THE T! IVIES. TIIUKSDAY.OCTOBEU 13. BATTERS OF LOCftL INTEREST. PBKsnYTEHiAN Services eveiy fir.t Sunday at 11 m.. ami 7 p. m. IIkv. G. A. Hough, Pastor. METifilST. Services the 4tli Sun Jav t 11 a- ni., and at nljht at 7 p. m. f ,rt Snnd iy night At 8:W p. in. ttml.iy jVliool at 5 p. Prof. D. B. Parker, iiprlntenUMit, llvx. .T. D. Peg ram. Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Service Snt nnw) SniuUy morning i before the third Sunday in each month. llr.v. Kcrnick Wood, Pastor. DisririEfi. Services 3rd Sunday in .ioh itonth. morning and night.. Sun day School at 4 p. rh.. every Sunday. rraviT Meeting rvery Thursday night . Iikv. C. W. Howard, Pastor C. W. B. M. meet every Monday night after the 2nd and 4th Sunday in "each month. Baptist. Service every Sunday at 1 a. in., a-nl 7:30 - p. ir... except the j. ,IrI Smulay morning. Sunday School at 9:3 a. m., R.' O. Taylor. Sunt. Vraver Meeting every Thursday evening st 7:30. Rkv. ,V. F. Watson, Pastor. Vukk-Wilj, Baptist. Services rrond Sunday at 11 o'clock and on 4th j Seronu bumlay Sunday at 5 p. m. Rkv. R. A. Johnson, Pastor. LOCAL. Don't forget to register be.fore too late. f Us Maj. Crenshaw and wife of Wake rounty,viited Mrs, L. McKay and Dr Fleming of this county. las week. If r. Lewis Atkius, forme lyof this county but now of Washington Citv. lf visiting relatives in Harnett this week. Three cheers for Georgia and Flor ida and the solid old Democracy of those States that can't be broken by the 3rd party. ' Hon. W. J. Green of Fayetteville, and Hon. B. F. Grady, Democratic nominee for Congress, addressed the people of Sampson at Mingo last Fndty. To-day in the Democratic Rally at IJuicn Creek, ti.uch preparation has been .made and good speeches are ex creted. Evervbodv should ro and t - j - - - 0 participate regardless of politics. Gen. Weaver malle his speech at Pulaski, Tenn., last Saturday, where he did the most of his meanness in lhc war. Everything went off quiet. No riot as was anticipated before he went there. Our r trects are crowded every- day with cotton now. The farmer a' ways carries his cotton where he can get the most for it, and Dunn is the place this seas n. Last week it sold for 8 cnls. Friday more than 100 bales were sold here on the streets. The gin house of Mrs. L. McKay was burned last Wednesday evening. Sua and her tenants lost 3 bales of cotton The engine and. fixtures be longed to Mr. A. J. Turlington. No insurance Dr. J. T. Rogers of Lillington, howcd u a curiosity in the way of a coin Monday. It is a pure gold dollar dug and coined in Rutherford county. North Carolina, 28 karrat. lt i, perhaps the only one in exis tence now of the kind. Mr. Parker Beasley of the upper part of the county had the misfor tune to lose his mule Sunday. While driving him to a road cart he was frightened by something and as he whirled to run the mule fell aud broke hia neck. Mr. D. B. Avera, a prominent man of Johnston county committed sui cide last Saturday morning in Ral eigh by cutting his throav. Mr. Avera for the past several years was one of Raleigh' largest cotton buyers. He was under the influence of strong lrink or had a slight touch of de lirum tremens when he killed him self. e On Saturday the 1st of Oct. quite a sad and distressing accident haps pened in the family of Mr. D. B. Derraing nf J ohn ston county.' His son was sick, and his stepmolher went in Mr. Denning's trunk where he had several kinds of medicine to get quinine for the sick young man, and by mistake got strychnine aud gave him a dose. He sooujvent into fits. Dr. Turlington wav at once 1 summoned aud did all ha could, but 'twas too late, nothing could then save h'ra. He died in 3 hours. Mrs. Denning is iot to blame it was only a mistake. Miss Sarah Stancill, who has been visiting Mrs. J. W. Lane rpinmi ; ucr uurae ,n seioa Tuesday. t Una IV . r- I Brother Marlon ttutler has our sympathy in the lose of the Caucas ian outfit iu the recent fire in his town. A god many of oar people are at tending the Democratic dinner today at Huiei Creek. All who attend may expect a good time and fine speeches. Our town authorities are havin- a lot of work done on onr streets. Blr.j oi. l.. wane, our efficient police, is superintending the work and linvin" - it done according to order. Mrs. Sallte Johnson, daughter of Mr. A. J. Byrd of our county, died Saturday morning in Raleigh. Her remains were taken to the home of her parents and interred Sunday. Last week Clinton had a big fire. the jail, several dwellings, and nearly half of the business houses were consumed. Very little insurance on any of the property. Nothing seems much clearer now than Cleveland's electon. Harrison's own State will go for him and New York almost sure to ive him a lare majority, Mr. J. W. Jordan onr next door neighbor came down Monday morn ing the happiest man in town. We asked him what was the trouble he said 'twas a girl. Oh 1 ray ; oh ! Papa, Read Galney & Jordan's ad in an other column, they are selling Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles very low now. Col. A. M, Waddell of Wilming ton, will speak at Bunns Level on the 21st of Oct. and in lunn that night. Everybody should hear him. he i one of the Uncst speakers in North Carolina. "I am within the pale of truth, when I declare that in a visit to an orphanage there is a little taste of Heaven to anj' one who feels and loyes." Grand Master Bruto., at Wilmington. Mr. J. F. Matthews of Burlinzton, was shot and killed Sunday morning before day by burglars trying to en ter his store. He heard them at ' the door and when he rose he fired a shot at them a d the3 returned the shot three limes when Mr. Matthews was killed. He is a nephew of Mr. A, R. Wilson.'Mrs. P. t! Massengill and Mrs. Dr. Harper of our town, besides has many friends who will hear of his death with sadness. Grady in Drum On Thursday the 6th Mr. J. G. Shaw and Hon. B, F. Grady, can for Congress, were billed to speak here, also Mr. O. J. Spears, Republi can Eleoto, was expected. ButJ the day came and Mr. Grady was the on speaker who arrived. Quite a crowd had gathered for the occasion, and at 1 o'clock the editor of The Times in a few appropriate remarks introduced Mr. Grady to the waiting audience, composed of Dem ocrats, some Third party men and a number of orderly colored people, Mr, Grady's speech was one of the elforis of his life. He to k up the issues of the campaign and showed he was thoroughly up tin them. He said our State government could not be attacked. Our county affairs were he best ever known and the trouble now is the high tariff and low wags He showed how much we are paying now to land an' article we ueed at our ports. " For inst ance a suit of clothes which cost $22.00 in Canada or England would be worth 40.00 here, 18.00 of this is paid to Yancy the custom house collector at Wilmington, or such other officer at whatever port they come in, and just so with near ly every article the poorer classes have to buy. The commoner the good, the higher the tariff. Mr. Grady discussed the Republic can rule since they come in power. and showed "so plainly who are the friends to the people that none could fail to see It. The whole speech was sound unde niable facts and full of good reason and did much good. We wish every Third party man could here Just such a one and they wond be convinced. Mr. Grady went from here to Min go. Sampson county, where he spoke next day. Public Speaking- The county candidates have ar ranged a joint discussion and will be at the following places, beginning at Johnsonville on Mondaj, Oct. 4th: John?onville township, Monday. October 24th. Barbecue to wa ship, Tuesday, Oc tober 25th. Upper Little River township. Wed nesday. October 26th and 27th. Anderson Creek township, Fridaj-. Oot. 28th. I r.. i. lorn-hip, Saturn !day, Oct, 2DUi Averasboro township, Moudav, October 3 1st. Grove township, Tuesday, Novera bcr Is'. - : - Neills Creek township. Wednes day. November 2nd. ; - Waik River township, Thursday, November 3rd. Hectora Creek township, Fridaj', November AlK " Buckhorn township, Saturday. No vember 5th. i - . Lillington township, Monday, No vember 7th. Sheriff McArtan wUl.;be,at the above named places, with his . tax books, and earnestly request all per sons to meet hira there and settle their tnxes. - ; List of Poll Holders.' The following is a list ; of the Poll Ho'der of each township : Anderson Creek : John McArtan, Alex McCorraick, Jacob West,sT F Shaw. A verasboro : J D Barnes, J F Phillips, G R Hodges J J Wade. Barbecue: John Harrington, K P Harruon, Henry Graham, James Cameron. Black River : J (? Williams. Thos Matthews, N A Stewart. Leonard Williams. Buekhorn : - - - ' J T Harrington, Fred Thomas, W A Dewar, T B Lanier, Grove: J T Coats, "Deb Turlington. Cornc lus Hodges, Jr W Avera. Hectors creek : . . . Benj Gardner, J A Sentcr, L Matthews, McN McKay. JohnsonVille : Allen McDonald, W J Smith. D H McL Cameron. H A Morrison. Lillington: K M McNeill, J R Grady, Lewis . Bail', W F Hotkaday, Neil Is creek. Jas A Betts, W,J Long, Reddin Byrd, A N Sexton. Stewarts creek : J H Williams, Jno A Colville, A R Wilson, G E Byrd. Upper Little River : A A Bethea, W D Patterson, J Davis, S P McKay. . .. R BUSINESS LOCALS. Come and look at our shoes. Fleming & Co, J. J. Wade has the cheapest line of Trunka and Valices in town. Nicest and Cheapest Dress Goods at J. J. Wade's. Flem'ng & Co. are selling Men's whole Stock Brogansat 75 cts. If you want to buy a nice pair of Shoes, buy the . Celebrated Miles Shoe at Fleming & Co. A nice trimmed hat at Mrs. Den ning's for 50 cents. Buy 3'our goods from Fleming & Co. 4 If you want a good Corset buy the long waist C B at Fleming & Co's. Fleming and Co. will sell you Bhys Suit fcr $1.00. Fleming & Co's. line of Under ware is complete. Fleming & Co. have Ladies Shoes from 50 cents per pair up. Ladies whole stock shoes cents at Fleming & Co's. for 50 Fleming fc Co. sells more choth ing than and store In town, because they sell cheaper. Fleming & Co. will sell you all wool shawls for $1,00. If vou want a nice Dress Shirt buy it at Fleming & Co's. Fleming fc Co. will sell you nice Silk Ribbons at one cent per yard. If you want a nice pair of Kid Gloves buy FOSTER'S at Fleming & Co',s. t Fleming & Co, will sell you yard wide domestic at 5 cents per yard. The largest stock of School Sup plies in town at D. H. Hood's Drug Store. t Mrs. M. L. Denning ha? with her now a Milliner or several years ex perience, call and examine her stock of trimed and untrimed hats, coxier. The Tax Books for the town of Dunn have been placed in my hands for collection. . All persons due Taxes are request ed to se'tle at once and save trouble and cost. Respt, M. L. Wadk, tw Tax Collector. Notice- Slate of Nor: h Carolina, Har In t;.e Superior i i; Libre the ' nett county. ) CierU, Harry Hawkins, idm'r Petition of Benjamin Barbee. j to sell against - Land Mary Hawkins, Anderson J for Barbee and NeilTBarbee. J Assets It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the place of res dence of Neill Barbee one of t!ie defendan's is unknown; it is ordered by the Court that publication be made iu the Central Times (a newspaper pub lished in said county) for s'x weeeks notifying him of the filing of this pe tition .and that unless he appears and and plead answer or demur thereto at the Court House in Lillington on or before the 27th day of October, A. D., 1892, the proceeding will be heard and determined as if the sum mons and copy of the peti.ion were personally served. Witness: Geo, E." Prince, Clerk of Superior Court at office in Li'ling ton. This 10th day of September, A. D 1892. J. A. Spears, Att'y for Pitff. Geo, E. Pnuce, C S. C, sept 15 6t. That wonderful medicine, "Microbe Killer," for sale at D. II. Hood's Drugstore, Take your Prescriptions to D. H. Hood's Drug Store. 'I he Best 5 and 10 cent cigars in town at D H. Hood's Drugstore. -DUNN ACADEMIC INSTITUTE. DUNN. N. C. Fall term begins August, 15th. Strict discipline will be maintained. Public patronage solicited. Terms reasonable. B. K.. Masox. A. B., Principal, Mrs. A, J. B, Harijell,. iVnsic, j Aug. lOtlMin. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria? lrOnouiicel Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of-Groton, S. D., we quote : "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gave me up, say ing I. could live but:a short time. I gave myself up to toy Saviour, deter mined if I could, noi-jstay with my friends on earth;" I would meet my absent ones ttbovfe". ; My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am iovr a well and heartT woman." Trial bottles free Harper & Hood's Drugstore, regular size, 5oc. and $1.00. 500 MEN WANTED DAILY. I will cut your hair aud shave you for 25 cents, tools in good order. GWe me a trial and save your money by coming to my Barber Shop. Shop in front of Lee Hotel. Respectfully, W. E. Burnett, Dunn, N. C. When Baby was sick, we gare her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori. When she became Miss, she clung to Castori. When she bad Children, she gare them Castori J. Ha? just RECEIVFD a nice line of FALL MILLINERY, Which she GUARANTEES SAT ISFACTION. ALLSO . Childen sand Ladies WEAPiB, DRESS TRIM-ING-S, etc. Respectfully, MRS. J. BROAD WELL, DUNN. N. C, sept 22 Children Cry for-Pitcher,s.Castorl BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises,. Korea,. Ulcers, Salt Theum. Fever 'Sores, letter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give pe feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood. Mr. and Mr$, Loren Trevott arc j kr ej-cts of. the Gov. Ljg'?thuse ni Sand Death, ?di-s and are blessed witij a daughter, four vears old". Last i April she was taken dawn with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning inco a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit tteated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and after the use of twa and a half bot tles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Harper & Hood 8 Drugstore. - RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated . with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine.' Has Cured Others will cure you. MARKET REPORT. Cotton. Good Middling 7 Middling 7$ Low Middling 6 Turpentine. Virgin $1.90 Yellow Dip $1.50 Hard 90 Country Produce. Chickens 15(5;25c Hides 46c Corn fo Peas 60(3, 1.00 Butter 2025 Hams 12 ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington & Weldon Rail Koad and Branches. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. trains going south. No. 23 I No. 27 I No. 41 Dated Feb. 28 '92. Fast Mail Daily Daily I Daily. jexSuD P M -12 30 1 40 P M 5 43 6 35 A M 6 00 7 03 Leave Veldon Arr. Rocky Mt.... Arrive Tarboro...- 2 18 I . P M 12 S8 6 00 Leave Tarboro...... P M I 2 18 I Arrive Wilson. 7 00 7 JO Leave Wilson Arrive Holm a 2 30 3 25 5 20 Arr Fayetteville.- Leave 'ioldsboro I Mil. 4 27 00 7 40 8 30 9 30 9 44 11 25 Leave Warsaw .. Leave Masrnolia.... 8 40 U 55 Arr. Wilmfng-ton. TRAINS OOINQ NORTH. No. 14 Dally. No. 78 Daily. No. 40 Dally ex Sun A M 12 35 1 54 "-'855 A M 9 15 10 57 11 11 12 05 P M 4 20 ft 08 6 15 t 10 Lea. Wilmington- Leave Magnolia.... Leave Warsaw Arrive Ooldsuor-i- Lea. Fayetteville- Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson.-... 9 30 11 35 12 80 A M P M 12 58 1 30 P M 8 6 39 Leave Wilson- 3 3 I 4 03 1 Arr. Rocky Mt Arrive Tartoro 6 .SO 2 18 12 58 t ! Leave Taboro. -i f M 8 55 Arrive Weldon- 6 03 io oo Daily except 8unday. irini iui aAtUiiii Noolr RMnh Rmd leave Scotland Neck 5 15 p m. Greenvil!e 8 52 p m. Klnston o 00 p rn. tteiurnin, ieve aukiuu 7 10 a m, Greenville 8 25 a m, Arrlvlnflr at Hal ifax at 11 00 a m. Weldou 11 25 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon st 10 15 a m. arriving scoiiana aeeis iuj a in. ueru vin.tinm. Klmton 7 40 d m. Retarnlnir. leaves Kin-ton 7 20 a m, Greenville 9 55 a in. Scotland Neck 8 20 p m. arrive wemon a.w p m, daily except Bauday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C.vla Albemarle u.i.u v. to l f 1 v .TMut m i ft V 4 40 I m Sunday 3p m; arrive at WllUamaton, N. C. 520 pm. Returning leaves riynvmtn. . 18 i m anu z pm; riymoarn s . v m., daily except Sunday ft 00 a m. Kunaay 9 m a m WllliauiHtou 7 30 a m. Mara. Arrive at Tarboro, N. C 10 4 a ni and 11 20 m. t.. i.. yn finnthmnwiilon. Wilson and Fayettwllle Brauch leaves Fayettevlll 7.80 a. ni.. arrive nowini u,iai leaves Rowlaitd ls-15 p. m. arrive Fayette llle 5.15 p. in. uauy excepi sunoay. n-. in An uiiiml VODnniih lAavea Golds. toro, N.C.. dally except Sunday. 600 a m; ar rive smttnneia m., cm wiurmuu leaves Smithtteld. N. C. 7 30 a. m. arrives Goldsboro.N. C. 9 30 a. m. r.i n riuhiriiie Branch leaves Roeky Mount at 5 13 v m arrtves Nashville 5 55 p. ui, Pprlnff Hopeft 30 p, m. Retarnlng. leaves Spring Hoie 8 00 a. m. Nashville s S5 a. iu. arrive Rocky Mount if 13 a. m.! dally except Mnndsv. Trmnoo rlVeton Rriwh lerves Warsaw ror Clinton. daily Maept Sunday, st ft 60 p m and ni and 3 10 pm connect In" at Wrrsaw with Noa.41.9.23sna7. 3 . 4kV.A wriA mm 1 1 tn rUUlUUvlMIU s,ss w - - - Branch I No SI Northbound U No 50. Daily Turrit Sunday. Train No 87 Sooth and 14 North will stor only at Rocky nosnt, wlUon Ooldsboro and vmolla. ... .-, mitai eonncetlon at i . , ii Ksth All rail via Richmond and uny except Sunday via Bav Line, also at aookr Monnt dally exe-M on day, with Norfolk and Carolina for aaffolk and altl points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, den. Sapt. . T. R. KENLT. General Manager T. M. KMMEROX. Traflr Mana-er. r f f I i S NT" tf TN for Infants "CaetMiakaoweB adapted toehCdren thai X recommend ita superior to asy prescription kaown to me." H. A. Abchxb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. T. "The um of ' Castori U ao nnfrareal and tta merits so well known that it seems work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castori within easy reach.- . Cabxos Mawttk, D.D., New York City. Lata Pastor Eloomingdsio Reformed Church. Tn CnTAcn ITTEITIBI - :o: Come to see me, I ara letter prepared to sell you any giKult you need than ever before. My stock is now COMPLETE, and I can sell you CHEAPER than before anything in the way of Geneial Merchandise from a paper of Needles to a box of Bacon and when you need a pair of Shoes come right oa here we can beat the town in Priest and quality Thanking you for the past favors, I remain. Respectfully, J.J. WADS, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY ( . GOODS. MRS. DELL A A. &OOPJCE, Wishes to inform her patrons and the public generally that sh J received her FALL and WINTER Stocl; Of MILLINERY QOODS. LATEST STYLES. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS, aiO BONS & .LACES, NOTIONS, ETC Work done in First Class Order. Orders from the Country SoliciteJ and PROMPTY FILLED. Returning thanks for past fayore, I Respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same. Store on First Floor of Drs. Goodwin and Sextoa'f Oflct. MRS D. A. KOOHCE, sep 20 GOLD FILLED WATCHES. WATCH THIS PICTURE EVERY GOLD FILLED WATCHES WITH E L C I W O R WALT H A jW KlOVECIEWTiB AT $15.00 IF SAME DOES NOT GIVE SATISFACTON MONEY WILL EE REFUND E D. WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND SPECTACKES. REPAIRING PJEATLY DOWE, 61 IN El & J O.RDA N. DUNN, N.C. NOTICE I Havinz onalified aa Administrator of the estate of John Adams, deed. late ff Harnett county. North Care lina. All those having claims against said estate tre requested to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September. 1893. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All those indebted are requested to make immediate pay meat. This September 5th, 1892. J. A. Adaus Adm'r. sept 15 6t. J. A. FARMER, ATTORSET 113 COURSELOn IT UVK DUNN, N. C. Circuit : Harnett, Johnston, Samp son &u Cumberland. Collection t a specialty. Prompt attention given to all busi ness placed In hand. Mch-Sl-'ilJ VI- ' I k D J and Children. Caotori cares CoH, Oonetipatioa, Sour Siomoch, Diarrhoea. KructaCion. aUlls Worms, sires sleep, and proaaotaa d& Witionttojmioos medication. For several years I fear recommended your Castoria, and shaU always continue tn do so as it has uiTariably produoad haneflrtal results." Edwih F. Paanx M. "The Wmthrop," leth StneC and Tta Avn Krw Tork CitJL OonTAirr, 77 Xcbsay 6 , Krw T - DUNN. N. C. LEE J. BEST. AttoraejrastLaw, DUNN, jr. c. Will practice la Harnett, aad ad joining Counties. Special aiUntUi given to collection of clalmf. W. K. UiiUBiMf , . josesbAM.s.4. ItCSssSaaCS.'Q. IRCBISON i im, attoeheib-'axlayt LILLINGTON. N. C. Office fronting Court Honta. D U. J. H DANIEL. DUNN, HABNETTCO. N. C. Has mei wltlmost woadtrfol saa ccs in the trrttaent ofCaiioer. Writ ta hlrir for one of hit paa phlets on Cancer and Iu treat rat at. WW

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