THE TIMES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1802. HATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Chiircltcs. Prksbyteriax Services cvm y firt Sunday ntllH, m.. ami 7 p. n. - IIev. G. A. Hough, Pastor. , i Methodist. Service the 4th Sun Axy at 11 sd at night nt 7 p. ml First Sitnda- nfciit at 8:"0 p. m. oiiudar School at 5 p. in.. Prof. D. B. Parker, Stiperintemleiit, Rev. J. D. Peorav, Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Services nrvxy and Sunday mornings before the third Sunday in each month. Rev. Bukxice Wood, Pastor. Disciples. Services 3rd Sunday in ach month; morning and night. Sun day School at 4 p. m., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. Rev. C. V. Howard, Pastor C, W. B. M. moet every Monday night after the 2nd and 4th Sunday in each month. Baptist. Services every Sunday at 1 a. in., and 7:30 p. ir.., except the bird Sunday morning. Sunday School at 9:39 a. m., R. G. Taylor, t Sunt. Praver Meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. W. F, Watson, Pastor. TREE-WiLii Baptist. Services on Seeond Sunday at 11 o'clock and on 4th Sunday at 5 p. m. Rev. R. A. Johnson, Pastor. LOCAI J. We were glad to have our old friend Mf. C. E. Exura: spend Sun day in town. Vote the People's pany ticket and you rote for chronic kickers and of fice seekers. Miss Comic Powell from Fair Bluff is spending a few days with Miss Addie Y- un?. Mr. E. V. Cox. who has been fill ig some appointments for Mr. Clark the Republican candidate for Con, gress, catne home Satu day. One of our professional young men it seems has reached that point in life that he i (seeking Council) from, another county. 1 Democrats, see that you are prop, erly registered. They are going tc try every way they can to keep you out of your vote this time. Revs. Mr. Watson and Mr, lVgram exchanged pulp.ts Sunday morning . Mr. P;ram preached to the Baptist c 'ngreation and Mr. Watson to the Methodist. lion. D. H. McLean, Harnett's sil ver tongue oiator and true Demo crat, made a speech Friday night to tha Cleveland and Carr club at Avcras School House. Hon. Henry W, Watterson. editor of the Courier-Journal, mode the dedicatiou speech al the Columbian Exposition in Chicago last Friday to more than 100.000 people. It was one of Ins finest effort', r Go down tt Favetteuille to the Fair in November, and don't fail to step in at Thornton's Clothing Store and buy you a new suit, He has any style or cut you want. Also a lino of Stouts for short big men at prices to suit any bod jr. Miss Mary Watson, an excellent young lad)', who was Post Mistress at Kenansville, N, C, was turned out n short time ago and a negro woman put in her place (Abe Middle'on's wife). Miss Wnt9 :n's father is dead and she has to work for her living, but this is the way the Republican's act, and it brings shame on them. Mr. Robinson, People's pafty can. didate for the Senate, spoke at Troy- ville one day last week to a small crowd, and thej were mostly Demo crats. Only 2 3rdites from Grove, 3 or 4 from another township and 1 from Averasboro. Gentlemen they are getting few and far between now. But after Nov. 8th there wont be enough of them left to make a cor porals guard. Mr. Walter Byrd re plied to Mr. Robinson and complete ly riddled his argument. That night Messrs. Robinson, Taylor Ktvettand J. M. Byrd made speeches at Buics Creek, they tried to give the darkies a little tickling so as to catch their vote. Mr. Walter Byrd asked them to divide timo with him, but they re fused. That is the way the) are dos ing. working on the ignorance of the people. They don t want them to near Dotu sides ot the question fair an I square, became people who kuow both s des wont vote party ticket. the 3rd fato well to the dust uutil another Su la- mer. Mr. C. A. Young and wife of WiN son spent Sunday with Mr. E. F. xoung. Rev, Mr. Pcgram will preach in the Methodist church on the first Sunday in next month. The Republicans conclude now that Jerry Simpson of Kansas will be defeated for Congress in his district. ur. ciu.idgc Jee has commenced ! a now residence on Divine street, which will add very much to the looks of that part of the town when completed. The ladies of the Methodist Par sonage Aid Society will give an Oy ster Supper at the Ho; el Divine on Friday night, Nov. 4th, for the bene fit of the Pur-.o nage. Mr, J. E Harper left yesterday morning- for Clinton, where he and Mr, T. F, Sanders, of our town, will open a drug buisness. They are both clever buisness young men, and we wish them su.cess. Mrs, Harrison, wife of President Harrison, died in tho White House at Washington at 1 :45 a, m., Oct. 25th. She has been sick for some time and the end was expected by friends and family. We hope those who owe iis will come in and pay their dues.! The little?, from all who are due w 11 help The Times, and you are aware that nothing can be run without money. Hon. A. M. Waddell of Wilmin ton. was expected to speak here last Friday, but as he could not come here and meet his appointment at Pittsboro next day, he postponed the engagement here. Senator M. W. Ransom will ad dress the pog!e in Wi.son on Nov. 3rd. They arc going to have a grand time, fii.e music and a great parade. Republicans, Third partyites and Democrats ae all cordially invited to go and hear the honored son of North Carolina. Mr. J, F. Phillips will be at Mc Lamb's Friday the. 28th to li&t taxes again. The balance of the time he will be in Dunn, He requests every body to come promptly and give in. This is required on account of the burned Court House and all the re cords. Mr, S. Otho Wflson, chairman of the Executive State Peoples party committee, serins to be the chief of the Gideoni;cs, a secret political or gan zation of this State. That sort of a thing is unconstitutional, and Mr. Wilson VA&y get in some hot water yet about such an organization. Whoever joins has to take an iron clad oath. The Tempe&t. At sunset the sky grew furious, And dark clouds rolled up from tha west, And the thunder that roared in the distance, Brought a feeling of woe and unrest, I knew that a storm was approach ing. And my heart grew heavy with fear, While a prayer uu my lips was frozen, My eyes shed never a tear, Boom! boom le how the thunder crashes over usi How the lightening drew back in its wrath ! And the stars crept aside as if fear ing To enter the tempest wrought path. Great God, who in moments of an guish, Pittied thine own dear son, From thy great white throne in Heaven, Oh ! pity we helpless ones ! I thought of the dead in the church yard, . . Of my mother so wan and white, - Of my brother and blue-eyed sis ter. So alone on that dreadful night. Mrs. Green, Buies Creek. N. C. A Correction. The marriage of Mr. M. Bell and Miss Naomie Lee, as was stated in last issue, was at Canaan Baptist church instead of Mr. Marshall Lee's. Rev. G, S. Best of Duplin county officiating. The attendants were : oinciaung. ine at'cnna A. L. Barefojat and Mi Bell;N. A Holland Mis iss Ester R. ss Lettie II, Lee; R. E. Lee and Mis Missouri Lee; Mordeca: Lee and Miss Venie M. Bell : J. G. Lavton. Jr.. and Miss j nnje Warren; G, II. Toler and Mis3 Francis Lee. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ! Tho rai !as come at last so B U S I N E SSL 0 C A L S. FLEMING & CO'S. IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. If you want the best Shirt in town buy the "Royal Blue" at Fleming & Co. Microbe Killer. Those Pilfer ing with Consumption would do well to get a jug of "Microbe Killer" at D. H. Hood's Drugstore before it is too late. We have the nicest line of Neck ware in town. Fleming & Co. If you want nice dress trimings. remember our line is complete. Flem ing & Co. We have now the latest style of Ornamental Buttons. Come and ex amine them before you buy, Flem ing & Co. The nicest line of Stationary ever brought to Dunn at D. H. Hood's Drugstore. Note paper ruled and unruled. Legal cap, Fool cap, pencel and writing Tablets any -quality, Envelopes all sizes and shapes, Ac count books. Day books and Ledgers. Remember the place, D, H. Hood's Drugstore. Don't forget that we sell all wool shawls for $1.00. Fleming & Co. If you want an all wool shirt you can get it at Fleming & Co's. If you want a nice Hat buy it from Fleming & Co., wheje you can get it cheap. . Fleming & Co. will sell you a nice button shoe for $1.00. School Books, Elates, Crayon and and all School supplies at D. 11. Hood's Drugstore. i Every Lady knows what Br&dfields "Female Regulator" and liradfields; "Mother's Friend" is. It is for sale at D, H. Hood's Drugstore. When I say that for 50 cents I guarautee to cure the Itch. 1 mean It. Don't care how long j'ou have had it. 50 cents worth of "Hood's Itch Oint ment" will cure you or money refund ed, D. U. Hood. . Fruit of the Loom at Flemiug & Co's. for 9 cents a yard. If you want a nice Tablecloth buy it from Fleming & Co. at 20 cents per yard. If you are in need of Underwarc remember yon can buv wool suits at Fleming & Co's. cheap. If you want a'nice pair of pants buy them from Fleming & Co's. where you can get them cheap. D. H. Hood has just bought his lineofXmas goods which will be opened in due time. Boys I haye something nice for your best girl. Young ladies I have something nice for your best boy. That wonderful medicine, "Microbe Killer,", tor sale at D. II. Hood's Drugstore. If you want a nice pair of 40 cent suspenders buy them at Fleming & Co's. for 25 cents. Ladies, if you want a nice belt buy it from Fleming & Co. Fleming & Co. will sell you shoes cheaper than anybody in town. Don't forget that we have the nicest lino of clothing in Dunn, and that we will sell you a suit cheaper you can buy them elsewhere. Ex amine before you buy. Take your Prescriptions to D. H. Hood's Drug Store. The Best 5 and 10 cent cigars in town at D. II. Hood's Drugstore. Fleming & Co. are selling Men's whole Stock Brogans at 75 cts. . Fleming & Co. have Ladies Shoe3 from 50 cents per pair up. If you want to buy a nice pair of Shoes, buv the Celebrated Miles Shoe at Fleming & Co. Rest "Quinine" at D. II. Hood's - Drugstore for 50 cents per ounce. Glove Grain Shoes at Fleming & Co's for $ 1.00. NOTICE I Having qualified as Administra trix on the estate of T. J. Hunt, on the 22nd day of Oct , 1892, notice is hereby giyen to all persons indebted to the esttte of the said T. J. Hunt to make immediate payraeut and set tlement, or the claims will be put in the hands of an officer for collection ; and all persons having claims against sa:d estate will present them for pay ment on or before . the 1st day of Nov. 1893, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Oct. 22nd. 1892, Flora J. Hunt, Adm'rx. oct 27 Ct. C: r i 1 A T I ATTRACTION AT T A great gathering of clothing buyer have pronounced my stock of FALL AKD WINTER TP To be the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST EVER DISPLAYED BY ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. J For the past eight or ten years I have controlled the clothing trade of this section of the State, because it is a well-known fact that I offer no gar mcnts that are not cut in the newest styles, and style goes a long way now. Not less than $40,000 worth, of Clothing. Is now shown at my Clothing Store, at prices that will suit the times. This iramence stock includes MEN'S FINE CUTAWAY FROCK SUITS. MENS' FINE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK SUITS. MEN'S FINE STRAIGHT CUT SACK SUITS. MEN'S FINE CUTAWAY SACK SUITS. MEN'S FINE OVERCOATS, These goods come in all the most i DESIRABLE STYLES AND COLORS. And an inspection of them will convince the most skeptical, that this stock is indeed a great attraction, I show also mi immense line of BOK'S Al TOM'S CLOTHING INCLUpiNG OVERCOATS, which will be sold exceedingly cheap. I mention specially a line of BOY'S SUITS fur school wear which will DEFY ALL C'il PETITION as to price, Irareuts are earnes-!y in vited to call and examine this line of goods. Don't forget that I have a line of SAMPLES for custom work, and will always guarantee a perfect lit. This stock of goods was bought to sell, and I am piepared to compete with any house either in this city or elsewhere, so that everybody who in tends buying a new suit, will find just what they want, and will saye money by calling at my Clothing Store. FRANK THORNTON. Fayettcyille, N. C. oct 27 Ira. NOTICE. I have located in Upper Little Township, Hari.ett county, a certain tract of land containing about 430 atres that I will sell cheap for cash or on trme with good security. Said land is loca .ed about 7 miles East of Spout Springs station on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad, and is especially adopted to the growth of the general products of this county. Any per son or persona wishing to buy can correspond with T. D. Stewart at Dunn, N. C, or write me at Troy ville, N. C. J. K. Stewart. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised drug gi3t to sell Dr. King's New Discov cry for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If'ou are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lnng. Throat or Chest troudle, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benifit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded, We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. Kiug's New Discover could be relied n. It never disap points. Trial LoUl. 1 free at Harjier & Hood's Drn.' Sic re. Lnrgc size 50c and $100. STORE 'i. X.Ittc lrl IpCIcn C in Mr. and Mrs, Loren TresvO'.t rrc kt e; cts f the .(uv. Lig!ilhtuc at Sand Beach, .Mts., and are b!es-c I witq a daughter, four years old. Las ! April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit tieated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of j bones." Then she tried Dr. King's ew Diocovery for Consumption and after the use of twa and a half lot tlest)was comph t ly c ured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Harper & Hood s Drugstore. For Bilious Attacks heartburn, . sick headache. and Si! disorders of IfiMlomach. liver, BimBcwels, Ayer'slQatharlio Pills are tho safest, surest, and most popular medicine iot family use. Dr- J. C- Ayer Ik jCo. Lowell, Etfass. 3IASKET REPORT. Cotton. Good Middling 7 Middling 7g Low Middling l TURPENTINE. Virgin $1.90 Yellow Dip 1.50 Hard 90 Country Produce. Chickens 15(2,25c Eggs 121 Hides 4(gGc Corn GO Peas 60(3 1. 00 Butter 2025 Hams 2 ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wi,minton & Wcldoh Eail Koad and Branches. CONDENSED SCHEDuLE trains GOING SOUTH. No. 23 Daily No. 27 Fast Mai! Daily. No. 41 Daily exSun Dated Feb. 28 '92. P M 12 oO 1 40 1 M 5 i .i 6 3 5 A M 6 00 7 09 Leave WelJon... Arr. Rocky Jit,., rrive Tartoro... Leaye Tarboro 2 1? .. VM I I 12 I 6 00 P M 2 18 2 30 3 25 5 0 Arrive Wilson. 7 00 7 40 Leave Wilson Arrive Selina Arr Payetteviile. Leave 'Joldsboro... Leave Warsaw Leave Ma.arnolia.... Arr. Wilmington- 3 i : 7 40 8 30 . 9 T'O 9 41 11 25 4 11 I 4 27 I 6 00 I 8 40 55 TRA1NF GOING NORTH. No. 14 Daily. No. 73 Daily. No. 40 Daily ex !Sun A M A M ! 15 10 57 11 11 11 05 P M 4 0 6 02 15 7 10 Lea. Wil'ninston.. Leave Tda.cnoiia.... Leave Warsaw Arrive Oolilslior). 12 35 1 ri "2T5" Lea. Fayetteville.. Arrive Solnia Arrive Wilson 9 ?,o 11 as 12 80 A M V M 12 5"! 1 SO P 1M 8 61 8 39 Leave Wilson... Arr. Rocky Mt. 3 3' I 4 03 J Arrive Tarfcoro...... 1 Leave Taboro 6 SO 2 18 12 T8 r 11 2 55 Arrive Weldon : 5 03 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldon 4 00 p in.. Halifax 4 22 p in. arrive at Scotland Neck 5 11pm, Greenville 6 r3 p m, Kington 8 00 p ni. iieturning, leaves Kinston 7 10 a m. Greenville 8 2" a in. Arriving ot Hal ifax at 11 00 a in, Weldon 11 23 a in, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 1" a m. arriving Scotland Neck 10"i am, Oaeeu ville 5 .'0 p ni, Kinston 7 40 p m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7 i a in, Greenville 9 55 a m. Scotland Neck 2 0 p m, arrive Weldon 5.13 p ra, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C.via Allemarle k Raleigh R R. daily except Sunday. 4 40 p m Sunday 3p m; arrive at Will iainston, N. C 7 H pm and 4 pm; Plymouth 8 SO i m..nd S20 pm. Keturninar leaves Plymouth, N. C. daily except Sunday 6 00 a in. Sunday 9 00 a m Wiiliamstou 7 so a m. 9 53 am. Arrive at TartKro, N. C. 10 40 a m and 11 iO a ni. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Payetteviile Branch leaves Fayettcville 7 30 a. m., arrive Rowland 12,15 p. nv iletarningr leaves Rowland lz 15 p. m. arrive Kayette ville 5.15 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Oolds toro, s. C. daily xceit Sunday. 0 CO a m; ar rive Smithfleld N C, 8 ?0 a m. Retarhlngr leaves Smithfleld. N. C. 7 50 a. m. arrives Goldsboro.N. c. 9 ?0 a. m. Taain on Nasliville Branch leaves Rocky Moant at 5 l; p m arrivts Nashville C 55 p. ni. Spring Hope ."0 i, zn. Ret 11 ruing, leaves Spring Flope 8 00 a. in. Nashville 8 S5 a. 111. arrive Rocky Mount i 15 a. in.! daily except Sunday. Train on rlintcn Brnch ierves Warsaw for Clinton, dailjw-xcept Sunday, at6 Wp m and imam. Retuminar. lav.e Clinton at 6 10 a :a and 3 10pm connecting at Wrrsaw writh N os. 4 1 , -iO, v-3 and 78, Southbound train on Wilson Payetteviile Branch is No 51 Northbound is No to. DaUy except Sunday. Train No 27 Sonth and 14 North will ntor only at Rocky nouut, wilson GoI Jahoro and jianona. Train No 75 make close connc-tlon at wel Ion for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily exempt Knuda7 via Bav Line aWo at Roo'sy Mount dally exempt San dav.wit'.i Norfolk r.i: JiTalina for .vcffolk and alii iolnts North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVIDE, Cea. Sapt. T. R. KENLY. General Manager T. II. EM jIEHSON, TraSr Manager. for Infants "Casteri fc so well b!&ptod to children th&t I rocomicen J it aa superior to any prescription Jaoirawme." H. A. Atcffio, M. P.. Ill S01. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of ' Cast-aria ' is sotraiTtnal and its merits so well known that it tema mrk of vupereropotion to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do sol keep Caatoria within easy reach." CAKLOa lLiTTK, D.D., New York City. Late Paster Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Tax Cxxrxca o A TIE Come to see me, I am better prepared to sell you any goods you td than ever before. My stock is now COMPLETE, and I can sell , you CHEAPER than b-fore anything in the way of Genet al Merchandise from a paper of Needles to a box of Racort and when you need a pair of Shoes come right on here we can beat the town in Prices and quality Thanking you for the past favors, I remain, J Respectfully. ! J.J. WADH FALL AND WINTER MILLINERS GOODS. MRS. DELLA A. KOOPJCE, Wishes to inform her patrons and the public generally lhtt received her FALli and WINTER BtOOk-Cf MILLINERY GOODS. LATEST STYLES. FEATHERS AND FLQWEU&, . BONS & LACES. NOTIONS, KTC. Work done in First Class Order. Orders from the Country Solicited and PROM PfY 1TIIXSD. Returning thanks for past fayors, I Respectfully solicit ceilUftr ance of the same. . Store on First Floor of Drs. Goodwin and Sexton's Ofllc. sop 29 GOLD FILLED WATCH III PICTURE EVERY WEEK GOLD FILLED WATCHES WITH ELCIH.-OR '.W ALTH AW rOVEmEESTS AT $15.00 IF SAME DOES NOT GIVE SATISFACTON MONEY WILL BE R E.F U N D E D. WE ALSO C4RRY A COMPLETE LINE OF JEWELRYSILVERWARE AND SPECTACLES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, GAIN Ii 1 & JORDAN. DUNN. 2i. C Sow Try nI. It will cost yon nothing and sure ly do you sjood, you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, rhest or LuDgs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will be paid back. SuflVrers from La Grippe found it just the tldng and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense aod learn for yousself just wm goon a thills' it is. Trial bottles ires at Harper & Hood's Drugstore. Largo size 5oc. and $1.00. J. A. FARMER, ATTOHKEY ID COUHSELOR AT LIW DUNN, N. C. CircnU : Harnett, Johnston, Samp son aad Cumberland. Collections a specialty. Prompt attention given to all busi ness placed in band. Mch-ll-M.3 1 "13 and Children. Castori enres Colic, Ooxurttp&tJoa, Sour Stomach, Diarrha, Eructation, Iviiia Worms, givea slaep, and proatotaa A restioa. Wiuiout injurious medication. For setra! yean I have reeotnromtWI your C&storia, ' and shaualwaya continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial result." . Edwix F. Pa&dzk, JL Tho Winlilop,,, lUSth Street and Tth Ave New York CUX Compakt, 77 Ucs&at Sraur, Kxw T MI O N MRS D. A. KOONCE, DUNN, M. O. WATCHES. LEE J. BE7, Attoritey4tlayr DUN N. X. C Will practice in , Harprt, upd ad joining Counties. Special cqiU given to collection of cltimf. W. S. Mcscsiaoy, Joncapcrw, V. C. irnm,1 ATTOBHEYS-AT-LiU LILLINGTON. n. o. Odlce frontiog Coart iliKjas. April-il-M. I) R. J. II DANIEL. DUNN, UAUNETT CO. . if C. llat met with most wondtrfal cess in the treatmeatof Cancer. Write to him Cur one of his paa pblcts on Cancer and its treatment. WW

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