r THE TIMES. TIIUKSUAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1892. MATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. J Presbyteiuax Services every fir.t Sunilay at 11 sr. m.. ami 7 p. m. Rev. G. A. Hough, Pastor. Methodist. Services the 4th Sun l:y at 11 a- and at lulit at 7 p. m. 'Krst Suiitlny nijrht at 8:.10 p. m. 3umlav v hool at 5 p. nu. Prof. D. B.Parker, Supcrintenileiit, Rev. J. I). Peg ram. Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Service Sat (irna sind Suwlaj- morning; ln?forc the third Sunday in each month. r Rev. Buunick Wood, Pastor. . . Disciples. Services 3rl Sunday in .irh month, morning and Might. .Sun day School at 4 p. m., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. Rev. C. YV. Howard, Pastor i O. W. B. M. moot every Monday night after the 2nd and 4th Sunday in each month. ' Baitist. Services every, Sunday at 11 a. in., a id 7:30 p. in., except the Third Sunday morning. Sunday School :it 0:33 a. m., R. G. Taylor, Sunt. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. Y. F. Watsox, Pastor. Fkre-Wilt Baitist. Services on Second Sunday at 11 o'clock and on 4th Sunday at 5 p. in. , Rev. R. A. Johnson, Pastor. LOCAL. Sir. N. B. Hood is visiting Golds Imko this weick. The new switch a. the depot is be ing laid with iron this week. Mrs. M, F. Gamcy returned SaU unlay from a weeks visit to Rock- Mount. Mr. Walter P. Byrd who is teach ing school in Cumberland, spent Sat urday in the city. Mr. Jasper F. Jackson of Buss, Sampson county7, left Monday to at tend the State University. Mrs. T. W.lliraswell and Mrs. Y. I). Vinson of .fcenly, arc visiting re latives iutwwn this week. Miss Fannie Cox left last week for La Grange, where she goes to at tend theiKinsey Eemalc School. " ' i Mr. M. D. Higgs returned Tuesday frnra a monllis visit, to relatives and friends in South Carolina. , We are glad to see Mis Claude llarrcll out agairr after two weeKS confinement fruin sicknes. Mr. Tims. J. Jackson, mail clerk on i he C. F. & Y V. Railroad, spent several days last week with his bro ther, Mr. W. S. Jackson. The Alamcnce county Fair will open at Burlington Uct. 11 in ana continue until the 14th, we return thanks to the managers for a ticket. The meeting at the M. E. church liegan jSunday. Rev. Mr. Pegram, the p::stor, has been giving them some plain, good, practical sermon. The meeting will continue all the week. Gen. J. B. Weaver and wife, Mrs. Lease and Dr. W. P, Exura passed on Monday evenings train in a special car enrrute to Fayetteville, wherji they went to speak Tuesday. Dunn pays more for cotton this season than any town along the W. b F. Railroad, bring your cotton here Tanners and get a good price for it; Tho Cholera scare seems to be more catching than the disease its self. All through the country peo ple seem to be alarmed now more than the Seaport towns and cities. We publish on the editorial page a letter from Senator Vance, a man who every North Carolintan can trust. Profit by his views, he is a jnan of wisdom and experience. Hon. Grover Cleveland has writ ten his letter of acceptance which was published on the 26th. lb is brief and to the point on every question, there is no room to mi-take his po sition on any of the great issues, Kverybody would be benefited by reading his letter. Mr. J. L. Thompson was suddenly called home last week. His father, Mr. W, B. Thompson, liying near Goldsburo, was caught in a e,in and his arm was seriously cut. The phy sicians had to amputate the arm. It was a severe injury, but he is doing us well as could be expected consid tring the age of Mr. Thompson, Mr. .Albert: llarrcll relumed last week from a short trip to Norfolk, Va. Mr. John Webb of this township, died from typhoid fever on Monday. He leaves a wife and 7 children. . Mrs. J, M. Fleming and daughter. Miss Belle, of Raleigh, are visitmo- relatives in thiscounty. We received a communication from Rocky mount which was crowded out this week, but will appear next week. The Wilmington Star says Mrs. Harrison is growing stronger, but Mr. Harrison, it is sad to saj', is g owing weaker every day. Don't fail to read the new ads of Mrs. J. Broad well and Mis. D. A. Kooncc Milliners, and J. J. Wade and Fleming & Co General Mer chand:se in this issue. The Progressive Farmer says th party that has nothing more than rot ten eggs to throw at the Third party, like they did at Weaver in Ge .rgia, is very weak. Well, this much about it, eggs was enough force to run their leaders out of that State, Hon, J..H. Pou of Smithfield, pass ed through here Tuesday morning enroute to Fayetteville. He went to meet Dr.Kxum, Third party candi date for Governor and Gen. Weaver, candidate for President in joint de. bate, but they would not devide time. Mr. Pou is one of the finest speakers in the State, and his equal as a cam paigner is hard to beat. The Wilmington Star says about 3 or 4 hundred people, Democrats, Re publicans and Third pnrty men as sembled Tuesday to hear Mr, Weav er and Mrs. Lease, his lady compan ion, speak In Fayetteville. Mr. Weaver's speach was brief, touching but little on the issues of vital im portance in this contest. Mrs. Lease claims that the women must take an active part in the reform. Our Southern women and men to think Mrs. Lease needs reform or Bomt thing to induce her to stay at home. Politics is not a good companion for ladies. The Cleveland and' Carr Club met in regular meeting Monday night, several speeches mere made by the different members, a good many new names were added. Mr. J. W. Lu cas was appointed to call a mee ing Friday night at Spring Hill School House and organize a club. Mr. John (!. Sorrell was appointed to call :v meeting at such time and place as suits best and organize a club in his section. The club is growing rapid ly and doing good work for Demo cracy. Democrats and Third party i iuuii win lu iiiuim ociuiuic ui uui meetings. Come out and join us. Meet every Monday night. Public Speaking. Hon. B. F. Grady and Jno. G. Sisaw, Eq., will address the people of Harnett at the following times and places : Lilhngton, Monday Oct. 3rd. Barbecup, Tuesdaj' Oct. 4th. Bunns Level Wednesday Oct. 5th. Dunn Thursday Oct. 6th. An equal division of time will be given Republicans and Third party ites, candidates for Congress and Presidential Electors in the 3rd Dis trict, Children Cry for Peer's Castoria 500 BEN WANTED DAILY. I -will cut your hair and shave you for 25 cents, tools in good order. Give me a trial and save your money by coming to my Barber Shop. I Shop in front o! Lee Hotel. Respectfully, W. E. Buhxett, Dunn, N. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's .Castorial Rhodes, N. C, Sept. 28, 1892, Md. Editor: Dear Sir : At first I thought I would not reply to an article in your issue of Sept. 22nd, but on reflection I decided to send this as a reply : The writer of said article "suppos ed that there was a secret meeting being held at Rhodes Mill when he passed, as he stopped to hear the speech everything became quiet, and as there could not have been a ku-klux meeting such organ ization being defunct it would naturally be taken for a Third party meeting." No, my unknown friend, you are mistaken, I ground corn till 8:30 o'clock on the very Friday night you mentioned, the 16th iust., and do not know whether 1 was grinding for Democrat, Radical, Thin! partyite, or Prohibitionist, but this I do know. the Mill still grinds, but not lies. "Evil be W him who evil thinks. D. W. P.. filler. TO THE 3rd PARTY. The following poem was composed by an old Harnett Democrat who wandered off 10 the Third party and has returned, and now gives this as a token of esteem to the county candi dates: The Alliance had a baby boy. She called him Birdie Buck, His mother she was puny. And 6he could not give him suck. So she fed the child on sugar. Sugar was preferred, Now he goes on crutches. And is known vs Parson Byrd. The child was duly christened, As children all should be. His God Father the Third party, To this we'll all agree. But the Parson he is defeated. Tho lie be a man of science. We know he's been most every thing. And the leader of the Alliance. The Alliance when started out, Most postivelj' swore. Their object was to elevate The farmers and the poor. But we. the poor, don't want ihem. A Democrat preferred. So we'll overthrow that party; And their leader, Parson Byrd. Of course from Taylor Kivett. We could not expect any better. For he's always been a Radical, One, strictly to the letter, Altbo' he may be their nominee. He'll never get no bigger. For with all his evil working. He can't work in the nigger. The would-be so-called Sheriff, Stands proudly. in the ring. But he'll never serve the sia-fa. While McArtan is on the wing. For the negroes they are solid, j And with him, or for him, they wont go. But will stick up to their party, As the've eyer done before. Allen Byrd, Parson Byrd, McKay, Byrd & Brother. Onthe 8th day of Nov. next. We'll cage all these Byrds to gether. Allen had his posish all right, He would have kept his office. But of all the Byrds now in this . fiock, Allen's wings the shortest. There is Sydnej Holt, a spavin colt, I do not know his gait, But beyond all doubt, I surely know his fate. You had better heard j-our father, Syd, Who advised you not to go, Into such a party. That he looked upon so low. But the spirit moved on Sydney, As they often do on the Quaker. And Sydney thought and felt right then. That he was in the Legislature. When Baby was sick, we gate her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castor!. When she had Children, she gave them Castori TILE SHADOW OF THE FORCE BILL. THE PB.OPLE OF JOIINSTON TO BE WATCHED BY FEDERAL INSPECTORS. The leaders of the 3rd oartr and Radicals have applied for the ap point men t of Federal Inspectors ol Elections for Johnston county. They ask that the United States Court Shall appoint men to come to John ston county and see that our people vote right. They ask that a federal inspector shall be sent to each of the fltteen townships of Johnston county to see that we conduct our elections fairly. Our people will vote under federal inspectors on Nov. 8th and i the Radicals capture the county by the aid of the 3rd Dartv, after this election we will vote under th-. force bill and bayonet rule. They cannot now send soldiers, but they can get in inprtors. We know the names of j the men who made the application for the appointment of these ins pec tors and at the proper time we will publish them. We would like to ask John Sanders if he did not sign the request? We' wonld like to hear from Sheriff W. R. Creech, did he sign ? aod. how about Brass Band Massey, did he sign ? We are pre pared to answer if they do not. Smithfield Herald. Children Cry for. Pitcher's Catstoria? BUSINESS LOCALS. Nicest and Cheapest Dress Goods at J. J. Wade's. J, J. Wade has the cheapest line of Trunks and Valices in. town. Hotel and Store For Rent on Broad Street. Ebasmus Lke. Take your Prejcriplions to D. H. Hood's Drug Store. ' j . - The largest stock of School Sup plies in town at D. H. Hood's Drug Store. Just received the largest and best lie of Cok Stoves ever brought to Dunn. Lee Hardware Co. . The Lee Hardware Co are ne w sel ling Cook Stoves the cheapest they ever have, call and see them. The Lee Hardware Co. are selling that same Axe they sold last season. They go like hot cakes. Just received a nice lino of belting come and examine our prices is the way to'be convinced.. Lee Haul ware Co. The Lee Hardware Co. also carry a nice Jine of Furniture and will not be undersold. Call on them. That wonderful medicine, "Microbe Killer,' for sale at D. H. Hood's Drugstore. The Best 5 and 10 cent cigars in town at D. U. Hood's Drugstore. I have a good bill of lumber for sale at McLambs Mill. For further particulars sec me. J. M. Hodges. For Winchester and Rimington Rifles go to Lee's Hardware Store. Buy you Black Lace at Fleming & Co's. Fleming & Co, have the nicest line of Dress Shirts in town. If you want to buy a nice par of Shoes, buy the Celebrated Mile3 Shoe at Fleming & Co. If 3'pu want a nice suit of Clothe, yon can get it at Fleming & Co's. Fleming & Co. are selling Men's whole Stock Brogansat 75 cts. You can get v nice pair of Pants at Fleming & Co's. for 1.00. If you want a idee Dress remember Fleming and Co's line is comp'et1. You can buy a nice dress Shoe at Fleming & CoV. for 1,00. You can buy a $12.50 suit for, 9 at Fleming & Co.-- , JIA1KKEX REPORT. Cotton. Good Middling Middling Low Middling TURrENTINE. Virgin Yellow Dip Hard 6f 1.90 $1.50 90 Country Chickens PllODUCE. 15(i2oc Kggs Hides Corn Peas Butter Haras 12 4(6c ro 60(oil.00 2025 12 Guaranteed dire. We authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung. Throat or Chest troudle, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experincc no benifit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded, We could not make this offer did we nut know that Dr. Kiug's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles free at Harper & Hood's Drug Store.' Large size 50c and 100. IS. J. BROADWELL Ha? just RECEIVFD a nice line of FALL MILLINERY, Which she GUARANTEES SAT ISFACTION. ALLSO Childen and Ladies WRAP.3, DRESS TRIM INGrS, etc. Respectfully, MRS. J. BROADWELL. DUNN, X. C. spt 22 : A. T.inlc Girls RxpCricarC In IJSlatlitttlNC. ". Mr. and Mr?, Loren Tresutt are keepers' f the Gov. L?hthnuseai Sand Beach.' Mis., and arc blessed witrj a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning ir.co a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere, "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and after the ns of twa and a half .bot tles, was completely cured. - They sa' Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in old. yet you may get a trial bottle free at Harper & Hood s Drugstore. " CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevented by the prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Ft"! ass. I Pronounced IIopeI't, Yet KllTCvl. , From a let'er written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote : "Was taken with a bad coldv which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gae me up, say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself-up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's Now Dis. eovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free Harper & Hood's Drugstore, regular size, 5c. and 1.00. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wi'mington & Weldon Eail Read and Branches. CONDENSED SCHEDULE- TKAINS UOINU SOUTH. No. 23 No. 27 Fast Mall Daily Daily. No. 41 Daily exfc'un Dated Feb. 28 '92. P M V M 5 43 6 3'j A M 6 00 7 09 Leave Weldou 12 30 Arr. Rocky Mt, 1 40 Arrive Tarboro 2 18 I P M I Leave Tarboro 12 58 6 00 I PM I Arrive Wilson I 2 18 I 7 00 I 7 40 Leave Witaou - 2 30 Arrive Selma -- 3 25 Arr Fayetteville... 5 20 .. - Leave 'ioldsboro.- I 3 13 I 7 40 I 7"3 Leave Warsaw 4 14 I 9 SO Leave Mag-nolia.... I 4 27 j 8 40 I 9 44 Arr. Wilmington- 6 00 9 55 I 11 25 TRAINS GOING NORTH. . No. 14 No778 No. 40 Dally Pally. Daily. ctx San AM AM I P M Lea. Wilmington.. 12 35 9 15 1 4 20 i Leave Magnolia.... 1 54 10 57 1 6 08 Leave Warsaw 11 11 16 15 Arrive Ool1wlQr i- 2 55 1J 05 7 10 Lea. Fayetteville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson... 9 30 11 35 12 80 A M V M , 12 58 I 1 30 I P M 8 01 6 39' Leave Wilson- Arr. Rocky Mt 3 3", j 4 03 Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Taboro SO. 2 18 12 58 r m 2 55 Arrive Weldon. 5 0') 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 4 0 p m.. Halifax 4 22 p m. arrive at Scotland Nck 5 15 pm. Oreenvil!e 5 52 p m, KiriHton ? 00 p in. Returning', leaves Kiiintoii 7 10 a ra. Greenville 8 25 a m. Arriving at Hal ifax at 11 00 a in, Weldou 11 23 a in, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 15 a m . arriving Scotland Neck 103 am. Oaeen ville 5 30 p in. Kinatou 7 40 p m. Returning, leaven Kinston 7 10 a m, Greenville 9 55 a m. Scotland Neck 2 20 p m, arrive Weldon 5.15 p jn, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. Cvla Albemarle k Raleigh R R. daily except Sunday, 4 40 p ra Sunday 3p m; arrive at Williaranion. N. C. 7 18pm and 4 20 p m; Plymouth 8 30 p to., and 520 pm. Retnrning leaves Plymouth. N. C. daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Sunday 9 At) a m Wllliamstou 7 30 a m. 9 58 am. Arrive at Tarboro, N. C. lo 40 a ra and 11 ift a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leaves Fayetteville 7.30 a. m., arrive Rowland 12,15 p. nv Returning leaves Rowland It 15 p. m. arrive Fayette ville 5.15 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland NC Branch leaves Oo Ms bo ro, S. C. dally except Sunday, eon a m: ar rive Smithfield N C, 8 30 a m. Returning leave Sunthfield, N. C. 7 30 a. m. arrive Uoldsboro.K. c. 9 30 a. ur. T-iain on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at Mi p in arrives Nashville 5 55 p. m. Spring Hopa Mi p, m. Returning, leaves Spring Koje 8 00 a. m. Nashville 8 35 a. tu. arrive Rocky xonnt Si 15 a. m.! dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch lerve Warsaw for f'Ur.r. i:, daily except Sauday. at 00 p in and 1115 a in. Returnlnff. leave Clinton at ei a m and 3 top in connecting at Wrrsaw with Nos. 41, 49,23and, Southbound train on wllson Fayetteville Branch is No 51 Northbound la No U. 'Daily except Sunday. Train No 27 South and 11 Nrth will tr only at Rocky Mount, wiUon Ooldsboro and Magnolia. wiion for aii roinu North daily, aii rii via Train No 7? makeA flw connection fit Uic:iinoiMlana iiany xe-j.r uuoay via ur LIihs. Uo y Rooky Mount daily fpt an. alll poiuU North via Nortolit. JOHX F- DIV1JJE, Otn. Supt. T. R. KEXLY-Oenral Manager T. M. EM2IERS0N. TraSr Manager. for Infants CMtertslB xva Adapted to ehndrra that I recommend it m ruperior to aa jr prescription known to me." II. A. A&chxk, JL D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is soonlmsal and Its merits so well known that it serins a work of eupererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Maktoc, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor doozningdale Beformed Church. Tot Csktaur I T E I T I B If Come to 6ee me, I am better prepared to sell you any goods yoa need than ever before. My stock is now COMPLETE, and I can aeU 4 you CHEAPER than b tfore anything in the way of Genetal Merchandise from a paper of Needles to a box of Bacon and when you need a pair of Shoes come right on here we can beat the town in Prices and quality Thanking you for tue past favors, I remtio, Respectfully, J.J. WADE, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. DELL A A. KOOWCE; Wishes to inform her patrons and the public generally that she 'has received her FALLi and WINTER StOCk Of ' MILLINERY GOODS. LATEST STYLES. FEATHERS AND FLOWEtlS, Blfr KONS & LACES NOTIONS; ETC.- " Work done in First Class Order: Orders from the Country Solicitei and PROMPTY FILLED. Returning thanks for past fayore, I Respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same. k Store on Firsi Floor of Drs. Goodwin and Sexton's Office. MRS D. A. KOONCE, scp 29; NOTICE t Having qual.fied as Administrator of the estate of Jolm Adams; deed, late of Harnett county, North Caro. lina. All those having claims against said estate tre requested to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September. 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recover. AH those indebted are requested to make immediate pay ment. This September 5th, 1892. J. A. Adams Adm'r. sept 15 6t, EXECUTION SALE 1 By virtue of an execution in my hands issued by tho Superior Court of Cumberland county in favor of N. V, Ray, and against W. H, McPher son ij will, at the Court House Door in the town of Lillingtop in Harnett county or. the 3rd da' of October, 1892, expose to sale to the higliept bidder for cash the following proper ty : 415 acre3 of land in Johnson ville township, Harnett ccunty, on the wattrs of Duocary creek. This is to to satisfy said execution. This Sept. 5, 1892. C. McAetan, Sheritr. 8ept8-ts. Notice State of North i In the Superior Carolina, Har- V Court, before the nett cpuut'. ) Clerk. Harrv Hawkins, Adm'r Petition of Hcnjainin Barbee. to sell Land for against Mary Hawkins, Anderson Barbee and Neill Barbee. Assets It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thai the place of residence of Neill Barbee one of .the defendants Crt that publication beade ta iile Central Times (a newspaper pub- lisbed iu said county) for gix.weeeks notify ins him of the filing of this pe tition and that unless he appe trsand and plead answer or demur thereto at the Court House in Liltington on or before the 27th day of October,. A. D.. 1892, the proceeding will be heard and determined a if the sum mons and ctjpy of the pelt .ton were personally served. ? Witness : Geo. K. Pri- cc, Clerk I of Superior lUiurt at otli re in Li'lins- j Um This 10th daV of Sfpteiubcr, i - - - X. L) 1802 . j J. A- SpeafS.Att V for I itu. Geo, K. Priftce, C- S. C, sepi 15 Ct. . and Children Carter! ctfrai Ceife, GDrfMpttto Sour Stomach. DUrraaea. Fiui lafhj --' - Kills Worms, girt sleep, and prettoOS a? restion, ---r Without injurious iBtrfkittosS For soTeral years I Its your Castoria. and shall ahrt always contiatte to do so as it has invariably produced reeuus. - . ... Enwurjr?. ILD iw HTbaWIsOirop,mlA(faStresdtUiAm Kew York Cft Cokfaxt, 77 Mnm Stsjcxt, Xi DUNN, N. C LEE J. BEST, AltorncyMaw, D U N N. N. Will practice in Harnett, and joining Counties. Special attention given to collection of claims. J. A. FARMER ATTORNEY m C01UISEL0& II U& i DUNN,N.O. Circuit:. Harnett, Johnston, Samp-, son aud CumberhjuuL. Collections, a specialty. Prompt attention given, to. all boal. .. nees placed in hand. Mch-'l-'.3 W. E. Mcbcbisok, Joncsboro, N. C. L. B.Caartirc LIUlttgton, N.Cr ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW LILLINGTOX. N. 0.. . OHce fronting Court IIoiMev ApriI-21-32. D tt. J. II DANIEL. DLTNN. 11AENK IT CCb lla met with most wonderful sue., cess in the treatment of Cancer Write to him for one of hit parav. phlets on Cancer and its treatment. BOCKLErS ABIlSimtE;. The best Salve lo. th world fv Cuts, Bruisea, iore, Ulcrt, Safti Tbeuo,. Fe.er Sor. lttr. Cta : ped Hands. Chliblaina Corns, and -all : Skin Kruptiona, and positively carta, Piles, or, no pay reouird. It Ij guar-, anteed.to give petCect tatisXaetioo, orr laoney refunded. Prit Vt cents per box. For sale by. Harper i Hood, LOOK HERE I; I curry Hat. SUs, Dry Goods,. Notions, Crckeryjiare, , Groceries, j . . - &C. Gle me a CaiU IteSpU KB ASM US LKK, 1 Dunn,N..Q,. i sept 8-1 m.. filURCIffSON CHAPIN 5 " ft i L