc the intelligent families who do not keep Costoria within easj reach." Carlos Hayttv. I. D . New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdrtle Baformed Church. Tee CrurrACK ENGINES, X,.,s, 'rlllCANUlXGl .TIA IIIM2S. Hest Machinery at Lowest Prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., YORK, i'A May-26 3m. SUI3SCRIHE TO THE STATE C IIRONICLE. ic ai.i:icii, iv. v. Daily and Weekly. Latest Telegraphic news from all parts of the world. (By Union Press and Special Wire.) ' Has the largest daily circulation in the State. Has more State correspondents than any other daily in the State. Iwelve Months $6.00 Six Months 3.00 lhree Months , l.f0 Weekl, $1.25 per year, in clubs of five or over $1.00. X. 16. .S3:itM(;A, Editor. It. W, LiTCHFORD, Manager. When Baby was sick, we gnre her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When eho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria Nothing adds so much to a per son's appearance a a fine thick head of hair of even color, and to' assure this usjronly Hall's Hair Rencwcr. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA.- Instruction is offered in four gen eral courses of study, six brief courses, a large number of special courses, and in law, medicine and engineering. The faculty includes twenty teachers. Seholorshjp and loan funds are available for needy young men of talent and character, The next session begins Sept. 1st. For catalogue with" full information address, President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. 4tm. NOTICE On Tuesday the 9th lay ojT August 1892, I will sell at the court house door in the tow n of Lillington, to the highest bidder for cash, one tract of in Ilarnp.f.f. f.nnntv. .Tohnsionville township, two hundred and sixty acres, bounded as follows : Adjoin ing the lands of Sarrah J. Cameron, Kenneth Cameron. and others, to sat isfy an execution io my hands for collection against F. J. Swann for the purchase money of said lands, and which has been levied on said lands as the property of said F. J. .Swann This July 9th 1892. C. McArtan, Sheriff. : Ju H 4t. ; . ROANOKE 40IH YESS BEGINS SEPT- I4TH. ! j A College of high grade. Choice ot ; . courses for degree.s. Also a Com- j mercial Course. Separate Irepara - ; r 1 School for Boys. Library, 17,s nnA nimflc wri-inn- T,KAr,nru i ' ; -oooa morais. iiraiLium m'J''n-a" ,.i:,r '--- T . St?:. Kiiugs improvea: sicarn II . T. 1 T 't'3 wm. v.w.u6 1 1 fi T H ' ' . ' -1 1' n J 1 1 . rwr 'iffin t; 1 r hf patronage. North Carolina well repre ' ' SCJlted. CatfiloiTUe Witlj 8 Y1CW3, free. Address , JULIUS D-D'oZHER. rRESiuE'T.S&LEM, VS. D uu and Children. Caatoria wua Colic CbfMtftrwtJoa, Bur Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation. KUla Worma, gtrea alorp. and protnott Witoullnjurlou medication. d& For sereral jnoan I k&ve recommended Jour ' Castoria, and ahall always continue to o o as it has inrariably produced beneficial result." En win r. Pabdib, M. "TbQ Wlnthrop," 123th Slrewt aad Tlh At., hew York CU Compact, 77 Hub-lay Stout, Kbv Tom. LEE J. BEST, Attorney-ut-liiir. DUNN, N. C, Will practice in Harnett, and ad oining Counties. Special attention given to collection of claims. , May-l-tf. J. A. FARM EE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW DUNN, N. C. Circuit : Harnett.. Johnston, Samp. son aad Cumberland. CollectiOa a specialty. Prompt attention given to all busi ness placed, in hand. Mch-M-'yl.j W. E. Mt'RCHISON, Jouesboro, N- C. L. B. Chafiw, Lillington. Jf . O. J 0 1 ijm ffl ATTORNE YS-AT-LA W LILLINGTON, N. C. Office fronting Court House. Ajril-2l-D2. "i )R. J. II DANIEL. U DUNN, HARNETT CO. ' N C. Has met with most wonderful suc cess in the treatment of Cancer. Write to him for one of his pam phlets on Cancer and its treatment. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Rruises,' Tores, Ulcers, Salt' Tiieum. Fever Sores, letter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure-i Pilep, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to giveperfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2." cents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood. SALE OF HOMESTEAD REVER SIONS. liy virtue of the authority contain ed in a certain deed of trust, executed to me by P. T. Massengill and wife and Plldridge Lee and wife, and duly recorded in the office of the R-'gister of Deeds of Harnett county,., I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Depot in. the town of Dunn. N. C, on the 15th day of September 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m, AH these lots and parcals of land in the town of Dunu, N. C which have 'Hereto fore been assigned to the paid P. T. Massengill and Eldrid e Lee as their Homesteads. The lands will be sold subject to the Homestead rights of the said P. T. Massengill and Eld ridge Lee, their wives and children, and the Homestead assig ied to each will be sold separately. This Aug. U3t 10th, 1892. Jamks II. Poxr. Assignee and Trustee. . Aug-18-ts. Electric imterM. This remedy is becoming no well known and su popular as to need no special mention. All who have used I Electri-;. Hitters sing the same song I of praue. A purer 'medicine' does not. exist and is guaranteed to do ai nil that is cJaime I. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove l";tnp!es. I'oiU, 'Salt Rheum and other affections i . . . , , , .."..v. Caused by impute blood. ill drive , Malaria from, the system and prevent well as cure all Malarial fever. Y tT Cure I I D'tdnz-liii f r . t u t i v-i w.n xv wa iitu l,Ui, V'ill' I fllU j ana Indigeati-in Ir Elecrric Hitters i-wnic oansia..ui uaiaiueuu. ur 1 monfv rpfiii-i'Ic;! Price "0 cu. and ' ! $1.00 per bottle at Harper &. llood'd ' - , Drugstore I ChHdren Cr- for Pitcher's Ca:ton2U 3 i